Today, we're taking a step back to survey the significant astrological movements remaining in April. While the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and the solar eclipse have dominated our recent discussions, several impactful transits, including an important full moon, are still on the horizon. Join us as we outline these upcoming events and prepare for in-depth coverage of each, providing a comprehensive look at what the remainder of the month holds.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. Today, we are going to take a look at some of the bigger remaining transits of the month. It can easily be forgotten how many transits there are in the month of April since we've been focused on Jupiter and Uranus and the solar eclipse; those two really, you know, took the spotlight this month, but we have a number of transits still coming up that I'd like to talk about, including a big full moon. And I'm probably going to do individual coverage on a lot of these transits separately in separate videos coming up, but I thought, you know what, let's regroup today after Jupiter-Uranus coverage, and let's look at what transits are yet to come this month. Then, we will probably do some individual coverage of those archetypal combinations as we go. So anyway, that's the goal for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe, share your comments and reflections. And we'd love to hear from you. If you have stories about any of these big transits use the hashtag #grabbed or email us your story, You can find a transcript of any of my daily talks on the website
A couple of things to point you over to: the herbal apprenticeship starts April 24. That is this week. So, we're really excited to be promoting Ashley's new herbal apprenticeship program. If you haven't yet checked it out. You can go over to her website, which is Ashley is a regular contributor on the channel when it comes to herbs and astrology, our Roots and Spheres program. You can check out the upcoming herbal herbal foundations apprenticeship, which starts on April 24 this week. That's promo number one.
Promo number two. If you go over to, We have our monthly series. If you go to events, go to live talks. The next event we will be promoting is in May; we just did Uranus in Love. If you missed the Uranus in Love talk or Neptune or Pluto in Love over the past couple of months.
Head over to the nightlightastrology website. Go to the shop page; you can pick up a recording of those talks that you missed. May 16, I'm doing a talk on Neptune's entrance into Aries. Neptune is culminating at the 29th degree. It'll turn retrograde, so we're not getting it. It is the entrance into Aries just yet, but we're gonna sneak preview the archetypal meaning of Neptune in Aries.
This May and then in June, we're going to take an in-depth look at the 12th house and the healing potential in your birth chart through an understanding of your 12th house. Then we're going to look at Uranus and Gemini, the other big outer planetary movement that's happening in the next year. That'll be in July.
The other thing, of course, that we're promoting is the first-year program, second-year program, and horary programs all start again in June. Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic is my one-year course in ancient Hellenistic astrology; it has a modern archetypal psychological twist. So, it's kind of a fusion of both types of astrology. And the way that I practice starts on June 16. You can learn more about the program on the course page after the end of today's talk. If you stick around, you can hear me going into greater depth and detail the sale. We need to adjust this. We've made a little mistake on the sale date, and the sale date is available till May 15.
So you have until May 15 To take advantage of the early bird sale. The early bird installment plan is also going to save you on the tuition. What am I saying about the tuition payment plan? So, usually, those are going to be after May 15. Those prices will go up. So you can save now, and then tuition assistance is available. If you need any help to make the class possible, use the need-based tuition assistance. When you do tell us about your situation, you're going to select a number that you can do within a range, and then we give you a payment plan.
We will work with you on the payment plan that you selected. So it's very flexible pricing meant to be sure that nobody is priced out, especially people who might be on a fixed income. We understand that we don't want people to live outside their means, but we also want sacred topic like a sacred topic like astrology to be accessible. Okay, so those are the promotions for the day. Let us move now into our looking at these remaining transits.
Alright, so here we are today, April 21. And we had, I mean, it was it was a significant weekend with Jupiter conjoining, Uranus, and the sun squaring Pluto. Here's what's coming up. This week, let's, I'm gonna put up the real-time clock so that I can feature these. And I'm just not going to do like, like I said, I'm kind of like, this is the preview, right? This is where things are going. But the biggest trends that we're going to be discussing this week and we will probably discuss it. Yeah, well, definitely. We'll be discussing it tomorrow. Sorry. I'm just looking at the date and realizing that I got it, Matt. That was Wednesday. I got it messed up. It's Tuesday. So here is the Full Moon in Scorpio.
Now, this Full Moon in Scorpio is not your average full moon. First of all, full moons in Scorpio can be quite intense. But this Full Moon in Scorpio is also coming off from or, again, just coming off from a square to Pluto. So we have a little T square here, which means we have a little cycle of squares, we have several parts or sides of the square. The square in the chart goes over to Leo's right, and then it comes back over to Taurus.
