Today, we're focusing on the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus, marking the start of a new synodic cycle that symbolizes a pivotal moment of death and rebirth for Jupiter. I'll discuss what this event typically looks like and share three examples from my client practice, including a horary chart that beautifully illustrates the death and rebirth symbolism.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we are going to take a look at the synoptic reset of the Sun-Jupiter conjunction, which is just about to take place this week. As the SunSun can join Jupiter in the sign of Taurus, they officially begin a new synodic cycle, and for Jupiter, it is considered a process or moment of death and rebirth. So, we're going to talk about what that might look like today. And I'm going to use three different examples from my client's practice. I'm going to show you guys a horary chart that utilizes the death and rebirth symbolism of Jupiter, which I think you'll find really interesting, and it will also be a way for me to tell you a little bit about what horary astrology is, in case you've never heard of it.
Our new horary program starts in June. But it's a really good explanation of the Sun-Jupiter conjunction at the same time, so it kind of serves two purposes there. Then, we're going to look at two different natal chart transits where the Jupiter-Sun conjunction played a really significant role in the unfolding of an event in a client's life.
So, I have two different natal charts from my practice that I will show you, which are really cool examples of the Jupiter Sun conjunction. This should help us just kind of have our eyes open for what this conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter might look like in our own lives. And, of course, yesterday, we spent some time looking at horoscopes for Taurus. These are just brief reminders of what that whole sign house in our chart looks like and what kinds of topics are activated, so you can always listen back to that as well. Anyway, that is our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. As always, you can find transcripts of any of my daily talks on the website This week, two things. One is the early bird sale for our new program, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic, the year one class that begins in June, and the early bird payment and sale ends on the 15th. So you have just another day or two here to take advantage of that.
You go to the bottom of the first year page on the Courses tab of the website, which again is, and you will see that the early bird sale is up until May 15. Of course, if you are someone who could use need-based tuition, you can utilize that all the way up until the start of the class you apply for. You tell us what price works within a sliding scale; we match you with that, that is, for people who might be experiencing financial difficulty or on a fixed or limited income. So please do take advantage of that if it would help you; otherwise, the early bird sale ends on the 15th of this week.
The other thing that's coming up this Thursday night is I am giving a talk on Neptune's entrance into Aries. Remember that Saturn and Neptune are going to conjoin in Aries next year, and we'll be dancing together for a little while over the next couple of years. And that is going to make for one of the biggest outer planetary conjunctions of the decade, alongside what we experienced with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. I don't know.
As soon as I say that, people are going to freak out. But I do believe this is a transit that you want to start thinking about because, like Saturn Pluto, it is a very big, significant transit, both collectively and personally, that we should begin thinking about we're going to be looking back at the last time that Neptune was in Aries, between 1861 and 1875, which coincided with the start of the civil war in the United States. In this talk, we're going to talk about the archetype from both personal and historical or collective standpoints.
So that's Thursday night, seven to 9pm; you can register under the live talks tab on the events page there. And if you can't make it live, we'll send you the recording link. Then, you can check out the other talks I have coming up in June and July; you can go to the shop page and get any of the previous talks I've done since I began my monthly webinar series. So those are our promotions for the day.
What I'm going to do now is we're going to take a look at where we are at with the Jupiter Sun conjunction, which is again the reset for Jupiter's cycle, and kind of refresh ourselves on its meaning and why we're looking at this in the first place, then we're gonna get into it. So here we can see; let's speed this up a little bit. We're looking forward to today, Tuesday, May 14, and when we go forward, we're going to see that this reset of Sun Jupiter happens on Saturday, May 18. That's at the end of this week.
And then, as that's happening, we can see that Venus will be conjoining Uranus, and Mercury will just be finishing a square to Pluto. So, there are a lot of dynamic events in the sign of Taurus, which is why we refreshed those horoscopes yesterday. But this moment for the Sun Jupiter constitutes the rebirthing of Jupiter in the synodic cycle when the SunSun switches sides like that and then slowly gets some distance.
