Today we're going to take a look at Mars in Aries conjoining Chiron in Aries. This conjunction is reactivating the solar eclipse in Aries, which was exactly conjoined with Chiron back in April. We'll explore the connection between these two events and discuss five Mars-Chiron themes to watch for today and through the weekend.
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Hey, everyone; this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today we're going to take a look at Mars in Aries conjoining Chiron in Aries. This conjunction is effectively reactivating the solar eclipse in Aries, which was exactly conjoined Chiron back in April. So we're going to look at the connection between these two events today and talk about five different Mar Mars Chiron themes that you can watch for both today. And maybe you've what you've already been noticing this week as the transit has been building what you may notice through the weekend. So that's our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. It really helps the channel grow when you guys click the subscribe button. If you're new to the channel, we appreciate you being here; you can find a transcript of any of our daily talks on the website We post them every day. Right now, there are two promotions that I want to share with you.
Going over to the Nightlight Astrology website, go to the events page, and click on live talks. And you will find that on June 13, I'm giving my next monthly webinar on the 12th house called it The World We Struggle to See. This is about understanding the dynamic between the rising sign in your chart and the 12th hole sign, the relationship between the two, and the healing potential that exists in that relationship for each of us in our birth charts. So check that out coming up soon if you can't make the live talk June 13. In the evening, with the webinar, we send you a recording so you can watch it afterward.
The other thing that we are promoting right now are the courses that began on June 1 year course, and Hellenistic astrology begins on June 16. You can learn more about that on the first-year course page. If you scroll down to the bottom, you can find need-based tuition assistance, which is available for all of our programs. This allows people to choose their monthly tuition commitment on a sliding scale. And we do that to make sure that nobody is priced out of studying astrology. If you're on a limited fixed income experiencing financial hardship, stuff like that, if you stick around today, after the regular content is over, you will see an informational video that I've tagged on to the end of today's talk on the horror area astrology program which also begins in June.
If you've never seen a horary reading before, you can see me do one. You can also learn more about what horary is and how to get involved if you want to come study in that program with us, which also starts in June. So anyway, those are our promotions for the day. Thank you guys for listening.
Let's turn our attention now to the Mars-Chiron conjunction, which is present today. So, let us look at the chart. Here's the real-time clock. And I am going to use my epic pen to point it out. Here we are on Wednesday, May 29. We have Mars and Chiron conjoining. Now, if I move this forward, just one day, you'll see that by tomorrow, Mars has crossed over and is moving into the 23rd degree if I back this up and give it about a three-degree range. We can see that some from about May 26 Sunday, and we'll see about three degrees of separation all the way until about Sunday, June 2, when the transit is in effect.
Now, the Mars Chiron dynamic is what you guys know on my channel; I don't usually track Chiron. It's not a big part of my repertoire, even though I was born with it on my ascendant, by the way, which I think is a big deal. Anyway, so let's back this up, though, to April. What I want to point out here is that we had a solar eclipse, and I'm going to put this up to the top of the sky. You can see this solar eclipse that came through on April 8, which was at the 19th degree, and the Sun was exalted in Aries. And it was exactly conjoined Chiron. So, the ruler of that Eclipse was Mars. Mars was in Pisces with Saturn.
Mars has since moved into the sign of the eclipse in its own rulership and has now been going over the degree of the eclipse and now into a conjunction with Chiron, who is at the heart of that eclipse, which is why this is a significant date to look at. What this Sun and Mars Chiron conjunction is effectively doing is reactivating the solar eclipse and all of its momentum, all of its intentions, all of the learning that it pointed to the seeding of the new cycle that it was directing us toward and all of the healing benefits and potential of the eclipse and its significations because of Chiron being so present in it.
So, given all of that, I want us to visit five Mars Chiron themes today that can be useful for us in understanding what that eclipse was about and how we're seeing some of those themes reiterated now and again spreading out from right now going forward. It's like little waves of the same themes coming through. So, I'm going to share something that I shared on my YouTube community page recently; you guys know I like to share little personal elements of my own experience with the transits. I also think it's healthy to do this because when we hear stories, it helps us to go searching for our own story.
