Today we are going to take a look at one of the biggest transits of the week, the square between the Sun in Leo and Uranus in Taurus.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. Today we are going to take a look at one of the biggest transits of the week; there are several, but one of them, which is coming by Wednesday, August 10, is the square between the Sun in Leo and Uranus in the sign of Taurus. Now, you might be asking at the start of this week why we are not beginning with an exploration of Venus opposite Pluto, which is also happening on August 9. So that's tomorrow. The reason for that is that I visited it in Preview last week. So if you are jonesing for some information about Venus opposite Pluto today, go back to last week and rewatch that video or watch it for the first time; if you haven't, that should give you really good coverage for tomorrow's Venus Pluto opposition, just in case you're wondering why we didn't start the week there.
We're starting the week with Sun square Uranus, which is coming by Wednesday. You should already be in the throes of Venus opposite Pluto. It's been building in over the weekend. Today we're going to look at a transit that is taking hold as the week goes on; kind of doing it in that order, we might end up looking at Venus opposite Pluto again tomorrow. I'm still debating it, so we'll see.
But so before we get into it today, don't forget to like and subscribe and share your comments when you do that. It helps the algorithm tell people about the channel somehow. So really appreciate it. We are almost to the point where we will be offering two new courses, and we're having about a month-long preregistration sale. It'll be for thing for three or four weeks long. And we thought it would be launching this week. It's going to be next week. And that is just due to how much goes into course launching. It's a, you know, it's a big process. And we're just making sure everything is set up perfectly so that we don't get, you know, a million emails with the same glitch in terms of how the process works. So we're starting a 2023 moon circle, my wife and I Ashley will be leading, and that is a new and full moon gathering every month for 2023 where we'll be looking at the astrology of the month in-depth as well as working with different herbal plant teachers plant spirit medicine throughout the year. Pairing those together and kind of trying to utilize the astrology for the sake of personal growth and transformation, healing whatever your intentions might be. So that will be one of the courses. The other one is a masterclass series that I'm launching. So there are four quarters. There is going to be one masterclass per quarter in 2023 on specialized topics and astrology that I'll be giving. Those are four-part series at four different times of the year for different topics. So both of those will be available for preregistration next week as well. And I'm just kind of sneak previewing it this week; I'll take you through how to sign up. Everything will be launched by next week in terms of being able to sign up and get the initial sale discount, and stuff like that will have need-based tuition, of course, for people who may need that as well. All right.
Well, before we get into it here, I also want to bring up the real-time clock and just show you the Sun square to Uranus. Here it is on the big screen, so you can see it there. And let's point it out. So here we have the Sun at 18 degrees of Leo, you have Uranus at 18 degrees of Taurus, and we have a square between them. And that square is perfecting Wednesday. So as we're looking at this on Monday, the square is several degrees away from perfecting, but it's within that three-degree range. That three-degree engagement range is typically when you really start feeling it, and then about three degrees after takes us into the weekend. So this week is the week of the Sun square to Uranus and at the very beginning of the week. You can also see here on Monday, you can see that Venus is going through the opposition to Pluto, and that goes from Monday into Tuesday, August 8th and ninth, so again, if you want more on the Venus Pluto opposition, go back to last week's video that I did on Venus and Pluto you'll find it not too far back in the recent videos on my page.
Okay, so today what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at, you know, I always have some combination of themes, and sometimes lessons that I think go along with the transit. Today it's five themes that can, I think, adequately capture some of the archetypal combinations of the Sun and Uranus. And then three lessons that I think go along with these themes. And these are the kinds. So the themes come from experience, clients, students, life, and working with the planets over time. And then, in every transit, it feels like I'm learning; I'm seeing new themes that I may not have seen before. But then three, the three lessons are really what do I see people learning when I'm talking to my clients every day, I see clients Monday through Fridays, whenever I work with clients, and they're going through a sun Uranus transit, like transiting Uranus is hitting the Sun in their chart, what are they learning? So these lessons are also applicable to us. Even if we're just experiencing the Sun square Uranus for a week, there are still lessons that are sort of in the air. Now, these are not all of the lessons or anything like that. They're just three that I think are important.
