Today, we're going to take a look at your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes for January 2025.
If you're celebrating New Year's Eve, I wish you a very Happy New Year!
Joining me, as always, are Alex and Dana. Together, we'll break down your horoscopes, giving you insights into what to watch for.
We'll also dive into the significant Mars-Pluto opposition and Mars retrograde in Cancer, which are among the month's major astrological events.
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Chapters: Horoscopes for January 2025
00:00 Begins
18:35 Pisces Horoscope
26:08 Aquarius Horoscope
32:53 Capricorn Horoscope
41:41 Sagittarius Horoscope
50:15 Scorpio Horoscope
57:00 Libra Horoscope
1:06:28 Virgo Horoscope
1:11:15 Leo Horoscope
1:18:33 Cancer Horoscope
1:24:35 Gemini Horoscope
1:29:46 Taurus Horoscope
1:35:38 Aries Horoscope
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today we're going to take a look at your sun and rising sign horoscopes for the month of January 2025—the first horoscopes of the new year. I wish you all a happy new year today if you're celebrating New Year's Eve and bringing in the new year.
I'll be joined, of course, as always, by Alex and Dana. We'll be breaking down your horoscopes for you today and giving you a sense of what to watch for. We'll be looking at the big Mars-Pluto opposition that's coming, as well as Mars retrograde into the sign of Cancer, which are the really big events of the month. So, we're going to be breaking those down for you today.
And as always, before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe, share your comments and reflections. What has your biggest transit of the year been? We'd love to hear from you about that. And also, what are you looking forward to in 2025? You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website, which is
Guys, today is the last day of our annual Kickstarter campaign. It officially ends by, I think, about 10 or noon tomorrow on New Year's Day. But today is really our last fundraising day, as of the time that I'm recording this introduction. For today's video, we are just over 1,400 backers. Our goal is 1,937, and we have a huge deficit on our final day, so we really need to do everything we can today to cross the finish line.
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Let's see what we can do. Remember, there are a ton of really good rewards available when you donate. I'll be telling you about those in a little video at the end of today's talk. But those include the best deals on all of our classes. Come study with us. You can get great deals on class passes. Bundle them together, and you save a lot of money on our normal course costs. Of course, we have exclusive content like the astrology of 2025, about eight hours' worth of horoscopes on 2025 for all sun and rising signs. So, a lot of good stuff when you donate.
But also, if you can only afford $1 or $5, I'm serious when I say that our backer total matters to us as much as the financial range that we land in, because we want to see that we're growing the support of this channel every year. We've got 12,000 new subscribers in the past year, so it only takes a small amount of our overall audience to help us reach our goals and continue to not only sustain and maintain what we've developed, a whole staff of people, but also how I support myself.
It also helps us grow and build good things to put back into the community, back into the field of astrology itself. So anyway, thank you to everyone who's donated again already. When you donate, you go over to that Kickstarter link. You're going to see a page that looks like this. On the right-hand side, you'll find all the different reward tiers that we offer.
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Again, if you need to find the link, it's pinned to the top of the comments and in the description, or you can find it on the website, Thank you again to everybody, and I hope you enjoy the horoscopes for today. Bye.
Adam Elenbaas
All right, let's go ahead and get into it. We are looking at your horoscopes for the month of January, and I'm really happy to have Dana and Alex back on the show. Hey guys. Hey, Hi Adam, hi Dana. Wow.
Alex Amorosi
Okay, yes, I extra deep voice today.
Adam Elenbaas
That was perfect. I am, by the way, for everyone out there, we are starting with Pisces and going backward in order of signs we forgot last time we promised we'd alternate. So it's your turn Pisces, yeah, but um, anyway, what we're going to be looking at today are two major transits. Let's talk about them first, and then we'll go ahead and get into your horoscopes. Talk about them sort of generally. They both happen in early January, although they also extend beyond early January, and that's going to be between January 2 and third. Mars and Pluto are going to oppose each other again. They already did so in direct motion now Mars to retrograde motion, opposing Pluto and Aquarius. That's the transit we're going to be looking at as the real tone setter for the month. The second transit we're looking at follows closely on it, and that is on January 6, Mars will retrograde back into cancer, a sign that it was traditionally said to be debilitated in by fall. And we're going to talk about some of the more constructive parts of what this transit may bring, as well as some of the challenges, because we always like to look at both. We'll try to be realistic about what the dignity meant to ancient astrologers and what kinds of challenges could come up, while also giving you some things to be encouraged by and maybe looking forward to, because Retrogrades always bring an opportunity for transformation as well. So these two transits, though, back to back, before we get into breaking down horoscopes, let's just talk about them generally. Um, maybe you guys could say a few things about Mars opposite Pluto. First of all, what comes to your mind for what people might be experiencing around this transit? What kinds of themes come come up for you when you think about
Alex Amorosi
it? Boom. No. Just right. Yeah. Dana, go ahead.
Dana Solana
Yeah. I'm just thinking about power and kind of frustrations with blocks and power struggles and with Mars Retrograde, I feel like we're already kind of reviewing like what we really care about, what we're willing to fight for, and then Pluto comes in and really kind of stops us and makes us stop and pause. And I know we're not going to get into the lunar cycle, but I did notice that the New Moon is just a couple days before this opposition is building with the New Moon in Capricorn, and then the full moon in cancer is four degrees the moon will be four degrees away applying to Mars. So it just feels like the month of January, slash the lunar cycle is kind of about processing and like unraveling whatever this brings up. Yeah.
Alex Amorosi
Yeah. You know, I think the more I work with Pluto, I really agree with you, Dana, it's about power. You see much more in transit and experience how Pluto really factors into power, power struggles, but also what, what real power is and what sort of bravado power is, which we could see a contrast of here, you know, Mars and Pluto can be a lot of like chest thumping bravado and explosive at that. You know, the desire to sort of exert that or bring that outwards. But there's also a sense where, like Pluto also is, can be power that bides its time, that is careful, that is strategic, that is not readily available or visible. And Mars can trigger the visibility of it can trigger like there's, there's something powerful that's a little bit more authentic, a little bit more mature, that's under the surface, that Mars kind of triggers its release, or it's a it's externalization. But I think also, just with a planet that's retrograde, I often find that that's also about, especially Mars, a surrendering to a bigger process. It's like, you know, Mars wants to move forward. Man of any planet that doesn't like to be retrograde, it's Mars. So I think that there's also something here about, like a review of something that may suddenly be brought to light, but also is kind of like, there's not a lot you can really do about it externally. You have to kind of sit back on the wave. And that's actually the better way to go when Mars is retrograde. I think just kind of let the wave take you. Yeah,
Adam Elenbaas
yeah. The the things that we are in process with that we know we ought to trust and go along with, but it's frustrating because some degree of surrender or patience is involved in the temptation to push through something and not trust the process, or to react or to get frustrated and Try to push something faster than it's meant to go, or to resist a process that you really should just be trusting and going along with. Those kinds of things. Can come up with a Mars Retrograde opposite Pluto, for sure. I think for example, of certain points in the process of weight training and bodybuilding as a hobby. Mind where it's like, look you're not going to see during certain periods where you need to give your body's rest, or you need to dial back the intensity, or refeed, or all these different elements of the practice, you're not seeing progress. You're in a period of recovery, or you're letting your body adapt, or you're maybe pulling back some water retention you've developed, or, you know, and it's like, it doesn't feel like you're making forward progress. But if we don't learn that progress moves in a kind of wave pattern, that there's ups and downs that go with a process, then you know, we'll oftentimes will sabotage the success of a process by not riding it out. The other thing that comes to my mind with this is, of course, things that have built up tension behind them that are now coming to a head. You can't avoid something any longer. You have to deal with it, or you have to confront or face it. And the potential for catharsis that comes by having the courage to confront something that comes to our mind
Alex Amorosi
as well. Yeah, for sure,
Adam Elenbaas
this transit leads almost directly into the reappearance of Mars and cancer. Mars Retrograde in cancer will take place from about January 6. We take it forward, and it is going to go all the way into mid to late February before it turns direct again, and then finishing in cancer in direct motion all the way until mid to late April. So we are now dealing with Mars in Cancer from early January through late April, that's a long period of time we got, like four months. Yeah. So what advice do we have for people when it comes to dealing with the ingress of Mars into cancer through its retrograde what kinds of themes do you see coming back from earlier in September, October, when Mars was in cancer? What kinds of themes to watch for? What kinds of opportunities for transformation or change do you see as the most positive? What are the things to watch for? What comes to your mind?
Dana Solana
Okay, sorry, I'm like, you go, you go. I think a lot about, yeah, I know thinking a lot about honesty, being honest with yourself, being honest with other people. The fact that when you're not honest about what you want or what you need in your relationships, or whatever the case may be, resentment can build. We get passive aggressive. It almost feels like you know, because Mars, as it's moving retrograde Pluto's like the boss you have to move through before you get back into cancer, like once we pass that point. Now we're trying to work something out, and I think that it'll be really important for us to just sit with whatever uncomfortable feelings are coming up and try to get honest about where they're coming from. It's a time of working through that and of being really like the phrase clear is kind. Kind is clear. Kind of came up for me as I was thinking about this. You got to be, let's, let's be real. Because if not, it's, it's not going to go. Well, that's what I've been thinking
Adam Elenbaas
about. Passive aggression is not a remedy for success. With Mars in Cancer, that's not, it's not a recipe for success.
