Today I'll be previewing the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune, which will be perfecting in the coming weeks.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. And today we are going to preview Jupiter's upcoming conjunction with Neptune because, why not? It's a huge transit. And I've talked about it a bunch, previewing it at the beginning of the year. And we're getting closer, it's about a month away now a little bit less than a month away. And I think it'd be a good time to just kind of preview some of the themes, we're going to be doing some deeper dives with Jupiter Neptune in April, of course, but I feel like today is it would be a good day to kind of refresh on the transit that's coming, because everything right now is sort of building toward it. So that's what we're going to do for today. So first of all, we're going to pull up the real time clock and take a look at the transit and just refresh on where it is how long it lasts, when exactly the two planets will come together. And then I've got a list of themes we're going to talk about. And one interesting historical fact.
So remember that I mentioned this maybe last week, but the first week of April, my new classes for the spring, my new first year programme, ancient astrology for the modern mystic will be open for registration. The first week of April, we will be running a sale, we had quite a few people contact us after the Kickstarter was over asking if they could still receive the discount on my spring courses because they whatever reason they didn't have the funds available or whatever to take part in that sales. So we for the first week of April, we're going to rerun all the Kickstarter rates for just one week. And so you'll be able to save if you want, you can bundle some packages of programmes together as well. So stay tuned for that the first week of April. Okay, let's flip the real time clock and take a look. So here you can see that Jupiter is going about six degrees closing in on five degrees from Neptune right now. And you're going to see Jupiter coming through through that conjunction in the weeks ahead. So we're just going to put Pisces on the ascendant. Okay, so make it easier. So here's the two planets, Jupiter and Neptune coming together in the sky right now. And if we push this forward a little bit, you'll see the two of them coming through the conjunction by about the middle of April. So this is March 31, they are within two degrees, April 7, they're within one degree, step this forward a couple more degrees, you get them on the same degree starting on April 8. And then they come together, specifically on April 12. And then they travel on that 24th degree together, all the way up until about April 17.
So really, between the end of March and mid to late April, you have the conjunction between these two planets, anytime they're within three degrees, really, they're active. So if we stretch that out a little bit, you'll see the two planets are sort of within three degrees, all the way till the end of April. Not only that, but at the end of April, you're also getting an exalted Venus coming through the conjunction with both Neptune and Jupiter. So April is the month that is the month when we're going to see this super powerful conjunction between these two planets. Alright, one of the things that's pretty cool about that is that at the very end of April right as Venus is perfecting its conjunction with Neptune and Jupiter. We're also going to have a solar eclipse in Taurus, which is a solar eclipse in Taurus alongside of Uranus are very closely conjoined that solar eclipses with Uranus and Taurus so really powerful astrological energies coming through in the month of April.
So one of the things that I thought you guys would find interesting, I didn't have a tonne of time to do this yet. I just started gathering some historical research surrounding Jupiter, Neptune transits. And people have been asking me a lot about current events and if I see anything that's interesting, this is certainly not a prediction. But it is something to note which is that the last time in 1856 that Jupiter and Neptune came together in Pisces. It was quite quite some time ago.
it was 1856 the two planets Jupiter and Neptune came together in Pisces. And what's really interesting about that time, is that right as they were conjoining, the Treaty of Paris was signed, which effectively ended the Crimean War, which was a military conflict, fought between 1853 and 56, in which Russia was at war, with an alliance between France the Ottoman Empire, and looks like the United Kingdom, and Sardinia, maybe. And the immediate cause of the of the war involved the rights of Christian minorities in Palestine. So what I think is interesting here is that there was a pretty like, large scale war at the time, seems to have involved Russia, and there was an end to that military conflict. So if people are hoping for peace or a peaceful end to the conflict with Russia right now, everyone's been asking me do you see an end in sight? Do you see what might happen and I've really refrained from saying anything. Because I don't know and I don't want to insert my stupid opinion. No, I mean, I could could make something up and look at the astrology and try to look for something you know, that looks hopeful. If I were to pick anything, it would probably be a Jupiter Neptune conjunction because that conjunction to me is very hopeful and uplifting. It often combination speaks to mercy and grace and tolerance. But it also speaks to the potential for mercy or for there to be like a very forgiving and uplifting and hopeful or redeeming quality.
