Today, we're revisiting a highlight from our fall Speaker Series with a presentation by Cassandra Tyndall, a seasoned educator at my astrology school and a frequent contributor to our series. Cassandra's talk offers an accessible entry into the world of fixed stars, serving as an excellent primer for those considering my upcoming masterclass on the same topic. I'm excited to enrich our programming with replays from esteemed speakers like Cassandra and introduce our free public speaker series to newer audience members.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, I have a special treat for you. I'm going to share with you a replay from one of my fall Speaker Series. This is a talk by one of my colleagues named Cassandra Tyndall, who's been out and taught at my school for my students many times and has participated in our speaker series many times before. This is a talk that she did for beginners on the fixed stars. So I'm just completing a masterclass series on the fixed stars, and this is a really good introduction talk that could also accompany that for people who might want to eventually pick up the masterclass on the fixed stars through my website shop.
I thought that you guys would like this, and also, I'm intending now, as I'm gathering permission from more and more of our previous speakers, to continue sharing some of those replays; I will be going out of town with my family because the kids are on spring break. So we always go out of town for a week or so, and when I'm gone, I have a few different guests who will be sharing some things, and I'll also be replaying some of those Speaker Series talks. I'm also doing this because I'm trying to spend more time promoting our upcoming speaker series, which is free and open to the public all the time. They're on our website, and we have great attendance for them. However, a lot of people on the channel who are new to the channel may not know about them. So, I want to take a moment to promote those today before introducing you to handing it over to Cassandra and this talk that she gave last fall. So anyway, that's our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe, share your comments and reflections. We'd love to hear from you guys. You can find a transcript of any of our daily talks on the website
Now, I'm going to take you over there to show you a few things before I introduce the talk for the day. So when you go over there right now, don't forget that if you go to live talks, you'll see a speaker series. I'm going to take you there in a second as well. But under events, go to live talks, and you will see that Neptune in Love is coming up on March 14 as the sun gets into a conjunction with Neptune in the sky. We are going to discuss Neptune's significations, whether by natal chart or transit to your natal chart in the realm of love, sex, and relationships.
We already did a talk on Pluto in February around Valentine's Day as Venus and Pluto were getting together, and so now, as the sun and Neptune are getting together, we're gonna talk about Neptune. That talk, by the way, on Pluto is recorded. You can also make a purchase there, but you can register with this link here, and then you'll receive a recording if you can't make it live. You'll also get the link to attend the webinar once you register. I hope to see some of you there, and then I want to point you to the speaker series under events. You'll see the speaker series at the end of this month.
You will see that we have three speakers Meghna Bhagat, Dan Waites and Joli Knott, Meghna is giving a talk on outer planetary archetypes that should be really really good. Dan Waites is going to be talking about Pluto in Aquarius. Joli is going to be talking about the lot of fortune in Natal charts, all of which are really great, fascinating topics from really wonderful speakers.
These are all free; you just click register and get a link to join the webinars. You can see the times and dates listed, and then, if you can't attend, a live or replay link is posted. You'll see right there watch the replay, and so that's from a recent event with Fernanda Paeva, which was a talk on astrology and cooking. It was really fascinating how she talked about cooking for the different signs, and yeah, so anyway, we always have really interesting speakers' series talks seasonally.
So once per quarter between, you know, a cardinal sign and a mutable sign, you will see three new speakers, and those are all free. You can always check out the latest there by going to the events and going down to Speaker Series and then the live talks again, are right there.
The other thing I want to point out is that if you enjoy today's talk by Cassandra on the fixed stars when you go to our shop page, you will see that there are MasterClasses. The MasterClasses are eight to 10 hours of content on advanced topics in astrology, and we are just wrapping up our winter MasterClass on the fixed stars, which will be available for purchase in the shop in the next week or two. So, if you end up enjoying today's talk, you could get eight to 10 hours worth of more advanced work on the fixed stars to accompany today's talk. Anyway, so that's the first thing I'm promoting.
The second thing, as you guys know, is Ashley's herbal apprenticeship, which is coming up at the end of August. You can check her work out at The herbal apprenticeship course is under the Courses tab. You can learn more about it. There's need-based tuition for people who need it, and I have been interviewing Ashley at the end of every video. Her interview won't be a part of today's, but if you tune in the rest of this week or early videos in the week at the end of every day, you can see an interview that I did with her talking about the program. You might find that interesting. That program starts apprenticeship there starts on April 24. So, it's coming up soon, and that one you can do remotely and follow along at your own pace.
Okay, so all of that being said, I want to point you over to Cassandra. So, I'm going to be replaying today a talk that she gave on an introduction to the fixed stars. If you want to learn more about her, we will definitely be in the talk; the host of the talk, one of my staff, introduces Cassandra and talks about her bio; you'll get to know her more in the video. But you'll also see that is her website; you can book consultations with her and take courses with her. She is fantastic. She's one of my favorite people and favorite astrologers. I'm just super glad to be working with her over the years, and she's come to Nightlight many times as a guest teacher.
So, at any rate, I hope that you will enjoy this introduction to the fixed stars if you don't know what they are. We're talking about the fact that ancient astrologers, and all the way up to the present, have looked at the Zodiacal position of various stars within other constellations, often non-zodiacal constellations, and their mythological meaning, and how that meaning impacts planets when they are closely conjoined to those fixed stars. It's really fascinating, and it's not so different from, say, the modern use of asteroids. It's like an additional layer of information that can be present in the chart to help you understand things.
So I hope you will enjoy this talk and remember, I'm also doing this because in a couple of weeks when I'm gone, there'll be I'll have some content that I'm preparing before I leave, and then there'll be some spaces where I fill in with further examples from the speaker series that I think you guys will enjoy. Alright, that's it for now. I hope you will enjoy this talk.
Cassandra Tyndall
Welcome, everyone. Really glad to be back. As we said at the start, I think this is number four, possibly number five, but I'm not quite sure. So, thanks, Adam, for having me back, and thanks to everyone who has registered for this webinar, whether you're here with us now or you're going to be catching up on the replay. So, my intention with this talk tonight is to attempt to condense about a month's worth of fixed star training that I have in my own astrology school in about 90 minutes.
It's impossible to give a full treatment of the fixed stars and their applications in astrology and magic. But what I'm going to try and attempt to do is give you a bit of a fixed star highlight reel, where I'm going to try and impart some of my experience in working with the fixed stars and applying them into chart readings. Because a lot of people are really curious about fixed stars, they find them really interesting and enchanting. But if you read any of the material on fixed stars, it's not there's not much there.
Okay. So, as you move forward with this material tonight or today, depending on your time zone, I'd like you to know with this material, what I want to try and create for you is like a template or a layer, which can help you in your chart reading when you can spotlight like or highlight certain fixed stars in the chart. So maybe, you know, a dozen 15 stars that you can sort of go, oh yeah, you're not going to see a planet or a point at 26 Taurus the same, or maybe that's 15, Capricorn, 12 Scorpio, etc.
