Today I'm going to share some stories from this past week, which have come from watching the Mars-Saturn-Uranus dynamic play out.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from nightlight astrology and today I'm going to share with you some stories from this past week watching the Mars Saturn Uranus dynamic perfect course Mars is still going to make it square to Uranus over the weekend. But I thought it would be a really fun time to kind of launch this new series that I've had in mind for a while, which I'm calling "Grabbed." And it's something that I'm actually I'm super excited about because it's something that you guys can get involved with as well and I'm going to explain that as we go. But here's the gist of it. In Indian astrology they were called gras Ha's, which means grabbers can mean to grasp or to seize. Or also to grasp something as in to understand something. You probably heard me talk about this a lot. If you've listened to me talk about the philosophy of ancient astrology, one of the reasons that we study astrology is to recognise or be able to identify the power of the gods are these archetypes in our everyday experience, because the penalty for not recognising them and not having a conscious relationship with them is that they often grab or grasp or seize us rather unconsciously, and sort of manipulate us like we're puppets on a string. So if we want to live our destiny, live our fate live in harmony with the gods in a conscious manner, then recognising their, their presence on the stage of life is paramount. It's super important. So this series, I just thought, you know, what, I get so many stories all the time. I mean, I'm reading probably, you know, 100 stories a week, and I don't, I usually don't have time to respond to them, because there's so many of them, but I read them. And I so that's a huge part I realised of how I've progressed and developed as an astrologer over the years not just hearing you know, on YouTube or my my blog when I used to write more, but in client sessions every single day, in my life every single day training my archetypal eye to notice these powers these archetypes and Gods on the stage of life, the more that you're able to identify them, see them in diverse in like a very idiosyncratic situations and people, the more that you're able to do it, the more your recognition, your ability to recognise them goes up, your ability to start articulating the powers of the archetypes and readings or in chart delineation goes up. So there's like, there's nothing, there's really no downside to hearing more and more astrological stories. You also as you go, you realise that a lot of the times people are telling you stories that don't have to do with the transits that they think it has to do with it, it'll be some other transit. So that's also interesting, too, because sometimes in hearing stories, you'll you'll realise like, what is the transit and what is something else? At any rate, the other so the couple of purposes of doing this, what what I want to do is in the chat box, as we're breaking down aspects, I get all these stories. And what I'm going to do is invite people to we're what we're doing is we're cultivating it, we're making an email address, it's going to be called And it's an email address that people can send in their stories, too. And those stories will be, you know, if you send us a story, essentially, we'll send you a little auto reply saying, that we're going to potentially use your story in an episode. And he's grabbed episodes, what I want to do is like, maybe it'll be Venus Neptune grabbed episode. And in that episode, what we'll do is, I'm just going to break down stories that I'm getting from people, you guys can hear all that ridiculous, absurd, funny, serious, beautiful, tragic examples of the archetypes at play. Because I want you guys to see what I see every day behind the scenes. And I think there's a very simple way of doing this for people who are comfortable sharing anonymously, that their story can be read or shared anonymously. So that's what we're in the process of developing. And today, I'm just going to share some of the stories that I had this week. And I'm going to share with you three stories that I got, anonymously, that I have permission to share with you, from clients and YouTube viewers and stuff like that about how these transits have played out just to give you a taste for what this series is hopefully going to evolve into. So probably next week, sometime or in the upcoming weeks, I'll have more information about you know, once the email address is set up, that you can actually email and send us your stories and we're going to kind of archive them and then occasionally do episodes where we just focus on maybe an archetypal combination or two that's been in the air and some of the funny or interesting stories that correspond with that archetypal combination. Again, like why do this? Because if you guys hear the amount of stories that I do every day and you see them in different combinations, your archetypal eye will develop your ability to interpret will develop your your, your expertise potentially as a chart reader will develop. Not only that, but you'll be able to see them more in your own lives in your own day to day experiences. So that's kind of the purpose of doing this.
