Today, we explore the new moon in Virgo and highlight five key features of this lunation cycle to keep in mind for the month ahead. Join us as we dive into what this new moon brings and how it may influence the coming weeks.
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Hey everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Hope you guys are doing well. It is a new moon. So we're going to be taking a look at the new moon in the sign of Virgo today and five features of this lunation cycle to keep in mind for the month ahead. So that's our goal for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. We are trying to get to 70,000 subscribers on the channel. I had the goal of the fall equinox in mind, and we have doubled our subscriber total per month since we started in July, but we have a way to go. We need about 2000 more subscribers in the next month. Will we get there? I don't know, but we can see if we can get there. If we don't get there by the fall equinox, we'll just see if we can get there by Halloween or there by Halloween or whatever.
So anyway, thank you all for having subscribed. If you haven't yet subscribed to the channel, we would appreciate it if you did. It helps us grow our business and our community. Transcripts can be found on the website nightlight; I want to take you over there to promote a couple of things.
One is next week, and registration for our first-year course, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic, our first-year program, and a one-year course in Hellenistic astrology will be on sale. The sale and registration begins on September 9, and it will run through October 15. So you will have a little over a full month to take advantage of the sale price, and then the normal price will be in effect. And, of course, we have need-based tuition. I will start promoting that next week, on Monday, when the registration and sale begins.
So, if you want to go over and take a look at the course and see what's there, and remember if you're absolutely brand new, you can also check out the primer course that we have, astrology for Beginners, which will set you up for the first year course. And the astrology for beginners is all recorded. The first-year course is by webinar. But you can also move at your own pace because everything is recorded. So, hopefully, we will see some of you there.
In the meantime, if you go to the events page and click on live talks, you're going to see that we recently did the talk on the eighth house; you can still say, register now, but it's for sale, so you can just click on that to purchase it or go to the shop page.
And then, on September 19, I'm doing a talk called Venus's 12 Love Languages, falling in love through the zodiac. This webinar will be about the story of love that Venus tells in our birth charts by virtue of the sign she is in. And I think you will find this talk really deep and engaging, helping you understand your natal Venus placement, or maybe the venous placement of whoever you're in a relationship with or other people that you know. So a great one for students of all levels. So check those things out on the website, and I hope to see you in classes again soon. The sale for our year one program begins next week. Okay.
So, on that note, Let us now turn our attention to the real-time clock, where we will take a look at what's coming up here in this lunation cycle. Get my real-time clock set up here. Okay, there we go. All right, here we are. So we will see that today, September 2, Monday. And let me just get my little epic pen set up. You can see the sun and the moon coming together here, the moon conjoining the sun in the sign of Virgo. So this is happening today. And if you want to track out the exact time, we can't. Let's just do that really quickly so you can get a feel for the exact time of the new moon. So that's going to come through this evening. I think the two planets get together at exactly almost nine o'clock PM Central time today. And so that would be what 10 or so Eastern and seven or so Pacific in the United States. So, what are some of the key features of this new moon cycle? I'm going to point them out, and then we're going to talk about them. So, there are five key features I want to talk about today that will prepare us for this lunar cycle, which, by the way, includes a lunar eclipse.
So, there are five key features. One is that this new moon opposes Saturn. So you'll notice that the Moon and Sun are moving in opposition to Saturn. So this lunation cycle has the tension of a sun Saturn opposition, which has some very specific delineations that we're going to get into today, and some general themes that are broadly applicable for probably everyone that specific themes and the universal themes are pretty common for all archetypal delineations, you'll have some kind of broad themes that you'll see, you know, consistently, and then very specific themes that are, you know, going to show up in some people's lives, but not everybody, everybody's life.
So we'll look at some of those with the sun Saturn. So. And the lunation cycle, opposing Saturn in general. Then we can also see that at the time of this new moon, one of the new moon signatures is very important. New Moons plant a seed.
So, whatever else is happening at the time of the New Moon is part of the signature of the cycle. And we see a Mars Neptune square. Mars Neptune square at the outset of the lunation cycle tones the cycle ahead. So we're going to pay attention to that. Venus is crossing the south node at the time of the new moon. Here, I use the mean node, but whether you use the mean or true node, Venus is crossing the South Node in Libra in her own domicile, which is nice. Venus South Node contact during this lunar cycle is also very important.
