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Today, we're examining the Jupiter-Saturn square, occurring twice in 2024 and continuing into 2025, marking it as one of the most pivotal transits of the upcoming years. While we've previously discussed Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus, the Jupiter-Saturn square stands out as equally, if not more, significant. We'll begin by outlining three key aspects to remember about Jupiter-Saturn cycles in general, followed by an in-depth look at five specific points to consider for the upcoming square.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we are going to take a look at Jupiter Square to Saturn, which is going to happen in 2024. It's one of the most significant transits of the year ahead and a really good one to take a look at in advance. Jupiter is going to enter Gemini in late May of 2024. Once it does, it starts in a whole sine square to Saturn in Pisces.
The square will actually be perfect by degree in about the middle of August and then once more in December, right around Christmas of 2020, for about a year from now. The reason that this is significant is it is their opening square in the Jupiter Saturn cycle, which, if you remember, Jupiter and Saturn conjoined at zero degrees of Aquarius in December of 2020; that was their conjunction.
So we are in the opening square of their cycle, and that is a really significant thing to look at. It's also really interesting to consider that when those two planets get together in August and December in their square, Pluto is hanging out right around zero Aquarius at the exact same degree that their conjunction took place; that makes this a really interesting Jupiter Saturn year, just like we had at the very end of 2020.
Of course, there are a lot of things that that might mean for each of us individually. But we want to start today by understanding the archetypal significance of Jupiter Saturn squares within the context of the larger Jupiter Saturn cycle, and again, we'll try to point ourselves back or sort of reorient ourselves with respect to their conjunction that happened in zero Aquarius in December of 2020.
So that's our goal for today is to kind of look at the cycle and refresh ourselves on the Jupiter Saturn combination in general, and then take a look at what the square might mean. Anyway, before we get into it, as always, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share your comments and reflections as you have them, especially if you have anything that you've noticed or observed about what's been happening in your life since the conjunction took place between Jupiter and Saturn in 2020.
That would be really interesting to hear you guys reflect; you can find a transcript of today's talk or any of my talks on the website, of course, nightlight astrology.com. Well, as I am making this, we have just a couple of days left in the annual Kickstarter campaign. So, there are just about three more days left to try to reach our goal of 1777 backers by New Year's Eve. At the time that I was recording this introduction, we had 1139 backers from whom we've gathered support.
Thank you, guys, so much; we really appreciate it. That means we still need 638 backers in the last three more days that we have left, including today, when we go through New Year's Eve. I think, technically, it is the Kickstarter; you could donate all the way until nine or 10 in the morning on New Year's Day. But we're trying to push for New Year's Eve as our finish line. You can find a link to the Kickstarter in the description of this video or pin to the top of the comment section.
When you go over there and make a pledge, you can pick up a reward, and you can bundle rewards together as well. You can pick multiple rewards; if you want to pick a couple, our class passes are the best deal we have; they will not be on sale again. Until next year, you have to wait a full year to get that sale, and that takes 50 gets 50% off for one class. If you bundle them together into three or four classes out of the six different programs we offer, you save even more.
I'd love to see some of you guys come and join our programs in 2024. These class passes don't expire. They're transferable if you want to, like give one to a friend or take one alongside a friend or something like that. If you have any questions about the Kickstarter or program, you can email us info at nightlightastrology.com. You can look at all the programs and learn more about them at the website nightlightastrology.com, where you can also find the link to the Kickstarter. At the top of the menu, you'll see a 2024 Kickstarter link.
Well, on that note, I have been sharing some things at the beginning as a way of these videos lately as a way of promoting the Kickstarter. Today, I want to tell you the three reasons that I think people most commonly turn to astrology, and I try to stay aware of these things in terms of the way that I create content throughout the year.
