Today, we're going to explore Jupiter's upcoming square to Saturn. I'll discuss the archetypal combination of these two planets and what you can expect from this square. More importantly, I'll share some tips and tricks for tracking the historical cycles of Jupiter and Saturn.
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Hey, everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today we're going to take a look at Jupiter's upcoming square to Saturn, and I'm going to talk about the archetypal combination of Jupiter and Saturn, what you can expect from the square. But more importantly, I'm going to give you some tips and tricks for tracking the historic cycles of Jupiter and Saturn, so that you can go from maybe a kind of vague understanding of the transit to a much more in-depth and personal experience of the transit.
This is one of those transits that has a very large historic arc. The Synodic Cycle of Jupiter and Saturn is something that, when they come around to their conjunctions and their squares, it really helps to understand the history of the entire cycle and how each part of the cycle is building on a previous part of the cycle. So we're going to give you some tips and tricks for tracking the historic cycles of Jupiter and Saturn in your own life.
I'm going to go back through the entire last cycle of Jupiter and Saturn under the dates of the major aspects and give you some prompts and ideas for how you might go back in time under these periods and track out the development. This can then help you understand this upcoming square, which is the first square of a new cycle that started in 2020. Hopefully, people will find that this is really useful.
I find that when you're tracking big historical cycles like this, it really helps to have a little bit of guidance so that you can understand that what's happening now is really a part of a larger and longer process and story reflected by the entirety of the cycle. A lot of us don't know how to track that. We need a little help, so I'm going to hopefully provide us with that today.
Anyway, before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe. It really helps us grow the channel. Thank you so much to everybody who's helped us grow the channel. Over the past months, it's been awesome to see. You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on my website, which is Of course, right now we are in the midst of Kickstarter season, so between now and the end of the year, we are trying to rally the support of 19,137 backers to support the channel and the ongoing development of free content five days a week, year-round.
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Every day I like to say a little something about what I think makes this content and this channel valuable, and what makes it worth investing in. One of the things that I believe is a part of what so many people appreciate about the channel, and that is a very deliberate part of how I create content, is an emphasis on animism.
You might broadly say that animism is a view that looks at the cosmos as a living being. It is not just about seeing the planets as abstract mechanisms but seeing them as people, seeing the planets and the archetypes themselves as gods and goddesses that can be related to on your altar in prayer. When we see astrological transits unfolding, we're not just thinking of them as mechanical events but as living beings, spirits, presences.
The way I present astrology is always going to be encouraging of a living, relational, participatory connection with a cosmos that is essentially a living being. That is an important, incredibly important part of how I create content and the way in which I share astrology. And so, if that is a value to you, and you know that that's going to be a value that we bake into the content every single day, I think you'll appreciate it.
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Okay, so let us take a look now at this big Jupiter-Saturn moment. Now, I've talked about the Jupiter-Saturn dynamic a number of times, and I have some journal and tracking prompts that I want to work with you on today, as well as looking back at all of the major pieces of the last Jupiter-Saturn cycle, which can then help us track the current cycle.
I think this will be really useful, because you can go back in time and really look at the entirety of the last cycle, if you were alive for all of it. Of course, there are some younger people here who weren't, but a lot of the people probably have been around for most of the last cycle. I think that this is one of the most valuable things we can do, because when you listen to daily content, a lot of the time, what we're looking for is information about what's happening in a very immediate sense, like, "How's this week gonna go? What's in the sky today? Oh, look at that Venus-Pluto dynamic. Wow, that was gnarly."
Then there come major epoch-shifting planetary changes, like Pluto into Aquarius, Neptune into Aries, Saturn into Aries, Saturn changing signs into Pisces a couple of years ago. When these kinds of things happen, we can't offer you a "today" that somehow encapsulates all of the symbolism that Saturn in Pisces has to offer. No, it's going to take several years. Learning to track the development of a planet that is working in and through the psyche over multiple years, or that is part of a great cyclical dynamic like the Jupiter-Saturn cycle, takes a different kind of tracking.
