Today we are going to take a look at a lesser-known aspect called a contra-antiscia. Jupiter is about to get together with Neptune again. Yeah, surprise, surprise! The Jupiter Neptune conjunction tones a lot of what happens for the entire year. Still, it's interesting that right after they separate, Jupiter enters Aries, and they start moving into a contra-antiscia. Today, I'm going to tell you a little bit about this aspect and some themes to look out for as these planets come together again.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology, and today we are going to take a look at a lesser-known aspect called a contra-antiscia; the reason for doing this is that by means of a contra-antiscia, Jupiter is about to get together with Neptune again, yeah surprise, surprise you thinking Jupiter's you know moved out of Pisces they have their moment in the sun in April Jupiter has moved into Aries, and we're you know, we're on to new things with the Jupiter Neptune thing is in the rearview mirror, right? Well, kind of obviously, the Jupiter Neptune conjunction tones a lot of what happens for the entire year, but it's interesting that right after they separate, Jupiter enters Aries, and they start moving into what is called a contra-antiscia; I'm going to tell you a little bit about what that is. This is not like a masterclass today on antiscia and contra-antiscia, but just a little bit of an awareness as to what they are. And I'll demonstrate for you what they are. And then we'll look at this country and tissue between Jupiter and Neptune. And I'll give you five things to watch for in terms of the archetypal combination of Jupiter Neptune in this particular type of aspect.
Okay, so did you know that Jupiter and Neptune are forming a contra-antiscia? Now I'm putting down June 2 through the ninth because today is June 2. But we've already been feeling this as early as the entrance of Jupiter into Aries; you could say that Jupiter has been moving back into an engagement with Neptune via contra-antiscia. So before I tried to break down what to watch for with this combination, it's the reason that I need to break down the aspect first a little bit to tell you what a contra-antiscia is, is because this is going to be a different kind of meeting between the two planets what we had in April 1 of all in April, Jupiter was in its own home sign of Pisces, Venus was in Pisces, Mars was in Pisces, different feelings, different mood. The conjunction also is a very different kind of exchange between two planets than a contra-antiscia, which is like a secretive form of opposition, has a little bit of a secretive fly under the radar type of quality, also more like an opposition than a conjunction. So we have the conjunction now in some ways; right afterward, we're getting a little bit of oppositional tension between the two. That's really interesting. So before we dive into what to watch for, again, I'm going to share the screen. I'm going to show you the real-time clock just to give you a feeling for what a contra-antiscia is. Alright, well, contra-antiscia like antiscia are formed around Cardinal turning points. So the antiscia are formed around the winter and summer solstice is, and obviously, that's literally we flip that flip depending on what hemisphere you're in. But so directly speaking, we're talking about zodiacal Winter Solstice or zodiacal Summer Solstice. In the language of astrology, it's all symbolic. So let's go in. I'll show you that. So here is zero Capricorn, and up here, we have zero Cancer. Essentially, according to this little theory, the idea is that signs that are equal distance from that summer solstice or winter solstice point, such as Cancer and Gemini, or such as Leo and Taurus, or Virgo and Aries. Those signs carry what are called an antiscia relationship. And what that basically means is that when planets are in those respective signs, say Aries, Virgo two planets and those two signs, Taurus and Leo in those two signs or Gemini and Cancer in those two signs, and the degrees of the two planets in those two respective signs add up to 30 degrees, then you have antiscia, and antiscia basically means that the planets are located on degrees of the Zodiac, where, when the sun is, at those degrees, there is an equal amount of light and dark in the 24 hour period, the difference will always be that on one side of the solstice point, that while the days may be of the same length, the light is gaining versus declining.
Okay, so, for example, ten days prior to the summer solstice, there will be roughly an equal amount of sunlight and darkness in the 24 hour period as there will be ten days after the summer solstice, the difference being that after the summer solstice, the light of the solar year is waning, whereas ten days before the summer solstice, it was waxing, still, there's an equal amount of light and dark on those two days when the sun is on the degrees and zodiacal degrees that constitute those days of the solar year. So for that reason, when planets, two planets reach those degrees, and their degrees add up to 30, in those two respective signs, there is said to be a sort of secretive or hidden form of conjunction between them.