Alright, so let's get into it. I'm going to pull up the real time clock and show you what we're looking at today. I've got three stories from viewers about the Mars Saturn Uranus dynamic this week. And and as some of my own to share with you guys that are like just textbook so Okay, so here it is. And I'm just going to highlight it it's been perfecting all week. Here's Mars to Uranus perfecting over the weekend, here's Mars to Saturn Saturn to Uranus is kind of a modern astrology we call it a T square. So we have this very powerful dynamic going on. Now next week, Venus opposes Saturn square, Uranus, maybe will tell some stories about that one, we've got Neptune coming into a square with mercury coming into square with Neptune. Maybe we'll share something about that. So that's kind of where we're heading with all of this in the next couple of weeks, hoping to gather some stories about those. In the meantime, before we have this set up. By the way, if you guys want to share stories, and you're okay with me using it for this series in the next week or two, any trends that that you want to share right into the chat box of the YouTube channel or the chat comment section, grabbed at the front, and then put colon and then just tell your story. And make sure that you let us know which planetary dynamic you're talking about. So you might say, you know, I've got a I've got a good story for your grab series. And you know, it's on Venus, it's on mercury Neptune or it's on the Mars Uranus dynamic or whatever the case might be. So until we get this email box email address setup, if you guys want to just leave it in the YouTube comments, and you're okay with me sharing, I won't use your handle or name or anything but just make sure you put grabbed or hashtag grabbed or something like that in the in the comments so that we can pull stories that you're comfortable with us sharing from the comments box until we get the email address set up. So anyway, this I'm super stoked about this. This idea occurred to me this week, and I was like, this is the best idea. So I'm excited.
Alright, so here, here are my stories that I'm going to share. I'm just gonna share mine. First, get him out of the way and then I'll share with you some three anonymous stories from YouTube audience and clients. Alright, so Mars, Saturn, Uranus. I mean, probably the big one for me this week was and some of you notice, because I posted it on the like community chat section of YouTube, which is where I didn't really know they even had such a thing until I guess a couple of months ago, or maybe last year sometime. I don't remember. Anyway. So I started some Brazilian jujitsu lessons this week. And it was very Mars, Saturn, Uranus, in the sense that I don't know if you guys know anything about this, I barely know anything about it. So and I know some people actually some people in my audience, apparently, you know, go to jujitsu classes regularly. So I was I was actually really stoked to hear that. The gist of it is that in in this class, my experience anyway, it's kind of like a form of grappling, slash wrestling. It's a martial art. It's meant to teach you how to defend yourself. And you go into class, I mean, this is at least the way that the studio works that I go to, you go into class, you learn some techniques, you practice the drill the techniques with partners, you switch partners all the time, then at the end of class, there's a little bit of, Okay, now one person is going to try to submit the other person with like, maybe like a chokehold, or an armbar or something like that. And the other person has to basically just try to defend themselves and not get into that position. And then you flip and you do it on the other side, except for if you're like me, and you know nothing about it, there really is no other side. It's just like, just defending yourself. And then when it comes to your time, when it comes to your turn, I guess, you know, like my partners have all been like more, you know, I think I'm probably the only person there who's like, completely brand new. Or maybe there was a few other new people this week or something. But, you know, so basically, my experience this week was of doing these drills, and yeah, like, the way that I would put it is getting my ass kicked by some of the nicest people I've met. I think that jujitsu, I don't know if it's the jujitsu itself, or if it's just something that it's referred to, but it's called the gentle art, if I remember correctly. I was just really struck by how I was exerting a tonne of energy and trying to defend myself but like whatever. And these blue belts, there was a purple belt or two that was kind of helping me learning but also completely kicking my ass. And they were like rainbow pythons. Like not exerting a lot of energy, breathing a lot and completely dominating me while I was, you know, like, basically, like in more of a like, amped up adrenaline, like super exerting muscle and strength mode. And I thought it was really interesting because it was it was a display of strength that required and I heard someone use this phrase, it was like the least amount of effort. And how did that phrase go on for the people who go to BJJ will know this, but as the least amount of effort, and you know, the most safety, and yet you're submitting someone that's kind of like you're exerting the least amount of energy, you're doing the least amount of damage or harm, and yet, you're bringing someone into submission, so they can't hurt you. And, like, if you see videos of people, like there's great videos on the web of people like stopping a robber or something, and they'll use, they'll use these techniques, and you can tell like, they're not hitting the person, there's no like striking, but they'll submit the person and they'll do it like, pretty quickly and smoothly without like, a crazy Hulk burst of like power and strength necessarily. So I feel like my will Mars was itself put into like a cosmic headlock this week, and I really couldn't have asked for anything a greater gift. It was a it was an exercise in recognising the shortcoming of a particular mode of strength. And I think what went along with this was the recognition of active passivity. There were several positions that you know, we had to work in class this week. And one of them was when you're in like, you're mounting your partner sounds like sexual. Like you're mounting, your partner and your knees are kind of straddling them on either side, and you've got them in like a chokehold. And then they have to escape, and they're working these tactics to escape. And when I was in that position, as well, as when I was watching some of the people with more experience in that position, one of the things I noticed was that they were in a very weakened sort of submissive position. And yet, they were constantly active in it, like constantly, slowly, subtly manipulating and moving out of it. And it made me realise that I think that there's this false dichotomy that we have, sometimes this is all very Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and I'll link it back in a second. It's like this false dichotomy we have between like, you know, dominance and submission, like dominance is on top. And if you submit, you're weak and oppressed and on the bottom, and like, that's one expression of the relationship between, let's say, Yang, and Yin, but what I was seeing in this class was that there's a way in which the Yang can be incredibly weak, because every time that I tried to step into like really exerting strength, dominance, young energy, what I noticed was that the subtler, slower, seemingly more submissive or passive position that the other person was in was almost always stronger than me and would end up you know, completely flipping the table. So if you think about that yin yang dynamic, there's a little speck of white in the dark, and there's a little speck of dark in the white. And I kept thinking about that and thinking about how, even though something appears like it's still or it's passive, or it's in a more submissive position, but there's still always activity happening in that space. And eventually, from that space, there's, you know, the action moves and the tables are flipped.