For most of us who consume content passively, like listening in the car or while working out or whatever, we can easily miss how powerful and relevant the bigger, longer, slower movements are. We're tuning in more like we're checking the weather app on our phone, which is totally fine. There's nothing wrong with that. But I think we miss just how powerful some of this tracking can be, because no one gives us the tools to track it. And because we're listening in a passive way as life just flows along, it's harder to slow down and do the work to track a longer, bigger cycle.
So, I'm going to give you some tips for how you can make that easy today, hopefully, and some specific dates to look back on in the last cycle. If you can sit down for even 10-15 minutes to do the kind of tracking that I suggest, I think you will get so much more out of tracking this upcoming Jupiter-Saturn square.
Let's just start by remembering that the Jupiter-Saturn dynamic is so much more than what people think. For example, one of the common ways that people talk about Jupiter-Saturn is to say Jupiter is expansion and Saturn is contraction. On one level, we might describe energetically the combination of Jupiter and Saturn as expansion and contraction. But that is mostly an oversimplification. We need to understand that these are gods, and these are archetypal domains—an entire archetypal dimension.
You know, think of like, Jupiter-Zeus as an entire mandala of thoughts and shapes in the mind of the universe. So is Saturn. Simplifying that entire mandala with a word like "expansion" is just not very helpful. Not only that, but it puts things in terms of an energetic quality. There's something more personal, nuanced, and multivalent going on than just a simple energetic word like expansion or contraction. Although those words belong to the mandalas of Jupiter and Saturn, they are just one little piece.
One of the ways you can think about Zeus is that all of us have a daily experience of belonging to a coherent world. On the human level, our coherence is granted to us by the structure of the highways, the traffic system, the laws that hold the interactions of society together. Our sense that the world has order is given to us by, on a certain level, the government and the organization of neighborhoods and civic groups. That's all Jupiter. But Jupiter is also very cosmic.
For example, many of us require something like astrology or perhaps Christianity, Buddhism, or Islam to help us see and feel our participation in reality as a reality that is coherent and meaningful. Organizations that grant a kind of cosmic sense of unity are also very jupiterian.
We also, in a day-to-day way, need to feel as though there is coherence physically, like physiologically. The rhythms of life that we cultivate and develop, the lifestyle and patterns of
health—anything we do that is shaped by a kind of philosophy. Like, "I know I need to feed myself, and I know I need to feed myself healthy food, and I believe healthy food is probably the more virtuous, noble choice than eating processed garbage." These subtle philosophical values that shape and grant coherence or well-being to life, whether it's just lifestyle and diet, or your deeper philosophical convictions, are all part of the realm of Jupiter.
So, when we think about the cosmos itself being intelligible, ordered—not maybe in a way we can completely make sense of, but we trust, we have some kind of faith—that there is coherence, that there is meaning, that everything is unified somehow, that is all Jupiter.
Now, Saturn, on the other hand, is fascinating. Saturn was the dumbest, most distant planet, sitting at the edge of the known world—the world of the cosmos as we know and experience it. It sat as the gatekeeper between this world and that world—the transcendental place that is somehow here, but beyond here. Saturn sat as the threshold guardian between this world and the numinous realm beyond the gods or divinity.
And so, when there are places where we run into the limits of a system of order and coherence, we are at the threshold of Saturn. Saturn will tell us, for example, that your system doesn't measure up to the ideal that exists in the mind of God or in the ideal archetypal realm. Your system is failing to live up to that divine ideal.
This is why Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius and Capricorn. Insofar as we climb a mountain and aspire to build things that resemble perfection in the material world, that’s very Capricornian. Insofar as we look at the status of the world and measure it against an ideal that lies beyond where we currently are, that's very Aquarian. But both require some sense of measuring the world against an ideal, and that division between the world and the ideal is the boundary or gateway that is kept by Saturn.
And so when Saturn and Jupiter come into contact with each other, it is as though the systems and structures in the material world are running up against how they fall short, how they fail, how they decline or die, because the world is impermanent, and all structures in this world that we make or create to resemble some kind of archetypal ideal have a lifespan. They come into being, and they pass out of being, while there is always some inherent sense of cosmic unity, because this world is a reflection of the Divine. They're not so polarized that one is bad and one is good. They're a reflection of each other.
