Over the course of the next week, the Sun and Venus are slowly moving into an opposition with Saturn. This movement is simultaneously creating what’s called a mutable grand cross, between the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Venus and the Sun.
What does this mean and how should you prepare?
* A mutable grand cross points to a major time of transition. While the lasting effects of a previous process, project, person, place, or entire era of our lives are coming to a close right now, the seeds of the future are being planted. Mutable signs were traditionally referred to as double bodied signs, and this is because they share in the nature of both the fixed and cardinal qualities of the signs surrounding them on either side. So during such a pronounced mutable moment in the current astrology it’s likely that there are major transitions taking place.
But what kinds of transitions?
* Well isn’t it interesting that right as this mutable cross is happening in the sky, Venus is on her astrological deathbed? Not to be overly morbid here, but this transitional space might be most specifically related to our relationships, our love life, our values and friendships, our lifestyle, etc. But depending on what topics Venus signifies in your birth chart, something else might be implied. For example, if Venus rules your ascendant then perhaps you are going through a transformational health related experience. If Venus rules your house of siblings or parents, then perhaps there are changes taking place in your family. Because Venus can stand in to represent topics other than her own (love, relationships, beauty, art, etc), we have to keep our eyes open to any area of life where we are experiencing either a major transitional moment or the relinquishing of something that is sick, decaying, ill, or no longer working.
* As the Sun is also opposing Saturn during this transitional grand cross moment, we have to take into considerations the Sun/Saturn dynamics as well. The Sun/Saturn opposition may signify major transitions happening with fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, or the subject of paternity in general. We may see deaths in the family or challenges related to the different generations of men within a family. The subject of authority, youth, age, wisdom, and experience are also on the table during this transit, though it’s likely that the subjects of repression/suppression play a role in the dynamic. Simultaneously, the Sun/Saturn combination has to do with illumination or revelation. As the Sun is light and clarity, Saturn is darkness, obfuscation, and ignorance. It’s interesting that one of the traditional names for Saturn was actually “light bringer.” The Sun and Saturn are also natural contraries in the planetary scheme of traditional astrology as the rule opposite signs (Leo/Aquarius). Perhaps Saturn can be thus understood within this current transit as part of a process of turning ignorance into understanding. Though depression, lack of motivation, or the blocking or death of the light is often entailed in Saturn/Sun transits, there is also a distinct sense in which this transit brings a depth of knowledge and understanding that is simply not possible without the darkening of the light. As we all know, on the spiritual path the limitations we face are also the edges or emerging shape of something new…something inviting us to “know further or deeper.”
Prayer: Help us to know further, to know deeper. Please renew and restore our health, our relationships, and our path in life. Guide us safely through this transitional space.
What does this mean and how should you prepare?
* A mutable grand cross points to a major time of transition. While the lasting effects of a previous process, project, person, place, or entire era of our lives are coming to a close right now, the seeds of the future are being planted. Mutable signs were traditionally referred to as double bodied signs, and this is because they share in the nature of both the fixed and cardinal qualities of the signs surrounding them on either side. So during such a pronounced mutable moment in the current astrology it’s likely that there are major transitions taking place.
But what kinds of transitions?
* Well isn’t it interesting that right as this mutable cross is happening in the sky, Venus is on her astrological deathbed? Not to be overly morbid here, but this transitional space might be most specifically related to our relationships, our love life, our values and friendships, our lifestyle, etc. But depending on what topics Venus signifies in your birth chart, something else might be implied. For example, if Venus rules your ascendant then perhaps you are going through a transformational health related experience. If Venus rules your house of siblings or parents, then perhaps there are changes taking place in your family. Because Venus can stand in to represent topics other than her own (love, relationships, beauty, art, etc), we have to keep our eyes open to any area of life where we are experiencing either a major transitional moment or the relinquishing of something that is sick, decaying, ill, or no longer working.
* As the Sun is also opposing Saturn during this transitional grand cross moment, we have to take into considerations the Sun/Saturn dynamics as well. The Sun/Saturn opposition may signify major transitions happening with fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, or the subject of paternity in general. We may see deaths in the family or challenges related to the different generations of men within a family. The subject of authority, youth, age, wisdom, and experience are also on the table during this transit, though it’s likely that the subjects of repression/suppression play a role in the dynamic. Simultaneously, the Sun/Saturn combination has to do with illumination or revelation. As the Sun is light and clarity, Saturn is darkness, obfuscation, and ignorance. It’s interesting that one of the traditional names for Saturn was actually “light bringer.” The Sun and Saturn are also natural contraries in the planetary scheme of traditional astrology as the rule opposite signs (Leo/Aquarius). Perhaps Saturn can be thus understood within this current transit as part of a process of turning ignorance into understanding. Though depression, lack of motivation, or the blocking or death of the light is often entailed in Saturn/Sun transits, there is also a distinct sense in which this transit brings a depth of knowledge and understanding that is simply not possible without the darkening of the light. As we all know, on the spiritual path the limitations we face are also the edges or emerging shape of something new…something inviting us to “know further or deeper.”
Prayer: Help us to know further, to know deeper. Please renew and restore our health, our relationships, and our path in life. Guide us safely through this transitional space.
It’s almost August 2024 and here we are with another mutable grand cross, which is transiting my birthchart’s mutable grand chart. I feel the earth is moving under my feet. I’m trying to search for the mutable grand crosses and T squares since I was born on June 14,1965. And that is how I found your article. I’ve been listening to you podcast for the past 6 months and wondering if you do any readings that could help me get the most out of this transit by making conscious choices and locate the history of mutable grand crosses To help me better understand how it has affected my life in the past. Thank you!