Number one is that astrology encourages us. I love the etymology of the word encouraged, which comes from Old French and core encouraged air. I'm not sure how you pronounce that. But it means to make strong the heart, and also the word core as is a reference to the word heart and as the seed of the emotions, and it is about the innermost feelings that we have and the valor or quality of mind or heart, which enables us to meet danger and trouble without fear, the encouragement, astrology is encouraging.
For me, when I look at my experiences, and I see the heavenly design, I see the beauty of the experiences in the language and patterns of astrology. I am encouraged because I know that there is a purpose And the meaning behind experiences. That doesn't mean there's only one meaning or that everything is some kind of, you know, algebra lesson or something or I don't know, it's, but I feel encouraged by astrology, and I think most people do, and I think that's why they turn to astrology, and so the content on this channel focuses on trying to be a source of encouragement.
Number two, astrology makes our experiences heavenly. I just alluded to this. But the thing is, did you know, by the way, the word experience? It means observation as the source of knowledge, actual observation, and event which has affected one and also a proof experiment or knowledge gained by repeated trials, like lessons learned through repeated experiences. It also means to try or to test to have experience having tested to try or even the connotation of risking something, here's the thing is that every day we're learning and growing from our experiences, you know, I think about Hilda, the rescue dog that we took in, and the way that she was just a puppy. She's like, you know, every environment is new, and she's taking in data and information, and the thing that we try to provide her with, as you know, her, her family, is, we try to provide her with a sense that you're in a safe place.
Astrology locates your experiences in terms of eternity and in terms of the heavens, and when you feel like these, you know, we're living in a world so big, there are so many people it can, it's easy to fall into the, to the feeling that you're insignificant that nothing, nothing really matters that much. You can get depressed and melancholic. But astrology has a way of reminding us that our experiences are heavenly; they're beautiful. There, there's the meaning and a grain of sand, and that's our life. You know, it again, it's easy to feel like that, you know, we're being nickeled and dimed to death with astronomical numbers and size and vastness. You know, even in this world, What to speak of the universe.
But astrology doesn't look at it that way. It's like, No, this, this granular little moment is precious and sacred. So it makes the experience of being alive. It places it into eternity, and it grants it dignity and I think that's why people look to astrology because we need that because it's true. That's not just something we need. It's like a story we tell ourselves to comfort ourselves. But it's not true. No, it's true. But we look for that truth; we need it.
Number three, astrology gives us a powerful secret. Did you know I love this? The etymology of the word secret is that which is hidden from human understanding. But it also means a mystery, a thing hidden, a secret conversation, or retirement in solitude. So here's the thing is that, you know, most of us, we walk through life, and we have so many we have relationships, we have friendships, we have love relationships, and so on and so forth. But at the end of the day, there's a little piece of our experience that remains somewhat alone, like we don't get me wrong, I feel connected to other human beings, and I like I feel connected to the cosmos through astrology.
But astrology also gives me this feeling that the innermost private, isolated sense of my existence, the most individual and alone, that I feel in my existence, is not truly alone. In that space of, let's call it, the process of being in solitude as a human being, which happens in little pockets of time or long stretches of time; you know, there are different seasons of our life where we feel more alone than others. But when you have astrology, it's as though even in your aloneness, there's a reflective space and a kind of secret conversation that's happening between you and the cosmos, and I think people look to astrology because we all feel like no matter what we're doing, or how successful we are, or where our relationships are at, there's always a sense in which you're walking on a path that's utterly just you in that path and on that path, it's nice to feel like there's something with you speaking to you, encouraging you, and making your experiences heavenly.
These are the intentions that I infuse the talks that I create with because I think this is why people turn to astrology. I know this is why I do. If you do, come, study with us, pitch in, and pick up a calendar or contribute to Kickstarter. Help us reach our goal and pick out any of the different rewards that we have. As you guys know, we have just a couple of days left, and we could really use the support to push through the finish line and meet our final goal. Anyway, I thank you, guys, very much for all those who have already contributed. Thank you. Thank you, and thank you from me, my family, and my staff. We so appreciate you guys. Hope you will enjoy today's talk.
