Today, we delve deeper into the upcoming Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 20, continuing our week-long focus on this dynamic. We've already examined their historical and personal impacts, and today, we shift our perspective to the soul's evolutionary journey. Although my practice has transitioned from evolutionary to Hellenistic astrology, the insights from my early years remain influential. We'll explore how Jupiter and Uranus can symbolize profound evolutionary shifts for the soul across lifetimes, offering a philosophical or metaphorical framework to understand this significant astrological event.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we are going to continue our exploration of Jupiter and Uranus. Their upcoming conjunction takes place on April 20. This is like Jupiter-Uranus week on the interwebs, and on my channel, we've been looking at Jupiter Uranus for sure. Going back to last week, we took some time to look at Jupiter Uranus in terms of the mundane historical collective expressions, linking those back to our personal lives. We took some time yesterday to explore the previous conjunctions and oppositions of Jupiter and Uranus, and you can track those biographically, which helps a lot when it comes to understanding the upcoming conjunction. So go back to yesterday's video if you haven't seen that one yet.
Today, I want to talk about Jupiter and Uranus from the standpoint of the soul and its evolutionary journey. When I started off as an astrologer for the first four or five years of my practice, I practiced evolutionary astrology. I've taken a turn toward Hellenistic, and my philosophical values are not 100% in line with evolutionary astrology, but there are a lot of really good things that I take from my time practicing evolutionary astrology, and also there are many philosophical similarities between evolutionary astrology and ancient Indian astrology, ancient Hellenistic astrology.
So today, we're going to talk about how the Jupiter-Uranus dynamic can be understood from the perspective of the soul and its journey through space and time through so many lifetimes. And what kind of moment This constitutes for the evolution of the soul, if you choose to think about it that way, and if not, you can at least entertain this as an interesting, you know, a kind of metaphorical lens through which to look at the transit. So anyway, that's our goal for today.
As always, before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe to share your comments and reflections, especially if you have a good story to share this week; use the hashtag grabbed to tell us the name of the transit if it's Jupiter, Uranus, and then tell us your story. Be concise. Don't share anything you don't want us to share in a future storytelling episode. You could also email us your story to You can find a transcript of today's talk on the website.
So, speaking of that, I will take you over there right now. We are running a couple of promotions, right? This time. There's one, and I want to take you over to my wife's website. Ashley is a regular guest on the show, and she helps us look at the connection between planets and plants. Plant spirit medicine is a really fascinating topic. If you are interested, her herbal apprenticeship begins on April 24.
It's a one-year course in herbal plant spirit medicine, a great program. It is all remotes you can follow along at your own pace. There are meetups for tutoring and group classes that meet, but the major units of study are all recorded and housed on the class website so that you can take them at your own pace. So check that out. It starts on April 24. There are neat that there is need-based tuition available for that, just like all of my programs.
On that note, I'll take you over to my page now, and you can see a live talk coming up. We have this Thursday Uranus in Love. So if you want to learn more about the significations of the planet Uranus when it shows up in love and relationships in the birth chart or by transits to the birth chart, we are exploring that Thursday nights from seven to 9pm Eastern, is a $20 registration cost and then you get the link to join live if you can't attend live we send you the recording.
So check that out. Really great to explore the outer planets in love and relationships. We've done Pluto. We've done Neptune. You can pick up the recordings of those talks. Join us Thursday night for the last in this series, and then you'll notice that the next three webinars, May, June, and July, are scheduled, and the talks are up. You can register for those as well. We're doing Neptune in Aries in May, the 12th house; we're gonna be looking at the 12th house in depth in June.
We're gonna be talking about Uranus moving into Gemini in July, even though those planets' outer planetary movements are a little ways off. We're going to be exploring those in these upcoming talks. Check those out and register for them. You get the live link. If you can't make it, you get the recording and then go to the Courses page.
Our first-year class, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic, begins June 16. Our year two program begins in June. Our horary astrology program begins in June. You can check all of those out on the Courses page. We have need-based tuition available for all these one-year programs. There are 30 classes in the year, and they're all held via webinar. If you can't attend live, they're all recorded and held on a class website.
