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Today I'm joined again by buddies, Kip and Spencer, to talk about how Mars Retrograde in Gemini has been manifesting in the world of sports. I've got a few horary charts and lessons that I've learned for predicting Vikings games this season, as well as a prediction for this weekend's game against the Lions, and then we'll discuss the World Cup.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology, and today I am joined by my friends Kip and Spencer to talk about the Astrology of Sports. So we started this podcast a couple of months ago as a way of exploring what we are all doing with astrology outside of, you know, client work and looking at birth charts and one of those things is that we like to look at how the astrology applies to our favorite sports teams and the world of sports and everything going on, you know, in headlines say on ESPN and how it relates to the symbols and the archetypes in the sky.
Now, for me, one of the other reasons for doing this series is that I think that doing some content on the astrology of sports might be one way to reach out to a broader male audience. I wish that more men were into astrology than they are. That's just the truth. And so I think that, you know, looking at archetypal symbolism, in relation to a topic that a lot of men get into, could be a way of building a bridge. So that's kind of one of the reasons that we've done this as well. Also, we just like to have fun. And Kip and Spencer are really fun people to talk to. So I like having them around too, you know; otherwise, it feels like a crazy echo chamber in my head thinking about sports and astrology all the time. So it's really nice to have them and their thoughts and everything like that.
Well. Before we get into it today. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Share a few comments in the chat box; we appreciate that it helps the channel to grow. You can find transcripts of any of my daily talks on the website nightlightastrology.com. Don't forget right now; we're in the midst of our annual Kickstarter, and we're trying to reach 1608 backers supporting this channel through a one-time donation before the new year. If you want to donate, we really appreciate it. If you like this channel too, get something good out of it every week as the year goes on. We're making content five days a week, sometimes more; you can find the link to the Kickstarter in the description of this video or the comments section.
You'll see we're a little over 500 backers right now; as you scroll down, you will notice that there are a variety of rewards you can choose when you donate. So pick a reward like reading on the year ahead, or chart reading in the year ahead, or an exclusive talk I do on the astrology of 2023 best bundle that we have is 50% off on all of my online courses, as well as a four-class bundle that takes the savings down to about 75% off per class. There are a limited number of those available. So yeah, pick a reward to support the channel. And we really appreciate you guys and looking forward to another year of content to come.
All right. Well, all that being said, I'm gonna call my buddies, Kip and Spencer, on. Hey, guys, how are you guys doing? I think one of the things that are on, you know, I've gotten a lot of emails and DMS from people who follow the series. They're like, Oh, thank you so much. I've got a few notes from women saying that they've been able to sit down and watch this with their husbands, which I think is really, really cool. So I think that's really neat. Um, one of the things that people have been DMing me about is saying, I'm loving the Mars Retrograde in Gemini updates; hoping you guys will do more of that. So we're definitely going to do that.
Today, we're just going to talk about how Mars Retrograde in Gemini has been that how that omen or symbol if you will, has been manifesting itself in the world of sports news. We'll also do some updates on the NFL season and some of the earlier predictions that we made. I've got a few horary charts and interesting lessons that I've learned for predicting Vikings games this season, as well as a prediction for this weekend's game against the lions. And then we're gonna talk a little bit about the World Cup as well. The World Cup is going on right now. Spencer and Kip have both been looking at some of the astrology of the World Cup event. So I think we've got a lot to talk about. Let's start with Mars Retrograde in Gemini updates, just sort of, generally speaking. There's been a lot of different manifestations of this energy.
Probably the most recent as we're making is the release of Brittney Griner. Brittany Griner, I think. The professional women's basketball player who got held up for some kind of BS in Russia, and then was basically a political prisoner in Russia and then was recently released in exchange for another prisoner, I believe an arms dealer or something, which seems fitting for Mars Retrograde right that it would be an exchange of prisoners, Mars Retrograde in Gemini. You give me a prisoner, I'll give you a prisoner, you know, and that there'd be an athlete and an arms dealer, both sort of fitting the Mars symbolism as well. I thought it was fascinating. Yeah, that's the first one that really comes to my mind recently. What do you guys think about this?
Yeah, that guy was called the Lord of War or something.
Merchant of Death
Adam Elenbaas
Russian arms dealer Yeah, it's like a character out of, like, a Call of Duty video game or something.
Well, Brittney Griner had a natal Mars in Gemini. So Oh no. Well, she was released Mars Retrograde was applying to her natal Mars. And so they set her free, and you know, and there's been some controversy over another prisoner that they wanted to be released as well, who was a Marine. So there's been a lot of debate about, like, well, what is the value of one prisoner versus another and things of that nature.
Adam Elenbaas
And everyone on the planet instantly on Twitter becomes an expert in geopolitics and prisoner value exchange rates.
I mean, it's nice that she was released and that there's, you know, somebody who was back in an American safe because, yes, you were talking about the BS of her being arrested. I think she had, like, CBD oil or something. And they charged it with ten years of drug smuggling.
I think she had to like half-empty pot cartridges. And they charged her with distributing illegal drugs. And then she pled guilty, thinking she'd get a lenient sentence, and they sentenced her to nine years in prison.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, that's nuts. I mean, that's really it's such a Mars Retrograde symbol to have the release of someone who had been imprisoned and an exchange of prisoners; one an athlete, one in an arms notorious arms dealer. Mars and Mercury sign by the way to the merchant of arms. It's like weird how specific that is. Yeah, that was a big one. The news broke when I happened to be at the gym too. So it's like, you know, like, this is like the Mars easiest thing ever. That's happening right now. So yeah, other manifester? I mean, do we want to go on about that? I mean, so she's experiencing a Mars return as Mars is retrograding. Close to her natal Mars as she's coming back. Do you have anything else you want to add? Yeah, let's see the chart. Yeah, that'd be fascinating.
So let's bring this up.
One thing we discussed. When we were first talking about athletics and this Mars Retrograde period, it was kind of the idea of upsets. And the idea of things being messy athletically, and I'm a big NCAA Wrestling fan, and the number of guys who, you know, haven't lost in like two years, or were national champs last year and lost in the first couple of weeks. It's just been off the charts.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah. The NFL games this year have set a record now for games with a slim margin of the point differential; the margin of wins or losses have been historically close. And they've been people have been saying, I mean, I first I heard my local podcast that I listened to every day talking about it across the NFL, but then I started hearing it on ESPN where all the plays really sloppy this year. It's like something that you're hearing analysts say over and over. And the games are really close. And there's a lot of parody, and stuff like that just feels very much like a Mars Retrograde and Mercury sign very topsy turvy.
Very mutable.
Our Aries, Scorpio, and Gemini friends have been getting the short end of the stick, so to speak, with Mars Retrograde as well, with injuries and things of that nature coming up as well.
Adam Elenbaas
Well, you know, what was so interesting is the Jimmy Garoppolo injury that we had talked about Jimmy Garoppolo once at the beginning of the season, right? We were talking about Jimmy Garoppolo in terms of the potential that he takes over for Trey Lance because it looks like the Mars Retrograde would affect Trey Lance as the 49ers quarterback, and then Trey Lance goes down with the injury. Garoppolo comes in, and now Garoppolo is down, so he did a back and forth with coming in and going out.
One more back and forth because they did not rule him completely out for the season either.
