Today, we're diving into the phenomenon of Mercury's cazimi in Aries, a pivotal moment when Mercury aligns with the Sun during its retrograde cycle, symbolizing a phase of significant development. We'll clarify the concept of cazimi for those unfamiliar and discuss the broad implications of this astrological event. Additionally, we'll explore the unique importance of this particular cazimi amidst a month filled with significant astrological occurrences, including the highly anticipated Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, and how these events are interconnected.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we are going to take a look at Mercury's cazimi in the sign of Aries. If you don't know what that means, it means that Mercury is at the heart of the sun or conjoining the sun through its retrogradation, which is a critical phase of development in the Mercury retrograde cycle. So we're going to talk about the general significations of Mercury because he needs to refresh in case you are in case you've never learned about the Mercury cazimi before. And then we're going to take a look at what makes this particular cazimi so important during a month where so many big things are happening, including the upcoming Jupiter-Uranus conjunction; we're gonna talk about how this because he relates to that in particular. So that is our goal for today.
Before we get into it, as always, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share your comments and reflections. It helps the channel to grow and creates community; it's really nice to see what you guys have to say. We have a story to share during this very intense month of April. Astrologically speaking, go ahead and use the hashtag #grabbed to tell us the transit; tell us your story, or feel free to email it to us at
Of course, you can find a transcript of my daily talks on the website I got a couple of promotions today before we get into our content of the day.
The first one is the upcoming live event. Go to the live talks page on You will see that on April 18. I'm giving a talk called Uranus in Love just before Jupiter and Uranus conjoin. I'll be giving a talk on the significance of Uranus in love, sex, and relationships, whether that is through a natal placement in your birth chart.
Or that is, through a transit of Uranus to something in your birth chart, we're going to be talking about what Uranus has to say and what Uranus has to do for us: healing and personal growth when it comes to love and relationships. So you register for that talk. It's April 18. Seven to 9pm. Eastern time, you can get a link to the recording if you can't make it live. So when you register, you get both of those things after you sign up.
The other thing that I am promoting right now is my first-year course called Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic. That class begins in June, along with the horary course and the year two program. All three courses start in June. This one starts on June 16. This is the first-year program. If you stick around after today's talk, you will hear a video that I made that I've tagged onto the end of these talks, where I dive into everything the program includes in greater depth.
The one thing you need to know is that there are 30 classes in the year. We have 12 guest lectures outside of those 30 classes. We have an interactive group forum discussion where you can ask questions, and there's a tutoring staff member who always answers within 24 hours.
We have breakout study sessions led by our tutoring staff; you can email me throughout the year at any point in time with questions. There's a ton of bonus material, optional quizzes, flashcards, reading, and listening to supplement the curriculum in our program, and those breakout study sessions with our staff are really helpful for you if you need a little extra attention.
So we try to make the program really supportive. It is a wonderful in-depth immersion into ancient Hellenistic astrology, and it starts on June 16. Remember, at the bottom of the page, you can find the early bird sale, which saves you $500 and runs up until the start of class. The payment plan allows you to spread it out over 12 months if you prefer to do that with the tuition. And we do have need-based tuition assistance, so be sure to check that out if you are someone who could use a little extra help to make it happen. We like to make sure that nobody is priced out.
The other thing that I am promoting as a kind of reminder is that Ashley's herbal apprenticeship program starts at the end of this month. If you go over to, you know she comes to my channel and teaches me roots and spirits. Her herbal apprenticeship program starts on April 24. That is a one-year remote learning program, so you can follow along with the recordings. Then, there are study sessions where you should get together for a Q&A. You can just take it at your own pace. It's a one-year program, and I have run a bunch of interviews with her in the past weeks talking about the program. If you have any questions, head over to Sky house and check it out.