Now, we have Mars moving into Cancer just shortly after the beginning of this lunar cycle. If we move this forward just a little bit to Wednesday of this week, we're seeing that between Tuesday and Wednesday, Mars will ingress into Cancer, the sign of its fall. A little bit of a tense place for Mars and Cancer. We've spent some time talking about Mars and Cancer already, but one of the main reasons this is a big deal is not only because it's a major dignity change for a moving planet at the outset of the cycle, as the New Moon just appears in the sky, and it is something, but it's because Mars will also retrograde and stay in Cancer for about six out of the next eight months.
So we have a very long period of Mars in Cancer that we're now just going to become. We're coming into contact with it, and we're going to start getting to know it. So, anyway, and then the final piece here is that this lunation cycle culminates into a lunar eclipse, a lunar eclipse that is Neptunian. Here is the lunar eclipse halfway through the cycle. Right, the full moon brings the fruits of the cycle to bear, and the full moon is closely engaged with Neptune. So, it's a very powerful lunar eclipse conjoined with Neptune. That's a That's a super powerful Full Moon there. So we have a cycle that starts off as Saturnian and culminates in a very Neptunian moment that is also a lunar eclipse.
So, it's a really big cycle and a lot to unpack here. Let's go back to the beginning and talk about some of these key features and what to watch for. And again, I'll try to be topical and universal. Topical means here's something super specific topic or, uh, universal would mean something that's very broad in general. So when we have an opposition to Saturn, Virgo, and Pisces, one of the things that we're talking about is the very Virgo in quality of purity and conscientiousness, diligence, meticulousness, care and attention to detail, a concern that things are done right, that things are good and useful, and that just that kind of conscientiousness of Virgo that will be a big part of this cycle. And you need to locate where that is in your life.
Look at the whole sign house of Virgo in your birth chart. There's a real concern with doing the right thing, becoming good or proficient, being useful and helpful, and demonstrating that you are worthy because you have valuable things that you can provide in service to other people. These are all archetypes that will be very much at play in this cycle, especially also just general questions about goodness, rightness, properness, purity, and highly valuable things for Virgo.
Then, on the other hand, we have this applying opposition to Saturn in Pisces, Saturn in Pisces, among other things, maybe our own limitations or failures, our weaknesses, and coming into contact with them, despite my desire to be good or to develop skills or to become proficient at something or to be useful, I am reaching a personal limit. I have ineptitudes, or I have something I lack, or there's something I can't do. There's some sense of weakness or failure, ineptitude. And when these two planets meet, there's one of two ways that you can generally see things going, and one is the need for forgiveness.
So the need for forgiveness is like, look, you're doing your best, and your best is good enough. Forgive yourself, accept yourself, and surrender to the fact that you're not perfect or that you don't have it all together. And that could be a real theme of this cycle on the universal level.
On the other hand, sometimes, when we meet with those weaknesses, they give us an opportunity to do better, right? So sometimes. When we meet with personal shortcomings and limits, and we look, we have to look in the mirror and go, I can do better than this. And that's how we usually level up in anything. You reach a plateau, or you reach a weakness in, you know, a skill you're learning, and you just kind of dig your heels in and get better at it, you know? And you push through and don't allow excuses or feeling sorry for yourself to get in the way.
And then other times in life, we meet those weaknesses or failures or ineptitudes, and we say, It's okay. It's okay if I can't get past this; it's okay if I'm doing 90%, not 100, or you know what I mean. And there's some need to just accept where we are and who we are and what our shortcomings or failures are.
Now, we can take either of those things and put them out into the world and other relationships. This is key because remember that one of the other things that's happening is Venus is crossing the South Node in Libra, which means that there's some level of crystallization of insight, karma, wisdom, and past experiences that are blossoming, and we're meeting like a crossing a kind of karmic threshold with respect to certain key relationships in our life, whether those are work relationships or romantic relationships. And so in those relationships. Are we ready to just let people be where they're at? Are we ready to let people have weaknesses and shortcomings and failures, and is it time to forgive and accept and let go?
On the other hand, certain failures or shortcomings or disproportionate needs or values are being brought to the table. Maybe the exchanges in certain relationships are not equal. And so we're looking, and we're saying, like, these shortcomings in other people, or their failure to bring something valuable, etc., is leading me to a point where I say, I need to do better. You need to do better. Or this relationship is over, or someone is saying to us, hey, you know, we need to do better. Or someone may be ready to move on and not give us another chance.
Or, you know, we might look and say, Look, you know, there's a history here, and we've reached an expiration date for this relationship. Just a very simple: we're not going to be able to do much more than what we're doing. We have to let this go so that we can move into a better space where we can do better. You see how it comes back to that sense of, can we do better here, or are we being too hard or punitive or unforgiving or puritanical? Those Virgo and characteristics paired with the Saturn in Pisces, which either forgives people's shortcomings or, in meeting them, recognizes that something needs to change.
