Today I am doing a livestream to discuss Jupiter's Conjunction with Neptune, which perfects today!
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from nightlight astrology and today we are going to take a look at Jupiter's conjunction with Neptune, which is finally perfecting today. This is the second livestream that I've done did one yesterday and we've been talking about Jupiter and Neptune conjunction for a little bit now. So I'm really excited about this. Hope you guys are having a good day and that you're excited for Jupiter's conjunction with Neptune. It feels like one of those special celebratory days for nerdy people like us who are into astrology.
So this is my website, nightlight My new class is called Ancient astrology for the modern mystic, it's a one year programme it starts in June. If you click under on the Courses page on my website, nightlight And then you go to the first year course you can learn all about it. It's a class that I'm really proud of. There's 1000s of students have come through my programme at this point. And over it's a quarter of the course of the year, you're going to learn about the roots, both philosophically and practically of ancient astrology. And so traditional astrology by definition is a little bit more predictive in nature. You're learning some of the you're learning some of the tools of prediction and chart delineation from a predictive standpoint. Being able to describe elements of destiny and fate make really accurate predictions about character and destiny. But because my background is also in modern cycle logical astrology and this programme we also get a really big dose of you know how to talk to people about character, how to talk to people about the way the astrology is reflected in our inner lives and our behaviour in how we understand ourselves. So I call the class ancient astrology for the modern mystic because it's a blend of ancient, you could say, karmic analytics, kind of predictive astrology with modern archetypal and psychological astrology.
The course includes 30 online webinars, 12 guest teachers outside of those 30 classes of 42 total. We also have a really lively group forum discussion with paid tutors that are on my staff that are there to help answer your questions. There are breakout study and tutoring sessions in between major units of study, those are also outside of the 30 classes on the year. So by the time it's all said and done, you have about as much support and help an in depth study of ancient astrology as you can imagine, and for some people, that's going to be you know, you're going to take all of it. And for some people, you're going to just show up for the classes because this is not, you know, it's not something you're trying to do professionally. So it's also catered to people who may have different intentions for taking the class, I would love to have some of you in the class, you'll scroll down at the bottom, you'll see the normal earlybird rate is now in effect. So it's still a good deal. It's not quite as good as the sale that was running for the past week. But if you missed out on that, you can still get the early bird payment. And then also, this is the big thing. We have tuition assistance for people who can't afford the programme. So if you're looking at it, and you're going, you know, I'm a single parent, or I'm in school, or you know, I only work part time or I've had some kind of financial hardship, I'm receiving disability, I'm retired on a fixed income, whatever the situation may be, I never want people to be priced out of studying a spiritual science. And so check out tuition assistance if you're someone who has the time and the love to commit to a course like this, but for whatever reason may not be able to afford it. The tuition assistance allows you to you can apply for it and pick within a donation, sort of like a donation based range that we suggest for your monthly tuition. And that usually makes it pretty affordable for people. So please check out the tuition assistance. If maybe someone's like, Oh, I love that sale. But you know, even that was too too much for me, I get it people are at different places. So, you know, don't don't feel like you can't study if it's something you really want to do you have any questions about the courses, or the programmes themselves or anything they include. You can also email us info at nightlight
All right, so today we are going to again, like I said we're going to be looking at Jupiter's conjunction with Neptune. It's perfect today. So I'm really excited about that. I'm going to go through today what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at some historical the last five times that Jupiter conjoined Neptune what was happening historically, what kinds of events happened around the world? And what can we learn from that, essentially, and then we're also going to take a look at an eaching reading that I did asking the question what what can we learn or what what's something to keep in mind considering this Jupiter Neptune conjunction today. After that, I will open up to do some more live readings. So I'm really excited for for that as well. In the meantime, I would like very much to hear in the chat box how any experiences anything you can enter in the chatbox they'll be short and sweet. That is reflective of the Jupiter Neptune dynamic. I'd love to hear your stories so I'll put some comments like that up on the screen as we go along if you guys share some some of your stories about this transit.