Alex Amorosi
You know, Mars has spent a while now in a fire sign. Mars in the fire signs can often be, and I know this from being Sagittarius, righteous and very, you know, sort of like I have proclaimed that I am right. And I always like to sprinkle a little sanctimony on my righteousness too. I just don't want to have a plane as a little like me. This why I'm so great, like all that this, I love what you're saying, Dana, because I think as Mars goes back into cancer, it's your bravado is not going to work, and it's going to feel overbearing, and it's going to feel like it's tearing at a very delicate fabric. I think one thing that can happen here, you know this, I do notice in the later degrees of cancer. We may have talked about it on this podcast before, but those late degrees of cancer can can be kind of even emotionally stifling. Sometimes there can be a sense of, like, you know, there, there's a constriction that's coming from something that feels even too safe, or I'm not going to take any risks on anything. And sometimes Mars in Cancer can be like, Is there somewhere where I'm like, stifling or holding myself back to stay safe and emotionally comfortable, where I need to take a risk and like you say, Dana, be honest. You know, just say, say the thing. Otherwise that stifling feeling is going to could feel like it's even pulling in a little more. Now, I think those things may arise during the retrograde that I could definitely see during the redirect motion in April, when Mars passes through this part of the zodiac. Again, that's maybe when there's a resolution or something that's integrated around it. Moving forward, yeah,
Adam Elenbaas
I think when Mars is in cancer, you also the retrograde. You also think about, you know, Mars as something that cuts, Severs. Is is hard, because it can bring that energy of severance, cutting, hostility and conflict into space, Cancerian spaces, which is home, family, ancestry, places that are supposed to be safe, that suddenly feel maybe there's a little tentativeness. Uh, there can be, uh, questions about, um, ancestral karma, like weird. This wound comes from my past, and now I have to go into the past and look at it and do some healing. Um, there could also be challenges with respect to things that are very lunar, the body, the breasts, women's reproductive systems, menstrual cycles, children, parenting, domestic life. There's a mama bear energy that's very protective with Mars and cancer. And there's also Mars and cancer as the the that which is invasive or intrusive. And it's interesting because, like, I think, for example, something so simple, we're getting a puppy. We have a mastiff, Hilda. You guys probably have seen Hilda before, and we're getting another Mastiff. This one's an Italian Mastiff. They call them Connie Corsos. They're really beautiful dogs. They're Guardian dogs, just like our other dogs, an English Mastiff. So we're getting her a playmate. We've had. We've been two dog family forever. Our other dog passed last February, so we decided, Okay, we're gonna bring another dog into the family now, with Hilda, now that she's kind of established, we'll bring her a wing man and but Connie Corso is a protector dog. It's amazing to me that this dog will be adopting by the time Mars is back in Leo from the breeder, but the but the puppy will be born with Mars in Cancer, which is really appropriate for guard dog. And not that we're like, so into like, oh, we need guard dogs to protect us from invaders or something. But it's an interesting archetype present while we'll be getting one of the world's most like, well known Guardian breeds. It's, it's Mars and cancer has a very protective energy when it comes to home and hearth. One of the things that, in addition to wanting to get a playmate for for Hilda, we have, we know somebody who experienced an attempted in in home burglary while they were at home, and we talked to them at length about the benefit of having Hilda around, because they were asking they might be getting a dog after this happened to them. And so we were talking about Guardian breed dogs, and everything that I've learned about what kind of, what kind of, you know, training and what kind of care and attention a guardian dog breed works well with. And, you know, that was Mars in Cancer. You know, this is like unbelievable how those themes can come together, and there's a real protective energy around things that are very vulnerable, that can come up. So it's not all bad. The things that are worth protecting, that are worth guarding, that are worth safe keeping, the way you change as a parent when you see someone like your kid go through a vulnerable time at school. These are Mars and cancer moments too. So there's a lot. There's a multi dimensionality to Mars in Cancer that's kind of hard to describe at times.
Dana Solana
Yeah, one of my best friends has Mars in Cancer, and she's into astrology as well. And she's like, it's my favorite placement. I love it, yeah? Because I care a lot. And I'm like, You know what? I love that about you too. Yeah,
Adam Elenbaas
I found that there are two types of Mars and cancer people. There are the kind that are really devotional, caring, like kind of, like emotional advocates. And then there are people who that placement will draw them into ongoing, really painful conflicts with other people. It's amazing how distinct that line is, like, where there's, I'm like, what kind of Mars in Cancer am I dealing with here? Am I going to deal with someone who has, like, had an abusive mom, or am I going to deal someone who's an advocate for environmental protection or something? Because it's, it's like, sometimes it's both, but like, it's amazing how it can really express so differently.
Alex Amorosi
Yeah, for sure. Well, this
Adam Elenbaas
Mars will re enter cancer around January 7, and then stay for the rest of January. So we're going to work with this Mars Pluto dynamic, and then we're going to work with the Mars and cancer dynamic for all of your horoscopes today, starting with Pisces. Alex is going to be doing mutable signs. Dana fixed, I'm doing Cardinal. So Alex is going to lead us off. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to start the the chart here on the Mars Pluto opposition, because it comes first right around January 3. I believe it is. And then I'll adjust the chart so you can see what it looks like when Mars moves into cancer. So we'll start with Pisces. We're going backward in order of signs today. You can find this timestamps at the bottom if you want to flash forward to your sign. But Alex, go ahead. Lead us
Alex Amorosi
off. Well, Pisces, first of all, welcome back to the first first in line. We're happy to have you here. You know, I there's a couple things that comes to mind about this transit. If we take Mars in the sixth house, moving retrograde, it may feel like you had started some kind of heroic journey through a sacrificial nature, that I'm going to move forward to something tough, and all of a sudden, it just feels like the progress just gets wound back, or that your efforts seem to just, you know, the energy just gets kind of dissipated into the wind. It just goes somewhere else. And so you this type of transit, I think, particularly in the sixth house, can be challenging, because usually, like we've been saying, you know, there's a sense of, I just need to lay back here and let there be some kind of progress. Process that happens that is not directed by my own will, that there's a there's a one of the words that's been coming up a lot for me in this transit is trust, over and over and over again, the word, the word Trust, has been coming up, but this also when Mars hits the opposition to Pluto in your 12th house, that's kind of like I remember having a moment in therapy years ago where my therapist said, you know, you know, therapists are just kind of waiting. They're they're listening to you, and they're watching you say and then just waiting for that moment to see that little thing. He just came in with, like this, like one line thing, and I was like, just like, that's so point on, but I can't even move because that's so true. That feels like something you could hit, like a bedrock moment here with Pluto like that, something unconscious that's revealed that maybe feels, you know, the word for this is cathartic, that feels like, oh geez, I'm so glad I finally see that. Now I don't know that that could necessarily be easy, because sometimes we see things that are very true but very difficult to see. And you could see some reasons why that would be here. But I think there is a process of sort of being stopped in your tracks, and something that, over the next few months, up through April, is integrated and in a slower, more digestible way with the movement of Mars to retrograde and direct. But then, you know, Mars Retrogrades into cancer, into your fifth house you have small kids. These could be hellacious tantrums. Who knows, a series in those hellacious tantrums? This also could be something where, you know, in a water sign, sometimes it's hard to individualize what you desire and want. Everything amalgamates in water signs, and especially in the fifth house, it's like, Well, is it what brings me pleasure? Is it me pleasure to care for others, which is a very Cancerian trait, right? Like caring for others makes me happy. It's like, yeah, it can. But does. Is there also something individually that you want to do that maybe even this might sound like too strong a word, but hiding in the care rather than asserting, you know, I want to do something that really lights me the f up, and that could start to come to the surface around this time. But again, as Mars moves redirects more towards the middle of April, it might be a time we were actually pulling those things into actualization. Nice.
Dana Solana
Okay. I am thinking about a moment that I had a couple of years ago. I was, I had just quit drinking, I was working really hard on myself and my I was going to therapy and all this stuff, right? And I had, like, six months after, like, I'm deep into this journey, and I realized, hmm, I'm making I'm working really hard on, like a farmer's market business that I had. I'm achieving all these goals, and I actually don't feel great about any of it. Like this is not enjoyable for me. That is what I think about with this series of events. For Pisces rising, you are working super hard on something with Mars in the sixth house, and then it opposes Pluto in your 12th and it's this moment of like, why am I doing this? Why am I working this hard? And it makes me think too, Adam, I was watching your sixth house talk earlier today. I have a lot of Sixth house placements. I was just like, I need to watch this today. And you said something about like, if this is the place of sacrifice, and if you don't have some joy in that, life is going to feel like a major grind. And so with Mars moving back into the fifth house, maybe the opportunity is, what do like? What's fun? Like, how can I bring myself into this in a way that brings me pleasure, and is not just grinding for the sake of achieving something that maybe I don't even care about, maybe I don't even want. So I think there's a lot of clarity to be found, and, like, on the other side of this, there's a lot more joy and expansiveness, but only if we can, like, sit with the question of what's actually fun for me. Like, why am I doing this? And how can I sort of align that with, like, what really feels good for me?
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I like, I love that. And I think that Mars opposite Pluto across the sixth and the 12th can be about a moment that catalyzes the question of what is worth my time and energy as because just a different way of putting what you were just saying. And you know, here's to me, this is a sign something. It's like a it's like a stress test for the sixth house. When you're doing things that you care about, that you're passionate about, and you hit a setback, you hit an obstacle, something frustrates your progress or your process, and it's already a hard thing that you're doing, like, let's say you're learning astrology, and you hit a point where you're overwhelmed by sickness or childcare, and it sets you back in your studies. A stress test for you is going to be okay if your response. Is like, this sucks, and I can't wait till I can get back to it, and I'll just have to deal with this until I get back to it. That's a pretty good indication that what you're doing is worth continuing doing, even if it's hard, even if you find it difficult to learn or study astrology, when you hit a setback, you know it's worth it, because you're like, Well, I can't wait so I can get back up on the horse and keep going. When you get knocked off from a process and you just go, Well, I quit. It's not worth it. Yeah, you know, that's when you kind of go, Well, are you, Am I really in it? Then, you know, is it really worth if, if I can't persist when the going gets tough, if I can't just be patient and wait to get back up and get going with it again, if something can knock me off that completely, then what is i? Was I ever in it? So that's a good question ask ourselves, because we might need to just double down and be like, You know what? No, I'm gonna I might be a little bit temporarily set back in my progress with something, but I'm going to work through and I'll get back to it. It'll be okay. The other thing that comes to my mind is just that the Fifth house is called The Joy of Venus, and the house of good fortune. In Indian astrology, there's a lot of the karma, the good karma, that we are destined to experience in our lives that was associated with the fifth house. Well, if you have a Mars Retrograde in its fall in the fifth house, it's kind of like saying that there's something that could come in and be like a fly in the ointment. It's, you know, it's a it's a turd in the otherwise beautiful swimming pool, you know. So, so what do you do when something feels like it is disrupting or, you know, almost like, what do you do when it's frustrating, something that was supposed to be good or fun? You know, there's a way in which we can say, well, it's all ruined, yeah, well, or we can say, well, that that's frustrating, but I'm not going to let it completely spoil
Alex Amorosi
things. Yeah, for sure.
