Today, join me and my buddies, Kip and Spencer, as we dive into the lively world of sports astrology, exploring everything from recent NBA news, including Damian Lillard's trade, to the current happenings in the major league baseball playoffs and the World Series. We'll not only discuss the astrology surrounding these events, potentially making some World Series predictions, but also revisit and update our previous astrological forecasts for NFL players. Gear up for an episode brimming with astrological insights, sports updates, and engaging discussions!
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology, and today I'm joined by my buddies, Kip and Spencer, to talk about the astrology of sports. We're gonna talk a little bit about the NBA and some big news that's been breaking there, Damian Lillard was traded. So we're going to talk about that, and some other NBA stuff should be pretty fun.
We're gonna also look at the World Series and the major league baseball playoffs that are going on right now and some of the astrology surrounding the World Series, maybe some predictions about who might win the World Series; we are also going to take a look back at some of the forecasting we did for players in the NFL, and some updates on the astrology of the NFL.
So, there are a lot of fun things to look at today, and as always, before we get into it, don't forget to like and, subscribe and share your comments and reflections, especially if you're a fan or if there's something you'd like to see us cover in a future episode or something like that.
Just drop it in the comment section and tell us what team you're following and maybe what astrology you've noticed; if you follow the astrology of any athletes or teams, we'd love to hear from you guys, and you can find a transcript of any of the daily talks on the website, I'll be very glad to introduce you to Kip and Spencer and where you can find their work as well. So be sure that you stick around because I will tell you more about their good work as well, and on that note, let's bring them on. Hey, Kip. Hey, Spencer.
Hey, Adam. How are you doing?
Adam Elenbaas
Good. It's good to see you guys again. There's been a lot of, like, it's it's so funny. You know, over the summer, things were really quiet. We did our first show, and then I've gotten a ton of emails from people being like, you know, you guys got to do it again, and then Spencer was like, are we ready to do it again? And I was like, Yeah, I think like once a month is pretty good to check in and see how things are going, especially now that it's October, the major league baseball playoffs are going on, NBA season is about ready to gear up again. We've got word we're getting into about maybe a quarter of the way through the NFL season. So, it's a good time for updates.
Yeah, big, big trades. Big injuries. Yeah, you know baseball is heating up here. So it's a great time.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I mean, we're going to, we did some predictions. We looked at some charts of quarterbacks and players in the NFL. We're going to circle around to that later in the show today. I think what we're going to start with, especially since Spencer is a Bucks fan and has just gotten the good news that Damian Lillard will be joining his already powerhouse of a team. But yeah, let's talk about the astrology of what's going on because there's some really interesting astrology that you've been looking at with regard to the charts of the players involved with that trade.
Yeah, let's bring that up, and then we can check out the chart and Giannis here. There it is. So, we have Damian Lillard's chart up here on July 15, 1990, in Oakland, California. Now remember, these are both untimed noon charts, and then we have Giannis Antetokounmpo, December 6, 1994. Athens, Greece.
Yeah, there is some really interesting stuff with their synastry; the first thing I'm noticing is Giannis' north node at 14 degrees of Scorpio conjoining Damian Lillard Pluto at 14 degrees of Scorpio, and that deccan in that 10-degree section of Scorpio has a lot to do with merging in a deep emotional relationship.
Like, you know, in his book 36 Faces, Austin Copic calls that deccan in mutual distillation. So it's about combining forces, about like, sometimes it can be a good combination, sometimes it's a challenging combination. But I do think, in this case, they combine very well. The two of them have sort of been prefacing this union for quite some time, with Damian Lillard saying that Giannis would be his preferred person to win a championship with and Giannis picking Damian, number one overall and like the all-star draft when they kind of pick teams at the All-Star game is that's kind of something they've been doing over the last few years.
A couple of the things I thought were really interesting about their synastry. First of all, Damian Lillard has an awesome Jupiter cazimi of the Sun, right? So he's very, very lucky, fortunate, a great leader. So he has Jupiter in Cancer, exalted conjoining the Sun, and I talked to a friend of mine who is a Portland fan and feels pretty strongly that Damian Lillard is a Leo rising as well. So that was his guess as far as his constitution, which would put that Sun-Jupiter conjunction and a very powerful angular 10th house.
Now, the challenge that we see in Damian Lillard's chart is an opposition with Saturn in Capricorn at 21 degrees of Capricorn, and what I thought was really interesting about their synastry with Giannis' this chart is that Giannis has Neptune at 21 Capricorn and Uranus very close by a 24 Capricorn, which to me might suggest his ability to break up that opposition or to dissolve it on some level, like breaking up the boundaries and the opposition's for the success that he might have potentially and also his south node is somewhat close to Damian Lillard Mars in Taurus.
One of the techniques I really look at quite a bit is whether a malefic or a benefic planet is conjoining the north or the south node of the Moon, and we can increase good or bad fortune with the north node or decrease that same fortune with for example, the south node contact with a challenging planet. So this may reduce Damian Lillard's challenges with having to carry the weight himself on some level with Mars and Taurus here.
Adam Elenbaas
I love that; that's really cool.
Yeah, I'm excited about this duo. I don't know if you could think of a better match of skill sets with Giannis' gravity of being able to pull defenders down toward the hoop and then Damian Lillard's limitless range on the court, just opening the spacing for all of the other players. You've, of course, got Chris Middleton as an incredible third player or third banana, I guess you could say, instead of a, you know, a good second option, but not the greatest second option.
I am fascinated by Damian Lillard, the most prolific and accomplished rapper in the history of the NBA, who has Mercury conjoining the south node, which is amazing to me. I would never have guessed that.
That's awesome. Yeah, he's not a bad rapper. He's pretty good, isn't he?
I mean, for an all-pro NBA player, he's fantastic.
Adam Elenbaas
I have to say I just realized that Damien Lillard is the inner ring. Yeah, he's borrowed some of his glory from my 23-degree Cancer-Sun we share. I'm just kidding. I never realized that he was he's on the 15th. I was born on the 16th. We both have the 23-degree Cancer; if only I had the exalted Jupiter.
Well, you know, one of the things about Damian Lillard's chart that kind of mirrors Drew Holliday when he got traded to the Bucks is that both Drew Holliday and Damian Lillard are born within about three weeks of one another, and they're both Aquarius north nodes.