So anyway, one of the big things that happened from I'll just share briefly, I won't labor it is that as this eclipse happened, coming into a pretty close square with my natal Sun and also as some of the Jupiter-Uranus dynamics was happening very close to my ascendant squaring my Senate rulership is pretty active in my chart. In other words, I decided for, as you guys know, for a couple of years now, I've been really turning my focus from a lot of my life being very intellectual, very spiritual, to being much more physical, that doesn't mean that the intellectual or the spiritual part of me is gone. But I would say that like up until very recently, the neglected part of my life was the physical dimension.
And, so there's been this really radical shift since I left the bhakti yoga community to be looking at the body as a temple to be looking at physical activity, exercise, health, and wellness, as the as just a just as valid a means of spiritual and personal growth and development as anything else I've ever done, which has been new to me that's been, believe it or not, for me, that's been a complete revolution.
So anyway, as I've been, you know, moving more and more into my body, especially through resistance training, fitness, things like that diet, working with a nutritionist and a coach, and so forth, I realized that I have, like the equivalent of like a call it a midlife crisis goal, like when people decide I want to run a triathlon, I want to run a marathon. And they do it at some stage in life as a way of moving through obstacles internally, you know, like, I think, for example, about when my mom's partner started running marathons earlier in his life as a way of sort of amplifying his recovery work as a recovering alcoholic.
So he started running marathons, and it kind of gave him a little extra juice for continued personal growth. And I realize sort of recently in the past year that I have something like that, and I started getting really like, self-conscious about it, cuz it's like, it's so it, people are gonna think it's so dumb, you know, but I really was like, I would love to train intensively for a few years and participate in an amateur like, nothing serious, right, and not to win, but just to participate in an amateur bodybuilding competition.
Basically, you're just trying to build your body as best you can. And not in an in a, you know, not like these, that like the pros who end up looking like The Incredible Hulk or anything, I'm talking about something very, very basic, and for a specifically for amateurs who are in their 40s, right, so it's like my triathlon, and I got really clear about here's the eclipse happened, it went from something I wanted to do, but really couldn't admit to anyone because I thought it was kind of an embarrassing and like, shallow thing to want to do to be like, no, I really want to do this. And then I talked to my coach about it. And right in the wake of the eclipse, I said, No.
So we set forth about a two to three-year training plan that I'm going to follow in the attempts to simply participate, really with no goal of winning, but just to participate in something like this. And I was realizing like as this as I was sort of owning that I was something I actually want to do. This was so in line with the Aries Eclipse, where everything had been showing up in my chart and stuff like that. And I say this because almost every theme I'm going to mention today, I think, is I've noticed. I mean, this list basically comes from what I've noticed in the wake of recognizing this within me, talking to my coach, and actually laying out a plan. Feeling and experiencing this is a tremendous source of healing and growth for me personally. So anyway, that's my story.
Now let me show you five Mars Chiron themes, and weird question here is, where do you see these themes in your life? And if something from my story may prompt you to do a little bit more reflecting, then I think that's a good thing.
So, number one, we must admit what we want. So, one of the big themes with Aries in general and Mars in general is about recognizing that there is a dimension in each of us. That's like a metaphorical hunter. I want that. Like when my when my dog who you can see, I think you can. Let's see if we can move. Can you see there? There she is. Look at the thump. So when Hilda sees a squirrel, very clearly, I want that squirrel.
It's very instinctual. It's very libidinal, and it's kind of it's kind of primal. But that's Mars. And, of course, there are examples of things that we want that are not necessarily healthy or that may be destructive or egotistical or violent or oppressive or something like that. What I'm thinking about when I think about Mars and Chiron coming together, and when I think about Chiron, at the heart of that recent solar eclipse in Aries, is being like, there are things that we want that we are afraid to admit that we want because we have judgments or we fear what other people will think or we fear that people will think that there's something bad about what we want or that it's too much or something like that.
So much of Aries' timeline has to do with just going for it. Just saying no, there's, there's, this is something I want to do, I want to create a business, I want to go to school, I want to ask that person out, I want to, I want to run a triathlon or participate in a bodybuilding competition. Whatever it is, we have to first be able to admit that it is what we want and sort of get clear and liberate ourselves from the guilt, or the shame, or whatever it might be.
