Today, we will look at five powerful themes that tend to come up around full moons in Scorpio, especially lunar eclipses in Scorpio.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology, and today we are going to take another look at the upcoming lunar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. This is another big Eclipse right in the midst of eclipse season. The first one, which was at the last anaretic degree of Aries, was very intense. It got a lot of powerful stories and feedback from all of you about it. We've done a little bit of previewing of this eclipse already.
Today, we're going to continue by looking at five powerful themes that tend to come up around full moons in Scorpio and especially lunar eclipses in Scorpio. And this lunar eclipse, in particular, because it's with the south node of the moon. What does that look like? What kinds of archetypal themes can we expect to be dealing with, especially on an emotional and psychological level? That is to say, regardless of where it shows up in your life, what specific area, what kinds of psychological or inner experiences and themes are likely.
Along with that, my wife Ashley, who is a clinical herbalist, will be joining us to talk about a plant teacher that we have both been working with personally during this eclipse cycle, which has been amazing and also that any of you could work with if you wanted to. This is also a way for us to show you a little bit about what our Roots and Spheres circle is like, which is not too late to join if you want to. So we'll talk a little bit about what that is and what we've been up to as well. So that is our agenda for that's our agenda for today is always before you before we dive into it.
Don't forget to like and subscribe and share your comments. If you have ever used black cohosh, which is the plant teacher we'll be working with talking about today. We'd love to hear your stories as well, or any kinds of experiences you've had with lunar eclipses in Scorpio, which would also be great to hear about, or just Scorpio placements. I always love hearing your guys' wisdom transcripts of any of my daily talks, including this one, which can be found on my website, I want to take you over there right now because, as you guys know, this is also enrollment season. My new class Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic is a one-year course in ancient Hellenistic astrology begins. Coming up here very shortly.
If you go to the website and click on the Courses tab, go to the first-year course and scroll down. You'll learn all about it starting on June 11. You can hear what alumni have had to say about it. There are 30 classes in the year, two to three hours each. They're all recorded, so you can attend live or listen to them later. We have a forum discussion staffed with tutors; you can ask questions throughout the year. I also have lots of bonus material that I provide for students, including breakout study sessions with our staff if you want a little extra help.
There's just a ton of support for you in this program so that you can get as much as you possibly can and have a deep, immersive year studying astrology. A lot of people start a practice after this program and practice for other people. Let me tell you that if you do know a handful of readings within a year of the course, it's going to have paid off the price of the course very quickly. You know, most people honestly who take this course will find that, you know, if you do ten readings for people outside of class or 15 readings outside of class, over the course of your first year, you're going to have paid off the price of your learning and more.
Most people who take this course with the intention of practicing for others are successful in doing so; a lot of people take the class just because they want to learn astrology. And that's a great reason to do so as well. It can just be like, you know, if you want to learn yoga because it's great to have a yoga practice, study yoga; if you want to learn astrology, because it's nice to have a little spiritual GPS program running, then study astrology.
Anyway, at the bottom of the page, you'll find the payment options. Earlybird payment saves you $500 off; there is a payment plan you can use as well. Then I really want to make sure that people know that we still have some tuition assistance spots available. So if you need help to make the program happen, for some reason, this is beyond the classes beyond your price point because you are on a fixed budget, you're a single parent, whatever the case may be, we really want to make sure that people are not priced out of studying a sacred science.
One of the instructions that ancient astrologers actually gave was that people who earnestly want to study astrology should not be prevented from doing so as long as their intention is sincere. I've always taken that to heart and always made sure that there are donation options. In fact, when it comes to readings, I think it should be the same way, and that's why you'll find that by the end of this year, early next year, we're going to be having a donation-based reading service for people so that people aren't priced out of readings as well. So it's a big part of the nightlight mission, I guess you could say.
Anyway, if you have any questions about the programs or want to join the course but want to ask some questions first, email us at All right, well, thank you, guys, for letting me promote the class. And I am very, very glad to welcome my wife, Ashley, to today's episode. Really nice to have you here again to talk herbs and because I'm in love with you as well as loving all of the wisdom that you have for plants. It's really nice to have you here.