So they were both really trying to carry the weight of their teams before getting traded, and now they're kind of seeing themselves as part of a group rather than having to be this like force of an individual. So, I'm feeling pretty bullish on his ability to have success in this new situation. One thing I wanted to point out, too, that was kind of interesting is that there's another kind of confirmation about him being potentially a Libra rising.
One of the downsides of his trade news that came out is that he actually filed for divorce on October 2 from his longtime wife. So one of the things that we've seen lately in the sky is the south node Mars conjunction in Libra, and this is in his first house and if his rising sign were Libra, it would be the ruler of his seventh house, and his second house, which means that in a divorce settlement, he could probably be losing quite a bit of his resources and money as well and if he this chart was correct, he'd be moving into a 10th house perfection year at age 33. Which would would seem to suggest the the teaming up with the Moon in Aries, but also just a focus on the seventh house with his divorce and increasing his independence with the north node on the Moon there as well.
Adam Elenbaas
Really nice.
Yeah, I would just like to point out that for anyone interested in financial astrology, it's obviously not the focus of this podcast. But historically, if you want to just take a look back in the week that was and look at when Mars came close to that south node and look at where the markets went. It's a pretty clear indicator.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I actually mentioned that south node of Mars conjunction in Libra in connection to which big crash was it. Do you remember there was like a 1980? Something?
The first crash was in 87 during Bush one. Yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I know that it was 87 because I remember, Oh, that's interesting that in 91 and in 87, when the Twins won the World Series, Mars was in Libra. Not that I really think they're gonna win the World Series; I wish they would.
the node method isn't necessarily predicting Twins winning at all. I'm sorry to say,
Adam Elenbaas
I know there. I was just telling Kip. I'm like, the Twins are playing on house money right now. They haven't won a game in 19 years in the playoffs, let alone a series like 21 or two or something like that. So I'm like, you know, they've checked some boxes for me that get me a little bit more engaged as a fan, and like, I'll take if they make a competitive series of the Astros, then I'll be, I feel like I'm not sure to ask much more than that at this point.
Yeah, yeah. I'm a very, very casual Brewers fan, and they are already eliminated. So you know, it's nice to get those victories when you can get them; it's not the easiest thing in the world to do to even make the playoffs, and in baseball, so it's a special thing when you can have some success there even if it's not the ultimate goal.
Adam Elenbaas
For Minnesota fans, Kip probably resonates with this. I mean, it's really the only team that we've men's team, anyway, that we've seen a major championship from. I don't think the North Stars have ever won one. I know the Vikings haven't. The Timberwolves definitely haven't. So I think the Twins in 87 and 91 are the only championships we've experienced.
Yeah, yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
They're like our dynasty team. But if you're if you're into any men's sports in Minnesota, it's like the twins are all you've ever tasted of that level of success, and that was, you know, for me, I was ten years old.
So it's a University of Minnesota wrestling team that has won, too.
Adam Elenbaas
Well, in Minnesota, of course, there's a million; there's like three, I think, Minnesota hockey team collegiate hockey teams that have won the Minnesota Duluth, especially the women. Yeah, yeah.
I'll tell you back in the day when the twins were good. That was when there was not that much on television. I didn't have cable when I was like this about similar ages, as all of you 1011 12 So I was watching the World Series, and I remember, you know, was it. It was Kirby Puckett and Chuck Knobloch, part of those second ones. Yeah, and then there was Jack Morris, and I remember these names from not even my own team,
So much personality.
A super fun watch, and they played the Braves. Right?
Adam Elenbaas
I think it was a 1-0 game.
It was classic Kirby. That was, didn't he hit the game-winner?
Adam Elenbaas
To send it to game seven. That was game six. But anyway, the other thing that's interesting about this one, just as an aside, is Damian Lillard, in two summers from now, will get Jupiter return in his 10th house, and that just strikes me right away is, like, well, if it isn't right away that they want a championship. The future certainly looks bright with Jupiter's return on the horizon in that, too, not too far from now, that would be not the 23-24 season, but 24-25, the playoffs would land as Jupiter was ingressing and going over as midheaven I believe in June.
Even this year during the playoffs, and you know, spoiler alert for what's coming up for me. Gemini is going to be packed, and Jupiter is moving into Gemini, and if you look at Giannis's Libra house, it's going to trine a ton of that stuff. So, positive stuff is triggered.
The Bucks have about a three-year window with Damian on a three to four-year contract, depending on player options, and that would really match up well with Damian Lillard's 11th House perfection year having a really supercharged sun because you know Jupiter cazimi and then Giannis will be out of his sixth house perfection I'm a little nervous because Giannis is moving into a sixth house perfection and his birthday this year. So I'm nervous he might get hurt for, you know, around the playoffs for this year. But next year, he'd be in seventh house perfection, which a lot of teams you see players see being able to accomplish a significant goal, so it really does make sense that if it's not this year, next year would probably be a solid bet. You
Adam Elenbaas
You ride off into the sunset in the seventh house perfection year sometimes. Kip, do you do you want to add to the conversation about the NBA here?
Yeah, I've just got a couple of charts I want to pull up and kind of as much as anything. I want to share just kind of some main transits that are going to make up this season. So what I'm sharing right now is Nikola Jokic's chart; his chart is on the inside and the transits for the year on the outside, and what we notice about this year when we pay any attention is that we have three guys.
The guys I'm going to talk about generally as MVP candidates are Giannis, Djokovic, Joel Embiid, Jason Tatum, and Luka Doncic. Three of those guys are going through their Saturn Return, one of whom won the NBA title, not the NBA MVP, after winning it twice in a row when Saturn was really close to his Natal, Saturn, and frankly, right on top of the Sun, and it's a guy named Nikola Jokic, I think he's Slovenia. But he's so fundamentally sound that to me, it makes a lot of sense that a guy that ages slowly, even though he's so huge at a time when other people that big tend to break down doesn't play a fast game.
He's not a bad athlete, but it's more hand-eye coordination, arranging the game, and when we're looking at these transits, and we don't know the houses, which is always so tough, I tend to look at those big transiting planets, and I just think that for Damian in particular, this transit of Saturn is really important.
One other thing I want to point out because I'm going to get to this at the end is to pay attention to planets, especially benefics that are in firehouses right in the middle of the turn because this is a really interesting thing I discovered about what's gonna go on during the playoffs.
I'm going to switch it up here just really briefly; we're going to look at Luka's chart.