And as always, I really encourage you guys to share your stories. I learned a ton from hearing what you guys are learning; you can always share your stories by using the #grabbed or emailing your story to us at By the way, if you send us a story to the info email address, we don't read them; they just get cataloged right in; we send them over, we forward them over to the other one, where eventually I look through and read and then catalog for a grabbed episode. Just so you guys know, it's nothing personal. I literally have an assistant who just sends any grabbed emails that are coming into the wrong email address over to the other one. So all right, five themes for the Sun and Uranus.
Number one. There was a passage that really grabbed my attention. When I first started studying Hellenistic astrology came from the Roman astrologer Vettius Valens who was himself a compiler of ancient source texts that predated him by hundreds of years. In that text and the first pages he talks about, he gives breakdowns of the planets and their meanings. And one of the ways he describes the Sun is in terms of the word Daimon. Now, if you attended the summer Speaker Series, you might have heard my good astrology buddy Shawn Nygaard give a talk on the Daimon and the role that the Daimon plays in astrology in the birth chart. The Daimon is sort of like a guardian spirit, a spirit guide. But it's more than that. Vettius Valens describes the Sun as conjuring up sort of seducing the soul with like lovely images that draw its attention to capture the imagination and stir up action and activity. We are compelled by the things that we are that we fall in love with imaginably. So, for example, Shawn, my buddy Shawn and I went to a Minnesota Twins baseball game, and I was telling him about what it is about baseball that has always attracted me, especially the ballpark. There's something about the ballpark as an archetypal experience. It's always just, it's an image that compels me, and so that image of the green grass and the stadium lights and the people and the smell of popcorn, and that whole thing and the uniforms and the shape of the baseball diamond, the pitch, the sound or the bats. I played baseball as a kid, but there's something about baseball that it has a nostalgic hold on my imagination. It's something that grips me, and then what does it do? It compels me to go to the ballpark since I was a little boy. Every year of my life, I've pretty much always going to baseball games during the summertime. Because it's something that has captured the soul speaks in images. You know this is something that Shawn was talking about in his webinar on the Daimon, and for Vettius Valens, the Daimon, the Sun in the chart is related to that golden beautiful image that lives; it's an imaginal image not just like, oh, I want an Atari. That's like, I remember that when I was in like, first grade, I just all I wanted was an Atari. But it's not just that it's the whole tapestry, the imaginal tapestry of something that we become attracted to we get like the Bugs Bunny eyes member or is it I don't remember who it is that he falls in love with, you know, Mrs. Bunny or whatever, and it gets the heart eyes, and then he just starts floating toward her, you know, like, we get we're compelled, and our lives are lived by these images that were attracted to. And for Vettius Valens, that part of what the Sun signified was the way that the course of action in life will be shaped by the images that we are attracted to. So that's one of the ways that in my programs, I teach us to read the placement of the Sun and the birth chart for clients. And there's a whole lot that we unpack around that. Well, so that's just a little treatment of the Sun and Daimon in the sense of an image that compels action that drives the plotline of life. And not just one plotline. But so many.
Uranus is if you think of Uranus with some interesting adjectives, and I think of Uranus as a swerve rather than a nice sweeping narrative arc; it's real swervy and erratic and eccentric in its orbit. Uranus defy defies expectation. Uranus does not like the status quo; it revolts against habituation. Uranus breaks things that are sacred if it's holding back, holding us back somehow, from a new frontier, a new experience, a new invention, a new idea. Uranus is disruptive and doesn't obey the kind of
norms or rules or structures or traditions; you know, it tends to go outside of them. And sometimes, with violence and even destructiveness, the revolution is not always pretty. So there's an iconoclasm, you could say, with Uranus.