What you're going to see is that Jupiter starts rising as the morning star before the Sun is In the early hours of the morning, so that Faisal change for Jupiter is really significant because it is considered to be, again, kind of a moment of death and rebirth for Jupiter.
Now, we have been saying that this should mostly feel like a pretty positive, healthy, healing kind of event. Because Jupiter is coming off from the conjunction with Uranus, it is co-present with Venus, the host of all of these planets in Taurus, which is good. You want the host of that sign in that sign to grant a lot more stability to the process of these aspects and the reset of Jupiter.
We also have to keep in mind that we are just coming off from a new moon cycle with an exalted New Moon in Taurus. So, there is a lot of support in the sign of Taurus, and a lot of it pointing toward the reiteration of Jupiter and Uranus in conjunction with the attempt to create breakthroughs and openings and changes of circumstance or consciousness with respect to all of those Earth evolution values, peace, ease, stability, harmony, art, sensuality, luxury, enjoyment, maybe wealth to a certain extent or material opulence and like you could you can, there's certainly shadow sides that come with the sign of the bull as well.
But that's the kind of breakthrough that we see happening in the sign of Taurus, and this Jupiter-Sun conjunction is about a resetting of structures and orders in our life that are behind her within the seating of that recent revolution. We know that this is the case because Jupiter, broadly speaking, represents the orders and structures that grant a sense of coherence and rational, beautiful, sensible, logical, flowing, or harmonious existence.
That's kind of Zeus Jupiter. It's interesting that this is all happening as Zeus is preparing to enter Gemini, where there's a very different archetype that immediately gets to work. And we've talked about that already. But when we talked about Jupiter, the archetypal Jupiter in Gemini, which goes back like last week to look.
So, anyhow, this reset moment is big, with respect to all that has been taking place in Taurus, really since Jupiter entered Taurus about a year ago. So that being said, I want to give you some examples from my practice that came up last year, around the time that the SunSun conjoined Jupiter in Aries, the previous place that Jupiter was transiting last year; I'm going to show you one from my horary practice and two from my NATO practice. And I want to use these as a way of illustrating how the reset can work in different scenarios.
So remember that the best way to locate Jupiter is in terms of the importance of the topics and relevance, like where's Jupiter going to show up in my life? It's going to be according to the topics of the whole sign house and your birth chart, which is why we refreshed those horoscopes yesterday. All right, well, three Jupiter Sun chart stories for you, starting with a horary.
Now let's just first of all, what is horary astrology? It's one of the oldest branches of astrology, natal election, and mundane; these are some of the first branches of astrology around the medieval era. And we don't know exactly where horary came from, maybe India, maybe some of the medieval astrologers, and maybe it even has its roots back in the Hellenistic era. However, we see this branch of astrology emerging that takes specific outcome-oriented predictive questions.
For example, will I get the job? Or will, in this case, we're going to look at a chart that's asking, Will my spouse lose his job? When there's a specific targeted, focused, outcome-oriented question, we cast a chart for the moment that that question is asked to the astrologer from the location of the astrologer, and we get something like the birth chart of a question. We then utilize a series of techniques, and in horary, there are broadly speaking, over the course of several 1000 years, we have a catalog of well-known and well-established horary techniques that when you study horary, you learn and apply to these kinds of charts with these kinds of questions.
In order to judge whether the answer is yes or no. Most horary questions are not should I questions, they're not subjective questions there. Will I get the job? Will we get married, you know, it's very like outcome oriented and sort of predictively specific. Then, we use these methods to judge whether yes or no to a chart.
So, if this example that I'm about to give you has a Jupiter Sun conjunction in a horary chart, that helped me come to the correct answer. If you like this kind of stuff, and this is interesting to you, then consider signing up for the horary program that starts in June, in about the middle of June. I recommend anyone sign up for it. But you really do need a background in astrology because it's a little bit more of an advanced or intermediate type of class.
So you need to know aspects, you need to know dignities, and you need to have a background in traditional astrology to a certain extent, right? So it is for many people that might work to start with the year one program, and then most of our students, when they're finishing year one, will jump into horary. But if you already have a background in traditional, you're welcome to jump into the horary program in June.