Okay, so um, first of all, when I asked the I ching this morning for some insight as to what the what the Jupiter Neptune conjunction might be saying, The hexagram that came back was number nine unchanging, which means it's just one hexagram reading. And if you don't know, by the way, if you're like what's the I ching the eaching is an ancient Chinese Oracle. It was actually the oldest. The I ching itself is a text It's like the oldest of the Chinese classics. And eventually the text, which is kind of a mapping out of the interactions of yin and yang through the cycles of creation. That that, that sequence that mapping of those interactions through different stages, that would eventually called hexagrams. Those eventually would be used almost like bibliomancy, like, you're picking a page in the Bible. I've been saying that about the I ching. For a year, it was like, it struck me right away. When I first time I ever heard though this is like the, an ancient Chinese Bible. And then, you know, I thought, Oh, when I was a kid, I used to flip randomly to a page and pull, you know, just like put my finger on a verse. And it was like doing divination with the Bible. When I was a kid, and I didn't even know it, you know, it's kind of cool. So the I ching is sort of like that, in that eventually, the sacred texts gets used for divination. Number nine, gentle restraint is a really interesting hexagram, for a lot of reasons. But it's always the why, how, you know, the way in which a hexagram is interesting, most interesting usually has to do with the context in which it's received.
So what's so interesting about this hexagram is that this is a hexagram. And here's one translation: Gentle restraint, sometimes called taming the small powers, and the hexagram says: Success. Thick clouds come from the West, but no rain. This situation and and this is the author's note for the translators note, this situation symbolises the preparation, which precedes a new development. One of the most interesting things about this transit is that it's associated with lots of big developments, like Jupiter, Neptune, a big rainstorm, a big flood, a tsunami, you get the feeling of this big, like a big cloud that's bursting open from heaven. And the way we've been talking about, at least on my channel has been in terms of themes like redemption, hope, faith, very uplifting qualities, often a suit associated with now, it depends on where it's landing in your natal chart, and you know, and where you're at in life. I mean, it's not like just, you know, unanimously, everyone's running out in the street and looking up at the rainbow right now, but it is a pretty uplifting transit, for a lot of people are going to experience some of the more beneficial dimensions of this transit. Just like you might, you know, a lot of people are going to experience the the more difficult elements of like a major Pluto transit. So the reason that that's interesting in this case is because this hexagram is really talking about something that's gathering like clouds gathering and accumulation that's slowly happening slowly developing. But no, no, no rain yet. So there's a kind of a theme of preparation, and small gradual development, eventually leading to big success, or to some big shift or change as in the clouds releasing rain, but it's not there yet.
And so there's lots of lessons associated with this hexagram you know, some of which have to do with patiently working on small things that can lead eventually to big things, or the way in which small things lead to an accumulation and eventually overflow. But also the way in which things that eventually become big, always start with something small. And so that there's just a lot of a lot packed in there for Jupiter, Neptune transit, which many people could, I think, especially since, you know, people, like myself, probably hype it up too much in some ways. But you, you get the feeling like some big magical, amazing thing is going to happen. And actually, it's more about the dream, the vision, the development, the potential, the possibility for something to grow, and maybe even permeate your entire life or your consciousness or some area of your life. But it's developmental, its gradual.
There's a few of the reasons this would be the case one is Jupiter and Neptune, are in a water sign. And water signs, being a feminine element, were said to be more gradual, and in developing and showing their signs and their results. So feminine signs, like just like the gestation of a child in the womb takes time. And it's nurtured and developed more gradually in a process, relational kind of way. So the feminine signs are relational, they're process oriented. They're more organic and gestational. So, just remember this hexagram, that's exactly what it's saying about this transit. Okay, here we are, it's the day of Jupiter, Neptune is anything different, oh, gee, gee whiz, things kind of look and feel the same. And also, some people are going to get some kind of, you know, a dove landing with the branch in its in its beak or whatever it is going to pop down and give you a sign. And it's miraculous and amazing. And, you know, feels like the doors are swinging open and everything.