Thank you so much. Yeah, I just feel so blessed to be your partner and to be able to talk about these things together, and the astrology and the plants go together so beautifully and especially right now. I think with everything that's going on, so I'm excited to talk about black cohosh and some of the things I've learned working with this plant and then some teachings from my teachers that are, I think, really exciting and interesting to share.
Adam Elenbaas
Absolutely, I want to give most of the time today to hearing about black cohosh, a powerful plant ally that Ashley and I have both been personally working with in dieting during this eclipse cycle. As well as you know, covering some of the themes of the lunar eclipse that lead to an understanding of why this plant pairs so nicely with the lunation cycle.
So I think what we'll do for starters is I'm going to go through five themes that come with a Scorpio lunar eclipse; remember, this is a lunar eclipse with the South Node. After I go through those, then what we're going to do is we're going to hear Ashley just dropped some wisdom of black cohosh on us. She's worked with black cohosh for a long time. She introduced me to black cohosh when we first were dating before we were married. She was, you know, she'd be feeding me all sorts of stuff for as long as I've known her. And black cohosh is one of my favorites, and I haven't worked with black cohosh for a long time, but when we get to talking about it, I will be glad both of us will be glad to share just little anecdotes about how black cohosh has been working so far in this cycle.
We'll say more about what Roots and Spheres when we get there, but five themes that come with a Scorpio lunar eclipse first,
The first one is catharsis. I want to actually read you guys' etymology of catharsis because I think it's really interesting. So here it is. It is "a bodily purging" (especially of the bowels), from Latinized form of Greek katharsis, "purging or cleansing" from the stem of kathairein, "to purify or purge" from katharos, "pure clean of dirt clean, spotless, open, free, clear of shame or guilt." That's a really good one for Scorpio because a lunar eclipse in Scorpio with the south node is like scraping the grime off the bottom of a bucket that you know exists somewhere in the soul's past.
There's a feeling of breakthrough people often associate catharsis with, like a big emotional breakthrough, but I think it's nice to get into that. Those etymological roots, by the way, are something that black cohosh loves to get into. So we'll talk more about that too. But cleaning or cleansing things that are dirty, or maybe they aren't dirty, but maybe we think they're dirty, like as in shame, getting into the roots of things that are uncomfortable for us to live with. And learning how to accept them. That's also catharsis as much as cleaning off some literal blemish of something we've done wrong, or maybe a mistake that we made or something that needs to be released, because it's not serving us is as much as there is that there's also with catharsis, the idea that we're feeling guilty or ashamed of things, and we actually need to learn how to embrace them. That would also be cathartic. The releasing of shame, in particular, is cathartic.
Number two is trauma and old patterns. This fits in a little bit in the same kind of comes along dovetails nicely, I should say. But Scorpio, lunar eclipses, remember, the moon was said to be the ruler of fortune, which means broadly speaking, the moon is like the web weaver. It's the moon has been long associated, for example, with spiders, and with the moon being a planet whose latitude is always changing, whose face is always changing, and who's always crisscrossing with the planetary aspects all over the place, that the ancients perceive the moon as the weaver of a web and the web was the web of life, the story of life as it's unfolding all the time.
That also means When the moon hits its fall in Scorpio that we go into the trauma of the story, the drama or the trauma, you know, Scorpios get accused sometimes of being dramatic, or that they love trauma or whatever. It's like no, you know, you have to have some archetype that fits the part of the story where things get interesting, you know, things get spicy.
So, trauma and old patterns that are complex, chaotic, mysterious, difficult, painful, but life-giving, somehow that's the Scorpio trauma. That's the kind of drama or trauma that Scorpio can bring up. Trauma and old patterns might sound old, almost like a messianic, or sort of Christian, like it's Like original sin; you have to get over it.
But I also mean by trauma and old patterns, I mean the rich, fertile gunk of life. It's not bad any more than mud is bad, you know, so trauma might not be quite the right word, but there it is.