All right, so today we're going to be taking a look at Jupiter square to Saturn, which is happening twice in 2024 and will continue into 2025, making it one of the most significant transits of our year ahead. I've already spent some time on my channel talking about Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus, which is happening in April. That's perhaps one, but Jupiter square to Saturn is one easily, and some could even argue that it's more significant. So, you know, it's a little subjective, but I would still put this right at the top of the list either way; this is one of the most significant transits of the year ahead.
So what we're going to do is we're going to talk about three things that we should remember about Jupiter's Saturn cycles in general, and then after we do that, I want to talk about five particular things to note about this upcoming Jupiter's Jupiter square to Saturn. So by the time we have done all of that, I hope that you will have a really nice, detailed, sort of well-rounded understanding of the Jupiter Saturn square that's coming in 2024 and 2025. I'm going to put the real-time clock up and walk you guys through some of the details. Let's start by noting three general things about Jupiter's and Saturn's cycles because there's sometimes a lot of confusion among people about the two planets and their similarities and differences.
A lot of people, especially in modern astrology, have been taught that Saturn equals structure, and this is, in a sense, incorrect. So we have to clarify because there's an interesting relationship that Saturn has to structure. But it's not really appropriate to think that Saturn has the market cornered on structure or that that's solely what Saturn is all about. Hence, anything structured in the world becomes Saturnian and sometimes, by extension, Capricornian or something like that. So there are a lot of problems with the way that we think about Saturn that can inform the way we end up thinking about a Jupiter-Saturn dynamic, and so forth. So anyway, these are three things to note about Jupiter's and Saturn's cycles in general.
Number one is that they are about cyclical development, evolution, renewal, death, or reworking. Whatever words we want to use, there are different words that may be appropriate for governing systems. That's not the same as saying a structure.
So, just a governing system is different than a structure, although they might, governing systems may also have some structure; that's a part of it, obviously. But the reason that I make this distinction is because most people don't know that in ancient astrology, it was Jupiter, not Saturn, that was related to the governing systems of a society. So whether you're talking about, let's say, for example, religion, the religious institutions of a country or a continent, or what have you, a state, a city. Those religious institutions are an expression of a set of ideals, values, virtues, and beliefs that, ideally, do not in practical ways; they fail us all the time; all different kinds of governing systems fail us by not living up to the ideal, that they're the ideals that they're rooted in.
Okay, so set that aside for a second and just think archetypically. Religion is supposed to provide something of social, spiritual, moral, and philosophical unity within a society, and this is why you know, 10s of 1000s of yours on our planet, we see whether it's tribal or societal or cultural expressions of religion and so insofar as religious institutions are an embodiment of a series of principles, beliefs, ideas, doctrines, teachings, that are supposed to grant coherence and moral unity and coherence to the social arena, they are Jupiterian.
Okay, and similarly with government, insofar as a democracy or any other form of government, a monarchy in certain times, certain places, any form of government whatsoever that ideally is supposed to create order, unity, coherence, some kind of moral center around which everything can orbit in, in an in a greater in creating a greater sense of wholeness and coherence to the society, that there might be a plurality of religions in society. But the government may provide a way in which we have to respect and allow for the coexistence of those things. You see what I mean?
So, ideally, archetypally, and in a case, a system of government based on its sense of what is virtuous and good and what will keep society together and whole would be Jupiterian.
Okay, it's the same thing with education systems. Ideally, they're meant to educate, enlighten, and create a higher reasonable set of behaviors, perhaps, or something like that. So they're Jupiterian. People think of these things as Saturnian, and I'll talk about why that is, but they're not they're Jupiterian from the ancient astrological perspective. So religion, government, education, and there are many other examples, but those are the big ones that we all sort of recognize as Jupiterian. In our personal lives, religion, philosophy, morality, our beliefs, and the way they create a sense, like a moral or spiritual compass for us, in that sense, ideally, those systems of belief and thought that we live our lives by that we, however, loosely route our choices in Jupiterian.