But more often than not, what's happening right now is something is something is going to start gestating or something is in the process of growing and developing and it might be very special, uplifting, there's a sense of vision and imagination, something that's compelling us with a sense of hope, and some sense of a future we'd like to move toward that's growing in our awareness. Those kinds of things. Yes, but developmental, gradual, gestational relational, thick clouds come from the West, but no rain, the situation symbolises the preparation, which precedes a new development. So you can also think of it as a seeding and I thought this would be good for today because I think it you know, I don't want it to be anti climatic where it's like, yeah, and then decay. What was that, you know, nothing really happened. It's a period of time. Look back, learn so many things about astrology, look back to the dates themselves, right? You've got Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces from March the end of March through the end of April, we still have an entire month. So I think that that's, that's really important to remember just that all transits are like, seasons. So when you're in a Jupiter Neptune conjunction period, you have to have the ability to reflect upon what's just dating and developing over a long period of time. Anyway, that's the nature of astrology. It's the nature of life really.
I love some of the stories you guys are sharing, by the way. Sugar free says I cried on my meditation cushion for the first time in ages this morning. I'm staying indoors, things feel like they're bursting open. Yeah. And I think another way of looking at it is saying, you know, hey, that's something that's been developing, when whenever the rain cloud does burst, it's because of an accumulation. Right? It's because things came together over time. I think that's, you know, that's really worth mentioning a few other things I'm going to share that you guys have been popping in. Before we go on, I discovered a partner that will help me finish an art project I've been struggling with for years yesterday, the sun even broke through the clouds at that moment. That's wonderful. And notice something that you've been struggling with for years, so there's an accumulation of something and then a release and that's very Jupiter Neptune. Like that's cool. Some of these are really fun.
I woke up to a wild wind storm blew open the doors to my art studio. Now I'm picturing every single person like barefoot with tea and some kind of art studio out there. Minas Dreamspace says my Jupiter Neptune transit stories are I committed to personal fitness with a trainer this weekend for business I finally started talks with a web developer which to me is a big deal and web developers see there's the thing is I've been I finally something that's accumulated and I finally did something. That's that sense of accumulation and and then like an opening or a breakthrough. Something floods through it doesn't it doesn't necessarily have to happen today. I just want to make that really clear that it can it can sort of happen any time. And Monster squid says Haha, I'm barefoot with tea on my porch right now doing some stretches before work. That's awesome. Great.
Oh, I like this one. This is fun. Holly says as I'm listening to you now I'm shopping on Amazon for a trident piece of jewellery to embrace my Neptune as Jupiter is swinging by to rescue me just like in ancient astrology. That's cool. Let's see here. And Honolulu Wampum says busting open Exactly. I've been on a panic attack for 12 hours but I have faith I'm getting better. Finally darn eighth house. Man. We'll hang in there. We're all sending you. Prayers for peace of mind and heart and spirit. Take some deep breaths. Try to maybe go for a walk. Journal your thoughts and know that you know you got an astrological community here who cares about you. And we all hope that you have a much better day today, maybe Jupiter, Neptune will boost you up a little bit.
Let's go on. One of the things that's interesting that goes along with this theme of hexagram number nine gentle restraint. And this the idea of the taming powers of the small, small things that eventually develop, a small pressure that eventually builds until a breakthrough comes. This is so much in alignment with the way that ancient astrologers looked at Jupiter. Let's take a look at that for a second. Did you know that the 11th house in ancient astrology, which was called The Joy of Jupiter, and the house of good spirit, was associated with things that gradually build and accumulate until finally the opportunity for their manifestation arrives? Let me show you exactly how this works by sharing my screen. So let's go ahead and take a look at the 11th house right now. And this is so cool. All right. So here is house 11. So what's cool about this is I want you to watch what happens as I advance the chart. So if I advance this chart, by let's say, an hour, maybe two it'll have to be but let's advance it by an hour. It will have to be two. Let's advance it by one more hour watch Taurus and the 11th that you can see the green sign for Taurus, watch what happens up, it goes up to the 10th. So by virtue of the earth rotating on its axis, and all of the whole signs rotating through the 12 positions called the 12. Places what we now call houses.
