Happy Full Moon in Scorpio! Venus is also conjunct Uranus today. Let’s do it!
Here’s what to watch for:
* It’s an interesting Full Moon. The Moon is in mutual reception with Mars in Cancer, which suggests an important emotional culmination this weekend.
* The potential to sever ties, to cut cords, or to release ourselves from different emotional bonds is pronounced right now with the Moon and Mars both debilitated, in their fall in Scorpio and Cancer. The good news is that their mutual reception by trine should make the process a little smoother, more productive, or generally beneficial, even if there are some difficult emotions involved in the process.
* On the other hand, joining forces, or uniting with someone, or something, complex, dark, heavy, but necessary, is also indicated.
* The combination of the Moon in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer can be seen, for example, in many of the complex antagonist roles played by the famous actor Alan Rickman (who had this combination in his natal chart). While there is a dark mood that sometimes surrounds Rickman’s characters (think of Snape in Harry Potter), he is often a secretly sympathetic or nurturing character. For example, “Rolling Stone magazine called Rickman ‘sublime at giving us a glimpse at last into the secret nurturing heart that Snape masks with a sneer.”
* Similarly, this full Moon in Scorpio/Mars in Cancer, though it may look or feel a little heavy or even dark, has the potential to surprise us with tenderness, with heroic emotional dynamism, or with a drop dose of the poison that cures.
* At the same time, Venus’ conjunction with Uranus signals a moment of dramatic change, revolution, independence, or inventiveness for all things related to Venus: love, relationships, beauty, art, aesthetic, style, friendships.
* I wouldn’t be surprised for sudden changes, and perhaps even more difficult emotional exchanges in friendships, at work, or in our romantic partnerships to be surprisingly liberating, revealing, or relieving.
* Making strong declarative fashion, aesthetic or artistic statements are on the astrological menu, but it’s likely to be filled with some emotional, or even ancestral depth today.
* Imagine for example making some kind of artistic or aesthetic change to your environment, very suddenly, after an argument with your spouse or mother or sibling. FINE! Then ten minutes later, your head has been shaved, your smoking a clove cigarette, wearing military boots, and painting the wall of your bedroom hot pink. It COULD be that kind of day. š
* Whatever the case might be, let the shock and awe, let the changes, move your soul, and let your soul move the style and shape of your world. Allow yourself to be surprised by some dark mood that might just be here to love or support you.
* If we treat every wave of astrological energy like a friend, like a lover, like a mother…then our egos can become more complex or sophisticated antagonists, filled with a secret nurturing that will slowly start to show itself.
Prayer: Shock us into a deeper friendship with the world. Give us a glimpse of the heart, and the beauty, that we sometimes mask with a sneer.
Here’s what to watch for:
* It’s an interesting Full Moon. The Moon is in mutual reception with Mars in Cancer, which suggests an important emotional culmination this weekend.
* The potential to sever ties, to cut cords, or to release ourselves from different emotional bonds is pronounced right now with the Moon and Mars both debilitated, in their fall in Scorpio and Cancer. The good news is that their mutual reception by trine should make the process a little smoother, more productive, or generally beneficial, even if there are some difficult emotions involved in the process.
* On the other hand, joining forces, or uniting with someone, or something, complex, dark, heavy, but necessary, is also indicated.
* The combination of the Moon in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer can be seen, for example, in many of the complex antagonist roles played by the famous actor Alan Rickman (who had this combination in his natal chart). While there is a dark mood that sometimes surrounds Rickman’s characters (think of Snape in Harry Potter), he is often a secretly sympathetic or nurturing character. For example, “Rolling Stone magazine called Rickman ‘sublime at giving us a glimpse at last into the secret nurturing heart that Snape masks with a sneer.”
* Similarly, this full Moon in Scorpio/Mars in Cancer, though it may look or feel a little heavy or even dark, has the potential to surprise us with tenderness, with heroic emotional dynamism, or with a drop dose of the poison that cures.
* At the same time, Venus’ conjunction with Uranus signals a moment of dramatic change, revolution, independence, or inventiveness for all things related to Venus: love, relationships, beauty, art, aesthetic, style, friendships.
* I wouldn’t be surprised for sudden changes, and perhaps even more difficult emotional exchanges in friendships, at work, or in our romantic partnerships to be surprisingly liberating, revealing, or relieving.
* Making strong declarative fashion, aesthetic or artistic statements are on the astrological menu, but it’s likely to be filled with some emotional, or even ancestral depth today.
* Imagine for example making some kind of artistic or aesthetic change to your environment, very suddenly, after an argument with your spouse or mother or sibling. FINE! Then ten minutes later, your head has been shaved, your smoking a clove cigarette, wearing military boots, and painting the wall of your bedroom hot pink. It COULD be that kind of day. š
* Whatever the case might be, let the shock and awe, let the changes, move your soul, and let your soul move the style and shape of your world. Allow yourself to be surprised by some dark mood that might just be here to love or support you.
* If we treat every wave of astrological energy like a friend, like a lover, like a mother…then our egos can become more complex or sophisticated antagonists, filled with a secret nurturing that will slowly start to show itself.
Prayer: Shock us into a deeper friendship with the world. Give us a glimpse of the heart, and the beauty, that we sometimes mask with a sneer.
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