Today I'll be looking at the biggest transits of the week, including a conjunction forming between Mars and Uranus, while these planets are going through squares to Jupiter and Saturn.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday. Today we're gonna take a look at all of the biggest transits of the week, it is a really packed week full of a lot of pretty dynamic astrology. To be frank, I think this is one of the more dynamic astrological transits the year that we're going through this week. So we'll take a look and sort of refresh on it. Just to remind everybody, I'm taking a little bit of time off here at the beginning of the year, might be a little sporadic, the videos, usually it's Monday through Fridays, you might see that a little sporadic this week. And maybe next I'll try to update here or there. But I'm in the middle of finishing up a bunch of reward recordings from my Kickstarter campaign, which was very successful. Thanks to all of you. So big, thank you again. So that's kind of that's kind of where I'm at lately, I hope you're all doing well and that this first month of the year is, has been positive for all of you. Let's take a look at what's going on right now and share some practical advice about how to deal with some of the transits that are happening, the next couple of days are real triggering.
I say that, because we have to go as the Moon goes. So the Moon is in the sign of Mars, a fire sign and a tropical sign. Let's break down what tropical and what fire bring together. Fire as an element was considered the subtlest of all elements. So there's an association with physical fire in the fire element. But it's also this very subtle energy that was thought to exist on the highest strata of the elemental spheres prior to reaching the sphere of the Moon. The way I like to think about fire is that you get that sudden, intuitive light bulb moment that immediately springs you into action. And behind it is the intention to will something to be. That's a lot like the element fire. So there's a lot of animating, initiating, sudden action. Now the suddenness comes from the sign of Aries, the tropical sign coming from the word tropos, which is like a turning point. So there's, in the next two days, we have the moon in a cardinal fire sign or a tropical fire sign, so it's like pivotal, dynamic, energetic, action oriented Moon, and it's the sign of Mars, of course, the god of war. So why is this important because of what is above what Mars is doing this week. So you've got Mars going into the conjunction with Uranus.
Now, that conjunction is going to perfect on Wednesday, the 20th, that's inauguration day here in the US, which has a lot of astrologers, you know, a little, like a little nervous. And rightfully so, like, it's we're considering everything that's been going on this is a very volatile sort of flashpoint for Mars, you have Mars culminating, you know, this is about 12:15-12:30 Eastern time. So it's right around the time where inauguration is actually happening, and you've got a culminating and erratic Moon in that degree. We're going to see, you know, even the 19th right into the 20th, you can see the moon going through a square to Pluto right there. So that's a very dynamic, cathartic energy. And at the same time that the Moon is in the cardinal tropical fire sign, the temple of Mars, Mars is in the conjunction forming with Uranus, while the Moon is also squaring Pluto. So tomorrow night, Tuesday night, very dynamic energy in the sky into Wednesday morning and through the day on Wednesday. So those are the major transits of the week. Now, the other thing that's of course, very dynamic about all of this is that these this conjunction forming between Mars and Uranus, is also happening at the same time that Mars and Uranus are going through squares to Jupiter and Saturn, they're very, very close when they're within three degrees that means they're involved in the story as well.
We're also going to see the Sun starting to get in on the story by tomorrow. So the Sun enters Aquarius, and then we have a pretty powerful lineup of three planets in Aquarius in the first seven degrees, while Mars and Uranus is at the sixth degree of Taurus, so you get the Aquarius Taurus axis really, really lit up. Look at those whole sign houses in your birth chart to see where the action might be it topically, right that's going to be the simplest way to see okay, what area of my life is being impacted here.
