* In the next week we have an interesting combination of planetary dynamics perfecting simultaneously.
* First, Mars will square Uranus.
* Then, Venus will trine Jupiter.
* Then the Sun will square Uranus just as Mercury makes a trine to Saturn.
* The Mars/Uranus and Sun/Uranus dynamic points toward the fierce desire to individuate at all costs.
* Mars/Uranus is often about the fight or the stand we must take in order to be free of something oppressing us. However, sometimes it has to do with willful and egotistical defiance, or sometimes it’s simply the picture of a self-destructive rebel without a real cause.
* The Sun/Uranus combination is about heroism, knowledge, wisdom, authority, and innovation, breakthroughs in understanding or sudden illumination, especially against or through different forms of oppositional tension, or again in defiance of tradition or authority.
* Both transits can point toward us suffering from the delusion of perceiving oppositions and enemies where there are none. Both transits can point us toward the tendency toward grandiosity, ego-mania, aggression, and arrogance….even when our actions or events are rooted in some sense of progressive and positive change.
* Because Mars is being reborn through its combustion with the Sun during this time, there is also a powerful message about the failure of the will, the end of a particular way of trying to muscle our way through life, and perhaps the discovery of a more energetically sane approach, which could come to us suddenly and be incredibly liberating.
* In mundane/collective news we shouldn’t be surprised to see more issues related to violence, rebellion, technology, saber rattling, leaders, rebels, and the manipulation or failure of executive forms of power…these transits will likely catalyze a further intensification and series of revelations and developments within the US political turmoil as well…but this is only really a prelude for August’s astrology, which is arguably the most potent astrological month of the year for mundane transits. More on all of this later.
* What’s interesting is that in sequence with these transits is the Venus/Jupiter trine and also a Mercury/Saturn trine.
* The Venus/Jupiter trine points toward a time of exciting and expansive new relationships, business partnerships, or networking opportunities, as well as the potential for the various conflicts or tensions listed above to be punctuated by opportunities for creative collaboration or compromise.
* The Venus/Jupiter trine also points toward a moment where what at first seems like adversity could quickly lead to a unique and surprising opportunity for advancement or agreement.
* The Mercury/Saturn trine points to a solidification of knowledge, a crystallization of something we are studying or learning, the implementation of a new technical or organizational standard, deepening bonds or commitments, or the potential for a healthy retraction or the agreement to remove or eliminate something that is no longer serving us.
The next ten days or so are going to be quite interesting, so we’ll keep turning the heavenly jewels each day!
Prayer: Teach us to wait and watch for the real opportunities within those opportunities that we tend to jump out of our seats for.
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