Well, when you take that idea of the image that the Sun presents to us, for the course of life, many images of the course like think of your sun sign and all that a tapestry of different things that you've been compelled by that relate to that mandala of the Sun in Virgo or the Sun in Leo, or whatever it might be. When the Sun and Uranus get into a square, remember, squares are of the nature of Mars, so they're contentious. The image is being challenged, we may need to break the image, or the image may be getting broken by some unexpected swerving force. There's something erratic that's disrupting an ideal, noble pursuit of vision and imaginal compulsion that we have. And so when those two things come together, it's like it's sort of in the air that you know, the plotline could, the script can get flipped somehow. So breaking the image is one of the themes. Now that can be really, you know, it can be very mundane. It's like we can't expect Uranus to be not participating in the mundane world, and so an appreciation for Uranus within the mundane is necessary; otherwise, you'll miss it, and you'll only thing that you're in is shows up in really operatic ways, but nonetheless; went to the baseball game saw Mars and Uranus. You know, we're conjoining when we went to the baseball game, and the game ended with a walk-off home run in the bottom of the 10th inning. It was electrifying, a kind of an unexpected ending. The crowd was sort of in a lull because the home team Minnesota Twins, weren't doing so well. And then, obviously, there's an electrifying walk-off home run. Well, you know, it's not like the world's most Uranian thing. But it was a small dose of what Mars and Uranus are like. The Sun and Uranus are a bit like that. But usually, when it comes to things like our sense of destiny or purpose, or the images that compel us and, as a byproduct, give us a sense of purpose or calling. So watch for the breaking of the image, the destruction of an old image, and the need for revising or reconstruction or something like that.
Number two is closely related, which is to be captured by the image. This is suddenly the thing that swerves doesn't interrupt the path you're on or interrupt or amend or challenge the images that you love, but rather introduces one that you weren't expecting. You didn't see coming. It's a curveball. Using baseball analogies and metaphors today, I guess. It's a curveball that comes in with an image attached to it. So now, suddenly, I'm caught by an eccentric orbit and a new image that's come in completely unexpectedly. That couldn't be the breaking of the image, but it's not necessarily the same thing you can; there can be something like the shattering of an image. And that's it. It's just it's there to dismantle an image that I'm no longer going to be attracted to this. It's no longer compelling me. Somehow my love or my heart following a certain path is gone because of events that swerved me off that path, but then the other one that comes in is the curveball or the unexpected image. It suddenly shows up and captures our imagination, our heart, and our soul and says go this way. Wow, that was out of left field; that was not expected.
So, number three is fool's gold. Now, the other thing that happens is there's a little bit of a manic feeling. It's like after you have three cups of coffee in the morning when you usually only have one, and suddenly you get this great idea to call cousin Betty, you know, I'm just gonna lay it all out there and we'll, it'll be great, you know. And so you also have to be careful because the Mars, the Sun Uranus has a little bit of fool's gold, this glittering sudden thing that captures you with a spirit of, you know, some kind of compulsive, it's like a Zephyr or something. It's a sprite. It's trickster energy that can capture you quickly, only to sort of lead you down a path. That is interesting. You may very well learn tricksters often teach us amazing lessons. But it will not turn out to be what you expected. Or you may be acting compulsively and, as a result, get to see something that has nothing to do at all with the fulfillment of or satiation of a desire that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. So fool's gold is a real thing with the Sun and Uranus.
Number four would be autonomy by any means. It's pretty; it is exactly the way it sounds; Sun Uranus is just like, I will be free at any cost, I will be sovereign, I will, you know, it's about rights. It's about dignity. It's about selfhood. It's about individuation; it's about granting oneself a greater sense of freedom. And, you know, by any means, I will do whatever it takes to be free in a situation. Okay, so there's a great push toward liberty, freedom, emancipation, strong need for solar sovereignty, you know, that kind of thing. So it'll come through really strongly.
Number five is a weird blend; I put authority duty or honor all three, they're not exactly the same, but they're related. Authority could be your own, or someone else's duty could be your own sense of duty to yourself, or to someone or something else, and honor would be your own sense of pride or integrity or something like that. And any of those could be inflated, problematic, or they could be, you know, right in the sweet spot. But they may be put into some kind of contrast with freedom. For example, I have, I have a certain amount of authority, and I want to be, but I want to be dutiful and respectful and careful with that authority. You know, it's like, with authority comes responsibility kind of thing. And then, on the other hand, there's a voice or an urge and saying, Yeah, but you need to be free of all that stuff in order to create something or do something or say something or reveal how you feel or not feel so pent up, or it's making you sick, it's giving you headaches. So the sense of like authority, respect, responsibility, and the simultaneous need to be free of those pressures or obligations, or someone who has authority and your need or desire to be free of the authority they have over you. And is that a healthy or unhealthy thing? Depends on the context, but you might be wrestling with those tensions.