Adam Elenbaas
Awesome. Let's go on to oops backward, not forward. Here we go. Aquarius, Dana is going to take us through this one. I'm going to back this up just a touch so we can see Pluto or Mars in the seventh, first opposite Pluto in the first, okay, Aqua
Dana Solana
rising. So you're fully in your Pluto in your first house era. And you might be feeling that already. And I think that this is, you know, obviously it's activating Pluto. So I always think about the seventh house, and I've said this on our talks horoscopes before. Like I think of the quote from no exit by Sartre Hell is other people. And it doesn't have to be that dramatic or bad, right? It's just the idea that other people mirror back to you things about yourself. And I think that's a that's how I like to think about the seventh house. Is like you can kind of learn about yourself through your partnerships. When we're talking about a Mars and Pluto opposition that might be through arguments, that might be through disagreements, that might be through feeling just like other people are pushing your buttons. But what's useful about knowing that is like, this is going to be a long transit for you, Pluto, in your first house, and I know we're talking just about January, but if we want to use this moment constructively, this is a good time to kind of see what might be coming up with Pluto in your first house. So it's a good moment to kind of try to get some space from the reactivity of it all, which is very hard to do. But if you can take note of what's coming up, it can give you some good food for thought as Pluto continues to move through your first house, I think that this could also, like, dredge up something about identity or personality. Who you are in partnership, your partner might be, and not that it has to be romantic, but someone close to you might be sort of asking more of you, or bringing up something that they're not like, completely happy about, and it might trigger you. And so it's a good moment to kind of make some space for those kinds of feelings, because they might come up Mars is going to move back into your sixth house. And, you know, I thought about like feeling unmotivated maybe just like, God, I don't feel like doing the things that I have to do. And I think that it's a good time to ask, Why, if that's coming up for you, why do you feel that way? Sort of similar to what we were saying a moment ago with Pisces rising, is it because you're working hard for something that doesn't really matter to you? Why? What about it is not clicking for you now, and it may feel like a lot of drudgery, but why does it feel that way? And so it's yeah again, the opportunities. It gives you a chance to figure out what's not working for you anymore and clarify something important about what you're willing to fight for and what really matters to you, that's what I had in mind. Yeah,
Adam Elenbaas
one of the things that comes to my mind, are you going? Did you want to say more?
Alex Amorosi
Adam, no, go for it. I'll go, okay, yeah,
Adam Elenbaas
I think often about the whole sign connections between houses, like, what does it mean that Aquarius, in the first will always. Have cancer in the sixth and for I feel like as other worldly as Aquarius can be in its orientation to life and identity and character, there's so much that's about exploration and like, what are the highest ideas by means of which I can evolve as a person? These are such Aquarian thoughts that come to mind in the first house? Well, one of the things that can be very challenging the sixth house is a place that is filled with karmic challenges that frustrate Well, the things that can frustrate that lofty, forward thinking Aquarius first house are going to be the very earthy entanglements of our family, our home, our biology, our the earthly life that cancer points to. And so for Aquarians, as much as there is this kind of lofty sense of personal evolution, with Pluto entering your first there's something that could feel really regressive about Mars and cancer in the sixth like I'm being held back from something, some way in which I feel ready to evolve or transform personally, but I'm having to work through the muck of my family life or my past or my body or emotional things that are a little bit harder for air signs to deal with. Sometimes because air, it's like, if air can deal with things through ideas, conversation, meaningful exchanges of words, and, you know, like thoughts, it will try. It will usually work through that medium. And so for some, not all, air signs, but for some, Air signs that Mars Retrograde in cancer in the six is going to feel like, oh, do I really have to wade through this emotional bog, you know? So I could see it feeling like that, like, but, but the regressive things are the things that also keep us human, and keep us in this precious space of life on Earth, even as we may be doing some very, you know, high level thinking and evolving as a person. So that comes to my mind.
Alex Amorosi
You know, the image I always get when you speak of Aquarius like that. Adam is like the images you see of the Milky Way galaxy from like high above, yeah, in that, you know that that view of, like seeing how the whole system comes together in this sort of beautiful shape. But in order to, you know, for that system to evolve, for these sort of lofty cerebral systems to evolve, for us as humans, there is the sort of necessity of being within the everyday experience of the human emotional life. That's as much part of the evolution as you know. And I think this is a strength of Aquarius, very much, as the sort of way that they the Aquarius, can put together all the pieces that are necessary for this sort of collective awakening or progression type of feeling. It also has to, you know, part of that is just moving real human beings forward with that, and being in all of the layers that are real human beings, which some are just like unpleasant or difficult or irrational, which is, I think, often very difficult for air science. They're just, you know, we can be very irrational. We can be very emotional. We can get very tied to our emotions, our feelings about our families, God knows, are very complicated in that regard. So don't worry about be invested also, I think this month, and especially the Mars and cancer period in it's okay for me to be down in this emotional space. It might be uncomfortable, but it's just as much as part of the evolution, as the cerebral putting the data, the data bits together. Yeah, Alex,
Adam Elenbaas
yeah, that's a nice way of putting it. Thank you. I'm gonna put the oops. I keep going backward. All right, here we go. I'm going to do Capricorn for us next. Let me back the Mars up a touch here. We'll move on to that, to our Capricorn horoscopes. So the Mars Pluto opposition begins across the second and eighth houses. This has to do with the a moment where I would say karmic contracts. By that, I mean the things that we have agreed on some invisible level, some soul level, or some literal and very explicit level, that there will be an exchange. I will give you something, you will give me something. They're of equal value on a spiritual karmic level that we don't always understand, but there's, something that we are meant to exchange with each other. We're reaching a kind of critical mass point, if you're a Capricorn, for some of those arrangements, the arrangement is changing. If there is some way in which there needs to be a confrontation because the arrangement no longer works, or there's an unequal distribution of power or wealth, or the value exchange is uneven in some way. It will probably reach, it will come to a head. I think, for example, the fact that I know a Capricorn rising who will be going through custody negotiations in January. There it is, right. I think of another Capricorn. Corn rising. I know who is going to be looking at paying off their student loans. So two Capricorns I know that have debts being paid off, or major power dynamics being explored with respect to something like custody. So those are things that come to my mind, the exchange around money, values, exchanges, karmic contracts reaching some kind of critical mass point. Now this could be a moment too, where, you know, there's something very positive happening, a powerful development, some kind of new bond or agreement that's being reached, but I would still imagine that the temptation of, like, subtle power dynamics is at play. So also there be careful, like Devil's bargains. Oh, I'm going to get something really great out of this. Of this. You could get more than you bargained for. So just be thoughtful around the exchanges happening karmically, especially around things like money, finances, assets, resources. Now, after this, Mars is going to retrograde into cancer in your seventh house. For me, I look at this and I say, Okay, so the emotional dynamics within key relationships, talking usually about one on one relationships, including marriage or, you know, intimate romantic partnerships, but also any kind of interpersonal relationships where there is there are things potentially like emotional coercion or emotional manipulation or passive aggression, and the need to address things or confront things emotionally that aren't necessarily easy. Also looking at emotional intelligence in relationships. Capricorns for as resilient and practical and real and I think, sort of trustworthy and reliable as caps can be, not always emotionally as sensitive, right? Is this a Saturn ruled sign? This could be about the need for greater depth and emotional wisdom or maturity or intelligence in relationships. Somehow. It could also be about people that you love or in relationships with going through difficult times. And there's few signs that I would rely on or trust to be sort of hearty and there for you, then a cap like a Scorpio comes to mind as well. For people really hold space when people are going through hard times, you may be holding space for someone who's going through something difficult. And you also also look at the intersection between things like intimacy, relationships and family, karma, and the overlap between those areas also comes to mind right now. These are some of the things that I think we'll be approaching through Mars is retrograde in the seventh house. But now let's hear from Alex and Dana, what do you guys have to add to either of these dynamics for caps?
