We are now in the orb of the full moon and lunar eclipse.
What to watch for:
* Ivanka Trump’s clothing, half off, brought to you by her not at all disinterested father! š HAH! Jk. bad joke.
* The Moon will make a trine to Mars this afternoon, effectively bringing Venus and Mars together as the lunar eclipse move into town. Here is an attempt to get two things together that perhaps shouldn’t be put together…or perhaps otherwise wouldn’t be able to get together.
* The fading opposition from the Moon to Mercury may be something like unsolicited advice, or the intervention of someone carrying a vital piece of information, someone revealing the bottom line, or someone abusing or misusing their position in order to influence a situation to their preferred outcome despite the harm it may do to others.
* The eclipse pits the water pourer against the lion, with shadow falling over the Moon in the lion. Sitting with these images in prayer and meditation gives us something special…
* Lunar eclipses often bring about significant changes of circumstance that alter the plans, visions, and goals we are working toward or intending…as the Moon is a planet related to the wheel of fortune, lunar eclipses often bring significant changes of fortune, and with the sign of the Lion being eclipsed we might see changes of circumstance related to Kings, leaders, rulers, authority figures, pillars of wisdom or knowledge, higher principles or ideals, or our sense of purpose and destiny in general.
Stay tuned for more tomorrow!
Prayer: Show us where our control and power begins and ends.
What to watch for:
* Ivanka Trump’s clothing, half off, brought to you by her not at all disinterested father! š HAH! Jk. bad joke.
* The Moon will make a trine to Mars this afternoon, effectively bringing Venus and Mars together as the lunar eclipse move into town. Here is an attempt to get two things together that perhaps shouldn’t be put together…or perhaps otherwise wouldn’t be able to get together.
* The fading opposition from the Moon to Mercury may be something like unsolicited advice, or the intervention of someone carrying a vital piece of information, someone revealing the bottom line, or someone abusing or misusing their position in order to influence a situation to their preferred outcome despite the harm it may do to others.
* The eclipse pits the water pourer against the lion, with shadow falling over the Moon in the lion. Sitting with these images in prayer and meditation gives us something special…
* Lunar eclipses often bring about significant changes of circumstance that alter the plans, visions, and goals we are working toward or intending…as the Moon is a planet related to the wheel of fortune, lunar eclipses often bring significant changes of fortune, and with the sign of the Lion being eclipsed we might see changes of circumstance related to Kings, leaders, rulers, authority figures, pillars of wisdom or knowledge, higher principles or ideals, or our sense of purpose and destiny in general.
Events that happen under eclipses might best be described as “fated,” and so it’s important to acknowledge in this particular eclipse where we do and do not hold power…or where our personal power and control of a situation begins and ends.
Stay tuned for more tomorrow!
Prayer: Show us where our control and power begins and ends.
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