In this livestream, I offered FREE birth chart readings and answered your burning astrology questions! 🌌 Together, we explored the unique cosmic blueprints that shape our lives, diving into topics like love, career, life purpose, and more.
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Ah, okay, here we go. All right, I think I'm live now. Welcome in, everybody. I hope that you're having a nice morning. I'm really excited to be doing a live stream today. As you are all coming in, I love to hear where people are coming from. Let's do a little roll call. Where in the world are you located? Where are you tuning in from? Let’s put some of them up on the screen.
Good morning from Nevada, Daphne. We've got Katarina from Sicily, Heidi from Oregon—love it. Laura from Buffalo, hey, Laura! Love your artwork. Check out Laura’s artwork on Instagram—she's a great artist. Mallory from Grand Rapids, hello. My mom lives in Grand Haven, not far from you. Let’s see, Astro Stephanie from Greenville. Hey, Stephanie, Nightlight alumni! Ryan from Western Massachusetts. Hey Ryan! And let’s see, we’ve got San Diego, oh my gosh, so many people. Nova Scotia, New York, Pennsylvania, Alabama—wow, from Romania, hello!
All right, let’s keep going. Katie from many got someone from Minneapolis in the house. I love that. You’ve got to have some Twin Cities folks. Emily's witchcraft and Tao from Devon, England. Hello, welcome in. Che from the United Kingdom, yeah! From upstate New York—this is great. I love seeing this. This is so cool. Another good morning from Minnesota. That makes my day.
Let’s see here, New Zealand, oh my god, Norway! It’s so cool. I’m always sort of blown away—like, how do people, I guess, just find astrologers on YouTube? All right. Wow, there are so many, I can’t even keep up with them. Let’s see here, Lotus Bloom from India. I could just do a few more of these—so cool—from Lebanon and Didi from Asheville. Hey, how are things in Asheville shaping up? I heard you guys don’t have water yet. I think I heard that recently. I’m like, you guys aren’t supposed to get your water back for a little while yet. I hope everything’s okay. I’m thinking about you guys.
Asheville was when I was on my book tour. After the book I wrote about ayahuasca, I had a stop at a bookstore. What was it called? Oh my god, Malaprop. No, Malaprops. I don’t remember. It was a bookstore in downtown Asheville where I read my book. I had a great time in Asheville visiting. Everyone was so cool, so I’m thinking about you guys. Let’s see, oh my god, Nelly from California and from Belgium, so cool. I love this! This is just really neat.
So here’s what we’re doing today. As people are streaming in, I like to do a little roll call. It allows everybody to get into the live stream and get situated before diving into content. What I’m going to do today is start with an open Q&A on any topics you’d like to ask me about in astrology—anything astrologically related. After a little bit of time doing some Q&A, I’m going to move into some live birth chart readings, and I’ll give you information about how you can submit your chart for a reading.
A little bit later, the people who are doing readings with me will actually come into the studio with me and enter the live stream. I’ll give you information on how to submit your chart. Obviously, there are a lot of people who submit their charts, and I have to just pick a few. There’s no rhyme or reason, I just pick randomly. I’ll tell you more about how to do that shortly, so stay tuned for that, and we’ll have some time to do live birth chart readings.
The way I’m doing the readings today is simple. I’ll be looking at your birth chart and telling you what I think the most significant transit of the next year is within your chart. It’s a simple kind of one-transit reading where I go, “Here’s what I think the biggest transit is for your 2025.”
I do these live streams during the Kickstarter every year because it’s my way of saying thank you and giving something back to the community for supporting me, supporting my work, and our staff and our programs. This is how I support myself and my family. So during Kickstarter season, I like to say thank you, come on, do these Q&As, do some live birth chart readings, and also rally support for the Kickstarter as well.
So, I’m going to do some Q&A, and then I’m going to pause and tell you about the Kickstarter. I’ll tell you about the rewards that are in the Kickstarter so you can take a look at them. After that, I’ll return to Q&A for a little bit as people submit their information for birth charts. Then we’ll go through maybe 3-5 birth chart readings.
What’s nice about the readings is that I’ll make sure to break down the delineations in a way that is useful for people who are students of astrology. Even if you’re not getting your chart read, this will be useful. I’ll make sure I’m telling you exactly why I’m saying what I’m saying and why the delineation is created the way it is, so it can be like a little craft session for students. It doesn’t have to feel like if you don’t get your chart chosen, there’s nothing to be here for, right? We’ll make sure that they’re like little classroom sessions as well as fun birth chart breakdowns.
So that is the order of things we are getting into. So, on that note, if you have questions, we’ll start with a little Q&A. What are your questions about astrology? Please don’t ask anything like, “What does this mean in my birth chart?” because I can tell you right now, I have no idea without looking at your entire chart. But if you have something very specific, like a planet in a house, or an aspect between two planets, or the dignity of a planet, or any questions about astrology more generally speaking, that you have, as people who are learning about astrology, I’d be glad to start with a little Q&A session, and then we’ll see where we go from there.
All right, let’s see. Here’s a good one. Rene asks, “Can you please say something about Neptune and Saturn in Aries, specifically as it applies to Aries rising? I recently heard a very popular astrologer call it a nightmare.”
Okay, well, I can’t—I don’t want to tell you whether this astrologer should or shouldn’t have said that because I have no idea what the context was there. There might be a way in which Saturn and Neptune present on an archetypal level as the archetypal reality of a nightmare. And that wouldn’t be totally off for Saturn-Neptune because sometimes, if you think about the dream space as Neptunian, right? Just use Neptune to think about dreams, and then think about what interrupts the most blissful, you know, think of Vishnu sleeping on the cosmic ocean, right? What interrupts Vishnu’s blissful dreaming? I’m sure he doesn’t get interrupted by nightmares.
But what interrupts our yoga nidra, right? It’s some kind of harsh or discordant imagery or themes or feelings or physiological responses that happen and serve as a crude disruption within the blissful flow state of dreams. Could that be read as Saturn-Neptune? Absolutely. But that’s one of at least 100 ways of thinking about the interaction of the archetypes. So, to call it a nightmare is vastly overstated or misleading. If the astrologer was saying that’s what it is definitively, that would be a misleading statement. But to say that Saturn-Neptune could represent something like a nightmare archetypally is totally valid, as long as we understand that it’s not a nightmarish transit, per se, right?