Adam Elenbaas
First, they did, and then they didn't right. Yeah,
it took it back. Oh, it's not completely broken. He might be back for the playoffs. So it's, and he's a Scorpio son, so that's the ruler of his son. So you know, you can see that back and forth push and pull energy that we've been getting.
Adam Elenbaas
the amount of multiple concussions from the same player getting a concussion going out, recovering, going back in, and getting another concussion has repeated itself in numerous places across the NFL this year, too, including with Kip and just sorry butcher packers this year. The Vikings have had several players who have, you know.
One of our franchises has what six Super Bowls or something doesn't have.
Adam Elenbaas
Although, see, the way that I think about it is that you really ought to feel ashamed of yourself that you haven't won more with the quarterback windows that you've had. So that's why I say no; I'm just kidding. I'll take just one.
I tried to become as objective as possible when my team is losing. I have become a lot more sanguine about sports. Like, like relaxed about it, you all the ones that are stressing out now, but what I will say is that you know, and here, I'll just lay it on real thick and a Cancerian style. I'm just really excited to see both of you happy, you know. Really, really excited to see the joy on your face. I remember this story you posted when the Vikings won, and you had like this freakout.
Adam Elenbaas
Oh, yeah, I went completely mental. The bills game. It was the best game ever. I mean, that was I was credible.
So I can take some joy in other people's joy, you know, so, yeah, it's all good.
Adam Elenbaas
Well, you know, it's I think it's a funny thing because I and I know not every Vikings fan is like this. But every year, the Vikings are clearly out of it. And the Packers are in. I've always rooted for our division. I like teams within my division winning, so when Chicago went to the Super Bowl, I rooted for them. When Green Bay was in the NFC Championship games when the Vikings were out, I would refer them to the Lions are en route for them with the Vikings, aren't I? So I've always been like that with the third division, but
I am not.
Adam Elenbaas
You're like, screw them.
I'm old school. I'm a Vikings fan. This means my two favorite teams are the Vikings and whoever's playing the Packers.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, totally. Well, um, so did you want to show her chart?
Okay, here we go. So you can see Britney Griner's chart here. She was born on October 18, 1990. In Houston, Texas. It's an untimed chart. So you'll see it as a noon chart. But you can see that she has a natal Gemini, Mars, at 14 degrees of Gemini. And when she was released, which I believe was yesterday, Thursday. Mars was retrograding back to 15 degrees of Gemini. So within three degrees of her natal Mars, wow, he was released from prison.
So she's had the exact opposite experience of that. Super Mars full moon that I did.
Yeah, your Gemini rising. Right?
Right. It was basically on my ascendant, and my whole house got sick, and threw up all over the place. It's been fantastic.
Well, I will warn you, though, this is an untimed chart, so the houses aren't necessarily going to be accurate with those. But we see a Mars return for sure. And I thought that was pretty a pretty poignant example of someone coming up pretty prominently in the news in the sports world,
Adam Elenbaas
as Pluto is squaring her New Moon in Libra, too. That's interesting that she would be taken over by a kind of, like, dark Plutonian Pluto in Capricorn kind of force, you know, archetypal ly, that the legal system and there's the whole thing you know, it's like, what happened during your Pluto square to Sun and Moon. I was in prison. I was imprisoned in Russia, you know, it's like, well, that's very Pluto in Capricorn, you know? But then it's as it's interesting because as Pluto's moving off that 26 degree and starting to move away from sitting there, all fall if this chart was correct, she would have had if this is, you know, the right house lineup, and we don't know, but, you know, the Eclipse would have been in the 12th house, the 12th House ruler is Mars. So and in particular, a South Node Eclipse, remember, the south node and Indian astrology is associated with Moksha or liberation. So to get that solar Eclipse with benefic Venus in the 12th, while the ruler of the Eclipse is retrograde, that would seem to be a good set of omens. And it would be particularly interesting if it was a sad rising because then the 12th house in the place of prisons would be figured into the recent astrology.
And you know, Adam, I think that this is sort of that kind of Jeffery Cornelius type chart, where the charts speak as an omen, even though it might not even be the correct time chart. And you know, no, The thing to point out is it's not just a Mars return for Brittney Griner. It was a Full Moon conjunct Mars, you know, return. So something coming to fruition and the fruiting of that cycle.
I myself have a natal Moon in Libra. And I remember having Pluto square, my moon. I wasn't quite in prison in Russia, but it was a fun period of my life.
Adam Elenbaas
That's funny. Well, what other kinds of manifestations have you guys been noticing from Mars Retrograde? I have a few. But I'd love to hear where you guys have any other observations in the world. Her story is obviously like, that's one of the biggest gonna be one of the biggest ones. But what else? Have you guys noticed?
Well, getting back to the NFL, we kind of had at least I had kind of two bellwethers because they were such close suns in Gemini, and it was Cooper Cupp and Justin Jefferson. And as we're seeing, Cooper Cupp got hurt. And as we talked about, that's one of those things that could definitely pop up when Mars hits retrograde and hits a natal luminary. Justin Jefferson, on the other hand, seems to have just revved up. I mean, he's the focal point of the whole team. He's the best player on the team, one of the best players in the league. And I've never said this about a wide receiver before, but I bet we'd have half as many wins if he wasn't on the squad.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, no, that's completely true.
So we just made those different impacts that revved up Mars just right on top of them.
Adam Elenbaas
You know, if you want to play with the symbolism a little bit to Kip, I really like what you're just saying there about Cooper Cupp is that Justin Jefferson, at the beginning of the season, inherits the Rams offensive coordinator in Kevin O'Connell and says, How do I become the next Cooper Cupp? It was literally that phrase that was leaked to the public somehow that he said that. And so Kevin O'Connell said, Well, you know, in this offense, we're gonna have you lining up in a lot of different positions. And, you know, we're gonna get you similar statistical numbers because Jefferson was like, I'm capable of what that guy's doing. So in a weird way, Cooper Cupp goes down. And Jefferson is sort of the new cup.
It's like a weird flip of a similar way of seeing twins, you know, we're in Gemini, it's two's. Its pears.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah. You know, that's really interesting. Because the whole thing about Gemini, one of the things that are that you have pairs of concussions coming, right, like first concussion, second concussion, or multiple concussions or something like that. There's something about that's also or, for example, there's, to me, it's like you have to follow not just the observable, but also qualities of a team or the events of a team, but also what people are saying about teams, the narratives that people are building around them. So, for example, right now in the Minnesota media, there's, there's Kirk Cousins, and then there's Kirko Chains. Oh, that's good. Yeah, right. And they, they literally have run pieces here. Multiple different media outlets have talked about how he has an alter ego this year. That statistic normally, in previous years, his MO has been great statistics, not clutch. Right. So looks like a good statistical quarterback, one of the greatest statistical quarterbacks of all time, in fact, in certain categories, but when it comes to clutch moments, clutch games, primetime, blah, blah, blah.
He's struggled traditionally, winning close games. He's not the guy. That's right. It's been the thing,
Adam Elenbaas
like a Mahomes or someone who went out; of course, Mahomes has great statistics, and he's clutch, but he's not in that top category. What was interesting this year is that in these clutch moments, he keeps coming alive. And his statistics are the worst they've ever been in his career, but he's never been more clutch. So it's this weird, like, strange reversal that he's done. And this duel character of his personality that all the Viking sports fans are talking about right now. And every time I hear it, I can't help but go like, that's Mars Retrograde, you know, in Gemini.