There is a ton of bonus material, a ton of quizzes, flashcards, and an optional certification exam at the end if you're thinking about going professional; if this is just for your hobby, you can really take this class at whatever level of depth you want. We provide enough material for people who are really intense and want to go full-on professional. We have this for people, you know, a kind of thing that's accessible to people at all levels of interest or seriousness. There's an interactive group forum discussion, and we have breakout study sessions with tutors, so it is a very well-structured program. Deep dive into ancient astrology to find out how early bird payment saves you significantly on the cost of the program, which is only available until May 1.
So be sure to take advantage of that before May 1; there's also an early bird installment plan where you can use 12 monthly payments. That is also only available until May 1, at which point those prices go up. We do have need-based assistance. So, if you're someone who would like to check out the need-based tuition option, just click on Apply Now. We give you the option to choose between a few different sliding scale price points for people who need a little help because we don't want people living outside of their means.
We know that there is great socio-economic diversity out there, and we want to be sure that the class is accessible. So, if you could use that, be sure to check it out. Otherwise, we ask people to use our normal prices if you can afford them. Okay, so anyway, if you have any questions about those programs, you can email us info at nightlight; otherwise, stick around after today's content, and you can hear an in-depth exploration of the class and what it includes.
Okay, now on to our Jupiter-Uranus talk for the day. Let us take a look at the contact between the two of them coming up. It is Saturday, April 20, at the two planets' conjoin. So we're partway through the week here, and we are well on our way to this conjunction. They're now on the same degree as the moon today, actually squaring the two planets, so it's activating in the sky already.
Sun is about to enter Taurus; it's going to square Pluto as it does, so that is happening. Just the day after, like this weekend, we have the sun square Pluto right after Jupiter and Uranus get together. It's a big weekend.
Anyhow, so today, what I want to do is I want to talk about three soul-based takes on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction; what I mean by soul-based is the idea that you are an evolving soul, a soul that is learning, growing, changing, shifting, exploring lifetime to lifetime over the course of many lifetimes, perhaps innumerable, perhaps without beginning or end. I don't have the details or the specifics on how it all works. But I do happen to believe, as ancient astrologers did, that the soul is an eternal being that is part and parcel of the Divine whole and that the soul moves from lifetime to lifetime exploring, exploring life, exploring desires, exploring all sorts of different relationships and scenarios and wishes and hopes and, and different kinds of suffering that we endure along the way as well. It is beautiful, artistic, enjoyable, relational, sensual, and highly educational.
And so, from that soul-based perspective and evolutionary soul-based perspective, how can we understand the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus? They don't have that; they happen every 14 years or so. It's not like they never happen. But what do we make of them? What kind of milestone does the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction represent in terms of the journey of the soul? I think this is important to think about.
In fact, one of the things that I've been excited about is that I've been speaking at length with a colleague of mine whom I've known since the very first year I started practicing Astrology; his name is Ari Moshe Wolf. He's an old friend of mine who's an evolutionary astrologer. And we've been talking about collaborating for a series, maybe this summer, maybe in the fall, that explores the interconnectedness between the philosophies of ancient astrology and evolutionary astrology, also drawing some of the distinctions out and talking about them. Anyway, I think that that kind of stuff is fascinating. I practice evolutionary astrology.
For, you know, first, probably about four years of my career, I was primarily following a lot of the work of Stephen forest, to a lesser extent, Jeffrey Wolfe, green, mostly Stephen forest. And the evolutionary perspective, now my perspective has changed quite a bit. And I, I have a very different view of the nodes.
Now, that's more in line with what ancient astrologers had to say about them, and so on and so forth. But the basic idea that the soul is evolving at the birth chart is a reflection of the life that our soul is living, given various desires and evolutionary adventures, is still very much a part of how I see charts. Now, from that standpoint, I think there are some really basic and, you know, helpful things that we can say about Jupiter and Uranus conjoining this week and what it might mean for the evolution of the soul.
So, number one, the soul likes what is familiar. Now, this is something that I take from a lot of what the archetypal psychology movement has had to say about the soul; thinking about young Hillman and the entire world of archetypal psychologists and what they've said about the soul, the soul, you can think about the soul. Two images come to mind when describing the difference between the word spirit and the word soul in the world of archetypal psychology. The spirit is likened to the top of a mountain. It's like a little ashram at the top of a mountain. And when you think about the soul, you think about the village that's resting in the valley, down below the mountain, near the banks of a river.
