Today we're going to take a look at Mercury's trine to Pluto, which is happening this week as Mercury starts to finally pull off from the very close square to Saturn in Aquarius. And by the end of this week, Venus will also be conjoining Uranus in the sign of Taurus.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. Today we're going to take a look at Mercury's trine to Pluto, which is happening this week as Mercury starts to finally pull off from the very close square to Saturn in Aquarius. And by the end of this week, Venus will also be conjoining Uranus in the sign of Taurus. And as Venus does so, it'll be going very closely over some of the degrees that were active during April 30, solar eclipse in Taurus, so that those are the two major transits of the week, it is a little bit of a slow week otherwise, so then these transits don't even happen until the end of the week. However, they will be building as the week goes on. A lot of this is focused on the whole sign house of Taurus in your birth chart.
So today, we're going to look at this archetypal combination of the fact that both Mercury trining Pluto from Taurus to Capricorn and Venus conjoining Uranus, also in Taurus are taking place. I think later in the week; we will be taking a look at the whole sign house of Taurus for all 12 Sun and rising sign horoscopes to give you a sense of where that Torian emphasis is happening this week, with both Mercury and Venus, making their aspects from the sign of Taurus that be an important thing to look at this week. So we will be doing that.
One thing I thought about doing is I'd love to hear your feedback before I actually do it. In early 2020, right before the pandemic, I had a talk that I did where I invited; I think it was eight astrologers onto a panel. And it was called the Saturn Pluto panel. And we talked about what we thought might be coming on an archetypal level, given Saturn and Pluto's upcoming conjunction that winter; of course, that conjunction would go on to tone some of the most dramatic events, you know, of 2020. And you know that not a lot needs to be said about what happened in 2020. So many things happened in 2020. But I thought it might be interesting to replay that video and offer a little context at the beginning because I was really listening to it. And I was like; it's really interesting to see how all eight of us or I think it was eight of us. Got it right. And you know, couldn't, there were a lot of things we didn't see coming or things that we didn't get right. And I just think it's really interesting. For me, it was very interesting to look back on that. Is that something you guys would find interesting? If so, I might do a rewind episode where, you know, maybe I'll make a little intro at the beginning, contextualizing it and offering a few thoughts, and let you guys watch it. It was about a two-hour talk all on Saturn and Pluto in 2020. And I don't know, two years later, I was rewatching it and finding it like kind of mind-blowing to see not only in terms of like, I've just grown up a lot in the past two years. I'm sure everyone else has too but seeing what we all had to say about it.
Okay, well, what's the news of the week? It is June 10 and 11th; Mercury in Taurus will trine Pluto in Capricorn. And then, on the 11th and 12th, Venus in Taurus will conjoin Uranus in Taurus. So those are the two transits. Let's take a look at them on the real-time clock. And then, we're going to give a list of 10 things to watch for, given that these energies will be coming together as the week goes on. So here you can see at the outset of the week what's happening; Mercury is just starting to separate, still within one degree of Saturn, just starting to separate from Saturn. And as it does so, it will be moving into the trine with Pluto. And that's what's going to be happening by the 10th and 11th. That's the end of this week. Then you can see at the same time that we also have Venus coming together with Uranus, that will also be happening over the weekend. So these are both energies that I would describe them as having their biggest impact Thursday through Sunday of this week. But they are building right now. And they're close enough that, especially you know, Mercury's trine with Pluto is already in the engagement range and has been since it turned direct. You're going to be feeling this one. And in even in the next, you know, I'd say even by tomorrow, you're gonna start feeling Venus and Uranus coming together. And he's sort of heating up a bit more. So yeah, that both of these energies will be building over the week, which is why we'll also make sure to look at that whole sign house of Taurus, which is where everything is sort of everything is there's a very strong focus that's going to be there in that area of your birth chart, trying to find my words there.
Okay, so what I'm going to do, what I'm going to do now is I want to take a look at ten archetypal combinations that arise both from Mercury's trining Pluto in Taurus while Venus is moving to conjoin Uranus in Taurus.
The first one, I think, is really interesting. There was at one point in time, I heard a speaker, and I am sorry because I hate when people do this, but I can't remember the person's name because it was years ago, but it was someone who was someone who was a linguist, they had like a Ph.D. in linguistics, and had written books about linguistics. And they also had a background of some kind in psychedelic medicine or the history of psychedelics in medicine or something like that. And they were interested in LSD therapy and so forth. One of the things that I found really interesting that they said came to mind when I was looking at this combination of energies this week. They said that they were talking about words and this idea and I think it was obviously was inspired by you know, like a, like a psychedelic state of consciousness or an altered state of consciousness, but maybe one that could be just as you know, easily access through meditation or a deep state of open reflectiveness or something. Either way, they had said that we get as a collective, and this was in the early days of social media that I remember like Facebook was out, and I had heard them say this. We glom on to words like certain words become popular.