So, does that make sense? Hopefully that helps, Rene. But let’s talk about Neptune and Saturn together. This is something I’m doing a talk on in the new year in one of my webinars. When Saturn and Neptune were discovered, they were discovered together. This is something I’ve presented on for many years now in my class that I teach called The Mystical Saturn, something I presented at conferences and stuff like that. Prior to the advent of the outer planets and the discovery of Neptune, Saturn was very much the planet associated with everything we now associate with Neptune.
The reason for that is Saturn sits at the edge of the visible cosmos. You've heard me say this on my YouTube channel at least 100 times. It sits as the gatekeeper between the cosmos as we know it and see it—the manifest universe—and that which is numinous, otherworldly, and mystical that lies beyond the boundaries or threshold of this world. Saturn is a planet that’s always about... remember, Saturn rules oppositions in astrology. It’s the planet associated with the opposition.
Saturn is about the tension we hold between the limits and realities of our world, the mundane, material, manifest universe, and that which is somehow ideal, transcendent, subliminal, imaginative, romantic, subtle, timeless, otherworldly—that seems to be here but also exists beyond here in a way that’s real to us, and that creates a very real tension. It’s the longing that we feel as romantics. It’s the longing that we feel as seekers for something more. “It’s got to be something more than this,” right? That’s the feeling.
Saturn was traditionally associated with the tension of that feeling, which is why it was connected to the melancholic temperament, for example, which was creative, mystical, contemplative, and possibly
But the other thing that Neptune and Saturn contacts make us aware of is the gravitas, the seriousness, the dedication, the devotion, and the exclusivity of faith, practice, or any kind of commitment required if we seek something transcendent. Let's just put it very simply: In Aries, a very muscular Mars-like sign, there will be a tendency to, well... let me just use an example that’s relevant to my life, which is bodybuilding. Bodybuilding has really become a part of my way of taking care of myself, and a hobby that is truly a passion of mine. I’ve had many different practices that I’ve used as my spiritual practice.
Now, think about bodybuilding—it’s very martial, right? It’s very Mars. It’s athletic, muscular, and demanding. But if you are a bodybuilder and you seek to compete in the Olympia, one of the biggest competitions, the amount of dedication required—the consistency, the practice, the food, the sleep, the rest, and the training to reach peak physical condition—is extraordinary. That level of discipline is required to become an Olympian in track, or to become a masterful musician, or to become a skilled astrologer. Whatever the case might be, it requires dedication, effort, consistent practice, and focus over long periods of time.
Patanjali, in the Yoga Sutras, tells us very simply that what’s required to achieve yoga—the union between the soul and God—is consistent practice over a long period of time, uninterrupted, with devotion. A long time of practice, for long periods of time, with consistency, regularity, and devotion. Saturn-Neptune, if you want to put them together in the most positive sense, says: You want that transcendent, beautiful thing? It’s your business, your relationship, your creative act or craft—whatever it is, it will require that mature, steady, focused, exclusive commitment that Saturn entails when it contacts Neptune.
So, you want the dream? Well, you have to wall yourself into a little space of complete focus and dedication. This is why Saturn-Neptune is also associated with people who spend long periods of time studying or researching things with complete immersion. Now, many of us won’t suddenly become completely focused on getting a black belt in something, right? But Saturn-Neptune will bring our attention to the great work, the great effort, and the great sacrifice that’s required for anything we long for to be more than wishful thinking or a fantasy that ends up doing nothing but bumming us out because we can’t achieve it. Saturn, however, says: No, you can achieve it. You just have to be consistent, focused, and mature about what’s required.
So in Aries, I suspect we’ll see all of those qualities—the dark and the light—with respect to things that are very martial. You’ll have the hero’s mission, the development of strength, the development of confidence, a redefining of what it means to be strong, independent, and individualistic, an emphasis on fighting for things, great missions, and crusades. Some of that may be pretty dark, but you get the idea. So, that was a great question. I’m glad to know that, and it’s a big transit that’s coming, so it’s a good one to be thinking about right now. I really appreciate that question so much.
Okay, let's see what else we have here.
Mama Bear says: “What is your take on the symbolic significance of a fixed Grand Cross?” Well, you know, someone answered the question down here saying, “Adam doesn’t believe in patterns like crosses, etc.” People know my cynical nature, but no, I do believe in Grand Crosses. If you have planets that are all in a degree-based configuration around all four signs, that is significant. It’s something that doesn’t have a specific technical name or meaning in ancient astrology, but I can’t imagine any astrologer at any point in the history of astrology not paying attention to something like that. It’s just that there’s not one way of reading it.
One of the things that we have to remember about an astrological chart is that it’s like a mandala. The reason you approach the mandala from a meditative angle is that the client is there with a question. What do they want to talk about? What are their questions? That will then take us into focusing on one of the planets in the Grand Cross. The testimonies of the other planets will mean something different, depending on that starting point. Context is everything. You never want to look at a chart as though it has static meanings. It’s multivalent, multi-dimensional, and highly contextual. It is not who you are. It’s something that has the power, as an oracle, to speak to things we approach it with.
That’s why we don’t usually read a chart in some holistic, generic way, as though it means something static. It’s much more contextual. It’s like when people ask, “What does this tarot card mean in isolation?” You can give a list of meanings, but if they ask, “What do these four cards mean in combination?” I don’t know any tarot practitioner who would say that the meaning of four cards laid out in a cross formation is static. A sensitive tarot practitioner would say those four cards have a million ways of interacting, and the meaning depends on the context of the question being asked. That’s how we read their significance.
That’s why I say I don’t think of Grand Crosses as meaning anything fixed. I hope that makes sense.
Nothing can be seen for its truest meaning without context. Exactly. That is a truth that all diviners, with time and experience, know. But we rarely articulate it for others, and it is one of the most liberating and simple ideas that can save us a lot of time and headache trying to pretend like we’re learning in a system with all these objective meanings and rules. All of the techniques we learn are actually more like tools we use, rooted in context.
Hi Adam. How do you think it would manifest for a person if the benefic of the sect plus malefic, contrary to sect, are co-present in a house?
Okay, so an example of this would be, and this is a Hellenistic concept, if you’re not familiar with it: Let’s say you have, in a daytime chart, Jupiter, who is the benefic of the daytime sect, in the 10th house. But you also have Mars in the 10th house, who is the malefic, contrary to sect. That’s an interesting situation because, with Mars in the 10th house, you’d likely see a person with an executive, powerful quality along with mastery or leadership abilities. They might have a tendency toward positions of power, importance, or notoriety—someone who could be a coach, a ranking official in the military, or maybe even an entrepreneur. Those are all Jupiter-Mars things.
