The Moon is in Capricorn this morning, moving toward a square with Venus and conjunction with Pluto. Meanwhile Mercury and Mars are mutually applying to a square with each other.
Here’s what to watch for:
* As the Moon/Pluto conjunction takes place this morning its also the 15th anniversary of 9/11. No doubt this morning’s astrology reflects the depth and power of that event in the collective psyche. The Moon often signifies “the people,” and Pluto the release of devastating but transformational energies from within the collective unconscious. The sign of Capricorn, a Saturn ruled sign, also symbolizes the structures of power and authority in the world. It will be interesting to see how the interaction of these planets shows up in our lives today, especially given the deeper historical context of this day in the USA.
* The Moon is also squaring Venus today. Here we have Venus with a dominating square to the Moon. Watch for Venusian things to exert a strong influence over Lunar things. For example, style, image, beauty, and appearance, might play a strong role in families, groups, or public displays or ceremonies. Venus might be a daughter having a strong influence over her mother, or an artistic or style conscious personality helping a more conservative or reserved person have a little more fun. Sometimes the Venus/Moon square reflects struggles or conflicts or jealousy between women, but other times it shows up as the creative tension between different aspects of the feminine within all of us…for example let’s say a family wants to have some fun together…Venus suggests a really hip new pizza place, but the Moon in Capricorn wants to spend less money or eat healthier and doesn’t want to leave the house because it will create too much chaos. Venus and the pizza place and everyone getting dressed up really cute might have to win out today over the controlling Moon in Capricorn!
* The Venus/Moon combination with the Moon in Capricorn may also reflect something like group or family decor or aesthetics. Or it could reflect the orderliness of appearances….for example, today is the first Sunday of the NFL football season, and my wife made a purple and gold bouquet of flowers this morning and we are all wearing our matching Vikings jerseys and making a tray of fun and healthy snacks to eat while we hang out together and watch the game (I’m pretty sure a picture will be posted at some point). I heard from a friend this morning who is having family pictures taken today as well. These kinds of events are completely Venus/Moon in nature! š
* Last but not least, Mercury and Mars are closing in on a square to each other, with Mercury in the superior position. Something from the past might be staging a comeback, or we might see the recurrence of an old conflict, debate, argument, or point of contention. Delays or setbacks are possible with travel and technology. Irritation and explosions in speech and communication are more likely, and it’s also possible that we see highly publicized acts of violence or aggression with a strong relationship to freedom of speech, technology, information, sports and athletics, etc.
Prayer: Help us to recall the duty and importance of compassionate listening alongside of the freedom of speech.
Here’s what to watch for:
* As the Moon/Pluto conjunction takes place this morning its also the 15th anniversary of 9/11. No doubt this morning’s astrology reflects the depth and power of that event in the collective psyche. The Moon often signifies “the people,” and Pluto the release of devastating but transformational energies from within the collective unconscious. The sign of Capricorn, a Saturn ruled sign, also symbolizes the structures of power and authority in the world. It will be interesting to see how the interaction of these planets shows up in our lives today, especially given the deeper historical context of this day in the USA.
* The Moon is also squaring Venus today. Here we have Venus with a dominating square to the Moon. Watch for Venusian things to exert a strong influence over Lunar things. For example, style, image, beauty, and appearance, might play a strong role in families, groups, or public displays or ceremonies. Venus might be a daughter having a strong influence over her mother, or an artistic or style conscious personality helping a more conservative or reserved person have a little more fun. Sometimes the Venus/Moon square reflects struggles or conflicts or jealousy between women, but other times it shows up as the creative tension between different aspects of the feminine within all of us…for example let’s say a family wants to have some fun together…Venus suggests a really hip new pizza place, but the Moon in Capricorn wants to spend less money or eat healthier and doesn’t want to leave the house because it will create too much chaos. Venus and the pizza place and everyone getting dressed up really cute might have to win out today over the controlling Moon in Capricorn!
* The Venus/Moon combination with the Moon in Capricorn may also reflect something like group or family decor or aesthetics. Or it could reflect the orderliness of appearances….for example, today is the first Sunday of the NFL football season, and my wife made a purple and gold bouquet of flowers this morning and we are all wearing our matching Vikings jerseys and making a tray of fun and healthy snacks to eat while we hang out together and watch the game (I’m pretty sure a picture will be posted at some point). I heard from a friend this morning who is having family pictures taken today as well. These kinds of events are completely Venus/Moon in nature! š
* Last but not least, Mercury and Mars are closing in on a square to each other, with Mercury in the superior position. Something from the past might be staging a comeback, or we might see the recurrence of an old conflict, debate, argument, or point of contention. Delays or setbacks are possible with travel and technology. Irritation and explosions in speech and communication are more likely, and it’s also possible that we see highly publicized acts of violence or aggression with a strong relationship to freedom of speech, technology, information, sports and athletics, etc.
Prayer: Help us to recall the duty and importance of compassionate listening alongside of the freedom of speech.
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