Okay, if you go back in my archives, you can find full talks that I've done about antiscia and Contra-antiscia before, so I'm not going to; I'm just kind of zipping through it because I really want to get to talking about what to watch for. But when it comes to contra antiscia, it's the opposite point. We're now talking about the zero degrees marker of Libra, the Fall Equinox, and the zero degrees marker of Aries, the spring equinox. And now what we're saying is that signs on either side of those, two of those two points in the solar year, are also going to share a kind of relationship, so Pisces in Aries, Aquarius, and Taurus, or Capricorn in Gemini. And what we're saying is that when planets are in, they have to have two planets in the respective signs that you see me connecting here, in the diagram, when planets or two planets are in those two signs, and their degree total adds up to 30. We have what's called a contra-antiscia; contra antiscia is like a secretive or subtle form of opposition. Okay, so why opposition rather than conjunction? And this has to do with the nature of what's happening when the sun is on the degrees around the equinox points, just like the sun is configured around the solstice.
So, for example, when we are five days prior to the spring equinox and five days after the spring equinox, there will be roughly an equal that opposite amount of light versus dark. So, for example, let's say five days prior to the spring equinox, there are five points more on the dark, or inside of the year, there are five units more darkness than there is light. Five days after the spring equinox, as the light has taken over, there will be five units more light than there is darkness. So they're sort of equal, but opposite points of light versus darkness equals equal in strength, but opposite in terms of the light or dark quality. So and there's more to it than that. I'm going to kind of just leave it there. But that's the simple explanation. So right now, what do we see? Well, we see Jupiter and Neptune adding up to 30 degrees.
There they are; I'm keeping this really simple because you actually have to add their minutes up as well. But technically, Jupiter at four degrees and change, and Neptune at 25 degrees and changes adding up to 30. So between June 2 and the ninth, loosely speaking, during that rains, you're gonna see Jupiter very slowly moving through what is the equivalent of a subtle, sort of sometimes secretive, flying under the radar form of opposition with Neptune? So now that I've kind of broken that down, and I apologize, I know some people are going to be like, Wait, can we do the masterclass where I really understand this thing and then get to use it all the time and sadly, no, so we're gonna go right from that brief explanation into a what to watch for, and I'm, I'm telling you Right now if you're like, hey, I really want to know more about that. Search my archives because if you look, I think I haven't gotten like 1000 videos or something at this point. But if you look back in my archives and search antiscia and Contra-antiscia, you're gonna find at least a few videos where I break down the concept in depth. Okay, so you know, if you are like, I really want to know more about that, theoretically just do that because maybe I can even try to link some of the videos in the description of this video. In fact, we'll do that. So, you can check that out, alright.
Five things to watch for given that Jupiter in Aries is now reengaging with Neptune in Pisces, but through this sort of lesser-known aspect called the Contra-antiscia. Well, Jupiter and Neptune conjoining have a seating quality, whereas Jupiter and Neptune opposing have more of that full moon quality of things blossoming and have diametrically opposed values, ideals, energies, and archetypes sort of duking it out. All right, so five things to watch for, considering that this is the kind of relationship that Jupiter in Aries now has with Neptune in Pisces.
One is going to be that there is the sense of having to crusade overcome or achieve something against odds or opposition. And that there may be a romanticizing of the conflict that happens, or there may be a sense in which you're fighting the good fight. It's got kind of that almost like Hollywood epic quality. So crusading overcoming achieving against the opposition, against all odds doing the noble ideal beautiful thing fighting the good fight. It's like that's a Neptune Jupiter quality. It's very heroic. It can be a little exaggerated and over the top; it can love crusading for the sake of crusading. It's like, well, what happens when the war is over? It's not a great question for Jupiter Neptune. It's going to struggle; it's a bit like Jupiter Neptune. Give an opposition is a bit like, oh, what was his name? Captain, not Captain Jack, Captain something. I can't remember his name from Forrest Gump. Remember the Vietnam vet that Forrest Gump? Dan major Dan, I can't remember his name. Anyway, he was the guy that ended up getting into the shrimp business at some point. I think he had a friend who was anyway, um, now I'm getting the movie like all mixed up in my head. But he's the guy he's sitting in the boat, and they're out at sea. And he's sort of, like, really disillusioned from Vietnam War and he's like, raging against the ocean. You know. That's a great Jupiter Neptune dynamic right there. So it's, it's, it loves a crusade, it can create one out of thin air you have. So this is some of the things these are some of the qualities to watch for crusading, overcoming against all odds achieving against opposition. And this kind of romantic, somewhat manic energy surrounding all of it.
