The darkening Moon is in Sagittarius this morning, conjoined with Saturn and applying to square Mars and Neptune in Pisces by this afternoon.With the Moon activating the Saturn/Neptune square we’re getting a preview of what’s to come over the next year and a half or so. Saturn/Neptune contacts create a range of complex themes. To understand them we have to first recall the individual archetypes of the planets. With Saturn we have a kind of hard, cold, weighty and restrictive or even …
The Priesthood of Satire
The waning Moon in Scorpio will square Jupiter in Leo this morning before sextiling the Sun in Capricorn and then turning void of course.As Saturn continues its grand entrance into Sagittarius we’re already getting a sneak peek at some of the more challenging themes of its new sign placement. A few to look into for today include the nature of truth as well as the nature of law (societal and karmic or spiritual law alike), the fixity or rigidity of holding any kind of truth we value (how …
The Moon is in Scorpio today, still moving through the via combusta and applying to square Mercury and Venus in Aquarius later this afternoon before a sextile to Pluto.When planets like the Moon and Venus get into a more stressful dynamic with each other we have to look closely at the signs to get a better sense of what the tension might look like. After all, the Moon and Venus tend toward similar qualities…they both enjoy beauty, warmth, and relationships. They are both thought of, …
How to Hide Ugliness
The last quarter Moon has just turned void of course and is traveling through the via combusta (also known as the “fiery road,” the via combusta represents a stretch of degrees from 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio that is thought of as a particularly difficult area of the zodiac for both the Sun and the Moon).Meanwhile, Mars in Pisces is about to square Saturn in Sagittarius as it conjoins Neptune.Themes and a few images to watch for:* Irritability that leads to a dramatic inflammation* …
La Petite Mort
Horoscope of the day…As Mars has just entered Neptune’s home sign of Pisces, and as its immediately applying to conjoin Neptune, it’s a good time to look at the Mars/Neptune relationship to sexuality. Since Mars rules desire and Neptune rules the reaching or yearning for the ineffable, there is a very clear relationship between these two planets in aspect to each other and the worlds of sexuality, especially the complexities of the orgasm.The word “orgasm,” means …
The Holy Fight
The Moon is in Libra today, moving into its last quarter phase over the next 24 hours. Meanwhile the Sun has entered the final, Mercury ruled decanate of Capricorn, and Mercury and Venus are entering the second, Mercury ruled decanate of Aquarius. Last but not least, tomorrow morning Mars leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces to stay for over a month.The last quarter Moon asks us to look at what’s left and to make wise choices with what’s remaining. It’s an evaluation moment. Some …
High Priest in the Cult of Mars
The Moon in Virgo is trining the Sun in Capricorn this morning before it turns void of course later this morning.As Mercury and Venus are still traveling side by side in sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius, it’s a good day to look again at the power of ideas and words. Another glowing image from the media that reflects our current astrology is the passing of long time ESPN news anchor, Stuart Scott. Stuart was an African American sports news anchor who brought an urban, hip-hop and popular …
The Magic of Virgo
The Moon is in Virgo today, applying to trine Pluto later this afternoon. Meanwhile Mercury has entered its shadow phase (the first phase of its overall retrograde cycle).Whenever the Moon is in Virgo its like we’re transported into the past, when the phrase “chop wood carry water” wasn’t just a metaphor or zen koan. If you wanted to stay warm you had to chop wood, and if you wanted to stay cool you had to draw water from the well. In many ways its our distance from the …
Saturn’s Ideas Take Time
The Moon in Leo is moving into an opposition with Mars this morning, and meanwhile Mercury and Venus are still traveling in conjunction through the early degrees of Aquarius…After yesterday’s attack on the Charlie Hedbo magazine I woke up this morning feeling like I should be able to find more global/media images for Saturn’s recent entrance into Sagittarius. Sure enough, upon surfing the CNN news website for just a few minutes I found this headline: Zuckerberg starting a book …
Winter’s Lion
The Moon is in Leo today, applying to conjoin with Jupiter later this evening.One good question to ask ourselves in order to understand each sign a little better is, “how does the quality of light during this sign’s time of year inform the archetypal landscape of the sign?” Even though the zodiac is used all over the world, it comes from the northern hemisphere, and so its good to understand the seasonal qualities of the signs from that point of view (on a side note–I …
Cool cats live the longest
The Moon has finally entered Leo after a very long void of course in moody Cancer. The day begins with a trine to Saturn and simultaneous opposition to Mercury and Venus in Aquarius. This early on and then a bit of a lull while the Moon gradually applies to trine Uranus by later tonight.Images and Archetypal Themes of the day:* A mother looks over her messy, excited children, wonders how she will keep everyone happy, wonders how she will ever get anything done* Mother/daughter rivalry, jealousy, …
Mercury/Venus Conjunction
The Moon is void of course in Cancer today, just past full.Meanwhile, Mercury has just entered Aquarius and is conjoining Venus in Aquarius, while both are closely sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius. Let’s look at some images that reflect this planetary alignment. Remember that working with archetypal images isn’t so much about decoding or translating what they mean in some literal sense, but rather allowing the layers of their meaning, and the imaginal worlds of the imagery to enter …