Alex Amorosi
Well, I, you know, one thing I've been saying for both cap and cancer rising lately is because Pluto's in the eighth or the second house there, like you were saying, Adam, just being really mindful of anything you're entering into financially, the power dynamics that are involved in that. And, you know, just getting all the contracts read by somebody else is really important, because there's a lot of, there's a potential for unleashing, I think, a lot of resource here, personal resource for Capricorns with Pluto moving into the second house. But sometimes you with Pluto, you have to, like, you have to just check that, like, you know, get the house inspected, so to speak, is just, you know, make sure that the basement is is up to par, and, like, all the codes are up to par, stuff like that. So if that's coming up with financial stuff, I would say definitely. So look at that. But I also think of like, Mars Retrograde in the in the seventh house, as, um, you know, being, being attentive to Saturn ruled signs can sometimes show care in the practicality of things. This might be a little bit of what like we were saying Adam, like, they can show care and like, well, I'm going to attend to these details and make sure this all gets done. But it can feel to the water sign. It could feel like very, uh, abrupt or cold or emotionally like kind of detached. And it's possible that there's, there's either a call out around that at this time, like someone says, like, hey, like, why are you feeling so detached? Or, why are you trying? Why are you trying to boss me around? So I'm not trying to boss you around. I'm trying to care for you. I'm trying to help you in some regard. And there might be some interesting softening in communication around that, or an understanding of each other's communication styles in relationship. Maybe this is more primary relationship that comes from that feeling of like I'm trying to care and caring the way I know how to care, and seeing if there's other ways to sort of soften in that approach and be the best at it, because Capricorns are always good at doing that as being the best whatever they try to, try out to be, so you're well equipped for it. But those are some of the things that come to mind around that. Transit for caps. For me,
Dana Solana
I keep, I don't know why I'm like, so focused on Pluto in these interpretations. It just, I mean, it's Pluto it's hard to not focus on, but I'm thinking with the opposition about the tension between what I have to share and what I want to share, and how those may not be the same. And yeah, that renegotiate, renegotiating that both of you were talking about might be rooted in, like getting. Real about what you're willing to share and what you have to offer, and that may or may not, you know, be linked to Mars's movement back into cancer. And you know, I agree that the caprisings I know are not the greatest at advocating for themselves, or they might just want to, and I think it comes from a place of like, just wanting to kind of shoulder the load. Like, I don't think they're not caring. They're very caring, they're deeply caring, but they are just kind of stoic. And so this might be about like, Hey, if you're not willing to share, or if you're not willing to like, Hmm, because it's not just about tangible stuff, right? It's like sharing of yourself and and being, being not a mesh, because that's got a negative connotation, but, but opening yourself up right to somebody else, um, I wonder if Mars in Cancer is going to kind of help tease that out, a little bit of like, hey, where can we just kind of exhale? A little bit, right? So that's what I'm thinking about. Yeah,
Adam Elenbaas
there's interesting that Capricorn is an actual place of Mars is exaltation. And so I also wonder about, you know, when you're not at your best, when a Capricorn is not at their best, when they are well for I think, for example, the I think my dad was a Capricorn rising, and he just is getting his movement back after knee replacement surgery. You guys may remember, and I am absolutely positive this Mars Retrograde is going to be about him having to lean on his partner a little bit as he's getting gradually getting normal again with his walking. I'm not at my best. Unfortunately, I have to feel weak in your presence. I'm so sorry, you know, and that's hard for Capricorn. So I could see it kind of working like that too, where it's like, are you willing to let someone care for you, to advocate for you? And Capricorns are that's not it's like a Libra making a decision for themself and not thinking about the social consequences or something, right? Don't come for me. Adam, that was not intentional. So, yeah, okay. Well, a good treatment of Capricorn there. Let's move on to here we go, Sagittarius. Now I am going to back Mars up here just a touch. There we go. So Alex is going to lead us off.
Alex Amorosi
You know, I could see here in December, the grand adventure getting thwarted or held back in some way. That's kind of how I'm seeing Mars and Leo, right? I was going on a grand adventure of new philosophies and big horizons and new ways of seeing things and pushing forward and no shit, something just, you know, like the flight got canceled, or the, you know, the plans went to hell, or some, something just kind of fell apart. You feel like you're getting held back, pulled backwards a little bit. So that's kind of one of the ways I could see Mars kind of heading into Leo here in the ninth house, and then retrograding. But as Mars hits Pluto, there's like a what I think is interesting about Pluto in the third house, and we talk about this a lot, is how the third house, I think the third house, kind of becomes ingrained in you in a way where you don't realize that it's there. It's so sort of plastered onto the goggles through which you see the world that we just think that that's the world. There's something about Mars hitting Pluto here where there's like, it pulls a layer of that off where you're like, Oh, the way I've seen everything around me, my mind has made sense of things and my surroundings has either been, maybe not wrong, but clouded, or there was something that was kind of under the surface that kind of came up and all of a sudden, is like needing to be addressed. Um, there's a I find that with Pluto transits a lot, there's like something that has been festering in some regard and is suddenly brought to light. And I see that, you know, the third house that can be really helpful. Because sometimes it's about when you peel those layers of how you see the world's back, you see something from a completely new perspective you never considered before. That may make this journey of Mars, which you'll go on again in April. You come at it from a different vantage point. You come at it from a different sort of way of ordering it. Then Mars moves back into cancer in the eighth house. That That strikes me as real, working with deep, karmic family, ancestral bonds, maybe stuff around the body or the the environment you were born into. But there's something to me about, you know, the eighth house too. I always think of the eighth house is exchange. It's the sort of ledger house in a lot of ways. And there may be something here where, you know, as blunt as we Sagittarians can be, and stating what we think and just saying it, you guys are hitting a healthy dose of it today, because I'm just in hyper sag mode today. But like, there's a there's a sense where also, like, our. Hopeful optimism will just push through something like, Oh, it's okay. It's just fine. Like, there'll be the next horizon, the next whatever will be okay. No big deal. Mars and cancer might be like, there's some stuff under the surface, in the exchanges in your life, whether it's financial or emotional or energetic, where it's like, I have to say something about this. I can't just use jupiterian optimism to pull vault over it. I have to sort of sever a tie or reconstitute something which rely relies on me to sort of state what I think, Dana, like you've been saying about Mars and cancer, be honest, and we have that quality. But sometimes I think we can pull vault over that quality. It's something I could see coming up here with sadge,
Dana Solana
yeah, I completely agree with you, Alex, I, I, I was thinking something very similar, which is like, how your thoughts create or your beliefs, really, your beliefs create your thoughts. Your thoughts create your emotions. That all creates your reality. That's what this opposition on the third of the ninth is giving me, and I love the image of, like, yeah, peeling the layer off the goggles and realizing, like, Oh, I thought, like, this is a random example, but like, I thought that you were pissed at me because you have that look on your face that I Just that was an assumption. And now I've created this tense environment because I had a belief about what was happening that was not actually true. But I think it's deeper than that. It's deeper than that here, because it can be about like, you're, you're operating principles, like, Oh,
Adam Elenbaas
are you okay? You're, you're, I, there's someone that I'm close to in my life, sad rising, and you're like, giving them a reading right now. I wish they were here to hear this, and I, I also do not give unsolicited advice, so I can't tell them to listen to this either. So hopefully,
Dana Solana
if it finds their way, yeah, yeah. I'm just thinking, it's what you said, Alex, like, that there's a renegotiating of like reality, almost, because you just realize the ways in which you've maybe confined yourself.
Adam Elenbaas
Oh my god, wow. That was like, I swear to God, like, yeah. And it's funny, because the person I'm thinking about is not into astrology, right? So, of course, but, um, but I am into astrology, and so I if I know someone's chart, even once in my head, it's hard for me to not make connections with transits. You know what I mean? So I'm thinking about them and just going like, oh god, yeah, there are some things that people have a really hard time accepting as truth. And I feel like you nailed it with this one, where the Pluto Mars opposition is about uncomfortable truth, because the third ninth has so much to do with how we come to understand and learn and see and perceive the ninth house of dharma, which is about understanding of the functions of reality itself. From a Indian perspective, for example, one of the functions of reality is to facilitate the awakening of souls, right? So when we start understanding things about reality through astrology or any kind of spiritual science or practice, we start saying, oh, there's a I don't understand at all, not even close, but there are a few things I'm starting to understand. For example, I can trust that my life is sacred, right? That's a simple ninth house kind of realization. But when it comes to ninth house, Pluto Mars, you think about uncomfortable encounters that provoke a new understanding, that stir up some different idea, or understanding of reality itself, or of truth and it the Mars Retrograde into the eight subsequently can be about the things you have to let go of in the wake of that shift in understanding the things, the assumptions and the reconci is the eighth house. One of the Mars Retrograde features in the eighth that I would not be surprised is to sever unhealthy attachments, especially those that are unconsciously rooted in emotions. You know, sad is a fire sign. That I'm not saying is like has no connection with emotions, but unsurprising that in a fire signs chart, the water signs are in the Moksha houses, the places of liberation from attachments, right? So, one of the water fire signs, one of the ways you work with letting go of difficult things is highly emotional, as people who run on passion like emotion is a medium through which it's a little bit harder but also really good to release through, right? So how are unhealthy things being released emotionally? Comes to my mind for Sagittarians under this transit. How are different kinds of dependencies or attachments or things that are hard to look at because you don't want to feel like you're a bad person either? I think that's an important thing to remember. Is that cancer in the eighth can make it really hard to look at things because you feel like, well, is it my fault? Is it your fault? Whose fault? Is it? And maybe it's nobody's fault. You know, maybe it's just learning and growing. But that doesn't mean that some things don't need to be let go of, because there's a more enlightened path forward. Anything you want to add to that?
Alex Amorosi
Alex, no, I feel like I love this whole thing. I just really love this for the way you make sense of reality. And it's just it's blown my mind time and time again in my life, and especially when I've done, you know, contemplative practices. And you, you look at something you have thought to be true, not only thought to be true, you thought was assured as a like an axiom. It just can't be questioned and then, and sometimes that sad just can get onto that too. It's just like, well, it's my opinion. It's just clearly right, um, so I think that this, this could be, yeah, uncomfortable, but deeply healing, if you follow the process, deeply healed, yeah, for sure.
Adam Elenbaas
Move along to Scorpios, where the Mars Pluto oppositions happening across your 10th and fourth followed by Mars's retrograde entering your ninth house. Dana. What do you think?