So this world will always continue to have some sense of perfect unity at play. It is a divine realm as well. But the structures and systems that we create, especially as humans, in order to resemble that archetypal ideal, will go through periods of contraction and failure and death and depletion, or they will be measured or revised or reviewed against an archetypal standard, something more, something new, something different.
This is especially powerful when we have strong transits in the air that are very Saturnian. We've just had Pluto in Capricorn for 15-16 years now. We've got Pluto in Aquarius, right? So we have a powerful outer planetary emphasis on a Saturnian sign right now as well. But the point is that when Saturn comes into contact with Jupiter, it often marks a time of reflection and review, as well as dilapidation and kind of collapse and deterioration and decay and old age and death and mortality for the way that something has been, and for a new system to emerge, for a new order to emerge, for new institutions to emerge, for new paradigms or thoughts or beliefs to emerge, they have to run up against some kind of failure or some kind of new way of measuring what success looks like, or what order and harmony looks like.
I mean, think about it. We have gone through so many moments, culturally, collectively, politically, governmentally, religiously, where institutions have to look for a new standard, and that standard evolves. Think about the way in which, in the 1940s for example, we had, all of a sudden, a surge in the rate of employed women in the workforce, and that started leading to enormous changes in terms of how systems and structures are shaped to be more equitable for both men and women. Things continue to evolve like that, where systems or structures have to be revised and changed and shifted.
The issue is that in the human world, there are competing ideas of what constitutes the new or better form, as well as what constitutes failure or collapse. You have people saying, "Well, this is unevolved and this is evolved." And you have other people saying, just the opposite: "No, no, no, no, that's unevolved and this is evolved," right? So it's also not as though there's just some perfect new system beaming down from above. It's that there's also paradigmatic competition around this point within ourselves and collectively, because different groups with different values, led perhaps by different unconscious patterning—not that any of us are perfectly conscious of why we're doing everything that we're doing—are suggesting new reforms, new revisions, new forms and structures, paradigms, thoughts, and beliefs that reshape what we call order.
So that interaction between Jupiter and Saturn, first of all, is a mundane cycle that has a lot of relevance in mundane astrology, meaning the tracking of things historically, collectively, governmentally, nationally, etc. They have a lot of relevance when it comes to larger groups of people. Right away, it can be alienating to try and figure out what a Jupiter-Saturn cycle, therefore, means for an individual. However, it is just as important, just as relevant, and just as easy to track. It's not like we should think that, because this is one of those transits that has had great historical significance and mundane significance, that we somehow have to track our own lives along the same collective lines. Right?
There can be great variance from person to person in terms of what these Jupiter-Saturn cycles have meant and looked like, given our own personal reforms and paradigmatic changes that we go through. So the other thing to remember is that when Jupiter contacts Saturn, Saturn can inspire Jupiter. It's not just that Saturn kind of kills Jupiter. It's that when we run into the limits of something, it is often at the exact same time that we begin imagining something more or something better.
Think about when you're, I don't know, 18 years old, you're first dating, right? And you get into a relationship with someone. And this happens for most of us. We go through some relationships before maybe we find a life partner or a long-term partner, or what have you. And in that process, you get, maybe you get to a place with a person where you go, "This has been really good. This has been really interesting. However, I'm realizing right at the time where the limitations of this relationship are becoming very apparent to me, I'm starting to see the image of a different kind of person that I think I would prefer to be with."
You don't know who that person is, but you just know that they're going to have a little bit more of this, or a little bit more of that, or you're going to have a little bit more in common. You're really spiritual, they're not, you're going to need that, or whatever the case might be. That, in a sense, is a Jupiter-Saturn moment within a relationship, within your relationship history. And so you go, "I've got to end this relationship because I'm getting inspired by a different kind of relationship that I'm realizing is possible, given a different prioritization of values and choices and so forth."