The other thing that we have to remember here is that even though you've got the Moon in Aries, but then on Wednesday, the Moon will get into Taurus. And when it's in Taurus, it's exalted. It's a first quarter moon though, which means it's a very dynamic. And what is the nature of a square in the first quarter Moon is a square, it's Mars-like. There's a lot a lot of Mars energy in the air, the Moon and the sun are going through this pivotal point in their cycle. Remember that the cycle started with a sun Pluto conjunction, which in the us right now is a perfect picture of the transfer of power and the contentiousness that has existed around it in general. So that is going to be amplified again. As you can see a couple of other things happening. One, the sun is going into a conjunction with Saturn. So the Sun and Saturn like the sun and Pluto can imply the end of something solar, or the death of kings, the death of rulers, the death of dynasties, the sun, Saturn conjunction is like the picture of an old person who's ready to pass. In fact, in the synodic cycle between planets when the Sun comes back to can join the planet and the planet is under the beams and combust like that. Typically, that's that could it's actually literally depicted in some cases as old age and the death of old age. Doesn't matter though it's obviously metaphorical, it doesn't need to be literal. In some cases, it could be but you are going to see this conjunction between the Sun and Saturn starting to form. And the sun Saturn conjunction, among other things is just grave and serious. And it has to do with the wisdom of time and age and sobriety and maturity. It's a sobering moment, you could even call it like a come to Jesus moment, the Sun and Saturn, where there's a sense of the weight of something that maybe we haven't fully comprehended in the past because of youthful innocence, or naivete or denial or ignorance. I equate it to this.
When my daughter was was born, right, it was a very, it was a real Sun Saturn moment in my life, where I'm just just coming to terms being a dad, like, wow, this is such a big responsibility. And there's something in you that dies a little bit, but then there's a mantle of weight or responsibility of maturity that you have to take on. And so this is a sobering moment, and a kind of come to Jesus moment with the Sun and Saturn. And that's happening. That's happening a little after the fact we're going to see this perfect between the 23rd and the 24th. Between the 23rd and the 24th, you also have Mars after separating from Uranus hitting a square to Jupiter. Now you're putting Mars and you're kind of giving Mars steroids, basically, the amplification of Mars, like themes become a lot brighter and stronger. You can I've seen so many clients that have Jupiter, Mars, in military families or are really athletic, maybe they played sports in college even or something like that. Or they're a leader of some kind, or they work in an executive capacity, having to manage people and make executive decisions. There's a lot of power, leadership, force, aggression, bravery, you know, optimism. But the optimism of course here can be potentially fanatical.
And the reason for that is that Jupiter's also just separating from the square to revolutionary Uranus, Mars, God of War is separating from the God of revolution. So there's this erratic, revolutionary and potentially sort of zealous quality in the air right now as well. And all of those energies are coming together at once. So you can you can see for yourself how powerful this lineup of planets is. That's that's a lot, especially when there's three very slow moving planets in there and then Mars and the sun coming through as well.
So, practical advice. It's a week where reactions can be disproportionate to events, which means that we can easily overreact to the things happening around us that bother us, especially anything that makes us feel contained or confined or that makes us have to slow down or wait. Mars-Saturn is a bit like the gas pedal versus the brake pedal. There's a big push pull between the gas and the brakes right now. But when you add in Uranus, the level of impatience and intolerance, and the need to break free from anything that prohibits or restricts, is going to be really strong. So when that's the case, you can just say to yourself, well, I might be more prone to lashing out if someone or something tries to tell me what to do that I don't want to do. Or if someone is doing something that I find to be wrong or unethical or not the right way or strategy of doing for doing things. A potential for like my way or the highway for the self righteous, zealousness of a cause. Those things are very strong right now. And certainly there's times in life where we're going to be in the right about something and we're going to have to fight for it. There's going to be times in life where taking a stand is called for. But with Mars, Uranus, you also have to be careful and choose the hill you want to, you want to die on very carefully. And, and that that's the maybe one of the main messages of this week. Because it's very easy to find yourself on a hill taking a stand and actually realising Hey, I'm actually a rebel without much of a cause that I actually care about. Sometimes we don't learn that lesson until we've taken a stand for something that we realised wasn't important, like in a microcosmic sense.