You know, valley life is about worldly life. It's about imminence. It's about the Yin, it's about participation, it's about Earth, it's about embodiment, sensuality, earthly relationships, it's about being a citizen of Earth. And it's about feeling at home, in life in mortality, in the, you know, immediacy of things like family, and, you know, a dog and a cat, you know, and, and your body and the adventures of your specific life with this specific body and this specific ego on planet Earth. That is the soul.
The soul is the part of us that seeks to live stories. And stories are about so much of what stories involve have to do with belonging, love, and connection, as well as the realization of various desires that we have that connect us to things that we value in the world, whether that desire is, you know, sexual, or artistic or has something to do with a profession, or even you know, all the power trips we get on I want to, I want to be powerful, or whatever the world is, the, the arena in which we explore our desires, our desire to live an embodied life.
Now, spirit is that impulse in us, it's paired with the soul, there are two parts of what we are as eternal beings, you could say that it's like we're dyadic creatures. And the Spirit part of us from this perspective is the part that wants us to transcend the world. This might be about the desire to leave behind all worldly adventures and merge with the total oneness of Godhead or something like that, right?
So you go up to the top of the mountain, and you leave the world behind to get a higher perspective. And this, we do this all the time, in a very everyday sense. It's like if you have a meditation practice or any kind of practice that allows you some reflective distance from your life, you're walking up the top of the hill compared to being in the valley, and you're getting some reflective distance, or you're going all the way up to the top of the ashram and maybe at the top of the mountain, and maybe you're reflecting on the desire to be free from ever reincarnating again, right? But that function, the transcendental function, the function that wants to move us up and out of the valley, we call that spirit in archetypal psychology, and we call the soul the desire to inhabit and be part of the embodied matrix of life, ecological, you know, like that.
So, the soul likes what is familiar? What do we mean by that? We mean to say that the soul likes the familiarity of the world. You know, for me, for example, I would say if I had to describe the features of my life that are most soul, it would be my family, my kids, my wife, my dog, my house, my little routines, the things I like doing, the things that I do to participate in the world, the sports team I follow. So there's something about the soul that likes to attach, like, I like to bond and attach, which is another way of saying that I like what is familiar; the soul likes to get close and comfortable with things and attached to things that it loves. In that way, it creates a feeling of being at home. You know, now we know that in the embodied material universe, that can't last forever.
There, you know, impermanence. Time is undefeated; you know that everyone dies, and everything passes away, which is why we also need a transcendent function, right? We also need to remember eternity, impermanence, and death. And we remember that life goes on beyond the bonds and attachments that we have in this world. And if we are so attached that we forget that letting go becomes really difficult and often extremely painful. Love, you know, pain is, in part, suffering, the cost of love. And there's something very interesting about that.
And we always tell people spiritually you can't just bypass the need to attach deeply in love to your body, to your dog, to your family, to your friends, to things in the world because part of what we're here to do is exactly that. So the soul likes its attachments and its connections, and there's nothing wrong with it, meaning some are obviously more unhealthy than others. Obviously, on an ideal level, the soul should be attaching to things that are healthy, and it should be holding them with some sense that, you know, eventually, these things will pass, and that's a part of life, and that's okay.
Well, that's a good marriage of the spirit and soul together, right? But in terms of the soul's evolution as it participates in the world, there come periods of time in which suddenly, we have to leave behind attachments, and or attachments need to change. For example, let's just use the most mundane example you could possibly think of. You like to drink coffee every morning. And you have three to four cups a day. It may be, you know, a lot of people out there who really love their coffee.
And then we're talking about Taurus, too, as a sign that Jupiter and Uranus are getting together in an earth sign, the solid earth sign of Venus. A cup of coffee in the mornings is very Taurus, right? Especially if you like it every day. This is your attachment. For many people, there will come a moment where you realize, oh my gosh, you know, coffee is making me anxious, or coffee is something that no longer feels like it's aligned. People say stuff like this, right? And I'm not judging coffee at all. I drink coffee in the morning; I drink one cup a day. But that is, that's plenty for me. Otherwise, I go a little bit crazy.
But so let's just say, though, that you get to this point where, like, Okay, now it's time for me to let go of coffee. You let go of it because you have the sense that something can't keep going on in the same way. And because you let go of coffee, let's say suddenly, you feel more peaceful in the mornings, you realize, oh, it was actually, at one point, it was a good thing, then it became an anxiety-provoking thing.