So we go through these kinds of paradigmatic changes in every area of our lives, and you can track them along the cycles of Jupiter and Saturn. And in some ways, the Jupiter-Saturn cycle represents the broadest, most comprehensive sense of reviewing and revising values, needs, and structures in our life on mental, psychological levels, emotional levels, spiritual levels, and philosophical levels. It can be about turning points within the things that we practice, the crafts that we study, the people or groups that we belong to.
But what you'll see time and time again is that we start reaching a limit, and we start imagining something beyond the limit, and that that delineation is Saturn inflecting itself on Jupiter. Now, in this case, it's really interesting because—well, actually, I'll come back to that when we get... we'll come back around to the current Jupiter-Saturn cycle first. Let's go back in time, and I'm going to give you some ideas for how to track the previous cycle.
All right, first, let's get the chart up on the screen. So this is today, Wednesday, November 27, and you can see that through Jupiter's retrograde, it's coming back into contact with Saturn. Now this combination will perfect. We just go forward a little bit, and we'll see that the two planets come into that perfect arrangement here. Right about Christmas. Isn't that interesting? Anyway, it's the solstice time of year. And that's interesting because the last time that they came together was almost exactly four years ago, on the solstice of 2020 in the sign of Aquarius.
So anyway, we'll come back to that cycle. But here's what I want to do. Excuse me, we're going to go back in time to the beginning of the last cycle, and we're going to walk forward through it, and I'm going to give you some prompts. So here we go.
Here is the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, the last one that took place in 2000, May of 2000, in the sign of Taurus. Now I'm going to give you some journal tracking prompts right now, and I'm going to explain each one, and then we're going to walk through the cycle, and I want you to use all of these tracking prompts and tracking suggestions under each part of the cycle. And I promise you, believe me when I say this, take your time with it. I mean, if you've only got 15 minutes, fine. If you can take half an hour, if you can take an hour, it is worth it, I promise you.
So anyway, here are the prompts, and we're going to start with this period in May of 2000. And remember this too, for every date that I give, think about that year, right? May of 2000. You could back this up a little bit, go into the fall of 1999 into the spring of 2000, about a year within the time frame of the conjunction on either side, is when you will typically see events and transitions that are reflecting the Jupiter-Saturn dynamic and the kinds of structural or paradigmatic changes that come with it.
It doesn't usually happen on the day of, although it can happen in the month of or right around the exact conjunction. But think of these as moments that then get an umbrella created around them for about a year. Okay, so keep that in mind now. Here are the prompts, and I encourage you to spend time with each of them around each date.
How were my beliefs, my attitudes, my perceptions, and my convictions changing?
What I mean by this is what kinds of things were happening in your life that were shifting your attitudes, your outlooks, the things that you're passionate about, the things that you believed, whether it was the development of your faith or your outlook on life, or your philosophy or your political participation, or paradigmatic changes in any specific area of your life. I encourage you to not think too hard in the beginning about the house location, because sometimes that will—it can actually be misleading, because sometimes we then think "I have to find something that
looks like the house," and it's more important to just start with this level of things and then come back to the house location later.
So you could look at the whole sign house of Taurus under this first one, for example. But I recommend looking at it after the fact and just starting with these basic questionsHow were systems or structures in any aspect of my life evolving or changing?
And by systems or structures, I mean those systems of patterned meaning or arrangements or things that grant coherence and structure and a sense of unity to our life. What was changing structure? Really.
What beliefs were getting tested or refined?
What were we in the process of doubting? What were we in the process of opening our minds or hearts to?
What was I in the process of building?
What kinds of structures or systems, or what of anything in my life was I in the process of building? In what way were groups, organizations, or other social elements of my life transforming?
This becomes really important.
So now, what I'm going to do is I'm just going to share with you one observation of my own from having done this prior to telling all of you to do it. I'm not going to use the house locations in my own chart, I'm just going to tell you the very basic thing.
So at this time, I was, for the very first time, under this conjunction, starting to question whether or not the Christian church was going to continue to be the best place for me, philosophically, personally, socially, on every level. That questioning process started right here. That is the broadest thing. I was pretty young, you know, I was like 18, something like that. Okay, so think about that period around 2000 and what was going on.
