Today, we're revisiting Jupiter's upcoming conjunction with Uranus in Taurus, a pivotal astrological event slated for late April, to refresh our understanding and expectations based on our individual birth charts through some brief horoscopes. Also, I've got five pieces of universal advice aimed at effectively navigating this significant transit, reinforcing that while this conjunction is largely seen as favorable, its manifestations will vary uniquely across individuals.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we're going to take a look at Jupiter's upcoming conjunction with Uranus in the sign of Taurus, which is happening in late April. But I think it's a good time to check in and remind ourselves of what this transit is all about and what we might expect from it based on the configurations of our birth charts, so we're going to do some horoscopes today. These are brief reminder horoscopes.
If you watch horoscopes for the month of April, the very beginning of the month of April, you'll find that we go into greater depth, Alex Amorosi and myself. So I feel like it's a good it's good when you have major transits of the year to do a few reminders of what the transit is all about, and where it's likely to land in your birth chart, what topics are likely to be activated.
So this is kind of a reminder video, but I also have some advice for us. I mean, I think this advice would be applicable to us, regardless of whether we're looking at Jupiter Uranus or any major transits in our birth chart. This is advice, five pieces of advice that I've put together today, for us to to utilize when navigating a big transit in our lives.
Even though this one looks, for the most part, most astrologers agree that this looks objectively like a very positive transit. This transit will manifest in many different ways for many different people, and so this advice is comprehensive, these are the kinds of pieces of advice that I think are really useful for us no matter what kind of transit we're dealing with, but especially big ones like Jupiter, Uranus. So anyway, that's what we're gonna look at today.
Before we get into it, as always, don't forget to like and subscribe. Actually, this makes me laugh. I'm going to read you guys something; this is my favorite today, although all of you guys have been giving me such good ones to work with. But literally, someone wrote, they used a James Hillman quote from the force of character, and they put it in a meme like it was a quote from his book. They sent it to me in an email, which I reposted on Instagram and the YouTube community; inquisitive curiosity about the like button extends our lives. This is not sharing. It is the artful pressing of the like button is a fount of like blood, which transfused his vitality into your soul if you can provoke the like button with your pressing, the force of liking and the lasting life. So they took the James Hillman quote and turned it into a meme about the like button, which completely made my day, maybe even made my year. That was fantastic.
Anyway, when you guys like it, it helps when you subscribe, and when you share your comments, it helps the channel grow. You can find a transcript of today's talk or any of my talks on the website, as you guys know, which is nightlight Hey, guess what? This Thursday night from 7pm to 9pm. Eastern time. I have my next webinar coming up. If you guys want to attend and learn more about Neptune in love, you can go to Click on the Events tab, click on live talks, and you'll see Neptune in Love. Register now.
It's $20 to attend, and when you register, we send you a link to the webinar, which is again from seven to 9pm. Eastern this Thursday, March 14. If you cannot make it live, we send you a link afterward so that you can get access to the recording, and so there's, you know, it's a great talk for people who are beginners, but also it's specific enough and focused enough that if you're a more advanced student, of course, this is going to be useful as well. Last month, we did Pluto in Love in April, we'll do Uranus in Love, and we're looking at how Neptune shows up in loving relationships either by the birth chart and signatures in the birth chart or by transit when it's transiting something in your birth chart and involving itself in love sex and relationships. So anyway, check that out. Hope to see you guys there this Thursday night.
The second thing that I am promoting right now is Ashley's herbal medicine program. Ashley, my wife, you guys know her. You can find her on YouTube at skyhouse herbs and then on Instagram at skyhouse herbs. If you go over to, you will find her herbal apprenticeship course, which starts on April 24. Right now, early bird pricing is in effect, and there is also need-based tuition.