House 11 in time, becomes house 10. So it's called a succeedent house because it succeeds the angle that comes after in succession, to become the top of the sky, or what we might call the midheaven, or the 10th whole sign house. So that motion is associated with Jupiter. Isn't that incredible? It's that motion that gets associated with the idea of things growing and becoming bigger in time, or things manifesting in time, hopes and wishes and dreams and ambitions for something to grow and blossom or to realise a dream, a wish or hope or desire. That was all associated with the 11th house, which is sometimes called the House of hopes and wishes of aspirations. It's called the Joy of Jupiter, and is the place in the process of ascending to the 10th. So one of the ways ancient astrologers delineated that house the 11th was in terms of things that in time would grow and bless the native or would grow and come to be manifest and often associated with aspirations that we had professionally. And as well as allies, benefits benefactors anything that may aid future success. So that's a Jupiter house, called the the place of Jupiter, the joy of Jupiter in the house of the good spirits.
So another thing about Jupiter, you may not know is that triplicity ruler ships in ancient astrology, it was a form of dignity that gave two ruler ships one by day, and one by night, two signs of the same elements. So for example, all of the fire signs you got Aries, Leo and Sagittarius were ruled by Jupiter in a nighttime chart in the sun in a daytime chart. So you had planets that would rule all three signs of the same element one by day, one by night. You know, so for example, the earth signs if you are looking at the Earth signs by night, the moon is the ruler of the earth signs by night, whereas Venus is the ruler of the earth signs by day. So these were called triplicity, rulerships and they connected are they connected to different rulers to all of the signs of the same elemental family. Well, what was the general meaning of these triplicity rulerships? So they often pointed you, the ruler of the triplicity ruler would often be someone that connected those houses and the topics of those houses to some larger community or network of support, which you could count on to be a part of growth development, support in time.
By the way, the triplicity is how are they connected those elemental families have three signs. They're connected by trines, all three of them. And the Trine is of the nature of Jupiter. And so the entire dignity concept of triplicity is in a sense joopa terian and connected to this idea of larger bodies of support and things that gradually or developmentally receive support and grow in time. So again, why are we saying this hexagram nine says this. The Taming of small powers in time, success, thick clouds come from the West, no rain, the situation the author translator says symbolises the preparation, which precedes a new development, meaning things have to get to a point where they're growing and accumulating and being inspired and being sort of filled up with the airy moist fertile energies of Jupiter before you know the rain, cloud bursts and things changed dramatically. That's why you may not always experience at any transit on the day of a transit What to speak of Jupiter Neptune dynamic, which is often very gestational developmental presents opportunities and possibilities, but doesn't necessarily, you know, blow you away like that day or even that that month, or sometimes that year. So you have to take this long view where you're looking at what's growing in your life right now and thinking to yourself, this is something is changing. There's, this is a new development, and it's a big one, but it doesn't mean it's all going to appear at once or that I'll understand all of it all at once.
So here are the things to keep in mind. One with Jupiter, Neptune, there are always going to be big developments. But they tend to be on the horizon, they're a little bit more like a dream, a hope, a wish something we start moving towards something that's developing starting to come toward us. And it can give us hope and inspiration, but it's big developments, often with the sense of them being on the horizon, too. There's a sense with Jupiter Neptune of help coming from above. Now, it could be the dove of the Holy Spirit descending like we said a few minutes ago, or it could be people or some inner shift or resource a therapist, someone or something that's coming into our life and providing us with some form of support. Remember the 11th house the joy of Jupiter was also a call a place that was called the House of the good spirit and a place of allies.
Number three help from allies friends are like minded people who share similar dreams or aspirations. That's a very Jupiter Neptune like dynamic. Number four, remember, this is a developmental energy far like less likely it's a hit the jackpot kind of energy, not even on the on the day or within like the month it's not like suddenly it's just gonna start, you know, raining gold coins or something. It's more likely that you know, some important step in a process starts to unfold, the development on the horizon, the help the assistants that starts streaming in. So and remember finally, Jupiter is a planet of opportunity, but you have to be prepared to take advantage of opportunity. They say something like success is nothing more than preparation in you know, meeting opportunity or something like that. That's kind of true for Jupiter Neptune. As far as I can tell. Jupiter presents us with opportunities, but there's still choice involved. It's not just like, oh, by the stroke of luck, I you know, I was struck by lightning and woke up with superpowers or I pulled the slot machine in one of you know, a zillion dollars. It feels like opportunities, doorways opening that you have to step through and know that they take a while to gestate and develop especially in a double bodied feminine water sign which by nature is more gestational. It's more about a sea change, a transition, a change of focus something that's, you know, ushering us into sort of a new season.
