Jupiter in Scorpio is moving slowly toward a trine with Neptune in Pisces.
* In order to fully understand what the Jupiter trine to Neptune means we need to begin with a breakdown of Neptune.
* I like to think of Neptune as a planet that shares many of the same qualities as the Moon. The Moon at its worst is related to dense materiality: impermanent, in flux, illusory, hungry but never satiated, with no light of its own, a borrowed or “counterfeit” light. However, the Moon at its best is related to what James Hillman called the “silvering” of consciousness: reflective, psychological, emotionally intelligent, a web-weaver, a dancer between shadows and light, a poet in touch with the invisible. Neptune is similar. At worst, Neptune reduces anything and everything to the plainest and most mundane terms: boredom, amorality, dullness, lifelessness, soullessness, unimaginative, concrete, without nuance or subtlety, repetitive, unmotivated, uninspired, etc. However, like the Moon, when Neptune is at its best it brings out something like transcendental beauty: poetry, imagination, inspiration, devotion, love, compassion, agape, soulfulness, nuance, complexity and meaning, otherworldliness, novelty, and so forth.
* Neptune transits, therefore, tend to bring up the dichotomy between spirit and matter, as well as the potential marriage between spirit and matter. However, it’s common for Neptune transits to emphasize one half of the dichotomy over the other. For example, a Neptune transit might reflect the opening of the imagination, waves of inspiration, otherworldly yearnings, and a general dissatisfaction with the concrete, the mundane, the earthly, the routine or habitual, etc. As a result, it’s very easy to feel restless, bored, dissatisfied, discontent, and in a perpetual state of longing or lack throughout a Neptune transit. Remember, it’s not that Neptune is causing this to happen any more than the Moon card in the Tarot deck causes you to feel this way or that, it’s that as human beings we all experience seasons where this natural dichotomy is more pronounced. On the other hand, a Neptune transit might refer to a period of time where you are filled with the light of spirit, brimming with imagination and fantasy, touched by something on the other side, and generally aware that there are divine forces moving in and through everything.
* The general challenge of all Neptune transits is to find a sense of the mystical within the mundane. We’re looking for a true vision and a real fantasy during Neptune transits. In order to do this, we have to avoid the temptation of spiritualizing everything at the cost of the real world we live in or materializing everything because we’ve lost touch with what is sacred.
* All Neptune transits are imaginative. Boredom, hopelessness, despair, restlessness, and longing are each imaginative states. They don’t reflect the lack or loss of imagination, they reflect the imagination of lack and loss. Neptune transits tempt us into believing that one state is truly imaginative or spiritual while another is utterly void of imagination and spirit. These extremes, in turn, create extreme behaviors. Take for example the opioid epidemic. This is an epidemic that has risen dramatically since Saturn and Neptune have been in a square with each other. Saturn and Neptune transits especially emphasize the same dichotomy that all Neptune transits emphasize. In fact, when Neptune was first discovered in 1846, it was in an exact conjunction with Saturn.
* All of this leads us back to Jupiter moving toward a trine with Neptune. The trine will perfect toward the very end of November, beginning of December.
* Jupiter is a planet of faith, hope, and blessings, of inflation and grandiosity and opportunity. Jupiter is knowledge, wisdom, redemption, and good luck or good fortune.
* As Jupiter trines Neptune we will see an expansion or growth of imaginative, spiritual, and redemptive themes. This transit will provide us with inspiration, faith, and hope, as well as a sense of expanded possibilities, imagination, knowledge, and trust. We may feel as though just the right opportunities are finding us at just the right time in order to save us from whatever we are most dissatisfied with, bored or disenchanted by. Or, we may be tempted by delusions of grandeur, cure-alls, ultimate solutions, or people who over promise.
* Meanwhile, the two planets are both in feminine water signs. The last time Jupiter was in Scorpio while Neptune was in Pisces was 1851. Some interesting “water” themes to note from around that time. Moby Dick was published, the “Denny Party” landed at Alki Point, which would later become Seattle. The first protected submarine telegraph cable was laid across the English channel, and Sojourner Truth delivered here “Aint I a Woman?” speech at the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio.
* It’s worth noting that during this time the California Gold Rush was also taking place. During 1851 gold nuggets were discovered at the present day site of Yreka, California. The California foreign miners tax was also passed in 1851, which was a law targetted mainly at latino workers.
* In all of the above, notice the planetary themes. Ahab and the need to conquer nature, the desire for the big fish. The fantasy of the gold rush and the fight for territory. The establishment of a coastal city, right on the ocean. The traversing of water for the sake of expanded technology, the empowerment of women. It’s important to remember that just because it’s a trine bringing the two planets together doesn’t mean each and every theme will be unanimously positive. Trines are themselves of the nature of Jupiter, which means that the trine between Jupiter and Neptune simple inflates, aggrandizes, expands, and emphasizes the planets’ themes as they inflect their voices upon each other.
* It’s important to note that just as this trine between Jupiter and Neptune comes through at the end of next month, Mars will also be passing through a square to Pluto and then opposition to Uranus. It will not be surprising to see these Jupiter/Neptune themes alongside ongoing political turmoil, public/political violence, explosive confrontations front and center in the collective, corrupt people or systemic corruption being exposed, protested, etc.