So, if you click on courses, go to herbal foundations apprenticeship, and scroll down to learn more about it. It's all pre-recorded, and then there are breakout study sessions that she leads so you can go through it at your own pace, and at the end of today's video, after the content is done, maybe you've already seen it. But if you haven't, there's an interview that I did with Ashley where we talk about the program, and we talk about what the program is all about, what you learn, and, so if you stick around after today's content, you'll see that interview tagged on to the end if you want to learn more about it. All right. So, all promotional material is complete.
Let's move on to the chart on the screen a lot now if I can get it up. Here we go. All right, then we're going to move forward to April 20 and remind ourselves of what the heck is going on. On here, on April 20, we have the conjoining of Jupiter and Uranus. There's Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus here on April 20 conjoining, at the 21st degree.
Now, we'll be talking about this a few more times closer to the date. Today what I want to do is give you some advice for big transits in general that can help you when it comes through. Because there are different things, different tools that we can use when it comes to big transits that we've been spending months talking about or that you're really anticipating, and I have some advice for you that I think might help.
The other thing that we want to do today after we go through the advice for Jupiter Uranus for everyone is to look at the 12 whole sign horoscopes on the day that this is happening, and we're going to back this up to Aries rising and we're going to come back to this in a minute and work through the significations of Jupiter Uranus through all 12 hole sign horoscopes. These are brief reminder horoscopes. As I said, we'll be doing more in-depth ones at the beginning of April, and then later in the month, closer to the actual date of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, we will refresh again. But it's good to refresh several times because I don't know unless you have your eye on your birthday all the time. It's easy to forget which houses and which topics are being activated by the upcoming Jupiter-Uranus dynamics. So that's what we'll do today.
All right, so by the way, how do you like my new camera view? I decided to switch it. I've always been like a talk this way because then I can look at my chart and my screens really easily. But actually, I kind of like this. It's kind of nice to just have a more direct view. But I don't know, tell me what you think and don't be mean. All right, let's see.
So, advice for Jupiter Uranus conjunction. Let's refresh on the meaning first of all, Jupiter and Uranus together in a conjunction. Conjunctions for ancient astrologers were not actually considered an aspect. They weren't because aspects involve lines of sight between planets in various whole sign house temples. So that means that when one temple is connected to another, it's connected through some kind of geometrical shape that runs through the great circle, a square, a triangle, and the trine hexagon with the sextiles and so forth or the diameter that makes the circle into two halves. That means that the planets are offering their significations to one another in what was a kind of courtroom analogy for ancient astrologers. They were testifying to one another and providing their kind of commentary for each other through different kinds of geometric shapes that lead to different kinds of relationships. That's aspect theory, properly speaking.
When it comes to the connection between planets in a conjunction, it was actually thought of as more of a blending of the significations where the two planets become like one thing, and so, Jupiter-Uranus conjoining is really about Jupiter becoming Uranian and Uranus becoming Jupiterian and that the two of them also doing so in the earthy Venusian realm of the bowl, the place that is the exultation of the moons of very earthy and sensual. All right, what does that mean exactly?
Well, Jupiter was the planet of fertility; it ruled semen; for example, it was the progenitor of life. It was a planet whose energetic associations were always with spring and life-giving qualities for plants. It was a planet that was associated with a kind of cornucopia of life and abundance, as well as Zeus. Jupiter in Greek was broadly associated with everything that gives coherence, unity, virtue, and meaningful order to life. So ideally, in a civilization, that would be the courts of law, the justice system, different kinds of religious or spiritual customs and temples and educational systems, and now in our day and age, like it really for 1000s of years. Has there ever been an example at any time where all of those institutions are operating in an ideal way without corruption? No. But you have to remember that Jupiter speaks to the archetype or the ideal of justice coherence, meaning unity and order in a civilization.