Dana Solana
Okay, first thing that comes to mind is challenges to your authority that activate you deeply and really just provoke something that needs to be attended to, and what that is, you know, it'll be different for all of us, but it could see, you know, some kind of challenge to your power, to your authority in your work or your public life, whatever that might look like, that activates something with you, within you, and could almost actually be the opposite too, like there could be something really intense going on at home that somehow is like draining you from what you can give in your public life, like Mars Retrograde, we're losing energy, maybe for the our public roles and the things we have to go do out in The world, because there's a lot happening at home, but I like the big thing for me is arguments that activate something deeper. So whether that's your family, whether that's your work, I think this is a moment where you're ultimately going to be thinking about something beneath the surface. Something beneath the surface is going to need to need to get looked at with this. And what I think about Mars moving back into cancer, it's a lot like what we were just saying, actually about the ninth house. And like, well, what's real for me? What do I believe? What are my principles? And it might be that you need to reconnect with your principles in order to know how to move forward with whatever Pluto in the fourth is bringing up for you, like, this is a situation that is hard for me to navigate. I need to figure out what's really important to me and what I believe. Like, yeah, what are my basic operating principles? I also think it's a good time to realize when Mars moves back into the ninth house, into cancer for you, like, where you rely on other people to tell you what to think, thinking about sort of the like, sideways scuttling of, you know, the crab of cancer. It's easy to outsource your beliefs to other people when like, you don't want to stand out or like be the odd one out of like, well, no, this is what I think, even though it's like, not what the group thinks. Like you might have to be the Mars provocateur in the in the room of like, that's that's not what I think and not what I believe, and that can be hard to do. So it's a good time to get very clear on, like, what are those principles? Because you might need to speak up and stand out about them. And I think that it's ultimately a good thing, like it's ultimately helping you kind of align more closely with what feels true to you, and that can be really, really helpful.
Alex Amorosi
Tina, go ahead. Adam, oh,
Adam Elenbaas
okay, go ahead. I was waiting for you. But yeah, I think I would look because the Mars Pluto dynamic a challenge to authority or power, or a feeling of being disempowered at work, or conflicts in the workplace, that could be a part of this. Also, I would look at the interesting connection between Mars Retrograde in the ninth and Pluto in the fourth as an excavation of how you have come to understand things or truth that are rooted in your background or your family or your history. So you know, like, for example, it's not uncommon when people get into astrology, they come from a Christian background, they open their mind to something different. If they're from the United States, for example, it's quite common you were it's quite common you were, maybe you were raised in a Christian or semi Christian, or culturally Christian household, or whatever. You get into something like astrology and yoga, you start kind of opening your mind, and before you know it, you are realizing that some of the ways in which you're practicing, uh, yoga, are still sort of. Is tangled up in certain assumptions about reality, like Original Sin. I've seen so many times where people unconsciously bring baggage from a former religious perspective, maybe that they were raised with, into a new perspective, that really they don't even realize they're doing. And not that there's some really meaningful overlaps, too, between, say, Christianity and yoga that are really like super powerful, but I would wonder about this as a time where you could be disentangling yourself from things that are not true, or from versions of truth that have their roots in your past, and coming to be honest with yourself about something and recognizing how maybe a path was presented to you that came from your family or your upbringing, and it has given you certain assumptions about things that just aren't going to work anymore, and some kind of confrontation around your work or your destiny path with career could also be like a tipping point for that conversation. That's a little abstract, but I hope that makes sense.
Alex Amorosi
I think that, like, there's, by the way, I've seen that for years, Adam as a yoga teacher years, yeah, I've done it myself, and I've done it with Buddhism. I've done it, you know, it's very easy to do, to kind of amalgamate it, put it all together. You don't realize it's happening, and then there's something that happens that makes you go, Oh, I was super imposing a belief that I had before onto this. Yes, and you don't, it's not your you haven't quite found your own spiritual individuation around it yet, yeah, you know. And so I think that's a very powerful aspect of this transit, too. And I think, you know, I love this idea of challenges to authority. And the one caution I give to Scorpios is, you know, this could be a month where stewing feels really good, like Pluto in the forest, squaring the first house like a little like they challenged my authority, and I'll remember it forever. That could be that feeling. But if you could see it as an opportunity to to go on this kind of journey, to see like you know, if there are those challenges? Where do they arise, or and how do they arise? And I think one of them could be, you know, Scorpios. For as much as we say, Scorpios are intense, and they, you know, transformational, all that. The ninth house is cancer. The Fifth house is Pisces. Is a very sweet, sensitive, very delicate, emotional side to Scorpios, way under the surface and Mars and cancer might highlight some of those spaces and just be like, you know, it's okay to look at the delicate spaces too. Was something really wounded, and it's okay to admit that it was, and to work through that and transform that, and not feel like you have to sort of push through it, or just say, I'm a scorpion, you know, just gonna work through it, or whatever. I can more actively transform it, if that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
All right, we're gonna back it up to Libra, and let me also do this. Okay, so I am on the cardinal side. So here we go, Mars and Pluto across the 11th and the fifth houses. One of the things that comes to one of the things that comes to mind with these two houses is, and these two signs is the tension between collective forces and realities and personal forces. So for example, Mars, opposite Pluto, across these two houses could be bringing up a question of how much of yourself to express and bring forth within some kind of collective or group or organization or the workplace, and how much of yourself you should hide and sort of be careful, to compromise and fit in. And that's a dance. It's like. I sometimes have used the analogy of like a dimmer switch, where it's like, I have to turn my I can't keep my dimmer switch so low where you know not enough of my own presence, of my own light is being brought forth into the world, but if I have it so high that it drowns out everybody else, then I'm not being sensitive to a collective or a social or communal dimension of life. So there's in every situation requires that we adjust that dimmer switch and the Mars Pluto opposition across this for Libras, I could feel as particularly uncomfortable, because Libras are already naturally oriented to be very aware of the social calculus in every moment and situation that is their superpower. Like, what is the balanced, harmonious thing to say, the tactful, careful, considerate thing where someone's saying something I agree. I also happen to know someone who's listening to this conversation who feels differently. So how do I sort of acknowledge this person while also acknowledging the other person who's listening and probably disagreeing quietly? Libras are just brilliant at all that stuff. So they make great counselors, great diplomats, you know, and so even great attorneys, uh, so naturally, Mars and Leo, opposite Pluto for Libras, could be uncomfortable when it comes to navigating the demands of Mars and Leo that you that you shine, that you bring forth something, that you speak out, that you assert or insert something of your own into some kind of group or social. Place in life, and then Pluto in Aquarius, of course, is the real danger that exists in disturbing the group, in the mob or in the group wave that can subsume or drown an individual. And you know the tension to hold that tension appropriately for Libras, I don't suspect, is difficult on the Pluto and Aquarius side as much as the Mars and Leo side. So that's something that comes to my mind for Libras. Now, if we sort of just go forward just a touch, Mars will retrograde into your 10th house, where, I think another place that could be naturally a little bit more difficult for Libras is the emotional calculus. Because as someone who has three planets in Libra myself and also cancer, there are many times where I look at myself and I go, well, that's just an unreasonable thing to be feeling right now. Adam, you know, you know like that, that there's no, there's no place for that kind of subjective emotional need within this social situation. So you better just stuff that you know, you know. Or sometimes it's like, how does the Libra part of my inner Council say, okay, you know you can feel this way and have these needs and have the subjective, emotional center that you live from. And like, let's, let's, let you come out and hold how do we hold space for it. So I feel like the Libra cancer dynamic is very interesting, and there are two signs that are often very attracted to one another too, because cancer will encourage Libra to just sink into how do I feel right now? What do I need right now? What is my basic emotional reality right now? And a Libra may say, okay, cancer, it's like, My daughter, yes, you have big feelings right now, those are really big feelings, you know? How can we work through this? It's like, how can we present some reasonable options to dealing with this? And the I have to be a little bit like an emotionally sensitive attorney managing the situation. I can imagine that there are some really demanding, irrational, emotional, intense energies for Libras coming up with this Mars Retrograde, maybe in the workplace. Maybe the intersection between the public, the public demands in your life, and the private, or personal and emotional familial demands in your life are intersecting in a way that just makes it hard to manage. It's like, yeah, there's real emotional drama happening in my family, and I have to hold it together because I have to work today. You know, how are Librans dealing with those emotionally intense energies, either in the workplace or the split between home life and work life? I could see those as being a tricky place to navigate for a sign that I think is challenged by really turbulent and irrational emotional spaces. Not that Libras can't figure it out, you will, but this is where I would see some of that work happening.
Alex Amorosi
Adam, I love that difference between social calculus and emotional calculus. I've never thought about it that way before with resident Libra moon, that makes a lot of sense, because the emotions sometimes really or feel inconvenient to the natural rational thing. Like, well, this just makes sense. Like, we just have to rationally mediate this situation to make it make sense. But it doesn't always take into account the irrational emotional flow of the situation. Oh, that's happening, yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
Like, perfect example of this. The other day, my two daughters got into a fight, and we were trying to solve it, and during the process of solving it, my older daughter made a comment that really embarrassed my younger daughter. And then we're dealing not any longer with the calculus of the fight itself, which was pretty easy to work out, but we're dealing with the compounding of her getting really embarrassed in the process of the fight, and my older daughter cannot understand that my younger daughter is not irate right now because of what just happened prior. She's irate because you just embarrassed the shit out of her. And she can't admit that she's embarrassed because she also doesn't want to show like she has pride she's Leo. So it's like, God, there's emotional calculus that you have to take into consideration, and we had to mediate that based on, like, the fact that the original situation was no longer the only component that to consider. I just it's that kind of stuff where it's just messy. There's a checks and balances that are easier to deal with when it was just a conversation about whose turn it was to do something or whatever. Now it's compounded by emotional hurt.
Dana Solana
Yeah. I'm just like, sitting here trying to process, like, as the labor rising in the group, like, okay, all right. Yeah, you know, I again, I'm like, back to Pluto, thinking about how Pluto in Aquarius for Libra risings is an era of allowing yourself to create from a place of like self focus and not what are other people going to like, and that is like, we're just going. Be going through that for a while, and we need a while to go through that, right? Because that's very challenging for labor risings. And I think this moment, this these couple of months, is helping us maybe bring more of ourselves to our work without or working through the fear of bringing more of ourselves to our work in an authentic way, rather than in a way of like, what are people going to like? Yeah, that's and I'm, I'm thinking about that for myself a lot right now. So I'm having a hard time kind of
Adam Elenbaas
Sagittarius, source, Gopi like that too.