So generically, Jupiter being the benefic of sect would grant success in those kinds of archetypal endeavors. The important thing to be careful of is that Mars will run hot. That’s a simple explanation for Mars being contrary to sect in a daytime chart—it will run hot. So Mars running hot in that house could mean that the person is hot-headed, impulsive, domineering, and prone to power struggles as they try to perpetuate the things they are charismatic about. You could expect this archetypal combination to generally express positively, but with Mars bringing in some of those negative elements.
I hope that makes sense and is useful.
Oh my gosh. Taz says: “Curious, your take on stationary planets in birth charts and how they can manifest.”
That’s a great question. It really depends on which station we’re talking about and which planet we’re talking about. So let’s just say, for example, that we’re talking about Venus. Venus stationing to turn retrograde has a very different meaning than Venus stationing to turn direct at the time of birth.
One simple meaning—by the way, if you want a deep dive into the nuances of Mercury and Venus’s cycles, which parallel one another in their synodic cycles with the Sun, you can check out a Master Class series on my website. It’s about 8 to 10 hours of content on the cycles of Mercury and Venus that I did a couple of years ago.
When Venus is stationing to turn retrograde, what you’re anticipating is that at some point in life, whatever Venus rules—whether it’s house topics of Libra and Taurus, or Venusian qualities like love, friendships, women, or something else—will experience a reversal of circumstances, or a period of breakdown, difficulty, crisis, and transformation. This could be a more dramatic version of it, but it could also just be a shift in the plot of their life. It plays a very important part of the narrative of their lifetime.
Now, if a planet is stationing and turning direct, Venus, for example, means that everything Venus rules in the chart will go through a period of delay, setbacks, or something that’s slow to develop. But over time, as the planet picks up speed and turns direct, things will become easier. Venus’s fruits will eventually show themselves, though it might be a bit delayed. You could also look at it as a process of recovery and improvement.
Planets turning retrograde versus direct show different kinds of life narratives. A retrograde planet doesn’t mean things go terribly wrong. It can also mean a period of things looking okay at first, going through a crisis, and then being transformed or remade. When Venus stations to turn direct, it feels more like a slow but gradual improvement.
Of course, the house, location, dignity, aspects, sect status of Venus, and many other factors can create interesting nuances in the plot.
JJ, do you have advice for how to ask
questions about astrology that I can answer, because I feel like people don’t understand what I do and they ask questions that I can’t even answer. It’s like they think I’m an oracle who can answer life’s deepest questions instantly.
Maddie asks, "Hi, Adam, what would you look for in a natal chart to find physical chronic illness?"
Yeah, good question. You know, I would generally look for the presence of planets in the first house, the 12th, and the sixth, as well as the rulers of those places in relation to the luminaries, or the luminaries placed in the 12th or sixth. I’d also consider hard aspects from the malefics Mars or Saturn to the Sun and Moon or the Ascendant ruler. There are a lot of factors that can show up when people encounter difficulties with their vitality and health. Usually, it revolves around the luminaries or the Ascendant ruler, the sixth and the 12th houses in particular, or challenging placements in the first, or some difficult testimony to the Ascendant ruler. Those are like the big ones, but there are so many different ways things can show up. So, those would be your first entry into the textbook. I hope that's useful.
And remember, often transits to those planets will serve as releasing points for the karma, and people often heal and transform illnesses. So nothing you see in a chart should ever be assumed to be static and unchangeable.
Okay, let's see.
Oh, looking at all these questions. So many good questions. I've heard a lot of astrologers talk about how terrible Venus in Aries is, or Venus in Aries in the sixth house. Can you speak a little bit to Venus in the sixth house in Aries?
Okay, I get what you're saying. So, yeah. Well, think about it this way: The sixth house was called "Mala Fortuna," which means "bad fortune." It was the joy of Mars, the lesser malefic, or the planet associated with things in the realm of fortune that we find stressful or adverse. If you think of adversity, you’re thinking of Mars.
We have to recognize that the language of astrology is meant, in large part, to describe the relative, subjective karmic world we live in. By that, we mean the world of cause and effect—the world of chains of actions and reactions. We experience some of them as subjectively more beneficial or positive, and others as more destructive or difficult, even though, on a spiritual level, all of them are divine. The reason we study astrology is usually so we can develop that kind of equanimity or appreciation for adversity and difficult things as potential growth opportunities. Astrology helps us develop that perspective.
It doesn’t help if we try to imagine that none of these distinctions exist, that we are beyond them because we are spiritual. No, we’re only beyond them because we have met them with a spiritual perspective. That means we must honor and acknowledge their existence first.
I’d rather not get injured. I’d rather earn money to support my family. I’d rather not be unemployed or disabled because something bad happened. I’d rather be healthy and functioning, supporting my family. That’s a basic distinction. And if anyone tried to tell me it wasn’t spiritual of me to prefer that, I’d say they’re not really acknowledging what it’s like to be human.
The language of astrology is about first acknowledging the consensus reality we live in, then contextualizing it within a divine, eternal view of reality, so we’re not limited by those categories of judgment.
But the sixth house is associated with all the hard, difficult work of existence—that’s Mars. The “I have to work” reality. I’m doing this live stream, and while I love it, I’d rather be, I don’t know, sitting in a sauna somewhere. Or listening to a podcast I like. I’m just kidding, I love you guys! But you get what I mean.
Mars represents the adversity of life. Even think about that line from the song “Summer of ‘69” by Bryan Adams: "I got my first real six-string, I played it 'til my fingers bled." That’s the sixth house too. If you love something, you care about it, you sacrifice for it. That’s the sixth house.
The sixth house is an act of sacrificial service. We burn, we suffer, we sacrifice on behalf of things we care about. Venus in that house in Aries, Mars’ sign, might make someone passionate and romantically fueled by that kind of burning sacrifice. What's wrong with that? Nothing.
This could be someone who’s a fitness coach. Venus in the sixth house: I burn, I sweat, and I guide people through feeling healthy and happy. I teach them the value of burning. That’s Venus in the sixth house: maybe an aerobics instructor, Pilates coach, or someone who helps people get motivated to do the work they need to do, even when they don’t want to.
Venus in the sixth house can make hard things beautiful. It could be someone who teaches how to form a business, set up practices, and get motivated to do the hard work. It’s not just about serving others, it’s about how we serve ourselves.