So, ideally speaking, Jupiter is the cause of the cosmic orchestrator, the thing that gives us that sense that we live in a moral, just, fair, balanced, whole, cohesive cosmos. Therefore, Jupiter is associated with wisdom and understanding, as well as law and order, but not in a punitive or authoritarian sense. In the same way that when you start learning, let's say you start learning about nutrition, and you start eating better, and you start feeling better, it's very Jupiterian, especially in a sign like Taurus that's so physical and earthly. Jupiter in Taurus I've seen countless times showing up in the charts of people who study nutrition, for example, or who study massage or some kind of bodily science, earthly science, biology, and the understanding can lead to greater harmony and health and well-being. That's the kind of Jupiter in Taurus signification.
There are many other examples, and of course, there are shadows, too. But Jupiter, in this sense, is a bringer of abundance and life and understanding and coherence, and in Taurus, this primarily has to do with things like love and security and sensuality and enjoyment and pleasure and luxury and a feeling that the Earth is a beautiful kind of Paradise Garden that's fluid and harmonious and enjoyable. Those are some of the highest values that Taurus has, and there's a dimension of all of our lives that falls in line with the Taurus worldview.
We all seek, on some level, to have an existence that's easy, smooth, enjoyable, and, you know, stable. That's not all we value, right? If that was all we valued, we might be called materialists, or we might be hedonists, which are some of the shadows of Taurus, like the Minotaur, which is the shadow of the bull. So anyway, keep all that in mind with Jupiter in Taurus, and then we have Uranus, and Uranus in Taurus brings the Prometheus torch. The planet Uranus has been used by modern astrologers since the discovery of Uranus and has often been associated with Prometheus in Prometheus mythology.
Prometheus says a light bringer is progressive, inventive, defiant, rebellious, and likes to break out of established traditions or patterns for the sake of something new and innovative and maybe, maybe, better. However, there's also a tendency toward disruption and rebelliousness, and revolution often comes with blood, right? We know that historically. So Uranus will often break boundaries, but sometimes at the cost of burning bridges or sometimes at the cost of, you know, offending people who prefer the way that things are or the way that things have been. Uranus, in this sense, is like a lightning bolt that can illuminate it suddenly and liberate, but also can, you know, strike in a way that is sometimes even erratic and destructive. But when you put the two together with Jupiter, something that grants coherence, a bringer of life, and then the sudden bolt of progressive breakthrough originality.
That's where you get such positive significations. That's why we're all talking about this as a transit that can revolutionize things, especially things related to Venus, to the moon, to the fixed earth sign of Taurus and its values and its worldview, which include the values of, you know, abundance, fertility, pleasure, sensuality, stability, all of these kinds of things. Now, again, the level the degree to which this transit may bring all of these qualities wrapped up in the shadows of something like hedonism or materialism and this kind of narcissistic materialistic quality combined like that, that certainly could be there as a shadow, but thinking of the most positive things, you think about how can my life be easier, simpler, more peaceful, fertile, lush, think of making our lives into a garden and getting out of an office building that has no light or no plants? And Jupiter-Uranus is looking for that kind of freedom. So, we are just using these as metaphors, right? So all of that sounds great.
Here's my advice: whether it's this transit or any transit, here are five pieces of advice that I have for you. That I think will help because when we get so excited about a transit like this, it's easy to lose ourselves and it's easy to lose our sight. Ourselves in very particular ways with big astrological transits, whether it's eclipse season, or I don't know, back in the day, I remember Saturn-Pluto conjunction, remember that when people really lost their ship, people really lost their shit with that one and I do too and so what do I do? What do I recommend? What do I see working for, you know, students and clients over the years? What have I heard from you guys over the years, you know, that works. Advice for Jupiter Uranus.
Number one, don't expect anything. I know that sounds weird because we're sitting here telling you what to expect; here's what to expect: five things to expect. But don't expect anything literal. Don't expect you're going to win the lottery, don't expect you're going to get a promotion, don't expect you're going to meet the love of your life. Don't mean, in other words, or and by contrast, if you have it in someplace in your chart that you're fearing, I don't know, maybe you have it happening in the 12th house, and you're scared that something's going to come up from the unconscious space, that's really difficult. Don't expect that either.
