Today we will take a quick look at the Full Moon in Libra, which is perfecting today. We're going to just look at it from a few different angles. I tend to focus on major transits a little bit more than new and full moons, but one of the reasons that I want to focus on this one is because this Full Moon is coming right before an eclipse in Aries that will then start to shift the Eclipse cycle itself over the summer into the signs of Libra, and Aries.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology, and today we're going to take a quick look at the Full Moon in Libra, which is perfecting today, Wednesday. We're going to just look at it from a few different angles because, I think you guys know, sometimes I focus a lot on new moons and full moons; I tend to focus on major transits a little bit more than new and full moons.
One of the reasons that I want to focus on this one is because this Full Moon is coming right before an eclipse in Aries that will then start to shift the Eclipse cycle itself over the summer into the signs of Libra and Aries. So I want to talk a little bit about that axis today and some of the archetypal themes you might start to notice in your life in general, regardless of where it falls in what particular houses it falls in, which we will eventually look at when we do horoscopes on the eclipses with the nodes changing over the summer, which we will be doing.
Anyway, before we get into it today. Don't forget to like and subscribe and share your comments if you want to find a transcript of today's talk. As always, it's on the website If you have a story to share, ever use the hashtag grabbed or send us your stories grabbed We've got a grabbed episode coming up tomorrow, so I hope you guys will enjoy that.
We are also in it is enrollment season now; you can visit my website,, and check out the courses if you go up to the Courses tab. The first-year course starts again on June 11. You'll see all the information you need about the course to what the course includes. We'll be getting into more detail about the course as we get closer to registration. Right now, I'm just sort of raising awareness that the course starts again soon. And one thing that I want you guys to check out for sure, if it would be helpful, is the need-based tuition option. We have a limited number of those contracts available for students who could use a little help making the program more financially accessible.
So if that's you, you'd really like to study astrology formally in the community for a year, maybe start a practice of your own or just deepen your love and understanding of astrology, then check out that need-based tuition option because we tried to make sure that people who are experiencing financial hardship maybe you're a single parent, you're working part-time, you're a student that you could have a rate that is a little bit easier on your budget.
If that's you and you need a little help, check out the need-based tuition option. If you have any questions feel free to email us at Year two, and horary also start in June for students who are already enrolled; you might want to check out those advanced programs.
Okay, let's take a look at the real-time clock and have a look at this full Moon. So the full Moon is here in Libra. And it is, of course, the full Moon will always be exactly opposite the sun. So we have a full Moon across the Aries Libra axis as the sun is coming into a conjunction with Jupiter that will be happening next week that will be a big focus of ours in next week's astrology.
The next new Moon that we have after this Full Moon will be a solar eclipse at the very last anaretic degree of Aries, the 29th degree; as the nodes are just still at the end, well, they move backward. So for them, they're at the beginning of Taurus but almost the end because of their backward or Retrograde movement. The nodes of the Moon will be moving into Aries and Libra over the summer. So this Full Moon followed by the solar eclipse in Aries is significant because we're starting to transition into Eclipse seasons that will focus on Libra and Aries in general.
So what are some things to watch for given this dynamic? There are a few things that come to mind. I don't have my handy list for today; I wanted to speak a little bit more off the cuff. First of all, whenever the Libra Aries access is being activated, remember that's this full Moon that's the next that's the eclipse of the new Moon, and then where the eclipses are heading starting over the summer when the nodes change signs, you will always get themes of independence and individuation versus cooperation and relationship. You have a Mars versus a Venus sign.
They're both important, and they are they form an archetypal dyad. We can't be ourselves without being aware of other people. If we are too aware of other people, we will lose ourselves. There are times in our life when we have to do and be exactly what we are regardless of what other people think or want from us or project onto us. And there are other times in our lives when we have to avoid selfishness and consider ourselves as relational beings in desperate need of cooperation, intimacy, friendship, and harmony socially. So that's an archetypal dyad, again, that we are all balancing and learning to work with constantly.
When a Full Moon in Libra comes up, it is as though we are at a kind of a diplomatic crossroads where the question of balancing opposites or working with different kinds of hard polarizations in our life will be part of the conversation. The essence of those polarizations will probably revolve around how much we should give, how much cooperation we should offer, how much compromise we should be available for, and how independent, assertive, self-willing, self-directed, sovereign, and self-contained we should be.
There are a million different situations and particular contexts in which that dyad will play itself out. Sometimes they're in the workplace. Sometimes they're happening philosophically; for example, people will frequently find themselves divided in debates about how responsible someone should be versus how responsible we ought to be for one another, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps versus where's the compassion and empathy and concern and helping of people who need help?
That's a conversation I remember hearing, you know, family members have in my extended family, you know, over the dinner table; my grandpa was a Korean War vet; he was usually the one being like, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, you know, and someone else would be like, What about charity? What about compassion? What about helping one another? And he would always be like, you know, yes. But if it goes too far, people will never learn how to be independent and how to take care of themselves.
In parenting, too. You'll hear parents talk about you should you know, maybe you should sleep with your kids. No, no, no, teach them how to be independent sleepers. If you sleep with them, it'll make them needy, no, no, it'll build healthy, it'll model healthy bonding, right? So the conversations can be had in the realm of parenting, they can be had socially in terms of how independent versus dependent we ought to be, you know, with each other, in the communities that we live in.
The conversations can take place in marriages; I just need my space. Just let me be me. Well, Why can't you be more on board with us with we? Right, so it can happen there, and again, you can see it happening in religious communities, you know, where there's the need for individual forms, individual variations, or diversity of faith expressions, let people be different in how they express their faith. No, we ought to all do things. Similarly, we ought to be a unified social front in terms of how we express our faith and what and how we believe.