But we can’t whitewash the sixth house. We also can’t imagine that the sixth house is just good or bad. The sixth house might also represent chronic disease—things that we can’t resolve. Like the dishes in my kitchen. They’ll never be resolved between now and the time my kids leave for college. They’re a renewable stressor. That’s the “chop wood, carry water” reality of day-to-day life.
This is why the sixth house is called a house of slavery, sickness, and chronic disease, but also sacrifice and service. It’s a house that requires us to deal with the Mars-like adversity of existence. If you want to eat, you have to go out and hunt. If you want to be safe, you have to protect the perimeter.
The sixth house also represents debts we have to others—those karmic conflicts we must deal with. Could that mean that Venus in Aries has difficult karma with respect to love, sex, marriage, or relationships? Yeah. Venus in a Mars-ruled sign is in her detriment in the sixth house. That could suggest difficulty maintaining peace with others due to a propensity for conflict.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t resolve that karma by learning and growing. We’re here to learn. Just because the chart describes karma doesn’t mean you can’t change. Sure, some karma may be fixed, but how do we know which? No astrologer can claim to know the difference.
So, when someone says Venus in Aries in the sixth house is "terrible," remember what they're really saying. They might be suggesting that anyone who experiences conflict in relationships is doomed. But how realistic is that? Many people experience conflict and eventually learn to change the pattern.
I’ve counseled thousands of people, and I’ve seen far more people who are willing and capable of changing things than those who are stuck in the same patterns. That’s the beauty of the archetypes: they’re multivalent. Venus in Aries in your 20s might mean something different than Venus in Aries in your 40s or 50s.
I hope that’s useful.
Okay, wow, so many questions! I wish I could answer them all.
I like this comment from Chelsea: "Health crises or chronic illnesses under this placement are often transformative. They may push you to explore alternative medicine, psychology, or deep self-awareness to address root causes."
Yeah, totally. That can be one nice way they express. Sometimes, though, you just can’t figure it out. So, I just wanted to point out that someone echoed my sentiments there.
Alright, I think I’ll now tell you about the Kickstarter campaign. I’ll share why I think it’s worth supporting, how you can support it, and the different rewards available. Then, I’ll invite some people into the studio for readings.
It’s such an honor to come on and just chat about astrology. Most of the time, I’m on script with talks or curriculum. But these Q&A sessions give me the chance to freewheel, and I really appreciate it.
Okay, let’s dive into the Kickstarter.
I’m going to post the link in the comments section. You can find the link on the Nightlight website, which is When you go there, you’ll see a 2025 Kickstarter link. We’re at 99 backers in the first three days—that’s fantastic! We’re outpacing ourselves from last year, so that’s great news.
So, when you visit the Kickstarter, you’ll see the option to back the project, and you can scroll down to see the different pledge levels.
At the $25 level, you get the Astrology of 2025 Calendar, a digital PDF you can open on your phone, desktop, or laptop. It tracks all the major transits of the year that I’ll be working with on my channel.
At the $50 level, you get my exclusive Astrology of 2025 audio/video lecture. I don’t give this talk on YouTube—it’s a detailed breakdown of all the major astrology for the year ahead.
The Oracle Speaks at the $75 level is my new book, and you’ll get early access to chapters as they’re written. Right now, there are seven out of 12 chapters available, and you’ll get them as audiobooks and text versions.
At the $100 level, you can get the Year Ahead Horoscope Reading, which includes 12 30-45 minute horoscopes for each sign, breaking down all the major transits of 2025.
At the $125 level, we have 2024 Master Class Series. Choose from topics like fixed stars, the lunar nodes in ancient astrology, or the archetypes of the astrologer. These are 8-10 hours of content on each topic.
At the $200 level, you’ll get access to the live studio class. You can come hang out, ask questions, and get feedback on your astrological practice.
So, if you’re looking to support the campaign, this is a great way to not only contribute but get a lot of fantastic content for yourself, including access to lectures, workshops, and more.
Thanks again to all the people who have already supported! I can’t wait to continue this journey with all of you.
That's a really fun program. I really enjoy the community space that we've developed there. My wife, Ashley, who's an herbalist, leads the plant portions of those talks, and I lead the astrology.
The 2025 Master Class series is on sale. Those are all explorations of the houses connected by trines. In the winter, we will be looking at the first, ninth, and fifth houses through trines and triplicity rulers of those houses. In the spring, we'll be looking at the 10th, second, and sixth houses. In the summer, we'll be looking at the seventh, 11th, and third, and in the fall, we'll be looking at the fourth, eighth, and 12th. We'll really try to develop an understanding of how these houses are interconnected in their meanings in the chart and how we can end up delineating three houses at once, rather than only knowing how to delineate houses one at a time. It's going to be a great series.
Obviously, my wife teaches two years' worth of herbal apprenticeship courses. She has a master's degree in clinical herbal medicine, has been training herbalists, and was a board member of the American Herbalist Guild for a long time. If you're interested in herbalism, follow Ashley's channel. Her first-year course and her new second-year course are both on sale through the Kickstarter.
Then, probably our greatest offering are the major discounts on our programs. The course bundles are the best way to save. You can attend one Nightlight course—either our year one, year two, year three, or horary program. You could also use it toward Roots and Spheres or the Master Class, if you wanted to. The individual prices for those are a better deal until you get into the bundles, then it kind of becomes equal. At any rate, you can attend any of our major programs, one at the $900 level. That is $400 off the early bird rate, which is the best sale we normally run during the year, and it's half off the normal tuition rate.
With the tuition plan, if you scroll down, you can then bundle two courses together. You could do year one and year two, or if you're in year one, you could take year two and year three. That then takes the courses down to $750 individually, which increases the savings by $200 more. At $1700, you can combine three classes, and that's an incredible savings. Of course, our four-class pass takes each class down to $500 if you want to go through our master's certificate program. You can take them at your pace, start them whenever you want, and renew them whenever you want.
We only run this sale once a year. We did a flash sale the year before, but this year we ran no sales. The only time we're going to run these sales going forward will be during the Kickstarter. If you're someone who wants to study with us and really dive deep into the programs we offer, the bundles are the best savings of the Kickstarter, for sure.
