Today, we're going to explore the fascinating astrological concept of the death and rebirth of Jupiter as it undergoes combustion and then emerges as the Morning Star. This transition is profoundly influenced by Jupiter's recent conjunction with Uranus in Taurus and the presence of Venus, adding unique nuances to the process. We'll discuss five key aspects to watch for during this period, highlighting the timeline and significant impacts of this transformation.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we are going to take a look at the death and rebirth of Jupiter. Jupiter is disappearing under the beams of the Sun and is going to go through what we call combustion and then cazimi, and then we'll start to emerge again as the Morning Star, in which case we have a Jupiter that is being reborn, dying and being reborn. This is especially significant considering that Jupiter is still just coming off from its conjunction with Uranus in the sign of Taurus.
So, we also have Venus as a co-present, which changes the dynamic of death and rebirth a little bit. Venus is co-present, and Taurus is as well. So today, I'm going to tell you five things that you can watch for over the time period that Jupiter's death and rebirth are happening. And I'll make sure that you understand the kind of the total space of time in which you can expect to see these significations because it's quite a process-oriented event, astrologically speaking, okay, anyhow.
So before we get into it, as always, don't forget to like and subscribe; it helps the channel to grow; it takes two seconds to tickle the like button. And I really appreciate it when you guys help the channel grow. So thank you for that. You can find transcripts of any of my daily talks on the website nightlight and the promotion of the day. We're going to go over the website really quickly and point out that, remember, go over to events. I've been promoting these live talks for the month of May on May 16. I'm doing a talk on Neptune in Aries.
Go to the shop page, and you can look at all the previous talks I've done over the past couple of months, including outer planets and love. We're doing a talk on the 12th house and the healing potential of the 12th house in your birth chart and how you can discover that in June, and then in July, we're looking at Uranus in Gemini. These are going to be great talks, and I'm looking forward to them.
Go to the Courses tab. You can check out the first-year program that starts on June 16. At the end of today's video, after I sign off, you can hear me going in depth. I tag on an additional video where I take time to sort of delve into the details of the program and what it includes. It is a one-year course in ancient Hellenistic astrology with the archetype, I call us, archetypal and psychological sensibilities. That's a big part of my background as an astrologer as well.
Anyhow, there are 30 live webinars in the year that you can follow along live or attend remotely at your own pace. At the bottom of the page, you will find early bird payment; the early bird payment sale runs until May 15. So it's coming up. The early bird installments take you, and you are also available till May 15. If you need some help to make the program happen, use the need-based tuition option that is available for everyone all the way up until the start of the program. Anyone who needs help to make the program happen because you're on a fixed or limited income, or you are experiencing financial hardship in your life but want to study astrology or want to make a career out of it.
The program is really good for people whose intentions are to become professional or who are just taking it for, you know, your own spiritual enrichment. Either way, be sure to use that if it could help you; we like to make sure that nobody's ever priced out. We're having enrollments coming in more and more and again; if you want to hear more about the curriculum and what the program includes after I sign off today.
I've edited and tagged a video where I kind of go into a deeper explanation about my programs, and the Nightlight Astrology school is a fantastic place to learn. We have a first-year program, a second-year program, a third-year program, a horary program, a masterclass series, and so many different things you can check out. So, if you have any questions about anything you find on our website, you can email us info at nightlight Alrighty, on that note, let's take a look at Jupiter.
Okay, so we're putting Jupiter up on the screen. And I want to point out that Jupiter is still within that three-degree range of Uranus. And that range is the range within which you really are seeing the full blossoming of the fruit on the karmic tree. As it then starts to fall off, we want to give Jupiter a good full year because it moves so slowly, separating from that conjunction to really start manifesting the change promised by Jupiter Uranus conjunction by the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. So you have to be patient with these things.
But one thing that's really interesting is that it is sort of accelerating the process of the Renaissance or revolution, as indicated by Jupiter and Uranus, and that Jupiter is going through a death and rebirth right now. And I want to show you what that looks like. So here we are on Friday, May 3. And what I want to point out is that we now have, and we have had for a little bit, the Sun pulling to within 15 degrees of Jupiter.
Now, when that happens, here's what I'm going to do. ActuallyActually, I'm going to take everything out except for the Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus. Let's keep everything; we're going to take everything out of our perspective. Okay, so here's what, here's what happens. Or take this through the sky. Here's the western sky over here.