Again, that doesn't mean there are some of us who probably have some things we want to do that are, you know, maybe, for one reason or another, actually aren't very healthy. And maybe there's some discernment that has to be used. But I really do think that the exalted Sun with Chiron at the heart of Aries has to do with the boldest and most vulnerable things that we desire; you know, Hilda cannot hide that she likes squirrels. And there's part of us that's like that, that's my point.
Number two, being brave about who we are is less about admitting what we want and more about just recognizing that there are parts of us that we can't hide. So, being brave about who we are and admitting what we want often go hand in hand. But there's there are subtle differences. It's funny how frequently you will see transits through the sign of Aries regardless of whether they're what house they're in, in the chart, corresponding with people admitting I'm an astrologer, or I'm gay, or I, this is who I am, and I can't, there's there is no, I can do nothing but own it.
So, being brave about who we are is healing, especially when we've been hiding. There's something like the Sun coming out and taking over from the darkness. And that first sign of the year is very similar to just coming out of some kind of metaphorical identity closet, right? And coming and just saying, This is who I am. And when we do that, it's like our light can dawn on the world. And then we have to deal with the consequences of our light dawning on the world. And rather than shying away from that confrontation of being ourselves and being met by other people, which can be a confrontation, like it can be scary. And sometimes people will try to clip our wings, or they'll oppose us, but we have to go through that. And we say to ourselves; it is more important to go through that and be who I am than to hide.
So, yeah, and I just think about all of the different ways that we challenge ourselves in life, at different times where we feel like we have to take on some kind of challenge that sort of symbolically. That's symbolically related to that. Like, okay, if I think, for example, about, you know, why people run marathons or triathlons, or they do something, I'm gonna go skate, I'm gonna climb Mount, I was watching a documentary about people in there, you know, their 30s, or 40s, or 50s, who just do decide to climb Mount Everest. And I was thinking about watching this.
I was feeling called out because I was like, well, I really want to do this thing. But I'm feeling sort of guilty, like I feel weird about it. Then, I started getting more confident about doing it or whatever. And I just thought, there are times in our lives where it doesn't really matter. When you get to the top of these people, they get to the top of Mount Everest, and they plant their little flag. And there they take their picture. In this documentary, they were asking people like, do you feel like you accomplished what you set out to accomplish? And they were like, well, it felt great to get to the top. But it was more about something I needed to do for me.
And so sometimes we have to do things or externally assert our will through some kind of challenge or heroic opportunity. And we have to do it, not so much because it literally matters that we get to the top of Everest, or that we finished the marathon or whatever it is, but it's that we did something that maybe we didn't think we could do. And we did it, and it ended up being about proving something to ourselves and nobody else. That's such an Aries theme, and there is so much healing potential in doing things like that.
Or, by the way, there's also some weird way, and I mean, I could see it going the opposite direction where someone says, I'm going to let myself off the hook of feeling like the only thing I can. The only way I can prove my worth is to do some big heroic thing. Chiron in Aries, maybe the healing that says no, you're, it's like cosmic cosmic Mr. Rogers. You are beautiful, just the way you are. There's nothing you need to do or overcome or heroically assert. You don't need to climb to the top of Mount Everest.
You know, it was interesting because part of the part of the documentary showed many people who, as the elevation increased, were climbing up Mount Everest. They had to give up, they had to go back down, and they had to basically admit defeat. But that too, for so many of the people when they interviewed them, they were like, This is what I came here to experience. I came here to do This, and I was ready to. I'm disappointed that I didn't make it to the top. But the failure to do the best I could and meet that edge was also beautiful. And I got what I looked I was looking for internally. And there were so many people in this documentary who kept saying that even when they failed and had to go back down to Basecamp.
So I think that's important too, as it's not just about heroic outcomes and, you know, achieving things. It's also about just giving it your best and doing something you don't think you could do. And even if you fail well, you are in the process of saying; I'm going to, I'm going to give it my all, I'm going to try something, or going to even just say I accept defeat or failure, but I'm confident enough to do so number three goes in line with that, which is healing confidence, there are so many different ways we can build confidence or heal broken confidence.