Don't expect anything; stay awake, stay present, and you can be excited. There's nothing wrong with being excited. But don't attach any specific outcome expectations. It's a big deal. Because when we do that, when we're like, Oh, I know this is gonna, you know, we set ourselves up for disappointment. Sometimes, it will actually amplify the level of shock or fear that we have when something happens; it's a little bit more challenging. So what I like to say, for all big transits, and something I've learned from going through a lot of them myself and seeing so many clients through them, don't expect anything specific, don't get. Don't get enamored by some specific possibility you have in mind. Because even if it does happen, we want to maintain equanimity.
That's my second piece of advice for major transit like this. Maintaining equanimity to me looks like this. Oh, my God, I got a promotion under the Jupiter Uranus transit.
One of the better things maybe that I had that could happen if, let's say, it's happening in your 10th house or your second house, you get a windfall, or you get a promotion or something. Still, you should go. Interesting. Cool, I'm thankful. But don't, don't freak out. You know what I mean? When great things happen, go, thank you. That's amazing. Wow, you can be excited. But don't lose yourself. You know, don't lose yourself. Don't forget that. Who you are on the inside, your heart, your soul, your mind. You are just as beautiful today as you will be tomorrow, and nothing can add to or take away from that on a soul level. Not even the best things from a transit have yet to maintain that equanimity. Whether we're in receipt of something really great from a transit or it's really difficult, and the same thing happens when it's difficult to go. Okay, well, that's what it is.
Now, how do I respond? From the heart from the soul? You know, we stay humble when really good things happen. Wow. Okay, I wasn't expecting that. Geez, that's great. You don't sit there and go, alright? Well, of course, I deserve this. I was anticipating this great thing. You know what I mean? It's like, stay humble and maintain your equanimity. It's really important because equanimity shows us that we have, it shows the gods, that we're capable of handling success or that we're capable of handling difficulty, and I really think that that's when more doors open for us to develop our gifts to be of service to move into deeper and more meaningful relationships because we show through equanimity that we're mature, that we're capable of more of. We're capable of loving deep, more deeply; we're capable of giving more deeply; we're capable of receiving more deeply. When we show that in the midst of a transit delivering something really amazing or something really challenging. We just go. Okay, thank you. All right. Just keep going. Stay, stay humble. Doesn't mean you can't get excited, but it's just like, don't lose yourself. I think that's really what it is.
Number three, tap into your appreciating capacity. There's nothing better for, you know, developing happiness in life. Let me put it this way. I think that happiness in life is equivalent to how we are able to develop an appreciating capacity. Can I appreciate it more deeply? Things that happen to me around me? Things that I do, things that I say? Can I develop an appreciation that might be comedic appreciation, intellectual appreciation, artistic appreciation, sensual, or any kind of appreciation? Doesn't mean you have to assign a particular meaning to something. But can you develop an ability for any and all experiences to be at yet another word might be interesting? That's interesting.
Can you appreciate because when transits come through, and we appreciate essentially what We're doing, understanding that these transits are reflections of the archetypal powers of a sentient universe that is alive and relational, that's interacting with us through the themes and patterns and events of our lives and we develop an appreciating capacity, essentially, what we're saying is, to the gods, were saying I appreciate you. That's interesting, fascinating, intelligent, beautiful. Wow, that's really difficult but fascinating. But you know, if we can keep that perspective, it doesn't have to be right away. Sometimes, we have to freak out a little bit. Sometimes, we've got to just, like, dunk our head in some water or something. But can we keep our appreciating capacity? If we can, then the gifts of the transits multiply. Because it's our ability to appreciate them that starts unlocking multiple dimensions of what they have to say or give or what they are.
