Today I'll be taking at Mars entering Cancer and what you might expect from Mars in Cancer, depending on your rising sign.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at Mars in the sign of Cancer. Mars will shortly be ingressing into the sign of Cancer where it will spend over a month. And we're going to take a look at its dignity in the sign of Cancer, we're also going to walk it through the 12 houses to give you a sense of what you might expect, depending on which whole sign house Mars is moving into in your birth chart. And we'll talk a little bit about the archetype or combination of the Moon and Mars as well. So, at the outset of this, I also want to remind everybody about the astrology that's perfecting today, which involves Venus moving through conjunction with Uranus. And so we'll just sort of refresh on that at the beginning as well. Before I dive into anything, I want to remind you guys that my new course ancient astrology for the modern mystic begins this June courses filling up every day we're getting new applications in and so here is I'm going to just put it up on the screen so you can see it. Here's my website. If you go to the courses page and click on the first year course, you can learn all about it everything. The course includes all the different kinds of things that you'll learn what the format is like, you can take this programme remotely and follow along as you want all the material is there for you to keep and download forever. You also have a year within which after the programme is finished to complete a final exam. That gives you a certification if you want that there are several different ways of signing up you can use the earlybird rate if you sign up and pay in full you save $500 if you want you can use a payment plan there's also need based tuition for people who are on a really tight budget or maybe you know are out of work or only part time employed or you're a full time student or you're single parent or you're on disability or whatever the case might be. So check that out. Please take advantage of it. We try to make sure that the class is accessible to anyone who wants to take it. So if you have any questions, email me info at nightlight astrology comm we're happy to talk with you about the course, if you have any questions about it.
Alright, so let's take a look at the astrology of today. And before we get into Mars and Cancer, which is going to be our focus, let's refresh on the fact that Venus is going through conjunction with the planet Uranus. Now what does that mean? Well, that can mean that you know you're going to get that tattoo today or or you're going to you're going to change your look or your appearance somehow. So something aesthetic can change. And you can find that the the adorning qualities of Venus take on the unusual eccentric or erratic features of Uranus, you can find that your love life is going through a change or that there is some kind of needed breakthrough. This would probably be mostly positive because you're looking at a Venus that's pretty empowered right now coming out from underneath the beams of the Sun slowly but surely, in Venus's own sign in its chariot protected from the sun, about to receive the conjunction from mercury. So it feels to me like a kind of fast paced, inventive and exciting moment for Venus with some of the qualities of breakthrough. Now we talked about this as well, which is that there's also this feeling of potential civil or social or relational unrest, upheaval disruption, that can be part of it. But the potential for almost a reforming quality or a more mature serious quality to be there and to be a part of the conversation in a positive way is indicated by the fact that you have Saturn in a superior square, also kind of checking Venus and Uranus saying, Okay, let's make this reasonable, let's make sure that things are mature and committed or grounded. So Saturn as a kind of conservative force, will probably keep some containment around the sort of erratic nature of Venus Uranus. It's kind of like getting the advice that you need from your friend while you're shopping before you buy something, they say okay, rather than making the huge purchase, I'll make the I'll take the middle road here. So Saturn is providing you could say that the Venus mercury Uranus dynamic with a little bit of like a conservative container. And that could be that just kind of like the grandfather, grandmother presents the voice of wisdom, time experience, maturity, sobriety, sort of saying, Okay, let's not go crazy here. On the other hand, the need for some kind of breakthrough, you know, could be met with some kind of cynical, oppositional conservative traditional force, it says, Yeah, I don't really know if this experimental idea or this, you know, unique or original revolution. missionary spirit that's coming through, I don't really know if it's real, I don't know if I can trust it, it may be just a fad or a trend or, you know, it's it's that kind of voice of sceptic scepticism, that may also try to clip the wings of Venus, Uranus. Venus Uranus wants to experiment explore, you know, it wants it wants freedom and it tries to create that sense of liberation and emancipation or break through.
So you can feel that that's the impulse from from Venus with Uranus right now. And Saturn may be holding that a little bit in check, you could feel that push and pull. By the way, if you think that, you know, you're like, Oh, you know that there's this big breakthrough. And it's like, okay, you know, but wait until it passes through Saturn, right, just wait until then, because Venus is going to hit the square to Saturn by Saturday and into Sunday. And when that happens, Mercury will go through that as well. And that's when you're really going to feel the more conservative and potential you know, almost like a restraining push back from Saturn. So whatever is happening today, however, or in this week, for you personally, and however, you know, liberating it may feel with Venus, your Uranus coming together. And, you know, providing that kind of fun, you know, liberating Spark, well just keep your eye on Saturn speaking loudly over the weekend, in response, or maybe, if there's been excess, curbing it somehow, or bringing it in or making it more realistic or something like that. So just watch for that dynamic from Saturn over the weekend. And don't be surprised if by the end of this though, one of the things I really like about this is that, you know, Saturn Uranus dynamic is like, good for realistic re formation or revision of things. There's both a progressive spirit with Uranus meaning, future oriented, improve, improve with the times, and then change or evolve with the times. And then Saturn who says yeah, but don't lose the best things from the past, or Saturn that says, you know, be careful that when we're trying to implement something new, that the spirit of newness is oftentimes youthful and not mature enough. And so Saturn will provide that kind of counterpoint.