I'm thinking of like, the dinner table, and the kinds of ridiculous stands that I try to take as a dad, sometimes, you know, in response to, you know, whether my kids are like, throwing spaghetti in their hair, whatever the case might be. So, yeah, just be really thoughtful about, you know, what you what you really want to what are you going to get principled about? And how forceful and intense are you going to let things get? Someone is making a comment in the comment section recently, like, you know, aren't some people kind of called to be a warrior? Yeah, true. But, you know, there's a big difference between someone who's called to be a warrior, because they're a surrendered soul, they're a soul surrendered to the divine, and they're being used for some cause. And the difference between that and someone who, you know, is belligerent or bellicose. And if you think about the Bhagavad Gita, which is often cited in order to support the idea that there's a, there's a just or there's a holy war or something like that. You have to remember that at the beginning of the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna is sitting there on the battlefield being like this fight sucks, I don't want to do this, you know, this is. So right away in his heart, he doesn't want to fight. You know, it's an important distinctions that we shouldn't want to fight, we shouldn't be itching to fight, we shouldn't be looking for justifications to fight. That's not really what it means to be a warrior. But on the other hand, the whole point of the Gita in some ways is to help Arjuna clarify what it really means to be a warrior. What it means to be a warrior, first and foremost is that you're not attached to results, that you don't really see the opposition as your enemy. And that you've surrendered fully to the nature of eternity, God within the heart, and having been fully surrendered to those things, you do your duty. And if you're called to be an advocate, if there's a warrior in you, then Okay, then you have to do that duty. You can't neglect it, but not everyone's called to that. And also, not everyone who is called to that has clarified that being a warrior is not what brings eternal happiness. It's being in service to the divine. And being a surrendered soul that then leads any Dharma, including that of a warrior to be something holy and sacred and not just gratifying for the ego. So we love to win. We love to fight and there's a lot of people who are emphasising peace, emphasising detachment, emphasising centeredness and not being reactionary. Some people are always going to try to say, Well, you know, Doesn't that seem like you're just trying to bypass the problems of the world? And the answer to that is, most of the time no. Some people will be called to, you know, engage in the battle in the in the different battles of the world. And a lot of people won't though. And for those who are engaged in the world, there's also a huge step that has to be taken to engage in the battle from the standpoint of being a surrendered soul. And we can't really engage in the battle successfully without becoming confused about our identity and about what is actual victory, what is spiritual victory in life, until we've done that surrendering.
So just to make that very clear, this is a week where I would tell people personally just to be just to be on guard against the temptation of the ego, for some kind of righteous battle, that's not really yours, not really the one that's going to enhance your life or your consciousness in any way. So be really careful of that. And if you are called, try to remember that you're, we're all eternal spirit souls, we're all children of God. And that when we see each other that way, we're gonna fight differently. We might have to engage in certain kinds of conflicts in life. But we engage in those conflicts differently when we see each other through the lens of compassion and love. So can we carry that consciousness with us this week? That's a you know, that's a big question. Anyway, another thing that I would be watching for is how Mars and Uranus is a bit like, you know, like, a stimulant.
It's a bit like an upper, like a caffeine. I remember, I would drive home when I was in school, I would drive home from Minneapolis to Michigan. My parents originally from Michigan, we I grew up in the Twin Cities, they had moved back to Michigan when I was in school. So it was strange for me, I was still here, my parents were in Michigan, I'd have to drive to Michigan to go home to see my parents in a place that was never really my home. So it was a strange thing. And I used to have these long, lonely car rides all the way down around Chicago, and up the side of Michigan, they lived in Luddington. And on the way, this is, you know, I think I was probably like 20-22, and I would stop off, and they had these little pills in gas stations that you could buy and thank God, I never died. And I don't remember what they were called, but they had angry looking hornets on them. And they were basically like caffeine pills just keep you awake while driving because I drive through the night or I drive the whole way through or whatever.
And I remember, you know, as a few times, when I was driving where I would go and I'd buy these things, I think they might even be illegal now. I don't know. Anyway, I would take these things and just get so jacked listening to music, and back then I smoke too and blah, blah, blah. And I'll never forget when I accidentally had something similar happened. And I went to a baseball game and I accidentally drank like several iced teas. And I for whatever reason, this is so stupid, but I don't drink caffeine, but it just completely slipped my mind that of course iced teas have caffeine in them. It was just the dumbest thing ever. So I drink like three iced teas at this baseball game. I got back home and it was like I had been completely It was like I had been plugged into the wall. And this was a Uranus transit to the sun in my chart. And that night, I had like all of these flashbacks to a time in my life when my consciousness was really absorbed in speed. You know, driving fast getting things done quickly, caffeine and I remembered those crazy hornet little pills at the gas station. And I just it was like it was a weirdest thing. And I just it was like this very clear compare and contrast to what my life was like and what my consciousness was like minus uppers, minus speed.