So they can change some of your current delineations. So, what are the fixed stars? So, I'm sure this is a diagram that probably isn't unfamiliar to many of you. So this is sort of the hermetic sort of diagram of the cosmos, and so we have the Earth at the center of our geographic model here and, you know, when we're born, we travel down through the spheres, and then, of course, and into the elements and into the Earth and then of course, when we die, we then travel back up through the elements and through the seven spheres and is the layer where the ferment is where the fixed stars lie and so it's really only about, I guess, maybe like modern times in terms of humanity, about sort of 2002 and a half 1000 years ago, where humans started to become more interested in planetary movement or became more conscious of the wandering stars.
But prior to that period, it was the fixed stars or the stellar layer that really sort of captured the imagination of humans. So it was the rise and fall of various fixed stars were timing markers, weather events, and ancient monuments were built, you know, according to the fixed stars, rather than planetary influences.
So, when we talk about astrology, we're often talking about the seven spheres. In some, probably in most magical traditions, the highest of the celestial spheres, being the fixed stars, is often referred to as the eight; the eight aren't gonna get that eight sphere. So, fixed stars do provide a key part of the celestial world, and their groupings are formed within the constellations, and so then the constellations are based upon what a lot of their dynamical material originates from. So, as I said earlier, I do recommend if you can kind of, you know, put your finger on a good dozen or so stars, it will start to train you to see the Zodiac in a slightly different way and certain planetary points and angles, certain areas of the Zodiac differently as well. So one thing that's very different from fixed stars to planets sort of stems from their names, really.
So, planets are a derivative of the ancient term, a wandering star, and the fixed stars are pretty much that fixed. So we have, you know, the stars or the planets that move and the stars that don't, and that also forms a key difference in their behavior. So, fixed stars, unlike the planets, are luminous and stable. We do have some fixed stars; however, they do tweak a little bit. But for the most part, they're they through their own light, and they're very stable, they don't wander, and that's a key part.
Now, they have moved a little bit over the course of 1000s of years, and that's due to the precession of the equinoxes. However, over the course of a human lifespan, they really don't move very much at all. So in terms of, you know, our own lives, they do have that enduring quality. So fixed stars don't flit around, and you know, retrograde three times a year, they're not invisible and sometimes visible, and they're very constant. So, unlike planets, you know, movement is what makes astrology interesting, right? It is the unfoldment until you know what the upcoming Mars cazimi might look like or what it is going to look like when you know Venus moves into Libra. Or what about that? Do you know that Mercury Retrograde is coming up in December? Or how did you go with the eclipses on the weekend, you know, that sort of stuff? It's the movement of the planets and the unfolding drama that speaks to the Earth, more to our earthly realm and our experience. But the fixed stars don't move, and so in some respects, because they are classed as the eighth sphere, they are kind of divine, untouchable, and holy. So fixed stars are embedded into the firmament, and they are as close as we can get to the divine and period. So it was our Dante that said that as a star, you know, fixed stars are just crazily imaginably vast, and he said that the vaster they are, the greater their virtues.
So, the fixed stars are likened to the sphere of God in some magical practices. It's where you aspire to gain the knowledge and conversation of the holy guardian angel in some other practices. There's something about the fixed stars that sort of a bit detachment, sort of that nonattachment, Buddhist component sort of slash that they're not of this realm. So they're very much sort of like a let next layer or a next layer, next layer or next level rather, of consciousness. Fixed stars have also been very closely linked to anchor timing in ancient calendar systems.
So, one of those that people are becoming more familiar with is the lunar mansions, nakshatras, and things of that nature. They also provide a key part of our celestial world because they're grouped into those constellations that derive Tao Zodiac meanings. So, like anything that is linked to constellations, they're fixed stars are very much They're rich in myth and lore, and so the location of the fixed star within that constellation will be the focal point, more often than not, of the myth that associated with the star.
So when we are looking at stars and planets, and where are these stars in my chart, what we're really doing is just trying to locate a star, as a fixed like as fixed star, as a point of reference. In regard to this dial, longitude, you know, for a certain sign, so let's just say, for example, a particular fixed star, you know, once, you know, that sort of moves through the, as a planet moves through sort of 24 degrees of Libra, for example, it will kind of activate that fixed star and so anything that will, any planet that kind of passes under a fixed star or over that Zodiacal position, it is said to be conjoined it obviously it's not, in, you know, the actuality. But in terms of those that I call longitude, it's how we locate these stars, and one thing that I also wanted to bring up in this sort of preliminary point is that when you read a lot of fixed-style material, they will often talk about, you know, a particular star being of the nature of Jupiter and Mars or of the nature of, you know, Venus and Mercury and different kinds of planets. I would encourage you not to try to pull meaning out of likening a fixed star to a planet. Because the fixed stars are located in the firmament, sort of, you know, they're embedded into the dome, so to speak, and so when a planet or even an angle, so your ascendant or your, you know, midheaven, for instance, if that planet is infused with that starlight, that star is giving an additional layer to your planet, not your planet, in forming the fixed star.
So, you know, imagine, you know, there's a particular wandering fixed star or, sorry, wandering, fixed star, imagine there's a particular planet or a wandering star, and it just passes over this sensitive point in the Zodiac, and that sort of has something quite magical and meaningful there. So that star, you know, be it Venus, be at Mars, whomever it's wondering, and on the day of your birth, it's infused with something that's, you know, virtuous, as Dante's said, you know, the greater, the vaster it is, the more virtuous it becomes. So there's something very, very magical and special about having planets with fixed stars. So, when we think about other elements of astrology that we already know about other elements, it's not the word I'm looking for other tools, I should say. So, even a planet that is essentially weakened by its zodiacal position can be strengthened if it's infused with a fixed star. So, an example of that would be good, Mars, and sad, right? So Mars and Sagittarius are coming up, and you know, Mars is not particularly special in Sagittarius.
But if that Mars happens to be at nine degrees, then you've got extra Marshall Mars, okay, so there is that potentiality for the fixed star informing the planet, not the planet informing the fixed star. It's like, you've got this sort of firmament of fixed stars, and the wandering planets are capturing that starlight. Because planets, for the most part, don't have a great deal of light of their own, but fixed stars are exceptionally luminous and bright. So it's really important to remember that stars kinda outrank our planets. So fixed stars are like these celestial overlords, and the stars don't get their likeness from the planets.
So again, I just tend to shy a little bit away from planet stars being likened to planets. I wouldn't like to throw the baby out with the bathwater on that, but I just don't find that especially helpful, in my experience. So the nature of stars, so everything in the material world, aka, our wandering stars, or our planets, find their origins in the divine world. So there is a little bit of having to turn up a little bit of a magical slash spiritual scale to understand how fixed stars work in a certain way. Fixed stars are in the realm of God.
