Hi everyone. This is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today I am live streaming to take a look at the New Moon conjunction with Pluto and remind you of some of the major upcoming transits. I am taking probably most of the rest of this week off, I won't be making any videos, but because we had the New Moon, and because there are so many big transits coming up, I wanted to take a moment to sort of refresh on what they are. And I also had the world's craziest dream, and I just decided to write it down and share it with you guys.
So you can see the Moon having just formed the new moon conjunction with the sun and sun is moving into a conjunction with Pluto in the next 24 hours. This is January 13th into the 14th. This New Moon cycle is it's always important to look at the beginning of a New Moon cycle because you're looking at the seeding. And the themes that are present when you start something are going to be a part of the blossoming of the cycle. This is a crazy cycle, I will just let you know that this could arguably be the most intense month of 2021. So if you thought we were putting 2020 is madness in the rearview right away. Think again, at least the first two months of the year are still theirs, especially January is loaded with very powerful transits that are unique. They don't happen every day.
Anyway, let's talk a little bit about Sun Pluto and what you can expect from this transit. So Sun Pluto, let's just combine it. I've said this, you've heard me say this a bunch before. But one of the main phrases that I use is the death of a solar figure. By that I mean ego leader, father, king, queen, CEO, etc. So whoever has central authority, whoever has the decision making power, or whoever is seated on a throne of one kind or another literally or figuratively, this is a moment of death and rebirth, of very deep transformation around those kinds of figures in our lives. Now this can also be generally speaking, the Sun pertains to ambition, action direction in life, like the arc of a plotline in a movie or a book. When the Sun hits Pluto by a heart aspect, especially in a conjunction, then what you're seeing is a major turn like that, you know that if you've heard that, you've probably heard the phrase that really flipped my script, you know what I mean? So you have this moment of a very deep, powerful transformation in terms of the narrative arc. And that's something that can apply to us very personally, it especially if we have any planets closely configured to say the 22nd through 24th degree of a cardinal sign right now that would be especially Capricorn but also Libra Aries or Cancer.
It's also a moment in the news or in the collective where we can very clearly see the sun Pluto themes playing out. For example, we have right now a very contentious transfer of power. And I believe on this very day. Some some voting is taking place on impeaching the president again. So there's the Sun Pluto and that's going to tone the cycle ahead. Now the Pluto Sun lasts for a few days, you'll see this between say Wednesday and Friday/Saturday as a major theme. But because it's happening as so many other dynamic transits are happening, and because it is happening as the toning marker of the entire lunar cycle ahead, it's big, it's a lot bigger.
What else can you see? The Sun Pluto dynamic can also bring about a kind of intensity, of action, depth of purpose. Also explorations of power, intensity, evil, or darkness. Those are all themes that come about when the sun meets the Lord of the underworld, where our actions are revealed to have a hidden depth or significance. And that can be a good thing. For example, if you're looking for motivation to make deep lasting changes to your character, to your work to your relationships, this is a great transit for that. Pluto is the word means riches, and Hades is lord of the underworld there combine, you know, interchangeable gods in some ways. And in either case, you're talking about things that are subterranean and powerful. You're looking at a Sun Pluto conjunction, it's like, suddenly, your sense of self, your sense of action purpose or destiny gets infused with this kind of primal upsurge of energy. And that upsurge of energies like volcanic it just erupts in it sort of explodes. And that can be great for feeling empowered or for feeling a release of intentionality. On the other hand the downside of this is with that surge can can come a kind of dark and intense empowerment of the will. If you think about the kind of just the kind of Machiavellian devil in a business suit, like the devil card from the Tarot, an empowerment that comes from the underworld, which could have tones of primal regenerative force, that could be good, but also tones of depth, darkness, and even evil or something more demonic. Those qualities are all sort of plutonian qualities. And it's not always like Pluto is an evil planet or anything like that. But symbolically it can reach into those depths. Those there's archetypal associations there, in other words, so this can be a really Machiavellian transit as well, where the, you know, the ends justify the means and it's like the will to power and all of that becomes a really pronounced theme.