Now, just to illustrate this a little bit more, I want to talk to you about five historical images from the past five Jupiter Neptune conjunctions that basically support this little thesis.
Okay, so let's talk about five historical images from the past five Jupiter Neptune conjunctions. Jupiter, Neptune and Aquarius spring of 2009 UNESCO launches the World Digital Library and the space shuttle Atlantis refurbishes the Hubble Space Telescope, there is an incredible connection, by the way, with the space programme in the United States and Jupiter Neptune dynamics, I will just say that, but what I found interesting about this is you have a lot of things launching the idea of something launching and start taking off. So it's like this sense of something that's has a future trajectory has a horizon that it's heading toward, there's the sense of expanding out into space, opening up space, something that's on the horizon or moving toward the horizon, you get that feeling with Jupiter Neptune. Here's the launching of the World Digital Library launching at the same time that the space shuttle Atlantis is going out and fixing a telescope that is what meant to do what expand our horizons into space. So really, these are just I'm cherry picking, right but just to give examples that I think are relevant.
Jupiter, Neptune and Capricorn in January of 1997, was the first production electric car of the modern era was launched and available for lease by GM. So there's this launching of a new technology, a new frontier that's expanding, but it's just at that early stage of changing the dynamics so it doesn't necessarily Jupiter, Neptune will open up a new world but it's like it's going to take a while the you can just because you can see something new in the distance doesn't mean that you're there yet. And so this idea again of like big developments rolling in a sense of the future omens that you know, sparkle and shine a little ominously a little excited, a little excitement, but there's something new like rolling in. That's Jupiter Neptune in Capricorn in 19 January 1984. At that time in the United States, Ronald Reagan announces the development of the International Space Station. So there's this again, this idea of now we're starting something we're doing eloping an International Space Station. And astronauts at the same time made the first and made the first untethered spacewalk. So again, something that's untethered, that's expanding, that's, that's open, that's defined boundaries. But it's just the beginning of it. It's just the beginning of some new era opening up. These are especially true for conjunction.
Jupiter, Neptune, and Sagittarius in January of 1971. Apollo 14 lands on the moon NASDAQ is formed, and Satchel Paige became the first black player voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. These are milestones that start opening things up further that Apollo 14 mission was an important development in the ongoing exploration of the moon in space, NASDAQ is formed, that's the beginning of a major development in like the, you know, sort of the World Economic scene. So, some of these things are, you know, it's just really impressive to see what new things are sort of, you know, slowly expanding or coming in, and changing the consciousness changing the standard. This is another one. It's interesting, if you go back to Jupiter and Neptune in Scorpio, a conjunction in 1958. In September, NASA started operations. So there's the space programme beginning and the University of New Orleans began classes as the first racially integrated public university in the south. So just anything, whether it's culturally, or it's like, Hey, we're evolving in some way, collectively, we're becoming more enlightened, or we're exploring outer space, the all of this, this idea of like redeeming hopeful things that have been stuck in developing for a while, and then suddenly there's a breakthrough. It's not the end of the story. But it's important development. It's not, well, there's nowhere else left to go, everything is perfect. I won the jackpot. No, it's like some sea change is happening. And it gives us hope, and it keeps us going and it pushes us forward. Again, that tends to be the way that Jupiter and Neptune work.
So I am really happy now, with just maybe, in some closing minutes here, I would love to again, just pop over and see what kind of stories you guys have about this transit. Hopefully you found this interesting today talking about the eaching some historical dimensions to the transit. I want to see I want to hear a little bit more of your stories. I think I'll be doing a grabbed episode this week. By the way, if you ever have stories you want to share, you can always you can always use the hashtag grabbed. And with you in using that hashtag you can always share a story from your own life about the transit so use the hashtag grabbed in the comment section or email grabbed at nightlight the most awkward, the most most awkward but fun hashtag in the astrological universe. The planets art were called grahas, they were called grabbers. It's really interesting to see the way that they show up and grab or seize our consciousness. And then because of astrology, thank God, we can reflect upon it and learn about learn from it. So use that hashtag and tell me you know, tell me your story. I'd love to be putting together an episode. Maybe I kind of want to give it a little bit more time to play out. So maybe I'll do a grabbed episode next week. But yeah, aggregating some really good stories can start Constanza says my moon is on my Ascendant in Pisces 23 degrees I'm feeling much peace inside myself. That's wonderful. Lili Anna says this is the kind of friends I need guys. Oh, that's good to hear. Interesting. All right, I'm moving down to see what else you guys are sharing.