Okay, so they do have a bit of an overlord type of influence there. These stars also have a lot of magnitude, so the amount of light that a particular fixed style radiates will make them more powerful. So from my understanding, you know, at least within our solar system, there are about 20 known stars that are rated as a, you know, first magnitude star, a sixth, the magnitude star can be just seen with the naked eye, but it's but not so much. So there are about 20, the top 20, the elite, or the all-powerful stars, and having planets or angles on sort of, you know, our top 20. Really, you know, it is worth knowing a little bit about some stars; they just will get tattooed into your brain, either because you've got a star, you know, fixed influences in your own birth chart.
Or you will come across clients and other charts where the story of the fixed star is just very obvious, and you see it a few times, and then you just sort of train your eye to look for that and you sort of get that association there. Another question that I know it's going to come up, so I'm just gonna get it out of the way now. Sort of some guidelines for interpretation and so, and one of those is going to be orbs.
Okay, so when it comes to fixed stars, I usually tend to keep it pretty tight. Usually within three degrees a, my sort of, you know, four or five at most, if that's applying, definitely not separating, so I probably only do one to two if separating. So, I think the tighter you keep it, the more accurate you'll be. If you start widening orbs too much, you just sort of lose that intensity, and you just may not hit the market quite so much with your delineations, so one to two, I probably do keep it tight for the lower magnitude stars, and you could probably just you know if the brighter the star maybe you could just give it just that little bit more room. That's something you have to play with. You know, I don't you know, there's no real rules on this, right? I'd probably allow a little bit of extra room to be a bit more generous with the Royal fixed stars, which, of course, we'll go through that as well.
Okay, so I've got some other things, too. I've got a whole bunch of notes here, and I'll probably go back to some of the material if we have time. But what I really want to do is just sort of, you know, just do a little bit of preliminary stuff, and then just kind of, it's the Mercury-Mars conjunction that just hit you with a whole bunch of data. So you can actually use some of this material and take it with you. So, why even go there with fixed stars? Why have these tools in your Astro toolkit? I believe because you'll have delineations, no matter how much you give your best description of this crusty Saturn in Capricorn, or you know, this, whatever it is, and then if that's around 15 degrees, you're going to miss the mark.
Okay, there are just some that I call locations where you're just not going to quite get the whole story unless you include the fixed star. The reason is because, remember, our fixed stars supersede our planets. So if you know that Saturn in Capricorn just happens to capture that 15-degree point in the sky, it's going to have a little bit of a quality to it, excuse me, I shouldn't say a little bit, I should say, a fairly obvious quality to it, that's going to be very different to planets, you know, or at least in this instance, satin being in other parts of that site. So, with a few of those key ideas out of the way, let's get going. Okay, so Zoom has just made an update. So everything's a little bit different in the panel here.
Okay, so firstly, the four royal watches. So I'm going to start with those, and then we're going to move into some of the Bohemian stars. So we've got four royal watches, and so there are four stars in the class as what's called as the four royal watches, and so these stars, more or less, make a cross like as a dark or cross in the four corners, in a sense, and so these four stars are really exceptionally bright, and so some of these stars have been not Shinsei responsible for, but they coincided with heralding solstices and equinoxes, in years gone by, they were navigational tools. So whether that was land or sea, and they were very helpful for telling the time at night, and in a Persian context, they get their sort of royal highness, you know, in terms of their groupings.
So there are ancient stories from the Zoroastrian era about the creation of the world and the creation of the world and who's going to control it, and so these stars, these four stars, are believed to be implicated in these stories. So, you know, from the dawn of time, name, your culture, name, your faith, whatever it is that these stars do represent, sort of that, em, perhaps that eternal battle or forces of good and evil. Each of these stars has positive and negative manifestations. Their Royal Highness tends to bring great glory and success, but also a nemesis or an obstacle that needs to be sort of challenged or overcome.
One of the ways that we tend to see, you know, planets is through through their light. So we see Venus because she's really beautiful and sparkly, so naturally, she relates to shiny and attractive things, right, and so we have satin, as a contrast to that, who's a little bit sort of dim and not quite as lustrous and so he represents some of the things in life that are a little bit dull and lost, you know, lacking in lustrous Ness at the same time. So, you know, the more mundane practical components of life, and so, our stars are the same in that respect. It's so it's their light levels and brightness will tell us something, and so these royal stars are exceptionally bright; the first star in the royal grouping is called Aldebaran, and this is, star is in the constellation of Taurus; it's the Red Eye of the Ball.
So we sort of think, Okay, well, it's Gemini, but we're like a constellation of Taurus, and, you know, red if the ball. So there's a contradiction there, right and so, hence, this is, these are examples of how if you just went into sort of your basic Gemini descriptors of stars, but if that planet was at nine, or very close to nine, you would miss something really key to the energy of this area of the Zodiac. So, you know, Gemini does have many qualities, such as steadfastness and endurance. Someone with enough Gemini can attain that, but that's not one of Gemini's qualities.
However, if you've got planets, say it, you know, eight, nine, or 10, there's going to be a little bit more of that steadfastness, that endurance than what your average Gemini planet will be. What you see here with the influence of Aldebaran is that sort of red eye on the ball. So it does have a bit of a red-eye focus to it, more of a, you know, one-eyed focus, as opposed to the multiplicity of focus that Gemini has.
So there's a certain slow burn with this particular star, you know, that sort of stubbornness as well, which you would expect, you know, with this sort of Taurus Constellation Energy there as well. So, it does show a sustained and a slower effort. Now, like any star that is read, you can expect that there's going to be some kind of martial style influence there, you know, a bit of a mozzie vibe, and this star will bring a certain consistent and determined longer-term focus. So it just gives that more sustained enduring powerhouse energy than what most Gemini influencers do. So it doesn't change as much, okay, so it's going to be harder to change the mind. It's going to be, you know, still be very clever, whatever that has a fickleness to it, but it doesn't get as bored or doesn't flit as around as much as other Gemini planets do. I've seen the star sharp and charts where there's still a cleverness to them. But it's not quite like a sharp tongue or a quicksilver tongue. It's a little bit deeper if that makes sense. I'll have more thought-out or more enduring cleverness, rather than just the quick-wittedness. L, Deborah is also associated with the start of spring and new beginnings. So it still has a very flick that features a fecund Taurus type of underlining element. So, it's still a Gemini planet; I think it's important not to throw out the Gemini part there. But it has this stellar infusion of a building, applauding, and an enduring quality that just adds that flavor to a Gemini planet there. Our next royal star is Antares.
So, as I mentioned, the Royal stars form across across the sky. So they now align roughly as a mutable cross. Prior to that, it was more of a fixed cross. Hence, the constellations are still in the form of Sinai, and the precession of the equinoxes has sort of pushed the dial position to the next. So this is another red star. So that's going to give you a clue to the qualities of that, like Venus is bright and sparkly, you know, red stars are going to have a Mars the quality to them, and so this one's in the heart of the Scorpion.