Thank you guys for listening. I'll say a few things in closing about the content. The content on this channel is something I produce five days a week, year-round, and have done so for 11 years, two years prior to that in written form, before I did any fundraising to support the content production. This is a service to me. It's a spiritual practice. It's something I have done—rain or shine, sunshine, snow, whatever the weather, personally or collectively—I show up and create content. I hope it will be of spiritual and psychological value for you as you're growing and learning along your path. That is my devotion. That's my offering. That's my service. I show up here and do it year-round, day in and day out. And if I have anything to say about it, if the gods allow, I will be doing this for decades more to come. This is what I consider to be my legacy, or my contribution to the field of astrology. I want to be someone who showed up day in and day out for years and years and was a reliable place where you could tune in, reflect upon your life and place it within a magical, divine universe. That's what I find value in. That's my spiritual practice, and I'm lucky enough that it happens to be my job.
I believe there are 72,000 people who subscribe to this channel now, and I believe the content should be free and accessible to everyone. I don’t want to use subscription services or paywalls or anything like that. I want to keep it free. So, the way I try to earn a living doing this is during the last 40 days of the year. I say, “Look, if you love this, if it’s a part of your life that is meaningful and valuable, then please consider donating.” When you donate, all donations are wonderful and accepted, and we also want people to get something back for what they've given. We try to offer meaningful rewards that are of value.
Everything we do at Nightlight is rooted in the idea that astrology, as a sacred topic, should be accessible and not exclusive financially. Our programs are all need-based. We have many scholarships. Many people end up taking our programs for free or next to nothing, and that works because the Kickstarter works. It takes the pressure off me from a business standpoint, so we can offer less pressure on our programs. The Kickstarter works because it gives us flexibility in our business model. The generosity of spirit is at the core of what I do, and what I believe makes Nightlight special. Let's give this generously, and then let's ask people who have the means to support it. That’s the model we’ve been doing for a long time.
I want to point you to something really cool we developed this past year that you guys helped us build. It's a work in progress in line with our ethos and our mission. If you go to our website, click on "Book a Reading," you will find need-based astrology readings. When you scroll down, you’ll see that we now have an affordable reading service you helped us build. We developed the infrastructure, hired contractors, and went through the hiring process. Nightlight takes a minimal amount of the revenue from this. Our lowest tier alumni readers charge $49 per reading for an hour. These are very talented alumni who just need experience doing readings, so they are at the lowest price tier. We don't take a penny from them. They get to keep all of that.
We also have a community herbal medicine garden where we host a whole series of events for the community. People can come out, harvest, make their own medicine for free, and take it home. We harvest medicine and give it away. We hold free events in the garden. You helped us build that. All of our affordable pricing, the sliding scales we offer, work because the Kickstarter works. It supports our staff and helps me support myself and my family. It's part of how we operate with a generosity-based model.
If you haven’t donated yet, please consider doing so. The link to the Kickstarter is in the description of this video replay, the comment section, and on the website at If you can’t donate, please send us a prayer. Burn some sage and ask that we continue to be supported to use our success for good things. Those prayers are deeply valuable to us too.
Alright, let’s open up for some readings. We’re one backer away from 100, by the way. We’re trying to get to 19,137 backers by January 1. You guys have almost sent us over the 100 mark for today. We really appreciate it.
Now, if you want to join for a reading, here’s what you need to include: Email us at with your name, date of birth, location of birth, time of birth, and any specific topics or questions you want to ask. Don’t write me a book—I just need to look at it quickly and invite people in. I’ll randomly select people and send a reply to your email with a link to join us in the studio. You’ll be in a green room, and I’ll call you in to look at your birth chart. Please make sure you’re comfortable sharing your chart publicly, as we’ll be streaming it. If you're not comfortable with that, don’t come on. It’s a safe space, but you should feel open to sharing.
Let’s go check the email inbox now.
All righty, I am going to now respond to some of you. I can see there’s a ton of emails coming in, so watch as I send some replies to your inbox. You’re just going to want to follow the link that I send you, and I’ll probably call on about four or five people. Just know that I may not be able to get to everyone who comes into the studio, but we’ll see how many we can get through.
Okay, sending some links out now. I’m trying to see if I can find at least one guy in the mix, since it’s usually mostly women. Alright, just a moment here.
Okay, wow, so many wonderful people. I really appreciate all of you. Alright, almost there. Give me just one more second.
I’ve sent out some links to five or six people, so we’re going to see how things go. And we’ve just crossed 100 backers! That is fantastic. Now we just need 18,137 more to go. By the way, I’ll be doing these probably once a week between now and the end of the year, so stay tuned for the next one—just haven’t scheduled it yet.
Alright, I’m going to bring someone on now. Can you hear me?
Yes, I can hear you. How’s it going?
It’s going really good! Big fan. Thank you so much for having me.
Of course, this is great. I’m going to ask you, because I don’t have the email in front of me, can you just tell me your date of birth again?
Yeah, it’s May 25, 1993, at 4:42 PM, in Columbus, Ohio.
Got it, thank you! Anything specific that’s on your mind today?
Yeah, I started my own freelancing business this year around June, and I’m wondering if you have any advice for me as I move forward.
Sure! Let me just make sure I’ve got your chart. Does this look right? Libra rising?
Yes, that looks right.
Perfect. I use whole sign houses in my practice. Have you seen your chart that way before?
Yes, I follow both whole sign and Placidus to compare, and I see value in both systems.
It is fun to compare and contrast the different house systems. Sometimes it really gives you more insight, especially when you see how the chart changes.
Yeah, I agree. I think under Placidus, I have an eighth-house Sun, and I don’t really like that, so I prefer the traditional system.
Well, you know, one thing I always tell people is that whole sign houses in Hellenistic astrology are meant to be used within a broader philosophical approach. So, just looking at the whole sign chart without understanding that underlying philosophy might not give you the fullest picture. If you get more interested in that system, I recommend taking a more immersive Hellenistic program at some point—it could deepen your understanding of that perspective.
That sounds really cool. I’ll definitely look into that.
Great! So, it sounds like you’re interested in career advice. Can you tell me a little more about what you do for a living?
Sure! I’m an interior designer, and I specialize in designing healthcare systems, specifically hospitals.
Wow, that’s really interesting. My wife’s uncle is the CEO of a hospital, and he was really focused on the design of a new hospital building. He wanted to make sure that the spaces were healing—not just functional but actually conducive to healing. He believed that sometimes hospital spaces can feel too sterile.
Yes, exactly! That’s a big part of my work—making sure the spaces feel compassionate, not just cold and functional. I see it as a way to bring a sense of care through design.
I love that! Now, looking at your chart, the Moon in Cancer in the 10th house really stands out. The 10th house can show both your career and the environment where you work. I love the Moon in Cancer here, especially in a caring profession like healthcare. It sounds like it’s important for you to feel emotionally invested in your work.
