Here’s what to watch for:
* The Moon in Sagittarius will bring with it a lifted energy as it moves from a Mars to a Jupiter ruled sign and immediately applies to trine Mars and the Sun.
* The trine from the Moon to Mars and the Sun could bring up lingering feelings of frustration or anger. Be careful, even though Mars and the Sun are separating, Mars is still combust. Mars is therefore compared to a sick person who is now on the mend but not fully recovered.
* The trine to the Sun following the Moon’s trine to Mars should bring positive or constructive forms of support, though remember the culmination of this month’s Moon cycle is a lunar eclipse, signifying big changes or powerful endings ahead!
* Meanwhile, the big astrological news this week is Jupiter’s square to Pluto. Jupiter and Pluto point toward corruption, scandal, revelation, purgation, eruption, and regeneration related to justice, balance, fairness, due process, the law, beauty or vanity, order, and judgment.
* Jupiter square to Pluto may represent the wisdom we gain from events that level the scales or clearly illustrate for us the laws of karma, of cause and effect, or of cosmic justice.
* Jupiter and Pluto together amplify the themes of corruption and fairness or the brokenness of a system designed to maintain order and equilibrium.
* Jupiter’s square to Pluto brings powerful, eruptive, deep, and cathartic levels of success, victory over darkness, victory through the darkness, triumph through transformation, and so forth.
* Jupiter square to Pluto for the last time may signify the beginning of the end of a karmic process designed to teach or educate the soul.
* Jupiter square to Pluto reflects the inability to listen to the voice of reason, objectivity, distance, and fair-minded judgment. It is the discarding, neglecting, or warping of the evidence toward what is subjectively preferable to us.
* Jupiter square to Pluto is revenge or the desire to tilt the scales in our favor through coercive measures.
* Jupiter square to Pluto is a confrontation with people in authority, the corruption or virtue of people who are in a place to make judgments or to decide between things.
* Jupiter square to Pluto is the end of a period of vanity, conceit, or puffed up pride or self-importance, perhaps triggered by loss, humbling circumstances, or reaping what has been sown.
We’ll continue to look at Jupiter/Pluto as the week unfolds and the transit perfects!
Prayer: Show us how to stop and recognize the wisdom flowing through all events, the ones we like and the ones we don’t. May we learn to see beyond what we get or what we lose, what we are excited by or what we are frustrated by.
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