So, anyway, let's look at this one. This question was, will my spouse lose his job? Will spouse lose job? Let's see the chart. I guess I phrased that as Will spouse keep a job, but it was really just the question of whether they were worried about the spouse losing their job. So, let's see what we're looking at here.
So in a horary question, I'm just going to give you some basics of the technique. We assign signifiers based on a set of methods. The first house cusp is always going to tell us which planet to assign to the person asking the question. In this case, the person asking the question is the ruler of the ascendant Mercury because Gemini is because Gemini is rising.
So that's going to be this, this woman who is asking the question: Now her spouse is going to be Jupiter, the seventh house ruler, and that's the place of the spouse. There, you can see Jupiter is being burned up by the Sun and is about to go through the synodic reset.
Okay, and we can see that Jupiter is hovering right on the cusp of the, depending on which way you look at it, the 12th house, or if we count, in order from the spouse's house, which is the seventh, then this would be the spouses derived sixth house the place of misfortune.
So then we can also see that typically speaking in horary charts, the Moon will represent the flow of events or fortune, or it can be used as a co-signifier for the person asking the question. Here, the Moon is sitting right on the cusp of the seventh house of marriage. And it also rules the second house, which is the place of money. And we see the fall in Mars there in the moon signs. So we know that this person is having a lot of anxiety about the spouse's loss of job because they're worried about not having money. And that was a significant part of the background of this question.
But it's reiterated by the symbolism of the chart here. So, the emotional concern is with the husband and money. And now what we can do here is, I am going to just for the sake of making the visual a little bit easier; horary will sometimes utilize the outer planet, but often, it's not the world's most important part of the chart. So I'm going to take them out because they didn't play a big role in this particular question. Now, what we can see here is that the most obvious piece of evidence is that the SunSun is about to conjoin Jupiter, and we know that the traditional symbolism means death for Jupiter.
And given that Jupiter represents the husband and that this Jupiter is sitting on the cusp of a difficult house, this probably means yes, he's going to be one of those who are laid off because, at this point, he knew there were layoffs coming in that he might be one of them. And so this was a pretty strong argument right away in favor of, or in terms of, like, losing the job.
So what I looked at here, though, was where do we find the actual job, and we would go to the derived 10th house from the seventh, which will be the fourth that would be the husband's jobs, you count ten from seven, this is called derived houses, and traditional astrologers use this quite a bit. Also very well used in in India and so forth.
So, from that standpoint, the spouse's job is going to be the derived 10 tiles from the seventh or the fourth, which is the SunSun. And so we have the job, exalted Sun, about to kill Jupiter. That's not a very nice way of putting it, but it's as it is: Jupiter is about to the death. Jupiter is coming from the SunSun, which is the job.
So, this was a very clear and obvious testimony to the husband losing his job. And indeed, that is what happened. Now, you know, does that mean that it's the end of the world? No, in horror, one of the most important parts of the art, you might say, is how we deliver difficult news.
First of all, I'll just say this just in case for some people: Whoa, that's a little intense. When dealing with a difficult answer, most horary astrologers have always said, deliver, you know, you sort of delivered the news, like very tactfully and carefully, and so as not to scare or make someone more anxious.
So one of the ways that it's really, it was really nice to use that Jupiter, Sun symbolism was to say, Jupiter is going through a death and rebirth in this chart, the promise of that upcoming conjunction, which does in this case, signify death on a certain level, is that there's also an opportunity for rebirth here. And so the promise of this chart is really that this is going to constitute a new beginning for your spouse and trust that process. And we can utilize that symbolism of death and rebirth to be something that is not just about, oh, you lost your job, and you're screwed. And it's bad luck or something like that. So that was a case where I utilized that death and rebirth symbolism to also be constructive in terms of how we see what's happening right now. That's an example of a Jupiter Sun conjunction from horary.