It definitely is. But it’s also a double-edged sword—being emotionally invested in something like this can be tough at times.
Yes, I can see that. The Moon in Cancer in the 10th house can be both a blessing and a challenge when it comes to office culture or dealing with the emotionally draining aspects of your work.
The other part of your chart that stands out is your Jupiter in Libra in the first house. This placement can give you a big-picture, broad design sense, which is perfect for someone in your field. Jupiter in Libra helps you to approach your work with an optimistic and balanced perspective. This also ties into your interest in architecture and design. Your chart shows a natural sense of harmony and an ability to see both the micro and macro elements of a project.
Wow, yes! That totally resonates with me. I think this combination of emotional care and big-picture design is what draws me to interior design, especially in healthcare.
When I look at the bigger picture for your career, I sense that you might be looking for something that provides more creative fulfillment, something that breaks the mold or shifts things in a way that feels more personally satisfying. Does that sound about right?
Yes, exactly! When you work for a firm, you often have to take whatever projects come your way, but being on my own now, I feel like I have more freedom to choose. It feels like a new world!
It sounds like you’re looking for a more dynamic and fulfilling path, especially as your career takes shape in a new way. Let’s take a look at the transits and see what could be coming up for you in terms of career growth.
First off, the Uranus transit to your Sun, which will happen in 2025, is huge. Uranus is about revolution, and when it hits your Sun, it brings unexpected changes and new directions in life purpose. At the same time, Pluto will be forming a trine with your Sun and Jupiter, creating a grand trine that involves your 1st, 5th, and 9th houses—the Dharma houses.
That sounds exciting!
Yes, it is! The ninth house is about learning, higher mind, and expansion, while the first house shows your sense of self and personality. The fifth house is all about creativity and the things you love to do. So, with these three houses being activated, you’ll likely experience a big shift in your understanding of what you want to do in your career, how you want to show up, and what brings you joy.
By 2026, this transit will reach its peak, and it looks like it could be a year of significant breakthroughs. Uranus will be conjunct your Sun, and Pluto will continue to trine your Sun and Jupiter, activating a major period of personal growth and transformation. You’ll likely feel a strong desire to push boundaries and take bold new steps in your career.
That’s so affirming to hear! I’ve been feeling like something big is coming, but I wasn’t sure what.
I’m glad to hear that! This is really a time where you’re stepping into a more authentic and expansive version of yourself, both personally and professionally. It’s going to be a very exciting couple of years ahead for you.
That’s amazing. I’ve actually started my business after a layoff, and this is the first time I feel like I’m on the right path.
That’s fantastic! It sounds like you’ve already begun stepping into this transformation. You’re on the right track, and it’s wonderful to see that the chart supports your sense of purpose and direction.
Yeah, it’s been such an interesting journey.
Well, I’m excited for what’s coming next! Keep up the great work, and know that these transits will help guide you toward something even more fulfilling in your career.
Thank you so much! This has been so helpful.
You’re very welcome! Keep me posted, and I’ll be here if you ever want to check back in.
It was like two days from a peak point in the lot of spirit that I got laid off from my job, yeah, which freaked me out.
What year, like, what, what year was it, or what month, month and year, um,
March. Let me look, because I had to write this on all of my unemployment stuff so many times, right? Um, March 5 of this year. And then I started my new business, um, I entered in my EIN request on the Taurus New Moon that was in like June or July.
Okay, fantastic. So it was, you said it was early March that you got laid off, right? Yeah, yeah.
Okay, so let me just, I just want to look at that really quick, yeah. I mean, one thing that I think is really, oh, hold on, let me put your chart up just for a second, and then we're gonna go on to the next person here. But yeah, so one thing that's really fascinating is that that release would have been happening as Jupiter and Uranus were coming together in your eighth house.
And what's really fascinating about that, the way that I would spin that transit to give you a little encouragement here, would be to say that remember, the eighth house is often the place of our karmic debts, obligations, and contracts with other people. When you have Jupiter and Uranus in the eighth, one of the things that many Librans experience under this Jupiter Uranus transit was the liberation and the kind of freedom from a karmic bond or obligation when you are moving into working for yourself as opposed to working for other people.
And you're laid off under the application of Jupiter Uranus and the eighth—that's not such a bad thing.
Um, it, I think it ended up working out beautifully, but it was definitely pretty Ouchy. So in the moment, I'm sure it was, I feel like, you know, let’s just say you go on to have some success doing your own thing. You may look back at that moment and say that was the beginning of freedom, you know, which is a weird way of looking at it. But in hindsight, you never know, it may end up feeling like that.
Yeah, it already does. It's ended up being a great thing. So thank you so much.
Yeah, thanks, Shannon. Thanks for coming on, and I really appreciate you opening yourself up. And hopefully everyone got to learn from your example too. So thank you.
Yeah, thank you. All right, bye.
Okay, that was really nice, really fun, interesting reading there. Jesse, Hi, can you hear me?
I can, can you hear me?
Yes, hello. How are you? Good. How’s it going? Good. Let me just, okay. Give me your date of birth first,
Yeah, November 9, 1989, I. Uh, 12:02pm, and that's in St. Louis Park, Minnesota.
Right? Okay, I have you as CAP rising. Does that sound right? Yep. Okey dokey. Let me put your chart up on the screen. Anything in particular you want to talk about.
Um, well, I guess the biggest thing on my mind is some ambiguity in career. I’ve been working in a corporate environment since 2017 and it's, it's done amazing things for me. But I just, I just had a baby, and my husband is making some pretty big moves in his career. His career has kind of had us moving around a bit. And so there's, there's some opportunity for him, and I'm just wondering if it would make more sense for me to stay home, especially, you know, with an infant and a career that doesn't really... it kind of feels like I’ve hit a ceiling. It might have run its course.
Let me ask a few practical questions, just because I think it's always important to just understand the practical context, right? So, the question is, is there pressure or need for you to earn right now, or are things comfortable and secure and there's like, no pressure from spouse or, you know what I mean, like, how’s the situation there?
Um, it would help for me to be earning, certainly, but it would help for me to be staying home. It’s kind of this catch-22.
Yeah, right, because, of course, there's a need for resources to help with childcare. Or, I mean, just yeah, I get that that feels familiar, you know.
Okay, so what is it that you do for a living? Or would you be doing, or, yeah, I?
I work for a large financial firm as an analyst.
Okay, is there any kind of desire to work part-time rather than full-time? Or is it sort of a binary, like, full-time or a full-time mom?