So you want to look at the whole sign house in your chart where all that's happening is, is the simplest way where's the whole sign Capricorn you know, house look at the topics of that house and look at this as a moment of powerful regeneration, intensification release of pent up energy, possibly deaths and endings as well as regenerations, depth, darkness, etc. The Sun is the light of knowledge and clarity and truth it was associated with understanding of the higher forms of reality, and an upsurge of plutonian energy around the Sun, is often the moment where something is revealed, something that has been hidden or concealed is suddenly released, and something comes to light that's been in the unconscious or that's been deliberately hidden or kept from others too. So it can be a big moment of disclosure or revelation. Sometimes that revelation happens in the quiet of a meditation practice, but it still somehow sets into action, a sequence of events as a result, it urges you to do something based on the revelation you received. I had a dream last night and in my own chart, this Pluto is opposing my own Natal Sun right now almost exactly from the ninth house, which was the place of dreams. I've had a few dreams lately that have been just bonkers, like so beautiful and but really deep and powerful. Clearly kind of Hades types of dreams. I'm going to share one with you later because it was just so bizarre and interesting.
Anyway, so what's happening the rest of the lunation cycle to keep an eye on at least in the in the next week here? Well, first of all, let me back up and just say can anyone believe the sequence of events that happened once mercury entered in into Aquarius and got into the tango between the between Jupiter and Saturn. Let's just take just a moment to reflect on that. I'll just sum it up as best as I can. People have been asking what does it mean that we're entering into 200 years worth of the dominance of air? Remember, these great conjunctions have always been associated with the establishment of new reigns of kings or rulers or governments or eras in the collective the society. And 200 years of air being established, I talked about in my video series that I did on the great conjunction, but one of the things that I mentioned is you're going to see, technology increasingly take on more power, and a bigger and more dominant and likely more controversial role, especially by 2023. When Pluto enters Aquarius, then those under ground, subterranean, and sometimes dark forces are going to just start coming in and making all airy technological things a lot more controversial and loaded and fraught with interesting territory in the landscape of technology. What happened as soon as Mercury enters Aquarius and hits Saturn, the President was banned from a social media platform, and all these debates ensue about the rights of a company, free speech and the right to free speech versus the rights of a private company, the rights of a technology company to censor people or not. And I'm not going to tell you how to think about any of that. But I will say if you can't see, the technocratic kings of the world, asserting themselves very powerfully, in that moment, as Mercury, the God of communication and join Saturn god of limitation and constraint after this great conjunction happens. That couldn't be a clearer picture of the kind of era that we're entering into. I'm increasingly becoming a-political. I'm not someone who believes the material world is a joke or an illusion. But I increasingly think that the real revolution is spiritual in nature. And that secondarily to that is, from the outflow of spiritual focus in our lives comes the insight about how and where we can actually make an impact in the world. And I kind of think you can't put the cart before the horse in that sense. And that's becoming increasingly important in my own private life, and not telling anyone out there how to think. But I will say that like, as much as I personally am not a fan of Donald Donald Trump's Twitter account, I look at the censoring of his account and I get the arguments as to why, but I'm just a little bit worried because as an astrologer, I can see the technocratic kings of the world, so to speak, asserting dominance right now. And I'm like, look, what we resist persists, that I believe that very deeply, and what we oppose, we inevitably get entangled with, and things that we oppose and try to move out to the margins grow in the shade, even our enemies. So even though I personally feel Donald Trump's agenda would be something that opposes my own values, right? Doesn't matter. Whatever side you may find yourself on, the point is that what we resist persists and what we censor tends to grow in ways that you can't predict. But at any rate, just know that airy dominance that came in right away when mercury hits Saturn in Aquarius, right after the great conjunction. Alright, anyway, that's neither here nor there. Please be kind to one another in the chat box.
So the other transits that are playing out? Wow. I mean, just wow. Let's take a look at the 17th through the 23rd is bananas. You've got Jupiter, God of expansion. Simple keyword hitting the God of revolution. So you have the revolutionary impulse which is disruptive, original, inventive, rebellious, defiant, eccentric and unpredictable, erratic, sometimes suddenly and violently destructive of existing structures or traditions or stability. You've got that planet Uranus, hitting Jupiter who basically puts it on steroids expands it fills it with belief and conviction. Jupiter in the in the ancient tradition was the God of law and order. Not Saturn. Saturn is more a planet of degeneration, winter decay, endings, death and permanence. Jupiter is the one of law and orders the God of law and order. So you have the God of law and order squaring the God of rebellion in defiance. I want a new order and I don't care what anyone thinks. The potential for authoritarianism right now is very strong. So that that like, it's gonna be this way, this is the most enlightened order, this is the law, that energy archetypically right now is just in the air.