Okay, so when we're talking about a Jupiter-Saturn cycle, the first thing to think about is that Saturn is not about structure, as much as Saturn is like a boundary line, and you can think of it as the boundary between different states. So let's say, for example, that you have a set of beliefs or doctrines about the nature of the solar system, and they inform the science department at a university; well, at some point in time, those systems of ideas are going to run up against some kind of limit, or they're going to face impermanence or death. That is Saturn.
Saturn is like the Grim Reaper; Saturn is winter, Saturn is impermanent, Saturn is decay, and Saturn is also the limits or boundaries of how far something can go. Remember, Saturn demarcates the boundary between the known and the unknown, the visible and the invisible, the new and the old.
So, although Saturn ends up getting a stat associated with the old, it is only associated with the old because of its association with death and winter and so the natural way in which things age and sometimes become wiser in their age, but wiser also means that they will run into the need to replace a less mature idea with a more mature one and so for example when you have the classic story of Kronos and Zeus and what is that story about, it's about the changing of the guard, the changing of ages, the changing of ruling, the ruling paradigm and it's tempting in that story to cast Saturn as the bad guy.
Right, but the story of Cronos as a planet as an archetype is more nuanced than the character of Kronos, who just like doesn't like just wants to swallow as children and doesn't want the new to come in and as things are breaking down, as impermanence comes, there is a way in which I don't know, like Ebenezer Scrooge, you know, you can start leaning into being sort of crotchety like a Get off my lawn old man who somehow is not accepting of age, and of change, and of death and impermanence and so where Saturn creeps in response to that winter and aging and death and decay is resistance to change, which is but that's a byproduct of how we respond to Saturn. It's not who Saturn is. Right? Saturn is pointing toward an archetypal process of aging, death, decay, and impermanence and marking the boundary between one form of something and the next.
For this reason, Saturn is also associated with the contractions of labor. But those contractions are fundamentally a part of birth, which is why spring follows winter, and so medieval astrologers quite frequently compared the Saturn Jupiter qualities to winter and spring and their cycles to the interaction of winter and spring when it comes to the development or evolution of governing systems, governing systems being rooted in ideal images of what creates cohesion in life, unityUnity, socially, unityUnity morally or spiritually.
So, in a Jupiter-Saturn cycle, when the two planets come together, for example, in a conjunction, what you have is you have a moment of recognizing the limits that something has, is ready to pass into a different expression that you're reaching the end of one way of whether it's you're in your personal life, one way that your beliefs will guide you one way your business will be structured.
One way your relationship philosophy will, you know, express itself one way that your family will be experienced is a kind of set of values, beliefs, and ideals that are coming up against their limit, and as they reach the limit, there's a seeding of a new idea that can happen because we have come to recognize the limit of something, and that's the process of Jupiter and Saturn but Properly speaking, the new system that will come into our lives and provide temporary shelter structure cohesion, different words, you can use still Jupiterian words by the way, for ancient astrologers, it comes about because of the death, finality and permanence, decay limitations, and creative contractions that it experiences as it hits Saturn.
So, Saturn is not the order and structure as much as it is the marker of boundaries and limits between orders and structures. That's a slightly more nuanced way of looking at Saturn, but it will still be intimately related to how we think about and experience limits, structures, and orders. But Saturn itself is not the best planet to us when it comes to thinking about, like to say, that Saturn equals structure. Saturn equals, like systems and structures, not quite correct.
For example, in the famous Narnia Chronicles by CS Lewis, where he themes he or he, he embeds each of the books with the symbolism of one of the medieval planets. Saturn is used in the last book, The Last Battle, and Jupiter is used as the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; the story is about the end of the white witch's Reign of Terror in defined by winter, and the coming of spring, defined by you know, the kind of rebirth motif of Aslan, the lion. So, he has a Jupiter Saturn dynamic there, and sure, one of the characteristics of a dying system is that it becomes corrupt, that it has fallen far away from the initial image of virtue that it projected as it was established, and this happens all the time. This happens all the time.
