A big week astrologically…
Here’s what to what to watch for:
* Today the waning Moon is conjoining Saturn in Sagittarius. It’s a good day for finishing things, for endings, resolution, purging, or letting go of something. Be careful of rigidity, harshness, or severity. But note that discipline, focus, hard work, and commitment to a plan or goal pays off. It’s a good day to get serious and push toward the finish line!
* This week Mars in Aries is applying to square Pluto in Capricorn. This is an incredibly dynamic transit that should provoke pivotal events both collectively and personally. Mars/Pluto is fast, hard, explosive, and cathartic. Be careful of recklessness, impulsiveness, violence, aggression, and the tendency to implode or explode. On the other hand, watch as events naturally catalyze change, healing, and transformation this week. Mars/Pluto is where fierce action and tight control either work together to create rapid results or they provoke one another and incite tremendous tension and conflict. Watch for power moves, power loss, and chain reactions of cardinal style events over the next few days.
* Meanwhile, Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries are opposite one another and will be exactly opposite, joined by Mars in Aries, closely following this week’s solar eclipse on Sunday. The actions and events of this week’s Mars/Pluto dynamic will be closely followed by our strongest transit of 2017. Thus the end of this moon cycle and the entirety of our next cycle, passing over the Spring Equinox, has the potential to be a landmark astrological moment.
In the I Ching, hexagram number 12, sometimes called “divorcement,” shows heaven departing from earth as dark powers are on the rise. The hexagram discusses what to do when inevitable, natural, and recurring cycles in nature give rise to dark powers, especially in the government. The instruction of the hexagram is for the noble one to accept the disturbing truth of the moment, and to recognize it as part of the natural ebb and flow of life, and to resist the urge to fight without a simultaneous wisdom concerning the naturalness of the moment within a greater cycle. The hexagram is clear that this is not a matter of passive retreat, indifference, collusion, or acceptance, but rather the simple acknowledgement of what naturally occurring energy is rising in power compared to that which is waning. The hexagram instructs both perseverance and patience in equal measure, along with a kind of optimistic distancing and tact….almost as though the instruction for fighting this opponent is to allow the opponent to do themselves in over time rather than likely losing in a direct competition where there isn’t yet sufficient power.
In each line of the hexagram there are specific attempts at restoring order and union, which subtly suggests that the rise of dark powers, and the pushing out of the light, are actually setting the stage for a profound drive toward greater unity and harmony on all levels…though again the time for that union and harmony hasn’t yet arrived, and the key to its arrival is a deep understanding of the naturalness of the rise of darkness within great cycles.
This isn’t an easy teaching because we frequently imagine that the future is entirely open, indeterminate, and that any and all cycles of recurring darkness can and should be “forever” broken or swiftly overcome through direct combat.
At moment’s like these it’s hard to imagine ourselves floating high above the earth, distancing ourselves from the fray, because our bodies tell us that now is the time to fight, oppose, and resist. But when read closely, this isn’t a hexagram telling us to divorce ourselves from the earth, it’s rather one that shows us that when dark powers rise THEY are divorced from heaven. In such times the view from 10,000 feet is thus the one we hold whether we like it or not…
Prayer: Teach us to hold heaven in our hearts, the view from 10,000 feet, even as we inevitably oppose the darkness rising.
Here’s what to what to watch for:
* Today the waning Moon is conjoining Saturn in Sagittarius. It’s a good day for finishing things, for endings, resolution, purging, or letting go of something. Be careful of rigidity, harshness, or severity. But note that discipline, focus, hard work, and commitment to a plan or goal pays off. It’s a good day to get serious and push toward the finish line!
* This week Mars in Aries is applying to square Pluto in Capricorn. This is an incredibly dynamic transit that should provoke pivotal events both collectively and personally. Mars/Pluto is fast, hard, explosive, and cathartic. Be careful of recklessness, impulsiveness, violence, aggression, and the tendency to implode or explode. On the other hand, watch as events naturally catalyze change, healing, and transformation this week. Mars/Pluto is where fierce action and tight control either work together to create rapid results or they provoke one another and incite tremendous tension and conflict. Watch for power moves, power loss, and chain reactions of cardinal style events over the next few days.
* Meanwhile, Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries are opposite one another and will be exactly opposite, joined by Mars in Aries, closely following this week’s solar eclipse on Sunday. The actions and events of this week’s Mars/Pluto dynamic will be closely followed by our strongest transit of 2017. Thus the end of this moon cycle and the entirety of our next cycle, passing over the Spring Equinox, has the potential to be a landmark astrological moment.
In the I Ching, hexagram number 12, sometimes called “divorcement,” shows heaven departing from earth as dark powers are on the rise. The hexagram discusses what to do when inevitable, natural, and recurring cycles in nature give rise to dark powers, especially in the government. The instruction of the hexagram is for the noble one to accept the disturbing truth of the moment, and to recognize it as part of the natural ebb and flow of life, and to resist the urge to fight without a simultaneous wisdom concerning the naturalness of the moment within a greater cycle. The hexagram is clear that this is not a matter of passive retreat, indifference, collusion, or acceptance, but rather the simple acknowledgement of what naturally occurring energy is rising in power compared to that which is waning. The hexagram instructs both perseverance and patience in equal measure, along with a kind of optimistic distancing and tact….almost as though the instruction for fighting this opponent is to allow the opponent to do themselves in over time rather than likely losing in a direct competition where there isn’t yet sufficient power.
In each line of the hexagram there are specific attempts at restoring order and union, which subtly suggests that the rise of dark powers, and the pushing out of the light, are actually setting the stage for a profound drive toward greater unity and harmony on all levels…though again the time for that union and harmony hasn’t yet arrived, and the key to its arrival is a deep understanding of the naturalness of the rise of darkness within great cycles.
This isn’t an easy teaching because we frequently imagine that the future is entirely open, indeterminate, and that any and all cycles of recurring darkness can and should be “forever” broken or swiftly overcome through direct combat.
At moment’s like these it’s hard to imagine ourselves floating high above the earth, distancing ourselves from the fray, because our bodies tell us that now is the time to fight, oppose, and resist. But when read closely, this isn’t a hexagram telling us to divorce ourselves from the earth, it’s rather one that shows us that when dark powers rise THEY are divorced from heaven. In such times the view from 10,000 feet is thus the one we hold whether we like it or not…
Prayer: Teach us to hold heaven in our hearts, the view from 10,000 feet, even as we inevitably oppose the darkness rising.
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