Dana Solana
But I do think that the other side of this for Libra risings is a freedom of expression, not just with our like creative pursuits, but also like in our public roles.
Alex Amorosi
Nice, yeah, you know, I'll just quickly say really, more about Pluto here in the fifth to tag on to that. Dana, one thing I've been thinking a lot about here is there's a lot of healing in expressing the dark. There's a lot of healing and expressing the raw, primal. It's not about what other people like, or the calculus of like, how popular will this be, or what will it be? 57% like, on my poll, on Instagram, or something like that. It's I'm just creating from a raw, cathartic, artistic space like, I think of like, when we were, when we were in Tokyo, there was this bookstore across the street from our hotel, and there was a whole floor of manga cards, you know, books of, you know, Japanese animation. And some of it's kind of cutesy and fun and whatever, but some of it's really intense and violent and graphic. In a lot of ways, you could see that sort of like, there's a cathartic element of that, right? There's like, something that's deep and raw, that's trying to be expressed through these drawings or these situations or these stories that was really interesting to see. And I feel like that about, you know, Pluto in the fifth house here for Libra, is like getting down to the primal expression, not just the like, what looks beautiful, but what's my my my intent, my solar plexus, my gut, trying to really express here,
Adam Elenbaas
yeah, yeah. All right, I'm gonna move this back. So we have Virgo rising. And here's the Mars Pluto opposition across the 12th and the sixth. Uh,
Alex Amorosi
Alex, take it away. So when you know, one thing I think about Mars in Leo for Virgo rising, is this always speaks to me about you have hidden power. You have the hidden ability to, you know, as much as Virgos, we often say, you know, Virgos, want to please and serve and be of service. And that's definitely a quality to it. The in the back backstage for Virgos. A lot of times it's like, but there's a power I'm trying to express through that there's something it's not just about the surface. It's like, I'm I'm trying to rediscover some sense of self assertion too. And I think that that comes out about in a lot of different ways, with the life cycle of Virgo but this, to me, this strikes me as with opposing Pluto in the sixth house. Again, I think of Pluto in the sixth house a lot like this, Alice in Wonderland, journey where there's this kind of like you fall down a rabbit hole that is trying to show you that you have hidden. It's okay to have a sense of power that is self focused, self generated, and only about your will that's okay to have, but I think that when Mars Retrogrades back into cancer, you may encounter some complications, or what feels like breaks on that, because now you're taking as we were saying before with Libras, there's a more of an emotional calculus with groups that's happening. It's like I just started to really assert myself, say what I want, speak up for myself, my will. And now Mars is back in cancer in the 11th house, and it's like that's going to have some emotional consequences, that's going to ruffle feathers, that's going to maybe really break you from old patterns that have been deeply, deeply ingrained from childhood or from home life. And that's not altogether comfortable. It doesn't necessarily, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It just means it's antithetical to the tendency of the sign, which sometimes can be some of the most healing transits for a
Adam Elenbaas
sign. Yeah, yeah. Look at this, and I think that at least I'm kind of focused on the Mars Retrograde in the 11th piece, and just thinking that dealing with a degree of emotional discord or conflict within communities, groups, friends, social circles. I noticed that my daughter, the Virgo, when Mars was going through her 11th was just dealing with all sorts of all sorts of craziness that comes with young, developing kids in school learning how to be social and hurting each other's feelings and really being good kids, but, you know, just I could see they're being continued, you know, like, how do you have a healthy fight with a friend when you're eight years old, nine years old? Those are big questions for kids, that that's the whole reality, in some ways. So I think a lot about my daughter with this transit and what she may be learning socially developed. Mentally, around community, around friends, around people that come from different families, that have different values. That's been a big thing. When Mars was in cancer in her 11th house, I think I told you guys, she was like, there was someone in her class who, you know, voted for someone that different, you know, and her parents voted for two different people, and she just couldn't understand it. And I think I'm looking at this through the prism of a nine year old, right? But for anyone of any age, the Mars Retrograde in the 11th could signify, you know, challenges to find harmony, flow, connectedness, ease. With respect to groups of people, there's, you know, a period of emotional turmoil and having to also, maybe there's specific groups or involvements in community that are very Mars in Cancer, somehow protecting or advocating for things that are vulnerable, or nurturing things, or, you know, kind of a guardianship energy with respect to groups or something like that. So anyway, those are some of the things that come to my mind, just kind of looking specifically at Mars in the
Dana Solana
11th Yeah, I am thinking along the same lines as both of you, I the image of like gold mining with Mars in the the 12th, excuse me, like I think for Virgo risings, it would be a good idea to reflect on what came up when Mars was in Leo, while Mars is in Leo. And how is that informing how you want to be in the groups that you're a part of? Because you you might have gained something, especially when this opposition perfects, like, there might be something really important you realize about what you need to kind of embody on a more like explicit level, like, it's a feeling I had, and now I know like this is a part of me, and I want to bring it out into the world, whether or not people like that, whether or not the group accepts it or not.
Adam Elenbaas
So yeah, let us move along a good treatment of Virgo there, and let's move on to Leo, where we have the start of this Mars Retrograde has been in your first house now, the opposition to Pluto followed by Mars retrograding into your 12th Dana. What do you think about this one? Okay,
Dana Solana
well, it's personal for sure, right? So, but that doesn't that's not bad. It just means that, like it's about you, and it's also potentially about the people that you partner with. So back to that idea that through your partnerships, there might be something kind of being brought to your attention, about you, and since it's Mars in your first house, could be about what you care about, what you want, what you're passionate about, and perhaps the situations that are coming up in your relationships are, gosh, almost like they could be bringing up some fears, some latent fears about like who you are and what you're capable of. I do my personal experience of Pluto is that it does bring up what you're afraid of, and that, again, like we keep saying is not necessarily a bad thing. We maybe need to know what we're afraid of and refuse to look at so that it doesn't have so much power over us. And that kind of takes us back to Pluto being about power as well. So I think this is a moment that could be tense in partnerships, there could be power struggles, but it ultimately can help you get at the root of something that you really want for yourself. Then maybe you haven't been able to kind of claim when Mars moves back into the 12th. I I just gave a reading to someone with Mars in the 12th in the 12th Natalie, actually. And we were talking a lot about anger, and I was thinking for Leo risings, like this is a time where you want to get really honest about your anger and when you get angry and why you get angry. This could be a time where if you don't do that, it's going to come out anyway. And maybe not a great, productive way thinking about the 12th house being potentially a place where we can self sabotage, and that's because we're not aware, like the things that we're not aware of can can come up and with Pluto, that opposition to Pluto and with the 12th house, like, I think that's sort of doubly brought up here. So I think a good idea, if you're a Leo rising moving into this period of time is take some time for yourself, make the time for yourself to get clear and like, kind of creating, like an inner sanctuary, right? Like a practice where you can get some space from the feelings, so that you can see them a little more clearly and kind of start to unravel them. But any any practice that helps you connect with yourself in a more spiritual or liminal way, back to the idea of the crab, like scuttling sideways to get to the truth of the matter. But it's from a felt sense, like you don't need to intellectual. Visualize it. You don't even need to tell anybody else about it. You just kind of need to feel it for you, so that you can kind of get to the felt sense truth of it. I don't think there's anything that needs to be done, but there is the need to really feel it and let it be what it is.
Alex Amorosi
Oh, Alex, are you muted? Sorry, no, no, I'm also knocking my microphone over on myself. So yes, Dana, thank you.
Adam Elenbaas
Leo rising, Alex,
Alex Amorosi
this is, this is for real, right now, you know? And it's interesting, you know, we don't want, we want to be liked. It's like, a little like Libra, it's like we want to be liked and approved of and approved of. And like angry people are liked and approved. You know, that sort of feeling, um, I think, you know, one thing that's been coming this is, this is something that's actually been coming up for me as Mars is kind of heading back towards the 12th house here, for me is, um, like you said, Dana, like processing the reality of an emotion that was not allowed to be present or witnessed in some way that you had to kind of deal with on your own. I've been thinking a lot about, like, stuff that I went through when I was in the closet, you know, as a teenager, and I came out when I was 17. But there's so many of those, like, adolescent experiences, especially around like, you know, social stuff and romance and whatever, like, where you feel like your heart breaks can't be spoken. They can't be told. You can't go to your mom with them, right? You can't go to your friends with them. So you kind of put them in this like, container that's very private inside of you. And as this transit has been working through, I've really been thinking about, like, oh, there were a lot of times where I was just pissed or I was sad or I was heartbroken, but I didn't have the environment at that point to be able to be able to externalize it. And, you know, here I am, you know, 45 years old, and that stuff's starting to come up, but it feels very, very health helpful and relax, and almost like I'm helping us relaxing to be like, yeah, that was there. It makes sense. Makes sense. You couldn't talk about it now. You can't, you know, and just saying it now feels really cathartic and talking about it. So there's that process is very, very much underway for me right now. It's really well said, Yeah,
Adam Elenbaas
I love, I love Mars in Cancer in the 12th house, as an exploration of those hurts and wounds that for Leo's may have to do with an injury of pride or dignity, and especially, how do people close to us, or how have people close to us, like either affirmed or denied our right to exist and our value, our basic value, like, for example, Mars in the 12th retrograde in cancer, the Leo walks into a therapy Session and says, You know what? I grew up with a mom who didn't like me and I wasn't affirmed as just being who I am. You know, something like that, this kind of excavation of hurts and wounds to pride that it, you know, it's like the there's a, there's like a cowardly lion, kind of motif, right in every Leo, where it's like you have to look at the child on the inside, behind the the big solar shine, there's often a child, like the child on the horse And the taro card the sun. So what is that injured, Wounded Child like for a Leo that comes to my mind? And and also, like, how do we tend to that part of ourselves that the the self care comes to my mind? Those are some of the things that are jumping out at me anyway.