Many people, for example, will get involved in a religious group only later to become disillusioned with it and leave when they realize maybe they put it up on a pedestal and they can't live up to that, or maybe they come to see that it is not what it claims to be or something like that many people have that experience with religion, many people have that experience with the education system. Many people have that experience with the systems of government around the world and their leaders and so forth. This is perennial.
But that dynamic of the disillusionment, right, that's a process that entails both planets communicating, and the great cycles that we see of these interactions happen with the orders and structures of our life happen as Jupiter and Saturn communicate. So we, the conjunction, the square, the opposition, the square, and the conjunction all have distinct meanings within the cycle. Let's look at this on the screen. So here you will see what. Let's go back in time. We're going to look at the last time that Jupiter and Saturn came together, and this was right here. You can see their seeding around May of 2000.
So then what happens is that conjunction will be experienced as the death and rebirth moment of our systems of order, and that can happen on so many different levels and looking at the whole sign house of Taurus, for example, at this time, would give you some sense of which systems in what area of life are most intimately being affected. So we go forward here, and we see that as the two planets separate, they're going to separate as Jupiter speeds up and goes faster than Saturn. Then, eventually, what happens is they get into a first quarter square, so here we have their first quarter square, and this first quarter square was in 2005.
Okay, so Jupiter Squared Saturn at the end of 2005. So there, this is the first square after the conjunction, which is what we were going through in 2020. For the first square after the conjunction is speaking to Okay, from their seating point, new systems of order in our lives are being created based on new ideals.
Now, as the two interact in a square, as the system is developing, it's hitting one of its first periods where adjustments will need to be made because it's facing a little mini winter; there's a check that Saturn is offering; offering as you're riding along on your horse with this newly developed order; all of a sudden, there's a check in it says, you know, you're gonna have to make some adjustments, the order that you are working with and have established since the start of the cycle, this ceding point that gave you new ways of ordering your life, morally, spiritually, philosophically, religiously, politically, etc. Now, it's being checked, and adjustments have to be made; maybe it could be a reality check. Right?
A reality check is not Saturnian. Just because Saturn is like some grumpy old realist, as much as it is that Saturn is a limit and when the new moral or spiritual or philosophical order is in the first quarter square, it's coming up against its first limit as it is developing and so there's a period of adjustment or reflection, as the new order is developing or evolving, that happens during the first quarter square and adjustments have to be made. Hurdles have to be overcome. Something may try to clip your wings, and you have to keep going, or something may be humbling, and you have to accept it.
Something may be offering refinement, but you're facing a limit and an initial moment of maturity, a kind of initiation into greater maturity. So a little mini winter. Now, we take the cycle forward, and we're going to place the two planets into their opposition, which is the next major aspect.
Their opposition came, for example, during the last cycle; we can see it coming right about here. This is the Spring of 2011. During their opposition, now we have this kind of full moon moment in the Jupiter Saturn cycle, and that full moon moment is going to ask us to now face like you could say that the order has entered our lives in a full way the new ideas, the new values, the new virtues, the new philosophies they have. They have brought things into a space of great manifestation. They've manifested very powerfully in our lives by this point, and so now we're facing something like the midlife crisis of these values of these philosophies. It's a very deep level of challenge and reflection, and it asks us to hold the tension of two very opposite ways of looking at things.
There's no better way to test the philosophy than to mean it's, it's all fun and dandy when you're kind of riding high on new ways of being new philosophies, new values, and the way they carry out in your life, and you find them that they're integrating, and they're successful. But it's when they come into their most powerful form of expression, their sort of mid-life moment, that you have to look very, very carefully at their shadows, and this is a great testing of the maturity of our values and systems of order that happens at the opposition.