All right, that is it for our promotions today. I'm really excited to get into talking about this Mercury cazimi because it is a very potent one. So we are talking about today, April, Wednesday, April 10. You can see that the cazimi is coming through right here. And if we run this forward just a little bit between today, Wednesday, April 10, And tomorrow, Thursday, April 11. You will notice that the cazimi is completing itself. By Friday, it is passed as the Mercury has passed through the heart of the Sun by Friday Excuse me. So if you spread this out a little bit, you know, you probably start feeling this when it gets to within about three degrees, which was yesterday, Tuesday, April 9.
Today, you're feeling it really intensely as the day goes on. Tomorrow, it's exact on Thursday, April 11. And then, by Friday, it's passing through. So this is a significant cazimi for a few reasons, and we'll talk about those today. And we're going to try our best to connect them to some of the major events that are happening this month. We've had a solar eclipse in Aries this week. That's significant because Mercury is retrograding in Aries and is now conjoining with the sun, which was just eclipsed in Aries. That's a big deal.
So what is this Mercury cazimi in Aries all about, especially considering that it's also closely linked to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction coming about on the 20th of this month? Well, let's talk about the general significations of any Mercury cazimi. So you kind of have just a reminder of what this is all about.
Whenever Mercury turns retrograde, it does so from the position of an evening star, which was associated with ancient astrologers with the qualities of nighttime in the nocturnal realm or, broadly speaking, Yin energy. When Mercury Retrogrades, it starts to fall back into the air, and it looks like it's sinking into the western sky in the evening. And it starts to move backward toward the sun and the place of the setting sun. And as it does that, you're going to see it disappear.
It comes under the beams of the sun, and then it's combust, that sort of burnt up. During that phase, the retrograde stationing is carried all the way through combustion. It's as though everything Mercury represents is very specific to each individual birth chart; by the way, in terms of the rulerships, Mercury has the house of Aries in this case and your birth chart. So there, it never works to be too generic with Mercury Retrogrades, not only because Mercury Retrograde is very specific to your chart but also because every Mercury Retrograde is different based on the sign, aspects, dignities, and so forth. But as Mercury is retrograding backward into the sun, it's as though Mercury's significations undergo a kind of death and rebirth process.
Sometimes, it's very destructive, chaotic, and difficult, and impediments arise, such as frustrations, a change of circumstance or events, or a reversal of fortunate delays and setbacks. Again, it's not uncommon for Mercury retrograde or any retrogrades to be frustrating at the outset of the retrograde when the planet stations and starts moving backward. Because for ancient astrologers, that means that the planet is falling back into the primary motion of the sky.
Rather than having its own secondary motion against the green of the Zodiac, which sort of means that it's losing its volition, the larger Hand of Fate is taking over. So that can be frustrating, which is why when planets are in retrograde, we often feel like things go out of our control. And so far as where we are, you know, identifying ourselves as the controllers, which is problematic, astrology teaches us again and again to be careful of that.
Anyway, Mercury's retrograde undergoes this transformation when it finally reaches conjunction with the sun through its retrograde conjoining with the sun, and that was thought of as the starting point of a new cycle. Astrologers have oriented the start of the cycle to the direct conjunction or the retrograde conjunction throughout history. So it's there's a little bit of debate about the true starting point of the Mercury cycle.
But it doesn't matter because it's a reset point, regardless of indirect motion or retrograde motion. But in this case, the cazimi that's happening through the retrograde motion of Mercury represents the moment of death and rebirth itself, from which point Mercury starts to recover; it starts to emerge from under the beams of the sun, and it starts to rise as the morning star.
That process then transitions Mercury and Aries into a more young daytime diurnal kind of position, which actually is probably a little bit better suited for Mercury in the sign of Aries because Aries is a pretty young place. It's the fiery place, fiery, masculine place of Mars. So, in a way, right now we're dealing with, you could say, we're dealing with a Mercury who is trying to be tactful, but it's not necessarily Mercury in Aries nature to be super tactful in relationally sensitive as the Yin is more likely to do. So Mercury in Aries in the evening star position is a little bit of an awkward space for Mercury. It's like, you know, it's like someone who wants to blow the bugle to announce battle, but it has to do it with a saxophone instead. Like jazz-like, or has to have a harp rather than, you know.