And I want to say that it was as a you know, as a man, it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever experienced. Honestly, I'm not saying that I learned a lot of jujitsu this like but I feel like I learned something important about, like, active passivity and the way in which strength comes through something that seemingly looks a lot more passive or submissive, and the way that there's always there's still always activity in that space and learning how to find strength in that active passivity is very similar to bhakti yoga for example, where the gold standard of spiritual life is being in kind of an actively deliberately surrendered position. But finding action in that space finding meaningful activity and movement in that space of surrender. And I feel like that was a huge breakthrough for me this week, because the sort of masculine piece of myself but I was really unconscious of it's like, I feel like it's very deeply unconscious for all of us. It doesn't it doesn't really matter if you're a man or a woman cuz there was plenty of women in this class, I'm sure they were realising the same thing, or had at some point in their journey with this, is that okay, here's Mars running up against Saturn, exert your will blocked, get your arm in a, you know, an arm lock it, you're getting choked out, or whatever the case might be in the in these moves. And again, this the people were doing this in ways that were very, like, they were not crazy intense, I wasn't like dealing with like jacked out steroids for you know, like hoax that was, I mean, I was watching women who were much smaller than me in this class doing this to men. So at any rate, the will runs up against the limit, Saturn. And then by running up against that limit over and over and realising, oh, there's a different way of using this Mars energy, there's a little speck of white in the dark of the Yin, for example, I'd say my biggest breakthrough of the week, was last night, when I realised that I had defended myself about five or 10 seconds longer than I was capable of doing at the beginning of the week. And I heard a friend of mine tell me that you should look for little things like that. Because in the beginning, when you know, nothing, it can feel like you're just kind of getting beat up by the whole thing. But able to being able to, like defend myself, I was on the bottom. So I was in a submissive position. And I realised that I just needed to breathe, and I needed to not do anything. And I needed to just kind of just be more aware of like little subtle things that my partner was doing and starting to set up. This did not last long. You know, I ended up in a headlock. So it didn't last long at all. But it was something to learn how to be active in a passive position. And I read this study online somewhere that in this was maybe years ago now, that said that, generally speaking, one of the reasons that women are more dissatisfied in their intimacy with their partner, is because they don't often get to be in the dominant position with men. Because weirdly, men's stamina, sexually speaking, goes down when they're in the submissive position. And I always thought that was really interesting, because I mean, at least for me, and some of my close friends that I, you know, I talked to about this, like, I think that holds true for a lot of men that, you know, men may find that their stamina is better, as long as they're kind of in control and guiding things in a sexual experience. But I was just thinking about in this jujitsu experience, about is just how men don't often are any, I mean, maybe anybody doesn't get the opportunity to learn how to develop kind of active strength within a submissive place. And submissive, you know, I just mean in a yin place, really. So anyway, for me, the point is that this was like a major breakthrough for me psychologically, this week, like, I can't think of a time in recent years where something about my biology, my psychology, my instinctual body, had as much of a breakthrough. Okay, so here's the funny thing about this. When I had that, like, place of hitting this wall, the very first night and second night that I went, I was really I felt really frustrated. And I still do like I'm not I'm definitely not over that. I'm sure there's a lot more to come. But interesting thing about it is that right after the second experience of just being in that space of like, still, I feel I feel like one of the small lessons I learned in this has only been a week, so I'm sure there'll be repeated occurrences of this, but it was like, Don't try to exert too much strength here because your strength isn't really what's going to do the trick in jujitsu, like just raw muscle, it's just not going to work. And I felt really frustrated by that and sort of broken down and beat up about it honestly. And I woke up in the morning after the jujitsu class and for four hours, my body decided it was time to process another little kidney stone. So some of you guys who follow my channel know that a couple years ago, I had a kidney stone, it was a really big deal. So that one, I had to go to the hospital and you know, this was really thankfully it was small and not, you know, could have been worse. So it was like about four hours and and then it was over. The whole time the kidney stone was passing, I felt it psychologically connected to purging this very limited idea of what strength and toughness is about. And it was. So healing. I can't, I just there's nothing else to say like that. And so that was that was that was like my breakthrough week.