I'll just draw artificially like the western horizon line somewhere right around here, right? So when the Sun gets so close to one of the superior planets, that means planets that move faster or slower than the Sun, like Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, the outer planets, it starts to the planet will disappear from visible sight. Now, that doesn't matter for Uranus because Uranus is invisible to the naked eye anyway. But when this happens, and it happens within a certain number of degrees, let me just see if I can get there, and we go. So you'll have this effect. Notice that the number of degrees between the Sun and Jupiter right here is about 16. Seven to 23. Right?
Once it gets to within 15 degrees, which it's at right about now, 1414 to 15 degrees, right? This was April 28. Now, when it's average, speaking, and just the level of averages, when planets get to within 15 degrees of the Sun, they disappear. And so that happened around late April that Jupiter actually disappeared from sight.
Not long after the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction was made, it vanished in the sky in the evening; you can no longer see it because it was getting so close to the Sun that the light of the Sun drowns it out, so you cannot see it any longer. The closer the Sun then gets to Jupiter, the closer it's within about 10 degrees of Jupiter. The more that Jupiter is thought to be going through a kind of alchemical change, the more that change we call combustion once it gets to within about eight degrees. Once we get into that eight-degree range, which you can see right about here, we will have it by next week. That eighth-degree range suggests that Jupiter is now actually on its deathbed. Jupiter is dying. But this doesn't necessarily have to mean anything bad or negative or scary. I'll talk more about the significance in a moment.
But you can see here that by May 13. The Sun is going to go through the conjunction with Uranus. And then, not long after that. It's going to conjoin Jupiter by about May 18. There's the cazimi. It's just like a Mercury cazimi; when Jupiter and the Sun are at the exact same degree, Mercury is reborn; it's this very powerful moment of rebirthing for the planet that is crossing over with the Sun, and the Sun is crossing over the planet in this case. So this is Jupiter's rebirth moment. And what I want you to notice is that Jupiter's about five degrees away from Uranus right now.
So, in other words, Jupiter is coming off from the conjunction with Uranus, and it is going through this alchemical change of combustion and cazimi. And now what I want you to notice is if we just keep this going, right, and let's get about Okay, so here you can see now, the two planets are about 17 degrees apart. This is on June 10. They're 17 degrees apart, so I actually pulled it back about two days here. So now we see that they're about 15 degrees apart. But Jupiter's at three Gemini, the Sun is at 18. Gemini, they're about 15 degrees apart.
Now watch what happens. If I just back this up. In terms of the hours of the day. What you'll notice is that if I use the horizon line now, in the first house, the eastern horizon where planets rise, do you see how Jupiter is technically rising in front of the Sun? This is Jupiter appearing as a morning star, and that was associated with youth, like a baby being born or something new coming forth.
So, planets have lots of different ways in which they can be reborn, but one of the most common ways is through their synoptic cycles with the Sun. The moon, for example, is reborn every single month at a new moon. What is that in conjunction with the Sun? So the cazimi is like this moment of newness, but it starts the newness carries forth from the seeding of that cazimi. It carries forth out into the world and starts to show itself when Jupiter appears as the Morningstar. And the same thing happens with all the other synoptic cycles when Mercury or Venus appears, the Morningstar, et cetera. So we have Jupiter being reborn between now and June. It's a long process. That's why I said it's kind of like you can't think about it in terms of just one day. So if we back up to, like, let's go to May 3. This is today, Friday.
On Friday, May 3, you can see that Jupiter is about to fall under combustion. That's the part where Jupiter is going to sort of deteriorate and die. It's like being on your deathbed. But then, excuse me, as we just walk this forward, you're going to see that as Jupiter comes through the conjunction with the Sun, then gradually the Sun gains separation, Jupiter will enter Gemini, we talk about that a bunch, then Jupiter starts appearing as the morning star.
So between now and the end of April, if you want to be technical about the time at which Jupiter first disappeared, late April all the way up until about the middle of June, Jupiter is in the process of death and rebirth. And right before it underwent that process, like literally days before it disappeared to go through death and rebirth, it conjoined Uranus. So, the revolution that we spent so much time talking about can be tied very intimately to the death and rebirth of Jupiter in the next two months.
So here are five different things that Jupiter's rebirth may signify. And this is something you can watch for between now and, say, the middle of June; you have to have a kind of process-oriented symbolic AI, and you have to be able to track patterns of thought developments of development of events over a couple of months and know that you're dealing with a block of time that it's easy to lose track of.
Otherwise, it becomes really hard because we go looking for one single event or feeling, thought or idea, or one shift of circumstance to represent something like this. And it never works that way. It's more about processes that usually take place on the level of both circumstances, outwardly and inwardly. And not just one but many that amalgamate into a pattern or interconnected patterns. So you do have to take a little time to i. That's why I recommend journaling for all of this kind of activity and paying attention, especially to number one, five things.