All right, here is number two from my natal practice; this is from someone who became a father under the reset last spring. So I'm going to pull transit by wheel up on the screen here. And I thought this was really, really neat. So when I met with this individual, he was close to becoming a dad. And I noticed that the symbolism right around the time that he said his wife was doing was pretty profound with respect to Jupiter.
So when he came to see me, this was, you know, when he knew she was pregnant, but a new approximate time she would deliver. And I noticed that that approximate time fell right within the Sun, Jupiter, synodic reset. So here, I'm going to take this label off the screen so you can see it. So here, the native has the SunSun in cancer in the fourth house. And I thought this was just a spectacular piece of symbolism. Let me put the outer planets back in really quickly here.
Alright, so I'm going to point out a couple of things because there are actually a few different fun things going on here. But when I noticed this, and he was like, Yeah, you know, my wife was pregnant. And I was like, Okay, look at this: when she is due in early to mid-April, what's going to happen is you have Jupiter in the first house, the place of identity, squaring the SunSun in the fourth house, the place of family, a sign of fathers.
And what's really remarkable is that we see not only Jupiter squaring the Sun from the first house, which sort of magnifies that sense of identity, right? It's like now I, my dad, that's Jupiter in the first square, son in the fourth, as a child, being born in your becoming a dad for the first time. What a beautiful symbol. But not only do we see that, but we also see, hey, look, that the Sun is conjoining Jupiter. And so there's a sense of death and rebirth here. That this constitutes the death of your single adult, not single, you're like, marry, what's the right word like nonparental identity. That's what I'm trying to say. Right?
This is like you, as an independent man who's married and has a job that has no other great responsibilities. Now you're going through a death and rebirth; you're becoming a dad. So you have the structure of identity, and the sense of what grants coherence to your life on the level of identity is changing. It's a changing of the guard, Sun, Jupiter, the death and rebirth in the house of identity square the Sun in the fourth house.
So we talked about this. And we use it as a way of preparing for the fact that there's a lot of excitement in this transition of becoming a dad. And there's also going to be the feeling of a death. Sometimes, that happens in the first couple of weeks because you're not sleeping very much, or you know, but we were able to make like make a meaning create a meaningful story about the symbolism in the sky at the time that his wife was due. That was a really cool transit to look at.
Then the other thing I want to point out is that they are just fun. The seventh house ruler is Venus, who is in the fifth house of children and pregnancy. And as this was coming through last year, that transit of Jupiter to the Sun, Venus, the seventh house ruler in the house of pregnancies, receiving opposition from Pluto in Aquarius, so your marriage is going to be completely transformed. There's a death and rebirth of your connection to your wife, of her body, of your relationship, of the way you live together, like everything.
So, another really powerful symbol is in the chart at the same time. And often, you'll find that transit speaks in several different ways at once. What's really important to note about this is that sometimes people say, you know, I'm really not seeing or noticing this big reset. But notice that in the case of the chart I just showed you, the reset was happening between Jupiter and the Sun in a close square to the natal Sun.
There is also opposition from Pluto Venus. It is quite common for people to not notice or see or experience anything of great significance, specifically because the conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun, say in this case, coming up at the end of Taurus, is not aspecting anything in your chart, look around that 28th 29th 27th late degrees of fixed signs, in other words for degrees or planets in your chart. And that's where you'll probably notice that things are going to pop with the conjunction, all the more so if there's another major transit going on somewhere else in your chart that can kind of corroborate, right? So, anyway, a cool story.
Number three is another example of the Jupiter sun that came into my client's practice last year. This again preceded the actual conjunction by some time, but we noted that this transit would be in the air when this person was completing something of great importance. So I'm going to show you this. So this is a woman that I worked with who was in the final year of her master's degree, which typically takes people about two years; I think that's pretty average for a master's degree if you're going full-time and everything.
So what we noticed was that at the time that she would be turning in her master's thesis and getting ready to defend it, and so on, it would be mid-April of 2023. And what I noticed right away was, hey, look almost exactly on your birthday on your solar return. By the way, you are going to have the sun Jupiter's death and rebirth moment in the ninth house, the place of higher education. Let me highlight it right here in case you can't see it.