We're going into the Saturn Uranus square in June. So this all of these dynamics that are happening right now are sort of a prelude to that. And the sun will be going through it as well, next week, when we'll revisit that next week. Okay, so that's I just wanted to refresh on that before we talk about Mars heading into Cancer. Now, this is the big one Mars moving into the sign of Cancer. Traditionally, Mars is said to be in its fall or depression in the sign of Cancer. And why is that? Well, in ancient astrology, there are two different major forms of dignity that are, they're not even really, you know? Well, I won't get into there's some technical debates about domiciles and detriments expectations and falls, but I won't get into that. And for now, what I'm assuming is that there are these two different forms of dignity and I teach this in my programmes too. And when a planet is in its fall, it's not just Oh, it sucks in that sign. It has to do with a very particular dynamic between different planets. For example, Jupiter is said to be exalted in cancer, whereas Mars is in its fall. On the flip side, if you go across the wheel to Capricorn, Capricorn is the exaltation of Mars and the fall of Jupiter. So Rhetorius rhetorically says, Why is it that Jupiter is exalted, where Mars is depressed and Mars is exalted, where Jupiter is depressed, this is a Jupiter Mars dynamic. And the explanation that he gives is that in cancer, the sign associated with the summer solstice and the maximal amount of light in the 24 hour period in the symbolism of the zodiac, the exchange of light and dark in the symbolic picture of the year, that that maximal picture of light, or young energy is associated with the exalted qualities of Jupiter meaning, life abundance, unity, the beginning of summer is the peak of you could say the, the the life giving abundant and unifying qualities of life in as they're seen in nature.
This is just a metaphor, as opposed to Capricorn, which is the beginning of the winter solstice where there's least amount of light in the 24 hour period, so we get that that maximal Yin or darkness, and that is associated with Jupiter's fall because Jupiter is naturally associated with the life breath and with abundance. And so that is depressed at the moment when the dark is the greatest. Now Mars, on the other hand, is depressed or is exalted in Capricorn. Because at the moment where the darkness is greatest there, Mars who's one of whose significations was death, along with Saturn is on the on the rise. It's very powerful in that moment. And you can even think about this in terms of you know, Mars's ability to persevere and and work through the darkness, the bleakness, the austerity, the privation of winter that you need some kind of steely reserve around that time, which is why Capricorn is not only the domicile of Saturn, but the exaltation of Mars. Now flip that when you put Mars in Cancer, you're talking about a period of time where here's a planet that's associated with death, separation, severing cutting, and it is now depressed in the sign where life and the Unity or in inclusion of life in the Moon and Jupiter sign is at its peak. So some images that go well with Mars in Cancer, let's just talk about them for a minute. We're just gonna talk about the difficult side first, and then we'll talk a little bit more, you know, generally. So you can think about the the blade or the scissors that cuts the umbilical cord. So Mars is about severing, or cutting things apart. Cancer is naturally the Temple of the Moon. The moon is naturally a planet that wants to include bring together and incorporate, integrate, assimilate, and the moon is, in that sense, like a web Weaver, or a nest builder, a mother, where there's the idea of unity, and like almost like an ecosystem, all working together all a part of the same thing. You can think of the moon also in terms of the, the need for community or the need for the bonds of a family or a village or something like that. The, the Mars archetype, on the other hand, is the one that is going to sever or cut ties, connections, bonds, or it's going to it's the it's the bringer of strife, as opposed to that sense of unity implied by the moon, usually more emotional, psychological, environmental sense of cohesiveness, and Mars is going to cut, cut that apart. So, it is a stressful time, generally speaking, when Mars is in the sign of the Moon for any kind of domestic situations, family life, your home environment, your emotional bonds, your relationship with family members or children, relationship to health in the body, you're going to just get that much harsher, more severe Mars energy coming in and threatening those things. Which is why very frequently when you see Mars in the sign of Cancer, you will see raging debates about abortion, you will see issues specifically pertaining to violence against women violence against children violence in the home violence in the family, you'll see that Mars energy entering the sweeter, you know, the cancerian nest and bringing strife with it. And so that's why one of the main reasons that it's a difficult placement, it's not only a difficult placement, but that's one of the reasons that it has this dignity category associated with it. You can think about women's health, women's reproduction issues. A woman when she gets perimenopause, I think it's called or actually correct me if I'm wrong, ladies but perimenopause, I think it's called is that the pre menopause or the menopause? I can't tell you how many times I've seen that happen as a person has Mars ingress into Cancer and their progress chart or you know a Mars in Cancer transit that that triggers it when they're also getting Saturn opposed to their moon or something like that. It can be about abortions or miscarriages, troubles.