Adam Elenbaas
No, you have to share it again. I feel like he's just to make a comparison. He reminds me of the Olajuwon or Ewing kind of character on championship on those championship teams. Although he actually won a championship, I don't think you ever did
Aquarius sun, just like Jokic.
Adam Elenbaas
yeah, it makes total sense. He's kind of a boring player, but he's amazing.
So here we have Luka, and I think Luka is in for a slower going year, and his team isn't really set up to succeed as good as he is, and I think that a lot of that has to do with again, you have Saturn over the top of his Sun, and there's really nothing beneficial going on to warm up this house. We do have for Luka, though, speaking of fire signs, and that has a lot to do with Mars as we get towards the playoffs.
Luka, like seemingly a ton of NBA players, has important planets in Scorpio, and for him, he's going to start the season off with Mars transiting through Scorpio, and then towards the playoffs, kind of what I'm hinting at is that Mars is going to be in Aries and and so if Luka makes a push during the playoffs, we're going to see Mars and Mars's own sign on top of just this really special Jupiter Venus conjunction that he has in Aries but as we're gonna see other folks are even in a better position when it comes to that.
So we looked at Giannis. The thing that I want to talk about with Giannis is that same Saturn return to what we saw last year was Giannis got hurt, and because Giannis is Saturday, so early in the chart, I kind of worry not so much these need to hurt in the playoffs but that he's gonna get banged up early in the year and it's gonna go slow for him. That's because it really was when Saturn transited when Saturn moved over the US and got hurt last time. Obviously, it's not a guarantee if I wish again; this is one of those things where I wish I knew what house was in.
Jupiter is still retrograde, which is the ruler of his natal Sun as well.
So here we have Embiid and Ibiza, another guy, Saturn Return, and Embiid has had a long injury history and beat had a bad offseason; this team is kind of in disarray, and we saw Embiid have debt like just not a great playoff for him or his team and we're gonna see Saturn trigger this natal Mars-Saturn conjunction and I just feel like this is not a great omen for Joel Embiid.
Not my favorite guy, quite honestly. So I'm not gonna shed too many tears, but it is a bummer when one of our superstars, you know, has tough stuff happen, but I really think that when this Saturn in a couple of months moves back over this conjunction, it's not the greatest So so far we went through four guys all going through well through them going through their Saturn return.
Luka is not looking like Saturn is encumbering his natal Sun, and our going through the guy that I really think if I had to pick of these five favorites to win the NBA MVP, it would be this guy, and this is Jason Tatum, and I want to keep in mind is that the MVP is a regular season award and Jason Tatum plays with a with brown, another wing who just got his giant contract they just traded for Drew Holliday, who came from Spencer's team who's a fantastic guard the kind of lead guard that honestly is unselfish. You know, they've always had good guards but haven't necessarily been as, as multi-dimensional as dynamic as what they're getting with to holiday, and we've seen Tatum have a ton of success, and now we have Saturn moving through this packed house conjoining what really is this really beautiful Pisces Jupiter?
That's kind of the lead in, in this untimed chart. But I think what we're gonna see is we're gonna see if Jason Tatum is one of those top-flight superstars, the kind of guy that's an MVP candidate; when we have Saturn rolling through here, are we going to see prestige and authority, those kinds of things that get crystallized and are the top line of your obituary, and that's kind of a bummer thing to say out loud. But it's also one way people think about this, and I think when we see trip Saturn transit through this packed house, it's really kind of fish or cut bait time. I think they're going to be a really successful team. I can't see how they're not. But if this is if Jason Tatum is, you know, one of those top five superstars in the league, one of those guys you could talk about as being one of the dudes that this is the year we're going to see it one way or another it Dooku Jason Tatum is going to kind of get chiseled into stone this year. Finally, I can't do this without sharing. My beloved Anthony Edwards, and I'm using his chart not only to talk about Anthony Edwards so
Adam Elenbaas
I'm glad you're going to. I was just like, we should look at his chart.
But the great part about, other than getting back on Anthony Edwards, is I get to talk about what's going to happen during the NBA Finals and what that is, or I'm sorry, the playoffs. What that is.
Adam Elenbaas
I'm gonna move this up to me.
Do they ever make Topcon jokes with Anthony Edwards here? Like, isn't that the name of that same actor? That was goose? Right?
Adam Elenbaas
Was that really that true?
So here, Yeah, it is. His name is name. So I proposed when we didn't have it. When aunt wasn't sticking as a as a nickname. I propose goose to be. I thought that would be hilarious. But now we're saying for sure. So, what I want to focus on is that the NBA playoffs are starting, right? At the end of April or the beginning of May, we are going to in the middle of May have this conjunction of the north node and Mars, the semi-finals, the conference semi-finals.
So to get into the conference finals, they're starting May 6 and 7, and that conference finals to get to the NBA Finals, that's starting on May 20-21st. So right in the middle of this, we're having this conjunction of the north node and Mars; remember we talked about the south node Mars being well, the north node and Mars whoop opposite lots of juice, lots of energy, and for my beloved Anthony Edwards we see that this conjunction fits neatly with his natal cazimi perfect trine and this trine in his natal chart with Jupiter that my friends are a very positive sign for a guy who's trying to break through on the national level. We also, as I pointed out, are seeing for yogic; he has his Jupiter. Really happy, Jupiter. Right where this Pluto is. So he's getting that trine who is the other guy, and Yanis has a 14-degree Sagittarius sun, so we're getting the same trine. So a lot of folks are getting this pushed in, but I think that if we're going to talk about Aries and Mars, we're talking about that point of the spear breaking through the line of the enemy army, and that's really what a has to do for himself and for this whole franchise. So obviously, I think it's gonna make it to the conference finals because clearly, it's in the star ours, all over it. If either of you want to make any comments about this happening during such a prominent time during the NBA Playoffs or you know just how great Edwards is, that also works.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I mean, oh, go ahead. Go ahead, Spencer.
I was just gonna say, goodness gracious, Great Balls of Fire. Great trying to fire right. That's all I've got.