So there's the Transiting Sun Jupiter conjunction happening almost exactly over the natal Venus Sun conjunction in the ninth house. Also, by the way, happening with a square to the Moon in the 12. Just a little side story that I thought was neat is that one of the things that had been stressing her out was that she felt like she wasn't being mean. And maybe this is, you know, sort of 12th House cancer, Moon pathological. But she said like, I just don't feel like I'm a good mom because I'm so focused on school. But I also need to do this for myself. And so this is someone who was also feeling a certain level of tension between motherhood and school. At the time that the reset is happening in the ninth house, she's finishing her thesis, and she's about to graduate, and she is moving on from a period of time where her availability for her children and family was diminished.
We see that sun Jupiter reset happening in the ninth house over her son Venus square to her Moon in the 12th. Isn't that beautiful? So this was a way for me to say Look, your schooling is going to wrap up. And there's going to be a sense of death and rebirth. Maybe some of this has been about the balance between having your own independent path, career interests, personal development, and your emotional obligations. But finishing this is going to feel like that phase is done. Now, you can start moving into the next phase of life, which quite frequently happens when Jupiter is working through the ninth and then into the 10th, which will be about the transition from a training or educational program or certification or something into the field. And that's exactly where she was heading next after graduation.
So, I thought that this was another really good example of death and rebirth, where it doesn't have to be anything awful. Right? It was a perfectly fitting, symbolic expression of the Sun Jupiter resetting around the time that she was finishing the greatest effort of her graduate program. And its relation to a couple of other parts in the chart. I think that you know, there's it's interesting that part of the interest in going back to school and pursuing her own path really began when Uranus entered her 10th house, so you can kind of see that independent spirit growing as Uranus crossed Mercury and moved up to the midheaven.
So, there are a lot of transits that can be used in a chart like this to look at things. Another one that's here that is just kind of fun to look at is that as this woman is finishing her thesis, Pluto is also squaring Mercury in her 10th house. So you see how you have different symbols saying the same thing. We had Pluto opposing Venus, and in the man's chart, who became a father when his wife and their relationship changed? Here, we also see that we have Pluto squaring Mercury in the 10th house when this person is finishing their studies and ready to move into work.
So, we have multiple transits that often say the same thing. And sometimes, in a chart, you will really be identifying your experience with one transit more than another, even though if you pay attention, multiple transits can be saying the same thing. And that's also one of the reasons why we sometimes miss simple little transit like Jupiter in the Sun, which is, would have been much more obvious, by the way, to ancient astrologers who didn't have the outer planets alongside right because in modern astrology, we tend to lean on the outer planets and we might miss some of the traditional ways that planets had of saying something like death and rebirth, we just go to Pluto. They're both relevant, and they are often co-present at the same time. But it's fun to just raise our awareness when it comes to things like Jupiter in the Sun.
Okay, well anyway, I hope that these examples are interesting. I hope you learned something from them. Do you like this kind of stuff? If you do, I highly recommend using some of the astrological transits that we are under right now to begin to study astrology. Jupiter is entering Gemini, training Pluto and Aquarius.
As we start our next round of courses, the horary course, the ancient astrology for the modern mystic first-year course in Hellenistic astrology, all of our programs, by the way, although they are traditional and Hellenistic, they all include archetypal and psychological astrology. It's infused into everything I do, because I'm sort of half of half of one and a half of the other in the way that I practice.
So, at any rate, I hope to see some of you in the classes soon; if you stick around after I sign off right now, you can listen to me. I've tagged a video talking about the program in depth. Remember that the sale ends on the 15th, and this Thursday night, Neptune in Aries will come out for the webinar and look at what is arguably the next major transit of our decade with Saturn and Neptune in Aries. All right, that is it, and we will see you again soon. Bye, everyone.
The synodic cycle of planets is so fascinating. Underused in interpretation of n it seems so great to see you pointed that out w Jupiter. What dies and what is born? This along side the radical change from Uranus in same sign has been mind blowing for me. Conjunct 25 deg nat Venus in the 9th. Thanx for the great exsmples!