Today, we're examining Mars crossing the North Node in Aries, an event that reignites and drives the themes of the recent solar eclipse in Aries forward. This transit of Mars through the eclipse's degree space is particularly potent as it occurs during a moon cycle that also amplifies the effects of the April Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we're going to take a look at Mars crossing the north node of the moon in the sign of Aries. The reason that we want to look at this is that we had a solar eclipse in the sign of Aries while Mars was in Pisces.
So Mars coming into the sign of its own domicile and moving through the degree space that the eclipse recently happened in is going to reactivate and sort of energize some of the symbolic meaning of the recent eclipse and sort of push the agenda of that eclipse forward in our lives.
This is happening, remember, during a moon cycle in which the entirety of the moon cycle is also pushing forward the agenda of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, so with Venus and Mars in the signs of their own rulership, we are starting to see the solar eclipse in April, and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in April, getting those energies are now accelerating tremendously because of the positions of Venus and Mars and other events happening in Taurus and Aries.
So we're going to look at today in terms of this transit of Mars and the North Node today in terms of the recent eclipse and what it might do for us in terms of continuing to carry forward the significations of that event. So anyway, that's our goal for today. Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe when you like and subscribe. It helps the channels grow. We really appreciate you helping us get the word out there about Nightlight, the school, all of our amazing offerings, and the channel. Obviously, you can find a transcript of any of my daily talks on the website We have a deadline coming up.
So, we are going to have one day left tomorrow night to sign up for my talk on Neptune's entrance into Aries. I will be giving a talk tomorrow night, May 16. from seven to 9pm Eastern Time on the entrance of Neptune in Aries, which is the big outer planetary transit happening next year. It's a good time to look at it, as Neptune is culminating in the 29th and final degree of Pisces now and into June before turning retrograde. So it's on the doorstep of this change right now. And it's a good time to look at it. This is going to feature one of the most significant transits of the decade in Saturn conjoining Neptune in the sign of Aries; we're going to look at the most recent period of Neptune's transit through Aries, which was 1861 to 1875, which is the American Civil War. So this is big stuff.
This is a really big and important transit that we all should start looking at in terms of both collective and personal meaning. That is tomorrow night. If you register and can't make it live, you can always get the download afterward so you can watch the replay. The other thing is we are at the deadline for the early bird rate for the program. Ancient astrology for the modern mystic begins on June 16.
And if you go to the Courses page, click on the first-year course, and scroll down, you can learn all about it. After today's video, you'll see that I've tagged an additional informational video to the end so that you can learn more about the first-year program; the early bird rate lasts until today; we have decided that we're going to extend it until Friday, just because it's the middle of the week. And a lot of people have been emailing saying they get paid and so on and so forth. They want to wait until the end of the week. So you have until Friday this week, May 17; we're going to extend it to days that you can use the early bird payment or early bird payment plan.
Of course, if you're someone who needs assistance and you're struggling financially, we also do have need-based tuition assistance, which puts you in a sliding scale situation; you can choose a rate that works for you, and we match it with a payment plan within that range of monthly what you can afford on a monthly payment basis. Then, you can sign up for the program. And that's available all the way till the start of the program. We like to make sure no one's priced out. But take advantage of the early bird sale wallet; we're extending it to Friday.
So you have a couple more days. We also hope to see you tomorrow night at the Neptune in Aries talk. Be sure to sign up for that now so you can get the login link for the webinar.
Okay, let's turn our attention now to Mars and the North Node in the sign of Aries. So here we have the transit. It is Wednesday, May 15. We are looking at the conjunction of Mars and the north node here in areas, which will be happening over the weekend. I use the mean nodes.
So, if you use the true node, the timing might be a little different. But if we give this like a three-degree range of separation, you're gonna see that this lasts until about next week at the same time, three degrees separating by May 22. Wednesday is a week from today. So we're now in this range of two to three degrees here. I could have easily started this yesterday, but I wanted to look at the conjunction between the sun and Jupiter yesterday, so we save this for today. But the effects you may also use; in other words, you may be noticing them already. And they really start popping over the weekend. Then, the separation occurs again in about the middle of next week.
So, first of all, let's go back in time and revisit the solar eclipse that just recently happened in the month of April. Remember that April was an incredibly powerful month because we had a solar eclipse in Aries, which is this Cardinal fire sign that initiates new things in such a powerful way. We also had mercury retrograding in the sign of Aries.
The eclipse was also, let's just put in Chiron here, the eclipse was also exactly conjoined with Chiron and the degree of the sun's exultation. I mean, what a powerful symbol, really, so now we're seeing. Okay, here, we have this; I'm gonna put it right there. You can see the triple conjunction Sun Moon Chiron, right, here's the solar eclipse. So there we go.
