Today we are going to take a deeper look at Venus's upcoming conjunction to Uranus in the sign of Taurus.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Friday, everybody. Today we are going to take a look once again at Venus's upcoming conjunction to Uranus in the sign of Taurus. This is happening over the weekend. And so, we're going to take a look at this archetypal combination. And as I like to say, we're going to turn the jewel. I've got a list of 10 things to watch for ten themes that I think speak to Venus Uranus.
By the way, when I do these, I look back over previous talks that I've given on Venus and Uranus. And I tried to come up with things I hadn't said before. So if you ever wanted to go back and listen to previous talks on Venus Uranus, there's a bunch in my archives, and you could always listen to, you know, three other Venus Uranus talks and hear me say slightly different things about it. It's in this way by means of hearing astrologers, not just myself, but probably a handful of astrologers talk about an archetypal combination over and over and over again, that you start to; it's as though you're meditating on a mandala and the mandala has the jewel at the center, and you know that jewel is Venus, Uranus, but you have to spend time sort of spacing out and getting lost in different facets of this mandala or tapestry. And as you do so, you start to take in the essence at a very deep level. So I just say that because every time that I talk about these combinations, they are a little bit different. Sometimes they'll say things that are familiar, but most of the time, I'm trying to say it in a slightly different way so that we can deepen our understanding of this. And, of course, it helps if you watch for the appearance of Venus Uranus in your own life. That's the ultimate teacher because when you feel it experientially, when you notice it experientially, that's when it really starts to become a part of your body's sort of astrological, instinctual intelligence.
It's like each one of us, as we study astrology, starts to know the transits because we've lived to them. And that is way more important than book knowledge. At the same time, you need that kind of reflection; you need talks and study from a sort of philosophical point of view so that it helps you to refine and sort of refresh your ability to perceive the actual archetypal combinations in life and yourself and others if you read charts for people and so forth. So we are going to take a look at Venus Uranus today. I've also done an I-Ching reading for Venus Uranus, which should give us some insight as well. So we're going to start with the I-Ching reading and then go through a list of 10 things to watch for.
All right, well, today we are looking at Venus's upcoming conjunction with Uranus, which is happening over the weekend in the sign of Taurus, right around some of the degrees that the recent eclipse in Taurus happened in. Yesterday I took a look at the 12 whole sign house horoscopes for the sign of Taurus specifically to say, look, wherever that whole sign house of Taurus is located in your birth chart, that's where the action is. It has been for a while now. And it continues to be as Venus is going through this conjunction with Uranus.
So let's take a look at the real-time clock and kind of refresh on the perfect range of this transit. So here is the real-time clock. And let's go ahead and put it here so we can see, Hellenistic mode. So let me put in the outers. Alright, so here we go. So we have Venus and Uranus coming together. And we're going to advance this by a day from Friday to Saturday. So you can see Venus in the evening on Saturday, coming through the conjunction to Uranus in Taurus, and we'll get about a three-degree range. So if we push it forward, it's going to start separating by, you know, roughly Tuesday. So you could be experiencing this anywhere from yesterday, all the way through about Tuesday of next week as a broad range within which things will likely manifest but watch, especially for Saturday into Sunday. That's when things are really cooking.
Now, the other thing that's happening concurrently over the weekend is we also have mercury also in the sign of Taurus. Moving through a trine to Pluto now that's really today Friday that that's happening. And I talked about that combination at the beginning of this week. So if you go back to Monday's video, you'll hear me talk about mercury, Pluto, and Venus Uranus at the same time. I'm going to speak more today about Venus and Uranus because that's really where the action is out over the weekend. Okay, so now that we've taken a look at the real-time clock, first the I-Ching. So the I-Ching is an ancient Chinese Oracle. And it consists of 64 six-line figures, sometimes referred to as hexagrams. And each of the hexagrams shows an interaction between Yin or Yang lines; the Yin lines are broken; they're like two little dots. And the yang lines are solid, like a solid line. And the hexagrams are comprised of interactions between yin and yang throughout 64 sort of archetypal stages of life that move in circles and cycles. The study of these lines and the relationship of one line to another line within a hexagram or one hexagram to another hexagram within the 64 is sort of very basically speaking, what constitutes the study of the I-Ching. When we pull or throw the I-Ching, we are going to be asking a question as in any form of divination and then receiving a hexagram or two with changing lines, all of which address the nature of the situation with some core teachings, often for years now in the way that I have prepared curriculum, whether you guys know it or not, I often throw the I-Ching before I prepare my talk for the day, and then sometimes I'll actually exclusively show you sort of what the reading is, is doing in terms of helping me fill in the blanks or helped me to focus on a certain dimension of any given astrological transit. So here is what we're looking at with today's reading.