So that's the square; it's the shape that's made between whole sign houses that see one another in the wheel. So T square between the Full Moon in Scorpio, Pluto, and the sun this is happening, you have to take into consideration. This is happening within the three-degree engagement range of Jupiter, separating Jupiter from Uranus. So ancient astrologers paid very close attention to this three-degree range of separation, which means that as the planet is moving to within three degrees, and as the planet is separating within three degrees, the events promised by the planetary conjunction, in this case, start to manifest.
It's sort of like saying, you know, it's not it's not like the cherry blossoms in DC. Which was a huge draw; they drew tons of people out to see them because they blossom magnificently. Right along the river, by the monuments and everything. Ashley and I used to go, and we took the kids, and they blossomed just magnificently, but only for a couple of days.
If I remember, maybe four or five days, they would be, but you didn't know exactly which day it was going to happen; you knew it was within a certain range of time. That's how aspects work. If you say something will happen on the day of an eclipse, No, it happens under the umbrella of the eclipse, which can be pretty wide considering that eclipses recur in the same signs for a year and a half sometimes, right? So, the same thing happened with a full moon; you get full moon effects on the day of the day after the same thing with the big transit from slow-moving planets within three degrees applying to separate the cherry blossoms show themselves the reason that it's very important to us consider this Full Moon is that the full moon which itself is a moment of cherry blossoming it is a moment of great manifestation.
The full moon is happening within, you know, just like less than a degree, about half a degree of separation from Jupiter and Uranus. So, the potential for some of the events that Jupiter and Uranus promised to manifest into the full moon is quite powerful, but not for everyone. Some people might have had a crazy weekend, you know, and some people remember we said Jupiter Uranus. I mean, that's it over the course of the next months.
The point is that this is another very powerful moment of astrological or karmic fruiting with the Full Moon in Scorpio, a T square to Pluto. Right and then, we're seeing Jupiter and Uranus still just separating within a degree. So, we're going to be talking about that astrological event tomorrow. I'm going to be going into greater detail, but the point today is to not just tell you about the full moon but to show you everything that's still coming.
Because again, Jupiter-Uranus conjoined Hurray. It's over. That's not how astrology works. You know what I mean? Like no, no, no, it's I wish it was that simple. But we do have more transits that come, and those that come while Jupiter and Uranus are still separating are quite important. Just a couple of days later this week, Mercury will turn direct.
Now Mercury stationing to turn direct is obviously having appeared as the morning stars are now getting the recovery signatures of Mercury, which means that things that have been reversed delayed setback decamp deconstructed will start to reconstruct, the delay will be over will the revision be complete. And so, another very powerful moment, considering that Mercury's retrograde was happening right through the middle of so many powerful events this month in Aries, including the solar eclipse, is a big Mercury retrograde turning directly.
Another thing that's still happening before the end of this month is Mars is going to conjoin Neptune on Mars is the recent ruler of the eclipse, and is conjoining Neptune as Venus culminates in the sign of Neptune in the sign of Aries and as Mercury is just turning direct, pretty close to Chiron and the north node. So this signature of Mars and Neptune, having been the recent ruler of the eclipse, having gone through the conjunction with Saturn, now going through the conjunction with Neptune and then moving into Aries its own rulership. That transition is a really significant event, astrologically speaking, because of the weight that it holds in the recent eclipse; the eclipse ruler and the degrees and spaces of the eclipse have been very sensitive points for a little while.
So, most people will feel these transits. Have you guys, and that's the point, just kind of reminding us of what we're still dealing with now? This on April 28 is not for it's a little way out, but it's coming up. So and then, you know, Mars will move into Aries right by the end of the month by about the 30th. The other thing that happens on the 29th, if we back this up just a day, is Venus will enter Taurus.
Now we're starting to move into a space where Venus's dignity is significantly better Venus, being the ruler of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, is now going to start bringing more of the pleasing or pleasant results of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, more of the favorable good fortunate results, less of the conflict involved with the revolution, you might say, less of the bloodshed and you know and less of the chaos or destructiveness that comes with revolution more of the peaceful unfolding because Venus is moving from Aries, where she's ruled the Jupiter Uranus conjunction into Taurus where she's in her own rulership and a stable earth sign.
We're also getting Mars into his own sign out of a more tumultuous double-bodied water sign. These are improvements in planetary dignities, and Mercury is turning directly. All of this is really important. Venus is protected from combustion, by the way, in Taurus by virtue of being in her own domicile. It's called being in your own chariot. So you know, just some, some some improvements in planetary dignities that quite frankly, are starting to change the narrative.
One thing that happens right away for Venus, it might be a little bit challenging is Venus right around April 30 into May 1 is going to hit a square to Pluto. So I like that Venus is in our own rulership. Pluto is stationing to turn directly, excuse me, retrograde, and so the square from Venus to Pluto happening right as Pluto turns retrograde is fascinating.