So that was with the north node of the moon again, with mean node measurement at about 15 degrees of Aries. Remember, Venus was in Aries at the same time, and at the exact same time, we also had Mars and Saturn together in Pisces. So, the ruler of the eclipse was in a banged-up position, meaning it did not have any dignity of its own. It's in an adjacent sign that cannot see its own sign by traditional aspect conjoined with another malefic, you know, just turbulent. In the meantime, we also had Jupiter and Uranus coming together by April 20. Here, we can see the two of them getting together, and they are in the sign of Taurus.
However, at that time, Venus was getting together with Chiron at the Eclipse degree debilitated. It's, I mean, like seriously, the two biggest events of the year in a way that they fall in the same calendar month anyhow; the solar eclipse in Aries and the subsequent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is hosted by planets that were banged up. This is why it is so significant that right now, in the month of May, we're looking at such a different scenario. We have Mars in Aries. It's out of a more difficult space and into its own domicile in the sign that the eclipses it rules or it rules takes place.
So, back home, where the eclipse takes place, we get a new moon. On May 7, We have the New Moon in Taurus with Venus in Taurus with Jupiter in Taurus; just coming off from the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, a lot more support and the most positive, auspicious significations of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, you think of the sort of Venetian revolution is now being much more you are finding much more support for it in the sky in this moon cycle.
And then you go forward a little bit. And now we've got Mars coming through around that 13 degrees get into the 14th and 15th degrees of Aries as it separates, which is where the North Node was when the eclipse occurred. And then, if you take it forward even a little bit more, you'll have Mars going over the Eclipse degree by May 25. And then conjoining Chiron, that will who was also with the eclipse, obviously, by about May 29 and 30th.
So, in the last part of this month, you can see how Mars is hitting all of the spaces in Aries that were active in the month of April in such a big way. So, what does all of that mean? What kind of sense can we make out of this? I mean, if you were able to follow that. And that all made enough sense in the broad scope of things you understand and astrological theory that basically what we're seeing is momentum and energy. And the ability to express the eclipse in Aries more constructively is now supported by what we're seeing. The conjunction of the North Node and Mars is about the fulfillment of the kind of direction and action that Mars and the solar eclipse wanted to take.
So a way of thinking about it is, let's just say that you want to start a business; let's say somehow that ended up being the impulse behind the solar eclipse in Aries, which would be very fitting since Aries is a cardinal fire sign that likes to start new endeavors, especially things that are entrepreneurial and pioneering. Take the courage to stand up and do something on your own. I'm going to work for myself on very Aries-like signatures; let's say that was behind the solar eclipse in your chart for whatever reason.
At first, you didn't have the resources, or you had to deal with people maybe around you doubting you, or you had to deal with complications in your life that were, you know, emotionally complicated. I'm just making things up. But the idea would be that whatever that intention was, you know, to start a new business wherever it came from, initially this, the support wasn't there. And you're you've had you've had to like to bushwhack through the jungle, you know, trying to find a clear path toward that goal, or dream or aspiration or intention.
Now, we see Mars coming through with the north node of the moon. And it says, though, suddenly, it's time to form that LLC, it's time to write your business plan, it's time to fill out the application for the small business loan, it's time to make your website live. It's that kind of energy. So the Mars with the North Node says, Okay, now I'm here, the host of the eclipse, I'm in my own sign, I have the resources, I have the energy, it goes time.
Now, that might mean that you also have to start confronting things or using your will in a kind of heroic effort to start doing something that's not always easy. Mars is a planet of perseverance, willpower, and courage; we might have to muster up the courage or willpower to do something right now that we've been wanting to do since the eclipse. Now it's time to do it. That doesn't mean it's necessarily going to be easy. But the energy is there, the sort of gumption or stick-to-itiveness is better signified.
Now, another thing that we can think about is that whatever we've been trying to heal, or whatever kinds of wounds we've been nursing, in terms of the sign of Aries, around willpower, individuality, strength, assertiveness, a sense of security within ourselves, I am okay, I am. I'm an independent, strong, capable person. These are Aries themes. If there have been wounds around those subjects in your life, you may also find that right now. And that for the rest of this month, as Mars is working its way across these degrees, the North Node Chiron, that you're starting to, you're starting to discover that you know, you are capable, or you're starting to get some of that healing work accomplished, so to speak.