All right, we're going to go forward now. You could pause the video, you know, if you need to do this exercise like this. So now let's go forward, and we're going to take them into their square. It's going to take a little while for them to get enough separation where they are square to one another. Now we're starting to get, get here we go. Now we're cooking. So we're seeing that they are in the whole sign square with one another in 2005. Jupiter is going to need to station and turn direct, and then... Oops, let me go forward by week, so that'll be a little quicker. Alright. So Jupiter goes direct... Oh, you know what, it's going to be into the next sign, isn't it? Yep. So here we have the two planets reaching their square. This is here it is. Okay. Here we go. Let's get the exact day here. Yeah, so it is between December 16 and 17th of 2005. So you could back that up to earlier in 2005. You could put that forward a little bit into 2006 because... Let's see if they come back.
I believe they come back again in this one. Yeah, so they come back into a second square by July of 2006, so let's say late 2005 through summer of 2006, something like that. Okay, perfect. So during this time, again, how were my beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and convictions changing? How were systems or structures in any aspect of my life changing or evolving? What beliefs were getting tested or refined? What was I in the process of building? In what ways were groups, organizations, or other social elements of my life transforming?
During this period of my life, I went to South America for the first time in 2005 and drank Ayahuasca. That would then lead to a few more trips, and the very rapid transformation of my spiritual outlook on life, which became much more universal and quickly went beyond the, let's call it, the boundaries of the Christian church. And remember, that was what had started under the first part for me. So the Ayahuasca experience, which I used as a way of also treating some opiate addiction that I was dealing with in my early 20s, came in and completely transformed my worldview. It didn't discard or discredit the Christian upbringing that I kind of came from; in many ways, it honored it. But the Ayahuasca experience also sort of universalized my understanding of my faith path, and that happened during this period.
And during this period, I then started writing a book about it. So that's what I was building.
Okay, so play with that timeline. This is again, like late 2005, like you could go through from 2005 through 2006 right around in there. Now, let's go forward again, and now we're going to get to their opposition. The opposition is often where things really go through a period of testing because now it's as though there's a kind of duality at work and a kind of feeling of a binary opposition that can make these particular exchanges tense and almost a little bit more challenging to deal with.
So here it is. Now, this is the opposition between Jupiter and Saturn in May of 2010. Jupiter's in Pisces, Saturn is in Virgo. This is May of 2010. Now, Jupiter is going to enter Aries, Saturn is going to enter Libra, and then we're going to get the retrogradation of Jupiter hitting Saturn again in August of 2010. Let's see, it comes about right about here. This is like late, mid to late August 2010, so 2010 becomes another really big year.
Okay, so during that period of time, remember, how were my beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and convictions changing? How were systems or structures in any aspect of my life evolving or changing? What beliefs were getting tested or refined? What was I in the process of building? In what ways were groups, organizations, or other social elements of my life transforming?
So interestingly, during this opposition period in May, in fact, I left my job as a social worker, started managing a yoga studio, and taking an astrological certification course with my first teacher, Rebecca Gordon, who I still dearly love. She's a good friend of mine still. After I completed that program, the yoga studio was served an eviction notice. I was collecting unemployment, and I launched Nightlight Astrology. My book about Ayahuasca came out, and I was officially beginning my career as an astrologer, building my practice and company.
During that period of time, my ongoing involvement in Ayahuasca work and communities, which had been going on for many years at this point, was serving an incredibly important role in developing my involvement in yoga communities, in the astrological community, and now I was publishing a book about Ayahuasca and launching my astrological business. All of which represented shifts in paradigm and belief that were taking place under the earlier parts of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle.
Okay, so that's it. That's what I'm saying there. They're very powerful. Now sometimes, you know, for some people, for some of us, you know, I was born, for example, with Jupiter conjunct Saturn. So my relationship with the Jupiter-Saturn cycle is quite pronounced, and that is often the case when you're born under hard aspects of the cycle. So if you're born with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, square, or opposition, or even a trine or sextile, you may experience the cycle a little bit more vividly because those two planets are connected natally. So that's just a side note, but you can still, I promise you, spend a little time with this and really take time with these questions, and you will find that it's remarkable the kinds of philosophical and structural changes that happen—like paradigmatic changes in our life, deep structural changes.
