Today, we will explore the Grand Water Trine forming between Venus, Saturn, and Mars. Although not perfectly aligned, Venus is creating a dynamic connection between Saturn and Mars through a technique called translation of light. We'll discuss the significance of this watery trine, highlight five key things to watch for, and explain how the essential dignity of these planets adds some tension to the mix.
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Hey everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we're going to take a look at the Grand Water Trine that is forming in the sky right now between Venus, Saturn, and Mars. Venus, in the sign of Scorpio, is moving into a trine with Saturn and then moving into a trine with Mars.
And so we are going to take a look at that dynamic today, even though it is not a perfect Grand Water Trine, meaning all three planets are not perfectly trine at the same time. They're all engaging with one another within that three-degree range, and Venus is, in a sense, reconnecting Mars and Saturn through something called the translation of light.
So, just a basic idea that the connection that was recently made between Mars and Saturn is sort of being reiterated by the fact that Venus is going to hit Saturn and then Mars in close succession while the two are still separating. So technically speaking, even though it's not a perfect Grand Water Trine, we're very much going to have the experience of a Grand Water Trine.
So we may as well talk about it. And so I'm going to give you five things to watch for today, given the really tremendous amount of water in the sky, and a few of those planets are also in conditions that are a little bit more tense due to their essential dignity. We'll talk about what that means as well and what to watch for. So that's our agenda for today.
Before we get into it. As always, don't forget to like and subscribe. I'm hoping that by now, we have crossed that 70,000 subscriber mark that we've been trying to get to as of the time of the fall equinox; recently, we were just less than 200 subscribers away. So we made it, I think, probably by now, we're probably across the finish line because I record these a little bit in advance.
So thank you to everybody, and I guess let's push to 80 next. You know, let's just keep going. We really appreciate all of you who are part of our community and who find this channel a useful asset in your spiritual life and your growth as an astrology student.
We can't say thank you enough. You all make this a really special place. So, on that note, you can find transcripts of any of my daily talks on the website There are two promotions today, and we will move into our content.
The first promotion is our live events page. If you go to events and click on live talks, you will see that for this month of October. The next is there we go. The next is the myth of astrological compatibility. On October 17. What does everybody get wrong about the astrology of relationships? And I'm going to give you what I think are the simplest, most basic ways that you can actually gage astrological compatibility and maybe throw away some gimmicky techniques that I don't really see working over the course of many, many clients and consultations that I've done over the years. So I hope that this will be kind of fun and spicy and tell you what I think works and doesn't.
So check that event out on the 17th you can't attend live. You get the recording when you register for the webinar. And then, I want to point you to our first-year course, which begins on November 16. Now look, if you're brand spanking new to astrology, check out the astrology for beginners course. It's a brand new audio course. It's about 10 hours worth of content. We've been getting really great feedback from people who have already taken this class, and most of the people who have taken this are registering now for the first-year course. So that is fantastic.
The first-year course starts on November 16, and pre-registration sales are in effect until October 15. You can save a little bit if you register now. Before October 15, get a little discount on the early bird payments or installment plans for the course. And then there's need-based tuition assistance.
So, if you are someone who's on a fixed or limited income and you need a little help to make the program happen, be sure to apply for that. We have a spot still available and are very glad to help people; we match your budget and put you on a monthly tuition plan that fits your requirements. We have this available because we don't think astrology should only be for people of one income level. We also believe that it's not healthy to make people go into debt or push themselves into bad positions to take a course that is really a part of a spiritual growth path. So, we try to make sure our programs are accessible in that way.
Please apply for it and use it. That'll be available all the way up to the start of the way up till the start of the course on the November on November 16; just click Apply. Now tell us your situation. Be glad to set you up with a special payment plan. Okay. Now, on that note, at the end of today's talk, if you stick around, there will be a special informational video at the end of this video; after the content is done, where for about 10 minutes, I will tell you all about the first-year program, what it includes, what the experience is like, what our class website looks like, that houses all the material.
It's all live, but it's recorded as well, so you can move at your own pace or attend the live webinars, and you can learn more about it afterward. Okay, that is it for the day's promotions. I'm very excited to be taking a look at This Grand Water Trine.
So, let us go into the real-time clock. So here is what we're dealing with coming off from the eclipse. It's already been a busy week, and here we are on Thursday. We can see that Venus is moving into a trine with Saturn, and then we'll shortly move into a Trine. Mars.
