Here’s what to watch for today…
* The Saturn/Neptune square highlights the difference between the court of public opinion/perception, and the simple or direct reality of someone or something…”facts” and “stories” and the manipulation of facts and stories
* The blurring/blending of concrete reality and fictional, virtual, or imaginative reality…think Pokemon Go (this is also an expression of the Saturn/Neptune square)
* Unexpected, shocking, revealing events that bring something to a head or inspire rapid transformation (Full Moon square Uranus)
* Pride, vanity, stubbornness and denial (Venus/Mercury in Leo square Mars in Scorpio)
* Using appearances to manipulate others (Venus in Leo square Mars in Scorpio)
* Sexual tension, excitement, foreplay, seduction and desire (Venus in Leo square Mars in Scorpio)
* Issues surfacing within families or tightly knit groups, defending, protecting, or disowning members irrationally (Full Moon across the Cancer/Capricorn axis)
* Anger/hate/malicious speech, OR, bold, empowered, honest, direct speech (Mercury square Mars)
* Not playing by the rules, steroids, doping, cheating, plagiarizing, trying to gain unfair advantages, and concern with fairness (Mercury/Venus square Mars)
* The young woman and the elder (Venus trine Saturn)
* Beauty, lifestyle, and committed philosophies or practices (Venus trine Saturn)
* An important or revolutionary moment or series of events unfolding in succession that brings something to a head and serves as the pivot point for an important change or decision
Prayer: Teach us the beauty of honesty and the courage of transparency
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