So, anyway, all jokes aside, the fact that Mercury is being reborn at this moment into a stronger, more vocal, assertive position makes a lot of sense. Remember that this Mercury Retrograde we're going to see in a second is also hosted by Mars, who's just passing through conjunction with Saturn in Pisces, which can be a place that is stickier and requires more tact and fluidity on an emotional level. And that's not exactly what Mercury in Aries is best at, right? But it's being ruled by Mars, who's in that kind of space.
It's also in An Evening Star position. But now it's dying, and it's being reborn. When the planet is being reborn, it's at the heart of the sun. It is as though that planet is also imbued with the power of the sun and given new life, which can mean that, you know, messengers and messages come through in a loud way.
On a psychic level, it can also mean that there's an empowerment of speech or mind and clarity and illumination. I can bring inventive mental qualities and breakthroughs in speech and communication. It can also bring a kind of delusional sense of empowerment, getting overly confident or almost like I'm the king when actually you're just the messenger.
I'll tell you a story. I've told this a few times before: some years ago, there was a young man who watched this channel who came and commented all the time, and it was obvious that he was probably struggling with some mental health issues. You know, I didn't know, but I just kind of wondered. And during a Mercury cazimi in a fire sign in Sagittarius, this was around the pandemic, if I'm remembering correctly. You know, he became delusionally convinced that he was the reincarnation of Jesus during the Mercury cazimi in Sagittarius and ended up taking his own life. But before he did so, on that very day, or within 24 hours during the cazimi, he emailed me with all these dictates about things that I needed to go and say on behalf of him, Jesus Christ, on my YouTube channel.
It turned out that there were some people that he was connected to that I knew on Facebook, and I sort of did a not a wellness check, but I sort of was like, Is he okay, like what's going on? Because I saw that we knew some people in common. And anyway, they let me know, within a day or two, that on that day later, he had taken his own life. And he indeed, I think, I forget if it's still called bipolar disorder or if it's called something else now. But anyway, that's apparently what he had. He had been, that was a diagnosis that he had received and had been, you know, trying to get off. I think he tried to take himself off meds or something like that.
But I tell that story because that was one of the most eye-opening experiences of a Mercury cazimi that I had ever experienced. Up until that point, it made me realize that what comes through a cazimi can be so potent, and the archetype that is conjoining with the sun, in this case, Mercury, can get so imbued with the power of the sun that it can only it can almost become overly confident and even delusional. Or it can be expressed symbolically in terms of something like what had happened with this young man, which was really tragic and unfortunate.
So anyway, Mercury cazimi moments are associated with the tremendous empowerment of Mercury at the heart of the sun; we do have to be careful. Here we are in a fire sign again. And it's not unlike that one. In the sense that I'm not saying that something of that magnitude will happen, but more like, you have to be careful that Mercury is being reborn at the heart of an exalted sun in Aries, and it's transforming into the young side of things. You know, there could be a way in which we get high on our, our idea or our strength or that there's a kind of assertive, muscular bravado that comes through that's just like too much, you know? It's somehow it's like, I don't care who I have to steamroll in the process, because I'm right. And I, you know, it's kind of like sometimes people get really high on this idea of, you know, personal sovereignty and sometimes for good reason, right? Maybe your personal power has been violated, or you haven't done a good job advocating for yourself in life. And so, words like personal sovereignty and personal empowerment become important. But there are other times, as I'm sure you all can understand.