So you know that quality could be in the air and could be speaking to things. I mean, let me tell you there's that's not the only thing historically that coincides Jupiter Neptune conjunctions, there's a lot of other themes that we'll be bringing up in April that you know, are not as necessarily are not as hopeful, per se, but that would be one positive thing that I found while digging through the historical conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune especially in the same sign of Pisces there was an actual right at the time of the Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces back in 1856 there was a sort of peaceful end or resolution to a war involving Russia at that time so go figure but yeah, I don't want to get everyone's hopes up who are you know people who are really hoping for a peaceful outcome. I think probably everyone is but other things that come up during Jupiter Neptune conjunctions opposition's squares in general, but especially when Jupiter is in a water sign. Water events are when Jupiter and Neptune are both in water signs like this or when Neptune is in Pisces or cancer or Scorpio. One of the things that I've found both historically and obviously through the Jupiter Neptune pairing in Pisces are major water events. Now this could be something like Oh, my basement flooded or it could be something involving travel by water historically, there's a lot of interesting things that happen with say the laws governing seafaring and even how warfare is conducted along on on the open ocean, and stuff like that, just really interesting themes around water.
There was I found one instance of not a tsunami that killed a lot of people but one of the biggest I think it was largest recorded tsunamis around Jupiter Neptune transit previously so there's the potential for overwhelming surges of literal water. You know, Jupiter makes things big and Neptune makes them watery and oceanic so you kind of have the huge themes of water involved. And that's not always necessarily a ood thing that theme of flooding or being overwhelmed, but that could also be the being flooded by grace by mercy by hope by forgiveness, all Jupiter like uplifting Jupiter themes and the emotional uplift of Jupiter Neptune can be flooded by grace, flooded by mercy, flooded by redemption.
Let me tell you a story. This past week, I had a client talk to me about something that's been happening, they had been thinking of potentially having an inappropriate relationship outside of a committed relationship. And I have permission to share this, by the way, in, you know, keeping it kind of anonymous here. And every time that this is just recently, every time that they went to try to consummate this affair, something like miraculous intervened, a cell phone died, and like, would not, they plugged it in, and it like, wasn't charging. And so they missed an opportunity. And there was another instance where they were chatting with someone and like, their internet went down at their home. And it was just like, story after story. And I'm kind of, I'm kind of fabricating some of the details here because I'm protecting the anonymity of this person. But basically, it was things like that, that were just absolutely incredible. Couldn't make it up right at the moment where consummation of something they knew they shouldn't do was about to happen. Something would intervene to keep them from doing it. And they were like, is that something astrological, like yes, that is very Jupiter Neptune. I have seen this so many times throughout my career, when Jupiter is transiting Neptune in a person's natal chart, or Neptune is transiting Jupiter in a person's natal chart, that there are these weird, like miraculous interventions that save you from the worst or that redeem you from the worst possible outcome.
Which is why if I were to say there's any possibility that maybe things end more favourably with regard to the war that's going on right now, Jupiter, Neptune would give me a little hope about that, that there could be some kind of peaceful resolution reached or a turning point that offered some feeling of hope or redemption. So that being said, history is full of not so great or easy things that have also happened during Jupiter Neptune configurations. And, you know, I'm not going to go into some of those today, because I'm saving those for some of the historical treatment that I'll do in April. But, you know, just to brace everyone, there's no planetary configuration that is purely good or bad, right, there's always a mix, because the planets have to signify, you know, multiple, multiple, unbelievably multiple fields of karma that are unfolding and intertwined in deeply mysterious ways. And so what we the best way to extract meaning from an astrological transit is to try to understand the archetypal heart of the planets involved and the themes that tend to come about and then understanding how those same themes could express themselves in subjectively more pleasing or positive ways or negative ways.