Now, the two here are still within three degrees of separating Mars and Saturn, that is, and so we have effectively a Grand Water Trine. It's all within three degrees. And even though it's not exact, this is still a very powerful configuration, not to be underestimated. So what does what does this timeline look like? Let's start with that. So if we move forward a day, we're going to see that the Trine forms tomorrow, Friday, October 4.
Then, if we move forward over the weekend while the moon is in Scorpio, we will see that Venus will start coming into the trine with Mars in Cancer. That exact trine will be perfect between Sunday and Monday. That's when you're really going to feel it, and it's, excuse me, by Monday, October 7. So if we spread that out, we're looking at today, Thursday, October 3. You could have been feeling this really yesterday, under the eclipse. And the eclipse, remember, is ruled by this Venus, who is making This Grand Water Trine, and thus very intimately connected to the overall significations of the eclipse, as we've talked about in several of the videos that we've looked at this week already. Um, now here is the connection to Saturn.
Again, that's really happening on Friday, and then we see the connection, uh, on Monday between Venus and Mars. By Tuesday morning, it's just separating. So if we spread that out then and give a little bit of a separation range for Venus, that means we're talking about all the way until Friday, October 11, that Venus is officially moving through the configuration of This Grand Water Trine because of its separation range from Mars, then it's really interesting. We'll be talking about this next week; Venus will be moving right into an opposition with Uranus, a simultaneous trine to Neptune and the sextile to Pluto, which many planets are going through because those three outer planets are configured to one another this autumn.
And remember I said that this makes it a very powerful culmination for Pluto in the sign of Capricorn and a very powerful autumn in general because so many planets are going through configurations to all three of these planets almost simultaneously, when all three planets, all three of the outer planets are involved in major configurations for several months at a time. It's like, wow. You know that's what's going to be. It's like some deeper, heavier plates moving around. And for many of us, especially coming off the Eclipse in Libra, we're really going to feel some of this stuff here. So yeah, I mean, today we're looking at This Grand Water Trine, though. So let me turn this off and get my handy list of five things to watch for Grand Water trines.
First of all, let's just focus on the most basic element of this, which is water. So, what do we know about water? Well, my kids recently, I've gotten them, and I've convinced them to watch Avatar, The Last Airbender. I don't know if you guys have seen this show before, but when I was living in New York, and I was, I guess, I was, like, 29 or 30 years old, like, it's probably my Saturn Return, actually, for whatever. I can't remember who got me into it, but I started watching it, and I was like, I'm an adult, and I'm loving this cartoon. It's just in its fan; it's fantastic because the characters are all working with the manipulation of the four elements.
It's very yogic, and there are a lot of lessons that you learn about life. It's kind of, it feels a little Taoist to me, and it has this kind of really deep way of unpacking things about the four elements, which for me is at the time I was an early was just entering my practice of astrology when I saw this show, and it had a big impact on me, because it taught me a lot about the elements, and I'm serious. Watch this if you haven't seen it before. Like, check it out. It's a fun show, anyway.
So my kids are watching this, and there's water bending. You know, water bending is where certain characters that have this skill can manipulate the element of water. It's really beautiful, with the lessons that they learn and everything like that. The reason that I bring this up is because I feel like right now, especially in a Trine, trines are fluid, right? So we're connecting three planets through three trines. So we call it a Grand Water Trine. But trines are also the nature of Jupiter, which is flowing and smooth and harmonious and generally thought of as beneficial or fortunate or easy or something like that.
But two of the planets in This Grand Water Trine are debilitated, Mars and cancer, Venus and Scorpio. Little tension going on with those planets. I'll say more about that in a minute. The point is that there's a real ability here for us to water bend. By that, I mean to have a conscious, sort of intentional relationship with an element. We don't think about it that way. We just think, oh, it's emotions. There is no better way to think of emotions as water than thinking of water as emotions because emotions are just one of the many qualities of water.
So, in a moment like this, for astrologers, it is really a fantastic moment to understand the element of water and one of its manifestations as emotions. Hence, maybe the development of better emotional skills, better emotional maturity, greater emotional sensitivity or tact, greater emotional depth and vulnerability, emotional release, surrender and healing, and processing of grief and trauma in ways that are constructive and growth-oriented, all of which are an absolutely fine understanding of water.