Like, I think, for example, of the word that's been around since I was a kid, cool. You know, I don't know, I've said that word probably a million times, you know, cool. Sounds cool. You know, or, but more than that, there are words that become popular. I think, right now, for example, the word stress; I was talking to my wife, we had some friends over, and my wife was telling us about the history of the word stress, which she had just learned about. And that, you know, it's not like a word that has been so widely used and sort of popular in the collective until relatively recently. And then I was thinking about Mercury Saturn, and then I remembered this talk. So words like stress or overwhelmed, a word that I see a lot these days, is trigger or triggered, and many, many others. But to just briefly illustrate his idea, his idea would be that when a word becomes popular, it's because the word is somehow getting at the essence of an experience that everyone immediately recognizes is as though some, it's maybe even some experience in the collective that everyone is having, or many people are having, and it's getting gets named, right. And so then it comes to the level of awareness, potentially, from the unconscious to a conscious level of awareness. And so then, you know, the word is powerful, because it comes from the numinous, it's like a, you know, it's like a sparkly fish jumping up out of the deep, you know, and it's like, Whoa, look at that's been in there, you know? And everyone kind of like, yes. So, trigger warning at the beginning of a video when people are going to say something, or they're gonna say, you know, like, I know, I listened to a sports podcast. And whenever they talk about a controversial topic, they'll say trigger warning as a joke at this point. But it can also be used very seriously to say, Oh, we're going to talk about something that's very difficult that may, you know, trigger someone who has a sensitivity to that topic that may, they may have a real physical reaction if they hear it. So you know what I'm saying; everyone knows this word by now. Overwhelm, you know, how many times have I heard the word overwhelm? You know, I don't remember hearing that word like I do now. You know, so. But anyway, the idea is that there's something about the collective unconscious slash conscious that's at play; there's a dance between the two, and what words come up and sort of take power, like words have power.
Anyway. And you can think of a million examples; my point is not to talk about any one word right now. But what he said that I found so interesting, this, like, Ph.D. researcher, linguist was, he had said that they, it's, it's amazing, because some words will come up, and they'll shine a spotlight on something, or they will illuminate some aspect of the experience that maybe hasn't been named or articulated well, and all that can be really interesting. He also said that words have collective incantational power. And I always remembered, I don't remember if that was the phrase he used or not, but it was something like that. And by that, he meant like, let's say, for example, the word stress that the more times the word stress is repeated collectively, the more that word itself starts to do the very thing to the collective psyche that it sort of imagistically, and psychically represents.
It says, though, the more we use the word stress, the more that they're the psychic image of like some load-bearing things starting to buckle under a load of a heavy object, for example, like stress on a beam or something, that the more that stress starts to sort of sneak its way in, it's as though we get stressed out by the word stress. Not I mean, this is not like a mind-shattering idea, right? But I just liked the way he had put it. You know, we can get overwhelmed by our attachment or, by the way in which we start, you know, a word that once was numinous and shining with some true experience when it becomes banal. You know, and it's sort of every day over a long period of time, we start to get, we are overwhelmed by the very word overwhelm. And it has this weird incantational-like reflexive power, and we're triggered by the word trigger.
Like I actually heard someone the other day say, um, You know, I'm getting so annoyed when that word comes up. And I feel like I want to think of a different word, and this person said that they thought of the word activate. And that was like, okay, you know, I get it, I get the word activate, you know, you're feeling activated or whatever, the same thing would happen with the word activated. After a while, we'd all be, you know, walking around feeling overly activated by the word activate. So, anyway, long story short, there comes a time in our lives when collective words come up that shine a light on something, and a new word sort of sweeps across the land. And then there are other times where, you know, we need to, one of the things that he had said we can do is always, you know, everyone he said, needs a thesaurus, and synonyms. So, you know, the idea behind this would be, if you start to feel, you know, overwhelmed, that you would be careful about how much power you give that word. Over time, you might say, I'm feeling a little frazzled today, you know, and frazzled has a different feeling and like, almost like a different image. But you would, you would always be careful, in other words, to diversify the language that you use, in order to, for example, with the word stress, distribute the stress of the word stress into other words and psychic locales.
So, why am I saying all of this, and I'm sort of laboring this point, because what's happening this week, you know, Mercury is pulling off from a square to Saturn, a place where the mind can get fixated, especially on words, language, thoughts, concepts, ideas. And then immediately, it's going into a trine with Pluto, where the potential to remake or shift a word, a thought language, an idea can take place, and there can be new life birthed into the way we think or the language that we use. Not that it's always easy to do so. But I see that as a real interesting potential this week. And I thought this would make like a good conceptual, you know, a good idea to explain how we, in something we might use this week. At the same time, Venus is conjoining Uranus and Venus, and Uranus also doesn't like to do the same thing over and over. It likes to change the way in which something is done or said, or expressed. So think about collective word incantations.
Now that dovetails into number two, which is making something old new again, it's not that you're essentially changing the essence of something, but you may need to change the form or the container, sort of like saying, what's that quote from the Bible about, you know, you can't put new wine into an old wine skin, I think that's the phrase, maybe I'm getting that wrong somehow. But occasionally, we need to remake the containers or forms that we put things in. You know, even though it's really about the essence. Still, in order to make something old new again, sometimes you need to rearrange the form or structure or the way in which the content is held. It's a great time this week, for example, to run a new series like a rewind series that I was thinking of doing, throwing in something new over the summer here, let's do a rewind, and I'll replace certain old episodes which are really interesting to look back at now, given all that's happened. So that I, as I thought of that, I also thought, oh, that fits the astrology of this week.