Duty. Also, you know, what am I obligated to? I want to be free of those obligations. Yeah, but are you going to wreck your family and have an affair? You know, it's like those tensions can come up with Sun Uranus, you know, people would think, Oh, that Sun, that's Uranus Venus, I want to be sexually free. But no, because it comes back to honor and honoring myself, and many people will do all sorts of different things that are violations of trust, or loyalty, or virtue, that you know, just because there's this feeling that I need to be free from any expectation over me by anyone or anything. You have to be careful because this transit, while there may, you may need a dose of greater personal freedom, but this can be the kind of thing where it's; there's like an unhealthy pride and the tendency to justify doing anything you want in the name of personal freedom. So you have to be a little bit careful with that. So honor, duty, honor, authority, freedom, and that the tension between especially the first three words, and the last and the last one. These are just some themes that I feel like I see over and over and over again, so they're worth mentioning.
Now. There are three lessons that I think come along with them. Again, I've seen these in my own life. They come around as surely as the record spins. Or they come around as surely as the batting order. Pull the thread of my baseball metaphors all the way through, even though I've no idea why they're relevant. But, Okay, so you have three lessons they show up in my life, they show up in my client's life, and I think they probably show up in most people's lives who pay any attention to astrology.
Number one. I think it's really tough sometimes to know when is it right to pursue something that is about me, my self-interest and loyalty to someone, my character, who I am to what feels like destiny, calling purpose, self-respect, self-love, you know, that's important to follow those things. But, man, the New Age is filled with people preaching that Gospel who are just crazy as can be. Do you know what I mean? Like, how many people out there saying, like, it's all about self-respect, and doing, you know, doing me Empower personal empowerment. It's like, You're a jerk. Yeah. You know, are you your take you, you are full of yourself. And you're, you've got a gospel of empowerment, because it, it fits nicely into, you know, your little narcissistic wound, so, and I'm compassionate for people, I'm just joking around. But you get what I mean; it's like, I can laugh at this because I recognize that in myself, you know, it's like, every day, there's choices that have to be made, it could be something really stupid, like, here's a really, really stupid one. We were in the car the other day was my new Jeep. And like, you know, at the top off, I was so happy because the top was off; air and listen to good music, and my wife and kids were in the car. And one of my daughters is like, can you close it? Can you close it? I don't like the wind, you know? And my wife was like, Can you just close it there? It's really bothering them. And I had this moment where I was like, no. No, no, because this is; because No, dammit, I like the top down. And you can just deal with it for three minutes. Because what about me? You know you know. And I did put the top back after several minutes of being a jerk. But I did redeem myself with the top up.
But I will tell you that I find that the difference between being true to yourself be overly don't compromise. Don't give yourself away. Don't you know, don't put yourself last all the time. What do you have to give other people that's authentic? If you're not filling your own cup? I mean, that's a real thing. At the same time, man, I like to fill my own cup, you know what I'm saying? Aren't you? Aren't you the same way? I feel like a lot of us are, and it's tough. So if I had to say, what is the difference? How can I tell the difference between something that I am doing that is selfish, you know? Like, it's just it's a selfish, egotistical thing that I'm doing for me, but I'm doing it in the name of personal freedom, versus something that I'm doing that's in service to myself, to my health to my well being to the world to others, like, how do you differentiate between something selfish and something that's honestly useful for me and hopefully for others, especially when it comes to Sun Uranus, which is a lot about individuality?