I can't argue with a single thing you said. And it's funny because I want to say that he's now likable, but quite honestly, Vikings fans would really like anyone who's helping them wins. I don't know how much we can do.
I'm just biding my time over here for the eventual heartbreak that you've all experienced. And oh, yeah. Well, here's the thing in the playoffs, you know,
Adam Elenbaas
Here's the thing that's so interesting about this is that the Vikings are actually a really bizarre team this year in that statistically, okay, so, and I like, like analytics. Like, well, at any rate, so like, PFF, Do you guys ever look at pro football focus, okay? So like, in terms of historical teams of 10 and two records, See, the margin of the point differential is historically bad. It's for a team. Yeah, it's like nothing. And these analysts are like, is this possibly the worst 10-2 team ever? You know, like, and then they sit there, and they sit, and debate, the difference between statistics and I'm not kidding you, whether it's ESPN or the local media, they will go. If there's something about this that just seems like the football gods are on their side this year. The luck is, but it's like there's a whole way in which I think NFL fans are really superstitious.
And I actually feel like there's a whole untapped market for astrology in the NFL world because probably, you know, in some ways, because of bedding and stuff like that. But I mean, more generally, I think that people, I mean, I hear my local podcasters, who have openly ripped astrology before when it's casually come up for some weird reason. Not that it ever does. But, once in a while, they've actually it has come up randomly, and they've just totally made fun of it. And yet, the same guys are sitting here this season being like, I just, there's something weird about this season, every game is very fluky, very lucky. It's like statistically an anomaly; if you were to run out the same statistical output through 100 games, the likelihood that they would come out, even above 500, is really, really low, given all the statistical points and the way the defense is giving up.
So it's like, there's something that's confounding analytically about this team this year. And it's having a lot of people talking about fate, and chance and luck and stuff like that. Well, I'm sitting here going like, well, that sounds like Mars Retrograde in, especially in the opening square with Neptune. But what's really interesting to me is right around the time the playoffs start, we're dealing with Mars Direct, like, and to me, I just have to wonder if it's like, well, you know, the luck is going to run out at some point. And it's going to be the statistics somehow come back and assert themselves after the Mars Retrograde.
I quickly pulled up Kirk's chart. And I know we looked at it early on, but he does have Jupiter in Gemini.
Adam Elenbaas
does he really? I didn't know that four degrees. Do you? Spencer? Do you have his chart up right now? Is that what's on the screen?
I have the Vikings franchise chart up to see if they're if their luck is reflected in the chart as well. I don't know if I'm correct, Cousin; I might be able to find his chart to let me look.
Adam Elenbaas
How did you figure out the Vikings chart?
So I use the charts of a franchise's incorporation date. And then just set it as a noon chart, basically. Oh, that's interesting. So whenever they filed paperwork with the league, like that's when I said that's the birth of the team in the franchise.
Adam Elenbaas
Now, wait a second. Do they have a son at seven Aquarius? Is that what that is saying? I can barely see it. Yes. Yep. Son, well, at least we have. We have hope for Pluto's conjunction with the sun, potentially down the road. Or maybe Pluto entering Aquarius is a whole new dynasty era that's coming up.
I mean, another great way to think about it is Mars is trining all of those personal planets once and then coming back and doing it again. So yeah,
Well, you have Jupiter conjoining, the south node. So I wonder what happens when Jupiter changes over into Aries as well and loses contact with the nodes. Because honestly, one of the techniques that haven't been found very successful is nodal contacts, with coaches with championship games with things of that nature. So I'm really curious what happens when, you know, either these teams are these coaches, or these players have contacts with the North Node of increase or the south node of decrease? You also are having a Venus Jupiter, you know, transit right now for the Vikings as well with the Jupiter in Sagittarius.
Adam Elenbaas
It had some really fortunate lucky situations that have been like, I've been at a few of the games, and they've been like, what just happened? You know, like, yeah,
The other thing, too, is that the ruler of their natal sun, you know, Saturn, has been in its own domicile. So that's been another indication of success with athletics is was is the ruler of your son and good condition or not, as well. But, you know, it's interesting, you've been taking that team of Destiny thing, you know, it's making you a little bit subjective with those horary.
Adam Elenbaas
It's been really this usually, when the Vikings are losing, my horarys are just not a problem. But this year the horary has been very muddy. So I think that's just, I mean, not in hindsight, the charts. I think, well, I'll show it. I'm going to show you guys some of the horrors I've been working with and, like, why they've been confusing at times. But also where I think my own bias Just came in on a few of them. So, anyway. Well, while we're on the topic of the NFL any other updates you guys want to present just on the astrology of the NFL in general?
Just a couple of other injuries we have, Vaughn Miller, an Aries son whose ruler is Mars, tore his ACL. So that's gonna have a pretty big impact on the rest of the season, potentially, as the bills were considered one of the probably top three favorites. I didn't choose them in my exploration, so maybe I don't know; maybe that is affecting how their season will turn out. We talked about Jimmy Garoppolo and his ability to get injured and then, well, maybe not, maybe not injured as a Scorpio sun. Yeah, those are the main updates as far as injuries go. I thin
Adam Elenbaas
Kip, anything you want to update?
I think we hit the NFL. I really wanted to hit Cupp and Jefferson, and it's going to be interesting going forward again. I'm really excited. Oh, wait, I mean, to see Mars go direct and see how that if, you know, changes some of these impacts we've seen.
You know, one last thing we might want to address is that Baker Mayfield got released. And then literally got picked up by the Rams and then led them to victory. And it's like the first game out or something.
Adam Elenbaas
A 98-yard drive to win the game. That was crazy. I watched the replay of the last drive, and I was like yeah, I guess he's he had something to prove.
What says he's an Aries sun. So he's being affected by that. Yes, well, I'm just curious. Gemini.
Adam Elenbaas
The funny thing was, did you know that after the game that after the game-winning touchdown on the sideline, he went up and headbutted another player on his team to celebrate without his helmet on and with the other guy with his helmet on? And the other guy, when he did it, like afterward, looked at him like, what the hell did you just do that before?
That was crazy, like, trying to give himself a head injury?
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I was like, that's not right. Like, that's probably, you know, like, there's something about Baker Mayfield I've always felt this way where it's just like, just take it down, like just from 11 to like a nine, and you'll be good. You might actually be good. You just got to chill out. He reminds me of, like, a more talented version of Johnny Manziel. Oh, yeah. Same kind of personality, though. Like you're just you're doing it to yourself, man.
Both were drafted by the Browns.
I did enjoy those when they did about being like the caretaker of the brown stadium.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, yeah, those were funny. He seems like he has a fun personality at times. But
That's really what he gets for getting those commercials before he did anything. You know, that's just taking potshots.
Adam Elenbaas
That's an interesting point. I want to show you guys a chart that, if you remember, I spoke about Lamar Jackson. Can you guys see the chart on the screen?
I recall this too. Wow, what a call.
Adam Elenbaas
I mean, one of the things that I was nervous about was the fact that you've got the Mars Retrograde opposite Venus in the moon while Neptune is squaring it. And that I just wondered if this period of time that he's in, in general, just could be problematic for him. You've also got Jupiter hovering right around a fallen Saturn this season. And my thing was, like, I wondered if an injury came up that would shift the negotiation the approach to negotiations or the result of the negotiations with his contract, which is a big deal going into this year. So he did get injured. And I, you know, not that I'm like, trying to take a victory lap on someone's misfortune. But I was like, wow, you know, this. I think we got a couple of those right this year that we're, I mean, we got some things really wrong, too. But that was one that really stood out to me as an interesting manifestation of the Mars Retrograde.