Okay, so Ah, yeah, it's got a little bit of that to it. So entire is it, you know, even the name, it's like an ant is, which is the sort of more Roman, you know from memory, the more Roman pronunciation of Aries. So there's, of course, a stubbornly fixed quality to a planet that's placed here. It's a lot more Marshall, however, than Owl Devere because of the name as well; it's literally that sort of anti-Aries
Speaker 1 35:36
energy there. So, this is a bit more of a pure Mars energy. So before I was mentioning how, my suggestion is to not rely too much on stars being of the nature of X, Y, Zed planet, however, I think Antares it's red, it's in the heart of the Scorpion. That's probably one exception. So if you've got, you know, even if it's Venus at 10 Savage, it's going to still have Martian qualities to it. From the top of my head, I'm pretty sure Britney Spears has her son at 10 Sagittarius, and, you know, lately, she's been on, on the Instagrams dancing around with knives, you know, very martial. So it does. It is a star that has that mozzie vibe and a Sagittarian flavor as well. So we could call that a philosophical warrior, or spiritual warrior, or something along those lines. There's a passionate and enduring quality to the star, and it has a willingness to take on conflict. I found that this star can also hold grudges, and there's a real win at all costs. You know, it's Mars is this Mars-flavored star, and it's in the heart of the Scorpion, and in some other astrology, he's, I think, from memory, it's the Chinese astrology, they see this part of the Zodiac as a dragon. So it's kind of got this, like spitting fire, there's that dragon quality to it, you know, and that's, you know, who's the fastest? Who's the strongest, wanting to win at all costs?
My son has his ascendant here, and even when he was really little, it was always like, I'm the fastest and the strongest; I'm the best. Because of that, yeah, I know, mate. So there was even this one time when we were at a swim it he was like three or four, and they started to have these independent winning races and, you know, we would sort of step back in the pool, and they dive in, and I could see that he was like, looking at his competitors and then you know, comes out, you know, they grab your shirt, they come out of the pool, and somebody beat me, it was the most obvious expression of that placement, and it is that sort of wanting to be the fastest, strongest, the fittest the best at whatever it is that they do a very sort of competitive edge to stars there at around 10 degrees of Sagittarius and even if you listen to Britney Spears when she just talks, you know, maybe not so much these days, but interviews from way back, you know, that real focus that is real wanting to be the best at everything that she did very determined energy. You know, definitely she, despite it back in the day.
Now, our next star, which I'm sure many of you are familiar with and have heard of, is Regulus, and so Regulus is one of the brightest stars in the sky, and it's located now think, as of 2011-12, at zero Virgo. It is very rare to be in a timeframe where not only does a fixed star change degree, but it also changes signs, which usually happens about every 72 years. So we have been in that sort of rare fixed star era, if you like.
So it's constellation or position, or sorry, it's a darker position is now Virgo, but its constellation or position is still in Leo. It relates to the heart of the lion, and this is a star of courage and fame of success. Regulus is quite a coveted star; a lot of people really like them. Like Regulus because it's considered to be really highly fortunate. So it's really, you know, for elections for talismans and magic, it's a really favored star. It's, you know, a real kind of solar-type infusion of brightness or visibility. So it is a star of Kings of leaders, you know, among our guests in our modern day, and a celebrity as well. You know, it doesn't always give you courage; it's not necessarily about courage. Maybe, sometimes in some situations, you know, maybe a bit of Dutch courage or a fake one till you make it type of courage. You know, even if you're not courageous, it can still give you courage due to your position or due to the work that you do, and we've all seen; I mean, I think of different shows I've watched where you've had a very weak king, but he has a fortune in favor due to his position.
So, one way to think about Regulus is that it brings eminence and, at least, a desire for fame. Or potentially, I think it's also important to remember that our plot and our charts are not there, but they're not just about us, and so sometimes we can see the stars show up through other parts of our lives. You might have the ruler of your 11th house, for instance, conjoined Regulus, which might mean you have people friendships who are, you know, they're well positioned, or they might have eminence in their field or something along those lines. I think of a client of mine. He is a jeweler, and he's quite well known for his work, but no one really knows him, and it's been he's got Venus in Venus on Regulus, and so you know, there's the jewelry there.
Another example, and I think this is another way where you could see stars show up because sometimes people will think, oh, I don't have any fixed stars in my chart. But we also have secondary progressions and one of my favorite examples of how obvious Regulus can be is the thing with the fixed stars; they're very simplistic in their expression, but they're very obvious.
So, our Courtney Love back in the 90s. So she was born from memory with zero degrees of Leo Midheaven, and by the time she was about 29 when her midheaven passed over Regulus, that was the time that Kurt Cobain died, and she was super famous at that time. She came into great eminence, but it wasn't necessarily due to her work. It wasn't. It was sort of due to her marriage or, you know, how it ended, I guess. But it was an eminence and a fame. But it wasn't necessarily the sort of fame that maybe she wanted. But it was probably the height of her celebrity if you like, even though she's been around forever, but everyone knew who she was then even if they weren't, you know, into that style of music and all of that jazz in the 90s so this probably reminds me of another point with the fixed stars that sometimes they come with a warning and particularly with the Royal stars.
Yes, they do bring this fame and eminence, especially with Regulus. But you know, and you think about the Holy Divine, magical nature of the stars, and as a general rule, humans are not very good at handling such power or wielding these types of royal qualities. So sometimes, and especially in regular cases, it can't be fixed. This fixed star, in particular, comes with great highs but also Great Falls. So what comes, what goes up must come down, and so there can be that revenge streak that comes through with Regulus, which is something to watch for as well.
Okay, so formal Holt, it's about sort of three, four Pisces, and this style is located in the fish's mouth, in the constellation of Pisces, and so
this is the archetype of, you know, the poet, the painter, the magician, the artist, the writer, people with planets, you know, around for three to four Pisces, they have this ability to tap into the invisible realm. As you can imagine, with a royal star in the sign of Pisces. There's this really incredible and uncanny ability to give expression through some type of vehicle. So if that vehicle is Mercury, well, you can imagine they're going to be a beautiful writer or speaker or communicator. If it's been us, well, they're probably going to create great arts or have romantic relationships that are worthy of love, and oh, mills and boon or something like that. You know, I'm just trying to think of some examples here. Kurt Cobain, you know, he had the Sun conjunct formal hole and, you know, he did sort of have a magical essence to him and a magical quality and even on a no on some paperwork of his, when he had to write his occupation, he actually wrote that he was a poet, and not a musician, or, you know, famous guy or what have you. So, he called himself a poet. There's somebody else whose work I really do enjoy, and he has Mercury. Isn't Mercury? Yeah, it's Mercury, conjoined formal Holt, and he writes a lot about ancient Scandinavian sorcery and religion, creates mythic role-playing games, and is a musician, as well. So, all of those magical qualities come through there with formal hope. So there is an eminence that comes through; it's a royal star. So it's going to have brilliance and brightness, which comes through artistry and imagination. So if you have a planet there for Pisces, yeah, you're gonna, you're gonna feel that one.