Adam Elenbaas
Let me show you guys. I'll add, I'll add to your here's Karl Anthony Towns this chart. I think one of the things that I find interesting about this chart is that this is probably a make or break year for him in terms of whether he stays with the Timberwolves long-term or not because the Timberwolves are going to be in a position where they're not going to be able to afford their roster and the likelihood that they would hold on to a max player like cat with the issues that cat has overall. I mean, it's like he's a great player. But he's not a transcendent player; he used in the same class as Jokic, EJ, and Embiid if I remember correctly, and he was picked number one, and those guys are, you know, like he, we would hope that a number one player in the same draft as those guys would be in the same conversation and he's just not, you know, so what do you do when you're building your team around Anthony Edwards, he's future, and Karl Anthony Towns reportedly has like, a sense that the team has his so there's like, psychological issues around leadership and the team and, and, and Anthony Edwards and Karl Anthony Towns is like he has this way of bringing, I don't know, this is the way I would describe it.
This is just my observation; going to games and also listening to my favorite podcasts that talked about the Timberwolves, he has a way of making you feel like you're losing when you're winning, and I was like, I think some of that basically comes from the fact that he has real deeply seated insecurities. It's like, and I hate that for anybody. Like, you know, that sucks. I'm not; I don't want to ridicule someone for having insecurities, but he's like a very insecure person. If you've ever listened to him talk at the mic, he overcompensates wildly; he makes egregious claims like this year, he thought he was saying, you know, whatever, we're better than the nuggets, even though the nuggets just won the champion. It just didn't make any sense, and he says a lot of crazy, stupid things.
So, you know, the idea is that this is a make or break year for him, and I was wondering, like, well, what are his transits this year? And the one that really stands out to me, can you see the buy wheel? Yep. Yeah. I mean, he's got the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction opposite his Sun. That's, that's going to be happening mid to late April. That's interesting to me.
You know, I'm not; I have some theories. I'd like to hear what you guys think about it. He's in the mix of his Saturn Return. Right? He's got that going on as well, and he's, I mean, I like it in one sense. I feel like if there were ever a time where someone needed to be catalyzed, to break through their own BS in some way, it might be Jupiter, Uranus opposing their son, you know, like you could maybe that he finds a new level to his game, maybe there's more cohesion, maybe, with Anthony Edwards becoming more dominant, he feels like he can take a little bit, he just steps comfortably into a little bit more of a beta role, you know, which I think he'd be sort of better for him. But could this also be like, you know, I mean, the trade deadline is in February. If the Timberwolves aren't doing very well, the rumor is that they might try to trade him more likely in the offseason. You know, but I mean if you take this forward a little bit, too. This is April. So I think the playoffs start in late April, don't they? Yeah, I want to say it's like, so this would be around the start of the playoffs at any rate. So, could you see him poised to take the next step? He's never been someone to put a team on his shoulders in the playoffs for the Timberwolves; it just was Jimmy Butler, not him.
You know, it's, it was really, what's the guy's name that was on the clip, Patrick Beverley. I mean, it was really he was the emotional leader of the team when they faced the Clippers in the plan and got in and then lost to Memphis. He's not capable of putting a team on his back. But this could represent some kind of breakthrough in his career.
I could see it going the other way, too. But then, if you take it forward just a little bit more. You're gonna have Jupiter; we don't know his exact time. I'm right. But depending on where his Moon lands, you know, he could have a Virgo moon; that would be entirely possible. In fact, I feel like that might be the case with someone who's kind of as nervous as he is. Not to say that all Virgo moons are nervous, but it's like a mercurial thing, and he's got to combust Mercury, so maybe the moons in Virgo. But could you have Jupiter heading into a combination with his Moon if he was born with the Moon and, in some, somewhere in the later degrees of Leo? That's a possibility. But either way, the Uranus transit will stay within one degree of his natal Sun all the way into late May, and then if you take it forward a little bit more, he's got his Saturn Return at the same time, and then he's got all of those planets in Sagittarius that Mars in the north node will be picking up on in trines a little bit. Go right.
I have a I have a Tarot thought with that opposition. Yeah, tell me what you think; first of all, you touched on something with his natal Sun and the third decade of Scorpio that that 10-degree section of Scorpio is associated with the seven of cups card, which shows someone looking at an illusion of fame, fortune, love, lust, all of these things and, and trying to figure out what is real and what isn't. There are illusion qualities about discerning reality. There are also challenges in that deck and about holding on too tightly to form that needs to be composted. So it can be the spirit can be liberated from the body, the transition from the final Deccan of Scorpio to the beginning of Sagittarius.
Now, with the opposition with the third 10-degree section of Taurus with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, there you have the seven of Pentacles where you see someone leaning on his like garden hoe, trying to assess his harvest or what he has grown over the course of his seasonal work. So, that deck in it really shows humility in the face of nature. There are a lot of themes in that deck about being able to understand that there are forces greater than you that are outside of your control and also reassessing your patterns, habits, and actions and seeing if they worked or not. There's a spirit with that deck and called the lip tie. Who are these hobbled women that followed behind this deity called eight, who is related to rashness?
Okay, so, like, by doing something rashness through hubris, you have to have repentant prayer falling behind. So maybe this is a time where he's finally realizing and releasing his illusions that he may have through this through the Sun, releasing his old form and humbling himself and saying maybe my actions haven't created success, and I need to make a change.
So I love everything you guys are saying, and I got something to add to this as a guy whose second Sun has, well, second child first sun has a natal Uranus Jupiter conjunction, so I'm I live with this it is a wild hair up the ass and honestly if I were going to kind of to add on to what you're saying about him making you feel like you're losing or winning. I always think of him as a tough Hank. He's tough, hey, especially as a fan of the team.
Yeah, it's Carl there been other guys who have been successful in the league and I feel like to a certain extent they've had their own unique skill set and he has that he is a weirdo in that he is seven feet tall and can shoot from everywhere on the court but he doesn't seem to embrace that and maybe that's what he needs to do and maybe he needs to become like Dennis Rodman or the other guy that Birdman it was a will Anderson what was I forget his first name but these guys were tough hangs but then they just didn't brace the thing that they did that made them freakish were Rodman it was rebounding and for the Birdman It was literally flying around the court and just getting in the way of people shooting like a goon that no one else could recreate and so maybe Carl does break through and realize you know what I need to do I need to shoot from super deep take lots of outside shots, give go bear space to rebound give and space to attack the rim and I just need to be me like maybe he needs to get something pierced or dye his hair or something.