It's so hard without birth times; that would have been one where I really would have wanted to have it.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, exactly. It's like, well, you know, what's that all about? I want to show you guys something else. Completely unrelated. That is also a Mars Retrograde situation.
Although I will say, you know, injuries are a really important part of sports and really affect the outcome. So I think that they are fairly fair game when we're trying to get for sure.
Adam Elenbaas
Oh, yeah, no, totally. I don't think it's like predicting injury is in a sport that, you know, where the statistical likelihood of key players going down ever yours extremely high, and it determines the fate of the season. I don't think it's out of balance.
I think just for some background on Lamar, the big deal was, and I think all of us are in the know, was that he was negotiating, he decided not to take a very large contract and, in terms used in the NFL, a bet on himself. Yeah, playing out this last year with the idea that either his current team or another team would really hand him the bag at the end of the year. And so getting hurt was a much bigger deal for Lamar right now than really for other folks at other times.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, yeah, totally, that's a great point. I'm flipping over to the NBA. Sorry to just shift. Yeah. Karl Anthony Towns. I'm a Timberwolves fan, right? And there's been other things, and I know, all right. NBA, there's lots of NBA news we could talk about as well. But one of them is Karl Anthony Towns, sustaining a calf injury that's taking him out for a significant chunk of the season. Right in the midst of what was turning out to be a very disappointing start to the season like first 20 games were looking really, really bad for the wolves. But a lot of analysts were saying that like there's not an alpha on this team. There's not a good leader on this team, and Karl Anthony Towns.
The other problem is that Karl Anthony Towns thinks he's the leader of the team. But he's not a good leader. And he probably doesn't totally have the respect, although he's a phenomenal talent. So isn't it interesting that there would be a crisis of leadership and really sort of a changing of the guard between Karl Anthony Towns and the other dynamic superstar on the team Anthony Edwards. Because, as you know, Mars is retrograding. It's hitting this stellium in his chart, including his own natal Mars, so it's a Mars opposite, Mars. And he goes down with this calf injury, and at the same, so basically, what's been happening is slowly, the Timberwolves are starting to play better. We'll see how it goes. But they've been playing better in part because Anthony Edwards has been assuming a role of leadership that is much easier to do with Karl Anthony Towns off the floor if you pull up Anthony Edward's chart.
This is such a great chart.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, he's a very lucky dude. Yeah, I mean, his chart has a lot of signatures of eminence in it, I think. Is that where you're going? Yeah, yeah. So okay, so check out his chart. So when you see the question about leadership coming up, what's interesting is that Mars is retrograding as he's taking the reins opposite the same Mars that Karl Anthony Towns has. So they both have a Mars opposition. One is resulting in injury. The other one is resulting in the swapping of leadership roles on the team. I think that was just such a fascinating demonstration of the astrology. And the other thing that I found interesting was that this all started taking place. This all started constipating. Right as Saturn, who's opposing his Sun and Mercury, was stationing and turning direct and starting to move off from, I think, a little tighter opposition. It's starting to loosen up a bit. And as it's doing so, interestingly, I just noticed this kind of stuff because I listened to the podcast; the analyst says also he's playing looser. It's like he feels the seniority on the team isn't holding him back anymore. Isn't that fascinating that in the meantime, that is in the meantime, that Saturn is pushing off from the Leo and Leo Sun and Mercury and Leo? I thought it was an interesting comparison of the two charts.
Honestly, I think it would be hard to teach that chart because there's just too much great stuff. Yeah. What do you even point to?
Anthony Towns' chart probably isn't as fortunate. I'm guessing.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah. Well, he's he does have stuff going; one of the things that's interesting that's happening to him right now is that Saturn is backing off the opposition to Anthony Edward's chart, which by the way, when I believe it was when Mars first entered, yeah, it was when Mars first entered Gemini before it went retrograde that Anthony Edwards insulted gay people.
he made like very ugly comments. Yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
And it was super immature and awful, right? And that was also Saturn opposing, you know, that was part of the Saturn opposition to his son, and Mercury's I seemed like, I mean, he's, what, 20 years 21 years old. So hopefully, he just grows up, you know, and respects diversity more going forward, you would hope, but, I mean, what's interesting is that the Saturn that was kind of doing a lot of hard work on his Sun and Mercury, that Saturn is now moving into a square with Karl Anthony Towns sun, and it's going to oppose his moon. And so it just feels like the charts are showing kind of a shift in the balance of power within the team, and I thought that was a really interesting manifestation of the astrology.
You know, that's a really good segue for another chart of someone who is burned a lot of bridges through his Oh, here it is. Oh, geez. Yeah, so this is Kyrie Irving's start, who is an Aries Sun and Mercury and a Scorpio moon with that moon conjoining his natal Pluto.
Of course, he's a Scorpio moon.
Adam Elenbaas
every conspiracy just signed me up
conspiracy theorists. And it's squaring his natal Mars in Aquarius, too. So it's not only a moon-Pluto conjunction, it's a moon-Pluto square natal Mars conjunction? Square. Right. So he's going through his Saturn Return because his Saturn is at 15 degrees of Aquarius. And at this full moon, Nike officially severed ties with him as an endorser, which is, you know, a very lucrative contract because of the comments that he made. That was anti-semitic that I believe we, I believe we touched on. Did we touch on Kyrie the last time it was? I think we were talking about Kanye West. And these two folks have very similar energies to me; for whatever reason, I feel like they're both kinds of trying to completely sabotage every single advantage they've gained over their life.
Adam Elenbaas
But I think exalted sun, but depressed mood, I mean, does that not say it better than any combination? You could think of you have all of these advantages contributing to your life path, but there's this energy of sabotaging the; I mean, you could say for some people that might not be self-induced. For others. It is, in his case, it certainly is.
I really liked that. And I love it when there are simple, straightforward delineations like that. That's really great.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, right. I mean, that's so clear. Keep going. Spencer, sorry.
You know, yeah, and I think that the main thing to take away from a lot of these charts we're looking at is that it is it's really important to look at the planet that is hosting people's natal planets and what it's doing in the sky. I mean, that's something that we learned about in your nightlight classes; Adam, it's very important to see what the clay that sculptor is going to be working with. So I've been really looking at that a lot for these athletes and what they might be experiencing and how their performance might play out. When that's a solar or lunar ruler, in this case, it's both are having difficulty. I expect challenges for that person. And I look at when a planet that is the host of the Sun or the Moon improves its condition. I've seen upticks in players' performance as well.
Adam Elenbaas
Right on. Yeah, I mean, it strikes me as this is also a rectified chart, right? Yeah,
this is 12 Noon; this is just, you know, with this being his Saturn
Adam Elenbaas
Return, it's got to be a nighttime chart, don't you think?
I would think so. Yeah, cuz that's that Scorpio moon is really visible for him. Right?
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah. I feel like nighttime is the only way that you would get, you know, Saturn in its own domicile during the return with Mars there. Turning into what it has would probably be in an unfortunate house or at a nighttime chart or both.
It's funny because I don't guess delineations very often or placements, but if you tell me that Kyrie Irving actually had a Sagittarius Moon, I would be shocked. Like just knocked off my chair.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, no, it's got to be this. I mean, he thinks the earth is flat. You know, what the most recent thing was about was anti-semitic, wasn't it? It
I don't want to get too deep into it. But there's a group that you could call a religion, you can call it a fellowship organization, and they put together a video, or I think it might actually be like a legit movie that traces African American history back to them being the original Hebrews.