It seems to signify some moment of culmination or completion based on, you know, the last couple of months of Pluto and Aquarius and maybe the kinds of activities that Pluto and Aquarius has been initiating in recent months, coming to some kind of meaningful chapter change as it turns retrograde and immediately hits, you know, Venus and Taurus hits a square to Pluto as it's turning retrograde, we're gonna visit that to the Venus-Pluto squares, something we'll spend exclusive time with. So these are all little interesting things that are coming up. And then, if there's any reason to believe that the cycles ahead are going to be easier, a little less tumultuous. Look, here we are at the same time we're in the last quarter square of the Moon on May 1 as Venus squares Pluto. And now the cycle that was the Eclipse cycle is starting to fade.
And then we're going into the next new moon cycle and look at this new moon. Oh, my gosh. So nice. I really like this one. I'm not saying that you can find shadows in any astrological placement, right? But I'm really optimistic about this one. You've got a New Moon in Taurus, the Exalted moon, obviously, you've got Venus protected from combustion in her own chariot in her own sign.
So you've got the two, you know, sort of benefic well-dignified planets in the New Moon signature, Jupiter, and Uranus is just hitting the three-degree separation moment. It's sort of like this beautiful expression of the fulfillment or completion of the Jupiter-Uranus cycle as the signature for the entirety of the next moon cycle.
You really have this feeling of what this revolution was about, you know, what, why was there? Why were their frustrations? Why were their losses? Why were there, you know, value conflicts? Why were there difficulties that we had to work through? It was so a revolution could occur. You know, it was so we could have this breakthrough. And now we're ready to start, things are ready to start stabilizing a bit or so. We'll be starting to taste the fruit of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. That's my most optimistic take.
So, a really nice New Moon on May 7 that sort of caps off the last part of the eclipse cycle and the last part of Jupiter Uranus. After that, I want to say that one of the things I'm really excited to start talking about is, and you're gonna see me do a bunch of coverage on this. Once we get Jupiter by about the middle of May, we get Jupiter to the last three degrees of Taurus. We're going to see this really intense flurry of activity where the sun conjoins Uranus, and then Venus conjoins Uranus right like that. And then Venus conjoins Jupiter.
Look at this. Venus conjoins Jupiter at the very end of Taurus enters Gemini. Right away, Jupiter enters Gemini, so you get both benefics entering Gemini at the same time. Not long after that, we'll have the synoptic reset of Venus at the heart of the sun.
On June 2, you get an interesting Mercury-Urannus. This dynamic in Taurus is around the end of May. So there's still, I would say, one of the most magical moon cycles of the year. If you want to look even more forward, check this one out. This is right around June 5, and you've just recently received a synodic reset of Venus at the heart of the sun. You've got a New Moon in Gemini With Mercury and Jupiter conjoining in Gemini. So, the domicile ruler of Gemini is present. I mean, what a fantastic signature, you know, that's a really magical moon cycle as well. It's interesting to see that some of that moon cycle will also play on the square to Saturn in Pisces. But I just feel like those two signs combined. They're very, and there's a little magic and mischief signature around that around that new moon cycle.
Anyway, these are the things that I'm looking forward to the fun is not over just because Jupiter and Uranus have conjoined it's like, okay, well pack it in. No, I mean these; we have to remember that these are all the planets that exist in the community.
When one event is taking place, and we give it a three-degree separation range, we're still in. It's sort of like thinking about this metaphorically. It's like, right now, if the Jupiter-Uranus were like a full moon, we're what a, you know, an hour after the full moon or something three hours after the full moon, we're still sitting under the aura of a very big astrological event, with many other planets connected to that event, still having lots to say in the next several weeks. So today, I just wanted to highlight and tell you where we're going and what we're going to be looking at, starting with that full moon in Scorpio tomorrow.
Alright, that's it for now; stick around because I want to invite you guys to come and study astrology. I feel like there's truly not a better moment than, you know, Pluto and Aquarius, Jupiter-Uranus conjoining Jupiter going into Mercury sign. Remember, Hermes, Mercury was the ruler of ancient astrology, and there are some really nice signatures for bringing the philosophy and spirituality of astrology into your life at a deeper level and studying. Learn more about the course after I sign off. Remember that we have new pricing structures that are a little bit easier to use.
So when you go to sign up using need-based tuition, you're going to tell us what you can afford within a range, and we're going to match you with the plan. And then you can sign up, which is really super; it just made it a little bit more streamlined. So anyway, feel free to use that. Again, we would like to make sure that nobody's priced out. But also use the sales if you can't afford our prices. We ask that you use those sales while they last. They're up until May 15. All right, that's it. I hope you guys have a good one. We'll see you again soon. Bye.
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