Jupiter's rebirth signifies the whole sign house of Taurus in your birth chart. So what I like, I'll just give you the obvious example, which would be like, let's say you have Taurus in your 10th house or your seventh house or your fourth house or your first house, which are the angular houses, and the topics are very obvious in those places.
So, in the seventh, you may notice that there is this process of death and rebirth happening with respect to the topics of love and relationships or sexuality or partnerships that are meaningful. In the fourth house, you may notice that it's home and family and your living environment or parental or ancestral karma or something like that. In the tent, you may notice it has something to do with your career, your vocation or calling, your work environment, or a sense of purpose as it's connected to the larger world of the social and public world that you live in.
Now, the first house may connect with your body, your health, or your identity, and you could be having some significant transformations of your self-concept or your self-image, or again like even your physical appearance. I have that in my first house, and I think it's interesting because I'm going through I'm in a 12-week program with my trainer right now; it's meant to try to put on a little bit of muscle that fits pretty well on the just that like little physical level of the Jupiter Uranus dynamic in the first house for Taurus rising like myself.
We'll see if I get there, you guys, anyway. All right. So the point, though simple point, is to look at that whole sign house of Taurus in your chart. Look at the topics connected to that house. If you need a refresher on the topics of the houses, what I recommend doing is going back to the Jupiter Uranus horoscopes that we did for the month of April.
So, if you go to April's horoscopes in the overview April horoscopes for my YouTube channel, you can get a reminder of where that Jupiter-Uranus dynamic took place. Remember that there is a tremendous season of rebirth revolution breakthrough indicated by both Jupiter Uranus and Jupiter going through the process of rebirth within that whole sign house. So those are the topics that will, you know, kind of clue you in, like, look in this area. That's where you'll notice it, and that's usually the single most grounding and helpful way that we can start to track or notice something like the total rebirth of Jupiter. But in terms of the actual archetypal significations of Jupiter, going through death and rebirth, what are they?
Number two, Jupiter's rebirth represents the reordering or restructuring of Have something. Now, it could be many things, it could be a few things. So you don't want to get too literal in thinking, Oh, it's just it's going to be one particular thing. But one of the reasons that it's important to think about Jupiter in this way is that, well, first of all, let me just say people almost never get Jupiter. There's there's a lot of misunderstanding.
There are a lot of misconceptions I should say about Jupiter. Usually, if people hear the word order or structure, they think of Saturn. Saturn is not so much about order and structure. Saturn: it's better to think about Saturn in terms of a planet that is always about boundaries and about the dualities between things that sit on either side of a boundary.
For example, Saturn is much more related to tradition versus anarchy, right or tradition, and sticking with something that you're familiar with versus revolutionizing it and going into spaces that challenge the status quo. Saturn has always that's why Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius; by the way, in ancient astrology, Saturn was a kind of gatekeeper and threshold dweller that constellated the kinds of things that exist on opposite sides of boundaries that tend to polarize with one another.
And people always get that wrong about Saturn; it's just that so common because nowadays, we have diminished or demeaned or degraded all of the traditional planets and sort of labeled them as all personal mundane and the outer planets beyond Saturn as transpersonal. And so Saturn becomes like this, a placeholder for everything that is old, conventional, and kind of more mundane; it's really unfortunate. And it's a dichotomy that we should all reject because it's just not true. And B, it also tends to color the way that we see the traditional planets in ways that are really limiting.
Ironically, anyway, the simple point is that Jupiter was actually a planet that was associated with order. But you have to think of order. One of the things I mean is that there are many different ways of thinking about order. Zeus and Kronos have a very interesting relationship with one another, both in terms of mundane cycles of expansion and contraction, politically, socially, and culturally. But this is not so much because Saturn represents order and structure, and you know, Jupiter is like expansion or something like that. No, think about it like this.
Jupiter is the planet that represents a broad concept in ancient philosophy and cosmology that the ancient astrologers were very familiar with and was kind of like a fundamental assumption behind the entire endeavor of astrology. And that was this concept of Harmonia, this idea that the cosmos is a well-orchestrated, intelligently designed, beautiful, just true, coherent place.
The planet, the God that sort of resembled that wholeness and coherence, was Zeus. And so, and by the way, in Greek mythology, of course, Zeus overthrows Kronos and overthrows Saturn. However, that archetypal dynamic between the old and the new and the idea that structures in time become old and then have to be renewed. That is a dynamic between Saturn and Jupiter that, once again, points us back not so much to the idea that Saturn is just old traditions. But Saturn will always be engaged in the polarity and the tension between things like old and new.
