Mars and Jupiter are slowly coming together in the sky right now, plus Mercury is still separating from its square to Neptune. Venus has also just entered Capricorn and is just separating from Saturn and combust the Sun. It's also first quarter Moon today. Here is what to watch for, and stay tuned for a video blog this week on the astrology of 2018! * Mars and Jupiter coming together reflect a period of invigoration, militarism, aggression, fear-facing, courage, emotional confrontation, …
Mercury Direct and Square to Neptune
Mercury is direct now, but still in a close square to Neptune. Advice from the stars... * Declare it but make sure it's true before you do * State the obvious, and then laugh like Santa * Don't drink too much, this one will make you put your foot in your mouth * You think you're whispering, but everyone can hear * Believe it * Pay attention to your dreams * Inspire others, be inspired by others * Don't worry, if you're experiencing a little brain fog, or if your tongue is a little tied, …
Mercury Square Neptune and the I Ching
Mercury is square to Neptune in the sky right now, dead stopped, but will turn direct tonight. Here's what to watch for: * The 32nd hexagram of the I Ching is sometimes called "durability," and it depicts thunder and wind moving together. * The hexagram discusses the difference between a standstill and endurance. Endurance is not the same as merely withstanding something in a static position. To have duration we must move in accordance with the needs and demands of the Tao in each moment. * …
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Mercury Stationing Square Neptune
Mercury is stationing today and will turn direct on Saturday night. As it is stationing, Mercury is in a close square with Neptune. Here's what to watch for: * Secret meetings or messages * Miscommunication * Fantasies creating blurry boundaries * Messages from the other side * Endorsements or support from on high * Charismatic speech and communication * Dreams and their meanings * Omens and synchronicity * Meltdowns, liquid, and technology * Not being able to speak or think clearly * …
Astrology Tutorial: The Pole Star and Its Relationship to the Winter Solstice
If you enjoy my daily video blogs, pitch in to support my work in the year ahead. Each year I do a kickstarter to raise funds to support my work during the last forty days of the calendar year. Click here to pitch in and pick a gift reading when you do! …
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Daily Astro Video Blog: The Astrology of the Winter Solstice
If you enjoy my daily video blogs, pitch in to support my work in the year ahead. Each year I do a kickstarter to raise funds to support my work during the last forty days of the calendar year. Click here to pitch in and pick a gift reading when you do! …
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Happy Winter Solstice!
Today is the Winter Solstice, and the Sun is conjoining Saturn exactly! Here's what to watch for: * The Sun and Saturn conjoining on the winter solstice is the image of a new foundation, the start of a new season, the renewal of life and light along with the facts and nothing but the facts, or the truth, simple, and without extras. * The Sun and Saturn together on the winter solstice is the image of the beginning of the ending of something. * The Sun and Saturn together at the Winter …
Daily Video Blog: Final Thoughts on Saturn’s Entrance into Capricorn
Enjoy this video? Donate and help me raise funds for the year ahead. Each year for the last 40 days of the year I ask my readers/viewers to help support my work!Click Here! …
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Saturn Enters Capricorn Today!!
Tuesday, Tuesday!! TONIGHT! Saturn changes signs and finally enters its own earthy, feminine sign of the Sea-Goat. :) Here's what to watch for, here's what you might be feeling or wishing for, here's some things you might not know... * You might be feeling tired and worn down from everyone's philosophical tirades, political and ideological rantings and ravings over the past three years....don't worry the Saturn in fiery Sagittarius, Jupiter-flavored dogmatically-driven Jerry Spring show …
New Moon Tonight!
Late tonight we have a New Moon in Sagittarius, conjunct the galactic center degree, within just a few days of the Winter Solstice and the transition of an "old Saturn," into Capricorn. Here's what to watch for: * It's the end of an era * You're preparing to start over * You're resolved to make your practices and beliefs more concrete, more practical, more mature, more serious * You're ready to build something from a new foundation * You're seeing the big picture, getting a new vision * You're …
Astro Video Blog of the Day: New Moon at the Galactic Center, Winter Solstice, and More!
If you enjoyed today's post, please support my annual kickstarter!Click here to donate and receive a year-ahead gift reading, or give one to someone you love! …
Daily Astro Video Blog: Old Saturn and Saturn Reborn
If you enjoyed today' video, please consider contributing to my daily horoscope kickstarter, all of the funds go toward supporting my work and the work of our yoga studio in 2018! Click here. …
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