Adam Elenbaas
I remember I thought I could be totally wrong about this. But when I lived in DC, we went to the Lincoln Memorial one time, Ashley and I would sometimes just go into DC to the monuments and like sit, and you know, just talk and like, hang out because they're a nice place to hang out. We went there one time. And there was a guy like, like preaching or distributing pamphlets about that, I think,
was he dressed in like kind of, almost like Jewish worship robe-type things? Yeah, they that's something they do, and they'll stand on corners and, and talk there's actually one of their meeting places is just a couple of blocks from my house. So I don't like, I don't know, hold any umbrage towards those folks in general like, but that's a far out position to take, and then to share it and to not back off from it was really something.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah. I mean, yeah, it's very similar to, you know, his fixity around vaccines which came up and, you know, around the flat earth thing A while back, so, yeah, so he's so he lost his sponsorship with Nike. And that was definitely a Mars Retrograde, you know, a cancellation of a contract with a shoe company as an athlete's pretty fitting for Mars Retrograde.
You know, I think it's a good point that he kept bringing up, though, that it's a possibility that he has a sad Moon as well, in which case the Mars Retrograde will be opposing it since this is in a double A-rated chart, you know, just from his behavior, the Scorpio moon seems to track although, you know, he is very sure of his opinions, whether they are complete completely out of the left field or not, well,
Adam Elenbaas
And well, and you know, the moon is in Mars, a sign and square to Mars in Aquarius. So I mean, to me, it's like that Mars in Aquarius can be very fanatical about things. So it wouldn't surprise me if Mars is playing into it a little bit. But anyway, that's a good one. Thank you for sharing that. I'm going to take it down now.
So this is the charts of Trey Young and Nate McMillan.
Adam Elenbaas
Oh, they've got that feud going on and having a beef lately.
Yeah. So you can see if you pull these charts up, so Trey young September 19, 1988, in Lubbock, Texas, these are both noon, noon untimed charts, but he has a huge Virgo stellium his and his Venus and maybe his moon is at 15 degrees of Virgo. Yeah. And Nate McMillan's Moon is at 15 degrees of Gemini. So again, this was another one that might be sort of giving us some divinity story insight, like the Cornelius Jeffery Cornelius charts, into part of their feud in their conflict. If this chart would be accurate for Nate McMillan, he'd be, you know, getting his natal moon blown up here.
Adam Elenbaas
Right. Yeah, I mean, so basically, you have Moon, Venus, and moon on the other side, both getting hit by Mars. You know, what's interesting about Mars to the moon, or Mars to Venus, or Venus, opposite the moon, any of those combinations will often result in, you know, conflicts within groups or families, which I think a team could would kind of be like that. What is the nature of their feud?
I believe that there was maybe some injury that Trey Young had if I remember correctly. I might not be completely accurate on this. But I feel like Nate McMillan wanted Trey young to play. And Trey Young was sort of like; I'm injured. I'm not gonna play, and Nate McMillan was like, Well, if you're not that hurt, you're gonna go in the game type of thing. So it was like a forced, like, like, playing situation where Trey young didn't want to play.
Adam Elenbaas
Okay, got it. So. Okay, this is my bad because this is just how ignorant I am about the NBA. I mean, I know a little bit about the NBA, but not like I do other sports. Nate McMillan is the coach.
The head coach. Yeah, okay. Okay. Atlanta Hawks.
Adam Elenbaas
That's what I thought. I'm just making sure I was like, wait, you know, not another player. But the coach. Yeah, that's what I thought. So in, just in case people listening to this don't know who they are, a player and a coach conflict that's been stirring. It's been very public and in the news, and apparently, it's rooted in the coach wanting them to play when and maybe suspecting that Trey Young is being a little dramatic. Maybe he's not as injured as he's saying that he is; maybe he wants time off. Blah, blah, blah. Trey young is like, no, I really am injured. Is that the gist of it?
Yeah. So here I'm pulling up an article it says Trey Young's absence from Friday night's game against the Denver Nuggets wasn't due to just a shoulder injury. Young apparently chose not to attend the Atlanta Hawks home game due to a feud with Head Coach Nate McMillan. Young, according to Shams had an exchange with Macmillan; it shot around on Friday afternoon part of the report, Macmillan asked young if he was going to participate in the shooter and receive treatment during their walkthrough and play during the game that evening. Yun said he wanted to focus only on the treatment on the right shoulder and decided later in the afternoon he was going to play. Basically, the coach didn't like the response. He didn't participate in the shootout or the shoot-around. And Macmillan gave an ultimatum which I've been saying over this whole like Mars Retrograde. Don't give ultimatums because you might have to back off of that. But no one reportedly told young that he could either play off the bench or not show up at all. So he didn't show up.
Practice. Yeah, right. Right.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah. Iverson, a Gemini, was
Yeah. 100%.
Adam Elenbaas
Interesting. Okay, so that's a fascinating and fascinating expression. Let's do World Cup charts. And then we'll go to some horary charts too close that I've been working on. Does that sound good? Sounds great. All right. So you guys tell me. I know both of you've done some research on it. Kip. Do you want to start us off with some of that?
Yeah, let me see if I can share. Poop. Okay. Which ones that Sharon and I will use this one. Share. Did it pop up?
Adam Elenbaas
Yep. Should have it up there. Can
So I'm going to just really briefly, and hopefully, this is not too nauseating. What I did was I went to a couple of the remaining folks and pulled up the guys that are considered to be like top 10 players in the world to see where this Mars Retrograde at all was hitting their chart. And as you can see here, we're seeing that Mars Retrograde is training the natal Jupiter. This is Croatian's best player. One of the things that I found really fascinating about doing this was the age differential of players. So here's Messi, and this one is really fascinating. If you guys don't, aren't familiar with Messi, one of the greatest soccer players in the history of the world. In Argentina, though, they compare him to Maradona, and he's, I wouldn't say that he's hated. But people love Maradona so much that they talk smack about Messi just because he hasn't won a World Cup, even though he's thrown the team on his back and won everything. But he has that moon; it's now this is a noon chart, but that, you know, it's the middle of the day here. So he's got that Mars Retrograde co-present with his moon. Venus is sweetening it up. But this is really fascinating. It's also opposing that Saturn, this is, you know, this could be one of those times where we see his legacy, or we see just the ultimate pain in this gentleman's life, right? This is the one I really want to get through for the players.
This is Mbappe, a guy I'd never heard of until the World Cup started Mbappe is a very young man, especially to be one of the greatest in the role he plays for France. The thing that I find so fascinating about Mbappe is that he has a natal trine in the air between Uranus and Mars, which, you know, for a guy that passes the ball and floats around a field, is a really nice signifier that is going to form a pretty neat trine in this next upcoming week or so with Mars Retrograde. So we're gonna have a lot of shared impact in air, and it's also forming this kite, this grounding. You know, if you ever heard Rick Levine talk about grand trines, Rick's always looking for that kite. So this is actually a really kind of spectacular set of circumstances or an omen in the sky for Mbappe, so I'm pretty bullish on France, given this. Finally, you know what I think my last one might be. Here's France's other great player. And as you can see, this guy is getting this opposition to Mars. The idea that France has two of the top 10 players in the world kind of help out their benefit too. And finally, we have Harry Kane, the guy with the most British name and England's best player. And we can see that Harry also has a trine to his natal Jupiter. And this Mars Retrograde co-presents with his natal Venus. So there are lots of top-notch signifiers for folks who are still present the best players who are still present in the World Cup, which is what you'd expect, right? But that and Bob HR Really, that's quite the omen if you said you have to now go buy a lottery ticket that's going to set up the rest of your life at the age of like 23 24. I don't think he could do much better than what Bobby has got going on, given the current system in the stars.