But personally, that square can be really nice. I mean, talking about inventiveness and, original expansive breakthroughs, greater freedom. I love Jupiter, Uranus, frankly, I think it's a great energy to have around. For example, I'm in the process of getting ready to launch a fourth programme. So I've always had this dream for 10 years now of slowly building up like the equivalent of like a four year degree. And I have three one year programmes right now I've got my first year, my second year Hellenistic courses and Natal work, and then I have my horary programme. And then I have a fourth course that I'm just getting ready to launch it'll be going later on this year in 2021. But that the crystallisation of that project came through as Jupiter is squaring Uranus and Jupiter is crossing the midheaven in my career house. Right. So and I'm really excited about it, because I feel like it's probably going to be maybe one of my best ideas in terms of curriculum and in a programme that I've developed, it's maybe my best idea so far, I'm just really excited excited about it.
So this energy, for personally outside of the collective drama that's unfolding, personally this energy can be very inventive, and it can free you up you can find more creativity, more satisfaction, originality, you can establish new ways of being, of thinking, of living, it's a great moment to start a new regimen for your health or your spiritual life. This is breakthrough and expand and create a new order a new system. And, frankly, there's nothing to not really like about that. The other thing is that Jupiter can save Uranus from the worst. Uranus tends to destroy structures like the tower card and Tarot. And Jupiter comes in and gives it wings a little bit more... all the people falling out of the the tower in that card, suddenly, they get little parachutes. Jupiter has this grace in this way of preserving order amidst a tumultuous period of revolution. So that that's nice to see Jupiter there as not entirely bad, but it also can put Uranus on steroids in some ways.
And then the thing that complicates it is Mars. If it were just Jupiter and Uranus, it's a big transit. It's a huge transit. But now you're adding Mars into the mix plus Saturn is there is going to square Uranus next month. So that Jupiter, Uranus transit perfects the 17th into the 18th. And then you're getting Mars hitting it on the 20th inauguration day here in the US, you know, then you get that erratic, rebellious energy infused with the god of war. And then the 20th to the 23rd. Then Mars goes through a square with Jupiter and you're putting Mars on, you're putting the god of war on steroids and giving it the zeal and the kind of potential authoritarian energy or sort of militaristic energy of Jupiter, Jupiter and Mars go together in the sense of like, military captains, crusaders, missionaries, it has that kind of take action with the sense of order power governance, unity, philosophical or ethical conviction, moral superiority, things like that. So, that's a gnarly set of transits. I will tell you right now, especially given that the month starts with the conjunction to the to to Pluto from the New Moon. So that's what we're looking at, and I wanted to just get you all ready for it. That's the 17th of the 23rd. I'm telling you, it is I think it's the biggest transits of the year. But we'll see because there's a few other months that are also on my list.
February is interesting because what's going to happen in February is you're going to see Saturn get into the square with Uranus. So there's this really intense revolutionary moment. But then there's this kind of limiting constraining backlash, revolutionary impulse that can be just as as fraught with different kinds of challenges, but it's rather than Jupiterian. It's Saturnine. So we're going to be exploring that as the end of the month comes around, and we start preparing for February's repeat of the same dynamic, but now with Saturn.
One of the ways that you can understand things that are going on sometimes if you're an astrologer is through your dreams, right, if that's something that I one of the things I really love about the depth, psychology movement, and its pairing with astrology in the modern era is that we have such amazing tools for understanding our dreams, your dreams will often become reflections of the transits, especially if you study astrology. So I just wanted to share this dream with you that I had. Last night I was reading. I was reading the book I've been reading the Narnia Chronicles to my daughter, my five year old Gigi, and I was reading to her I'm reading Prince Caspian to her, which was by the way all of the Narnia Chronicle Books were infused with the planetary energies by CS Lewis. There's a great book about it called planet Narnia. Prince Caspian is Lewis's christianized virtues of the planet Mars. Anyway, so it's a it's a book about war. And Prince Caspian is the warrior in the book and the children go back to Narnia. So anyway, early in the beginning of the book, Prince Caspian believes that the old narnians, the old gods, the animals that could talk, he believes that they're real, although they're now no longer in Narnia, because his colonising people have come in and sort of taken over so all the old mystical lore and creatures and gods and so forth are no longer in Narnia, but he believes in them because his nurse tells him stories about them.