Or it could be that the wounds that the eclipse brought up in the sign of Aries that you've been working on, let's say, are now there's another, like a second layer, being pulled back. But the idea is that you should be able to work through things more effectively now or that you're ready to take the next big step. The other way of thinking about Mars and the North Node is that we're going to see just in this little window of time, and then from now till like next week, you're going to see a rapid acceleration of events, circumstances, energies just sort of conspiring to push forward on obstructed.
So watch for that. And that's a little abstract, like you may not. I think people who are really familiar with astrology find these currents easy to notice. But it doesn't always happen in one singular event. It's more like a theme of momentum, or a theme of forward progress or energy or confidence that's coming through or, again, like sudden momentum on things that have been stuck or taking a while; watch for all of that. So I'm in terms of the let me go back here for just a second.
The other thing, remember that we just had the Mercury Retrograde in the sign of Aries. So, one thing that I would highly recommend is going back into your birth chart and looking at that whole sign house of Aries. Basically, asking the questions, what are the you know, what are the topics of this house? And how they have been active in my life recently. And as you take note of that, you're going to notice that from the eclipse to the Mercury Retrograde, there's been a lot of emphasis on that whole sign house in your chart.
And so this period of time now, again, you can think of is just sort of generally activating and making, making the topics of that place in your chart a lot stronger, brighter, more important or significant for like the next week or so. It is much more significant than it would be from even a normal Mars transit through Aries, which is a strong placement for Mars because it's hitting the North Node, because there was a recent solar eclipse, and so on and so forth. Okay, so those are some of the things that I think you ought to watch for. Here's another way of looking at the nodes of the moon.
You guys know that I teach the traditional view of the nodes on my channel. The basic meaning of the nodes of the moon is that they are nodes of the moon and that the moon represents the realm of fortune. The north node was generally associated with any kind of augmentation of fortune, things that grow, things that get bigger, things that are amplified, and it's associated a little bit with like Jupiter or Venus planets that were so associated with growth in the plant kingdom, like just the conditions under which plants grow and flourish, or babies are born, they're fertile.
So, the north node has a kind of materially rich, fertile energy that makes things grow. Ancient astrologers did not associate that with a path by means of which your soul levels up or something, as it might say, evolutionary astrology. Even in Indian astrology, Rahu is associated with our material desires and impulses that take us into the material world, whereas Ketu is associated with those impulses that tend to diminish the importance of material things for the sake of larger ideas, beliefs, or even spiritual experiences.
Anyhow, with Rahu and the North Node, or the ancient Hellenistic North Node interpretation, you have the idea of the Mars impulse taking us into the material world through things like strength, aggression, competition, dominance, victory, assertiveness, development of individual power and capability, belief in yourself courage, all of these themes are being amplified, and the potential for them to grow and realize things in the material realms that we live in, are strong right now.
For example, the idea of competitive dominance, I can be better at something I can, even if it's just competition within yourself, I can, I can excel at something, I can be stronger or faster, or I can be braver, or I can do hard things, or I'm going to do something, and I don't care what anyone else thinks all those themes being very Aries and very Mars-like can all just be greatly augmented or amplified, they can also follow closely along a path of ambition, I'm doing something with this kind of strength, and Moxie, because I want it, right, that's a very north node Mars kind of signification in the sign of Aries.
So, think about those things right now; just broadly speaking, aside from any narrative arc you build with your eclipses or not, I want to take you back in time for one last activity today before we sign off. And what I'm going to do is remove everything from our perspective except for Mars and the North Node. And what we're going to do is we're going to go back in time, and we're going to see the last couple of times that they crossed one another. Because this is fun, this is a really fun exercise, in my humble opinion.
So if you look at about July 2022 to August 2022, you can see right here that Mars and the North Node crossed. So, if you look back at that time, in the sign of Taurus, you will see that we had similar themes. I think this is really interesting when I look at it in my own life because this was right about the time when I started shifting from my practice of bhakti yoga to more of an emphasis on the importance of my physical body in the material world, the practice of bhakti yoga, well, it's very beautiful, tends to see the material world as a kind of illusion to be transcended through the practice of Bhakti.
That's a little simple and simplified, but it became this right around the time I made the decision, although it would take a few more months before I sort of fully committed to it. This was around the time that I was talking to my union therapist at the time about saying the body is so important to me. And I really need to I really need to honor the physical nature of my existence in the way I practice spiritually. And I don't think Bhakti is quite the right fit. That was happening as North Node and Mars crossed in my first house, the place of the body and identity.
But look at the whole sign house of Taurus in your chart. That's the point. All right, now we go back in time again. And there's another really interesting period right here. So this is March of 2021, through about April of 2021. I find this one really, really fascinating because this is this is crossing in Gemini.