Alex Amorosi
And I think, you know, Adam just quickly riffing off of what you're saying there is, it's been important during this healing process to recognize what age Am I acting from, what am I thinking from, what was because your adult self can get merged with that really easily. And every stupid I've done and regretted has been from my pride, because I've been proud and I've cut something off or whatever. And so I think that it's really, I love what you're saying there, because it's just important to, like, know, like, Where was this, who was this? Who was I when this happened? And how can I integrate that into who I am now? Yeah, yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
Let's go back in time. Go to cancer rising next, and let me back this up by the day here, so we can get so cancers have the Mars Pluto dynamic across the second and the eighth. This is very similar to the Capricorn reading I was doing earlier, where an exchange of values a critical mass point is being reached within the karmic algebra of you know, what is balancing the equation? What's the missing thing that fills in the little x in the equation? And also, like the termination of contracts, comes to my mind, that can be, you know, metaphor, figurative way of looking at it, or literal. All. So I think about powerful allies and the development of powerful new bonds that can come forth and bring about some kind of you know, when you when you find someone powerful to partner with, there's a powerful exchange of values that comes to my mind, as well as the seduction that might be there to partner with someone powerful, but not necessarily healthy for you, especially when it comes to things like business money, you know, kind of an exchange of things that you want or need and they want or need. And then also, again, just kind of transformation of various karmic bonds and contracts, something, some kind of shift around money and finances, maybe literally. And then the Mars Retrograde will head into your first house. Now the Mars Retrograde in the first house for cancer is like my poor wife, when Mars was in cancer in her first house, she got pneumonia and dealt with she got my daughter got COVID, then she got pneumonia, then my other daughter got, what conjunctivitis is the eye thing, where you get, like, a little eye infection, and then she got pneumonia. So in my wife, of course, is I'm working all day, so she's primary caretaker while I'm working, and, um, and I'm there when I'm not working, helping as well, obviously, but that that landed her with a massive load of caregiving while she was also sick. Boy Mars in Cancer in the first house was just so literal about sickness and sick kids and runny noses and, you know, whatever eyes popping out of people's heads so like but during this time, by the way, that was, I mentioned to you guys that my sister got sick, and so she was also holding space for her husband, who was holding space for his sister, right? So family karma came up in a big way as well. We also, in our neighborhood, we had a notice that was given to us saying that water lines were being redone because of some kind of toxicity that was leaking through the water system in our neighborhood. That was in my third house. I thought that was kind of funny, but it's in her first and of course, you know, we started, we have a Berkey, I don't know if you guys know those are but Berkey Water Filter, and so we use that a lot anyway, but she became really concerned about the harmfulness of water for her kids. For you know, it was like, my god, it was also literal. But whether it's you're looking at your health, you're looking at family karma, and you're looking at what kinds of things are frustrating you or holding you back, and also, what excuses do you make for yourself During such times? How do you really care for yourself? And also, how do you let something get you down and then allow it to, you know, where you can be like, Oh, well, I might as well grab the ice cream and eat a whole pint. You know, you know, so like, something that my wife was reflecting on was how tempting it was during those times to, like, fall into an unhealthy level of like self pity, as opposed to self care. Some of those things come to my mind for the Mars Retrograde in the first but also identity, body, health with respect to things like home, family, emotional needs, maybe standing up for yourself or expressing your needs emotionally with a little bit more assertiveness, these come to my
Dana Solana
mind, man, what a rough time for you and your family. That is no
Adam Elenbaas
joke. It was brutal.
Dana Solana
I am thinking along the same lines about like cord cutting with your sense of self, like in the most succinct way possible, that when Mars comes back to the first house. It's an opportunity to say, like, I'm not going to do that anymore. And kind of in the way of saying, like, I'm not going to make excuses for like, I'm going to be this person, and if I'm acting in a way that's not the kind of person I want to be, I'm going to stop that. But you're probably going to figure that out by doing the thing, like, you're probably going to eat the ice cream and then be like, Oh, maybe that was not a great thing to do. So if, if that happens, like, take that as a good thing. Like, okay, now I have this awareness that, like, that's not a way I want to be, that's not who I want to be, and so I'm not going to do that now,
Alex Amorosi
yeah, yeah, I'll just tag up with that really fast. Is that it is so tempting when you get into your feels to subconsciously not realize you're doing it, being like, here's my excuse to go back to the thing I used to do. I is so tempting and be like, Well, I've made enough progress, so I deserve a week of just doing something unhealthy. You just, you can rationalize so easily with that. And I think that this actually, you know, especially with Pluto in the eighth house, kind of really tilling the soil with the deeper spaces of exchange and bonds, this is a real opportunity to say, like, I see myself about to do that, and I don't want to do it, because, like I said, I'm going to feel like crap after a whole gallon of ice cream. Even delicious isn't made. Rey, but attempting, maybe, but yeah, I disagree with you guys on that, definitely. Yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
Well, cancers, we send you all the best wishes for self care, self preservation. Look at that positive side of that. All right, we're gonna move into Gemini coming down the home stretch of our last three signs, and we're going to begin. Alex is going to take us into this one with Mars and Pluto opposing across the third and the ninth, and then Mars retrograding to the second in cancer.
Alex Amorosi
Oh, this is interesting. So, I mean, I've seen a lot of people with Pluto moving into the ninth, a lot of Gemini risings somehow beginning some deeper, more course of study that brings them a sense of more power. Whether it's a new degree, it's a new certification. This is just a really wrote, you know, textbook, ninth house movement into Aquarius. It could be something very scientific, something unconventionally. It's unconventional science, such as what we're, you know, some people would think we're doing, and I think Mars opposing from the third is a healthy agitation to this, to the environment in some way, it could feel uncomfortable, but it's kind of like, yeah, you know What? Like my my ideals and the way I thought my ideals have colored my truth so much, this kind of thing of Leo in the third house that I kind of need to pull away from them. I need to pull back and reassess. What are all my ideals like? Why? Why are they there? What am I doing with them? Does it serve this new place that I'm going this sort of higher and more, you know, this greater sense of depth of power that I might be being asked to hold intellectually in the ninth house, and then Mars moves back into cancer in the second house. And you could see something, you know, for Gemini risings, and I think we said this for the air signs, you know, the cerebral approach to the way you value yourself may feel like it gets you 72% of the way there, but the rest of the time you gotta rely on your value also comes from reassessing the way you emotionally feel valuable, the way you feel that your emotions tend to your sense of worth. The way are you tending to the emotional field. I'm seeing that more than this could obviously, you know, represent conflicts around money, too, in the second house for sure resources. But I can see this more as like, you know, you can know all the things about the way you think about your self worth and your value. But do you feel them? Do you know where they come from? Have you experienced the emotions of them? Have you have you gotten to the frustrating place where you don't sometimes know what you feel, which can be very difficult for, you know, especially a data gathering sign like Gemini. So I think there's an interesting mix of all that this month, but that Pluto moving into the ninth. I'm just saying experientially. I've seen, you know, tons of people go back to school, study astrology, study Tao, something like that just appears for them in their path. I
Dana Solana
yeah, I am like the idea of fear has come up again with this, and maybe this opposition is like helping you investigate maybe where you were afraid to look within yourself about what you really think and believe. And I love what you said about the second house, Alex, and when you have, when you're an air rising sign, it is so easy to intellectualize everything that is the the go to. And it feels good to do that, because we want to make sense of things intellectually. Like that is it feels like it can be a substitute for emotional processing, and it's not. It's not the same thing. And so I think that's really sound advice, which you gave about the second house, and that your emotions can actually be a great asset to you. When you're emotionally invested and you understand why you're emotionally invested, you can be a lot clearer about what you're doing and why you're doing it.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah. Love that, yeah. I think about a an interruption to your sense of what is true or real or right, a kind of intellectual or spiritual shift in awareness and an emphasis on an idea or a thought or even a debate, or some kind of, you know, confrontation or conflict with other people around ideas or values or something ideological could come up under the Pluto Mars. Part of it, the Mars Retrograde in cancer piece, makes me wonder about an exploration of healthy versus unhealthy needs, because one of the second house, I mean, obviously there's there's anything around money that could come up, some kind of revision or reflection on finances or streams of income or revenue, or something about business could shift. But the Mars retro, the second house is also associated with those things that we rely on, that we personally. Need or that assist or aid us somehow and prop us up, like the things that we have and own and possess, and even our food. And so I wonder about an exploration of what what we have that is really nourishing US versus what we have that might represent an unhealthy attachment or dependency, with the second house Mars Retrograde. Okay, yeah, let's move. We'll keep going to Taurus rising. And I am going to put Mars back into Leo here. So we'll see the Mars Pluto opposition across the fourth and the 10th with Mars then retrograding into the third Dana. What do you think?