The King finds out that the nurse has been telling him stories about it because he's threatened by the reality of the old narnians he banishes the nurse the the young Prince Caspian then gets a tutor named Dr. Cornelius winds up to be a turns out to be a dwarf. So they go up to the top of the tower one night, so that he can in secret tell Prince Caspian about the reality of the old narnians of the old gods and the old ways of life, the old, mystical and magical. And he goes up to tell him, and as he is telling them, there are two planets in the sky coming together to form a great conjunction.
And Lewis, you know, there's a scholar who wrote a book about this, and the two planets that are coming together could very well mirror our great conjunction. Anyway, I found that really interesting. So I'm reading this and that he's talking to Prince Caspian about how a new every 200 years this great conjunction between these two planets occurs. And that it marks the beginning of the revival of something, a change for the better, but fraught with peril. And he's telling Prince Caspian, this and that old Narnia, and all the old gods are real. So my daughter paused, and she said, what does that mean? What is it? What does it mean that these two planets were coming together? And I said, Well, what do you think it means? And she said, Well, you know, she basically put it together, she'd heard me talking about the fact that there was a great conjunction of Jupiter, Pluto in the sky. And she was like the one that was just in the sky? And I said, Yeah. And I said, what do you what do you think that it means right now? What do you think is going to happen in the world? And she said, the sweetest thing she said, Well, there might be an earthquake. Random. I have not even though you've heard me talk about earthquakes. I have not uttered a word around her about that. Because I wouldn't ever want to like worry her. She goes, Well, there might be an earthquake. But then hopefully the old gods will come back. Because she was obviously this connecting it to Narnia. And I just thought what that is, so it was just so I don't know. So like, out of the mouths of babes. It was so sweet. I love the age that she's at right now. Where just the most amazing things fly out of her mouth.
So at any rate, this is all to segue because that had been in my head like I couldn't stop thinking about how sweet and innocent and pure what she had said was, in the meantime, I got myself for Christmas, I got what's called a weighted blanket. Have you guys ever heard of this? It's a real thing. It's like a heavy blanket. And people say that it helps you sleep if you're a light sleeper you toss and turn or you have anxiety or nightmares, and I have been with the Moon in Capricorn in the ninth house, that's a place that's associated with dreams and omens. Of course, the Moon in that house is prone to people who who dream very vividly, and I have a debilitated Moon in that house. So I've always had a lot of nightmares, and just like really rough sleep. And I've you know, I've tried everything, herbs. I mean, just I don't I absolutely am not asking for advice.
Finally, someone said, Have you tried a weighted blanket? And I was like a weighted blanket like what is that? So I tried it. And I will tell you right now, it has not solved everything, but it is the most helpful thing I have ever used in my life for my light sleeping issues. And last night, as I was like, you know, wrapping in my weighted blanket, and I was sitting there thinking about my daughter and what she had said about the great conjunction, I just said, Can I have a dream to help me make sense of what's going on right now? Because sometimes I just feel overwhelmed by it all. And I mean, I have interpretive language and experience with astrology, but it's been really overwhelming lately. So I just said, you know, any insight that I could get in a dream would be great. And the reason that I, I also thought is I thought well, you know, I'd love to see what because I haven't really been very aware of my dreams, since using the weighted blanket. And I and I kind of think that's a good thing, frankly, because I'm thankful that I'm not being sort of I'm not tossing and turning all night, and like having really rocky dreams. So it's a little hesitant because I was like, Well, I don't know, I this blankets really nice, but I kind of also want, I just really love to have some clarity in a dream or something. Anyway, so this is the bizarre sequence that led me to actually having a dream last night, that was one of the most vivid dreams I've had in a long time, which I want to share with you now.