NASDAQ on Jupiter Neptune. No kidding. Yeah, right. Isn't that fun? Let's see here. My everyday meditation practice spontaneously became longer in this time that is wonderful. Then you know your practices working when it starts giving you a gift that's just fantastic and keep it up. That's really great. I love hearing that that story for me as a daily meditator is really sweet. The last Jupiter Neptune conjunction is when I went to a life changing retreat and when I started studying astrology Jennifer says that's fantastic. Melissa says I woke up yesterday morning right after voice that it's time for joy again, go play Taurus rising there's your 11th house. Placement of Jupiter Neptune that's wonderful. Really cool. Airbnb guests have been checking into nonexisting apartments just to funnel money to Ukrainians wonderful. Yeah, I've heard that I heard that story. Actually. That's an interesting example of the transit for sure. Danny says I just booked a really big show in Ann Arbour this morning. I've been working so hard on the music scene transit in the eighth. Nice so you find that you know that that gives a good referral or someone saying hey, I want to you know give you something or help you with something that's a great place to have it this one's a little heavy but it's a good story. Infinite faith eight said my daughter's abusive husband shot himself this is in her eighth house. She's free. That's so heavy. So intense. I have to like take that in a little bit. But that's really intense and I mean if that's how she feels you know, I'm sure there's a must be a very complicated process of like grieving and processing something like that. But wow, I mean, what can you even say? That's a that is a very interesting expression of Jupiter Neptune I haven't heard something like that quite like that before. Hey, thanks, Jackie. Appreciate it. Let's see looking at all you guys are sharing. Let's see I've been stressed out was invited to travel to the mountains this trip has been spiritually healing is a much needed reminder of how beautiful nature can be. Oh, that's wonderful with Pisces rising.
So I'm now going to take maybe like a couple maybe I'll take to do like to chart examples. And hopefully for those of you who study at home, it will be helpful to see me you know, demonstrate how to, you know, read a transit like this even if it's just briefly but if you'd like to share go ahead and put your name, the time date and location of your birth into the chat box and I'll try to I'll just probably pick a few here. I'm going to wrap up try to wrap up somewhat quickly. We're at 42 minutes in already I don't want to make this too long. Yesterday's is pretty long as well. Okay, let's go to Sassy's yoga and astrology. I like that name. I thought that that name captured my that was fun. All right, so SAS we're just gonna call you sassy.
Okay, there we go. So sassy. We'll take a look now and hear the Jupiter Neptune conjunction for your Scorpio rising and I'm going to go ahead and it's a Jupiter return for you. Oops, let's here we go. So Jupiter return for you. There it is. So Jupiter is pretty much right on your natal Jupiter. There's a few things that I do right away that I would recommend doing when you're reading transits or charts. First is with a conjunction like this take a look and see if it's conjoining anything in the natal chart and here it is Jupiter which is pretty big deal. Then look to the squares and opposition anything at 23 Gemini that's where I'm kind of imagined we're sort of imagining Jupiter Neptune conjoining at about 23 degrees, no anything at about 23 Sagittarius. Well, Uranus is sort of close but not exact. And then anything at 23 Virgo and the answer is no.
So in terms of like the pecking order here. I'm looking at this and saying look, the biggest thing here is the conjunction with Jupiter. Then I want to look and see well which houses does Jupiter rule well obviously It rules the fifth Jupiter's in its own domicile in Sassy's chart and then it also rules the second which is where Uranus is as well. So a couple of things come to mind fifth and second house topics maybe with a little bit of a Jupiter Uranus twist specially Jupiter the Jupiter conjunction itself. When I look at this I think to myself okay, you know 1986, kind of get a feel for what where the person is at in life. Could there be a major change happening here with regard to parenting or children for example, could you be having another child or having a child. That would be a possibility. You know, the other thing that could happen would be anything involving the arts, romance, if you have children, anything about your relationship with your children could be featured as well.