One is by doing something. Two is by not feeling like we have to do something. But I think either way, the recent eclipse in Aries brings up the theme of Do you feel strong? Do you feel confident? What does healthy confidence look like? And how do you get there? You get there as much through the challenges you embrace and take on as those that you dismiss yourself or forgive yourself for having to accomplish. There's always tension between the two things.
One of the things I love about weight training, and as I'm learning more about bodybuilding, I think it's so interesting. So there, I'll give you a little metaphor. So, let's say I have four sets of exercises to do. And oftentimes, I'll pick a weight that I can do for the first three sets, right? But then I get to the fourth set, and I can't complete it, so I can't get to my rep range. And I remember just going through workout after workout after workout where I just couldn't allow my ego wouldn't allow me to go down in weight so that I could carry that weight through an eight to 12 rep range for all four sets. And maybe I'm doing 12. The first three and eight on the last one as opposed to getting to the last one only be able to do two or something, you know, it's like there's so I found that there's a lot of little metaphors like that in resistance training where we have to learn how to be like.
So one of the bravest things we can do, in other words, is learn our limits and learn to say things like, oh, I can't, I can't do that much. Or, for example, when you say yes to things, and you're saying yes because you want people to think you're capable, you know. But then there comes a time when you realize that you can't competently carry what you've committed to all the way through. And you have to be brave enough to sort of sit back and go; I can; I've learned that I can commit, but only as much as I can actually carry through to completion.
That's just as important an important kind of learning lesson in building confidence as heroically carrying more than you know. People think you can carry way more, or something like that or proving to yourself, I can carry way more. There's something about saying, What can I carry? Well, what can I carry? That's not a strain, but I can do it presently. For example, what can I commit to with my kids while I'm there? I'm actually present.
That's another thing that's hard to do, as opposed to being like, Oh, I'm gonna give 10 times more than I have to my kids in a situation, and then they end up getting a lot of me that's like, not present. And that's gonna stand out more than the little of me that was, you know, so I, you know, like, what can I give that actually allows for me to be present when I'm with my kids as a parent, that's been similar that's been it's like, it's like a similar thing to figuring out how to carry the right weight through for whole sets, you know, all these beautiful little things, but they have so much to do within the sign of Aries in this eclipse, we've been through Chiron, so much of it has to do with adjusting our expectations. So that confident, strong qualities are actually aligned with what we have to give and what our inner resources actually are. So, much of our confidence has to do with accurately assessing where we are and being okay with it. If you can be okay with where you are, then you can give strong things in accordance with who you really are.
So anyway, lots of little things I've been thinking about with respect to this one, I hope they're interesting, working with aggression, anger, and competition, but just generally speaking, none of these are qualities that any of us like to admit or admit, I don't like to admit that I'm competitive. I don't like to openly. I don't like people to see that I get angry. You know, I don't like people to encounter any aggressive qualities in me because they're all things that are, I think, generally speaking, you know, people were ashamed any of us there's like, I'm ashamed that I can get angry or that I can be aggressive or that I'm competitive. But it's far better to actually own these parts of ourselves and learn to work with them in ways that are, I don't know, integrated somehow; it's better to be competitive but to have laughter and good sportsmanship.
It's better; it's good to be competitive but also unattached to results in some larger sense. It is good to be in touch with the energy of anger and what it can do for us. And also how it is destructive. And being aware of the diverse ways in which that hot heated Mars energy can express itself so that the word anger is like a, it's like a multi-dimensional, you know, the fruit it has like, it's like a flower with all sorts of different parts and fruits available to us.
We also, you know, and that's why in so many different religious and spiritual traditions, we think about things like anger in relation to a broader elemental category like fire. That's not just anger; it can be other things. How do we diversify, you know, our energetic portfolio with respect to the, you know, the energy of anger? It's like where we have investments in these different areas; we can use fire aggression, which is similar to aggression.
It can get things done, but it can also be disruptive; most of us will face the temptation of, you know, completely compartmentalizing, pushing all of these things away because we feel that they are social. They make us socially vulnerable, or they are things to be ashamed of. And so then we never get to develop or find or work with them. This eclipse energy and Mars and Chiron, again, allows us to perhaps open that up and open these qualities up a little bit.