So those are key features of this lunation cycle that I would say broadly apply to things that we're reaching a limit with within ourselves or things that we're reaching a limit within key relationships. And we're either saying it's time for me to, you know, to drop my expectations a little, and that's relieving for us. It might be relieving for other people, or maybe I need to heighten them and expect more.
That's a crossroads that is implied by a lunation cycle that's opposite Saturn. So I'm kind of jumping around here. The other important thing that informs us of all of this is the fact that Mars is squaring Neptune at the outset of the cycle. That Mars Neptune square brings to mind things like my larger mission, my larger purpose, and how I need to get better to accomplish it.
Or, how do I need to, you know, turn up the heat? You know what I mean? Like, I need to burn off my excuses. I need to take it to the next level. I need to continue improving, and I have; I've met a limit or a weakness, but I'm being informed by Mars Neptune of a higher calling, a higher mission, to be victorious in some larger, visionary quest, right? So, that sense of the ideal, the ideal use of will, perseverance, and victory, informs the cycle.
However, Mars Neptune can also refer to impotence, weakness, and failure of the will. And so again, it's like in my big, large mission, am I failing? Am I encountering weakness? And do I have to kind of tighten my belt and figure out how to get better and work through limitations and the feeling of ineptitude Mars Neptune at the same time that moon cycles open in opposition to Saturn? Or Am I pushing too hard all the time? Are my standards too high? Am I? In relentless pursuit of victory, when what I need to be in is the relentless pursuit of self-acceptance and forgiveness, you know, compassionate surrender and release of all these missions and expectations.
And we're going to be at a moment where probably one of those two options is the right answer for us, no. It's time to transcend. It's time to go through that limit; no more excuses, you know, like that. It's amazing to me how predictable these kinds of things are in our lives. Set aside the astrology, right? I mean, astrology is just mirroring things that are very natural for human beings. You know, every I have been for my sort of, my spiritual practice for several years, like in the past several years, has been really physical, so I've been doing a lot of working out, a lot of resistance training, a lot of cardio.
And, of course, I do one solid day a week of yoga and stretching. And so it used to be all yoga, right? So it's been very interesting to have these different seasons of my life. But anyway, my long-winded point here is that I get to the gym. It's like there are these moments where you can see people flooding into the gym, like a couple of days after the holidays, whatever holiday there is, eating a bunch, and then people flood into the gym. They're just looking really determined.
And especially, obviously, you know, in the new year, like New Year's resolutions, like, everyone's in the gym, and there's these, there are these familiar periods where you see people and you start going like, you know, yeah, yeah. We, It works like this for us. We go through these periods of relaxation, enjoyment, and indulgence. And then we go, oh my god, I have to pull everything back together and like go. It's time to go. And I feel like, in essence, with the signature of a New Moon in Virgo, opposite Saturn in Pisces.
Well, Mars is squaring Neptune. There's a question right now as to, you know, that whole pattern in our life: Do I relax too much and then overcompensate and go crazy? Maybe there's a middle path too, right? Maybe, maybe, there's something more moderate so that we don't have to swing between extremes, you know.
So, what does consistency look like? That might be a question for this moon cycle. How do I make my efforts toward my goals, my health, my ambitions, my ideals, that kind of driven part of myself? How do I make it something that's just a little bit more steady and constant, as opposed to feeling like I go through cycles of relaxation, like tremendous relaxation, to the point of excuse-making and falling off the wagon, and, you know, like, and then, and then, on the other hand, I swing to extremes of hyper-productivity, like those. Those are tensions that are also kind of built into this cycle.
So I just watch for them and ask yourself, you know, again, there's, maybe there's three options. Do I need to pull my shit together? Do I need to relax? Those are two. And then maybe the third one is if I tend to vacillate between these extremes of, you know, indulgence, relaxation, and hard work and productivity, maybe there's a middle path. Maybe I need more daily consistency in terms of holding that tension.
Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if these particular dynamics also appear as the front and center values to be explored or evaluated somehow in relationships with Venus crossing the South Node in Libra. Now, the other thing that I find really interesting about this lunar cycle is Mars is moving into the sign of Cancer. That, to me, is super interesting because we've got Mars in Cancer for such a long period of time. And what I want to throw in here because I'd not, is that I genuinely don't know how this will manifest, but I'm really curious.