Well, as far as I can tell, the difference is in the disposition of the heart. Like when I think about myself in that car ride, being defiant about having the top down for a couple of minutes before I realized not to; my heart was hard. My resistance was hard. It was not, you know, like, you can tell when you're doing something, and it's about you. It's not really, it's, there's joy, there's when you're doing something, it's about you, and it's a good thing. There's joy; there's happiness; there's a kind of light-heartedness. And when you're doing something, and it's selfish, there's usually justification, resistance, defiance. Is this as necessary? It's always necessary, dammit. And I mean, maybe sometimes that kind of, okay, like I'm, you know, I have to take a stand or something isn't necessary. But like most of the time, I think you can tell the difference between, you know, activities that are individuating in service to your heart and soul and those that are selfish, by virtue of just looking at the disposition of your heart just checking in and being like, Hey, am I in a soft-hearted, light-hearted joyful space? That's the barometer as far as I can tell. So if that's helpful, then great.
Number two would be that freedom real freedom is patient because it is already free. This might sound weird because I'm not saying that like, you know, freedom isn't earned, or there's not a lot of hard work that goes into being free. But there's something about like, for example, again, back to my love of baseball, I've been watching the documentary about Derek Jeter called The Captain and, you know, one of the things he said is that from the time he was very little, he just he had this way of, although a lot, a lot of work and devotion and to his craft, had to go into it over the years, and there were so many failures and trials and what ifs, and it's not going to work out. And there were major roadblocks along the way. Something that he says over and over in that video is that I knew it would happen eventually. So I already felt like I was there. And I, you know, I don't mean for it to just sound like some kind of cheesy visualization. But it's like, there's a component to freedom that, you know, if I'm sitting here in the moment being like, I need to be free, I need to be free, I need to be free. Part of the process, at some point, has to be the decision to be free as a state of being and not purely as an external result.
Now, I'm not saying that externals aren't important, right? There's a big difference between someone who's wrongly imprisoned and sitting there not feeling free, and someone who finally gets out of jail after being wrongly imprisoned, you know, then they're really free. And that distinction is legit. It's right. It's valid. No one gonna be; it would be silly to try to deny that the externals don't have anything to do with freedom. Of course, they do. However, I think of people like Nelson Mandela; I think of people who have gone through great trials when it comes to rights or freedom. And one of the characteristics is the feeling or the knowing that I'm already free in my heart, and no one can ever take that away. I think, for example, I remember the first time I read I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings; the same thing, it's that is no denying there's a cage, but there's a vocalization of freedom. That is what carries you like it fairies you across the troubled waters; you know what I mean? So one thing that really helps me for Sun Uranus transits. And, of course, my struggles have been nothing like the people I'm mentioning. Not at all my struggles have been like, you know, little farts in the wind comparatively.
But one of the things that I've loved, for example, the first year my daughter was born, she had colic, and she was screaming like 70% of the time. And I remember I just had this way, even though I felt imprisoned by her screaming for that whole year of my life and ended up having to do some, some, like, a little bit of trauma work with a therapist over it, actually, because I was having physical trauma responses to the screaming. But one of the things that I found myself doing was constantly saying; there's a day that this will be over. And I'm already there in my heart, in my mind, I'm just in the meantime, I'm having to live through something.
I think that it's important that you have strategies like that because sometimes, you know, Sun Uranus will demand that the freedom happen now right away. And more often than not, I see people who act impulsively. Like, it's like they see where they are in 20 steps, they, the from now they see it, they really they see the external changes that need to happen. And then they just go barreling forward toward those changes as quickly as possible. And it often just sinks their battleship. Whereas when I see people knowing, okay, there are 20 steps to go to get the externals to where I want to sort of have a greater sense of freedom, maybe it's getting into having your own business or something. And what I noticed is that, you know, the people who have the most sort of success getting through the jungle of all of that, like work, are the people who somehow say, I'm already where I want to be, it's just a matter of the dominoes falling down in sequence. I've just got to live through those patiently. But the revolution has already happened. Because I've seen where I want to go, I know I can get there. I know it's just a matter of the dominoes falling over. So there's a weird way in which when the spirit of freedom descends upon us like a phoenix, it just comes blazing in Sun Uranus, and it says, Be free. That you have to recognize that that image of freedom, it coming into the spirit grants you a kind of internal freedom instantly, but it'll take the external sometimes a little while to like, show up in and conform to that image of freedom, if that makes sense. So anyway, I hope that's helpful.