Number three, getting to the roots of something Scorpio full Moons with the South Node like to get to the bottom of something. I mean, this could lead someone to spy on; you're dating someone, and you steal their phone and, you know, hack into it and try to find all their dirty secrets and ruin your relationship. You know, so you have to be careful because he'd be a little paranoid, like sometimes getting to the roots of something means that you think there's something there that's not, so there can be a little paranoia, but getting to the roots of something is also about, you know, where does this come from what's at the bottom of it. The unconscious gives you a hint, and then the Scorpio Full Moon is coming through, and you feel the need to dive really deep into something and get to the roots of it.
Number four is death and impermanence. Just the general theme of things moving on, you know, this is an autumnal sign, a sign that is the deepest deepening of the Yin during the solar year, and so when the moon is in that sign, in particular, there's a sense of death and impermanence. But that could be very much like the kind of impermanence that, if you learn to live within step into it, gives rise to the kinds of insights that Buddhists and Taoists and, you know, sages who enjoy silence, have spoken out for 1000s of years. So this death and impermanence is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is. It's like a deep autumn thing, even though we're in spring, which is an interesting juxtaposition to be going through when the sun is in the sign of Taurus. It was just this juxtaposition that the Buddha was said to be born under the Full Moon in Scorpio.
So, there's a contrast between the permanence and stability and peaceful ease and niceness of life, which Taurus often represents, and the inevitable, messy, difficult, impermanent, mysterious, chaotic parts and those are polarized images that can show up throughout the Zodiac in many different forms. We see it again, for example, in Virgo and Pisces.
Two signs, one that represents order and one that tends to represent romantic chaos, you know, but beauty, so they're the same polarity, can express itself through many different signs in the Zodiac.
Then number five is the wild feminine. The wild feminine is that feminine that is theirs. Oftentimes the image that comes to my mind, especially since we're working with black cohosh, is snake medicine. Yes, and Ashley's going to talk about that, and the serpent is something like dragons that is often put playing the villain. But in many cultures around the world, a snake like the Kundalini is a life-giving energy, and the dragon is a sign of promise, a lot like a dove would be in the biblical story after the flood.
Dragons are symbols of renewal; snakes are symbols of renewal. So there's something about that wild feminine element of Scorpio that we really have to pay attention to; it can show up in men, women any orientation as the chaotic, destructive, but life-giving potential in anything.
Getting close to that rather than polarizing with it is a challenge for Scorpio Lunation Cycles; this lunation cycle has already featured that. So if you've been feeling any of these things already, that's because this is the blossom that the cycle has been already heading to. So just keep that in mind.
Okay, well, those are the five themes, and I'm very happy to have Ashley here to talk about black cohosh and why we have been using black cohosh in our roots and spheres circle, which is a monthly circle that we host where we look at the astrology of the month and we diet a plant teacher; this started in January, it's not too late to join, go to the website, click on the courses and if you want to join, you can still be glad to have you in the group. So our group has been working with black cohosh, and I thought this would be a good time to just give our audience, our broader audience, a little sense of what this group has been up to, what kind of work we've been doing, and why with black cohosh and these themes. So Ashley, tell us about black cohosh and why this is a good plan for right now.
Yeah, I think when we were planning out the Roots and Spheres course, and we sat down with our, you know, with the chart and the calendar and looked at some of the themes that were showing going to show up during this lunar cycle with the eclipses and Pluto's entrance and it's, you know, what the work that it's doing to was, you know, black cohosh is also called Black snakeroot.
So that image of the snake is really powerful here, and it's a really good opportunity to go along a little deeper than maybe we want to. You know, the eclipses can often be times that are challenging for our psyches; they strip us bear in some ways. And you know, sometimes we can use plants to work to, you know, soften the blow of some of the transits. Like, if there's a lot of heat and fire, we might want a cooling herb to help us, you know, balance things out.
But in this case, I really felt like this is an opportunity; let's not miss this opportunity to rather than try to balance and harmonize that, let's actually go into it, like let's use a plant that's going to bring us deeper into the work that the planets are going to present to us and so black cohosh is that plant. It's one of my favorite herbs; Matthew Wood, one of my teachers, says it's one of his favorite herbs because it works on so many levels, but especially on a psychological level.