You can see it playing out in the workplace; I need space in which, you know, you'll see companies saying, if we give our employees a little bit more time and energy to be themselves and to have their own creative time and space, or if we put a ping pong table in this, you know, this room or whatever, and allow people to bond with one another, then they, or even give people to be more time to be more productive and independent and creative with their work, versus always telling them what to do.
So these kinds of conversations, again, can take place in just about any arena of our lives. The Libra Aries access is not fundamentally about relationships and love versus independence. It's about dependence versus independence as an archetypal construct that can express itself in any area of life whatsoever. There's the cutting of the umbilical cord and the separation of the end of the individual child into the world from the womb of the mother, and there is the continued need to be bonded with other people like we are bonded with our mothers. These are Venus Mars dynamics on an archetypal level.
So what I recommend for a full moon like this is to look at where those tensions are most obvious in your life right now. I think it's always tempting with oppositions to want to collapse into one side of the opposition versus the other, to see things in black and white and to look at the other whatever the other is, or whatever the other point of view or perspective is as an antagonizing opposite. I think if we can move into not so much perfectly balancing things but holding the tension of the opposites, that's when we tend to see that things work out, that we feel like we're growing, we're learning that life becomes interesting, and meaningful because the opposites don't cancel each other out like logical, contradictory opposites.
But instead, they somehow just coexist. Just as a tension that we learn to live with, okay, so that means that we have to learn how to be independent in our relationships while also recognizing the need for cooperation and dependence. Not all dependence means codependency, and not all independence means abandoning someone. So we can temper extremes in the way that we learn how to hold opposites.
This is an important lesson for full moons in Libra and for the upcoming eclipses that will have over the next several years in the signs. Another really important thing to remember is that there's an aesthetic dimension to life. Aries is not as much concerned with the aesthetic dimension, meaning the ability to appreciate and admire. You know, it's not that Aries is ugly or unappreciative or something. It's not like Aries has no concern with beauty. But beauty is generally something that is shared in, and when you look at something that's beautiful, there's a sense that this beauty exists not just for you but in some transcendent or transcendental way it is beautiful. And so you're appreciating something other.
One of the easiest ways to step outside of ourselves or to just to even to just check our egos and the tendency to stand too intensely inside of our own little bubbles is to look at things with an aesthetic eye rather than making judgments that relate back to me and my position and my values and my worth and my feelings and my being right. If we can look at things and say how is that beautiful?
To do that, from an archetypal perspective, means to be curious and to be open and to be interested. And when we can appreciate and say, Well, how is that beautiful? How is that a thing of beauty and truth. And we can assume that there is some beauty and truth there. Because whatever we're looking at is a part of reality. And we can make an assumption that reality is, by its very nature, meaningful, interesting, true, and beautiful. And if we look at things from that perspective, it can take us out of the toxic elements of, you know, self-focus. And so that's one way that the Libra Full Moon can help us is in any way in which we're stuck in our own rigid, self-centered position. How do we look upon something and be curious and open and interested in it? You know, when people in our lives are changing, it's easy to say, well, how does that threaten who I am or where I'm standing or what I need from that person or what I get from that person.
Sometimes it's helpful when people are changing around us to become interested and curious to become appreciative of looking at that person and the changes that they're making in their life from the standpoint of a curious, interested observer. And when you do that, you start to notice what's beautiful about something or someone else. That'll soften your own fixed interests, and that's something that can really help us during a Libra Full Moon.
Now, on the other hand, to be fair, sometimes we get stuck in like social evaluations and comparisons, we get stuck in feeling like, you know, well, it's illegal to just be self-focused or self-centered, you know, and that can be problematic, too. And part of the balance of Libra and Aries, you could say, is also to make sure that we're not so trapped in social considerations that we don't ask ourselves, what do I want? What do I feel? Who am I? Right, so it can go too far in the opposite direction.
But, you know, with the sun and Jupiter coming together in Aries right now in a Full Moon in Libra. I think that it's more likely that the Libra Full Moon can offer us a little bit of a check. How can I take an interest in other things as a way of releasing some of the more problematic parts of being too fixed or rigid in myself. One of the downsides of the element of fire is it is rigid.
So fiery people are often passionate and excitable, but they'll mistake their charisma, energy, and passion for openness. And oftentimes, fire is enthusiastic and like exciting but not necessarily flexible. Fire was considered to be hot and dry. The dryness is where the rigidity comes from in fire. Libra is hot and moist. So you have the same heat, but you have moisture, and you have flexibility. And so there's something About this Full Moon that can invite us to be flexible and to tone down our passions with curiosity and flexibility. Maybe what's needed right now, Jupiter in the sun, can get pretty fired up.
So anyway, these are just some rambling considerations. I hope they are useful for you a brief video today, but I wanted to speak; sometimes I find that you know, it's good for me once in a while to speak off the cuff rather than always having my notes prepared. And today I was like, You know what I'm going to, I'm going to be flexible, and we'll see where it goes. I hope this has been again useful for you. Don't forget to like and subscribe if you haven't already. You can find a transcript of today's talk on the website, where if you go over, you can also check out the need-based tuition options and the new courses starting this June. Any questions, email us at So that is what we have for today. Happy Full Moon, everyone. Take it easy bye.
Yes. This one s a very useful video in describing the Aries Libra polarity and the what’s coming with the eclipse and Jupiter. Thank you.