Number four is to avoid certainties. Oh, I am absolutely certain that this is happening or that this just happened through this transit because of this certainty and like interpretive, literal certainty about what transit is, why it's happening, what it means is the quickest way to shut it down and rather than let letting the transit be the expression of a living universe that wants a relationship with us, we think about it as a kind of celestial mechanic that has a reason that needs a reason, or that we've discovered a reason and doesn't that make us smart and in control, and none of that is relational. You know what I mean? It's like, I mean, I've learned this a lot from having two girls and my wife and being sort of, you know, like, Man brained about things sometimes. If my wife comes in, or my daughters come in, and they want to tell me about something that's happened, there's a little tempting part of my, like, rational man brain that's like, well, this is the reason that that happened, right? Immediately. I mean, how many times have I gotten the feedback? Because I'm actually a lot better at it. Now. I think you get the feedback, and probably this happens in all relationships. It is not just a, you know, a gender thing. Get the feedback; I just want to be heard. I just want you to say, Wow, that must be really tough, or Wow, can you believe that or, like, interact with me as my friend, as my spouse, as my, you know, like a listening dad, like, whatever, but don't interpret because it kills something that is relational, that's at the forefront of what I'm actually seeking, which is connection.
Can we imagine that these transits are not happening for a reason as much as they are happening to connect with us? When we stay connected, we stay happier like it's true, like connection, even if the connection is challenging or there are things about the connection that aren't always easy. Most of us feel better with connection than without, so be careful when transits express themselves, approaching them, trying to find a reason, and becoming really certain about what the reason or the interpretation is. Imagine the universe going; I wish you just listened to me. I wish you just talked to me like a person, quit trying to decode, and give a reason for everything I'm saying to you.
All right, number five is to stay curious. Right? So staying curious is, you know, tantamount to maintaining equanimity or not expecting anything, and tapping into your appreciating capacity is just a different way of saying the same thing. When something happens, especially if you don't know why, and sometimes when good things happen, we're like, Is this a trap? We're talking with me.
It's like, it's like in the cartoons. You know, the wily coyote is starting to become wise. He's like, Alright, I know that there's like a sledgehammer that's gonna hit me on the head, and no matter what he does, trying to be wise, he ends up getting hit in the head. We think that way sometimes when good things happen, right? It's important that we do not want to be afraid at all, but we do want to stay curious. Hmm. Amazing.
I'm not going to assume that I get an A grade in life and that I've gotten an A grade, and that's why this good thing is happening. I'm just gonna stay curious. I'm gonna stay open. I'm gonna stay interested and do the same thing when difficult things happen, but don't assume that it's like, Oh, my God, I just didn't manifest enough. You know? I didn't know. Whatever, I can save millions. I'm not gonna. I have a million cynical jokes in my brain, and I'm going to; I'm just going to avoid them. Stay curious. Stay open when good or bad things happen; staying curious means staying invested in the God who is speaking, and that relationally bodes it bodes well as things go well when we stay curious because staying curious means staying attentive to a living presence rather than some kind of code that needs to be cracked.
These are the pieces of advice that I would give to anyone for any major transit, especially ones that we anticipate. I thought I would throw those out there before doing some brief reminders of Jupiter and Uranus through the whole sign horoscopes.
Hopefully, that is useful to, if not, stay curious. All right, so let's just do, we're just going to do these, like kind of brief run throughs. You guys know I like to do these sometimes.
So if you are an Aries rising, this is happening around resources, what kinds of breakthroughs, originality, inventiveness, or what is happening for you around the development, acquisition of money, and resources could be things that you're building could be a breakthrough and how you're handling money. But look at that house of money values resources as the location of the upcoming transit. That's Aries.
For Taurus, it's in the house of identity, health, body. Are you changing your your? Are you changing the way in which you take care of yourself? on any level body, mind, health, diet? Is your identity changing somehow? Are you ready to break free from previous limitations and reinvent yourself in some way. So consider breakthroughs around your very identity and sense of self as well as body and health.