And what I would say is that this cycle is going to include some real emotional heat around things that are vulnerable: home, family, marriage, domestic life, our feelings of emotional security, family drama, family karma, family history, mothers, women, children, the vulnerable that those who are in need of mothering or care, emotional advocacy, and also emotional intensity and sometimes emotional drama. And you know that potential for division within close-knit emotional bonds, whether that's family members or extended family.
So, the other thing that strikes me as interesting is that one of the very topical signifiers of the sun is opposite Saturn, and the new moon is opposite Saturn. At the beginning of the cycle would be, uh, the death of solar figures or the mortality or limits of solar figures. That's a dad, right? That's for the most part, in families, that's going to be dad, grandfather, um. Um, men who have had some degree of fame potentially passing away would be a very mundane prediction that one could make any time the sun is opposite Saturn, a lunation cycle in which it's opposite Saturn could bring the topic of the paternal or male wisdom or male leadership, something like that into the spotlight.
Of course, it's archetypal. It doesn't have to be literally male, but you get the idea. Now, when you combine that with Mars and Cancer as a part of this cycle, it starts to look like, wow. Stuff with moms and dads could really pop during this lunar cycle. You've got the drama of Mars in the sign of the moon, while the cycle starts with the sun and moon opposite Saturn.
So the death and rebirth and transformation of parenting, parenting strategies, relationships between parents and children, relationships between mom and dad, and drama within the family are now a theme that looks like they could have a very kind of parental dimension to them. And then finally, so those are some specific things, right? You may or may not notice them, but I would watch more broadly for all of those general Mars in Cancer themes. Check out the video I did last week on Mars and Cancer if you want kind of a deeper breakdown of that one.
But now, finally, things culminate with a Neptunian lunar eclipse, to me. The fact that the sun is also going to oppose Neptune around this time speaks to the fact that we are probably reaching by the midpoint of the cycle those tensions that started off as, do I buckle my, you know, my boots, or however that's saying is buckle my belt and, you know, kind of clamp down and get more serious and work through a limitation and move past a weakness and transcend, you know, all this kind of stuff, very there's like, a little bit of machismo, like, I'm gonna, not gonna be limited by this pathetic excuse. You know, you kind of got something like that. But the Neptune side of things is very much like forgive, accept, surrender, release.
And so I wonder if, by the midpoint of the cycle, we aren't reaching a point of acceptance, of needing to accept things the way they are, or of finding some way of flowing in our efforts, as opposed to constantly battling with ourselves. But the Neptunian signature around the lunar eclipse, to me, suggests otherworldliness, romance, imagination, healing, surrender, acceptance as major themes that are sort of implied at the new moon because of the opposition to Saturn in Pisces, but the emphasis on a lunar eclipse in Pisces With Neptune speaks to me of healing, surrender, release, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, and remember that lunar eclipses bring long histories to their blossoming point karmically.
It's like every full moon is like a karmic blossoming hotspot, but a lunar eclipse is a karmic blossoming that has nine years, 18 years of history behind it, karmically. So wow, that's a lot that's coming up around themes like forgiveness, mysticism, illusion, and fantasy. We're going to spend more time with that, of course, when we get closer to it, and I'll do a more robust breakdown, a robust exploration of the lunar eclipse. But for now, what I want to say is that Neptunian's signature suggests that.
We have to come to terms with various limits and weaknesses and determine whether we work through them to transcend them or accept them. Some degree of flow and acceptance and forgiveness and surrender are necessary and will be a peak part of this cycle. We just have to accept that things are the way they are.
If we're going to move forward, if we're going to move past something, if we're going to get better at something, there's some level of charitable, compassionate acceptance that wants to be a part of this cycle. That's how I see it. And I could see that crossing into the decisions we have to make, the Venus South Node decisions that we have to make in relationships, the difficult emotional dynamics coming up around family or parents with Mars and Cancer, and so on.
So anyhow, I hope that these themes have been useful for you, and we will be back together tomorrow this week, just like a little touching on some of what is coming this week here; we're going to spend a little bit more time with Venus and the South Node in Libra, which will be happening later this week. And then we are also going to be looking at Mars Neptune a little bit more. So those are a few things. And then we'll also be taking a look at Mercury square to Uranus, the final square coming out of its retrograde in direct motion. Now, for the third time, Mercury will square Uranus.
So, there are a couple of interesting things to explore as the week goes on, and as we are now in Eclipse Season, officially, we will start unpacking that Pisces and Virgo access a little bit as a preview for the moving of the nodes, because this is an out of sign Eclipse, but that gives us an opportunity to start reflecting on the meaning of eclipses in Pisces and Virgo generally. Okay, that's it for today. I hope you're having a good one. We'll see you again tomorrow. Bye.
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