Adam Elenbaas
As you know, it is a Saturn Return in Pisces to you, with the Saturn squaring his Mars, and you know, Saturn squares Mars and Sagittarius from Pisces. It's like, you know, they'll ride or die. But then I cry when I stubbed my toe I just feel like it's, there's something there that, you know, it's just, it's like he has these moments of being like he was lights out when he came back from his injury and had this amazing like first game back from hurting his Achilles, I think it was, or so he comes back, and he's back, and he has this awesome game, and they win, and it's a, I don't remember who they were playing as a good team, and afterward, they were interviewing, and he was like, it's like a movie. We'll have a wah, and everyone was like, you know, it was so great until you made it too great.
You open your mouth. Yeah. He reminds me again. I'm not, actually, I'm gonna scratch that. It's always someone else's fault with this guy. Yeah, and if he is the biggest pointer at the refs and complainer and powder, and it's just, oh, he is a tough hag.
Yeah, one of the qualities of a championship mindset, I think, is consistency, never getting too high or too low, and I think that there's nothing wrong with being sensitive. If you're a masculine type of person, and you have sensitive emotions, that is totally legit, of course, but being able to be calm under pressure and consistently, you know, not get, you know, get on the wheel of fortune, right on the spinning wheel and connecting with the center hub, no matter what's going on around you. Chaotically, he needs to find that inner peace and that inner, you know, sanctity to be able to perform.
So, I think figuring out his role and accepting where it is is just going to be ideal. So let's cross our fingers for big Carl that he figures that out, and that's for him.
Adam Elenbaas
I mean, one thing I hate to imagine is that Jupiter-Uranus opposition to his Sun is taking place as they're just starting to discuss his options because their playoffs are over.
Anything Pierce, then.
Adam Elenbaas
we are limited on time, and I want to keep moving. Because we have a lot more to get through. Let's talk about the major league baseball playoffs. Spencer is going to bust out his magic and tell us who is going to win, which I think he did accurately predict last year.
I accurately predicted both the World Series and the Super Bowl. That's right. So I have a method that I've been utilizing for the last year or two here, where I look at the coaches of the respective teams that are in the championship games, and I compare it to the charts of championship games and look for contacts with the nodes to their natal charts and vice versa. So I found there's a pattern of coaches that had contacts with the south node where fortune is leaving the physical plane of reduction of some sort. With the losing coaches of these championship games, although in rare cases, sometimes you'll see a monolithic planet on the south node in the winter because it is a reduction of bad fortune, and we also see some increase of good fortune when a coach has a planet on the north node with an increase of good fortune material success. That's not as good of an indicator of success as the losing coach, actually, to be honest.
Sometimes, I'll look for secondary conjunctions for the winning coach, like button effects on their natal lights or something of that nature. The other thing that I look at with all of this is the condition of the planet that is hosting the Sun. Okay, so oftentimes, you'll see a planet, like someone who has the Sun and Libra, if they have Venus in Virgo, which we're going to see in one of the charts that's a really like a power outage on some level. Whereas if you have an Aries son with a Mars, you know, Scorpio Mars, that's really empowering them at that period. So here we have the World Series game six; this is the closest I can get without knowing how things are going to play out generally. These series go roughly five or six games. So I kind of randomly chose game six; I have it set as 7:03pm Central time. Usually, the game is at around eight o'clock, three minutes after Eastern time, and I haven't said in Arlington, Texas, for sort of it's a guess, so it's not necessarily the accurate space, but then I'm sort of foreshadowing some of my predictions here.
I had to pick somewhere, right? So I'm just gonna throw you all bones here, Twins fans.
Adam Elenbaas
I will admit baseball is lower on my knowledge base, but I trust the technique. So, I feel confident with the technique even if I don't know baseball as well as I do basketball and football. So Roco, you know, does have some contacts with the south node with Pluto here and whatnot, and he does have Venus and Mars conjoining during the World Series, but this there wasn't enough for me to give him the go ahead with it. Because I want to show you some other contacts where there might be much more indication of that, I'm gonna go to another coach who I'm I'm on the fence about that may have some part in this.
So here we go. So this is Dusty Baker's chart, and Dusty won the championship. He was a great case study in the last couple of years because he lost the World Series with the south node on some of his natal planets, and then he won the World Series when those planets retrograded back around and, I believe, hit the north node. So, it was a really interesting case study with him. But the thing that's given me a little pause with Dusty is that he does have an eight nodal return during his coaching, which they use the Houston Astros just so this is yeah, so this is the Astros here. Usually, I have the. I'm not sure why they didn't turn out the simple. They're about to lose the Twins, though. Yeah. So he has a nodal return here, which does seem to suggest this is an important time for him. I don't know if he's considering retirement or anything like that anytime soon. But he's one of the older elder statesmen, and he did just recently win a World Series, so I could see something potentially with him changing his fate. But I want to do you want to see the winner or the loser first?
Adam Elenbaas
Let's see the loser first. Yeah. Okay.
Just noticed Dusty is almost old enough to run for president.
So, my choice for the losing coach is Brian Snitker of the Atlanta Braves, and I know that they are the overwhelming favorites right now. Because they just have such a powerhouse team, even a guy who hasn't been following as much baseball. I know. I know about Hakuna and how crazy of a season he has been having with, you know, 40 home runs, 70 steals, and things of that nature. That's pretty incredible. But here is what I'm seeing he has the Sun conjoined exactly, almost to the south node of this game. Okay, which is one of the indicators of losing a championship game.
Wait, this is snicker. This isn't fidelity to Libra. Coaches are the way to go in the MLB.
Well, there you go. I mean, maybe they're good at communicating, balanced, needed to
Adam Elenbaas
Well, you know, wouldn't that be something if the Braves and the Twins played again?
We'll see. Oh, that is interesting synchronicity, so we'll keep that on our radar, right? The other thing that gives me some negative vibes for the Braves here is that we have his natal Moon, give or take a few degrees, of course, because it is not a time chart. But I prescribed to the Jeffery Cornelius School that sometimes the chart will tell us what we need to know even if it isn't the correct time because it is divination, and you can see here that Mars is exactly on his natal Moon at 15 degrees of Scorpio. So that's activating a really difficult planet in his chart that could potentially be associated with accepting loss and composting and things of that nature. He also has Mercury on his natal Saturn as well. So that could also suggest, you know, a denial of something potentially. So that's what I've got for the losing coach. This south node contact method has been very successful in a lot of different arenas, literally.