I asked the I-Ching what would it help people to know about Venus's conjunction to Uranus, almost like help us get to the archetypal core of this or turn the jewel for us in some ways and help us understand so the first hexagram that came back was hexagram number 46, which is sometimes translated as pushing upward. Now, this hexagram I'm going to be focusing on, A very basic aspect of this particular hexagram because of the line that's changing. So hexagram 46 means pushing upward as something slowly but surely developing and moving upward toward the light like a plant upward toward the Sun. So you can imagine that kind of that hexagram speaks very nicely to Venus and Uranus. Prometheus was the light bringer, the bringer of light, slash fire, and heat. And Prometheus, often associated with Uranus, is a figure of inspiration, liberation, freedom, progress, hope, defiance, and rebellion, especially when it comes to, you know, asserting our will into the world and sort of shaping the world by means of our creative power. And also when it comes to, you know, the bringing of illumination. So Uranus is associated with awakening, very Promethium. So you have this image of something moving upward. And of course, there's an Icarus-like dimension to the Promethean story as well, like the Icarus story flying too close to the Sun, burning the wings off, falling down, there's always something about Uranus that can tempt us to fly too high to go too close to the Sun, or to overestimate with a kind of hubris that the gods don't like our own human ability to fly so high. So this hexagram, interestingly, is a lot of it is about upward movement, aspiration, moving upward toward a goal and ideal, a dream, a vision of hope, freedom, etc.
But there are some warnings in this hexagram that are very much like the story of Prometheus that have to do with coveting something high or overestimating our will and not respecting forces that are maybe bigger than ourselves, or not being careful enough when it comes to our own arrogance or hubris. So that's an interesting hexagram to receive, line six of his hexagram was changing along with one other line, but we're going to focus on line six. And this has this line sort of briefly summarized at the very top of the hexagram. And it represents someone pushing upward, but perhaps blindly. And that if you just keep aspiring upward and upward through blind impulse, desire, greed, etcetera, if you worship at the altar of the future and progress constantly, that can lead to mistakes that can lead to falling. The reason for that is that when something reaches the top of a hexagram, it's sort of like the cup has filled up, and then it's going to spill over.
So that which is full is eventually emptied. There's a seasonal, cyclical kind of dynamic with this very Taoist-like philosophy in the I-Ching. So you have a tipping point at the sixth line, and it's like you've aspired so high. But if you keep moving upward blindly, you'll sort of tip over. So pushing upward blindly leads to mistakes.
The second hexagram that comes about almost like, you know, the second hexagrams are tricky to read, they can be like, if you do the right thing, you know, it'll lead to this, or if you do the wrong thing, it'll lead to this, or here's something to think about, and then juxtapose it with this idea. So second, hexagrams are not; there's not just one way to read them. But the second hexagram that emerges through the changing lines is inexperience.
Number four has a lot to do with understanding that we don't know where we're going, that we don't know what we're doing, and that we all have need of teachers, mentors, and guides. From the time we're little, we need someone to hold our hand to help us learn how to walk, you know, we can't do it all right away all on our own, no matter what stage of life that we are in that same beginner's mindset is applicable, that if we think we know what we need, all of the time, we're in trouble. Because there are many times in life when we know what we need. But there's a lot of there are also many times in life where we really don't know what we need. And if we're never capable of saying, you know, what, I don't know what's best in the situation. So I'm going to kind of knock on the universe's door and be like, Hey, what should I do or what's best for me or for a situation or for other people around me? If we don't have that ability, in our repertoire, alongside the brave, daring, aspirational qualities, you know, we're in trouble. Because we need both. They're like two different muscles. You need to be able to assert yourself, make creative choices, you know, be a creator, a co-creator with the Divine, but then there's also times where you need to go like, I just don't know what I'm doing, you know, so inexperience is that beginner's mindset is if you keep this beginner's mindset, then when you're moving upward, really high, like you're getting really high up there, or you're moving for some lofty thing. You're so much less likely to fall or tumble or make a mistake or fall into some big error or pit or entanglement because you keep a beginner's mindset. You keep the sense that this is what I want. I'm really excited. I'm going for it, but also, somehow, I'm a beginner, and if there needs to be a modification or an adjustment or if there's even a hard No, that's cool. I'm gonna stay curious because I'm a beginner, always a beginner. If we think that you're either one or the other, like, I'm strong and bold and confident, and I know what I want. If I'm not a beginner, I'm not someone who's going to sit in, you know, be, like always looking for some higher