* Another lesser known astrological configuration involves the domicile ruler of any sign being in the 12th sign relative to its home sign. For example, ever since Saturn entered Sagittarius it has been in the 12th sign relative to Capricorn.
* Right now, Jupiter in Scorpio is in the 12th sign relative to its home sign of Sagittarius.
* Being in the 12th sign relative to its home sign, a planet is said to be averse to the place it rules. This basically means that the planet does not have a clear line of sight to its home sign, which means the planet does not carry a whole sign sextile, trine, square, or opposition to its home place (or at least one of its home places/signs).
* Without a clear line of sight to its home place a planet is said to be averse or turned away from its home place, which means the planet isn’t able to manage or handle the topics of its home place with as much ease or efficiency. For example, if you look at the house occupied/ruled by Sagittarius, you’ll notice that Jupiter in Scorpio is in the sign/house just before Sagittarius (by whole sign houses) which means Jupiter can’t see Sagittarius right now. Saturn in Sagittarius can’t see Capricorn, either.
* Let’s give a simple example. Let’s say that Sagittarius rules your 11th house of friends, allies, wishes, and dreams for the future. Jupiter is in your 10th house in Scorpio all year, which means it can’t see the 11th whole sign house of Sagittarius. It could easily be a year of career achievement with Jupiter in the 10th house or professional advancement, but it might also come at the cost of certain key friendships or allies.
* I’ve found that this technique works, but it’s important not to overthink it. Play with it and see what you discover!
* Another lesser known technique involves tracking the domicile ruler of any planet transiting a sign other than its own. For example, Jupiter in Scorpio for the next year will go as Mars goes. In other words, Jupiter in Mars’ sign will be impacted by whatever is happening with Mars. So, let’s say Jupiter in Scorpio is in your 7th house of relationships all year. It’s not as though every single day, week, or month of the year things will be as busy as they are at certain peak times of the year. So how do we determine when the peak moments will occur? One simple method is to track Mars. For example, Mars is about to enter Libra where it will be in the 12th sign relative to Jupiter for a while. While it’s in that sign it will square Pluto, make an antiscia with Neptune, and oppose Uranus. Each of these events will be significant for Jupiter themed events in our lives specifically because Mars is the dispositor of Jupiter for the entire year. As soon as Mars is within about 0-3 degrees of its aspect to these planets over the next month or so, you may notice events occurring relative to Jupiter’s transit of your natal chart.
* For example, let’s say that Jupiter is in your 7th house. When Mars reaches its square to Pluto you may notice that significant relationships in your life are changing, growing, or blessing you, through the confrontation of Mars and Pluto. All year, Jupiter goes as Mars goes, just as last year Jupiter went as Venus went. It may sound simple, but it’s an incredibly effective way of predicting when Jupiter will really do his thing within whatever house he’s transiting in your birth chart over the next year!
* Here are a few examples from last year’s Jupiter in Libra transit. As Venus entered her fall in Virgo and conjoined with Mars, while both were in opposition to Neptune, the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal broke and Hugh Hefner died. When Venus opposes Pluto in August the Charlottesville hate crimes occurred, and when Venus subsequently squared Jupiter in August, a series of Confederate monuments were removed. These are just brief examples of the technique. Here’s one more fun example…as Venus squared Neptune in July of this year the first woman to ever play Dr. Who took over for the previous Dr Who, and a tribute/memorial for the victims of the Malaysian flight (which crashed into the Ocean and went missing several years ago) was opened. Each of these events can be studied in terms of a Venus transit, on its own, but each of the events is also distinctly Jupiterian and Libran, involving a karmic balancing or tipping of the scales of justice/truth in one direction or the other. Jupiter in Libra went as Venus went! Now it’s Jupiter in Scorpio, so we must pay specific attention to the planet Mars.
Prayer: Be our mapmaker. Be our compass. Be the answer to the riddle that guides us home. Be our memorization of the secret sounds and the sacred words.
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