As Mars approaches it’s opposition to Saturn, Saturn approaches it’s opposition to Mars, so you might hear the singing of these two malefics…angels as bad guys in disguise..pressing their issues…
* the anger says, YOU LEFT ME, the heart says, “thank you.”
* the resentment says, IT. IS. NOT. FAIR., the heart says, “thank you.”
* the soul says, I AM SO SAD, the heart says, “I pray for others.”
* the desire says, I WANT IT NOW!, the heart says, “God help me. I want YOU!”
* the loss says, WILL I EVER GET IT BACK?, the heart says, “It was never mine.”
* the will says, I HAVE TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN NOW, the heart says, “I don’t do anything without love, peace, and patience guiding me.”
* the depression says, NOTHING LASTS, NOTHING IS GENUINE, and the heart says, “I last. I’m genuine.”
* the head says, I AM SO FULL AND SO FAST AND SO TIRED, and the heart says, “Let me think and speak for you. Be still and know that I am here with you.”
* the responsibility says, I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO DO, and the heart says, “be still, practice quiet, practice peace, practice love for others, and all will come.”
* the sickness says, WILL I EVER GET BETTER?, and the heart says, “You. Are. Eternal. Trust absolutely everything. Trust, trust, and trust more. Watch as you rise again and again and again, and death and sickness, loss and pain, become companions on the never-ending and ever deepening path of the beloved. Is there any other choice?”
* the failure says, WHEN WILL I EVER SUCCEED?, and the heart says, “You are successful because you are alive. Breathe. And dare to be joyful.”
* the ambition says, WHEN WILL I HAVE IT?, and the heart says, “Anything worth having is already in possession of you and you of it.”
* the spiritual ambition says, WHEN WILL I BE A LEVEL TEN MONK?, and the heart says, “when you love others more than you care about ultimate answers or spiritual accomplishments.”
* the honest heart asks, “So what do I do now?” and all the teachers in chorus, we all say, “Apply all of your heart, all of your mind, and all of your soul to the love of God. And likewise, love others.”
* the skeptic says, “That’s not practical advice,” and the heart says, “I’m rarely that practical.”
Prayer: Malefics….psh….I love it.
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