But there are also other layers of water that are really important, like water is about instinctual sensitivity, for example, many of us, and this happens to me all the time. I think that's probably why I was born with the sun in Mercury and cancer. I will be in a mood, and I won't know how I got there. I'm just in a mood, you know. And moods are very watery, too. So if I have to stop and go, Wait, how did I get here? And if I reflect on it a little bit, I'll realize, oh, this thing came into the environment, a piece of news, a person, a conversation, you know, whatever it is. Or I came into an environment somewhere outside my home, or something, God forbid, a Cancer ever leaves his home.
But then, oh, that impacted my moods and feelings. And I have subtly been nervous or afraid or irritated, or I have been feeling rushed or whatever the feeling might be. We don't always know what caused it. Waterbending is about not just thinking of emotions but also thinking of the instinctual sensitivity and responsiveness of life itself. That life itself is like water moving, and that if we take the time during a Grand Water Trine like this, there's a perfect opportunity to check in and go How have things, and probably big things, big patterns, lots of complicated pieces that are moving together in this big trine, right?
Three different planets, three different areas of life, three different archetypal fields, we can suddenly see, oh, this is how this particular pattern or person or thing changes the mood and environment. And with that awareness comes the ability to, like water, bend. We can go, okay? Now I have some agency. I have a little bit more reflective awareness of what is shifting or causing my mood to be what it is. And then we can; we can address how we're feeling, you know, because now I know, now I'm taking a moment to actually feel my feelings, so I know what I'm feeling, and I reflect on what created the shift. All of that develops instinctual awareness.
One of the ways that depth psychologists talk about the element of water, like Jung would talk about it this way, would be instinctual psychic intelligence. It's not, uh, just emotional. In other words, it's like, Have you ever noticed I've noticed this before, like, I will be getting excited about something, and my dog and I'm excited, like, I'm in like, a good mood. I'm super pumped about something, but my dog, who's resting, will get up and move to the other room and lay down, and I'll go well; even though I'm excited, that energy level, instinctually for her, is disturbing, right?
So, that level of instinctual, environmental, responsive awareness is water. So what can happen when? The reason I use water bending is because greater awareness of those complex fields of emotional dynamism in our lives can really bring something special. When I was first becoming a parent, I'm sure all of you can relate to this, I realized really quickly that even if, like, you know, same thing with a baby, right, if you're excited, they could get scared just because you're excited, and even though my emotion feels positive, that excitement to them may not feel positive.
That really changed my life, honestly, like just or just like, how fast I would be talking about something, or how if something bothered me, like, one of the reasons I stopped watching the news was because I noticed that the quality of my consciousness after I watched the news was disturbing to my children and more or less my wife.
So it was like, I mean, she could hang and, like, talk about stuff, but I just noticed, like, if I'm in the mood to, like, debate or, you know, have passion, it takes on the news, even if I'm not angry at anyone or ripping anyone, or, like, being mean or anything, just the intensity of the energy so that that felt, sense of how things are being received, how things. Shaping and shifting the environment around us in very subtle ways. It's like, there's it's like we're fishing water, and we don't know it.
So one of the great promises I wanted to start with before I go into my five things is just like, this is a moment where we can be, we can become water benders. That's, that was the image that just floating around my mind because I'm watching my kids enjoy this show avatar. So, hopefully, that made some sense. The other thing that's important to recognize is that a moment when all of these watery fields come together can make us aware of how big things that have a lot of history have affected moods and environments. It's amazing how all of a sudden, I'll give you an example. I had a very powerful transition in my life when Saturn all the way back when Saturn was in cancer, and it was hitting Mercury and the sun in my charts; I got those in cancer or whatever.
And I remember all of a sudden, and this was after, right after I had gotten sober as a young person, and was working with ayahuasca for the first time, and just becoming very sensitive about the environment in general, very like many people, become a lot more emotionally sensitive if they work in a therapeutic setting, right? They come out of the healing from a therapeutic model or paradigm, and they're just much more sensitive, and their body is much more sensitive.
A lot of people experience that as a very difficult result of getting sober. In fact, the sense that increased sensitivity is something that is, you know, for a time, can be really hard to deal with. Uh, anyhow, and I started realizing, like, Oh my God, I am not. I actually don't like the way that soda feels in my body and even in my mouth, as I don't. It started tasting like chemicals, and it was like I had never had that awareness before. I'm not telling you you shouldn't drink soda; if you drink soda, that's fine. I have no judgments about it whatsoever, I promise you.