It would probably be something uplifting given that Jupiter is well dignified. You think of this house is the house of good fortune, you're thinking about good things coming in around Venusian topics. It could include pregnancy and children. But Venusian topics, sort of preside in the fifth house, which is called the joy of Venus in the house of good fortune. So talking about pleasure, romance, beauty, creativity, the arts, those kinds of themes and joy, and what we need in order to experience joy, creative fulfilment, now, with the square to Neptune, I wonder if there are some creative risks. Or if you're pursuing some creative dimension of your life, if there's some opening happening there right now. Maybe it's connected to something like business, or money or something entrepreneurial. And I say that because Jupiter does have a connection by rulership over your second house. And so you always explore the ruler of the house for the topics of the house. So could we be seeing some expansion of a business or, you know, even launching of a business or even the inspiration to do something that eventually leads to a business, remember that sense of something being on the horizon? It would fill you with joy, it would be creatively fulfilling, it would feel like, you know, your creative baby in the fifth house, but the inspiration to do it is there. I wonder, because this transit is also connected by virtue of a trine to your moon in cancer in the ninth house, if this isn't also connected to something spiritual, something religious, something even connected to something like well, yoga and astrology, Sassy's yoga and astrology, you know, so the ninth house moon and sun in cancer would suggest that there's a pretty big emphasis on ninth house topics in your life, this Jupiter Neptune conjunction in the fifth house a place associated with the joy of one's Dharma, could it be connecting you to a deeper sense of happiness or joy in relation to your love of ninth house topics like religion and spirituality, education, things like that. So I could see somebody starting their astrology practice or you know, taking a new yoga teacher training and getting a new certification or something like that. But I think the potential that it's about joy, creative fulfilment, ninth house matters, and then simultaneously some connection to business money, entrepreneurial things, that's what I'm feeling from this, but of course, I'd have to, you know, you know, have to, we'd have to talk and really dive into it for me to be not just, you know, shooting darts in the dark here. But thank you sassy. That was, that was really cool.
We'll do one more for today. And then I'm going to log off and we'll wrap up but that was really cool and fun to just like, it's fun to break open charts. I feel like it gives some reminder of how we you know, this all boils down at the end of the day to where does it land in my chart and how am I actually experiencing it? You know? So, let me scroll down here a little bit. Okay, KB, I just picked the one I saw at the bottom there. And KB is coming looks like born in Denison, Texas. So, KB Thank you. It is March 26 1988. At 5:15pm in Denison, Texas. By the way if people want to, you know, if you're like, Hey, I'd like to have a reading you can always check out my readings in my courses at nightlight I do have a one year wait when it comes to my natal readings. So I'm really sorry about that. I'm happy I'm really happy to be busy. But you know, hate people may hate making people wait that long. But that's my current wait time. But you know, there's lots of fun things to talk about next year at this time. There's always fun astrology to talk about. So I always, always, always tell people that maybe that helps the wait, I don't know. But in the meantime, let's go to KBs chart. So I'm gonna go back over here. And put I'm gonna put the chart up on the screen now if I can get the chair there we go. So okay, so let's go ahead and highlight it.