And now it's out of my lifestyle, and I feel a lot better. And because you feel better, you have more motivation, or you have, there's more peacefulness, and so you're able new opportunities present themselves. This is Jupiter-Uranus; whatever the soul is attached to, whether it's a person, a place, a thing, ideas in your own head, or psychological complexes, there are rhythmic seasons in life. Here, life in the valley, the Soul Life, where the things that we have been attached to suddenly have to be let go of in order for new things to be explored and new possibilities to be opened.
Jupiter-Uranus is, in a sense, like someone saying, setting down their coffee mug and saying I need a trip to the top of the mountain, you know, I'm not going to stay there forever. But I need to trip up there. When I go up there, I see the whole world below, and I get this transcendental perspective. Man, new possibilities are open now. I walk back down the mountain into the valley, right? It's likely that, like, we're going to abandon, I mean Jupiter, Uranus could represent the impulse to abandon the world altogether because it can get very, I don't know, like transcendentally manic or something like that. But you come back down into the world.
Having had this breakthrough mountaintop high, Remember Jupiter Uranus associated with traveling to the moon, the moon landing, that that perspective of leaving the familiar and going beyond. That is what the soul is seeking right now because it has reached, you could say it has reached, a stage in which certain facets of the familiar are done, they've reached their expiration, and they're no longer useful. You could say they're no longer serving me or whatever. I don't like that language. But you get what I'm saying. It's like they're done. They're they've; they're not useful anymore. Or they might even be representing something stagnant or inert. Or something that you just you, if you keep holding on to, you won't grow, or you'll be held back. And suddenly, in the enticing possibility of something new is coming up, such that if I let go of various attachments and go into something brand new, there's, you know, new, like VISTAs, there are new possibilities.
So one way of thinking about what Jupiter Uranus represents, from the soul-based evolutionary perspective, is that it represents an opportunity to let go of various familiar fixed things, specifically in Taurus, those things that relate to Venus's love, desire, beauty, sex, pleasure, luxury, enjoyment, peace, stability, ease harmony, all of those that whatever you have been doing to try and establish those things.
It is as though right now, if you let go of some of the ways that you've been doing things, then the possibility for something very different, very, very, very, very, in actually, you could actually enhance your pleasure. I mean, I'm the kind of person who goes to a restaurant, and I order the same thing all the time. I'm a Taurus rising because I know that I'll be happy with that. And I don't know if I'll be happy with something else. And I don't want the risk. But this is exactly the moment where Jupiter-Uranus moments are where the soul goes to the menu of life and says, it might be a risk, but I could find something that's even better. You have to try that; if you don't, you'll just know what you'll get from the same old thing, but there's less happiness over time doing the same things over and over. There's less happiness.
Now, sometimes, in the name of doing things that are brand new, there's more destruction or revolution. There's more bloodshed in the act or wake of revolution than there is at other times in life, depending on how it's configured in your chart. The revolution might be a little bit messier or more destructive. But that usually comes with the kinds of attachments we have to let go of in order to allow for new possibilities. So, you know, it doesn't have to be like a destructive thing, though it can be a very inspiring thing. But there is usually a sense of like, in order to do this, I have to let go of something familiar.
Number two, the soul is interested in novelty. One of the things that we can say about the soul is that as much as the soul likes to develop, its attachments are the things that make it feel safe and at home and happy and fulfilled when it's in an embodied form, like a human body. The other thing that it likes us is novelty; here's the thing: the soul is always interested in seeing itself. We see ourselves, and we know ourselves, and we come to love ourselves through the mirror of our relationships, through the mirror of our social functions, whether it's our profession or the reputation we develop.
We know ourselves through spiritual reflection, we know ourselves through our children, or we know ourselves through communities that we belong to. And when we bring new people, new communities, new dynamics into our life, one of the things that the soul loves about that is that those relationships, those people, places, and things, provide new Mirrors by means of which to see ourselves in new ways. And for as much as the soul loves its attachments. The soul is a great mystery even unto itself.
Heraclitus once said, The soul is explored forever to a depth beyond report. One of the reasons that the soul loves coming into forms and bodies is because it provides endless ways for the soul to know itself, love Itself, and see itself. It's like a hide-and-seek game, and each lifetime and each new situation provides us with new ways of finding the hidden pieces of ourselves that are so majestic that you have to go looking for them somehow in the valley of the world to find them.