And one of the easiest ways to navigate a Uranus transit that I've talked about my clients with for years now especially since that evening during my Uranus Sun transit where I had that just like oh my god and plugged into the wall and it was so revealing. And one of the things that I tell my clients now is like, what's the best way to get the most out of a Uranus transit. Just take caffeine and uppers out of your diet for a little bit. Seriously, like if you're going through a really intense Uranus transit, it's like a fire and you're you're adding gasoline to it when you take in anything that's like an upper or a stimulant. And there's not just uppers or stimulants don't just come in caffeine. And I'm not trying to chastise people or tell people what to do. But just for Uranus transits don't add more than you usually do, at the very least. And if you feel brave, maybe even cut down this week would be a great week to even wean a little bit off from anything that's like a stimulant. And one of the main sources of stimulation that we take, just like a little bumblebee pill, is the news.
Now, I'm not going to go into I'm not gonna get into a big debate about, you know, which media networks, the truthfulness of the media, everyone hates the media, people feel, whatever, not interested. One thing about the media, whatever kind of media you absorb, is that there's always breaking news, there's always a little ticker at the bottom, that's streaming, right. And it's got the stocks rising and falling, or it's got the latest breaking news at the bottom or the scores streaming, and the same thing really on our phones. Sometimes when we scroll, you know, just constant scrolling, and there's lights, and there's advertisements, and there's videos, and there's tic toks. And there's like all this stuff. And this is a week at the very least, where you'll probably do better this week. If you vary if you limit the amount of that media speed. I'll call it the media bumblebee pill.
So that's my advice for this week is slow down, if you can just slow down because the revolutionary impulse of Mars Uranus can provide the impetus to act in ways that are that will constitute it, you know, it could constitute a breakthrough in your life. And that can be a really good thing. But what you don't want this week to turn into is, you know, fanatical reactionary, not well thought thought out, impulsivity, recklessness, even accident prone qualities. Here's an example. Mars conjoins Uranus in my first house, and I burnt the crap out of my finger. I had to put all this, you know, wrap it up and bandage anointment and stuff like that. And you know why? Because I was frustrated during our evening prayer time. That we weren't getting on with it. Every evening in my house, we have like a bedtime routine. And our bedtime routine involves sitting in front of our home altar, and lighting candles and saying our prayers and so forth. So for whatever reason, it's specifically this time of day that my kids go bananas. One daughter's like talking to the wall, maybe banging her head on it. The other one is like just twirling madly, she might fall off the stairs, like, and then they're just screaming and I'm just like, oh my god, like, why is it the 15 minutes before bed they just turn into berserkers right? And so I'm so frustrated with this. And I'm like, Oh my god, just sit down. Like, just pray. I'm just so I'm just like the white knuckled dead like you will sit down and pray.
So I sit I sit down with that mood with that attitude just being consumed, letting my and that's you know, that's part of like, I'm a watery person. I've got Mercury in Cancer and the Sun in Cancer, if you're watery person, it's harder to not just take that on to immediately just be like, well, I guess that's what I am too. But anyway, I kind of got absorbed in it. And then I just in this frustrated mood, I just was lighting the candles really quickly and I just lit my finger rather than a candle like literally that's what I see what I did. And then you know, I like fell back on my back and then I was like, you know, howling or whatever. Like oh my god my finger whatever. My wife runs up to get her herbal witchery you know, she brings down the ointment and that shut everyone up right away. And I was just reflecting on how Mars Uranus like that is right. You're feeling frustrated, you're feeling agitated, you want something to be over or you just reached that that moment where you're, you're just I'm going to pull the car over right now, you know. And as that as that happens something will flame up and catch fire and be destructive and sudden, like the tower card in Tarot, suddenly lightnings gonna strike and that's what breaks the cycle open. And it could be a little tiny, mini miniature little energy bubble, but something will pop it violently, viciously, suddenly, it will hurt, it will burn, there will be sudden destructiveness. And that's what happens with Uranus, when we're not aware of the fact that that kind of tension is mounting. And we need to do something, to be very careful with it.