So here I'm going to show you my pick for the winner. So here is Bruce Bochy, who is named Bruce Bochy for the Texas Rangers, and you can see that he has the exact opposite condition with his natal Sun conjoining the north node in the last degrees of Aries, which is he already has a really juiced up sun with an exalted sun and increasing that good fortune is that that looks pretty good to me here and Mars is going to be in Scorpio at this point and then mark that's the other thing. Oh, so if we go back just real quickly, we go back to the chart. Okay, you can see that Venus is going to be in Libra Virgo; excuse me, in its fall in Virgo, so the ruler of his son is fallen and opposing Neptune. So, it is not a really great aspect for the ruler of his natal Sun, and his is Libra stellium. So, it's a difficult position for sure.
But then we go back over Texas, the Rangers. So this
Yeah, this is the Braves coach. We went back to the Braves coach because you were pointing out the ruler of his son with Mars. But I wanted to make sure we saw that Venus, the ruler of Snickers, Libra stellium, is in its fall in the worst possible position it can be according to Hellenistic dignity at the bottom of the Wheel of Fortune. So then we go back over here to boaties chart, and you can see that not only do we have the Sun conjoining, the north node in Aries, but also we have the ruler of his Sun in Scorpio in its own domicile, Mars, and Scorpios are really juiced up providing resources to that Sun. The other thing that I really like about both of these charts here is he has a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that we've just been talking about with an exalted Jupiter and the Moon of games five or six; our is going to be activating that Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, which is the height, like of the of Jupiter's dignity there as well.
There are numerous testimonies of him having success. One last testimony oftentimes I find Neptune sort of as a shadow malefic planet on some level where it dissolves things on the physical plane, and he has the south node going over Neptune, maybe reducing his, you know, dissolving need to transcend a physical disappointment on some level. So, I'm picking the Texas Rangers over the Atlanta Braves to win the World Series.
Adam Elenbaas
Wow. Good. That's good stuff, and I so the Go ahead. When you say something,
I just quickly looked it up, and the renders are plus 490 to win the World Series. So you're you're picking up an underdog, especially at this point.
We'll see. So great. That's a great way to test the method because if it plays out like this, then we can trust this method over the Vegas oddsmakers, which is that that is some that's some juice, right? As astrologers or sports astrologers, when we get something like that, right? Then it sort of brings us maybe some more credibility, potentially.
Yeah, I would unpack plus for 90 for all of you, but I don't really know what it means. It means that it's not. Yeah, I'm not savvy enough gambling-wise, too. I just know that that means that Spencer picks an underdog.
We'll see. You might make some money. This is not gambling advice. Like, that's our disclaimer, right? This is for entertainment purposes only. Yeah,
Adam Elenbaas
that's right. That's right. Here is a horary chart for the Twins-Astros series. You know, it was really interesting. I did the Twins-Blue Jays series, and it was very clear. It was like, if I remember correctly, I won't bring up that chart. Because we were limited, we had limited time left. But in the twins Blue Jays series, which has, of course, cast one for the series. I found that in baseball, where there are multiple-game series, or in basketball, with multiple-game series, I typically ask who will win the series, as opposed to doing each individual game. So that's how I generally approach series in the playoffs. Twins-Blue Jays was. I don't remember exactly what it was; I want to say it was Jupiter.
Anyway, the Twins showed up in the fifth house, and the Jays showed up in the 12th, and it was pretty, it was pretty clear cut. This one is different. There's a difference. Maybe it was a little different. But either way, it was like no, the twins were like Angular, and Blue Jays were, Oh, yeah, if I remember correctly, Bluejays were actually, I want to say, so it was Venus and Mars. Let me just look really quick because I have it on my phone. It was I think it was Venus and Mars, and the comparison was really straightforward. So that's always nice when you get one like that.
So here we go. So it was Venus, showing up in Leo in the 11th house for the twins in the Blue Jays series, and the Blue Jays were showing up as Mars conjoining the south node in the first house, which usually in the method that I studied with Frawley and horary would mean that you're gonna get owned by the other team so and they were swept into games, although the games were fairly close, so this chart to me is far less obvious. I will tell you that right now, I do not feel certain at all about this chart. You look at the Twins; they're going to be given Mercury in the fifth, and the Astros will get Jupiter in the 12th, you know right away; if it just accidental dignity, I would be like, Well, that's the twins are going to win the series. The problem is that Mercury's walking into combustion here. It's under the beams, but it's going into combustion; it's not great, it's not like it doesn't make it particularly better than the 12th house. I'm not sure what to make of this; typically, one thing that can tip the scales a little bit will be that the Moon in the house of one team or another can put a fortune on your side.
The Moon's next aspect is a trine to Mars and the south node in the fifth house. I don't know exactly what to make of that either. It makes me wonder, with Mars as the ruler of the sixth, if there isn't an injury that tips the scales in one direction or the other. I'm not sure I'm not sure about this one, guys. But initially, what I'm going to do is I'm going to judge the series in favor of the twins because I can't help but pick the team that has better accidental dignity when their essential dignity is pretty much a wash. I haven't looked at the minor dignity so closely. Does anything stand out to you, Kip, or Spencer about the first?
Sure, the Moon beat in the first, and I just know how pumped Twins fans are for this. So to have the populace on your side, they have the people on your side, I think, because I know for sure twins fans have been really disillusioned by playoff baseball over the last almost 20 years.
Adam Elenbaas
Right, right. This is I mean the only I mean, Mercury has triplicity by night, you know, in early Libra. That's it, and let's see Jupiter in Taurus. I'm just looking through some of the minor dignities and those around 14. So between four, it's like just on the cusp of its own bond. But it's retrograding into the bounds of Mercury, which wouldn't be that me at it once it goes 1359. It's in the bounds of Mercury.
I think I'd prefer Mercury in this case, also, even though it is combustible. I've done a few sports hoary horse races for the Packers this year, and every time they've had their significator in the 12th house, it's been a complete shit show. So, I think you're on point with this. I also did a tarot spread for all of these teams for, like, the eight teams that were left, and the twins had the four of Wands upright, which talks about a temporary Oasis like success, but it's like temporary.
Adam Elenbaas
So I think. They could wait into the LDS to get into the World Series.
Well, I'm so cool. I have to say. Yeah, on that note, the best card in the spread that I did was for the Rangers as well. They got the Emperor upright, which is pretty solid. There are a couple of other names just to throw out there with the Tarot spread; all of the other cards were reversed. Except for the Diamondbacks, which had the King of Swords upright, and the twins, which was the Four of Wands upright, so maybe there's, like, the Diamondbacks make some noise, but I'm feeling pretty solid about the Rangers with us. The Tarot confirms that also,
your technique has been pretty dang good, and it was very clear pulling up those charts that weren't ambiguous at all.