But just, you know, for me, in my body, I realized, oh my God, I don't drink water. I'm drinking soda all the time. And it was like, well, it doesn't feel good. That was a huge coalescence of an instinctual, bodily, sensual, like awareness of how something actually feels. Isn't it incredible when that happens? When can we go? This is how it actually feels. Oh, and then we can make a change. Then we can water bend. You know, we're aware of the environment that is somewhat invisible or subtle. It's not just feelings. Feelings are like a byproduct of this subtler thing, the instinctual, responsive, like biomatrix. That's like water soda doesn't feel good.
So that was a Saturn in Cancer lesson for me that came along with a lot of other lessons that I started learning about diet, sleep, exercise, and meditation; this doesn't feel good. The way I'm living my life actually doesn't feel quite right. So big coalescence of fields of water can actually correspond to recognizing the things that do or do not make us feel good. It's like a byproduct of things swimming in the environment that we've not been aware of, which is also why water has this very interesting connection to the unconscious. But usually, it's the unconscious in relation to the psychosomatic, physical, sensual, and embodied reality that we're in. How do things make us feel as physical beings? So, so connected to water, all right?
So, there are five things that I would say we should watch for. One would be a point of emotional release. This is a way of describing everything I've already described. All of these are such a point of emotional release, which would be a way of looking at it almost like a congregation of a gathering, a filling up of a bucket of water, and then a pouring out of that bucket. It's as though things that have been building momentum emotionally are ready to be expressed or released. The release could be a very positive thing, but it could also be a big emotional outburst of some kind, a meltdown, a breakdown, or a release of pent-up energy.
So there are lots of ways of conceiving what an emotional release might look like or feel like; my encouragement would be not to judge it how it's it's like; no one would judge the way a wave crashes against a rock when it's big and powerful. No one goes, Oh, that was a little out of line with the way it usually happens. You know, we're so hard on ourselves. Just, I think the best we can do if these emotional releases come in powerful, you know, kind of cathartic ways, is to just be really graceful and merciful and compassionate with ourselves and other people and make sure we take time to reflect and process things as they're releasing or after they release if we don't have so much control during. The moment, which is fine.
Number two, a point of great fertility. See when water all comes together. One of the other ancient meanings of water is fertile, like, if, again, I don't at all mean to judge anyone who smokes. I had the experience early on during that same exact transit. This was right as I was getting sober in my early 20s from some addictive patterns, and ayahuasca was the big thing, the big catalyst for me. Psychedelics and entheogens really helped me, paradoxically, get sober. And so these were ceremonial, like conscious, safely held spaces within the very beginning, mostly like actual Indigenous arrows. So there's that context. I think that's important.
Anyhow, the awareness of, like, oh, smoking cigarettes, this does not feel good. This really doesn't feel good. And not only that, but I could feel that there was a kind of fertility. I know this is going to sound really gross, but I could actually almost like see and feel the early seeds of tumors and cancer, which grow in their plants.
They are a kind of life form that grows. Sure, it's like a talk, we call it a disease, or, you know, like a, like a, it's not, it's not something that we, we think of as a positive form of life because it kills and like that, right? It's almost like a mold and the bread or rot or something like that, but it's still living and water, like Grand Water. Trines can show you what's growing, that's either powerful and beautiful, or it's a very fertile transit for getting pregnant. You know, very beautiful things that can grow because of all of the water. Water brings life, but that kind of deep, dark water is also where death grows. You know, the close proximity between life, water, and water and death is just remarkable from an elemental standpoint. You think of stagnant water and what grows in it, you know, that kind of thing. So what's great about a Grand Water Trine with two debilitated planets? Let's come back to those debilitated planets, Mars in Cancer and Venus in Scorpio, because they can make us aware of the toxic things that are growing in something like stagnant water.
They can make us aware of elements in the environment, whatever they might be, or whoever they might be, or whatever, that are bringing things to life and developing and gestating things that are toxic, and the awareness of it through the Grand Water Trine is beneficial, even though some of the toxic elements might be reflected by things like debilitated planets. That doesn't mean that they're bad. Everyone always makes the mistake of thinking that when we say debilitated planet, we mean that there's something wrong if you have Venus in Scorpio in your chart. No, there are so many different things that planets can signify, many so beautiful, even with a debilitated planet. But there are also reasons for the debilitation and why it ends up representing things like Mars and cancer, representing violence toward women.