Some people will say, well, isn't there like a holy or sacred place for war or anger, or something like that? Think about why it is that people are always objecting in that way, most of the time, I don't mean to be rude, but most of the time, it's because we're trying to justify the fact that we have those reactionary tendencies, we have those aggressive tendencies, we are addicted to the speed and the high that our ego gets by writing those things and trying to, you know, throttle, throttle them and control them and, you know, be someone that's tough or in control, or victorious or whatever, we're not going to take any crap, and we try to defend anger, and we try to defend, you know, aggressiveness and like, well, aren't they sacred too, and it's like, come on, you know, how long do you think people have been trying to pull that one, you know, for a really long time. And that's a big part of why, you know, war and violence in the world persist, because we're always trying to argue, well, they have a place here. Well, yeah, they do. They're not going anywhere, clearly. But it's very few people that can wield those energies in service to God and service to the divine, very, very few. And especially in the age of Kali. In the bhakti yoga tradition that I study, the age of Kali, is an age of quarrel, hypocrisy and conflict, where people's minds are constantly disturbed. So wielding anger, the righteousness of the warrior, is not an easy thing to pull off in our age. And that's why on this channel, I tend to tell everyone to just chill out like that. And that's because that's the message I need, right? People are always like, you must be a very peaceful person, right? But I have Mars in Gemini, you know, in my own chart, it's like the the mental conflict and turmoil. There's a reason that back in the day, like I used to really love caffeine, and all that kind of stuff, Mars in Gemini can be like that. The reason I say these things is because I need them. Because I'm always tempted into thinking, Oh, you know what, I gotta do this research. And I got to make this smart comment and respond to someone that said something off, or blah, blah, blah. And it's like constantly reeling that impulse in and being like, No, I don't have to do any of that. I don't have to do any of that. In fact, if there's anything I'm going to be vigilant about, if there's anything that I'm going to take that warrior, like intense intentionality, that guardianship, if there's anything that I'm going to apply that toward it is toward first and foremost, the peace of my mind and the peace of my heart.
And then, from the overflow of that I will become an effective strategist, will become effective at coming up with ways of dealing with conflicts. Diplomacy, and the peace and peace of mind needed to be a diplomat in our everyday lives is really underrated. We're so quick to just jump in and be like, aren't my strong and intense feelings? So justified? What are you trying to do tell me that there's no room in creation for me or for my anger? Or, you know, I'm inclusive, you know, I like to include everything. It's like, how's that working out for you? I don't know, for me, it's not working out so well. It's not a source of joy and love in my life, to have that mentality running around, thinking it's owed something all the time.
These are just some of the thoughts that I wanted to share today, given the volatile energy of Mars this week. I hope that any of these thoughts are helpful to you and where you're at little sermon from the stars on Monday, I guess. So let's watch these things unfold as the week unfolds, if there's anything major to talk about, you know, any big events and so forth, unfolding, I'll probably pop back in to kind of reiterate some of these transits. In the meantime, I'd love to hear from you in the chat. How do you deal with Uranus transits? That'd be a great q&a for today. Like how do you how have you effectively learned to work with Uranus? How have you effectively learned to work with Uranus and Mars? How are you doing it right now? How are you doing it? If it's in your birth chart, I'd really love to hear from you guys and hear how you make good use of that energy rather than getting pulled or dominated by it. Remember that ancient word for the planets was grahas; we get seized by these things. So we have these talks to prepare for the weather that's coming. In preparation, it's not that we're going to avoid the transits. They're inevitable. They're our destiny but being prepared, we can participate with them as conscious living entities, conscious souls. That sounds good to me this week, it's going to be a pretty a pretty intense week. So hopefully we'll all do well with it. I look forward to checking in with you more soon. In the meantime, take care of yourself and one another this week, and we'll talk more soon. All right. Take care everyone. Bye.
Sudden disruption on 1/19/21:
I was planning to work from home this week due to the planetary volitility and political unrest, however, my boss notified me that she fell and broke her arm yesterday morning 1/19/21 and was in the ER. This event forces me to change plans and go to work this week. I work for a local government agency, which is why I wanted to lay low this week. I am also experiencing my 2nd saturn return period with natal saturn in my 10th house of career, natal sun in leo and taurus rising.
I am relatively new to astrology, and am just getting a feel for these energies and how they take form, but I am so thankful for having it come into my conciousness. Astrological learning is such a complement to spiritual practice and a help in keeping personal energies in check, as well as, understanding and cultivating the patience needed for life lessons and the soul’s journey.