Adam Elenbaas
Can you go back to Messies chart for a second? Oh, yeah.
Messy charts. Great. I am kind of a big fan. I listen to a series of podcasts on public radio NPR regarding messy I highly recommend an Argentinian reporter who did them. They're very good.
Adam Elenbaas
That's interesting. I'm looking at his chart and just going, you know, let me just make before I talk about my but let me just look at something. So yeah. How, how many how long does the World Cup Go on?
I think it will be another ten days or so. Yeah, one
I believe the final game is on December 18. Yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
Because on December 18. One thing that could be a little bit of a bummer is that Messi has Mars coming onto the moon. Now he does have a moon-Mars mutual reception. No, excuse me. Did I get that wrong? No, I got that wrong. Sorry. That's my bad. He has a fallen Mars, is what I meant to say. He has a is it Moon mercury, mutual Moon Mercury mutual reception. Do I have that right now? Yeah. Yeah. You know, I just wonder about that. Like, what is that? Like? What's that going to be about that? Is Mars basically coming right over his moon? And that the, he does have, you know, a debilitated Mars natively, although interesting mercury, Moon mutual reception as well. So not sure what that means. But that strikes me as potentially challenging for him.
I said, what we could see here could be a guy who is getting his greatest triumph, you know, his inner authority and the things that make him feel comforted in the world is charged up by action and taking to forcefully taking things forward. Or we could see someone with one of their most depressing memories that last the rest of their life.
Adam Elenbaas
You'll have Jupiter just days after the finals; going into Aries and starting squaring is fun. I mean, you loved, could it be returning for a, you know, like victory parade type of thing?
I mean, also, isn't that Venus at 16 Gemini, if I'm seeing this correctly, so that's exactly the degree where the full moon was with Mars? That's a good point. Yeah. And he had the sun conjoined natal Saturn. I'd be surprised if he makes it out of the day. We have the match going on today as we're recording this.
Before we got in, just for an update, I watched the first half, and he made one of the most incredible feats I've ever seen for a goal. It was a really amazing assist.
Yeah, it looks like they're in a shootout right now. Penalty shots. Oh, geez.
Adam Elenbaas
Argentina and Brazil both last in a shootout.
So wow, would you like me to take you through a couple of other managers?
Adam Elenbaas
Please do. Yeah, you can pull that up. So what we are looking at here is part of my working theory as far as championship coaches, managers, and championship games and the context that they have with either the north node of the moon or the south node of the moon. So this chart you can see, so let's go dial each of hopefully, I'm saying that correctly for my Croatian friends out there. The Croatian manager was in the previous World Cup Final against France, and this was the losing coach. And you can see that he had a very prominent South Node conjoining his Jupiter here; that's the Transiting south node was conjoining his name, or sorry, the Jupiter was transiting his south node, so I'll get that correct. Oh, you got it. Okay. So so, we see a prominent contact with a planet, either contacting a natal South Node or vice versa. The south node can join a natal planet for a losing coach. And I saw some other things with the winning coach. So here is the winning coach from France in 2018. This is either the shot
I apologize in advance for butchering all of these names. But we saw the, you can see on the inner ring, we have the North Node. Let me see you. Okay. So the north node of the World Cup final was conjoining, his natal moon. So you can see a prominent north node conjunction for a NATO placement when he won the World Cup. So that's the baseline. And this is something that we did last show when I predicted that the chiefs would be the Eagles in the Super Bowl. And I looked at this over multiple sports and multiple years, and that pattern repeated and the pattern repeated with Dusty Baker in the World Series; it ended up playing out as well. And I'll talk about that in a minute. But I want to open up the 2022 chart. So here's the 2022 World Cup Final at 6pm
So this is the chart for December 18, which is a Sunday in 2022. And what I looked for as I pulled up the charts for the eight remaining finalists was yesterday we were going to do a recording yesterday. But we had the Mars Yeah, sick dog. So and I was just looking for prominent contact, especially with the nodes. And the two coaches that really stood out with the most contacts was our good friend. Zlatko. Jupiter is transiting his natal moon during the final and also a nodal return. So if Oh node returns to the place of his nodal axes, and on top of that, the Transiting moon of the chart will be conjoining his natal Venus in Libra, which is its own domicile. So this was the most positive context I could find out of the coaches. And I tried to like shear-like I think Croatia is going all the way. And it was looking pretty dicey earlier today because Brazil scored first with, like, 15, you know, extra minutes left, but they came back and scored a goal to tie it up and then won the shootout, and I was, I was direct messaging with a friend of mine, Andrea, it gives a shout out to my friend Andrea as a choose a tarot reader and astrologer from Croatia from Zagreb. And we put into Google translate all these like triumphant sayings and Croatia.
He really lives in Zagreb. Yes, yeah. Two of the best players from Croatia, their defender who's one of the I have some charts like guys who like blew up who are brand new, this 21-year-old defender, who are a facemask, who's super good. And their captain, whose chart I showed both from Zagreb as well,
This person is from my city, and I was like, Oh, that's awesome, you know, a lot of fun with that. And she was teaching me like the, you know, we're pulling up the goal song and things like that. And I had read the Croatian word for goal, like just ready to go. Just having a lot of fun. But so I really, you know, I really like a lot goes, transits for the final. And, you know, they're still alive that and they pulled up an often an incredible upset of the, probably the favorite one of the favorites with maybe France with Brazil today. And I wanted to show you who I think is my best guess for their opponent that they may be able to defeat. And I hope that this is the case here.
Adam Elenbaas
Let me let me swap. So who are you? Who are you putting into the finals?
I'm putting Croatia and Portugal into Okay. So let me see if I can. There we go. So here is Fernando Santos of Portugal, this October 10, 1954. In Lisbon, Portugal, another runtime chart. But you can see that Fernando also has this. The one thing that I thought was really, really fascinating is that the losing coach had a very prominent South Node conjunction, and you can see here the south node will be almost exactly conjunct with Fernando Santos is Mercury and Saturn. Venus also being co-present with that South Node. You know, there's also the moon conjoining natal Neptune in this chart, so maybe like a dream that maybe doesn't come to fruition or something like that, like, potentially, although we have to be careful with the moons using the moons in these charts that are untimed, I thought that those were the most amount of contacts. I will also say the south node of Fernando his chart will be conjoined in the ascending degree of the game.
So I think that's another indication that he may not they'll be there, but he might not be successful because of the South Node being conjoining at the start of the game. The other thing that I think was really fascinating is when I predicted that he was correctly by the way that the Houston Astros would win the World Series. Dusty Baker had previously been in the World Series the year before and had a South Node natal planet contact. He also was experiencing a Mars Retrograde and joining his Gemini sun this year. So I think that what we're going to see is the Croatian coach, Zlatko, who is a Scorpio Sun, Mercury and Neptune, and south node here. He had unfinished business in the last World Cup, and I think Mars Retrograde is coming back and saying, You know what, I think that we're going to get the job done this time. So we'll return to that championship moment for him. So and I hope it plays out because I really just really love seeing the joy on my friend's faces over there and in Croatia, and really, I'm pulling for him. So that's what I've got for World Cup. Croatia, Portugal.