So we have to be able to carry this nuanced way of understanding dignities and abilities that are not black or white, but that also doesn't whitewash the usefulness of the categories either. Anyhow, a great point of fertility could mean good things are growing. It could also mean you have to be careful of what's growing, and maybe there's some positive way in which you can recognize it right now and do something about it. Number three is a point of depth and processing of grief or trauma. Water is the holder of memories. This is really interesting because water connected with the moon is reflective, just like the moon is, and reflection, anything that has reflective capacity or properties for ancient mystics, was associated with memory because memory is, in a sense, a copy or reflection of an original.
So when grant planets get together in a Grand Water Trine like this, there is a possibility to emotionally process the past or a point of catharsis, emotionally with respect to the processing or holding of grief, memories, ancestral history, and trauma that has a way of living on in us, but now maybe we could maybe confront it or deal with it or address it constructively.
Number four would be a point of impact on the family: karma. Remember, Mars and cancers are debilitated here. So you also get the idea that there might be some particular way in some of this ancestral memory trauma is connected to family dynamics, parental dynamics, and ancestral dynamics. Watch for that, which is a little inflection point with Mars in Cancer.
Number five would be emotional manipulation or coercion versus maturity. The. The thing is that sometimes what happens because we're all at different stages of awareness and conscious growth, and we're all learning in different ways, you know, so sometimes Grand Water trines come together, and we're overwhelmed by emotions, but we're not getting into that water bending level where we're trying to develop an awareness of, how am I feeling? Where is this coming from? How can I relate consciously to what I'm feeling? And so when that all comes up, unconsciously, have big waves of emotion, and you have an inability to process with some sort of reflective maturity. And so you just get overly emotional, overly needy. You don't know how to reach out for what you need. You don't know how to articulate what you need. It's too much.
Honestly, it's overwhelming at times, right? And so what becomes easy is let me manipulate things and people or coerce emotionally to get what I need or to process what I feel because it's too much, and I don't know what to do, so I project, or I try to manipulate those themes versus let's cultivate that awareness. Let's become water benders. You know, let's develop some capacity to hold and work with these fields and develop healthy, healthy environmental patterns or to process finding the places of stagnant water and try to move them. You know, it's like when you're camping. One of the things that I learned when I was a kid, so I did a lot of camping and backpacking and canoeing, was that if you are out in the wilderness and you have to get water, let's say you have to, you want to find water that's moving quickly and nice if it's like, kind of moving right over the rocks and it's white, and it's moving quickly because it's less likely to have stagnant bacteria in it. You know, the stagnation of a still piece of water in a pond or a river or something is less safe than finding something in a river where the water's moving quickly, and it's even white moving over, say, rocks or rapids or something, collect your water there, if you can, obviously, still boil it.
But you see what I'm saying, like, the connection I'm trying to make here anyway, is that we are trying to create an environment where there's flow, and we're very cautious about things pooling off and becoming stagnant so that unhealthy things can grow outside of our conscious awareness. But even then, let's admit the unconscious has a role to play, just like you can't. What are we going to do, eliminate ponds and still pools of water, or water in caves, like it exists in nature? It's going to exist in us too. But when you're trying to survive, and you're trying to make it out there, you know, try to get some movement right. So, life needs that movement, and we have to try to see how we can move sensitively and intelligently and be aware of the temptation to coerce or manipulate.
So anyway, some thoughts for the day. I hope they're useful. Stick around after I sign off right now; you can learn about the upcoming program, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic. Our first-year program in ancient Hellenistic astrology begins on November 16. The pre-registration sales are open till October 15. I hope to see you in class. We have a really nice electional signature for this new group in November, which is the RE entrance of Pluto into Aquarius. Right as we are beginning our program, I can't tell you what a nice signature that is for studying astrology in your year ahead.
If you were to join us in November, you'd also be studying as Uranus enters Gemini and trines Pluto so that airy connection is just very conducive to learning the language of astrology this year; if you are someone who loves this, can't get enough of it for yourself, or maybe you're thinking of practicing for others. Either way, I encourage you to check it out and listen to more info as I sign off here, and I hope to see you guys in classes soon. Otherwise, we'll see you again tomorrow. Bye.
Insightful exploration of the Grand Water Trine! Your analysis of its significance for emotional release and creativity is truly enlightening thank you for sharing!