Finally, I would just say, broadly speaking, don't use the word masculine here, but I mean, this is energetically more like the word Yang. How are we working to heal and incorporate life with the reality of that yang energy? We can call it masculine, but I think of this as being beyond literal gender or sex categories; I think of this as that centrifugal Yang force. And the way it shows up in nature, in behavior, in relationships, in the world, in the universe, in physics, whatever.
For many of us, for all the reasons we just mentioned, aggression, anger, competition, heroism, and all of the shadows of dominance, oppression, and victory at the cost of being a bully, dominance, all of these energies, their dark sides are very, very obvious. And so it becomes easy to sort of say, well, that's the problem. It's the yang energy that is the problem behind all of the problems everywhere. In my humble opinion, that is a gross oversimplification. And it's problematic because reality is literally constructed by the myriad, endless interactions of yin and Yang. Again, its categories quite literally are beyond gender and sex.
So unless we develop a healthy relationship and learn to differentiate between the light and dark qualities of Yang or fire, or Mars or whatever, we're going to have problems because when you demonize something and turn things into black and white, good and evil, et cetera, and Yang becomes like evil or something like that, that's problematic, not that it doesn't have a legitimate dark side, right. But how do we heal our relationship with this energy? That's at work in and through everything?
So I think that's a question I don't have any answers to. But I know that for me, just speaking again, one final time about my personal experience of this transit. There's a great quote from Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, and he basically tells Arjuna that there's no growth or spiritual evolution through artificial repression. You can't just artificially repress things and then suddenly be liberated from them. There's a way in which the only way out from some kind of unhealthy attachment or entanglement is through, and to me, this means that we have to be willing to work with the desires, the fire, and the energy of Mars.
For me, as a Taurus, Aries occupies my 12th house; if you have a Mars-ruled sign in your 12th house, chances are that it is a little bit more challenging to work in that area for very obvious reasons. Like as a Taurus rising, you're a creature of Venus. Mars is a little bit more tricky. It's like it's a blind spot. So, to me, there's only one way out, and it's through it that you have to go into the areas that you are interested in and that you are drawn to. You have to do so humbly and with a willingness to learn, with a kind of audacious courage to move in directions that are scary but that you feel compelled to explore.
There's a very pioneering and exploratory side to areas that says, it's like, you know, just go and take, take to the highway, pursue a path that feels compelling and a little risky. And just go into it humbly, knowing that you may learn, you may grow, and whatever you experience, it won't last; you know, the north node is in Aries right now, too, right? So there are no illusions here, and Rahu is a sign. It's like, No, you're going in this direction because you're compelled to do so by the force of desire. Just go into it knowing that whatever you accomplish or achieve, it's not going to solve all the problems of the world. But also, that doesn't mean that you can bypass it. You can't skip past what you are being compelled to learn or go into with respect to Mars right now.
So that's it. I hope that this has been useful and interesting. Share your stories. Do you have a #grabbed story? Use the hashtag grabbed or email your story to Tell us about the transit, whether it's Mars, Chiron, or the solar eclipse in Aries. And tell us your story. Hopefully, we'll do some more storytelling episodes soon. There's been so many transits to spring that I've been waiting for an opening. We'll have one again soon, and we'll be looking at eclipses of Jupiter, Uranus, and more.
So anyway, hope you guys are having a good day. We'll see you again soon. Stick around after our sign-off to learn more about the horary program. Alright, bye
As an Aries Sun and Aries Asc ruler I can say that it is never the failure that matters as much as the not trying. There is courage and reward in trying, in doing. It still affirms who we are, what we identify w. Thanks for the reminder about acceptance, of being bold in owning who we are, as lonely as that sometimes feels.
This comment is so relatable as someone who is an aries rising with my mars in aries in the 1st house.
I’m in the process of winding down my startup and even though this part of my career didn’t work out, i’m so proud of myself for having the courage to try in the first place. I’ve learned so much throughout the entire journey and as much as I would have liked to see it succeed, this is a part of the process.