With Geminis, we're talking about the 12th house, which is a peripheral spot, a peripheral blind spot; it's like a place we can't see. So what kinds of breakthroughs are happening right now, in an unconscious way, a way that could appear almost like something you have no control over or something that is coming up in a place that's really unexpected that you didn't see coming, this breakthrough, maybe helping you to evolve, or to become more conscious, or to integrate parts of yourself that maybe haven't had a fair. You know, like, what do I want to say? They have underrepresented parts of yourself that are seeking more conscious participation. Look for that house of the unconscious for the space in which the breakthrough is happening.
If you're a Cancer rising, this is around friends, groups and communities of people. There is maybe new groups, new people, new opportunities, the establishment of new allies or colleagues and this is something to be really excited about if you're a cancer rising that this community aspect of life is really awakening right now.
If you're a Leo, it's in the career house. Are you taking a step forward in your career? Are you revising or changing courses? Are you getting a promotion? Are you getting excited about a new skill or subject you want to start? Maybe moving in the direction of professionally, the MIP a totally new career field that's opening up, but watch for it in the house of vocation, and if you're retired, remember that 10th house can be hobbies or interests that you have things that continue to engage you in the world, outside of your home, things that engage you in public somehow, even if that means taking a course about something online, it's really just were the hobbies interests and activities that are keeping you engaged with the world and are not simply the It's the 10th house is in retirement is just like anything that isn't leisure. You know what I mean?
For Virgos, we're looking at the ninth house, it's a place of our beliefs. You're thinking right now about freeing yourself from restrictive paradigms, thoughts or beliefs, opening your mind to new subjects, teachers, teachings religious or spiritual inclinations, maybe even travel abroad. That's Virgos.
Now, for Libras, we're thinking about the eighth house, which is a place of being, in this case, being freed from various soul contracts. This is a place where, you know, sometimes deaths occur, but often metaphorical, so the kind of death and rebirth and the liberating of debts and have any kind of contractual obligations that you have to people, as a matter of, you know, like karmic bondage that you can be free from, as well as maybe new kinds of contracts that provide new resources that are exciting, but that require some kind of collaboration or some kind of joint venture. We think about karmic contracts and debts being paid off and the death and rebirth that liberates. Those are the signatures of the eighth house.
Now, for Scorpio rising, we're talking about the house of love and relationships, the seven, and so quite literally, you're looking at breakthroughs around Love, Sex, and Relationships. Now, that could mean meeting someone new, getting out of an old relationship, or into a new one. It could be about something shifting really dramatically and powerfully for a partner, which might involve something in their personal life or their job, but it's exciting to see them going through some kind of breakthrough. It could also mean that sexuality is awakening or opening in some way. It could also mean that there are opportunities for, you know, interpersonal connections that are helpful in creating breakthroughs for you in terms of the people or partners that you're joining with in other respects, not just like relational or romantic.
Alright, so for Sagittarius, we work into the sixth house, and here we really have one of the more interesting placements, I think, because the sixth house is a place of work and sacrifice, with no sacrifice on behalf of things that we love. Were things that we feel are worth fighting for. We also have to work hard in order to get there, as well as things that we require, and if we're going to succeed. So Jupiter-Uranus here to me, it looks like your your efforts are leading to a breakthrough; the sacrificial efforts that you've been making over time are leading to positive results. That could also be with respect to overcoming challenges or hardships or things that have been frustrating, and suddenly, you're finding that there's a breakthrough; I am overcoming something that has been an obstacle or a difficulty. Or I know that I'm feeling inspired to do something that will require a lot of work but will lead to success if I keep at it and there's the inspiration to do something like that.
All right, with Capricorn, we move into the fifth house, a place of creative fulfillment, pregnancy, and children, as well as joy and happiness. For Capricorns, there's an emphasis here on, you know, Capricorns, again, tend to be like work first, play later; this might be about reprioritizing and saying, let's place a little bit more emphasis on joy, pleasure, and creativity, and not feel like we can't do those things until you know, duty has been done or we've accomplished enough to allow ourselves space for leisure.