authority to tell me what to do. No, I'm sovereign, you know? And it's like, no, you can do both. You can be confident, brave, bold; you can be creative. And you can also say that I've also got no clue. I'm hoping this works out, you know, but keep in that sort of Zen beginner's mindset. So how do we hold the tension of doing both at once? It's a far greater challenge for most of us than collapsing into total submissive, like; I can't do anything, I just have to have some higher power guiding me along, or being like I am the higher power, you know. So, you know, can we not find a little more nuance within our psyches to hold the tension between these two things? I think it's one of the things that these two hexagrams are saying. As they sit near each other and the reading that I did for Venus and Uranus. What do you desire? What do you want? What's asking you to press forward with ambition into the future to make progress, break free, to paths, surpass limitations, to break old habits? That's the Venus Uranus energy; you're gonna see. Sort of sparkling open in the next four to five days. If you can meet that energy. Great. You should love it. Have fun with it, you know, it's like, it reminds me the energy reminds me of how my littlest girl Summer, you know when I pull out like one of the sparkly colored popsicles, you know, there's like orange and red and she's so excited. Oh, my God, you know, like, she's gonna pop. And we go outside, you know, when we sit in the yard, it's so nice. And it's like that, like Venus Uranus is like a popsicle that you're writing to the moon or something in, you know, on a summer night with a perfect temperature, especially in Taurus, you know, Venus the sign, so like, enjoy that, you know, enjoy that sparkly feeling. And that feeling of excitement and delight and enjoyment. At the same time, you know, we have to watch, because there's a very good chance that we enter, we go outside into that scenery, both girls have a cherry popsicle, you know, or maybe one girl has an orange, and the other one has a cherry. And before you know it, someone's trying to slit the other one's throat.
Like, literally, they're trying to kill each other. Because, like, I wanted the orange, well, I wanted the red looks like we have to like my wife and I like to be like, This is good, this is fun. But there's a way like, you have to be careful that it doesn't like tip over and then all of the joy spills onto the floor. And like, there's, you know, there's bloodshed, and Lucifer has fallen from the skies. And suddenly, the front yard is total carnage, you know, parents, you know what I'm talking about. So, and even if you've been a babysitter before, like, you know, there's that peak, and then there's like, oh, shit, you know, spectacle right over the top. So, you know, watch for that this weekend and try to stay in the mindset that I'm like a child. And even though I feel like I've got a handle on this, and I'm riding the rocket ship, you know, to the moon that like I can crash it, I'm capable of crashing. So how do I keep that in mind? I think that's the essence of what I was getting from the I-Ching reading today. On that note, I have ten other Venus Uranus themes that I'd like to look at today. So let's get into them.
Number one, when you are turning the Venus, Uranus jewel, and you're catching the light off from a certain, you know, a certain angle, one of the things that you might see is what I call gold fever. This would be that you become so enamored by something sort of like the popsicle that you can get possessed by it. It can start off feeling like a simple walk in the country with bare feet. I'm earthing or whatever they call it. I'm there's some kind of electromagnetic field that's pulsing up into my feet. I'm experiencing well-being. Yeah, when I was a kid, that was just called being barefoot. Now there's like take a retreat to this foreign part of the world you can walk on bare earth. It's like, oh my god, really? We just forgot how to be barefoot. But you get what I'm saying? I'm not sure to be cynical. You can literally start off with something as simple and sort of innocent as a barefoot walk in the country, and before you know it, you could be jumping naked off the top of a waterfall and, you know, falling in love with Sven the wandering yodeler; you can feel the rubber-like Venus Uranus is like has grabbed me today. But this is what I'm talking about. There's something where you can be captured by something that seems like Well, that's harmless oh boy, and before you know it, you're like, you know you're it's like in Scooby-Doo you know when they get the like the worldly eyes because they've been transfixed by some ghost, that there is a weirdly possessive quality to this energy and you can get seduced by it. So be careful.
Two would be idolatry; it's slightly different. It's when you put something or someone up on a pedestal. And the problem with that is, of course, then they're going to fall off the pedestal, and you're going to think it's them, but at least half of the problem and then maybe they are part of the world, but at least half of the problem was the fact that you put them up there, you know, or I put them up there or whatever, we all do this. So be careful of putting things on pedestals, oh, like that, and then they fall, and then you think they're the problem, and then they resent you because they're like, Well, you're the one who projected all this stuff onto me, and I'm human, you know. So be careful of putting things up like that, probably will, by very nature, fall down. Remember, the hexagram that rises to the top falls down eventually.