But to me, this this the thing flooded by something overwhelmed by something dramatic turning points with an uplifting theme. The feeling of being saved from the worst or being uplifted sometimes that in Pisces to like, you wouldn't believe how many times as soon as Jupiter entered Pisces last summer for even just a little bit. I heard stories about people who had troubles getting pregnant, who suddenly got pregnant. I even have a close friend who was having trouble getting pregnant, and then just recently got pregnant as Jupiter is in Pisces making some aspects in their chart. It's because Jupiter is empowered. Jupiter is a planet that was related to fertility, and not just fertility in terms of creating children, but in terms of making money or in terms of having anything that you want to see grow or flourish or develop, do so. So this theme of things expanding and growing, there's a fertile energy.
Expansion of territory. That's a theme historically, I'll mention as well, not always good. One of the things that Jupiter Neptune wants to do is make something I think the word is homogenous, but it's the you know, like when, when I was a kid, there's this thing that happened that happened that I'll never forget, which is we had this big huge backyard that was shared by a bunch of houses and it was just kind of an open I think it was owned by the city. Maybe there's like a big open field, but it was kind of down it was like kind of like a bowl. And we used to play you know, baseball in it, dodgeball, or whatever. We used to go down there and play all the time. Well, it's filled with snow and the snow very similar to what it did this past week. Suddenly it hit 50-60 degrees for a couple of days, and everything melted instantly. So this valley that we used to play in was completely flooded with water. And we actually took our canoe out in it, my dad busted out the canoe, and we got the canoe and pushed it back into the backyard. And I'll just never forget that it was one of my favourite childhood memories ever because it was so random. But I remember in that field, there were all these different places that we had that represented the baseball field, like, you know, this, this is home base, and this is you know, and we made them up, and they were kind of worn down, you know, because of trampling over them and stuff. And as we were going over it in the canoe, because it's probably three feet deep two feet, you know, it was not, it was deep enough where you could take the canoe out, we're going over and I'm looking, I'm saying, Oh, look, that's where home was. And that's where this was, and, but it was all just flooded. And it gave me this weird perception of it all being one thing, it's all just one thing. And for me when it was, you know, when it was dry, it was it had parts, it had all individual parts. But one thing that Jupiter Neptune can do in its flooding is eliminate distinctions bring everything together into one sort of unified whole.
Well there's a long history of that not necessarily being a great thing. When you think about all the colonialism and expansion of territory, and this is ours. And there's historically there's a number of Jupiter Neptune transits that involved expansions of territory that also eliminated cultural diversity and differences in people and races and things like that. Not surprisingly, a number of modern archetypal astrologers have written about Neptune in association with things like the Holocaust, where there's genocide, or there's the Rwandan civil war. I don't even know if it was if it's considered Rwandan Genocide, I don't think it was a civil war was it? It was it was between the Hutus and the Tutsis. I can't remember who But at any rate, there was a conflict and it led to a massive genocide in Rwanda, I think it was in the 1990s. You guys probably remember this, someone knows it better than I do. So maybe post it in the comment section.
But Neptune often configured strongly in such moments, why? It's not because Neptune is just bad. It's because there tends to be an elimination of diversity, toward the favouring of oneness, or something sort of singular. Ironically, even people who are, you know, like let's say, we're trying to move towards something more peaceful, or even like in the history of this country, a lot of people would say that the, you know, expansion of America was about the expansion of a form of government, that was a good thing that was, you know, good for many people. And we obviously, are the recipients of that, at the same time that that flourishing of this democratic system, like wiped out and like indigenous people, you know, so anytime Neptune is around, you always have the potential for the flooding, that eliminates diversity, or that wants to almost make everything just one thing. That's maybe one of the shadows of Neptune in general, that's one of the shadows of the New Age movement that I've always always sort of driven me nuts is, there's so much emphasis on oneness, that sometimes we forget that the history of religion, for example, although there's many perennial themes that can bring unity behind, or within all religions, there's also so many interesting distinctions that set different religions and traditions and cultures apart. And those distinctions, if not celebrated, can't be preserved.