And one of the things that makes this happen is that I'm a Taurus rising, and this falls in my second house. At this time, I was completely reorganizing my financial reality because we're in the process of buying a home, and you guys know when you buy a home, you have to budget and figure out how you're okay, how much you're going to spend on your electric bill, you know, all this kind of stuff. So that period of time was a very busy period of reorganizing and developing a new financial plan so we could figure out what kind of house we could afford and In, blah, blah, blah. So it was in my financial house. Isn't that interesting?
So, go back in time and look at what was happening around March or April. What kinds of, you know, in what way? Were you pushing forward and gaining this kind of momentum? And how did you see Mars getting amplified or augmented? Alright, let's go back in time some more. The next one would have been the sign of cancer. This is 20 from June of 2019 to July of 2019. It was a difficult passage because Mars was debilitated. So, during this time, this was in my third house, in the sign of cancer, where my son is located with the ruler of my fourth house of home and family. And during this time, my wife's parents got a divorce during this North Node Mars passage.
So that was a time when the difficulties of Mars and cancer you could have seen were greatly amplified. Anyway, what happened to you at that time? Look at the whole sign house of cancer; let's go back again. You can see it; they come through every couple of years. So, this is from August 2017 to September 2017, right around that time.
And so, okay, so then you can see that this is taking place during the day, yeah, late summer of 2017. So, for Leo, for me, that was the fourth house. This was when we decided we were going to have baby number two and so forth house, the development of family and home. And we also started planning to eventually move and relocate because aren't, we had a teeny tiny little house, we were like, Okay, well, if we have two kids, we're going to need a second bedroom eventually, etc.
So that was a family planning moment for us, as Mars went through the north node in the fourth house of home and family and my chart, I just, I'm using these to like kind of, you know, prime, the prime the pump, so that you guys can hopefully be successful in figuring out what kind of, you know, in Mars, north node is always like, let's go, let's go, let's move forward. And how does that energy of desire, ambition, and willpower enter the energy to act? How is it pushing some agenda forward? You look at the topics of the house.
Anyway. So this is right here. This is November into December of 2015. This was in my fifth house. And that was when my first daughter was born. So everything was preparing for a new child. And, you know, being a parent, this was in my fifth house of children and pregnancy, and it was all about preparing the house, and then the actual delivery in December, and so on and so forth.
So again, it is really beautiful how when they cross things manifest, the will and the desire for something new express themselves in a very strong way. Let's keep going back. So you can trace it back here. This is like, I'd say, you know, like June through July of 2014. So yeah, around this time, this was in my sixth house, which was the place of employees. And we were hiring our first-year studio manager at this time. So, the sixth house place of employees and people that you hire, among other topics, Mars and north node manifested in terms of having to hire someone for the yoga studio to manage the studio. Let's go back again; that was Libra.
Now we can see, okay, look here from September 2012 through about October 2012. This was in the seventh house in my chart. This was a period of time when my wife and I were starting to test the marriage waters; we were essentially like it was the, I would say, the precursor to my deciding that I was going to propose. Things were getting a lot more serious in our relationship. That was my seventh house.
Go back in time a little bit more. And you'll see between November and December away, we've probably about December of 2010. Mars in the North Node crossed in the ninth house. This was when I decided to join a meetup group. This is my ninth house. I was leading a meetup group for the study of astrology. And I turned that Meetup group into the courses that I've now been running for 14 years. So that was the ninth house, Mars, with the North Node. Let's turn this Meetup group into a program that I teach. I gained enough experience teaching and leading this group that I felt competent to start teaching a beginner's course in astrology.
So anyway, I tried this is 14 years that you go back worth of Mars and north node conjunctions. And if you trace them out, I think you'll find if you look at the whole sign house topics of the North Node and Mars during those times that you'll see this energy that's ready to push something forward.
So, I hope this has been useful. I hope that it will help you to recollect some of those stories. We can't remember all of them, or you don't identify anything. That's okay. It sometimes takes a little bit of time, depending on your memory. Look at the whole sign house topic again; that does help. But pay attention in the next week and see what is growing and what's accelerating.
All right, I hope you guys are having a great day. We will see you again tomorrow. Stick around or sign off to learn more about the upcoming program in June, the sale of which we've extended to Friday. So you have two more days. All right. And hopefully, we'll see you at Neptune in Aries tomorrow night. Take it easy. Bye
Wow, what an insightful post! I’m fascinated by the celestial dance of Mars and the North Node in Aries. It’s incredible how these cosmic alignments mirror our earthly experiences. Thanks for shedding light on this powerful astrological event!
This was so helpful, Adam, thank you. 🙏🏼