Okay, so then this is funny because I had forgotten that I had also scheduled a chiropractor appointment this week, those jujitsu lessons, I have a little for our very small, but painful kidney stone. And I have this appointment at the chiropractor. So I go into the chiropractor, and I'm, and you know, I've never been to a chiropractor before, but I decided because I'm at my desk a lot. And, you know, I just want to take care of my body and just like had some advice from another friend of mine who sees a chiropractor, like go check out a chiropractor, like maybe they can help you. So it's like, especially just be you know, neck back stuff sitting at the desk, I'm sure some of you guys experience that. Anyway, so go to a chiropractor, and had some bodily manipulation done, you know, say they do some popping and cracking and manipulating your spine and stuff like that. And I have to say that, that was also, you know, such a Mars Saturn Uranus moment where my physical skeleton is being manipulated, they're taking x rays, and she's showing me and kind of, you know, helping me explain some, some, some things that I can do at home and stuff like that. But that moment of like, you know having my neck and back and hearing it pop. And I and I was sitting there and I said all sudden I go, oh my god, that's this is so Mars, Saturn, Uranus, it's like physical, you know, sudden sort of violent shift of structure reorganising of structural integration changes. And so that's my second one.
Finally, we had someone working on something in our offices here, and they ended up damaging the wall. So we had to have the wall repaired. So there was structural damage to a wall in our house from a contractor. Also, my two daughters had some big breakthroughs in their swimming classes. So they're both they were both really scared of their swimming classes. And my one daughter was able to go underneath the water with her with her head. And and for, you know, they count they do like one monkey two monkey or something like that. I don't know. So anyway, she was able to go underwater. my other daughter, my youngest one who was too scared to even get in the pool got in the pool. And both of them happened on the same day, right after Mars had passed over Saturn. And they were like, elated that they had had this breakthrough in their physical bodies. They had gotten past fears that they had faced them. I was like, this is so Mars, Uranus, Saturn. Then, later in the day, they were playing, and my one daughter got angry. My younger daughter, my three year old got angry at my five and a half year old. And Summer slammed the door and caught my daughter GiGi's fingers in it. So my daughter GiGi's, thumb was like, totally swollen, it was awful. So there was a sudden violent injury after their breakthroughs in the swimming pool.
Okay, and then finally, last but not least, I realised that this was such a weird thing to come up like to realise, but I had this realisation where I was like, you know, I chant every day, and there's a certain set number of rounds that we do every day in the Bhakti tradition. So it was like, okay, you know, I'm going to get a cylinder, like a big cylinder vase. And I'm going to get some of those little marbles like little small marbles. And I'm going to start filling the vase with the marbles based on you know, every day that I that I do my rounds, I'm going to put it in there. Because, one of the things that I heard a guru talk about is that it can be a good thing to have some sense of the numerical commitment that your life has taken on. It's not about numbers, obviously, it's about the quality of your chanting it's about your consciousness. But when you feel like it's hard to keep up with your commitment or not that it's hard but that it's some you know, you lack motivation it or you don't like doing it or something like that. So sometimes you need ways of standing back and appreciating how far you've come and how many good things have come out of your discipline on days or stretch. is where you feel a little plateaued. So came up with this idea of, you know, getting a little bass and putting little marbles in it for, you know, each day that I finished my rounds that I'm going to fill it with those number that I've already chanted, that would just get a visual picture of how many days of my life I've given to chanting. And I was realising that this was going to help me have a breakthrough from the feeling of monotony that's crept into my practice. And I was like that is so Mars, Uranus, Saturn, isn't it, the monotony Mars, Saturn of a discipline, Mars, Saturn and the needing to kind of have a breakthrough from a plateau and coming up with something that can help you kind of re-motivate you. And then I realised the only way that I'm gonna survive, I think if I, I don't know how long it lasts, doing this jujitsu, but I'm gonna do the same thing and a little separate base for each class that I go to in jujitsu. Because I can tell you right now that one of the things that I find most overwhelming about doing this is just, it's just really hard to go do something where you get your butt kicked every single night.