Well, if I wasn’t working full-time, I just don't think it would make a ton of sense to hire childcare. You know, to your point, it’s, there’s a lot to consider there, namely, cost, rent, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let’s just pull the... sorry, I’m going to pull up your BI wheel here. Give me just a second. Okay, here we go. These are some... okay, so just given the situation and not having, like, all the time in the world to kind of dig in a lot deeper, which I would normally want to do, but let’s just kind of look at context here. This question is coming up about my purpose to work or to be a mom, as Neptune is over your moon, right? That that registers right? That is like right out of a textbook. Neptune is over my moon. I am a new mom with... Is this your first? No, my second.
Okay, so your second? How old is your other child?
Keith, 10.
Okay, so you have a 10-year-old and an infant, and you're in this kind of nebulous state of wondering if you should be absorbed in parenting or going back to work. Here’s what I would say. First of all, I highly doubt that this resolves itself until Neptune is completely done with your moon. I would wonder if, I mean, just because I know how Neptune in the moon works, if you were to go back to work under Neptune transiting your moon in short time, for example, let’s take this forward. Neptune goes back over your moon exactly, you know, like in February in the new year. Let’s say you go back to work in the next couple of months under the banner of Neptune, conjoining your moon. I’m not sure that that experience would lend itself... it would lend you any clarity, right? I feel like you could easily be at work under that transit and going like I feel like I should be doing mom stuff. I don't... I just wonder, because Neptune on moon, when often, when women are in the early stages of parenting after after a child’s being born, is kind of like this oceanic state where there’s a close psychic proximity between you and your child. There’s a sense of losing yourself that, you know, some... I mean, obviously, like postpartum depression, can be very Neptune moon or restlessness and a feeling of, uh, hopelessness or boredom or wondering if you're doing anything of any substance, or if you're just drowning in a sea of milk, or, you know, whatever. That’s very Neptune moon.
Know. So typically, when I see Neptune move off the moon in such situations, that’s when clarity will start to present itself. You know what? I don’t want to go back to work, and I’m feeling very clear about that. Or, you know what I’m feeling like, I’m emerging from the ocean of milk, and now I want to, you know, I want to go back to work. I’m very clear about it.
So Neptune and Saturn are both working over your moon in the next year, and Neptune will kind of completely finish with your moon in February of 2026, at which point both Saturn and Neptune enter Aries to stay and then they're sort of done with your moon. I would suspect that by 2026, just a little over a year from now, I would guess that your self, like just being really clear, what do I want? What do I want to do? Do I want to return to work? I would think that it would be there. And my advice for women in this situation over the course of my career, especially after my wife had kids and went through similar decisions and stuff, is to not place any expectations on yourself and to allow yourself to wait until clarity and direction and purpose emerge naturally, rather than putting like an artificial timeline around it.
Of course, that’s why I ask if there are constraints financially, because that may dictate the situation, right? But if there aren’t, and there’s a little bit of space, even a year within which you have to live a little bit tighter, might be better to do that than to push yourself to make a decision when you don’t feel ready. And the psychic space of Neptune in the moon is not... It’s a nebulous space, you know what I mean? So maybe better to give yourself the time.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, especially Neptune's a long transit over my moon and just ambiguity is the name of the game the last three years. Yeah, ambiguity of living space, ambiguity of purpose. It’s waiting for it to pass. Makes a lot of sense.
When did you give birth?
July, this past July, July 24.
Okay, so you’ve been through a Mars in Cancer in the seventh house. During this period, the retrograde will come in the early part of the year. Remember that this retrogradation could provide
a little stress around the marriage, the relationship, your spouse.
Um, I guess, yeah, I was looking for something a little bit general, but, um, kind of what's on my mind. For the past several years, I'm an artist. I do music, and I'm pretty well known around my area. I've gone international as well. And for the past couple years, I kind of faded out a little bit to focus on different things. I do have different ideas as far as what I like to do in the world, something a little more than entertainment. I have ideas for charity and things. I started a health food business as well.
As I’ve fallen back to focus on the infrastructure of the business aspect of these things, and how I want to move forward as I’m growing, I think about the connections that I currently have. Some people in my life may be looking at it in a specific way, and it sometimes does raise insecurity in me. It’s partially why I kind of fell back as well — to do some self-work and shadow work to move beyond that. As I'm gearing back to kind of come back out, so to speak, I’m just looking for a little bit more clarity on how to navigate things like that, not only in terms of friendships but also love as well, and just having the confidence to keep moving forward.
Very cool. What kind of music do you make?
I make hip hop and soul music. I also do some soundtrack work for anime.
That's really cool, man! I love that. Yeah, cool. You'll have to, if you don't mind, shoot me another email and tell me where I can go scope out your music later. That’d be awesome.
Awesome. Will do. Appreciate that.
Yeah, yeah. Let's. Here. Okay, dude, ever since I became a dad, I am so out of touch with the cool new people making stuff. I just, like, I’ve got "Bluey" on in the background now, you know...
Man, no, you have all the time in the world. Definitely.
Thanks! Alright, here we go. Whoops, let me get this out of the way. Let me put up your chart here. Okay, so let's take a look at kind of the arc of your career. Are you currently in the process of creating anything, or starting a new project, or anything like that?
Right now?
Yes, I’ve been working on an album for the past couple of years, and I’ve really been making it real this past year or so. So, I am working on it right now.
Okay, cool.
I wonder about that, just because Mars is about to turn retrograde, and it's going to do so right over the Lot of Fortune in your fifth house. Yes, that’s interesting. That looks like it could be like a very kind of destined moment of creative design and good fortune. One of the things that Indian astrologers look at with the fifth house is the good karma from past lives that will manifest and bring us happiness or joy somehow in this life. It's a very particular meaning of the fifth house. But when you have the Lot of Fortune there, it kind of reinforces that idea of a kind of benefic karmic inheritance — the fifth house was called "The Joy of Venus" and the place of good fortune. And here’s the Lot of Fortune, here’s Mars, which, for an Aries rising, is a very entrepreneurial, creative signature. Mars in Leo feels like, “I’m the executive of my creative company, of my path,” like a creative designer kind of energy.
And here it is, coming right over. The Lot of Fortune’s going to turn retrograde and go back over. It makes me feel like there’s some fruit that’s about to ripen on the tree creatively for you. But also, maybe going back to something like you were talking about earlier — “I’m kind of going to go back to something that I was doing and maybe took a little moment away from.” This retrograde on the Lot of Fortune could reactivate something creative from the past that feels empowering again, and something very positive and fortunate could come from it. That feels like a nice way of looking at this upcoming retrograde, which will be very powerful in the month of December, early January. So, I would watch that.