So in the dream, which I had, from the comfort of my little cocoon weighted blanket, it was it was just incredible. So I'm at the centre of a city that is clearly it's like in a post apocalyptic state. So it's like, like, like New York City, but sort of like, the skies are dark, like everything is there's like fires, you know, like that. So it's like a post apocalyptic wasteland setting and I'm at the centre of a city. And I'm standing next to like a clock tower. But it's not very big, it's like maybe 15 feet tall. So it's not like, you know, it's like enormous or anything. I'm at a clock tower. And there are stone engravings all over it like like runes, and they're, they're sort of glowing. And it's a different language that I don't understand. And at the centre of the clock is a crab. Right, and so it immediately recognised that as the the cats that the crab have cancer, the moon sign, and the clock itself surrounded, that's at the centre of the clock, and the arms around the clock are, there's many of them there. It's not like a normal clock, there's like lots of them. And I understand that it's some kind of astrological clock because of the, the runes and because of the crab at the centre, and so forth. And what I realise because the clock is is moving, right, but there's kind of a crack in the foundation of the, of the pillar where the where the clock is. And I realised that there's been an earthquake, and that the earthquake has started this this different kind of timing device that for whatever reason was there as like a piece of art, but has now awakened in some weird form of technology. And so how, like, you see how the archetype of this is already. Anyway, so this this earthquake had clock a caused this bizarre, almost otherworldly technology to start working to start running. And it wasn't like a countdown clock to it to something bad happening. It was just some, some technology of time that was suddenly awakening, really bizarre.
And then I realised that the the Moon was rising, the moon was coming up. And I'm looking around and there's all these people moving in groups. They were ethnic groups, cultural groups, racial, religious, political, like all sorts of groups. And I just, I just intuited like, the way that I understood that there were just these abundance of people moving in packs, was because it was just like an intuition. When I looked around, I realised Oh, like, Okay. These are people identifying by like their income or their race, or their religious or political or whatever their gender, their sex or their non conformity to this or to that or whatever. Like, there's all of these groups, and people are coming together and them taking shelter, because everything is really uncertain and dark and chaotic in the scene right now. And so like everyone's going into these groups. However, what I noticed as people were getting into all of these groups, they there was, as they got more and more identified with their groups, like their group, their group, these groups were like forming. There was this monstrous, I want to call it like a spaghetti. That's really weird. But there was like this spaghetti descending from the sky. And it was kind of translucent, but it was clearly like a, like sticky. And it was descending from the sky, and like capturing people, and like tying them together, like moving up into their nose, it was like really monstrous like a monster movie or something. And it was like moving and entangling and capturing these people in groups, and they weren't aware of it, they couldn't see that it was happening. And I for whatever reason, I could see this. And then the webs of these like spaghetti filaments, that they had little nodes on them, and the nodes were eyeballs. So it's really like weird, like these eyeball nodes on this on these spaghetti like film webs that were binding people in these groups.
And I decided not to walk with a group, it felt really important. Like I can't, I'm going to get hemmed in by this weird monstrous spaghetti filament with eyeballs if I get into a group. So like, I can't do that. Then I started walking around telling people like random people who are like looking for the right group. I was saying don't get together with a group. There's this, there's this giant spaghetti, gobs of eyeballs that will get you if you do, so don't get into a group. But as soon as I started, like getting on my megaphone telling everybody don't get into groups, I started getting mad because people weren't listening and people were going to groups. So then I got madder and madder. This is the weirdest thing you guys are, this is gonna blow your mind. As I was getting madder about people getting like getting into groups and like getting taken by these spaghetti filaments of my face morphed into Jordan Jordan Peterson's face. You know who he is. I don't know if you guys know who he is. But, and as soon as it did, then this, this spaghetti descended onto me. And I was a group of one. And I was a group of Don't be with groups. That was I realised it. And all of a sudden, I was like, okay, that no, that's like, That's not right, put, put the megaphone down. I can't tell anybody what to do. I can't even Don't be a part of a group is attracting the spaghetti monster with eyeballs that's going to tangle me up. And so then my face came back to my own face, which is nuts. And then as soon as my face came back to my own face, and I could start pulling the spaghetti filament off, and I cast it like down on the ground and I was like, Ah, you know, and I realised like, okay, in order to really walk apart and not get entangled, I also can't, can't try to make that some kind of new group or category to stand on and take shelter of because it's just another entanglement with the spaghetti monster. So, okay, so then I felt bad for casting the stuff on the ground. Suddenly, I felt filled with compassion or empathy, like oh, well, you know, maybe I should just love this spaghetti stuff. Like maybe maybe, you know, maybe it's not evil. Maybe it just needs a friend or something like that. Like I became a Jain suddenly, like don't step on any ants, you know. So then I picked up the spaghetti eyeball stuff and I held it and I looked at it in my hands with a few eyeballs and all this goofy like pasta looking filament stuff. And I asked it what it was like what like what are you and the eyeball spoke like it doesn't have a mouth but the eyeball one of the eyeballs spoke and it said its name was pattern. Right? This is like a Philip K Dick novel or something.