So I had a friend tell me, well, just, you know, try to appreciate the fact that you're showing up and I was like, well, I could just do the same thing. I can drop some marbles into this thing. And maybe I'll last three months and quit, maybe, you know, maybe I'll last three years, maybe you know, who knows. But just as a way of not coming home and feeling completely and utterly destroyed. I'll put a little marble in this space for every class that I go to. And those two ideas came up to me in a moment where I was feeling just a little bit defeated and tired in my disciplines. And the jujitsu thing is new but just needing this way of breaking through the the feeling of monotony, or stuckness. And we're anticipating, how do I deal with that regularly, because that's a part of any discipline, you could easily say the same thing for astrology, you know. So if you're just studying every day, or if you're practising a sport every day, or working out or something like that, it's like the we need, our psyches need little ways of appreciating the beauty of our commitment. So I was like, I'm going to get some really beautiful, not just marbles to I'm going to get something really beautiful. I don't know, maybe I'll get this little cool, like sort of rainbow looking looking little glass beads or something. But something that I can look at and go look at the beauty of your commitment on days where, you know, I feel like it's not amounting to anything, or I feel overwhelmed by it. So those are some of the things that came up for me this week. Those are my grabbed stories for you.
Now, in future episodes, I certainly don't want my stories to just be what it is, I really want the maybe I'll share a story or two, but then really highlight your stories because I want to hear I want you guys to see how many different diverse stories there are, and how conscious we can really be in relating with these transits. I know that if I didn't know astrology this week, I think the consequences of these transits could have been a lot more extreme. So here's some stories three that I'll leave you with really quickly. That are I you know, they're just they're brief. So in the future, hopefully we'll have people kind of write things out and I'll be able to, like fully read them to you. But here are three stories from you guys that also reflect the Mars Saturn, Uranus dynamic. A woman wrote to me, saying that she had her boss became suddenly very rigid, very authoritarian, exerting a tonne of machismo, and she was like, he's being grabbed by the transits right now, it must be striking his natal chart in a particularly difficult way. And she felt herself wanting to engage in a power struggle. And because of the work that we've done on this channel, because of the, you know, commitment to studying these archetypes, she said, I'm going to step back. And I'm not going to respond, I'm going to be in a position of humility and patience for now. And we're going to revisit this next week after these transits pick up. Yay. That's the way to do it. Right. You understand the transits, you understand someone might be getting grabbed around you. And so you just step back you when you do that, you're waving a little flag to the universe being like, I'm here, I have a will. I'm conscious, I see the gods, the universe, in my experience, the cosmos, the powers of the cosmos, start to respect you more, and they start to consider your will and that you're less likely to just get pulled along unconsciously. So congratulations. What a great day in your life.
Second one. Someone wrote to me about a jet ski collision that they witnessed on the lake that they were, they were out boating, and this is this is here in Minnesota, and that they were out on the lake and they witnessed a jet ski collision. Thankfully, that wasn't high speed. So it was pretty low speed but A jet ski was coming in wasn't really paying attention and ran into a docked boat and tore up the boat in the jetski pretty badly. And thankfully, was not injured badly. But said I couldn't believe that I saw this, like, you know, this like extreme Mars Saturn accident where there was a major collision right in front of where they were brought like right by where they were. And that it could have been a lot worse, like, you know, if they were going fast or whatever, or faster. But they saw this major collision on a lake, right as Mars, Saturn and Uranus were perfecting. So just observing it and going, Wow, there it is. If you see it like that, it just, it really helps you to start to feel the planets in your body. So congrats for noticing that. I mean, it's just a big deal to be able to have that where with all to say, oh, there's the archetype.