Two would be an effort or a crusade falling apart a cause no longer concerning disillusionment with a belief or practice as in Major Dan, why I can't I'm just I'm going to be sitting here for like, after I get off of this, the first thing I'm going to do is look it up on frickin Google. Anyway, so let's just say that it's a disillusionment with a belief or a practice and effort falling apart a cause no longer concerning us that the war is over. And now I just don't care any longer. So it could go that direction too. We kind of think that the dissolution of something Jupiterian. Now, the death of a Jupiterian figure, but that could also be the dissolution of Jupiter dissolution or death of something Jupiterian a major, a general, a sports a major sports icon or the tragic death or loss of some someone or something that has been in the spotlight doing Jupiter in Aries like things political leaders, movie stars, especially like action movie stars, or you know, like fighter pilots crashing into the ocean. I think Top Gun just came out again. In fact, I know it did because I'm going to see it; it's not lie, Acyuta; let's not lie about Top Gun. So it wasn't intentional? Any kind of disillusion of a Jupiterian figure or any kind of athlete, or I mean it was a very similar contra antiscia when Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter accident, for example. God forbid that anyone anything like that tragic you know anything tragic happens but also anything involving Jupiter something Jupiter in Aries like hitting the water crashing, sinking water and fire combinations, any kind of death or dissolution of something Jupiterian, right watch for that.
Number four would be, now this is where you get into that almost secretive, covert, underlying quality of the car. Contra-antiscia as well as the opposition, a secret covert action attack statement ambush, perhaps fueled by some righteous crusade or cause or belief or philosophy or something like that. But it would probably be like, whoa, that was out of left field wasn't expecting that you can feel ganged up on or the almost like espionage feeling behind it. Jupiter is not quite the espionage planet, but when you get Jupiter with Neptune and Jupiter is in a Mars-ruled sign, okay, maybe there's something being done like a plan that's been hatched secretively. And like an attack that's being carried out or something like that. I know, it's I hate to say that. But that's, that's one of the things that can come up with this particular combination.
Finally, I would imagine that any kind of underlying opposition that is within your own psyche bubbling up to the surface and ideological conflict that you have within yourself, I believe this do I believe that I believe two different things at once, I don't know how to reconcile them, or any kind of underlying opposition popping up in work and love and relationships, that sparks some kind of debate power struggle or ideological bashing of heads. But it would be something that was subtle, that was sort of rising to the surface, it's been there for a while or is bubbling over suddenly, or suddenly, you're very overwhelmed by something that feels that it has that Jupiter in Aries quality to it. It could also be any kind of disillusionment with a belief or practice back to number two.
So anything that we're suddenly you feel like you're confronting, like, I no longer believe this, or this is this doesn't do it for me anymore, or I have serious doubt. And I'm, you know, so Jupiter Neptune together is like, the vision, the faith, the hope the seed being planted of some, you know, some horizon opening and expanding; Jupiter Neptune oppositions are sometimes expensive, but they also can bring up different kinds of conflicts, conflicts of within our imagination of competing visions, or ideas, or beliefs or philosophies. It can also involve the death or dissolution of like a teacher or mentor, or, you know, like, oh, I've been following the teachings of so and so for a very long time. And I've met a different teacher, and so you know, it's like a new season in my life where a new way of thinking or believing or you know, it doesn't have to be necessarily like anything scandalous or hurtful is happening. On the other hand, I would not be surprised where you see a Jupiter Neptune opposition rising to the surface, and some underlying scandal that has existed within a religious institution or educational institution or something like that comes to the surface. So those are the kinds of things that I would watch for generally speaking with this transit, those are my five, you could go, you know, in, I could put you could probably add, you know, ten more if you kept turning the jewel, but I just want to give you a feel for what to watch for.
It's a big enough transit because it's lasting, you know, well into next week that I think, you know, everyone should know about it, and, you know, just felt like, it didn't make it into my transits of the month, but only because it flew under my radar, antiscia and contra antiscia are want to do so. You know, as I noticed that, I was like, I can feel that I can notice that energy, so I feel like we should talk about it. Anyway, I'd love to hear your stories. If you notice anything, you know, if you see something, say something. That's the phrase for astrologers, too, I guess; share your stories at hashtag grabbed or email us grabbed at nightlight If there is a transit that catches your eye, you know, please always share it. We love collecting those stories and hearing the ancient name for the planet was Grace, which means grabbers made it like that the planets see our consciousness, and they often are so wonderfully instructive. As a result of paying attention to them, we learn, and we grow. So when you share what you've learned and grown and seen from transits, we learn astrology, and we learn how to live better, more deep, amazing lives. So share your stories, use the hashtag grabbed or email grabbed at nightlight Just don't send us anything you don't want potentially being read in a future episode of the grab series. You can also, as always, like, subscribe, and leave your comments that help the show to grow. Check out transcripts on the website if you need them. So we'll see you guys soon. And be back for more tomorrow. Take it easy.
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