This plant was used by the Native Americans here in North America as a plant for women's issues. So we might think, you know, a lot of us know, black cohosh for menopause, or it can be used before childbirth to prepare the uterus. But more than just, you know, on the female physiology, it works on the feminine archetype. It's a plant that brings us into our deepest, feminine aspects and asks us to go a little bit further into maybe where our traumas have been around being a woman or as a male, carrying the feminine in us because we all have both.
But going into that and giving ourselves a safe, a safe entrance and exit point and what black cohosh does, it's kind of like if you can think of the image of the Lotus, we use this a lot in yoga where, you know, the Lotus has its roots in the muddy, muddy soil underneath the pond, right? But then it grows its way up towards the light. And as it blossoms, it has this perfectly white, flawless, you know, impeccably clean flower. Black cohosh has these black gnarly, gnarled roots; they're all tied up, and it grows up, and it creates these long, tender stalks that have these beautiful flowers.
These racemes are very angelic like they're very beautiful, and they're feathery, and they're way lighter than the heaviness found in the roots. And so, part of what this medicine does, is it untangles, it helps us go into the dark, untangle it so that we can find the lightness and the levity and inspiration up above in some of the help us find our way through it into a new way of being and if you look at the contrast between the roots and the and the flowers, and that's the idea of the journey that black cohosh can take us on.
I wanted to read this from Matthew Woods's book; he's an herbalist that's local to us. He's a dear friend of both Adam and mine, and this is from his book, Seven Herbs: Plants as Teachers, and he takes us through seven plants through the journey of the Bible. Black cohosh is the sixth guidepost, and it has it's related to the story of Jacob. So I just want to read a little bit because I think it really speaks to this.
He quotes here, Through contention, all things are made manifest. And that was from Heraclitus, the Dark. One of the great ironies of spiritual life is that we have to let go of everything we want, Abraham, but grab hold of everything we fear, Jacob. Only in this way can all parts of us be exposed to the cleansing action of the Divine.
Spiritual life is a matter of letting go and grabbing hold in the right proportion. We have to face the challenges implicit in our lives so that our desires and fears do not rule us. Life is a spiritual battlefield filled with challenges and dangers.
Then he goes on about how you know the story of Isaac and Jacob and how this all plays out. Then he says fear is tied up with desire. What we want, we fear, and crossing the boundaries of our world is the ultimate desire. While doing so is the ultimate fear and the story of Jacob, we are shown a complicated field of conflicting passions represented by his interaction with the two wives and two concubines.
Then what he says above, black cohosh is the herb that corresponds to the six guideposts. It is appropriately named Black cohosh, black snakeroot, or black squaw foot. The dark gnarled root indicates both a dark property and a bristling contending nature. Black cohosh is a remedy for those who are caught in a state of brooding dark hopelessness.
The patient is entangled in a way above coercive forces against which he fights, but he finds he ultimately cannot defeat. The foliage above ground and the rootlets below are tangled within themselves, indicating the sense of entrapment which overtakes the black cohosh person.
It talks about how, you know, abusive patterns, cycles of trauma that are ancestral and old, are very old patterns that this person finds themselves fighting against and contending with. The journey is to, again, grab hold of the hope and the fear in the right proportion in order to find your way through. I think, boy, this eclipse really seems to be bringing forth these themes and presenting us with material by which we can battle, you know, we can go to battle for and which is going to win and you know, and it doesn't have to be an either-or it's really, I think, in this case, a both and.
Adam Elenbaas
I love that. I think just a few little anecdotes. We started working with Black cohosh while Ashley was helping lead a women's yoga retreat in Costa Rica recently, and I was back home here, and we, but we started, we both sort of started working with Black cohosh while she was gone. I would say, just put it simply; I would say that the dreams that I had and the inner experiences that I went through during some really challenging transits going on to those experiences gave me insight into just about every area of my life.
But also, you know, the house that Scorpio falls in your chart is super important as a part of the cycle that falls into my seventh in my house of marriage, and black cohosh gave me so many insights about, you know, just how can I be a better dad? How can I be a better husband? How can I, you know, just little things that it's easy over time when you're like, you know, Ashley and I have been together for, you know, since 2011, I guess. So it's like 12 years, and it's easy over time to just lose sight of small ways in which you can be better.