Yeah, it was good stuff, and we're still hopeful it'll play out with the Super Bowl this year. The Eagles need to start getting it together. Everything. There are a lot of seasons left, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
Here's Joe Burrows's chart. This is rectified. But do we want to say anything about the rough start that he's had and kind of revisit some of those predictions starting with him?
Man, we, we, we were talking about Saturn squares with a lot of these quarterbacks, right? But especially with the Gemini and the Sagittarius quarterbacks. I think that one of the things that I've been noticing is whenever you have your, the ruler of your son retrograding, there are delays. So we see some delays with the Sagittarius, you know, Joe Burrow here with Jupiter stationing retrograde right at the very beginning of the season, and he had the ankle injury or calf injury or whatever it is, so it's a slow start. So if Joe Burrow does make it to the playoffs, which is a huge F right now, Jupiter doesn't station direct until December 30. So it might be too late by that point.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, and he's got one that I hadn't pointed out was that Uranus is opposing his natal Venus for a good portion of the season. He's got a debilitated Venus. If we were to see his chart, his personality strikes me as maybe a Taurus rising or maybe a Libra rising. He's very Venusian in the way that he, he's very, very charming and likable and very smooth with people. I just wondered when I was looking. We don't have this short time. But could it be that he's a Venus rising, in which case, he's got this sort of erratic energy around his health for the year? That'd be one possibility. But I like where you went with looking at the ruler of the Sun being retrograde, which makes a lot of sense.
I mean, that's kind of the most visible part of a player when we don't have a time chart, right? Like their their ability to be a leader to be like someone who is moving under their own power and personal sovereignty, and when that ruler is retrograde, this is the same thing with Capricorns and Aquarius right now; you look at Jonathan Taylor, he's a late Capricorn, late Capricorn sun and he's been held in limbo, while Saturn has been retrograde and it's Saturn is going to start stationing direct on November 4. So we might see those players start to pick up steam a little bit as well. Someone like Derrick Henry could really start picking up steam when Saturn stations Direct because he's a Capricorn son as well.
I love the idea of Burrow being a Taurus rising; I just envisioned him lounging after big wins with a Stobi.
Adam Elenbaas
Just exactly. I mean, I'd also I'm going to bring up Rogers chart, but for some reason, I'm like, where's Oh, here it is. Okay, here. I thought I lost it for a second.
That was some irony, right? Their whole situation was crazy.
Adam Elenbaas
You know that. Okay. First of all, I just have to say that, as someone who has watched on the sidelines as Spencer has nailed so many wonderful predictions on this show, I felt sort of happy that I feel like I got one that's kind of cool. Because my big one in the first show we did to open the NFL season was to say, look, he's got, I mean, I'm just drawing it in where it is right now. But we've got Uranus transiting right around here, in, in Taurus, in his first house, and it's opposing the Moon in Scorpio, too, to me, you know, you could look at it as like, that's the exultation ruler of his ascendant, but the Moon represents the body either way, and so, you know, to have Uranus opposite the Sun, or opposite the Moon, and so close to the beginning of the season, and right away, just, you know, pops the Achilles that was like, you know, and I had just thought, wow, this is gonna be a really erratic season for him with the Uranus opposite moon, it's not gonna it's gonna go off the rails, or I don't like to predict injuries, but I was like, Yeah, does not look good. But that was a big one. That was maybe the biggest injury story of the year so far.
Oh, yeah. By far. Yeah. Yeah. It's because they scheduled those dudes in primetime. Now we have to watch Zach Wilson every primetime game. It's just, it's galling. But you know, Rogers was going through it. Mars return there, too, in addition to the Uranus Moon opposition, so in the sixth house, so there's multiple Testimonies for that, and I don't know, I think everyone lost when he got hurt, to be honest with you, even if you don't like Aaron Rodgers, being able to root against him was would have been entertaining like as a Packer fan. We wanted him to play 65% of snaps. So we got a first-round pick, and we wanted him to lose, and everyone loses now; the key to what he would have been the ultimate heel, you know. So it's really unfortunate that that injury happened. I don't know if it taught him any humility. He still thinks he's Superman and can manifest whatever he puts his mind to quote unquote. So I'm a little bit disappointed that he continues to kind of feel like he's greater than medical science or things of that nature.
I know that we're short on time here. So I'm going to put a challenge out cause I'm disappointed in all three of us, frankly. If Travis Kelce and Miss Swift are still together, we definitely eat some charts. We dropped the ball. Oh, wow. Right, right through our fingers onto the ground. So they're together each one of us has.
I have my phone. I wonder if I have Swift's chart up here? No, I don't have it. No, it would take me too long to put it in there. That's okay. You're totally right, though. That is the biggest story of the NFL.
I can't believe none of the three of us thought of it.
I know that she's a Sagittarius sun, and I know Kelsey is a Libra sun. So I do know that just as far as there is that particular.
I know that his that his his Venus is on her Mars in Sagittarius, almost exactly. So they could actually be a good bear, which, of course, didn't make any sense when it first started. I wonder
the only conspiracy theory I have about that is that I wonder how much Taylor Swift's team paid the NFL to potentially create this storyline,
how much did the NFL pay Taylor Swift? Exactly, exactly.
That's what I think that's what I meant because they are pumping her, you know, her tour, and she's bringing a whole new, you know, cadre of fans that the NFL could just not reach, so it is an amazing advertising opportunity. I
really love that take that he's going to struggle to be second fiddle to her. Do you know who his quarterback is? He used to be in second fiddle it's
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, that's a good point. Well, here's this chart just because we have a couple of minutes, and this is like a noon chart. You know, obviously, we're not, you know, we're not doing anything super fancy here, but what, you know, one thing that's interesting speaking of the whole, like, is this real? Is it a stunt? Well, he's got Neptune opposing his Mercury right now. That's interesting. I just noticed that right away.
There's a time. I have a time chart for Taylor Swift here if you want to punch that in real quick.
Adam Elenbaas
Can you want to just share it?
I just looked it up, so it's December 13. She's a Scorpio rising.
Adam Elenbaas
Oh, is it time? Yeah,
it's time.
Adam Elenbaas
What is the date again?