You might remember, it was around this time in the collective, I mean, just very, you know, kind of, broadly speaking, there was a lot going on, but one thing that was happening was, you know, Occupy Wall Street, the Arab spring if you guys remember that, broadly speaking, this, this is where there are, you start to see the clashing of the values of the new way, with, you know, like, you can already start to see the eventual death on the horizon.
These are moments where you, you know, something has ripened, and now, the challenge to the challenge from Saturn really marks its eventual death and the need to release, recycle, and regenerate new or improved or developed or evolved values, beliefs, ideas, they become more mature, you know, and then ideally, they create better systems of governance for our lives in any area of our life. But it's at this moment where they kind of face their faces, it's like a midlife crisis, and the eventual the kind of knowledge that eventually this system will fail and crash and there will have to be something else is part of this and that for us, we're thinking about this personally, right.
You could apply this to mundane astrology, but that's not my area of expertise. But, of course, it's been a mundane cycle that astrologers have looked at for centuries. Now, you'll come into the last quarter square, so we came into that last quarter square in the Spring of 2016, and in the last quarter square, now the values are facing the moment of death, the values, we're starting to see that they've they have served their purpose, we've reaped a harvest, you know, and probably some very good things that have come through our views of the world and the way that they've helped create a sense of order and unity in our lives. This last quarter moon is harvesting, and it's the glimpse of the winter and the death that's coming much more fully.
Now we're in a place where the values and philosophies are, and we are really facing that, that really deep kind of testing, and this moment will be leading to the death and the rebirth of another set of values. So it's a little abstract these cycles because we're really talking about the kinds of ideals and virtues and way of it's like the way we're orienting our lives, morally, ideologically, philosophically, going through these moments of tremendous change. So we take this forward, and this leads us up to where we are at in the current cycle.
So, if we look back, you guys probably remember this. There was in December 2020, right on the solstice, we had the two planets coming together in conjunction; on December 21, 2020, the two planets came together. This was a powerful event, and now we are in the first quarter of 2024, coming off their conjunction.
So around this time, and 2020, we began looking at there was a change, there was a shift in terms of the again think values, philosophies, ideals, ideologies, that are governing and you can see this in the collective, but personally that is governing your life, your relationships, your job, your approach to work, business, money, health, whatever, you start to see a dramatic shift in values and priorities around this time because, again, Jupiter and Saturn coming together suggest we've reached the limit and from this recognition of the limit comes the initiation of new ways of doing things.
Now that the seeding point is going to be, I'm going to start talking about five things to note about the Jupiter square Saturn that's going to happen in 2024, which will be between Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces and the very first thing to note, a five that I want us to pay attention to here is that this was their first square, this is going to be the first square since their conjunction on the solstice of 2020. So, let's take this forward just a little bit now.
One of the things that I'm going to do is take this forward to August; it is on August 19. of 2024, we see their first square right here. So this is their first square since they came together in 2020, and this is where you might think about doing some tracking. I wouldn't even recommend at first that you track in terms of house locations and natal aspects. Start off with a broader question at the top of your journal, right?
What are the ways in which my philosophical, religious, moral, political, social, and personal relational philosophies have gone through a significant transformation? How have they changed? And once you've answered that, and you can identify, yeah, these are the ways my paradigms have been changing.
Now, what I want you to put down in the next line to be filled in as the year continues is this question. How are these new ways, these new philosophies, these new virtues or ideals, this new paradigm that I've been working in? How is it being challenged and forced to adapt? How is it being tested, strengthened, and matured? Because we're in a phase now and in 2024, where those guiding Jupiterian philosophical values and virtues that grant some sense of order to our lives are going to be tested, they're going to be tested by it's like a coming of age initiation for them? Can we meet that with maturity?