Adam Elenbaas
Messi scored the first penalty kick to put them up to or won. Nothing in the penalty kicks. They're now up to two, one in the penalty. Why
I've got it on my screen. I couldn't actually do it by accident. But I celebrate.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, well, it looks like they're about it looks like they're gonna put it away. Right. Three to one more.
And they got it. Yeah, yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
Well, at any rate, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. And when we meet up next month, after the holidays, we will have NFL playoffs to talk about the conclusion of Mars Retrograde and whatever else comes up along the way. We will have the World Cup finals to talk about; reflect on the Nice job, by the way, with your no theory and the World Series. That was really impressive. I want to share to close you guys cool if I share some horror charts that I've worked on.
All right. So I'm gonna go through the ones that I got right and some that I got wrong. I'm not going to go through all of them during the season because there's a lot, but I will go through them. Let's see. So here are the Viking's bills, which was maybe one of the fun, like an ESPN instant classic; regardless of what teams you like at, it was one of the, in my opinion, the most exciting games I've ever seen in my life. And, you know, which is why you saw me scream on Instagram afterward. I think I don't think I'd ever had that much adrenaline at the end of a game. I was like, maybe the Minneapolis miracle was similar. And this was like 30 minutes of sustained high-level drama. You know, and, uh, you know, to reminded me of a little bit was, you guys remember the NFC Championship or were it AFC Championship game with the maybe it wasn't the championship was the bills and the Chiefs remember, they went back and forth into overtime, back and forth, back and forth. It felt like one of those games. But this one also involved a 17-point deficit and come back and like all these crazy things. Anyway, when I cast this, see, this is the one where I was like, I have got to be wrong about this, the Vikings, so what you do in a sports or contest horary is you need to have some emotional investment in the game. That's what my horary teacher always says is that casting a chart for a game that you have no vested interest in the outcome, isn't it sort of disrespecting the Oracle?
Now, if you want to practice with games, you know, that aren't like the World Series or the Super Bowl, that's fine. You don't have to have like the world's most investment emotional investment in the game could be just a regular season game. But you should be watching it and caring about the outcome and sort of emotionally invested in the team that you're asking about that. That's the basic parameters that I follow. Once you follow that, then it's the basic contextual comparison between the ascendant ruler, which is your team that you identify with as the querent asking the question, and the seventh house ruler, which will be their opponent. Once you get that set up, then you can establish through essential dignity, accidental dignity, sometimes other minor testimonies like conjunctions or aspects to benefics or who the moon is favoring the receptions between the planets and stuff like that and other things that will just stand out randomly.
But so in this chart, I picked the Vikings because the Vikings, although I was like I couldn't believe it because going into this game, I was like the bills are gonna kill us. You know, like that was my honest opinion. But a cast one anyway, Vikings are Jupiter, and you have the bills as Mercury. And I was like, Oh my God, look at the bills there combust the sun. No real dignity to speak of. Which would probably be a team of a sign of a team like imploding. And then you have Jupiter, although it's retrograde, it's on the ascendant Neptune's on the ascendant two, which I thought was pretty fascinating. And then you do have a that Mars Retrograde is Angular; it's sitting right on the fourth house cusp. And I think you'll always have to pay attention to Angular planets and horror Aries. So this one, I think, showed the nature of the game quite well, which was that buffalo really self-destructed, and the Vikings were a good team but also very fortunate and seemed to have the Mars Retrograde with the square to Neptune somehow configured to this game or this their success this season or something like that. So I predicted that one correctly. But my winning streak of correct predictions ran out soon thereafter.
Argentina won, by the way,
Adam Elenbaas
Here's the Vikings Cowboys. I got this one terribly wrong. Okay, so, so here's what I saw. Okay, so again, comparison of ascendant and descendant rulers. And you have Saturn ruling the Cowboys, sitting in its own domicile right on the descendant like it's a very powerful position. Meanwhile, you have the Vikings showed by the sun in the fourth house, so Angular, but not really with any dignity of its own to speak of nothing so exciting. Now, here's where I entered, like, I think my own bias just got me. I was like, Oh, well, look, the moon is in Leo. And it's rising. It's just separated from a conjunction with Saturn. So it's not like being afflicted by Saturn. And it's in the sun sign, and it's moving with reception into a square with the sun. And this seems to be the year where despite the other team being good on paper, essential dignity, their fortune gets them the victory. So I very excitedly predicted that they would win because of this. They got smoked 40 to three. I was at the game, and one of my family members unfortunately also picked up COVID at the game, so it's about the worst possible.
And all of that manifested as one of the things that was really kind of funny about this is that that moon in 1949 Leo is exactly on my ascendant ruler, Venus, and Leo. Oh, wow. So I was getting that opposition from Saturn to my natal Venus. And, you know, really wanted to make a good impression on my on some of my uncles on my wife's side of the family, take them on to the game. Some of them have never been to the stadium before. It's the worst loss in Vikings history at home. And then one of my uncles gets COVID. Just like, dude, like, come on. And so and then I got the horary wrong, too.
Adam Elenbaas
Yes, that's right. That's exactly right. We left at the end of the third quarter, but this was such a powerful example of I think, you know, yeah, like, this is the Yeah, this is like,
I remember you saying I, you know, I don't know about this chart, but they're a team of destiny. Well,
Adam Elenbaas
You know, it just felt like fortune is somehow turning out in their favor, despite the other team looking better on paper. So I projected that idea onto this chart. And the thing is, that essential dignity just doesn't get trumped that often like something that powerful like Saturn is just not going to lose in a horary that often, so that was a valuable lesson for me; it's like something I teach in my classes all the time, but something like I think you know, you just you get caught by in horary is when your own bias and the way you want it to turn out is clouding your judgment. All right, so I'll show you guys the most recent one. I thought this one was interesting because it also described the nature of the game. I got back on track with this one, thankfully. So this is the Vikings-Jets game. And for the New England game, I have somewhere I correctly predicted they did. I can't remember now. I think I did get the New England game right too, but I can't remember that horary, but this one was interesting because here you have the seventh house ruler, which is going to be the jets with the sun at the midheaven now barely has any dignity has its own it's in its own triplicity Spencer pointed out to me was like it's Peregrine Spencer's like it's in his own triplicity, so it is it has so some minor dignity in terms of weighing the dignities, but there is Saturn the same thing that the Cowboys had right sitting on the ascendant, and it was like, it felt like the horary gods were like Are you gonna get it wrong this time?
You know, essential dignity all the way. I was like, okay, yeah, I've got it. And the moon is also when the moon is in the same house and sign that would be a minor testimony; it probably wouldn't tilt something as dramatic as, like, you know, but the moon favoring one team can be a minor testimony. Jupiter is also in the first house. A benefic being in that house is decent, but you could go in the opposite direction. Venus is in the 10th house, right? So those kinds of testimonies washed out a little bit. But the sun at that what's interesting is that it came down to the very last play of the game. The Jets were on the doorstep, we had a goal line stop, you know, trying to run out the clock and a punting it back to the Jets, the jets come back down, and we intercepted the ball in the very last play of the game. To seal the victory, had they scored, they would have won.