December 13 1989 5:17am. Reading Pennsylvania, Reading PA.
Adam Elenbaas
Yep. been there before? Actually. Weirdly enough, that was where I did my very first astrology retreat.
So Sagittarius, Sun Cancer, Moon Scorpio.
Adam Elenbaas
Oh, well, that's interesting because they have a if you look they have a Mars Venus conjunction in Scorpio.
So, his Venus is also in her first house on her ascendant.
Can you put the buy wheel up for this? You could do worse.
Adam Elenbaas
Yes, hold on just a second.
Let me know if this is the content that your audience wants here. This is a good way.
to if they get married. Yeah, years when Jupiter's back in Cancer, they're gonna take over the world.
This was your coming, you know, the bottom of the ninth year with food, you know?
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, that was a super good idea.
Kirby. I'm saving the home. That's right.
Well done. Well played, sir.
Adam Elenbaas
Okay, can you see it? Yeah. Okay. Okay. I like that Mars-Venus contact. Yeah. It's like very those Jupiter's I feel like I feel like she, you know, he might write a song about her.
both have Jupiter at the very early degrees of Cancer. So exalted Jupiter's here.
Adam Elenbaas
And they were, well, they were born, I guess, both in 89. So they've got similar, you know, the similar lineup of cat planets opposite Jupiter. That's interesting.
Mercury on top of the Saturn is something.
Adam Elenbaas
You know, it's funny, like I was one of my best friends growing up. Libra is a Sagittarius married to Libra. I feel like Libras and Sagittarius get along pretty nicely. It's interesting.
Yeah, I'm not seeing any huge red flags in this chart for them. You know?
Adam Elenbaas
You've got a Sun-Moon synastry, which is nice.
Now, the two big ones I look for are kind of knocked out of the park here.
I'm gonna say I ship it right. Yeah, shall
Adam Elenbaas
Do we know that?
Here's the one thing I will say: we have Saturn square with the Libra sun there. That's so, yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, and then the other thing would be the cancer moon that stands out to me. Is that sorry I'm now I'm looking is that whose is the cancer moon?
That's Taylor Swift.
Adam Elenbaas
Taylor Swift got the Cancer. Yeah, I mean that, you know, a sad moon and a cancer moon. So little. Yeah, I don't know about that piece. That piece throws me a little bit.
that sunlight in synastry is powerful, though. I've seen a lot of relationships. Yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
No, that's true. Yeah,
My one concern was that Mercury on Saturn, but if you look at where those two Jupiter's are, that's a lot of modification. Like I'm feeling unlike that's okay, and I feel like that takes care of that squared and tomorrow's too. I mean, so are there tough spots? Sure. But for long-lasting, anything you need to have?
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah. Where is friction? Yeah. What What, what, what synastry chart doesn't have a few places. The only thing I would think of would just be like,
those charts are around Adam because we have a time chart for Taylor, and we can see where his planets are landing in her natal houses.
Yeah, and to do that, we are like a bunch of 12.
Adam Elenbaas
You've got like, don't you have it's so funny like that. There's like all of these. Yeah. It's mostly like young girl fans of Taylor Swift who are now following the NFL. Right, right. Yeah, that's interesting.
Let's just cut to her every five minutes, and the Chiefs broadcast.
Adam Elenbaas
I wasn't sure. Where do you think put her in the inner or the outer?
Put her in the inner circle. Yeah, because we have a time chart for her, right? Because then you can see where Kelsey is planets land within her natal houses.
Adam Elenbaas
Got it. Okay, here we go.
Okay, so the 12th House Sun-Mars is not awesome.
Adam Elenbaas
I feel like that sounds. Not. Yeah, that's not ideal. But there's a lot of good contact here, though. I like the Sun Moon, especially in Sagittarius. They both have something about them that feels like a nice mixture of sweet and mischievous. I've thought I've listened to Travis Kelce speak on podcasts, and I feel like he's kind of charming and mischievous personality, very Sagittarian, you know, I picked that up from him for sure.
I mean, we got Venus in the first house in the fourth house. Yeah, yeah, do a lot worse. Yes, sweetening up where things come from and where they live in the real world.
Well, and oftentimes, I look at where the ruler of the seventh house is for the type of relationship or what people are trying to get out of a relationship, and in this case, Taylor Swift wants someone she can make a home with and but maybe a home that isn't necessarily completely rooted maybe in one place with Aquarius there right that he's
already hanging out with his mom.
All right, so
Adam Elenbaas
It makes a total. I mean, it makes total sense to me anyway that the love and the home would also be rooted in some kind of collective image with Venus in Aquarius, right? This is quite the collective presentation of a love story.
And his north node is only going to increase hurt feelings and a sense of home with that north node being there, so I don't know if this is a pretty, pretty fairy tale romance here.
We shipped it shipped.
Okay, I wish I knew more Taylor Swift lyrics to make jokes about it. I've only heard I've only listened to one Taylor Swift song, and that was the one where she was, like, the cheerleader on the bleachers or whatever, which was decades ago now. So I can't claim to be a Swifty, but
Adam Elenbaas
I'm starting to get there because my girls, it's like every car ride, it's can we listen to this one? Listen to that one, and anyway, thank you guys so much for coming today. I've got a scoot because I've got a client; it's been really nice to discuss and catch up, and now at the top of our list next month, and this is still a thing; there will be updates on Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.
Adam Elenbaas
That's what we should title this. It'll get a million clicks.
Oh, geez.
Adam Elenbaas
Perfect. Yeah, we'll see about that. Anyway. Thank you guys for being here. Let me promote Kip and Spencer so you can find them. Kip is at Eudaimoniastro on Twitter. You can find him there if you want to see what he's up to and chat with him about stuff; if you want to find Spencer, his website is YouTube is Spencermichaudastrology. Lots of good regular content. I highly recommend Spencer's work on YouTube and Instagram at Spencer Michaud.
Spencer is someone who has come and taught my students in my programs before. If you liked the content I make, I know you liked the regular content that he makes; you should definitely keep up with Kip as well and on Twitter. We will be back again to talk about all of this. The world of astrology and sports, so thank you guys for tuning in. We appreciate all of you. We have a small little niche of people who just love this, and that makes us really excited. So thanks, fun. Thank you guys. Thank you guys for being here. We'll see everybody next month. Bye, everyone.
Will you be making predictions for the NCAA football playoffs?
I was impressed with Texas Rangers championship prediction!