Number three is discovery and invention. So when Saturn Mercury is square to Saturn, the potential to be feeling like you're stuck. You can't go somewhere you can't move, and then suddenly, there's this forward movement, and the unearthing of a new idea or the especially with mercury Pluto, the idea of moving off from Saturn into a trine with Pluto conjunct suggest discovering and an idea, a thought, an approach that frees you up from something that's been blocking you. So discovery and invention, Venus conjoining. Uranus also is one that loves to make things new, and that loves to break out of established habits and patterns. So I think that's a general theme to watch for this week.
Number four would be the seeds of sexual or romantic revolution with Venus conjoining Uranus. The idea there is that the conjunction is a seeding moment. So the seeds of some Venusian revolution that'd be sexual, relational, romantic, artistic, etc.
Similarly, number five, the seeds of creative or artistic inspiration, almost where thought and aesthetics come together for the sake of seeding some kind of change its ideas. It's conceptual, it's intellectual, but it's also artistic. And there's some inspiration; some ideas slash creative vision that might be appearing as the week goes on.
Number six would be finding something hidden or revealing a secret. So anytime that you see Mercury hitting an aspect to Pluto, especially a constructive one like this, the potential to reveal something that's been hidden, discover something that's unseen, articulate something that's, that's been, up until this point, unable to be articulated or understood. So finding something hidden, revealing a secret. Venus Uranus is a big player in the charts of a lot of my clients when they decide to come out; for example, they decide to share for the first time their sexual orientation. And I can't tell you how many times especially looking back upon maybe say teenage years or early 20s or something, different points in time that people may have done that to look and see. Oh, look, it was a Uranus Venus transit. So finding something hidden Mercury kind of Mercury, Pluto, revealing a secret Mercury Pluto, but also revealing something that you are that is that it's like showing your peacock tail, all of its beautiful colors if it's been hidden. That's kind of Venus, Uranus with Mercury trining Pluto.
Number seven would be provocative. Thoughts, ideas, communications, and desires are so provocative Venus, Uranus loves to do things that are outside of the box. So it is Venus, Uranus can be very provocative with Mercury and Pluto, it's not just provocative, something that you're wearing that's provocative or, you know, like a, like a sexual partner you choose that's like interesting or something, you know, it's like, oh, well, you know, you could have provocative thoughts, ideas, communication, but then couple that also with a unique set of desires, like some Oh, you know, I'm longing for, to have some interesting piece of art in my living room. Or, suddenly, I'm attracted to very, you know, bright, colorful clothing or something like that. These are simple examples. But anything that is provocative in mind, thought, aesthetic. So the Mercury Venus placements this week both trend toward being more provocative and edgy, and maybe even subversive.
Number eight would be changing the appearance of something. So, for example, any kind of cosmetic surgery, or the desire to change the appearance of something in a room, like with the furniture, or with your branding, or marketing or anything, anything that would constitute an aesthetic or physical transformation of appearance.
Number nine would be conversations about form versus essence, which we've already touched on a little bit. But how necessary is the form? In what role does it play in relation to the essence? I sometimes think in the West; I was talking with two of my mentors about this. In the West, we like we think it's all essence in that form is sort of irrelevant. I think that you know, I think a lot about certain hexagrams in the I-Ching that really talk about the way that, you know, essence requires form, but the form is sort of the servant of the essence. And it's important that there be like a careful matching of the two and a sensitive relationship between the two. And that sort of like the form serves the essence. Yeah, I think about the fact that when Venus comes to be in the world, she is immediately adorned. And, and so also you also think about the form as like adornment. And so questions this week about form versus essence, how to adorn something, what is the adornment that amplifies the essence or, you know, complements it somehow? These kinds of questions I could see being, you know, very important as the week goes on.
Number ten, And this is the one we're going to, is kind of a segue into what we'll do as the week goes on; it is a moment of breakthrough or a real focus on the Taurus area of your birth chart that relates back to the April 30 Solar Eclipse, which was happening, you know, sort of 10 to 14 degrees Taurus, which is where Venus is moving through right now. So there's kind of a re awakening of things that have been cooking since the April 30 Solar Eclipse, and so we're going to again, we will sort of revisit that and try to focus on the whole sign house of Taurus, but you could do so already you know, prior you know, before I even make my video, just look at the whole sign of Taurus in your birth chart and get a sense for what's been working in that area of my life since the end of April. And see how this week sort of maybe there's a sort of critical development this week with regard to some of the things that have been happening in your life since late April.
So those are some of the things that I've got right now that are on my mind about these transits. I would love to hear your stories. So if you notice something this week, hashtag grabbed or email us grabbed it Nightlight, And you know, tell us your story.
All right, that's what I've got for today. Hope you guys have a good one, and we will see you for more this week. Bye
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