Well, that means that Jupiter-Uranus dynamics are especially exciting in the way that they bring new things into our life rapidly, suddenly, a means by which we get to see our souls in new ways. The soul just craves that if you get stuck in what's familiar for too long, you only get to see yourself in certain ways. Eventually, the soul gets sick of that. So Jupiter, Uranus, novelty, novelty is the new way that we get to see the soul.
Three new states of consciousness bring new resources. Here's the thing: when we try something new, and we leave what's familiar in our lives here in the valley, when we find new reflections and novel new people, places, and things by means of which to see ourselves in the glory of the soul sort of reveals itself in a whole new way all over again. Wow, it's so beautiful. But here's what happens: our consciousness changes, and consciousness is like a reflection of the change of the soul. They're like mirrors for one another. When our consciousness changes, because we're seeing new parts of our soul, we're we're taking risks and doing new things in different areas of our lives. That brings a new state of consciousness and, with all of that, brings new resources.
Oftentimes, in other words, what will accompany such changes will be that there are new teachers that enter our lives, new subjects that enter our lives, new lovers that enter our lives, or new levels of depth available to us in our existing relationships, there will be new ways in which we are able to see things which in turn, gift us with new tools that we can use. It says, though, that every time we get to know ourselves in a brand new way, we let go of old attachments, and we try new habits and behaviors that provide us with new tools and resources that we can use and explore.
I'll just say, for example, that, you know, when I first started working with psychedelic medicines, in a sacred ceremonial context, of course, Ayahuasca South Central American traditions, these, these traditions, although they were a, you know, in a sense that the Ayahuasca tradition that I was initially a part of was very specific.
It was, you know, from South America, and it didn't have anything to do with a huge number of secondary subjects that started pouring into my life because I took a risk and tried this new experience. From those experiences, I started meeting people who reflected different interests and who were also taking new and different risks with the development of their lives. And so I learned about yoga. So I learned about astrology, you know, I learned so many things.
So when we change our consciousness because we change the people, places, and things in our lives that are most familiar, we take some risks. We let go of some attachments; we open ourselves up to newness.
All of a sudden, lots of new things start pouring in. It's never just the initial New choice. The choice becomes like a domino effect. Or I'm going to, I'm going to take a risk with a new kind of job, or I'm going to take a risk and get out of a relationship that maybe hasn't been having a real healthy one or something like that, you find that that choice not only results in you feeling maybe like, Oh, I'm single again, because I got out of a dating relationship with someone who was sitting on their hands, they wouldn't commit, you know, so I took the risk. And I was familiar with safety. It's like a menu item that I knew, but I'm taking that risk and getting out of the relationship.
Okay, well, now you're free and single, and you might have some nice dates. But guess what else happens? Because you made that choice. Suddenly, a new group or a new community comes into your life, yoga and teacher training come into your life; these are the kinds of things that I'm used to seeing because we ran a yoga studio for a long time when chanting when people take risks and explore new uncharted terrain within themselves, and there's a desire to see something new to have a little personal awakening and revolution, you cannot possibly predict all of the new kinds of people and things that start pouring in from other directions. And those are the new resources that reflect the new consciousness.
These are all things that apparently the soul is interested in. And even though these experiences seem like, you know, these revolutions are so, in some ways, so unpredictable, we get them every 14 years, you know, we get a Jupiter Uranus conjunction every 14 years. So there's something there on one, on one level. It's like there's nothing new under heaven, you know, as they say, in the Old Testament, like nothing new under the sun.
And yet the soul as it is journeying through the valley of life through the embodied material universe, this beautiful place that's facilitating our exploration of life itself. This place also seems to honor the rhythmic need that we have to establish deep connections and attachments and then to, at certain times, let go of some of them in order to, you know, revolutionize and be free and bring in something new. It's just a beautiful dynamic if you think about it on that level.
So, anyway, that's what I wanted to share today. I hope that this was helpful. Stick around after I sign off if you want to learn more about the upcoming program, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic, which starts June 16. Year two starts in June, and the horary starts in June. If you have a little prior traditional astrology experience, you might be interested in the horary class, a beautiful form of astrology; there's need-based tuition available; you can sign up on the website and pick the level or tier of monthly tuition that works for you if you are someone who doesn't have the means to sign up at our normal rate, so be sure to check that out. And yeah, I hope to see some of you in class soon, and I hope you guys are having a good week. We'll have more tomorrow. Bye, everyone.
That was beautiful. Inspirational. Touching chords and resonating. Really really enjoyed and appreciated your delivery.
Thank you.