This is happening right on top of your north node in the seventh house, KB. That's interesting. Let's go ahead and do the same little exercise here. Do we see it can joining anything? Yes, the North Node, do we see it opposing anything, you could say it's opposing the south node, I'd rather see it opposing a planet, if I were going to make a big deal of it, not squaring anything in Gemini at 23 degrees, not squaring anything and Sag at 23. Let's look at the trines. Nothing. And you know, kind of training the moon in the 11th house. That's interesting. It's funny how that's a similar pattern to the last chart that we just did to. Alright, so we're going to say the trine to the moon. And we're going to focus on the conjunction to the North Node. These are all things in terms of reading charts, delineating charts, coming up with strategies for how to organise your thoughts, these are all things we cover in my classes as well. I'd love to see some of you guys in my new classes. Those are coming up in June. So don't forget that you can you know, you can check those out on my website. And the new class the first year new programme starts on June fifth. So there's a typo there, I need to fix I think, anyway. Alright, so KB, with the conjunction to the north node in the seventh house. First of all, the emphasis is likely to be on things developing and growing horizons opening in the area of love and relationships, sexuality, intimacy, the seventh house was also called the setting place and the place of conclusion. So is it possible that there's a sea change that's happening because something is reaching a state of sort of divine perfection, its power by perfection, like an astrological sense, like something coming together and completing itself, some ending that ushers in a new era, that would be another possibility for the seven that's not as focused on love and relationships. But I think love and relationships is most probable one thing to be a little bit careful of, depending on which tradition you look at Rahu in the Indian tradition could be like, a little lusty like a little unable to be satiated. So Jupiter, Neptune, all along with the North Node in the seventh house could produce that feeling of divine discontent and longing and sort of restlessness around sex, love marriage, etc. And that may be you, you're sort of a little bit of a buyer beware, in terms of like completely losing your mind and going gaga over someone right now. But I think like, you know, at the same time, I don't want to suggest that there's not a romantic uplifting, expansive kind of opening here around love and relationships, but just a little bit of a beware with Rahu or even the North Node in ancient Hellenistic astrology tended to amplify things and make them grow, but for better or worse, like a tumour can grow. And that's not necessarily good, the north node points to things growing and proliferating, but not always for the, you know, in the best way. The reason I say that is you do have a fallen mercury in that house. Which means, you know, sometimes the discernment or the like, critical, logical, rational faculty is going to, you know, be in service of Venus and Jupiter and water and all of which can be very artistic and sort of otherworldly, very inspired very, you know, like, like emotion, I think of emotional intelligence when I think of mercury and Pisces, or kind of artistic intellect or something like that. But you do have to be a little bit careful of almost like a boundaryless rose coloured glasses thing going on here just a little bit because of Rahu and a fallen mercury, I would say, then, okay, but that aside, let's hope for all the best and then look at the trying to the moon in the 11th house, a place of groups family, with the moon in the 11th groups and family groups that are like family collectives. You know, I always think of that question, who is who are my people with the moon in the 11th house? Is there some way in which both intimate relationships and broader the broader social dimension of your life are in communication with one another, not only right now, but in say, the next year or two? Could there be meaningful partnerships opening up living in an art collective with people comes to mind or finding some new spiritual community are some new sense of home, marriage and family come to my mind as well with this transit because it's hitting the moon and it's very, a very fertile moon, you could say, in a water sign. So you know, things growing around family and relationships and love but also community and meaningful partner rings with imagination and sort of, you know, an emotional feeling of connection. Those are the kinds of images that I'm getting in your chart right now.
So I hope that is useful for you. Just a few thoughts I can't, you know, can't do like a full reading. So it's a little bit incomplete. But just, you know, just some things to think about and also giving people a template to use. When you go to look at your own chart, you know, look at the house, look at the big aspects, don't focus on too many things. Try to synthesise just a few of the most core details of where it's falling, what it's conjoining, what it's trying or making an aspect to, and just add those themes together. And you'll often get right to the core of what the transit is about. So anyway, hope that's helpful for everybody. Don't forget, if you enjoy my work, please like and subscribe that helps the channel grow. I'm really trying to make an effort this year to grow the channel a little bit more. I feel like so many people could benefit from the spiritual dimension of astrology. And, you know, obviously, as a business owner, I'm always trying to grow my work as well. It's never it's never usually like my top focus. I'm always more focused on the content and so forth. I'm also trying to be a little bit more deliberate about growing the channel so if you like it, you can help me do that by liking, subscribing, sharing your comments, and click the notification bell for updates when I go live. Much appreciated. Don't forget share your stories about this transit use the hashtag grabbed really appreciate hearing from you guys. And I look forward to more content tomorrow. So until then, I hope you guys have a beautiful day with Jupiter Neptune and look forward to more astrology as the week goes on. Take care everyone. Bye.
Wonderful presentation. I really felt the wave of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction wash over me as I listened and recognized the pattern you described in the day’s events. I finally had an appointment with a health care provider to address a problem I’ve been worrying about for months. Today the clouds of confusion cleared and the path forward became apparent. I found that I no longer felt uncertain or ambivalent about how to proceed. I felt a deep joy when I realized this was exactly the sort of effect you were attributing to Jupiter conjoining Neptune.