Number three, evolving does not mean improving. Okay, it's etymology time. So what does the word evolved mean? It means to unfold, open out, expand, and roll forth. It also sometimes means to turn or revolve. Now, there is some meaning of developing by natural processes to a higher state. But that does not move my soul nearly as much as the idea or visual of something unrolling, rolling, fourth, unfolding, expanding, developing. Why do we think that's important? Because of my relationship with my wife and my kids, with astrology, with my guitar with anything that I love in life evolves. But to me, as it evolves, there is never a sense that it is better. That word feels like a turd in the swimming pool. You know, it's like, no, I, when I look at my wife and I, every stage is its own little world of our relationship. And there is a sense of the relationship unfolding, like this beautiful tapestry; I think the point of life is about, it's about evolution, it is definitely not about progress, I think there's a big difference. Progress is like, a, it's like a part of the color scheme or something. But progress is just like a, you know, it's one way of describing an experience that, you know, as far as I can tell, doesn't have a beginning or end. It's like intimacy itself can be described as an unfolding as a deepening and an unfolding sort of simultaneously.
So why do I say this? Because one of the fool's gold things that can come up with the Sun and Uranus is this idea that this will make everything better, this new thing, this new image, this new idea, this greater freedom, that I'll get arranging the external, so that I feel better and clearer and freer and more powerful or something like that. You know, the thing is, is that this the shadow of sort of like Prometheus, the archetype, often associated with Uranus, is that there's not; it's like you're worshipping at the, at the altar of progress in the future all the time. And you're always thinking about it getting better and better and better. And in which case, you know, that really, it tends to kill intimacy.
I remember when I was young, the thought of older couples settling into all these routines, like the kind that I saw my grandparents settling into, you know, like, really disturbed me. I was like; I was really disturbed by it. And as I get older, I, I've come to realize the other stagnation in relationships, but there's also all of these little eddy's, and, and there's, it's like a relationship has moves into all of these little familiar patterns, and they change, and they keep developing and unfolding over the course of a lifetime. And I think that there's, as I age, there's a greater appreciation, not so much for new things. But for nuance being added to familiar things. And that's just as important as new things because the seduction of new things is that they are better. And I think that there is room for new things, and there's room for better things. But honestly, evolution does not always mean improving. It does not always mean progress. It does not always mean outdoing the old it often means just adding a wrinkle, adding nuance or a ray of light that catches off the gem of whatever it is in your life, the relationship or the job or whatever you're in love with in a different way than you've ever seen before. So sometimes I think it's about seeing things with new eyes. And that's really what we're talking about when we talk about evolving because then it's about a renewal of the same joy. It's not about well; I have to become new because the old is bad. And it tends to play into stories about original sin and redemption a lot too.
Then life has always been described as a process of like trauma and recovery or failure and success or, you know, primitive and ignorant versus enlightened and evolved in that sense. And Geez, it's not it. It doesn't really privilege the relational nature of things. If we start thinking about life as a really beautiful web of relationships and that the point of life is about the unfolding intimacy and nuances of those relationships as well as new relationships in new things. I think we're closer to the truth. So evolving does not mean improving. Remember that I think it's helpful for the Sun and Uranus.
That's what I've got for today. Hope that you found these insights and themes useful don't forget to like and subscribe, share your comments in the comment section and click the notification bell. If you want to know when I'm going live or if I have a new talk out. You can always find the transcripts of my talks on my website, as you guys know, Next week, there will be new classes posted. I'll be, you know, going into promo mode for those more directly next week. So stay tuned for that. If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to email info@nightlight If you have stories this week, too, don't forget hashtag grab love to hear from you guys, or that's what I've got. Take it easy, bye.
You are gifted with words Something I noticed when I 1st discovered Your site. I also appreciate your Broad knowledge of Esoteric , Spiritual and psychological Factors . But now I am having The feeling of Yada Yada Yada as you are allover the place with your stream of consciousness style..Meditate on the word Concise. Beware of logomania.