There are other times when people are first trying to figure out what sovereignty or empowerment or assertiveness looks like, and they overcompensate and end up bulldozing people and sort of, you know, burning bridges because they don't know how to embody that energy. It's new to them, maybe, and so they go too far. So I wouldn't be careful if something like that happened around this particular cazimi because of the signature of an exalted Sun and Mercury at the heart of that exalted sun with Mars and Saturn in the background as the ruler. That's a lot, you know. But at any rate, let's go on and discuss more of the other significations here.
When Mercury separates from the sun after the cazimi and starts rising as the morning star, it starts to bring forth with a little bit more distance, you know, not so much the supercharged moment of the cazimi, it starts to bring forth something new. Whether that's in you really, it could be anything because it sounds generic open brings forth something new, but you have to look at the area of your birth chart that's represented by Aries. And you have to think about things that are Aries like Mars ruled things in particular that have to do with the mind speech, psychology, environment, intelligence, knowledge, stuff like that trade sale commerce, all Mercury significations, but then look at the area of your birth chart as well right. Anyway, so those are some of the things that are coming forth from this cazimi. But what makes it so potent is the fact that it is coming off of a solar eclipse, and it's just about to hit we're just about to hit a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, which is a rare configuration that is also very dynamic.
The second thing on my list to discuss today is that this Mercury cazimi is happening while in the bound and domicile of Mars. So it's not only in the domicile of Mars Aries is the domicile of Mars, but it's also in the bounds of Mars, certain degrees of the sign of Aries that are also ruled by Mars. So that gives Mars a lot of power. And we have to remember that Mars is just separating from a conjunction with Saturn.
So, if we think about the Mars-Saturn conjunction as a pressure cooker as a moment of maturation, where the will has to develop greater maturity, discernment, and fortitude, or you have to work through some kind of frustration or limitation or block or impediment that's in the background of this Mercury cazimi. And that's a really good thing because the fact that Mars is separating from Saturn and rules this cazimi moment could mean that whatever we just encountered, the frustration, the impediment, the challenge of our will that the challenge to mature that that encounter is now launching us forward in a new direction. And that we have this reset rebirth moment of Mercury in Aries just as Mars is separating from Saturn says to me that that encounter is fueling what we do next. And that there's going to be this confidence surge of very decisive action-oriented energy.
In some ways, maybe the solar eclipse has been waiting for this moment before it really takes off. Because a solar eclipse is ruled by Mars. Mars had to go through this conjunction with Saturn first. It does so, and then Mercury is cazimi; Mercury is cazimi ruled in the bound and domicile of Mars, who's just clearing Saturn, right? So that feels like momentum or a decisive action that we've arrived at because of what we just encountered, and we, we thought about it, and now we're like, okay, now I know what I have to do based on what I just encountered. So that is really interesting. Of course, what is following very closely upon this is that Jupiter and Uranus are about to conjoin. We are about 10 days away.
So Mercury's cazimi just after Mars separates from Saturn kind of fuels the step forward that maybe the solar eclipse was also indicating but waiting for. And then Jupiter and Uranus, another very revolutionary energy, one that wants to create breakthroughs and openings and revolutionize and expand that energy, comes right on the heels of this. It can't be lost on us because Mars and Saturn are just separating and are in the bound domicile of Jupiter, who's about to conjoin Uranus.
So it's a little tapestry where these interconnections are all part of the same story this month. So that revolution, in other words, that we're about to experience with Jupiter-Uranus is intimately connected to the solar eclipse in Aries and the fact that Mars the ruler had to go through Saturn, right as it does Mercury's cazimi sort of hits this reset, Mars gets clear of Saturn, and now we're about to hit the Jupiter Uranus moment. So you can feel that.
