Here’s what to watch for:
* While Jupiter brings abundance, growth, faith, and blessings, Neptune is about imagination and the imaginal, fantasy and image, the unknown and that which lies beyond our everyday sphere of awareness. When the two come together it is often a marker of cultural growth and expansion, expansion and growth in the arts and science, and a revival of spiritual interest or the growing desire to transcend what is mundane, earthly, and limited.
* At the same time, this exact same transit is connected with plans, goals, dreams, and visions that lack grounding, strategy or practical support.
* Jupiter/Neptune is also supportive of the idea that “where attention goes, energy flows.” Things can become big and overwhelming to us in a goofy and exaggerated ways, and this is, in a sense, a kind of lesson we are being offered. “This is what happens when all of your attention goes in one particular direction, or in too many directions.”
* When our attention is in the right place, spiritually speaking, or when we are focusing on love and service to the divine, without ulterior motive, good things grow. The good things are first and foremost an interior sense of transcendental happiness and contentment. Then, sometimes unasked for or unsought material benedictions come, too, but they aren’t the point. And when we receive these kinds of benefits we are typically only interested in how they might be used to further our spiritual lives and the spiritual health of others. This is natural because we are already satisfied within our hearts.
* Jupiter/Neptune can also be all about schemes and big plans or big ideas that we think will bring us success and happiness, but often enough it is exactly our big plans and visions that complicate and weigh us down the most. Because the truth is that heaven is found in a mustard seed. Unless we know how to make ourselves small, we rarely see the “greatness” of the divine.
* Jupiter/Neptune aspects often produce great science fiction and fantasy films. Just saying: Star Wars, the Matrix, Avatar, and lots more! š
* One of the most immediately beneficial things about the imagination is that it is like a gateway drug for people to begin realizing the reality of the transcendental nature of the psyche, or soul, as well as the reality of spirit and spiritual realms, and divinity itself. For many people, the main way that spiritual life is accessed is FIRST through the imagination. Jupiter’s upcoming square to Neptune therefore has the power to awaken and inspire us back to spiritual life through the gifts of imaginative vision, dreams, art, and ideas!
Prayer: May the world be your burning bush, filled with the flaming tongues of holy imagination. Bring us back to you, the soul of our soul, by inspiring us with your sacred fantasies.
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