Dana Solana
Okay, so we brought tension between the private and the public life, the home and the career. The Pluto in the 10th is composting and transforming something about how you're showing up publicly. There is an an emphasis on evolution, I think, for Taurus risings. And I know we're talking about these two transits, but I could not help but think about Uranus in the first it's still there, right? Like, there's the the image of molting came up for me when I was thinking about Taurus risings, like you're coming out of the chrysalis and we're becoming something new. And that is not comfortable. You know, there's a tenderness to that, because you're like a fresh little baby, and you're probably still getting, I don't know the technical terms, right, but you're coming out of whatever you're coming out of, and you might be pushed, right? It may not be like, a complete choice, where it's like, yeah, I feel comfortable now to like, you know, the full Tao card, like, I'm gonna go step out somebody might, you might be pushed toward whatever you're moving toward. And so this dynamic, I'm thinking about it really triggering your sense of personal power, specifically this opposition. So we want to watch out for power plays, because that that could come up here. And you know, it's not like we want to be scared. Obviously, we never want to be scared of what's coming, but we want to notice if that's happening, so we can have some sense of awareness around it. When Mars moves back into cancer, I think this could be showing you where your environment, somehow is due for a change. And I think you know, if we if we're not kind of conscious of Mars and what it's doing, and the awareness is trying to bring to us around our environment and what needs to change, could be easy to sort of blame the environment, like, if I want to be a person that runs in the morning, for example, and there's no sidewalk by where I run, I could say, Well, I'm not running because I can't run because there's no sidewalk. Well, if that's what, if it's something you want to do, you make it happen, right? Like you don't just blame your circumstances. You figure out how to do what you want to do. So I think that, like all of the signs you know, there is a real potential for empowerment. With Mars and cancer, the key is to to understand where your locus of control is, and take control, where you can take control.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I like the the Mars Pluto opposition across these houses, in terms of a something that has to be some some, again, kind of talking about this with Scorpio, a little bit. It's like a process. It's like a process that if you just, if you trust it, rather than resist it, just because it's frustrating, that if you, if you allow some kind of process of revision or what feels like regression or temporary setback to just run its course, that things will get better, and it will be much better than if you sort of rail against the natural order of things that comes to my mind, also as a Taurus rising who encountered this under the first Mars Pluto opposition, trusting the process rather than pushing against it. Also some of the split between home stuff and work stuff. You know, just the dichotomy between pressures and transformative forces entering the workplace and also a demanding energy around around the home and family space. So, you know, those are two areas for Tauruses that could come up. And then the third house, Mars Retrograde to me, you know, not surprisingly, it was all family drama. Our we had detour signs throughout our neighborhood. Our local gym was closed. We had to drive 15 miles to get to the other gym that's affiliated, right the water pipes. My kids were sick. My sister was sick. So that that third house can affect the fish tank that you live in, it's just like, oh, there's chaos in the fish tank around me. And yet that chaos is something that there's intelligence in what's happening there. Those things are symbolic. You know, even I got a lot out of sitting with my Jungian therapist and talking about like the water pipes in the neighborhood as a psychic symbol. You know what I mean? You can do a lot with things happening around you that don't feel like they're exactly yours. They're sort of peripheral. As a native third house son in mercury, I can tell you that a lot of my life has been spent on reflecting on things that are happening in the church community I grew up in, and the people around me in the schools and environments and and so the local environment is going to be filled with interesting feedback, some of which you'll have no control over, and some of which may also require that you sort of step in and be a helper or be an advocate or something like
Alex Amorosi
that. I think this. My focus here is on Pluto in the 10th which is, to me, removing the corrupted data bits from your career. What? What are the bits in the programming of your career that no longer run the program smoothly? It just doesn't work. And you know what Pluto does in a great blessing? I've said it a million times, Pluto will will make that clear. It'll be like there's something here that needs to be removed for the general health of the greater system. And in Aquarius, it's often kind of like a, you know, it's like code. It's like, you know, recoding something here, recoding something here, taking this data bit, taking this data bit out. But that would have to do with retooling a job that feels much more like refreshing and life giving and ready for where you are now in your life. Yeah,
Adam Elenbaas
let's finish this out with Aries rising. Sorry. Aries, the first shall be last and the last shall be first. I'm just kidding. Okay, let's see here.
Alex Amorosi
There's Dr Evil. Adam, I couldn't quite get the accent I feel. Dr, evil.
Adam Elenbaas
Dr, stupid. So here's Mars opposite Pluto, if you're in Aries across your fifth and 11th opposite Libra, what I said earlier, where I don't think Aries have as much of a problem asserting or expressing themselves compared to a Libra with the more calculated social considerations, but Pluto and Aquarius will make it absolutely apparent to you that your will in your way is not the only way. That there's some kind of greater social container or reality that you need to adapt to, or that you still need to be yourself, express yourself, have your own will and way and creative essence coming through. But you may find, for example, that the group you've been in is no longer the right one, or that the group that you're in needs you to slightly modulate your dimmer switch. So the social versus collective tensions for Aries are really powerful right now, social versus personal, the collective versus personal, things with respect to your creative path, and what are the best people or groups to support that or be a part of that? Those things come to my mind as well. And then, if we just go forward, Mars is retrograding cancer, we'll have you looking very deeply at things around home, family and living environment, parental karma, your past traumas in home and family, or if you have a family of your own, what's the what's the chaos right now that that is asking for you to, you know, you know, don't bypass it. Look at it. Be in it. Be in. You know, Aries are also very independent people. Often the Mars in Cancer is not like a super comfy place for Aries where it's like no, no. You You must be dragged into these emotionally, you know, entangled dynamics with your kids or your spouse or your family, or things happening with your your in laws or whatever. So yet if you show up with that protector, Guardian, advocate, that kind of Knight or warrior, on behalf of the people you love and on behalf of creating a better, safer environment, or in addressing things from the past or your family or your upbringing, you're going to feel better about yourself, because you you can do that too. You can be in those things, and it doesn't have to lose or threaten any of your independence or strength or autonomy. And I also think if you need to draw boundaries and just say, look, some things are just not I'm can't let certain things entangle me in drama, then you might have to cut some chords in that way too. That's what I'm seeing for Aries. What do you guys think?
Alex Amorosi
You know, I think that the tension here between in the fifth house, I want to executively move forward on the things that matter to me, which is wonderful, very natural to the fire science, very natural to Aries. I really feel that Adam, that pushback from Pluto of like some it's like, yeah, well, was that social? Were you socially conscious when you did that? Were you aware that you created ripples, that you were hurtful or that you were you know, that it's not just about what you consider to be shiny and bright and wonderful for you, but like that, there's consequences to, you know, throwing big rocks into ponds, and that there's ripple effects from that, and there's a shift. In the way, in the WA or the harmony of a group, and maybe some consequences that are coming from that, that you're that you're kind of working with or dealing with, could be the opposite too, where it's just like, I just got to do my thing and the peanut gallery be damned. That could be one way that you look at that too. Like, you know what you've been saying, Dana, about honesty, really came up for me on the fourth house is like Mars moves back into the fourth house in cancer. Emotional honesty. Where are you emotionally honestly around your home, your private life, the things that make you comfortable? Have they gotten so comfortable that you don't question them anymore, think about them or want to review them in a different way? Now, have you become to feel more than comfortable? And I've been saying this a lot, the word stifled or there's something that the life has come out of it, and reassessing that again, not not comfortable often, but sometimes really helpful in life giving and can, even, you know, move you to places you hadn't considered that could be really awesome. Yeah,
Dana Solana
I think what you both have said about being pushed to think about where you're at in the network of other people. Is it going to be really important for Aries? And you also made me think about the habit. I just got done teaching the Hobbit, and I'm thinking about, like, when your habit hole gets to like, there's something that needs to be fixed, there's something that needs to be cleaned or, like, swept up, the idea of comfort, you know that
Alex Amorosi
make them happen. Talk about hobbits.
Dana Solana
I haven't seen any of the I haven't read any of the Lord of the Rings books. I haven't seen any of the movies, but I
Adam Elenbaas
have read The Hobbit oh my gosh, it's on my soap is simple. Watch those movies, read those books.
Alex Amorosi
This is the time of year you watch the Lord of the Rings. It's the time
Dana Solana
I will do it for you guys. I will, it's on my list. But I think that, like, yeah, there's something that Aries can kind of get from from that idea of, like, where are you too comfortable, and where is that maybe impeding on somebody else's comfort, and let's kind of renegotiate that somehow
Adam Elenbaas
I'm leaving my hobbit hole. I'm going on an adventure. Yeah, totally sorry. I didn't mean to sabotage it. You started talking about the Hobbit, and I just got joyful inside, because I have already scheduled my my daughters and I are watching the Star Wars trilogy and the Lord of the Rings trilogy over their Christmas break, and I am so excited about it, so nice. Anything you want to add? Alex, okay, good. Okay, well, we have made it through our horoscopes. I want to make sure that you guys know how to connect with these two lovely human beings, so I am going to do that right now. Let's go to Dana. You can find Dana at self help where I'm assuming are your books open for January?
Dana Solana
They are, and I have a couple other little things in there too. I have a membership, and yeah, you can check out all my stuff
Adam Elenbaas
there. Cool, yeah, because a great thing to do at this time of the year is to get a year ahead reading with our amazing hosts. So self help, you could do that book reading with Dana or on Instagram. You can follow her regular astrological content as well. Self Help witch on Instagram, and then let me shift around to Alex. You can find Alex on Instagram at Alex Amorosi healing, where you're also going to get regular astrological content. And then Alex is the place where you can book a reading. And I'm assuming also you've got some space maybe for some year ahead readings. Alex,
Alex Amorosi
I do. I've actually had a year ahead special, which is booked out for December, but I have a few left for January. You can book it up through January 17. That's the limit on the scheduling up. Yeah, take
Adam Elenbaas
advantage of it, guys. These are excellent readers, and people who I trust to read charts for you know all of the people who come through my channel for sure. So, yeah, it's great to have you guys here. I'm it'll be exciting. The next time we meet, we'll be officially into 2025 and like in the year ahead, we have some exciting things. We have Jupiter moving into cancer. We have Saturn moving into Aries. We have Uranus moving into Gemini. We have Neptune moving into Aries, and we have Pluto just moved into Aquarius. So all of the slow moving planets are changing signs in the year ahead, big Venus retrograde in Mercury Retrograde, both in Aries, a solar eclipse in Aries in March, we have a Uranus Pluto Trine later in the year, some powerful eclipses in Virgo. So I feel like 2025 there is no shortage of really interesting stuff that will be here to guide you all through with our thoughts on your horoscope. So from Alex and Dana and myself, thank you for a wonderful 2024 everybody. We love all of you. We enjoy your comments and stories that you share. So be sure to stick around after I sign off. Here, you can learn more about the rewards that are available when you support the channel and donate. There's just a few days left in our annual Kickstarter campaign. So we need a big push here at the end. If you haven't yet donated, please consider pitching in and supporting the channel. Come study with us, pick up a class pass or some of the other rewards which I'm about to tell you all about next. All right, that's it. Take care. Everyone. Bye, bye. Everybody.
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