So I like the idea of Capricorns placing more of an emphasis on creative fulfillment, happiness, and joy, which might also come with something like bringing children into the world, which for a lot of people, even you know, often like the hardest workers you know, children will help soften rough edges. So anyway, the fifth house may also speak to the need for romantic spontaneity, either creatively or sexually, but I like those themes for Capricorns
Alright, so for Aquarius, we move into the fourth house, just the place of home, family of roots, land property ancestry. Jupiter Uranus here could certainly signify very, you know, the most obvious things like moving, relocating, renovating, remodeling, buying land or property joint him moving, you're gonna move into some kind of earth-based pagan nature community commune, Jupiter Uranus could also mean that there is a liberation from old family karma taking place and that that liberation is about almost like turning over the soil. You know, aerated is what they call it, a turning the soil over around the past and liberation happening with respect to home and family karma.
Alright, well last but not least, always Pisces in the third house. This is the environment that you live in mentally and emotionally, and you think about it; I always use this analogy; you guys have probably heard me use it a million times; it is the world of the fish tank. Now, the fish may have a little rock in which it lives, which is like the fourth, but the rest of the fish tank is its local environment. That's the other fish, the neighboring fish, which may be your sibling fish that has other little rocks around the area. It's the culture that you live in. Right, the culture is kind of like maybe the algae and the plants and stuff like that. When Jupiter Uranus comes in, it suggests that a major change in your environment is needed, and it might be correlated with a need for a change in mind, mood, attitude thinking, thoughts, learning, communicating, all different things that are coming as, as a means of some kind of revolution that needs to as a means of enacting a revolution in the environment. That's what I'm trying to say. So watch for that in the house, and that can also bring come in through learning or an emphasis on different topics or like a change of scenery or something like that and also major karmic transformations around home and family and things that are connected through your routes to home and family like siblings or people who are like family to you. So it's really interesting there that we have for Pisces, by the way. This can also be related to the fact that Saturn is traveling through your first house. People tend to get really clear when Saturn is in their first house about their yeses and their no's, and when you're really clear about what isn't working, then you get clear about what is working. That can be one of the subtle ways in which Saturn is actually very innovative, which is why Saturn, for example, is often associated with the traditional ruler of Aquarius, which is a sign that has so much to do with progressive things in contrast to things that are thought to be older not working any longer. When you get really clear on the no, the yes is there as a natural kind of juxtaposition, and that's why Saturn, the ruler of opposites, was a part of the ruler of a sign that was thought of as so. Paradigm-shifting and original and progressive and Aquarius, is it a saturnine thing for ancient astrologers that juxtaposition between the new and the old?
Anyway, the point is that when Saturn is making that clear to you and your first house but what you are in is not, and then you see Jupiter Uranus in the third, get this feeling that the things that you're clear about that you're these are my nose are leading to maybe some major breakthroughs and what needs to change around you to support your yeses.
Okay, well, anyway, just a brief run-through. I hope that this was useful for you, the tips, everything you know, don't forget this Thursday night. If you go over to, you will find the sign; let me just put it back up on the screen. If you go to the live talks under the Events page, you'll find the sign-up for my Neptune in Love talk. We're going to be discussing what Neptune likes to do and what it likes to teach us and how when involved in love, sex, and relationships in the birth chart, Neptune Venus, Neptune's seventh house, transits of Neptune to the seventh, the ruler of the seventh transits to Neptune and the moon, Neptune and Venus. We're going to talk all about Neptune in love and give you guys some good insights. This is really good for beginners or intermediate students. You can register on the website, and then we will send you a link if you can't make it; we will send you the recording afterward. Don't forget to stick around because after I sign off here, there is an interview with Ashley. I did. If you have not yet seen it, stick around and learn more about her herbal program, which you can learn more about at, which starts on April 24. Alright, that's it for today. Hope you guys have a good one. Bye
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