Number three would be the marriage of Spirit and matter. If there is anything that is common in, you know, world religions, and spiritual traditions, it is the distinction made between something base and something elevated. Sometimes it's talked about as Spirit and matter. It's given many different names, right? But the idea here is that Venus and Uranus in Taurus, very earthy signs, a sign of the moon and a sign of Venus, are looking at, you know, the Promethean desire for something elevated and high like something like fires like light, it's very Spirit like, on the other hand, you have Venus who's very earthy, more like matter, like the world of forms and the sensual world, the world of our senses. There is a potential in this transit for the marriage of those two things. Many world religions suffer from a lack of imagination by saying, well, there's a higher world, and then there's this base world, and the base world is what you're trying to get out of as you go to the Higher World.
Whereas once you get into the mystical dimension of most religious traditions, they will say, actually, the spiritual dimension is here within the material dimension; it's a matter of changing your consciousness. And anything on this earth is a reflection of something spiritual and can be; there can be the sacred alchemy, where anything in the world can be spiritualized. By meaning, it's not just based, degrading, egotistical, self-interested, temporary crap, right, that there's something about this world, that with the right mindset, the right approach, the approach of gratitude of beauty of thankfulness, appreciation of love can become divine. And everything is, in fact, that way. It's only in consciousness that we somehow turn it into like some kind of distortion. So that's a teaching that might be just sort of hanging around right now intellectually for a lot of people.
Number four would be freedom of expression. Don't tell me how to act, don't tell me how to look, you know, I'm going to do and be and dress and express in the way that feels authentic and real and free. That might go too far in terms of, like, I'm going to be provocative just to get a reaction, or I'm going to the opposite extreme. And it's not just about being myself; it's about proving a point or holding a grudge or trying to irritate people or, you know, and I would be careful of that, but I wouldn't be aware of the need for free expression. Freedom or experimentation within relationships.
Number five is sort of a similar idea. We're now talking about the need for freedom or experimentation within dating relationships or marriage. That could be, for example, a moment of breakthrough sexually sexual healing sexual fun, excitement rekindling the spark, or a moment of breakthrough in relationships that have been stuck or stagnant. It can also be about the need to be free from a relationship, as in I'd rather be experiencing myself as an individual than being coupled. Or, you know, usually, Venus Uranus transits are associated with oftentimes when people are, you know, can maybe someone's coming out of the closet, or they're transitioning, or they might be trying polyamory, or anything that is about probably breaking out of a more like normal sort of quote-unquote, normal or like societally accepted or some so anything that's on the margins or that you could even experience prejudice or people you know, being mean or something like Oh, you're different. So, Venus Uranus says, Yeah, I'm different. And you know, I'm going to, I think it is Pride Month. Anyway, it's very like I feel like Venus Uranus is like Pride Month. It's about being open and free and celebrating; you know what, we love it. Just love what you love freely, you know, that's very Venus and Uranus.
Now, number six is now that well just to speak to the freedom or experimentation within relationships, sometimes you do see like adultery or affairs because someone is feeling bored or stuck. That's something to be a little bit careful of; if it gets to that point, the breakthrough might be in going to counseling or speaking to someone versus going and destroying a relationship because you just need to be free and you're not communicating. So that can always go in maybe that direction too. Broadly speaking, the need to break a boundary or a limit can be destructive, even with Venus Uranus going down to go up. This is interesting. We had a bird that is like nesting in a wreath on our front door like a flower wreath. And it's made a little nest, and so I went out to let the dogs out the other night, and the bird and I forgot. Oh yeah, the birds there. Right. So I opened the door rather abruptly and was usually very careful with it because got eggs in there too. And the bird flew out of the nest and into the house.