One of the questions has an opening. Jupiter Saturn square is like it; it's a very useful square. Jupiter is a very useful sign in Gemini. You know, can we accept the limits? What kind of the, let's call it, the reality check that Saturn is providing? Can we accept it and say, Okay, I'm being asked to reflect, I'm being asked to think and adapt and adjust and mature in my views in these paradigms that guide my life? Can I accept that? On the other hand, as you are in the process of growing and evolving by means of these ideas and paradigms? Does someone or something come along and try to knock you off? Take your joy away? Or clip your wings or something like that? Can you persevere and keep going? Can you? If your beliefs are tested? Can you stick with them? Can you stay strong in them? Can you persevere?
Those are two different sides of the same Saturnian coin. Either way, it's what happens when something is brushing up against the limit, what happens when the idea is going through a kind of period of creative contraction that you're going to notice in August, in a very powerful way, and then it recurs in December. If we take this forward a little bit, you're going to see that in the month of December, the two planets come back, and we have their square yet again, and this will be, Yeah, so it's like right around here. December 24.
I guess it's right about Christmas that we see them again in 2024. So August and December are the two periods in which you may experience that testing, and it's not about getting it right or wrong as much as it is about whether you can receive the feedback, you know, even if there's some stumbling or some, you know, some falling on your face, even if there's some shadows or blind spots in your guiding philosophies. Can you accept the feedback, or can you enter into the reflective space that Saturn is trying to provide?
Here's one thing to consider that is very powerful, and I think it is going to make this quite profound. In the meantime, Pluto has entered Aquarius and now sits on the degree of Jupiter and Saturn's conjunction. So, if we need any extra evidence that this is a year in which the transformation of our beliefs and ideals is going through a significant period of, you know, transformation and testing, we can see it not only by the fact that Jupiter and Saturn squares happening for the first time since their conjunction, but that Pluto now sits on the degree of their conjunction as the two planets are in their opening square.
That's an extra powerful accent note suggesting that the seeding of this most recent Jupiter Saturn cycle at the end of 2020 and the winter solstice is it was a very powerful seeding moment, and so it makes sense that the testing that we'd be going through of our values, beliefs, our guiding philosophies and the way they orient our lives, we, we shouldn't expect that this will be like light or easy thing to have to look at and adapt and adjust. There are going to be significant challenges this year, asking us to continue transforming and evolving our outlooks and beliefs. So Okay.
The other thing that happens is at the very beginning of the cycle if we go back to May as Jupiter enters Gemini in late May, about the 25th, one of the very first things that it does, and just in case you need any more evidence that the Pluto sitting at around the degree of the recent Jupiter Saturn conjunction is significant. Right as Jupiter enters Gemini, it will try at Pluto just about a degree off from where the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurred at zero Aquarius; that trine between Jupiter and Pluto suggests that there are especially with Pluto and Aquarius at the zero degree marker, new governing paradigms new governing thoughts that are coming about as we recognize the limits of old ideas and beliefs which is so thoroughly Aquarian by the way.
That is, one of the specific things that Saturn in Aquarius is related to is the limitations between a paradigm, an old paradigm, and a new paradigm, which is fundamentally Aquarius. Jupiter entering Gemini is going to be gathering insight information.
It's a kind of chaos magic that wants to connect with Jupiter and help distribute new ideas, circulate new possibilities, develop, and continue cultivating the new beliefs that began at the winter solstice of 2020. the two are working together cooperatively, but then what happens is Jupiter will square Saturn. Now, it's important to note that when this square occurs, we're gonna go back to August 2024, when the first square occurs, both squares. Saturn is in Jupiter's sign, and so that means that they have the capacity to work together nicely.
