Imagine if you could ask a direct question and get an answer...
With Horary Astrology, you can.

Not infallible but often highly accurate, horary readings reveal helpful answers to outcome-oriented questions like...
“Do me and John have a future together?”
“It doesn’t look as though you and John have a future, no. Here's why…”
“Will I get the job?”
“Yes, you will get the job, but it may come with a pay cut.”
“Should I move to California?”
“Going to California looks better than your current situation; go for it!”
“Is this a good deal to make?”
“The deal will favor the seller, and the house may have some water problems.”
“Is my missing cat going to come home?”
“Your cat will definitely make an appearance again, yes!”
You might be thinking, “This sounds too good to be true.” While it’s true that horary astrology can produce amazing results, here's what you should know…

I’m not clairvoyant or psychic. I use astrological charts and interpretive methodologies.
I’m not always correct. I do my best to communicate what I see honestly and concisely — and I always appreciate your feedback about the eventual results of your inquiry.
I don’t debate about my analysis of the chart. I ask that you maintain an open mind and desire to know the truth. Horary astrology is meant to bring peace through an acceptance of the truth, even if it’s difficult.
Still interested?
Here's how booking your Horary Reading works:
Purchase your reading
Click the yellow "book your reading button" and purchase your reading using the secure checkout. You'll then be directed to a form where you can ask your question.
Take time to meditate on your question before you ask. This helps clarify the question and, in most cases, results in a more accurate answer.
Ask your question
When you ask your question, be fully transparent and share any relevant background information, as withholding may distort the response.
receive an answer
I'll cast a unique chart at the time I read your question. You’ll receive an answer via email within 14 business days of submitting your question.
How to Ask a Horary Question

1 . Start by meditating on the question. A question impulsively asked, or not thought through, typically will not render the best results from the oracle.
2. Once you’ve formulated your question, be sure it’s in the form of a yes/no question, with a tangible outcome, or an objective piece of information you are looking for to help you make a decision.
For example, asking “Will I get the job I applied for?” is a great horary question. Asking, “Should I take the job offered to me?” is not. The oracle cannot make decisions for us, and so one might reframe the question to be more specific. For example, “Will the job pay well?” or “Will the job make me happy?” or “Will I get along with my boss if I take the job?” these are questions with tangible outcomes, which may help you make the decision to take the job or not.
We can’t ask the oracle to make decisions for us, but we can ask for useful information to aid us in our choices.
3. Be sure that you give any necessary background information when you submit your question. A horary question without any context may be harder to answer for me as a reader than one asked with some understanding of the background involved.
4. Remember, a horary chart is a unique chart cast for the moment of a question. I do not utilize your birth chart in this process, nor is it necessary to submit it to me.
5.Horary is an ancient form of astrology, and although its methods are reliable, and I have performed many successful horary readings, I am not an infallible reader, and I sometimes get charts wrong. It’s important that you always weigh the results of my reading alongside your own discernment and inner guidance.
Got questions? I don't have all the answers, but I do have answers to these FAQ.

Birth Chart Readings
Are you ready to stop wondering "what’s my reason for being here?”
Gain insight into your destiny and elevate your consciousness with the help of a birth chart reading. Perfect for clarity around life's big questions.