So finally, I have someone who wrote into me, saying that they are not a violent person. They have no like not a violent bone in their body, so to speak. And that they got so mad this week that they punched a wall and sprained their wrist. And they were like, I'm not violent. I don't lash out. I don't get into conflicts or confrontations. I've never been in a fight. Like and it somehow they got so angry that they ended up punching a wall and spraining their wrist. And then they realised right away. There's Mars, Saturn, Uranus. So were you able to catch it before you hit the wall? No, but were you able to recognise it afterwards and say, Look at what just grabbed me. Yes. And that still matters because, you know, even being able to address or identify what happened to you afterward. That's, that's hugely important. Because being able to identify, you know, even in hindsight is going to increase your awareness the next time that the energy comes around. So again, congrats. Alright, so that is it for this kind of first episode of looking at, you know, being grabbed by the planets. I hope that you guys enjoyed it. I would love to hear your stories. Just make sure you put hashtag grabbed or grabbed Colin, tell the story in the chat box. Please don't email us we're going to have a separate email address set up for just this particular series if you want to have your story shared with a larger audience who'd really love it. And I look forward to hopefully gathering more stories from you guys over the weeks to come. Alright, that's what I've got for today. Have a great weekend, everyone. Bye.
Mars on MC, SAturn on IC, Uranus in 7th, stellium in the 1st. One of the hardest weeks I can ever remember. I have learned so much about the importance of the IC. I felt drained all week, like my very life force was leaking out the bottom of my chart. Burnt myself at work and the wound became angry, swollen and infected. Kitchen renovations ( I cook from home professionally) came to a standstill and contractor became confrontational due to conflict with tradespeople and time pressures. He threatened to walk away even though my kitchen is literally torn apart. He later admitted to ongoing “anger issues” but I still have seen no progress on the job. This experience has made me nervous about Scorpio season, especially as the nodes are moving into my 1st and 7th. This truly feels like an onslaught but so far I have managed to keep my anger in check.
Grabbed: Mars square Uranus. I know you already covered this transit but this one event was so potent that I couldn’t not share it. I am an Aquarius rising so I have Uranus transiting my 4th house. Within an hour of the exact square I had something so significant happen to me that I couldn’t help but laugh. We are renters in our home and there was a guy on a lawnmower mowing the property adjacent to ours. We have built a small garden box right along the property line and had several 5 gallon buckets lined up next to the garden bed with cucumber plants in them. I was looking out the window at him as he was edging around our garden and he looked up and made eye contact with me. Before I knew it, he had turned off the lawn mower and was approaching our side door. He knocked, slightly aggressively, and when I opened the door he said “Hey, I’m the owner of this property right here and your garden box and buckets and all this stuff.. it’s on my property”. We went back and forth for a bit, me promising we thought we were on our property, him doubling down that he wanted me to move everything. He then offered, rather pompously, to take me out and show me the property marker, so we could look at the line together. Then I would understand. I walked outside with him and as I was following him to the back of the house, it dawned on me that I knew exactly was going on. I let out an audible giggle and winked up at the sky. When he reached the property line and turned to show me, he goes.. “oh, it’s not actually that bad. You’re pretty close.” We worked together through how I could arrange things so he could mow the straightest lines and he admitted that it wasn’t a big deal. But if that isn’t Mars activating Uranus in my 4th house, I don’t know what is! I especially love how I was able to acknowledge it and be aware of what was going on and then exactly after that, the situation diffused and resolved almost immediately!
Grabbed: Transiting Chiron in Aries in my first House squares my Natal Sun Exactly! I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom as I’ve done a thousand times before and run right into the closed bathroom door, nose first. I thought I’d broken my nose but didn’t suffer a nose bleed. I did, however get a deep, half inch gash across the bridge of my nose. Incidentally, I really love my nose, it’s my favorite part of my face so this was weirdly humbling and kind of scary for me. A few days have passed and the swelling has gone down and now I’m doing everything I can to reduce the scarring. With that said, this is the first time I’ve ever really injured my nose.
Dear Adam and all of you wonder folks at Nightlight Astrology,
Here’s a Saturnian grabbed-by-the-planets story. May it be of benefit!
A person close to me works on an island in the summer where she trains horses and helps people ride. In the glorious days of spring, Taurus season, they take about 16 horses over on an old military barge, one trailer full of four at a time. This necessitates very calm water on Lake Michigan. When fall comes around, the horses are shipped back on the barge, captained by some older gents who enjoy this sort of thing for grins and giggles. However, the weather this year was not compliant. Either rainy or windy, nearly all of October passed without nary a chance for safe travel—except for one two-day stretch—oh, and there was one day that they tried and had to turn back. Enter Stationing Saturn (thank you, oh mighty Saturn, we now respect you even more!): the calm weather has come, and now the barge is back on the calm waters, steely gray, with horses sniffing the air as they cross the Great Lake. Thanks be to Saturn and to old gents who like to captain vessels of ye old days!
May you enjoy ease and kindness.
Warm regards,
Christina Rajala