I remember that we went to a Disney World, and we ended up going to going to Epcot with my daughter, and I think my sister was along. And I think I'm getting this story mixed up. But anyway, I was there with my sister and my daughter, Virginia. And we went to Epcot for a day. And we walked around. And one of the interesting things about Epcot, if you've ever been there was that there's different like countries that you can go through, like, here's Japan and all their their food, and here's Italy and all their food. And it's kind of like that. And I think I was to Epcot once when I was a little boy. So I hadn't remembered any of this. But what I noticed about this that my daughter actually mentioned, we were going from country to country, and she goes yeah, but this isn't the real countries. Like she's like five, you know, and she was even four at the time and she was like, but these aren't the real countries, are they? There was something she noticed about it. That didn't feel real. She was noticing, I think that there was something about the whole thing that just looked like Six Flags. Like it was cultural, ethnic world celebration of diversity kinda, you know, kinda because it was united by consumerism and commercialism and other things that she was picking up on and being like, Yeah, but this isn't the real thing. It was really smart for like a four year old girl. And I think my my sister and I like had a laugh at it.
So you have to be careful with Jupiter Neptune, because Jupiter Neptune is also about this kind of this idea of making things more unified. But sometimes they will be in the unification there will be things that are doing the unifying, that are subtle and pervasive and not necessarily good. And we can delude ourselves into thinking that something is some big, grand, beautiful unifying thing is is good. And maybe in the process, there's underlying motivations that are wiping out important diversities or differences or whatever. So I hope I'm making this idea clear enough for you guys to grok the feeling of romantic longing desire and see changes especially in Pisces sea changes being a kind of a good pun, I guess. But it's a double bodied sign. So this Jupiter Neptune conjunction can also just bring about a very positive sense of changing our focus, changing our paradigm, changing our allegiances, or groups of people, any kind of sea change professionally or personally or spiritually, there's this transition going on and it's created because of some hopeful, uplifting or inspiring kind of event or vision or something like that. Pretty common for Jupiter Neptune in Pisces, from what I've seen, even just the past year, from clients, as soon as Jupiter enters Pisces and the two planets are co present, you can see these kinds of things happening.
You want to look to the whole sign house of Pisces, which I'll be doing in my horoscope of the Month for April. In fact, that'll probably be the main transit I'll be looking at for that month. Because we will be very briefly we're going to be on vacation with my mom celebrating her retirement, which to me is interesting. It's interesting that we will be near water in the ocean with my mom, you know, celebrating her long career as a nurse as Jupiter's conjoined with Neptune. It feels like a very, like uplifting being your water and so forth. So at any rate, but because I'll be gone for that my horoscopes for April will probably be a little bit shorter, but they'll be very focused on that Jupiter Neptune transit at the just at the beginning of the month there. Anyway. I hope this has been just a fun little preview for you guys today. This is what I've got. I'd love to hear your stories. If you have any to share, use the hashtag grabbed by Jupiter and Neptune into the comment section. And tell us your story. What have you noticed? What have you seen from this transit? If you haven't natively tell us a story about natal configuration of Jupiter and Neptune? My daughter was born with Jupiter and Neptune, by the way. And she said to me just recently, she was she was born with the two planets in an opposition to one another. And she just said to me, Dad, do you think it's bad that I believe in things that don't exist?
And I said, Well, what do you mean? And she said, well, like a Pegasus. And I said, Well, maybe they just exist in a different way. And she thought about it and she said, like, maybe like in a different world. And I said yeah, like maybe maybe the Pegasus is real, but it's just not in this world. Oh, okay. Like she could no problem. No problem. Like, yeah, that makes sense. And that was how we solved is it okay that I believe in things that don't exist. So the magic and the otherworldly quality of Jupiter and Neptune, the imaginative dimension, the romantic dimension. Those are the things that I'm most excited about for this transit. I'm getting stoked for it just like I'm getting stoked to take my first vacation since last July. So this should be should be fun, celebrate my mom's retirement. Speaking of Jupiter, Neptune I will also say that the likelihood of there being like, if there were to be any event that would like swamp my vacation that would still make me happy. It would be like tropical rains or something like that like that would like I could deal with being on vacation but getting like lots of rain I'm just I'm just hoping I don't get the typhoon or something so anyway. I hope you guys are having a good one we'll talk to you guys again tomorrow take it easy everyone, bye.
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