I'm also just thinking about Kirk Hammett, the lead guitarist from Metallica. He has Jupiter there, and if you ever watch him play, he goes into another realm. Like he's not even, I don't think, obvious physical body anymore, and you do see that a lot. We find musicians too. So that brings an end to our four royal stars, and so there's, you know, there's a lot to say, but also not a lot to say about them. Because they're just so obvious, they're just so bright. You don't have to really grapple with these stars. Should I talk about this? Do I need to bring up this, you know, formal whole piece? You just talk about that, and you know, your person, your client, will just know. Oh, yeah, I totally get what you're saying. So there is a certain you can take it to the bank in terms of your delineations here.
All right, so let's get on to some other stars.
Now, I'm sure you know a bit about some of them, and I'm sure some will also be new to you. So our goal, our goal, I'm sure we all know of this one. So, without a doubt, she is the most fearsome and notorious of all of the fixed stars. So we just sort of call her Algol, kaput our goal is sort of the more formal term, and the translations of that are, you know, roughly pile of corpses head of the goal type of, you know, stuff that, you know, he may not always want to talk to people about in terms of that, that capacity. So this star is a little bit different from what I've described so far. Because while the other stars are fixed and stable, alcohol is actually a binary, a binary star. So she's a bit different, and so what we have here are two stars, and so one is bright. One is bright, and then we have another one less, so what happens is they eclipse each other.
So there's already this kind of a cultish vibe to our goal because it's seen, and then sort of unseen, or, you know, barely able to be seen, and so these two stars, they Eclipse each other, about every 2.6 days, for a period of around 10 hours, and so they in the sky, she appears to be like a blinking eye. So it's kind of maybe a little bit daunting, if you like, from a visibility perspective. So it doesn't really matter which star lore or mythology you're learning.
You know, there's a variety of cultures around the world that reference Algol as a severed head, but nowhere in any of the writings do we find anything about her decapitated body.
Therefore, we can draw some conclusions from that. Right. So, you know, we do see the, you know, the idea of decapitation is something that is quite obvious with our goal, but what I see it in people's charts is more about the ability to lose one's head in, you know, for some reason, now, that can be due to stress, worry, anxiety, but it also can be a certain, you know, when you can just be filled with a certain white rage or, you know, when you just get so, like one-eyed and wild, and you can almost just get out of your head and sort of lose your faculties in being rational.
So, you know, Algol can have this sort of dark, primordial energy for this star that can sometimes be seen as violent. But it's more about the inner darkness and all the exploration thereof. There's something that's very, like, a feminine rage linked to her, like a suppression that there's something that is very unrestrained with our goal but has been restrained, and there's sort of like this tribal, uncivilized quality to her and so there's this idea and you know, I talk about this a lot with clients in a session that is finding a pathway or an outlet where you can healthily unleash this, this energy within you.
So that might be through art, music, or sports, somewhere where you can just kind of go rogue, go wild, or go uncivilized. So you're giving a healthy channel for what is sort of dark energy, right? You can sort of use this dark energy or this, you know, negative energy and transmute it into something that's really powerful, strong, and protective. Because I think that's something that doesn't get spoken about this stuff enough, and that is, it's such a feminine protective quality. It's, I always forget her name, and if you've been in classes with me before, I always forget her name, but that old granny from Game of Thrones who took revenge on Joffrey or Cersei, and she says, Tell Cersei I wanted to know it wasn't He was like going to any lengths to protect what she loves. It was just an excellent Algol moment. So we also do. If you're not, obviously, Game of Thrones just feels kind of ancient now.
But there are sort of more modern examples of Algol in play, and Jordan Peterson is an example, and he has his ascendant on our goal, and a lot of his recommendations or suggestions is particularly for men is to, you know, he's quoted as saying of find your inner monster, and learn how to control it, and I thought that was a very powerful way of, you know, the idea of channeling that energy in a way that's kind of healthy. Another example of Algol on the Ascendant is Joe Rogan, and you know, during the pandemic, you know, his head was kind of put on a digital spike, and he was kind of not, you know, very popular there for a while.
So, as I mentioned, Algol can be a very protective star, you know, she will bring the wrath of injustice, you know if injustice has been done toward you; I've also seen that she can show up as sort of like, the protector, you know, if you're a witness to something, and you have to give testimony, you know, in order to protect, you know, wrongdoing or something along those lines. So, if you have a planet or a point, or you know, very close to 26 Taurus, there is a healthy outlet of, you know, your darkness, for want of a better term, is really helpful, and using that energy and transmute it into a really positive thing, because a lot of people say, Oh, Algol, but you know, she's really incredible when you when, you know, when you make friends with her and find, you know, find that sort of protective matriarchal kind of energy that she brings.
So next, we have sort of gone into dark order through the stars, which is Pilates. So there is a star grouping or a star cluster, and so again, when it comes to working with stars, I think it's kind of important to try and keep your orbs really tight because there are some, you know, you could go from our goal. You know, but if you're kind of trying to stretch your, you know, 28-degree son, for instance, is she Algoa? Or is she in Pilates?
So, you know, that's why it's sort of helpful to try to keep these a little tight. So, star sisters, so, in Greek myth, they're known as the sisters, and in Norse mythology, the Palladius are birds, probably, more likely crews, and those crews are that of which the vulva the Nordic witches can communicate with, and so the Palladium is, unlike Algol, and the Royal stars, they are very subtle in their energy and they are really powerful, though. So I think there's almost a blink, and you'll miss this quality, you know if you overlook energy around zero Gemini. So these stars of this star cluster tend to give an energy of an ability to see into the unseen; there's a very psychic slash thinning veil quality to this star cluster. This sort of sensitive, um, you know, even the image of this painting, you know, there's a sensitive, visionary, sort of a gentle and magical quality to them. But they're kind of not looking anywhere, like you see that in the image. So there's sort of feeling the ether around them. They're visionary and magical, but then they're kind of blind.
Okay, they're not actually seeing, maybe more of a feeling. I remember watching the Vikings a long time ago. The seer in that show was a very good example of the stars because he was blind, but he could still see, you know, he was a car. So sometimes when you read for somebody with planets at zero Gemini, you can sometimes see that there might be an actual issue with the eyes, maybe they can, you know, there can be an issue with the eyes, or the ability to see what others can't, or the inability to see what others can. So it can kind of go both ways there. There's almost a, with the stars, like a sort of a little bit of a tragic tale that kind of can come with them a bit of sadness in the sense that, that fall an angel or, like a tragic type of theme that comes through, like, it's this idea of maybe mourning, you know, you know, if one of the sisters dies, or marries, or, or leaves in, in some way, there's something about these stars that it's because that veil is thin with these stars, right? So, there's a lack of vision. So there's sort of a game, but then there's a loss in some ways, and so the Celts used this, you know, when this star was rising, as a month of mourning for their dead friends, and so, from that sort of stemmed some of the things that we notice, you know, now like, you know, Halloween just around the corner, or some 18th Day of the Dead, it's very linked to the idea of this, the stars. So, planets here do tend to have vision and insight. But of course, there's always a caution with the stars, and that is to not be too narrow-minded or give harsh judgments. So that's something that you might see show up in the plates.