Number four, which I find really interesting, is Mercury's retrograde right after this, and I'm going to put the chart back up on the screen so that I can show this to you. Right after this occurs, Mercury will head by April 14 and into the 15th. That's Sunday into Monday of this week. Mercury will then conjoin Chiron, who was at the heart of the eclipse, so it meets that it meets that Chiron, that healing element in Aries. And a lot of this has to do with the kind of healing the wounded healer archetype around Mars stuff. And then that's intimately related to the Jupiter-Uranus dynamic that's coming through, so wow, I mean, just, you know, what were what are we doing for the sake of this greater peace or stability or beauty or the sort of Taurean Venusian things that we desire? There's some turbulence and some, yes, some, some real fire behind the conjunction. It looks very Venusian, but it's got all of this Marzieh energy fueling it, which you don't necessarily see unless you look a little deeper at the surrounding events like this.
Anyway, so Mercury can join Chiron. It seems like it's then bringing forth as it's now recovering and starting to move into the Morningstar position; it hits Chiron, and the next thing it does is it heads into a conjunction with Venus. So, the conjunction with Venus happens on April 19. Exactly as Jupiter and Uranus are conjoining and Taurus Venus being the ruler, so at that point, Mercury is now about to appear as the morning star. I think all of this bodes very well in terms of this Mercury cazimi being the start of the process of breakthrough that this month is really all about with Jupiter and Uranus. But I hope that in laying these details out, you're able to follow along and understand more about the overall process that this cazimi is located in and how a critical moment it is.
So what can I tell you aside from all these archetypes you could look for? Just pay attention to what's happening because we have, as students of astrology, we have an incredible moment in front of us where we can learn so much about academia, about academia with an exalted sun, about, you know, academia with an exalted Sun ruled by a Mars it's just separating from Saturn. When you pay attention to those things and just watch, don't try to plan or predict necessarily; you just know where the weather is heading symbolically. Just watch now and then take it in, and you will, I mean, we're going to be the benefactors of some really amazing learning as students of astrology and obviously the way in which it is going to impact our lives personally, for the sake of personal growth and healing should also be quite profound.
Remember, though; this is your Jupiter-Uranus; quite revolutionary like the dynamics of Jupiter-Uranus, they spark major revolutions in the collective, and they've been associated with eras of tremendous upheaval revolutionary upheaval and impulses culturally, politically, etc.
Well, that's true for our personal lives as well; even though it's in Taurus and a nice peaceful-looking earth sign, don't miss the, don't miss all the fire you know, don't miss the Mars-Saturn conjunction and Pisces, there are turbulent, deep, complex places that we're working through in the next days and weeks, as this conjunction comes through. I'll tell you one thing that's kind of exciting is that it may get a lot. May has the look and feel of a much easier astrological space.
So it's interesting because this month is really turbulent. Things really seem to smooth out when you get a Venus in the sun in Taurus, and you get a new moon with an exalted Moon in Taurus, and Jupiter and Uranus are still there and like things will smooth out, but this month is it's interesting all the fire that's behind the Jupiter Uranus dynamic coming up. So we'll see how that plays out.
Anyway, that's it for today. I hope you guys are having a good one. Stick around. After I sign off, you can hear me tell you more about the upcoming program Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic; all I can tell you is that studying astrology is profoundly life-changing. It gives you a spiritual practice that lasts a lifetime. It gives you a tool that you can use for yourself, your friends, and your family.
When you learn the language at a deeper level, you're also not totally reliant or dependent upon people like myself. I mean, I want you all to watch my channel. But it's also really important that you be able to develop your own hermeneutics so that you can develop a relationship with these symbols in your life because that's when it becomes the most powerful.
Then, you can take in the astrologers you like while continuing to refine and develop your own ability to read and work with these signs and symbols. For some of you, going professional is also something that you should consider doing.
Look, if you love this and you're always thinking astrology, chances are, even if you do it part-time, doing some readings for other people is a skill; maybe you don't think you have it, maybe you don't believe you have it. But if you try to develop it a little bit, you'll find out that you know a lot about astrology, and a lot of people who are in your life might be able to benefit from that at some point, even if you just do it for friends. Anyway, we have lots of people to come through the program, so stick around and learn more about it. That's it for today. See you again later. Bye
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