So I also, in this one, it felt like, you know, the sun at the mid heavens pretty strong. And this was a really close game. So you know, but again, the planet on the angle with the essential dignity one. Alright, so now we come to the real conundrum. It's as though this is all culminating in the final horary, not the final cause of more games, but
I love the big daddy Saturn was like, Are you going to doubt me again?
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, exactly. I was like, I'm sorry. Saturn.
I'm really just upset about how much Moon Saturn action we're getting during these football Sundays. Do you know?
Adam Elenbaas
Vikings are gonna get Saturn in Aquarius in the first house. Now it's not on the angle, and it's out of sign. Frawley says that it may diminish its strength slightly. He's one of my horary teachers who also teaches Astrology of sports. So you know, that's a very, again, a really strong indicator. But I mean, look at the ultimate test of fortune. You know, fortune versus essential dignity. You could say a spike of fortune for the Lions. Look there, angular with an exalted moon. I mean, what you know, that's like, wow, that's a really, really strong testimony. Uranus is sitting right on the angle, kind of surprising, unexpected quality in the air. Yeah, I'm not sure about this one. It's like I'm gonna judge in favor of Saturn again because I'm like, okay, well, look, I've sort of followed the line along the way and said, look, a planet in its own domicile in that same in that house is going to be the victor. What throws me off here is that an exalted moon in an angle is pretty strong, and I would not be surprised if I was wrong about this, Spencer; you feel the opposite where you feel like the lions are gonna win because we looked at this together.
Yeah, and I just, you know, weird things happen at Ford Field, and this is coming from a Packer fan, and NFC North fan is that a place is a weird place, and the lions are a scrappy team like they are a very bad defense although they've been playing slightly better of late, the offense is legit. And I know that Uranus on the fourth house cusp, along with the North Node, tells me that regardless of what happens, either way, this is going to be a crazy, crazy game.
Adam Elenbaas
I think so too. It's for the division. It feels like the Dan Campbell lions are a lot better than the record shows. They've won four out of their last five. What do you think, Kip? Does anything come to mind?
I'll also say that because I was, you know, you could make arguments for either one of those rulers. I did a taro for each of them as well. And I got the ace of pentacles upright for the Lions, asked what type of fortune will the lions or Vikings have in this game, and the ace of pentacles upright for the Lions, and the Emperor reversed for the Vikings. So, it somewhat speaks maybe a little bit to Mars Retrograde because the Emperor has traditionally related with Aries a little bit in the tarot.
Adam Elenbaas
The leader, the king of the division, going for the title getting overturned like that would make a loss and would make sense with that read on it. I'm gonna again I'm gonna go with Saturn and with the Vikings winning, but because I want to test my theory about, like, Okay, I sort of followed Saturn along the way here, and it seems that Saturn keeps trumping any other kind of like flashy symbolism. So I'm gonna go that way, but I think you could be right, Spencer. So we'll see how this one goes. What do you think, Kip?
Horary is not something I've studied tremendously. I am looking at that moon trine Pluto and also seeing the moon in the fourth house of home. And just seeing a powerful team. And taking it away from astrology a little bit, this, in a lot of ways, is their Super Bowl. But to be honest, a real victory for the Lions is to score a million points and have us pull it out in a semi-embarrassing way at the end so they get a better draft pick. So like, that would be a homerun for them to basically show everyone we're as good as these guys. But winning isn't as important to us. And
I want to ask, What do you what about that technique? Or where you try to find the, like, the moon applying or something of that nature to the 10th? House? Is that like the prize? Right? Is there something like that?
Adam Elenbaas 1:16:16
And I remember the moon? If it was the signifier of one team, applying to the degree of the midheaven might be something. Yeah, something like that. Yeah, I mean, one thing that I was looking into is so allow me to show you guys one thing that I did, sometimes when Okay, so Frawley has this general rule that he teaches that when you have what looks like a split between signifiers, it's very, very, even, that's when you might start wanting to consider that, you know, things like the law of victory or the fixed stars. Both Saturn and the moon are on unfortunate fixed stars.
So yeah, that's the other thing. I didn't want to say it, but that moon looks like somebody's not walking away from this game in perfect shape.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I hate to say that. But you know, on the other hand, Castra Aquarius is on the fixed star Castra, which is also associated with Saturn, and it's considered to be an unfortunate star. It's not as famous as Algol. But I mean, it just, you know, the lot of fortune is in the house of injury with the ruler in the 12 Mars Retrograde sitting pretty close to the sixth house, cusp. I'm just like, you know that because this a game where it's turned because of an injury somehow.
We have a lot of guys out sick. Yeah, that's true.
Adam Elenbaas
That was one thing that I thought about right away. Actually, when I heard that news this week that a bunch of Vikings players were sick because I was like, well, that sort of fits the chart that could be really what turns everything in a sense. It could be as simple as that.
You can also read into that myth that maybe the Vikings are turned to stone from the gaze of Medusa or Al Gore.
Adam Elenbaas
Either that or they behead her.
Piggybacking off of what Kip said, for me, being a Jamal Williams, the running back of the lions, fantasy owner. I'll be happy if he scores three touchdowns, and then I don't actually really care who wins. The ball Williams goes off. I'm okay with the outcome either way. Yeah, I think I am going with the lions. Just due to that terrible reading. In particular.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah. Well, it'll be a good one to come back to, and it would not be the first time I've gotten one wrong this season. I'm really interested to see how this one is going to play out. So would you say we should meet after the holidays again and revisit World Cup to get into the playoffs? Coming up with more stuff on the NBA, more on Mercury's or Mars turning direct? I think it'd be a good review in January sometime.
Yeah, it was great seeing you guys. Yeah, for sure. Well, thank
Adam Elenbaas
Well, thank you, everybody, so much for listening. We hope this was entertaining for you if you're into sports and astrology, or if you're trying to seduce someone into getting into astrology and you use this Bravo. We appreciate you guys, and we look forward to making more interesting astrology sports content in the new year. So we hope from all three of us, Spencer and Kip myself, hope that you guys have a great holiday season, whatever you may be celebrating, and maybe just the solstice and a great new year, and we will look forward to more Astrology of Sports in 2023 Take it easy, everyone.
In one of the early episodes the guys mentioned that Aaron Rogers was in a bad profection year and would be entering a good one after his birthday on December 2nd. At Thanksgiving I hosted a large family gathering which included 3 people I had never met before that came as my nephew’s guests. At one point after dinner there was a discussion about the Packers that was quite negative going on in the family room. I was in the kitchen doing dishes and over heard this. I stormed into the family room and announced that there would be no negative Packer talk in my house and that I was a student of astrology and Aaron Rogers was in a bad profection year right now and that all would change after his birthday and that everyone should get a better attitude!!!!! I then marched back into the kitchen, not before noticing the shocked looks on people’s faces and the dead silence afterwards.
So I was thinking of my Thanksgiving rant while watching the Packers Bears game 2 days after Aaron’s birthday, extra hopeful he would have a successful game in his new profection year. Sure enough the Packers beat the Bears, Aaron played great, the Packers became the winningest team in the NFL and took the lead for wins in the long Packers Bears rivalry that before that game was in a tie. Unfortunately, I have no one that will understand the astrology or the humor in this scenario in my “real” life to share with, so wanted to share with Adam, Kip and Spencer and the viewers.
Thanks guys for your Astro sports reporting. Love it!
Rhainey from Wisconsin 😊