The other thing that comes to my mind is I wonder if this creative project doesn’t somehow dovetail, as Mars retrogrades into Cancer in your fourth house, with something like familial or ancestral, something from the past. Mars retrograde in the fourth often brings up dynamic content from home, family, parenting, ancestry, origins, past lives. It's a deep, mysterious house. In fact, the fourth house was associated with the occult in ancient astrology — all things that are hidden. A Mars retrograde in that house, connected to what looks like a creative renaissance that starts in the fifth, makes me wonder if it doesn’t dovetail into some meaningful exploration of the past, or of family history, or something like that. That would be something really interesting. I could also see it bringing up this creative project being empowered by some catharsis that's about to happen with respect to home, family, parents, siblings, family members — something like that.
Because that Mars retrograde, initially connected to this creative moment, is also going to be opposing your Moon, which is the ruler of the fourth house, and another emblem of home and family. Sometimes I feel like creative projects come through when there are shifts in the family constellation — like things shifting in interesting ways. So, that’s just a kind of creative idea that I’m riffing on here. Does that make any sense to you right away?
It makes a lot of sense, actually, in two ways. One, creatively, I am kind of infusing my family history into the project that I’m making, especially from my grandparents and different values and things they said that I learned. It’s similar to how I think today. From a creative aspect, that’s one thing I’m doing. And the spirit that made me go in that direction is me breaking my own patterns that I’ve become aware of, especially with the generations before me, wanting to do things in a more meaningful, wholesome way than just creating solely for entertainment’s sake. So that resonates a lot.
Yeah, dude, for sure.
The next thing that I would point to here — and I apologize, I wish that I could spend an hour with you, but since I’m on a bit of a time crunch, I gotta roll along a little bit.
That’s perfectly fine.
We’ve got this transit coming up — Uranus on Mercury. As someone who articulates through words, speech, music... I mean, you’ve got a Mercury-Venus conjunction. Those two planets in that sign are the same as Bob Dylan’s, for example. It’s kind of a poet, wordsmith, singer-songwriter combination. Very common for people with a Mercury-Venus conjunction in the same house to be very articulate, to be pleasing in the way they sing, speak, write, or think. So, first of all, you have that gift. You’re a Taurus with the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus in your sign. Venus rules the throat chakra, and you’ve got the connection to Mercury and Venus, with Gemini influencing your chart. It feels very much like a lyrical artist.
So, what I love about this for you is that we have this transit of Uranus on Mercury — which will be an explosion of original thinking and speech. For you as an artist, I see this as a really powerful moment of saying things, speaking things, coming out of the throat chakra with something really original. Even for your own arc, it could feel groundbreaking somehow. That’s a really nice creative moment. Of course, it’s getting empowered by Pluto trining from the 11th house. What's interesting is that right afterward — almost immediately — the nodes of the Moon shift into Leo and Aquarius. Then, you’re going to start getting eclipses in that 11th house.
So, we see the eclipses starting to roll in by the end of 2026, into 2027. At that point, you’ll be in the midst of an ongoing process, where the North Node will be crossing over your Mars in the 11th. You’re going to have some forceful, original, brave, and bold things to share. It’ll likely be part of some greater group or community. The Pluto and Uranus hitting Mercury at the same time suggests a fantastic explosion of original thinking, music, lyrics, and creativity. It’s going to bring you into new collective spaces that maybe you haven’t reached before. That’s what the North Node in the 11th tends to do for people who contribute creatively and put their work out into the world — it brings your creative work into a different kind of space.
I love this. Then, from there, things just build. If you look ahead to 2026, I think that’s a big year for you. Moving forward, the nodes of the Moon will return to Capricorn and Cancer. You’ll have the North Node rolling into your 10th house, and you have industrious, hard-working Saturn in your second house. This is where I think you’ll move from things that are more conceptual and creative into solidifying and building structures. You might see that your ability to turn what you've done into sustainable, creative, and financial results will come during this transit, with a lot more focus on work and practical things. It’s a nice sequence of transits — North Node in the 11th to 10th — where there's this explosion of original ideas and creative output, followed by a focus on building practical, sustaining structures that are probably more financially lucrative.
That sounds amazing. That sounds awesome.
Right on, man. How do we do? Did that work for you?
It did. It did. It definitely did.
Cool. Man,
yeah, thanks for coming on. I really appreciate it. Thanks for all the kind things you said about the channel, too. I love knowing that there are creative people like yourself out there taking this in.
Indeed, thank you. I really appreciate it. And keep it up.
Alright, man, take it easy.
You too. Thank you. Bye.
Alright. Well, I think this has been a good session for the day. Kelly says, "Powerful stuff. I'd love to hear your music." Carvene, yeah, put it in the chat if you will — tell us where we can find your stuff before we sign off.
Yeah, you know, I love this comment. I'm blown away by this community of seekers. Shine on, you crazy diamonds. That’s right. We’ve got a great community here.
Hey, we’re at 105 backers right now. We’ve gained like seven or eight more backers during this live stream. Let me check... thank you for joining. If you haven't contributed to the Kickstarter campaign yet, I come on and do this because I love you guys, and I’m also trying to rally support for this channel, for our staff, and for everything we do to make astrology accessible. It works because we believe in generosity. If we are generous, we know that their generosity will come back to us as well. We believe there’s a circularity to generosity that’s always led our business model. At the end of the day, it’s a business, but if there’s any way to make a business spiritual — to give something back to people the way we do business — then, you know, I’ve always believed we should try to do it that way.
If you pitch in and support us, you can get a bunch of different things, like tuition to our programs and some good gifts. I went through those earlier — you can check out the video at the end of all the regular content to see the rewards you can get. Thank you for a fun session. I will be scheduling a live for next week as well, so stay tuned. If you follow me on Instagram @NightlightAstrology, you’ll see the announcement. I’ll also send it out through my newsletter.
I choose people randomly, so there’s always a chance we could call on you for a reading next time. I hope you learned something about astrology and reading charts for people through these examples. Seeing how an astrologer does things is hugely helpful, which is why all of our programs have a major portion devoted to live readings and applying the techniques we study. That’s the best way to learn astrology. I hope you found it valuable today. I hope you have a great rest of your day, and we’ll see you again soon. Bye, everyone. Bye.
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