Welcome, Jupiter into the sign of Scorpio!!
* Today Jupiter enters the sign of Scorpio to stay until next November.
* In traditional astrology, Jupiter is the domicile (the home) of Mars. It is the feminine abode of Mars. Scorpio is a solid water sign. I do not personally recognize the outer planets as having rulerships over the signs, so throughout my writing, you’ll never see me referring to Pluto as the ruler of Scorpio. After studying enough traditional astrology it’s my feeling that the outer planets really don’t belong to the traditional language of planetary dignities. Don’t get me wrong, I love the outer planets, but I feel that what makes them truly a special category of symbols unto themselves is precisely the way that they do not fit into the classical language of astrology. Trying to make them a part of that language is something that has mostly been done by astrologers who seem to have very little understanding of traditional astrology. The intention here isn’t to start some kind of turf war…just want to make it clear that for the year ahead I’ll be looking at Jupiter in terms of its placement in Mars’ feminine sign and without any regard for Pluto (unless Jupiter is applying to Pluto!). Now you know why, so I also don’t have to field a lot of follow-up emails about this! š
* Jupiter’s natural symbolism includes growth, abundance, blessings, bigness, exaggeration, virtue, faith, nobility, knowledge, and wisdom. Jupiter is good luck and Jupiter enjoys unifying things in order to make larger wholes. Jupiter is also excess, inflation, pride, zealousness, arrogance, and superiority.
* When Jupiter is in a Mars-ruled sign it’s quite common to see a blend of the Jupiter ruled themes alongside themes like warfare, militarism, competition, hostility, confrontation, adventure, bravery, and impulsiveness.
* Jupiter also represents kings, emperors, and leaders (much like the Sun, in this regard). Jupiter in Scorpio can, therefore, indicate a year of dictators, the fall of dictators, authoritarian or war-mongering leaders, bullies, etc. For example, during the last time Jupiter was in Scorpio Saddam Hussein was on trial and sentenced to death and Iran was rapidly developing its nuclear program.
* The theme of women in leadership can also be incredibly significant. Jupiter in Scorpio is a feminine, water sign. For example, twelve years ago Angela Merkel became the first female Chancellor of Germany.
* Scorpio a solid, yin, water sign, but also a Mars-ruled sign can indicate the themes of protection, defensiveness, secret plans or strategies, and guardianship or stewardship. It’s also quite common to see the growth or expansion of environmental awareness, though sometimes through the growth of natural disasters. Late 2005 and 2006 were incredibly powerful years for natural disasters around the world…from Katrina to the Kashmir earthquake that killed nearly 80,000 people.
* As Mars is a planet related to cutting, burning, dividing, explosions, penetration, heat, etc, it is also a planet that has been traditionally related to science, chemistry, medicine, and surgery. Add to this the deeper, watery elemental qualities of Scorpio and you have themes like protection and defense within medicine, and science. Or you have themes like advancement or growth in the sciences.
* The Mars-ruled water sign of Scorpio is also related to desire, darkness, and the underworld. Not because of the relationship to Pluto or the 8th house but because of the seasonal qualities of Scorpio. Scorpio reflects the zodiacal time of year when the light of the Sun is rapidly declining as we move toward the inevitability of death. Jupiter in Scorpio is therefore related to all kinds of growth and expansion that comes as a result of confrontations we have with the unconscious, with the underworld, or with what is invisible to us.
* Most mystics have said that what drives our karma in the world is our desires and our fears or aversions. Most mystics have also said that we are mostly unconscious of our desires and fears and how they influence our actions, thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the world. In order to get in touch with our desires and fears, mystics have suggested a huge range of practices. Try, for example, a simple exercise. Sit down and meditate for 30 minutes (most of us have trouble with 10!) and then perfectly recite every thought you had. Then perfectly explain where each thought came from what it was truly motivated by, or why you had it. Nobody can do this because, as the mystics tell us, we are mostly lived by the powers of the unconscious, which live in the language of desires and fears. Meditating, in time, helps us to become more aware of the unconscious forces of desire and fear, helping us to live more consciously in relationship to these forces.
Jupiter in Scorpio, therefore, represents a year where we can do an incredible amount of growing, learning, and transforming of our basic desires and fears if we are brave enough to cultivate the awakening of our consciousness. However, Jupiter in Scorpio can just as easily represent the drives and powers of the unconscious (Mars in a water sign), growing increasingly stronger and more exaggerated, so we should also be on guard against the destructiveness of our egos.
Prayer: Defend, protect, and guard us against the powers of darkness. But also, take us into the darkness and show us its divinity. Take us into the rich soil of our souls, so that we may renew within ourselves the light that shines equally in all things.