Capella. So Capella is in a fairly like, not a dramatic star; it's at 21 Gemini, and it's interesting because it's a yet very yellow-golden star. So it gives sort of this, what like this nighttime wash of golden light, and so it's in the constant world seeing sort of a constellation of the chariot here, and there's an image associated as there always is with these thises images, and the image is the, the shepherd sort of tending the flock or taking care of, of the animals and so there's something about this particular star of when you take care of things, it takes care of you. So it's kind of solar-like. Regulus is very solar, but Regulus is very eminent and very, very bright, with great heights, Great Falls, whereas Capella is much more of a gentle energy. It's if you've got a planet or a point at 2023 21, Gemini, it'll be important to sort of look at this planet, and it's going to ask you what you need to take care of, so then it takes care of you. So you know, the shepherd tends to flock, so then those sheep, you know, provide, you know, milk or wool or whatever you have. You know, I often think of, you know, various shows when they have to, they're riding through the fields, and they have to stop and water the horses.
You know, you can't just ride a horse endlessly without stopping and feeding it, giving it water, and making sure the hooves are well-tended, right? So the same would go for your physical body, you know, if you had, you know, 21 Gemini ascendant? Well, you know, maybe having to take care of the body is going to we'll have to take care of our bodies, but, you know, maybe you also use your body, you know, as a tool, you know, maybe your athlete or you have a hard labor job, and you have to do that sort of body maintenance. So there's something here, you know, it's the constellation of the chariot. So there's a chariot sort of factor there. So there's this idea of going places or having to take a drive or go for a ride, and so, you know, Capella might be asking you, where do you want to go? And what maintenance do you have to do to get there?
You know, if it's Mercury, for instance, you might be thinking about learning and traveling, but how do I get there? If it's Venus, you know, how do I get my desires? You know, what do I have to do kind of thing. If it's the sun, it might be about how your intentions are well executed in the way that you intended them to be. So it might be about not being misunderstood with your intention, so to speak. So there's an overall idea here with the golden light and volition, you know, having a gold star at nighttime is kind of interesting, and it tends to speak to this idea of care, like mutual care, like relationships, you know, Gemini is the sign of the twins as well, right? And the sense of how do you get that, you know, what I want and what I need being in a relationship of reciprocity, so that can also come through. You know, in many ways, like, you know, if you need your car to go to work every day, we have to make sure there's petrol in there and the tires are pumped up, right? So you take care of the car; it takes care of you.
So it's not the most obvious style, like I wouldn't necessarily, you know, oh, wow, you got 21 Gemini, but there might just be a little something, something there, that's kind of, you know, may highlighter, a tension point between what your volition is, and then how you obtain that? Or how do you achieve that? I have a star here or a planet here, and when I kind of meditated on that a little bit and really thought about these concepts, like, Oh, yeah. You know, it's not life-changing delineation or anything, but it did just give me a little bit of a layer of insight. I was like, oh, okay, that's how that connects to that. Because also remember that, you know, you know, if you're, let's just say, for example, if you've got that star there at 21, Gemini, you know, you might want to also have a look at, you know, what area of life is that star ruling. So, you know, if the rule of your MC, for instance, is at 21, Gemini, well, that might tell you something a little bit about your midheaven or your career.
Okay, so, all in all, Capella is quite a supportive star, but it's not as influential as such as the Royals. Seriously, however, I think you would not want to miss this one if you came across a planet around 14 cancer. So, again, this is one of the other binary stars. So we have Canis Major, a big dog, and Canis Minor, a little dog. So this is the brightest star of all of them. So it's definitely one you want to probably keep a mental note of. So serious is the star that sort of heralded the, the flooding of the Nile back in ancient Egypt, and so with that, I would imagine, you know, comes with a bit of a warning, doesn't it? It's very bright, it's very blue, you know, it's like that white hot, like Blue Fire, which is very immortal and eminent. So because this is a star, that sort of Canis Major minor. You do. There are Dog and Wolf connections with the star, and you will also see a continuation of those weather events with the star, right? So we have 15 dogs. Cancer is getting pretty hot in the northern hemisphere, and so you get that sort of connection during the days of summer. Ah, but I would recommend kind of sticking a little bit with the dog themes.
For example, well, it's not the height of summer here in Australia where it's 15 Cancer, but we do have a native dog. Okay? So, you know, the dingo is still a symbol of some mythologies that originate here as well. So, there are many mythologies throughout the world that are linked to dogs or wolves.
So, in Native American traditions, the wolf is very prominent. As I mentioned, we've got the dingo here in the Norse tradition. It is this star that is symbolic of Loki's torch that awakens Fenrir, who sort of devours the sun and moon and unleashes Ragnarok. Okay, so it's, you know, not the, you know, wolves and wild dogs or, you know, not friendly, cuddly, you know, lap dogs that watch Netflix with us. So, they are prey animals, they are hunters, and they are hungry, so it's not the kind of romantic notion that some people have with wolves. So it's very hot, it's very bright, and it's a burning type of star.
So this kind of immortal fire can awaken a lust for immortality, that kind of warfare and man, that beast, basically man, a very invincible type of energy to, and so what this star tends to do, it connects people to an inner hunger and a consuming type of spirit. Something that's very devouring, like that blue heat. You know, that really hot blue heat that can almost become its promethium in a sense because it's very sort of devouring; it's very hot. But it still has a bit of a sacrificial quality because in order to devour to hunger like this, the wolf puts itself in a bit of danger. So you'll often see this with the energy of this star is that there's something about the energy of it that is running hot. It's hungry, and it's devouring. It's also very eminent.
So one of the most obvious examples, I guess, is the idea of the eminence, the heat, the devouring, and the sacrificial quality is the USA one of the charts that are popularly used for the USA. The sun is at, you know, I think it's 12 Cancer maybe, and I guess it would be fair to say that the USA is fairly eminent and hot and bright, and you know, sort of devouring, you know, it has that sort of devouring quality there and very self-sacrificial in some respects to so when you have a planet or a point at this point, that again, the caution the shortcoming is to, you know, know when to pull back a little bit like the, you know, the wolf is kind of a bit of a prowler, but they've also got to be smart because they don't want to sacrifice themselves in order to achieve one's ends. So there has to be a little bit of cunningness there or a recognized recognition of, you know, you have to satisfy your hunger, but at what cost? So, the little dog star is Perseon, and this one's located at about 2526 cancer, and so, like, serious, who's the big dog? This is the little dog.