Whether that's as a parent, because you get used to your patterns with your kids, or as a spouse, or, you know, as an astrologer, or as a family member, to your other family members, or whatever. One of the things that was pretty profound was I had a series of dreams that were ancestral, and these dreams showed me patterns, both in family and marriage, that like spread out through, like, a tapestry of people. It felt like the roots that we're talking about with black cohosh and the tangledness of all of it.
Then just these very light, beautiful, sort of just crystal clear, simple realizations about small changes that I can make that over time will probably have a really big impact on me and on the people I love, my family, my wife, my kids, that was really profound for me, I couldn't have appreciated that more. This is with I'm taking three drops on my tongue. It's like a drop dose of three drops per day before bed with a little prayer for black cohosh to enter the dream space, and that's been my experience has been pretty profound.
It's interesting because in the Roots and Spheres course, so far, you know, one of the other benefits of black cohosh is that it helps with pain and muscle pain and rheumatic pain in the joints, and it can help with, you know, hormonal imbalances, too. So a lot of people have been saying, not only are they finding some physical relief in their physical bodies, but that they're also being able because some of those more physical things are being softened, that it's like in the softening of those discomforts, they're able to more safely and feel more safe to go inward. And I think that's, that's really interesting about this plant is I feel like it's a very safe plant.
People often think of it as scary, you know, black cohosh, like it's black snakeroot, right? It can have this sort of ominous kind of feel to it. However, it's a very angelic plan. I mean, it's like, it's like the dark angel in some way. Ultimately, it's for our own good, but we have to move towards it. You know, if you're fighting it all the time, if you're fighting the fear, and you don't soften into it a little bit, then you won't get the rest, you won't get the answers, and I think that's what I noticed in my body when I take this plant is like, it kind of, to me, it just says It's okay, like go in, you're safe, you know. And then, from that safety, the insights can really roll through.
Adam Elenbaas
This is a plant that is super helpful when we have the drama of a lunar eclipse coming through in Scorpio, all of the main things I talked about today from the wild, feminine which black cohosh can also help people tap into death and impermanence, getting to the roots of things, catharsis; these are all things that I feel like black cohosh just it again, it's kind of like, it's going to help you go into it, but not in the sense of it like being like, Okay, let's get on a roller coaster. You know, it's not gonna, like, intensify the drama as much as it is going to it. To me, it feels like there's, Oh, someone's giving me a flashlight while I'm going through the woods.
Yes, like a torch. Yeah, absolutely, and that's like that image of the, of that raceme, that tall stock with the white. It's like, okay, carry this torch through the dark, like, I've got you, I'm here with you. And I think that that's such a great, it's such a great medicine during dark times. And I think a lot of people, I just keep hearing it again and again, from people is like, I'm having a really hard time, you know, and what a better ally to have is someone who says, I've been through the dark, I know exactly what you're going through, and I'm here with some lightness, and I'm here to help you untangle it, and I'm here to help you heal from it.
That's a gift of this planet. And it's interesting because Matthew talks about, you know, in homeopathy, you have kind of particular kind of personality types. So sort of the dark, moody, broody kind of that Scorpionic type really seems to benefit even more. I mean, I'm not the dark, moody, broody type, but I'm still getting the part of me that is getting is getting help, you know, is getting support. But for those who really live in that world more often and are really struggling, it's like, I mean, it's a really powerful helper.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, and I think it can also; I think there's an element of it, and correct me if I'm wrong. But if people have that part of themselves a little repressed too, that it could actually help to bring out some of the, as you mentioned in our Roots and Spheres class, for example, that black cohosh sometimes will help a woman you know, just like, turn the lights down low by herself and start moving.
That's a snake-like movement present in our bodies, both male and female bodies, that feminine energy. You know, one of the exercises I recommended was, take this plant, take a warm bath, and then roll around on the ground and just see what it is that the animal of your body loves; that's Mary Oliver, one of my favorite poets says like, let you let the animal of your body love what it loves. I think that this time and space and this plant opens that up to being safe and okay to explore those very wild, feminine places. It doesn't mean that, you know, you're wrong or bad or shameful, or that it has to go anywhere that is, you know, it'll only take you as far as you're gonna go because it's in your body, and then you get to make those choices. Yeah, yeah. But that's a really good point.