Prayer: Gold rush us with the power of your love.
* In order to fully understand what the Jupiter trine to Neptune means we need to begin with a breakdown of Neptune.
* I like to think of Neptune as a planet that shares many of the same qualities as the Moon. The Moon at its worst is related to dense materiality: impermanent, in flux, illusory, hungry but never satiated, with no light of its own, a borrowed or “counterfeit” light. However, the Moon at its best is related to what James Hillman called the “silvering” of consciousness: reflective, psychological, emotionally intelligent, a web-weaver, a dancer between shadows and light, a poet in touch with the invisible. Neptune is similar. At worst, Neptune reduces anything and everything to the plainest and most mundane terms: boredom, amorality, dullness, lifelessness, soullessness, unimaginative, concrete, without nuance or subtlety, repetitive, unmotivated, uninspired, etc. However, like the Moon, when Neptune is at its best it brings out something like transcendental beauty: poetry, imagination, inspiration, devotion, love, compassion, agape, soulfulness, nuance, complexity and meaning, otherworldliness, novelty, and so forth.
* Neptune transits, therefore, tend to bring up the dichotomy between spirit and matter, as well as the potential marriage between spirit and matter. However, it’s common for Neptune transits to emphasize one half of the dichotomy over the other. For example, a Neptune transit might reflect the opening of the imagination, waves of inspiration, otherworldly yearnings, and a general dissatisfaction with the concrete, the mundane, the earthly, the routine or habitual, etc. As a result, it’s very easy to feel restless, bored, dissatisfied, discontent, and in a perpetual state of longing or lack throughout a Neptune transit. Remember, it’s not that Neptune is causing this to happen any more than the Moon card in the Tarot deck causes you to feel this way or that, it’s that as human beings we all experience seasons where this natural dichotomy is more pronounced. On the other hand, a Neptune transit might refer to a period of time where you are filled with the light of spirit, brimming with imagination and fantasy, touched by something on the other side, and generally aware that there are divine forces moving in and through everything.
* The general challenge of all Neptune transits is to find a sense of the mystical within the mundane. We’re looking for a true vision and a real fantasy during Neptune transits. In order to do this, we have to avoid the temptation of spiritualizing everything at the cost of the real world we live in or materializing everything because we’ve lost touch with what is sacred.
* All Neptune transits are imaginative. Boredom, hopelessness, despair, restlessness, and longing are each imaginative states. They don’t reflect the lack or loss of imagination, they reflect the imagination of lack and loss. Neptune transits tempt us into believing that one state is truly imaginative or spiritual while another is utterly void of imagination and spirit. These extremes, in turn, create extreme behaviors. Take for example the opioid epidemic. This is an epidemic that has risen dramatically since Saturn and Neptune have been in a square with each other. Saturn and Neptune transits especially emphasize the same dichotomy that all Neptune transits emphasize. In fact, when Neptune was first discovered in 1846, it was in an exact conjunction with Saturn.
* All of this leads us back to Jupiter moving toward a trine with Neptune. The trine will perfect toward the very end of November, beginning of December.
* Jupiter is a planet of faith, hope, and blessings, of inflation and grandiosity and opportunity. Jupiter is knowledge, wisdom, redemption, and good luck or good fortune.
* As Jupiter trines Neptune we will see an expansion or growth of imaginative, spiritual, and redemptive themes. This transit will provide us with inspiration, faith, and hope, as well as a sense of expanded possibilities, imagination, knowledge, and trust. We may feel as though just the right opportunities are finding us at just the right time in order to save us from whatever we are most dissatisfied with, bored or disenchanted by. Or, we may be tempted by delusions of grandeur, cure-alls, ultimate solutions, or people who over promise.
* Meanwhile, the two planets are both in feminine water signs. The last time Jupiter was in Scorpio while Neptune was in Pisces was 1851. Some interesting “water” themes to note from around that time. Moby Dick was published, the “Denny Party” landed at Alki Point, which would later become Seattle. The first protected submarine telegraph cable was laid across the English channel, and Sojourner Truth delivered here “Aint I a Woman?” speech at the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio.
* It’s worth noting that during this time the California Gold Rush was also taking place. During 1851 gold nuggets were discovered at the present day site of Yreka, California. The California foreign miners tax was also passed in 1851, which was a law targetted mainly at latino workers.
* In all of the above, notice the planetary themes. Ahab and the need to conquer nature, the desire for the big fish. The fantasy of the gold rush and the fight for territory. The establishment of a coastal city, right on the ocean. The traversing of water for the sake of expanded technology, the empowerment of women. It’s important to remember that just because it’s a trine bringing the two planets together doesn’t mean each and every theme will be unanimously positive. Trines are themselves of the nature of Jupiter, which means that the trine between Jupiter and Neptune simple inflates, aggrandizes, expands, and emphasizes the planets’ themes as they inflect their voices upon each other.
* It’s important to note that just as this trine between Jupiter and Neptune comes through at the end of next month, Mars will also be passing through a square to Pluto and then opposition to Uranus. It will not be surprising to see these Jupiter/Neptune themes alongside ongoing political turmoil, public/political violence, explosive confrontations front and center in the collective, corrupt people or systemic corruption being exposed, protested, etc.
Prayer: Gold rush us with the power of your love.
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