So it's a smaller dog, but it's still hungry, and it could probably be a little bit more dangerous in a sense. In the sense that you ask any vet, and they'll say, a small dog will bite you before a little while, before a big one that's so serious, you know, it wants to steal fire from the gods, you know, that Prometheus type of idea. Meanwhile, to me, Person feels a little bit more North Node Rahu-ish in the sense that it's more hungry for material hunger to be desired. So that can be, you know, literally that, you know, food, material possessions, career progression, you know, sex, alcohol, drugs, all the things, and it's not necessarily like greed, but it's just more of the hunger of having it. So, it can be a very ambitious type of energy as well.
A long time ago, this was probably even really before I started doing much astrology. There used to be this client that came into where I worked, and he was an accountant, and he had this accent, he was Indian, so he had a thick accent, and he'd come in, or smiley and laughing and he'd come in, and he'd say, I love money, you know, he'd had just had this way of saying, you know, we just all laugh, then he'd always qualify his statement, but not at the cost of other things. But this was just this joke he had because he was always sort of self-promoting, and funnily enough, he had his son at 26 cancer.
So he was sort of my, my Procion sort of example, you know, he was really hungry to make, you know, that money, but not as sacrificial, as he wasn't prepared to burn himself out in order to get his means. Met. So if you have a planet, on, you know, round 26 cancer, it's going to show you what you might be hungry for. So even if it's stupid, or for example, it might be, you know, knowledge, wisdom, and experience. Satin, well, maybe you're not that hungry, you know, maybe that's the problem and of itself, like, maybe having difficulty in discovering what your hunger or desires are.
Courtney Love is another example; she has her moon here, and she has always been quite hungry for fame. Like she was really, as a young person, that's really what she wanted, and the moon is in the 10th, and maybe it's pretty sure it's the 10th, and you know, she would put her body on the line in order to achieve that, in more ways than one. So okay, algorithm. So, the algorithm is in Libra and positioned at about 13 degrees. So this style, it's in the constellation of the crow wing, and so this is, you know if you think about the crow that black and you know, when those wings flap, you know, they sort of a Dark Wind, right, so there's, you know, if a crow you know, there's different ideas around crows, but in a lot of mythology, you know, the crow flying near you is not often a good omen not in all cultures, but in many.
So this star can lead to the idea of dark thoughts, and those dark thoughts or that sort of bad wind or Dark Wind, that can be thoughts that you think of yourself like the thoughts that go on repeat in your mind or the dark stuff that you hear elsewhere. So, you know, maybe that's gossip or slander, or maybe you're the spreader of the bad wind, you know, maybe you're like a bit of gossip or you know, saying things off, you know, not the nicest things about other people, I guess is what I'm saying there.
So, there is a capacity without grabbing that, you know, it is the capacity to speak evil or malicious or, you know, curse cursing others are having that thrown back at you is always a possibility as well. So this can be, you know, how you can have people who sort of make suggestions, but they're trying to, like, manipulate you to kind of get you on the side or get you to buy into talk that might be negative or speak badly of, you know, things or someone or what have you.
So this could be, you know, other people or, or your own self, after having often seen this star show up for people in respect to legal situations. I know a few lawyers, and they have planets at 13 liberal and, you know, they have to say really nasty things about people sometimes, you know, especially if it's like civil staff, divorce staff. You know, they have to kind of sometimes drag, you know, another human being through, you know, some less-than-ideal talk. So it can be a little bit. It's just this air of not-nice speech, gossip, and slander.
It's sort of like those women's magazines from way back; it was all that sort of celebrity gossip and things. One example that I think of from ages ago is Bill Clinton. He has his ascendant ruler and Venus in Libra at 11 degrees, very close to that, and, you know, his Oval Office adventures back in the day, what was that, like in the 90s? Whenever that happened, you know, they were not honest, and his denial of them was also not honest. So a little bit of an example thereof, you know, maybe not nice talk or nice things and then lie set kind of backed all of that up and, you know, there's probably more to come, but that will be for another time.
All right, so the next one is Spica, so this is her really nice star after that one. So, the algorithm can be a little bit or watch for that one, and there is a certain darkness to Libra. I think that doesn't get talked about as much as it should. So this is my personal favorite star. A lot of people love Regulus; I know they do. It's kind of grabs all the glory. But I'll always put my money on speakers, and I am biased by satellites there. But this star is in Libra, but the star is in the sheaf of the wheat of Virgo. So Bernadette Brady speaks of this star as being really beneficial. I found it to be so as well. It is a star of protection and benefit. Suppose you get the chance to do an election or work with this star. Do it, it's so good. It doesn't hold the glory of Regulus, of course. You know, Regulus really does have that fall from grace. Which Spica just doesn't seem to have. So we're serious. We have the Dog Star with Spica. I nicknamed this one the cat star because, at 24, thereabouts of Spica, or Libra, they just seem to land on their feet. You know, it's that star of protection; things have a way of working out. It's just it's just a pure dose of, you know, really helpful, really good energy. So it's just, goody, you know, that's really pretty much all I have to say about that. There's also sometimes with Spica. I've sometimes called it the cat star. Sometimes, I call it the Rolling Stones star in the sense that you don't always get what you want, but you'll get what you need, and there's that, that sort of protection, that safety net, that safe landing. It's always there with the Spica, so it's just super supportive, protective, and beneficial Arcturus.
So, again, this one is about one-half of a degree away from the Spica. So again, you're gonna have to be, you know, in some instances, people will have to kind of, you know, weigh up a planet. Is it actually close to this one? Or is it actually close to the other one? This is a really interesting star, though, and it's kind of, as you can see, very golden. So it does have that sort of lead-up, sort of solar quality. It has boldness, leadership, and originality. It's a star of kind of courage and faith as well. I often think about excuse me; I'm starting to lose my throat a bit. Often think about this star as Ragnar, you know, in the pioneering quality, so the show Vikings and I always just hark back to these examples, but it's this example of even when pods are closed to you, so someone tells you no, or you can't do that, or that's no longer available, or you've got a great idea and it gets shut down, you find a new way, just like Ragna Did you know and there's just that sort of, like never taking no for an answer. You know, the difference between these two stars is that with Spica, fortune seems to land on you.
With archetypes, it's more like you go out and carve your own fortune. Are you going out and finding your own fortune? So there is a slight difference between that one and the other. It's not a star I have come across a great deal to give a massive amount of sort of feedback on, but I have found that it's slightly less Libra. It's, you know, that the Cardinal qualities of Libra probably come through more than anything else. But it's not consensus to go with the flow. It's like if there's a shutdown or a no, then they just go and find another way. So yeah, that means differences in fortune land upon you, with Spica and Arcturus being fortune lands where you find it. How Fakir can Okay, so our Fakir is one of my favorites; it is just one of those ones that I just really enjoy. See, see, show up in clients' charts because it just comes up really, really obviously and literally.