And it kept going up, like up and we're you know, my wife and I were like, Okay, well Ashley and I are like, Okay, you gotta go down little mama, like you gotta go down and then you can go out and up. But you got to go down to go up and out. And the birds' instinct was to fly up. And, man, it was a powerful lesson week; I managed to capture the bird very gently, I came up behind it and sort of created a little tent, grab, grapple with a towel; it was totally fine. And it's out there now. And its nests. So I was very happy that we managed to get mama bird out of the house without any harm. She didn't abandon the nest either, which is good. So, I was reflecting on it as I was thinking about Venus and Uranus. And I was thinking, yeah, sometimes we need to get into the body, the world, the valley of the world, before as a way or as a means of getting to the mountaintop. So regularly in spiritual life. We think about the mountain, we think about the ascent, we think about evolving and enlightening up. This Venus Uranus dynamic could say, Listen, paradoxically, the way to go up is to go down. This means you have to do what is counter-instinctual; you have to somehow acknowledge or honor things that maybe you want to judge as beneath you are bad or something like that. For example, in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says that repression accomplishes nothing. And in some ways, we have to deal with what we are repressing if we are to alchemize those desires or feelings, or needs in a meaningful way. But you can't do that if you don't even acknowledge some things, right. So the idea of the bird needing to go down to go out and up. And I just kept thinking about that, that is deep, there's deep spiritual teaching there for all of us if that makes sense.
All right, number seven is aesthetic or creative revolution or inspiration. So I've got a new wardrobe, I've got a new creative idea. Anything that constitutes a breakthrough around creativity, design, beauty, feminine, anything feminine, anything that's eccentric or beautiful or fun or involves women or sisters or the sensual goddess stuff.
Number eight, the intelligence of the body and senses kind of like going down to go up. We live, you know, in a sort of post-Kantian world where you know nothing. Many, many Western philosophers and religious traditions around the world have always said Your senses are not reliable. Okay? Well, that's kind of stupid, in my opinion, to say that your senses are not reliable. I think it could be said that your senses may not always be reliable, you know, but your mind isn't always reliable either. So they're somewhere in between saying, look, the senses can't be trusted. They're only out for a quick bite to eat. You know, they just want Twinkies. You can't trust them. The material world is a place that you know it's not good. And if you follow your senses, you'll fall into a well, and you'll never get out and okay, like, you know, we get it. So, but isn't it also true that like, I think of the poem, so I'm going to read you guys a poem.
This is called Wild Geese by Mary Oliver. It says You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for 100 miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile, the world goes on. Meanwhile, the Sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains, and the rivers. Meanwhile, the wild geese high in the clean blue air are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting over and over, announcing your place in the family of things.
One of my favorite poems of all time; I'm sure many of you have heard it before. But our bodies on this earth are also an expression of the intelligence of the Divine. And it's very easy to forget that because we can struggle with the senses and come to distrust them. Because sometimes the impulses get the best of us. There's something that's called impulse control; there is, you know, learning to not be overly trusting in aspects of our mind or our body that can lead us astray. But let's not go too far here. The body and the world are also, especially in the Christian tradition, this sort of mystical Christian tradition that's it forms a part of my background. There's a reason, even if you don't believe in the story, literally, theologically, when God comes into human form, and one of the philosophical words to denote this is called kenosis. It means like emptying oneself, like, there's this world, also divine, inherently, it is divine, it's not, well, you know, only if you meditate, then it can be divine, it is divine. And so that doesn't mean inherently that there is a way to experience the body in the world and the senses that are absolutely imperfectly beautiful and to be trusted. So that's part of Venus, Uranus Taurus, in my humble opinion,
Nine is about, you know, greed and get rich quick schemes like Bernie Madoff style, like, you know, he had a ton of planets in Taurus, including Venus in Taurus. When you think about like, Venus, Uranus, you think of like, oh, how can I get something that I want really quickly and defiantly and break the rules and so be careful of like, seductive, you know, get rich quick schemes.
Number ten, on the other hand, this energy can be about, hey, I have an idea that would be attractive, that might provide more a new stream of revenue, that could be a useful a good offering, right? So innovative business ideas that are, you know, not about greed, but are about, you know, innovation and something that might be a truly useful product for someone that people are attracted to or desire, something that's good or useful. So that's, that's the other side of the coin there. All right. Well, that's what I've got for today. That is our exploration of Venus and Uranus. I hope you guys have found this useful.
I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend, and I can't wait to start studying with a new group of students. I will see you guys in class soon. Take it easy, everyone. Bye
This was so supportive and I’m grateful for your explanation of the I Ching. I dove ( or was pushed) into my dirty compost of repression yesterday and reading this has reminded me to be gentle with myself and trust in the process. I also appreciated the reminder of “beginner’s mindset” as I move forward. I am climbing out of a week of COVID isolation… my chance to go deep. Albeit I fought it initially I now feel gratitude for the opportunity: medicine for My Soul. 🙏