So it's just there's so much nuance in the relationship between Jupiter and Saturn. But if we don't take time to think about it at a deeper level, then we will not get the significations of Jupiter right. Well, think of things like abundance, wealth, and good fortune; we tend to think of Jupiter like a cornucopia. And, certainly, there's a lot of symbolism over centuries that suggests that Jupiter is connected to fertility and abundance and expansion and growth and things like that.
But Zeus Jupiter's, like one of Zeus, Jupiter's primary functions was also as the planet that is associated with the coherence of the cosmos itself. So when you see that reflected in human life, you're thinking about ancients; Zeus is reflected in the ideal way in which a legal system ought to work or the ideal way in which universities and schools ought to work to educate Apple in a way that, you know, helps us to see and understand the greater workings of the cosmos of which we are a part.
That's what education ideally should do: help us to have an understanding and wisdom of the great, beautiful, ordering truths of the cosmos. So we become wise. Same thing with the legal system, or the courts or the governments, all of those systems that are supposed to be ideally about granting coherence and an order that is beautiful, intelligible, just good. Those are all Jupiterian structures. So, Saturn has an interesting relationship with them because Saturn will be about everything that exists outside of those structures.
So, for 1000s of years, no matter how well-ordered and beautiful it was and just the kind of suburbs, like I teased the other day, Zeus is sort of like the suburbs. Zeus has the sense that everything is coherent. In the village, you have a well-ordered system of government, fairness, and education. And that's existed in different forms, archetypal II speaking, throughout the whole planet, right? But then you also always have someone who doesn't live in the village; they live in the hut at the edge of the village, or they live deep in the woods. And there they are, another, and that doesn't have to be in a bad way.
They're maybe a medicine man or woman, maybe they are eccentric, maybe they are a hermit. Maybe they're a dissident or a rebel, right? But the point is that Saturn was actually the planet that represented something that will always exist outside of that pretty little picture that Zeus loves so much. At the same time, Saturn could also represent the eventual corruption, deterioration, calcification, hardening, and flexibility of those orders and structures. So Saturn could do a lot of different things in relation to structure and order.
But the basic idea of the good, just beautiful, coherent orders of our lives, insofar as they really are good and wholesome, that was traditionally belonged to Jupiter. So we have to do this right now; I know it's, we're laboring this a little bit, but we have to because when we talk about Jupiter being reborn, what we're talking about is the rebirthing of orders and structures in our lives, that ideally should grant us greater happiness. That should grant us a greater sense of beauty, intelligibility, and fairness; there are the orders that Jupiter provides us again. Ideally, we live in a world where it's hard to live up to the ideal image of anything.
But ideally, they should grant our life a greater sense of coherence and virtue, and happiness and good associations we should have good people in our lives and things that are working smoothly and providing us with some sense that we're on the right path that we're we like to use the word-aligned. So when Jupiter goes through a death and rebirth, you're thinking about the rebirthing, or the restructuring, or the reordering of something that ideally grants our life greater coherence and happiness. It's sort of like your company policies need rebirthing, right? But think of that as a metaphor.
Think about it taking place in a specific area of your life again, and look at the whole sign house of Taurus. So, that is one way of thinking about what Jupiter's death and rebirth mean. It means that the ideal orders and structures of our lives that are meant to grant coherence and beauty and greater understanding and happiness are being shaped. They're shifting.
This can also come with the fact that Jupiter was also associated with education, universities, and schooling because, just like the cosmos, it is thought to be a well-ordered, sort of beautiful, coherent design. The only way that you can access that and experience the beauty and sort of richness or fullness of that is if you understand something of it, not maybe not everything of it because our mind can't circumscribe the universe, but Jupiter has always been associated also with wisdom, wisdom of what, anything that grants you a larger understanding or some greater access to that sense of Harmonia that beautiful, coherent cosmos.
Well, in a more practical sense, when Jupiter goes through death and rebirth, that can mean that your values, the values that act like a compass in your life, or your guiding philosophies spiritually, ethnically, religiously, and or you understand of something, your wisdom of a topic, look, it might have something to do with a very specific topic like you could be an engineer and a Jupiter rebirthing. And let's say your ninth house might have to do with completely revising your understanding of something while you're training to become an engineer; it can be very mundane.