However, Saturn is also in the overcoming square of Jupiter. So Jupiter is like Saturn, a houseguest, and Jupiter's temple, and so Jupiter then has to provide for and sort of take care of Saturn and Saturn in an overwhelming square, which means Saturn is very demanding. So, for as much transformational excitement as there is in the air this year with the Jupiter, Pluto trine, and air signs, new ideas abound. But Jupiter squaring Saturn has to provide something for Saturn, and Saturn is not a total monster here because of the reception it has with Jupiter. But Saturn is providing a very serious limitation and a very serious need for adjustment, reflection, or revision of some kind, and that's why, again, we can see that this is a year where we're facing some very, like very serious feedback about the new ideas that we're trying to get off running with and that should be pretty interesting.
Number five is that if we push this forward into 2025, I want to show you guys something: the two planets will move through square again. But they do so as Saturn leaves Pisces and enters Aries where it is in its full, at which point the square happens one last time while JUPITER is exalted, and Saturn is in its fall, and now Jupiter is there's no longer that reception between the two of them.
Saturn is in the overwhelming or overcoming position still, Jupiter's exalted Saturn is badly debilitated, and I suspect that this may actually be the most significant and difficult form of adjustment that we have to make, where you can see this very fertile abundant, life-giving Jupiter that's really wanting to do some special things in Cancer as it tends to do where it's exalted.
But then you have this very debilitated Saturn in Aries that may be, at this point, in some ways, trying to pull Jupiter down, and so this is a real test that will come in this in the spring, summer, and June of 2025. So the process of reflecting upon our governing principles and beliefs and ideals, the process of having them checked by the limit, winter, age, maturity, reality, or the kind of contract liveness of Saturn is, is very pronounced over the next year, all the way into Spring of 2025.
This is a healthy thing for us to have to reflect and evolve in ideas we're most excited about through mature, you know, kind of a mature, reflective quality; that's how ideas grow and do their best work. It's going to be harder if we don't have a reflective lifestyle, but I would hope that if you're listening to astrology, it's because you do have such a lifestyle. But still, the other thing you always have to be aware of is when there is time or need for that reflection.
Sometimes, those forces come at us, and they test us to persevere. They test us to keep going with something, even though we're facing doubts, which is another form of limit, and that's a Saturnian signification as well. Other times, they come up, and they tell us to become more humble or more mature or wiser, and more, you know, like to, for our views to become. Yeah, just like, more mature. So it can go in either direction with a Saturn square to Jupiter, where it's like, don't let it clip your wings keep going. You know, facing limits means making healthy adjustments but not giving up in the way in which these new ideas are trying to express themselves in your life. But on the other hand, again, you don't think they could be humbling us, too.
So we have to pay attention to which is which and be very discerning and honest with ourselves throughout the process. Anyway, that's why this transit is one of the biggest of the year and one of the things that makes it not, as I don't know, glamorous, is the fact that it's working on us on the level of values, virtues, ideals, beliefs, philosophies, which for many of us, we reflect on those things in very subtle small micro-moments, as many events unfold over time and then sometimes all at once we have a kind of philosophical crisis, a crisis of faith, belief ideas, and how they're, they're changing or shifting can come up all at once. But for most of us, it happens very gradually and subtly.
So, it's not a transit process that most of us are used to tracking or being able to notice happening. But hopefully, by paying attention to the cycle as the year goes on, you'll have a resource to help you with that. So anyway, that's it for today. I hope that this wasn't too hard to follow and that it gives you some really good things to think about.
Don't forget we have just a few days left; we're trying to reach our goal of 1777 backers by New Year's Eve; we still need a really strong push here at the end; you can find the link to the Kickstarter pinned to the top of the comment section or in the description of this video. When you pledge, choose a reward. We've got lots of cool things we offer as a thank-you gift for supporting me, my staff, and the channel. We promise to keep doing all of our best work for you guys in the year ahead, and we would really appreciate it if you could help us meet our goal. Alright, that's it for today. Have a good one, everyone. Bye
I totally appreciate how beautifully you have explained the entire Jupiter Saturn cycle and its major impact on our lives. Really looking forward for this one. I am an Aquarius and I am now hungry for more details about its impact on us in future .
I do listen to Nightlight Astrology everyday .