* Today Jupiter enters the sign of Scorpio to stay until next November.
* In traditional astrology, Jupiter is the domicile (the home) of Mars. It is the feminine abode of Mars. Scorpio is a solid water sign. I do not personally recognize the outer planets as having rulerships over the signs, so throughout my writing, you’ll never see me referring to Pluto as the ruler of Scorpio. After studying enough traditional astrology it’s my feeling that the outer planets really don’t belong to the traditional language of planetary dignities. Don’t get me wrong, I love the outer planets, but I feel that what makes them truly a special category of symbols unto themselves is precisely the way that they do not fit into the classical language of astrology. Trying to make them a part of that language is something that has mostly been done by astrologers who seem to have very little understanding of traditional astrology. The intention here isn’t to start some kind of turf war…just want to make it clear that for the year ahead I’ll be looking at Jupiter in terms of its placement in Mars’ feminine sign and without any regard for Pluto (unless Jupiter is applying to Pluto!). Now you know why, so I also don’t have to field a lot of follow-up emails about this! š
* Jupiter’s natural symbolism includes growth, abundance, blessings, bigness, exaggeration, virtue, faith, nobility, knowledge, and wisdom. Jupiter is good luck and Jupiter enjoys unifying things in order to make larger wholes. Jupiter is also excess, inflation, pride, zealousness, arrogance, and superiority.
* When Jupiter is in a Mars-ruled sign it’s quite common to see a blend of the Jupiter ruled themes alongside themes like warfare, militarism, competition, hostility, confrontation, adventure, bravery, and impulsiveness.
* Jupiter also represents kings, emperors, and leaders (much like the Sun, in this regard). Jupiter in Scorpio can, therefore, indicate a year of dictators, the fall of dictators, authoritarian or war-mongering leaders, bullies, etc. For example, during the last time Jupiter was in Scorpio Saddam Hussein was on trial and sentenced to death and Iran was rapidly developing its nuclear program.
* The theme of women in leadership can also be incredibly significant. Jupiter in Scorpio is a feminine, water sign. For example, twelve years ago Angela Merkel became the first female Chancellor of Germany.
* Scorpio a solid, yin, water sign, but also a Mars-ruled sign can indicate the themes of protection, defensiveness, secret plans or strategies, and guardianship or stewardship. It’s also quite common to see the growth or expansion of environmental awareness, though sometimes through the growth of natural disasters. Late 2005 and 2006 were incredibly powerful years for natural disasters around the world…from Katrina to the Kashmir earthquake that killed nearly 80,000 people.
* As Mars is a planet related to cutting, burning, dividing, explosions, penetration, heat, etc, it is also a planet that has been traditionally related to science, chemistry, medicine, and surgery. Add to this the deeper, watery elemental qualities of Scorpio and you have themes like protection and defense within medicine, and science. Or you have themes like advancement or growth in the sciences.
* The Mars-ruled water sign of Scorpio is also related to desire, darkness, and the underworld. Not because of the relationship to Pluto or the 8th house but because of the seasonal qualities of Scorpio. Scorpio reflects the zodiacal time of year when the light of the Sun is rapidly declining as we move toward the inevitability of death. Jupiter in Scorpio is therefore related to all kinds of growth and expansion that comes as a result of confrontations we have with the unconscious, with the underworld, or with what is invisible to us.
* Most mystics have said that what drives our karma in the world is our desires and our fears or aversions. Most mystics have also said that we are mostly unconscious of our desires and fears and how they influence our actions, thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the world. In order to get in touch with our desires and fears, mystics have suggested a huge range of practices. Try, for example, a simple exercise. Sit down and meditate for 30 minutes (most of us have trouble with 10!) and then perfectly recite every thought you had. Then perfectly explain where each thought came from what it was truly motivated by, or why you had it. Nobody can do this because, as the mystics tell us, we are mostly lived by the powers of the unconscious, which live in the language of desires and fears. Meditating, in time, helps us to become more aware of the unconscious forces of desire and fear, helping us to live more consciously in relationship to these forces.
Jupiter in Scorpio, therefore, represents a year where we can do an incredible amount of growing, learning, and transforming of our basic desires and fears if we are brave enough to cultivate the awakening of our consciousness. However, Jupiter in Scorpio can just as easily represent the drives and powers of the unconscious (Mars in a water sign), growing increasingly stronger and more exaggerated, so we should also be on guard against the destructiveness of our egos.
Prayer: Defend, protect, and guard us against the powers of darkness. But also, take us into the darkness and show us its divinity. Take us into the rich soil of our souls, so that we may renew within ourselves the light that shines equally in all things.
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