So it is a star of blessings and curses, and Han sounds a bit harsh straight off the bat; after all, I'm saying it's really exciting. But sometimes what I've found when I've tried to work with fixed stars in a practical way is you see repeating themes with people who have planets on the stars, and this star is located in the north; it's called a northern crown, and so you know, when you put a crown on your head, there's a weight to it. You know, I think that in a few weeks, the Crown's final episode will come out on Netflix. But you know, the Queen would always, you know, talk about the heaviness of the Crown and the weight of it. So there's this idea that it's Bejeweled, and it comes with great blessings.
But there's also a curse, you know, there's that good side, the bad side, up and down, you know, positive, negative, and so I really see with people who have stars in this position, I've got quite a few family members that do they have this really great capacity to be able to take the good with the bad or do something that's a bit arduous because they know that there's going to be the outcome that they want. So there is something, the ability to be able to see. They can see they can take the ups and the downs, I guess, you know, they do not want to just kind of, you know, throw the towel and easily there's a sense of duty, there's this sense of, I'm going to see things to the end, and I just accept there's going to be ups and downs, the good and bad type of thing. My grandfather had this, and I found it really interesting when I was researching this star a long time ago that it was, you know, the sight that came up when the idea of roses and thorns came up.
He had been us at 12 Scorpio, and he was a champion rose grower, and he always taught me growing up, you know, you just take the good with the bad, you know, you don't complain about it, you just take the good with the bad and that's just life you just get on with it and so, you know, I've seen other people, somebody else in my family has their midheaven at 12 Scorpio and so they're very good at, you know, even dealing with jobs they don't really like, but they can extract the good from it. So yeah, and I've often seen roses, or gardens or flowers, but roses in particular, on more than one occasion, being a signature for people with planets at 12 Scorpio Vega. Now, this is another one of my favorites because it's a style I love seeing come up, and it's going to give you something that you don't expect because it's in Capricorn. So you're going to assume, well, you know, it's going to have certain Capricornian qualities, but I just don't really see it with this particular stop.
Now, this one is a bit complex and rich in terms of its mythology, and the theme with this is enchantment. Now, you may have heard of a myth where Orpheus goes into the underworld, and he wants to free the soul of his dead love. But perception, so he goes there with a liar. I should say that first. So he's a musician, and he's gonna woo his lady back with his, you know, electric guitar down in the underworld and so, so he's there playing to awaken the soul of his lover, and Persephone is under there already, and she's enchanted by his amazing down picking or whatever the story is, and so she makes a promise to him that I will free the soul of your lover. If you walk out of here, and you don't look back, like it's it's like a story for the ages. Right? And so your promises made, the deal is done, and of course, he looks back, and so his love is trapped in the underworld forever, and this is what I see with this star.
There's something like this enchanted magic that comes through music, okay, that, and it comes from someone who is a bit not always but unexpected, and so naturally, you see this position a fair bit in musicians charts; I've seen it quite a few times. So there is something, you know, that is a little bit of an overlay. Sometimes people ask me about formal Hall because we've kind of got this magic enchantment kind of thing, but they are a little bit different. This star is very contrary to Capricorn, for instance, whereas formal whole and Pisces kinda, they kind of align, and what I see with this one with the formal whole is more being off with the Pixies or offered the ethers, whereas Vega has a little bit more of a dedicated, you know, almost that Capricorn flavor still comes through with that.
So two musicians I've seen. It shows up, and I'm sure there's plenty out there, but I don't know a great deal of them. James Hetfield from Metallica. So his Ascendant is at 15 Capricorn, and Trent Reznor, his Ascendance at 11 Touch wide, but he does show those qualities of pain and but sort of that pain yet enchantment of loss, okay, so that is Vega, and a lot of people I find when you can really sort of develop your interpretation of this star, and you get to explain it to people, they get their Capricorn planet that's there and Deneb Adige, so this one lies at 23 Aquarius, and so this star is um are two really interesting stuff from the spec respect that it's, you know a little bit what you might expect satin, and it is a start of rules.
Now, in the world, we have two types of rules. We have the kind of laws and ethical rules, and those are our manmade rules. You know, they're designed, whether they're right, and moral is another thing, and then we have the natural laws, you know, metaphysics, chemistry, just the rules of nature, like, you know, you, you can't really plant things in the dead of winter, and expect them to grow, everything has its own season, right.
So there's some, you know, many of the natural laws can't be defied, and so there's the human world and the natural world, and this star, or people with planets on this star, have a really great ability to be able to work the system to support them. They can be a prominent stickler for rules, but at the same time, they know how to use the system and how to work around the rules.
So it's kind of is it sort of knowing the rules in order to rewrite the rules a little bit, and then sometimes there's knowing the rules and then deciding, I'm not partaking in the rules and somebody that, you know, I've been following for quite some time. That's the same person who is used as the example with formal holding, having Mercury there and doing the music and designing computer games and all of that jazz; this same person also has their son at 22 Aquarius, and he will often say, you know, use the system to get out of the system and I just thought that was such a perfect sort of quote, for that style and that might be you know, I'm seeing a lot of people do this kind of now, like, they're working really hard and just, you know, using the system to extract the resources that they need from this, like, manmade system, so they can go and you know, like, purchase land or buy, you know, live off the grid or, or do things in the natural world on their own terms outside of the system. So they can have this way of blending both.
So the idea here with Deneb Adige is how you can build that bridge between these two worlds, the manmade world versus the natural world. And how can you any, you know, if you're like so far in one, then the question might be, how can you find that sweet spot between the made-up world, you know, the one that we all exist in, and then the real world, so Deneb Adigeis, is, is also a very protective energy as well. So it can be, you know, help protect you, you know, with the law with rules. If, because, you know, just because something is law, or legal doesn't make it right, okay, and so sometimes, you know, that the natural law will always prevail, and that's what this star can be helpful with. So, I think we're probably very close to time; I see that there are some questions and things coming through.
So that's the official end of my slides. I wasn't sure how we'd go for time, but there are a couple of other stars I can touch on. I'll also arrange for a handout, like a printout, to be uploaded on the Nightlight website. So you can print that out and just have a little bit of a cheat sheet that you're like, oh, okay, well, you know, what, what fixed stars are happening. You know, at x y z point in the Zodiac.
So if you want to stay in touch seeing what's happening, my website is a place to go for that and, you know, if you're after any fixed style work, or with your own chart, or just general readings or just want to grab a webinar or whatever, there's a code They're not like 20 on the website.
Loved this talk! Where can we find the handout that is referenced?
I really enjoyed it as well, and was wondering about the handout referenced?
Thankyou Helen
Great job .. handout?