Alright, so that was the opposition. Now let's go forward to the final square.
Alright, we're moving forward here. Alrighty. So here is the approaching of the final square. Oh, I guess Jupiter is going to turn retrograde on us first. Let's get this forward a little bit. Sorry. Here we go. Alright, so we've got the first square here. Here we go. This is August of 2015 that the first square comes through between Jupiter and Saturn in Leo and Scorpio. You can see that connection right there. Now, let's take this forward a little bit, and let's see that it comes back through retrograde. Yeah. So here we have the two planets connecting again by March of 2016. So you can see the two planets taking place right here.
So between 2015 and 2016, let's return to those prompts. Between 2015 and 2016, just kind of give it a broad umbrella, because a lot of the time, I mean, this is March 2016, but you see, there were some in the fall of 2015. So how were my beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and convictions changing? How were systems or structures in any aspect of my life evolving or changing? What beliefs were getting tested or refined? What was I in the process of building? In what way were groups, organizations, or other social elements of my life transforming?
So here's the deal. We have another period of time, a last quarter square, now, where we see that kind of shift—a pronounced moment of the ongoing evolution of structures, beliefs, and deep paradigms changing. So for me, what happened during this period of time between 2015 and 2016 was I became, I got married, and became a dad. That had a very deep impact on my life, and I also, during this time, began the process, which took about two years, but it began under this period of shifting from archetypal astrology to Hellenistic astrology, and began an immersive process of shifting my philosophical and technical approach to astrology, which had completely transformed my career.
I began studying with Robert Schmidt, Chris Ben, and Demetra George, people who were the major disseminators of Hellenistic astrology and horary astrology as well. I began an apprenticeship of horary during this time, and completely transformed the curriculum of all of my programs. Also, we started to consider moving to all online offerings because the yoga studio, alongside being parents, was becoming a lot to manage. So all of that, those structures started changing. Then, a major shift in my outlook on life: becoming a parent. Major shift in my practice of philosophical practice of astrology.
So there it is, and you can track the same thing. Look for this time, late 2015 through 2016, what was going on? Alright? Well, you can guess where this is heading. The next movement between these two planets comes at their conjunction. And their conjunction is something that, of course, took place in December of 2020.
What were the philosophical changes that were happening in your life around this time? So same prompts: how were my beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions changing? How were systems or structures in any aspect of my life evolving or changing? What beliefs were getting tested or refined? What was I in the process of building? In what way were groups, organizations, or other social elements of my life transforming?
So we closed our yoga studio. This is my report. We closed our yoga studio. We moved back home to Minneapolis, which is where both my wife and I are from originally. We were living on the East Coast, so there were major structural and paradigmatic changes related to the prioritization of home and family, which had begun under the last part of the cycle of the last cycle. So we had moved home. We had moved all of our business online. I had developed now year one, two, and three curriculum in Hellenistic astrology that all launched that year. We started the plans for our donation-based clinic.
At that point, I began what would be about a year of coming to the conclusion that I needed to leave the religious yoga community that I was a part of. So major new beginning with respect to where we were living, how we were doing business, the types of programs I was offering, and a paradigmatic shift around religion and philosophy in my life with respect to the yoga community that I was in. By the end of this period, after Jupiter left Aquarius, I had then left the yoga community. Again, very powerful, very powerful changes.
So do you see why it's so important to track these? Because you'll see connected the arc of your life and how your paradigms of thought are changing—deep structures in your life that shift everything else. They take place under these aspects. You can track them out in the collective as well, within groups and organizations.
Alright, let's roll it forward, and here we are. Here we are, and we've already had, in August, the square between Jupiter and Saturn in Gemini and Pisces. So
you could look at August of this year. And then again, here in December, we see the two coming back together. And then if we track them out a little bit further into June of 2025, we'll see Jupiter in Cancer squaring Saturn in Aries as the final square between them. They will not come back into that perfect square again. So we have between December and June, and as early as this previous August of 2024 to look at the structural shift that is taking place.