So it said to me its name was pattern. And then I said, Well, are you good or are you bad? And it only it It looked at me and it kind of blinked It's its own eye. And it just repeated its own name. It said pattern. But this time when it said it, it was like smiley like, not good or bad, just me just pattern. And then I asked if I could keep one of them. I said, Could I keep one of you around, and it winked at me again. And when it winked at me, this is crazy when it winked at me in in its eye rather than its eyeball and like its pupil and so forth. In its eyeballs suddenly I saw the clock with the moon, the moon in the sky, and the clock with the crab at the centre of it. And I had this like, instant realisation that the when the eye becomes your friend, then I realised to myself that this is what astrology does, that it was just this quick crystal clear insight like, this is what astrology does, this is what astrology is here for. It helps me to see the patterns. It helps me to see the patterns and to walk with them, rather than getting entangled with them.
And then I asked the eyeball if it could help me to see other people and all of the post apocalyptic groups forming, getting ready for some kind of turf war between all of these different groups that oppose one another in all these different ways, like this, you know, and so I asked the eyeball to help me see it again, and it said to put its eye up to my own eye, so I put it up to my own eye. And I looked through it at the city. And instead of seeing this poke post apocalyptic wasteland with all these groups getting into these different political, social, ethical, linguistic turf wars with one another, I looked through it and I saw these all of the spaghetti and this kind of monstery, filmy, gucky stuff. Instead, it was like these shimmering filaments, like a beautiful translucent, psychedelic multi dimensional, multi valence, web connecting everyone and everything, in all spectrums of colour, and image and light, like I was just completely blown away by it. And I just, it was like looking at the exact same dynamics. But seeing them now in what I can only describe as the light of eternity, seeing all of these dualities as both dual both opposing one another and simultaneously connected to one another. It really blew my mind. And then this is the the dream kind of starts wrapping up at this point, because I, I heard my daughter's voice in my head, saying, I hope the gods will come back again.
And I just felt so deeply thankful that I have astrology in my life. All of this lately is just make me feel like I need to take some kind of a to make it very clear to everyone that I'm a-political that I'm not I don't want to be associated with all of these battling groups and turf wars between duelling parties, and this just made me realise like I don't, I don't do anything like that. I just have to keep learning to see. I just have to keep learning to see and I'm so thankful that I have astrology my life to help me with that. And then I have my daughters, because they helped me see that way. So anyway, I came away and I wrote this down, I said, we can't escape pattern, which you could say is our entanglement and the ever battling wars of opposing groups, linguistic paradigms, all of these groups are enabled and entangled with one another. And even if we try to set ourselves apart from it as an opposition to it, we get entangled. So astrology is the grace that helps us to see by means of the pattern, which turns from monstrous maya into laughing lila. So I wanted to share with you that story today. I hope it's very useful to you. I hope that it gives you some sense that there's something more going on. And I refuse to give up on it. And that's, that's all I have to say about it. So I hope you guys have a really good day.
And I plan on taking more days off this week just to really try to be good to myself and I hope that you guys do too. It's a it's an intense time. So pick up a boogery eyeball where you can and learn to see it with a with your heart. Alright, take it easy, guys.
I agree about the censorship. The tech gods are out of hand, and will probably only get stronger since this is now the Aquarian Age. Thank you. My first video of yours to watch. I am also an astrologer and you really have knowledge and I suspect the intuition that is a sister to astrology.
I recently discovered you in the last few months, and extremely happy to have you in this space. You bring such a balanced perspective to not just astrology but the world right now. Your dream was amazing and love that your face morphed into Petersen! Amazing. Patterns – yes! I feel like I’m right there with you on political perspective and overcoming the identity politics etc and not entangling ourselves with that just keeps us further separate from one another. Sigh. Thank you for your work.
This has been one of my favorite posts by you ever. My mercury is affected so I am at a loss for words. But just know you are deeply appreciated! Thank you so very, very much for putting yourself out into the world.