As I think, as Adam said, you don't have to take a lot to work with this medicine. It's a strong one. So one drop, maybe if you're, like, not sure, but I recommend three. I think three is what Matthew Wood uses. That's my typical dose to let your annual taste it. It's acrid. It's bitter. I mean, when you take it as a tincture, and I don't take it as a powder. Don't make a tea; take it as a tincture, which is an alcohol-based extract, and if you don't drink alcohol or your lifestyle, or if you're in recovery, you can take the tincture, put it in some warm water to evaporate the alcohol, and drink it and you'll see that you need to taste it. You need to get that taste on your tongue to start to get everything to wake up and to start moving the energy.
Adam Elenbaas
I agree there's something about the way that the bitterness hits you; that is also how this beautiful spirit is entering.
Matthew Wood says it's like, or the way that I've seen it is, you know when dogs wrestle, and then they're done wrestling, they'll shake. Yeah. So when you take an acrid medicine that has that sort of really sharp taste, you kind of shudder a little bit. Um, you know, you'll see people do that. My friend Ali took it. She was giving me a video. She's like, I got my black cohosh; she took a video of interesting. Oh, and I was like, that's the medicine, though. We got to get into the gotta shake a little bit, and that loosens things up. And this plan is a great whiplash remedy for moving. It really acts on the crystalline cerebrospinal fluid that runs up and down the spine that's like; if you open up the spine, if you've ever seen cerebrospinal fluid, it looks like starlight. So it works on that starlight fluid in the spine and unkinks it. So it's a really good one to do if you're doing cranial sacral therapy. If you've had a neck injury or whiplash, things like that, it'll start to move that fluid in a way that will give you more freedom and more access.
Adam Elenbaas
Think again of this as the cerebral spinal starlight fluid pointing upward, right? Is it matches that idea? Absolutely. Yeah. Well, we have loved plant medicine as astrologers for 1000s of years because the doctrine of signatures and the basic hermetic theory of correspondences is how herbalists have always been at work, and it's always how astrologers have been at work. We look at you, look at plants, we look at stars, but then they end up getting paired together.
The earliest, I think it was on the Island of Kos that there was the first astrological school that we know of, and it was neighbor to an herbal school, and so the likelihood, you know, that herbal medicine has been, well, we know very early on in the early, Hellenistic era, we know that astrology and herbs were being paired together, but it's probably the case that from the inception of astrology, herbal medicine, and astrology have been used concurrently.
So it's really a joy to have you here because I know that everyone is going to really enjoy just hearing about the lunar eclipse and this plant teacher. You can get black cohosh; I mean, at our Co-Op, you can pick up a tincture of black cohosh. So usually, if you have like a local Co-Op or something, you can order a tincture of black cohosh on Amazon. Are there any other trusted providers that you would recommend?
Yeah, Mountain Rose Herbs is another kind of really easy-to-access and affordable site where you can buy herbal medicine. I also really like herb pharms. They're based out of Oregon. They make a really nice black cohosh tincture, and then Herbalist and Alchemist, which is David Winston's company based out of New Jersey, they have really good black cohosh as well. So those are some additional sites. And yeah, I mean, I think that, as I said before, the tincture is really going to be your best bet for this type of work.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah absolutely. Well, it has been awesome to have you here to talk about black cohosh; we hope that everybody is listening to this if you want to work a little bit more intentionally and deeply with this eclipse and want to, you know, try black cohosh. The last thing that I want to ask Ashley is if there are any contraindications or things that people should be aware of. People who shouldn't take black cohosh don't want to just tell people to go take medicine because we're not providing any kind of medical advice. We have to say this on YouTube; this is just for entertainment purposes. That being said, just to be safe, because we're just trying to give people information here, what, you know, should people who are pregnant, take this, you know, it also we're talking about three drops on your tongue that are very, very minor. So although very few people are going to be affected by it, what should people know to be careful about?