Here's the hard thing: you barely ever recognize when you're in the midst of those periods how impactful the period will be, and what a shift it will create overall in time. That's why it's important to track, because when you track the entirety of these big cycles, it becomes so much easier to see in the previous periods. Look at what I was in the mix of. I was in the soup, you know, and when I'm in the soup, it's harder to see how these entire attitudes and perceptions of reality are shifting, and so the structures and deep systems are going to shift slowly, gradually. Jupiter-Saturn this month may or may not have any immediate, obvious signs that it gives when in a big event, but there may be important things that are happening that have an undeniable effect on your attitude and outlook.
In August, for example, one thing that's been happening is that we started building the donation-based clinic. We launched it late November, as the square is coming back. That was something we established the framework for and decided to set as an intention in 2020 under the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, continuing to try to shift the structure of the company to be something that continues evolving in the way that we try to make astrology accessible. That's a core vision of Nightlight.
So that's one way it's related, not surprisingly, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction happened in my 10th house, right? So the seating moment for me in this cycle seems to have particular relevance to the trajectory of my career arc. You know, when you look back at Taurus in the last cycle where it all started, that was my first house. The last cycle had so much more to do with identity and personal philosophy and beliefs and how they would end up shaping things like family and career and other things, right? But so much more personal and existential in the first house at the seating point of the last cycle.
This seating is in the 10th house in my chart as a Taurus rising. So you can also track that out. You can track the start of the cycle in Aquarius. You can look at the whole sign houses now, between Pisces and Gemini. But I promise you that if you're feeling overwhelmed by that and you're trying to fit things into the house meanings, don't do it. Just start with these basic questions and run through them one at a time, and you will find there. There it is. If I just look at it from that, if I look at it kind of from Jupiter, kind of from Jupiter-Saturn, apart from wherever they're located in my birth chart, and trying to figure it out, like, you will see it if you just practice on this, on this general level of questioning.
Okay, well, I leave you there with some homework, and I hope that you will find this to be useful. I'm amazed at how the thing that's been very important for me since the last cycle, since this cycle started, was the incorporation of more emphasis on physical health and well-being, my body. I'm a very... I've always been a very mental, intellectual, spiritual type of person. Didn't prioritize bodily health as much. I'm aging under the last conjunction. I also started getting into my health a lot more.
What I find really interesting is that as this Jupiter-Saturn square has come through, there's also been a lot of shifting in my understanding and a lot of growth and learning within the paradigm, kind of like a similar shift that I was talking about when I went from being archetypal-psychological alone to Hellenistic plus archetypal, that shift philosophically within my career. There's something like that that's been happening for me within the domain of my physical health and wellness practices, and that's been really cool, because I just feel like I'm learning and I'm growing a lot in that respect.
But you can find that it might be in relationships, it might be with parenting, it might be in your career or a craft you practice. It could be within groups that you belong to, or the way you intersect personally and socially, like where those structures. It can really take place in so many different ways because so many of us are oriented in very specific areas of our life compared to others. Like, you know, and I track, we've tracked Ashley's cycles, and there's a lot of overlap for her between caregiving, nurturing, healing and health profession as an herbalist and mothering. And the two have so much to do with each other. Mine is so... in the last cycle, mine is so philosophical, you know.
Anyway, it's a fun thing to track. I hope you will have fun with this. I hope you find this useful. Thank you to everybody again for supporting the channel so far. We have a long way to go to get to 1937 backers, but we're off to a good start. If you haven't yet pitched in, I'm after I sign off, there are going to be, there's going to be an explanation of the rewards that we offer. When you donate, because we have a lot of really cool gifts and bundles on our courses that help you to save, like, up to 75% off, like, really, really great deals when you support the channel and support the production of free content in 2025.
So thank you to everybody, and we will see you again soon. Bye.
Not sure if I would use the word ‘fun’ to desert any of it I have Jupiter square Saturn natal as well as Jupiter conjunt Pluto and Saturn square Pluto
Another transit of Jupiter square Saturn for me is a bit intimidating to be honest I did enjoy reading your article Thanks for sharing it with us