But I mean, what I mean by that is that it can be, it can be very specific, it doesn't mean that you have to be going through some shift of cosmic sized values or spiritual or religious size, you know, the sort of epic proportions, it could be that there's a topic, as you study by, you know, bodily science or something, or you're, maybe you're an acupuncturist and your, your understanding of your craft is going through a dynamic change, because any kind of shift or read, or like reconfiguration of your understanding of a specific topic would still fit within the greater category of understanding truth and wisdom in the cosmos.
Some, you know, some of us are more specialized doesn't. So it's not like Jupiter's rebirth has to be about these grand philosophical changes in your life, give me very, in a sense, it can be a lot more immediate. For example, again, let's just go to, you know, let's go to your 10th house, and it could be that a shift of Jupiter, going through the rebirth in your 10th house, has to do with your understanding of a system that you use that work every single day, in your first house that might have to do with understanding something more about your body. Right, so my camera's getting blurry today; here we go.
So anyway, just remember that the rebirth of values philosophy or understanding is another way of thinking about Jupiter, and look at the specific topics of the Taurus house again to get a feel for what that might look like. Number four, remember Jupiter, Uranus suggests a breakthrough, a dynamic period of change, revolution, opening, and transformation.
This could be the period of time in which you really start to see the start of that new dynamic promised by Jupiter and Uranus. So people say, well, when is the revolution going to happen, or When will I see these breakthroughs and openings? You know, and I've said so many times leading up to Jupiter, Uranus, not right away. But as Jupiter's being reborn between now and June, that would be a very good time to start to see the process of revolution indicated by Jupiter Uranus opening. We've already said that a few times today, but it bears repeating this period of time, and the rebirth of Jupiter could be about the start or momentum starting to push forward behind Jupiter Uranus dynamics.
So finally, the death and rebirth of Jupiterian figures is also something we have to think about when the Sun and Jupiter get together that Jupiter dying and being reborn can literally mean that whatever if Jupiter is a person in our lives, like, let's say you have Jupiter Sun conjunction in the ninth house, it could be that you're, you're saying goodbye to your professors at school, because you're graduating, you're graduating this spring, and so you're leaving a school, and there's a death and rebirth happening around the literal professors that have been your mentors, now you're graduating, they will no longer be your mentors in your 10th house, it could be that your boss is retiring. So Jupiterian figures can be teachers, leaders, and people who somehow become emblematic of that Jupiterian sense of greater order and coherence. Sometimes that's going to mean mothers or fathers, depending on your own chart.
It could be important key figures in your life who are in some ways Jupiterian, like teachers, mentors, leaders, or anyone who has a degree of power or stands as a representative of some kind of order or structure. So, the death and rebirth of Jupiterian figures is also a possibility that you could see in mundane terms, like looking at the news during this period of time, and you're gonna see that there might be the death and rebirth of various political leaders.
So the Sun conjoining Jupiter means that a Jupiter figure may actually die or pass away. So we know, by the way, let's go back and look through the cycle one more time. So if we take this forward, we're here. We are on May 3, and the actual moment of the cazimi, right? We're talking about it right about here: May 18, May 19.
That's the time in which you may see that kind of death or pass away of a Jupiterian figure, but also what's interesting is often at these exact cazimi moments, you will also see the assuming of power from somebody new, or someone ascending to a new position of power or empowerment. So both can happen right as the conjunction is coming around. You could say like, you know, this is about the middle of May, as Jupiter Sun is getting close to Jupiter, you might see a little bit more of the harder experiences for Jupiter, Jupiter dying.
But as soon as the Sun gets onto that same degree, you can also see the empowerment of Jupiter, as if it's being granted some additional strength. And that's that can be really exciting. You'll see, you know, kind of like these flourishes of growth, or sometimes it's in your 10th house when you get a promotion, or so you'll see a rebirth moment is often a place where Jupiter comes greatly empowered in the process of change that it's indicating. Alright, well, hopefully, this was useful. I hope that you will be able to use this video to take note of the process happening with Jupiter. I'm going to leave it here for now, and I'm going to sign off. After I sign off right now, you're going to have about, I think it's about 10 minutes. I will go into greater depth and detail about the upcoming program, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mysticism, which begins June 16.
So I hope to see some of you guys in class; you know, when you apply, remember that if you could use some help, there is need-based tuition, and I talked about that in the video, and the early bird sale lasts until May 15. Early Bird payment plan till May 15. However, the need-based tuition is open all the way up until the program starts if you're someone who could use a little help. Alright, that's it. Have a great day, and have a great weekend. We'll see you again soon. Bye.
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