Yeah, it's a great question. Yeah, I mean, really, to get a therapeutic dose to push estrogen levels or to create larger therapeutic actions, you would need more like a teaspoon full of the herb regularly to affect one menstrual cycle; you'd have to take it for two months. So here, we're really talking about just a very small dose, and for a short period of time, you know, really for the next maybe three weeks. So you could call it a spiritual dose, an energetic dose, and not a therapeutic dose.
However, you know, if you're playing, if you want to be really safe, you know, one thing is if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, this herb is used in pregnancy, but usually in the third trimester to help prepare for labor. So, you know, for me as, when I was pregnant with my girls, I just want my body like I did a lot of nettles and a lot of chamomile, but other than that, I just was like, I didn't know. So that might be a place that you know if you're pregnant, you might want to say, maybe not this cycle, you know, and you can just hold it, you can hold it in your hand or look at pictures of it or study it. That's another way to just, you know, and read Matthew Woods's Seven Herbs: Plants as Teachers book, to engage with it, but I think yeah, I mean, there are the estrogenic properties are not going to really be affected in that small dose.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, you're literally talking again, like three drops a day before, you know, on your tongue. And that kind of energetic dose shouldn't really affect people, but you should ask your doctor if you have any questions or concerns before taking any kind of herb or any kind of supplement or anything. We hope you all understand we have to say that because we're on YouTube and we're not doctors.
So, anyway, it's been really nice to hear about black cohosh today and to talk about the lunar eclipse in Scorpio. We hope that all of you out there going through this that you'll find this supportive and that you're doing okay; feel free to share your stories. If you have any stories you want to tell, you can always use the hashtag grabbed or email us your story; If you're like, hey, that Roots and Spheres course sounds interesting. Go over to nightlight Click on the Courses tab. Go down to Roots and Spheres. If you want to pop in and join us not too late, you could join in on or think we still have quite a few lunation Cycles left in the year. So you're welcome to still join us if you'd like, and any questions that you have about absolutely anything involving routes and spheres or anything else. Email us info at nightlight Ashley, thank you again so much for being here today. We love having you, and we'll have to have you back soon.
Thank you so much. And just one little shameless plug. If, if you want to follow me, I am on YouTube as well at Skyhouse Herbs. So if you want to learn more about plants and hear more about energetic dosing and therapeutic effects of plants, you can follow me and subscribe to my channel, Sky House Herbs, I'll be teaching a bunch this summer at different conferences, and if you go to my website, Then you can look at the events and see if the teaching engagements where I'll be an Adam will be with me in Colorado yay. We're gonna bring her family to the Good Medicine Confluence in Colorado near Lake George. So you can join us for that there'll be I'll be teaching three classes on plant spirit medicine and other classes on plant medicine. So I just wanted to throw that in there. Thank you for that.
Adam Elenbaas
That's not a shameless plug. That's my failure because I always promote whoever comes on my channel. I always plug their stuff and promote it, and that was a misfire on my part @Skyhouseherbs on YouTube is Ashley's YouTube channel. She makes regular herbal content, so be sure to check that out. You can see she's an awesome teacher. You really like her stuff. is the website, so you can also check out what she's up to there and the conference that she was just talking about and stuff like that. All right. Well, thank you so much, everybody. We hope you have a great rest of your day, and we will see you again tomorrow. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
Adam, much thanks to you and Ashley. I really enjoyed this segment. Definitely synchronistic in many ways. I feel like you and your family are long time friends …having first studied with you in 2015, and having witnessed the growth of your family, etc.… In any event, my 11°17” Taurus Sun and 26° 45” Mercury and several other planets have been activated massively during this eclipse season. Not to mention Uranus’ long term influence the last couple of years as it conjuncted my sun.
Back in the ‘70s as co-founder of Rainbow Grocery in SF, my kitchen shelves were filled a huge variety of herbs… . I’m feeling a push back in that direction, so thank you for that.
Also, an ahhhmazing synchronicity that almost made me fall out of my chair is that I have been invited to the Island of Kos in October. It’s not an island, I was at all familiar with though I did take note of Hippocrates’ Tree there. I will be there for 10 days on a special retreat. Wow! Thank you, the flame of my excitement have just been turned up another notch.