Most of the time I don't want to scare anyone most of the time I don't see people losing pregnancies but I'll see a period where you know you're hitting that period when a woman's pregnant where she's getting really sick for a while, you know, like a month patch we're just like, oh my god, I'm nauseous all the time or something. Even that it can be as mundane and simple as that. It's very rare that I see it resulting in like anything really, you know, tragic. So I don't want to scare people but it is like bringing Mars, this God of War this god that pertains to the knife blade and and and the will and struggle and competition and you're bringing that into this more vulnerable space. So that's what you have to be aware of. I'll tell some stories in a when I go through the chart as I'm going to take this through all 12 signs here in a second so that you can look at where it falls in in your whole sign houses and get a sense of what it might mean for you personally. Now, Mars in Cancer can also mean a range of other things for example, you will often see advocacy protection or defence around the family I'm having a home security system installed or I'm I'm joining a group of women who are like advocates for home birth. So anything that we're Mars could represent like a mother bear who is fighting protecting, defending the innocent the vulnerable something feminine something lunar that a person is on the defence or or for or protecting like that would be a Mars in Cancer theme I've literally seen women who work in as death doulas, or who work as you know, midwives and they just see a lot of really intense suffering, but they're as a kind of lunar figure, nurses, doctors, surgeons, social workers, sometimes Mars in Cancer will fit because you're still describing some of the distress of Mars in cancer but your relationship with it maybe on the level of a caretaker or health providers, service provider, something like that. You'll also have things involving accidents or accidents or mishaps involving water. I'm always a little bit more careful about anything involving water when Mars is in Cancer, swimming, lifeguarding you know, make sure you have a lifejacket on if you're out in the boat, or whatever the case might be surfing. I mean, I know this is gonna sound terrible. But I there you probably in the next like, I would guess that while Mars is in Cancer, you're going to see at least one shark attack story on the news that's like significant, like, just because that's the kind of thing that it brings up. Violence and water attack and water, something like that something in the Navy, something about missiles being launched from an aircraft carrier on, you know, people, you know, there was a time a while back, I don't remember when it was but some years ago when I remember Mars was in Cancer. And there were there were all these ships jockeying and positioning around international waters somewhere and was you're in my water or whatever. So that kind of thing can come up. You can also see things like competitive swimming. I think it's Michael Phelps that has Mars in cancer, I can't remember but you know, people who have some athletic kind of activity that they want to do in water, renovating the home, building a pool, you know, putting in a hot tub.
These are Mars in Cancer, things that are probably more innocuous. So I think that you I think that you can see a wide range of things. And I say this specifically so that people will also look for the constructive and creative ways of seeing Mars and in cancer, and not simply go straight to the worst case stuff at the same time. Dignity categories or dignity categories for a reason. And it's good to be aware of, of the fact that the drama around Mars and Moon things could step up in between now and June. So let's take a look at the overall transit time period for this and I'm going to walk it through the 12 houses and give you a sense of what to expect. Alright, so here's the real time clock. And I'm just going to take Mars forward through cancer and you will see that Mars comes out about June 11 into the sign of Leo. So June 11, that gives us what you know, about 50 days, somewhere somewhere around 50 days, I believe. So that's, you know, a month and a half worth of Mars travelling through this sign.
All right now what I want to do is I'd like to put Mars through all of the 12 whole sign houses and just give you a sense of what you can expect. So we're going to start with Mars on the ascendant if you are a cancer rising. First of all, first and foremost, remember that all of the things that I said about Mars in Cancer hold true in a sense for everyone regardless of the house position. So family drama, more difficult things around it. Women in the body etc etc. All of the Moon Mars combinations that could be more difficult or challenging generally are the kinds of things that I want to give people heads up about.
When it's in your first house, you think about things that are happening either your home your family, with women, with children, with family members, or with your own health that are more and more personally impactful. So that's going to watch for if your Mars in the first house kind of person if you're excuse me, if you're a Cancer rising person.
Now let's move this forward. I'm just going through these briefly. So we're gonna put it in the second house now, if you're a Gemini rising, Mars will be in your second house. And that means that the the challenges could come around money or finances, but also the connection between money finances and home or family or health or body or women or children, etc. So watch for this energy to have an impact on on your finances or on your material resources.
So if you're a Taurus rising, this is going to be in your third house, you think about things happening in your local neighbourhood things happening with siblings, you think of things happening in the immediate environment in the day to day life around your home or family. For example, I'm a Taurus rising the last time that Mars was in Cancer, I burned myself on the stove three times, cut myself with a knife once, and then had Hornet's sting me like a bazillion times on my back. Now, that was I have the sun and mercury in cancer in the third house. And it just felt like there was an abundance of sort of tense energy around my home and family area. And I kept injuring myself, the third house pertains to the area, the influences surrounding your home and family or in some ways influencing or coming around your your base of operations. It's kind of like saying there's, there's just stress buzzing around the home and family environment. As opposed to if you were to be a an whoops, let's see here.
Okay, as opposed to if you're an Aries rising, and Mars in cancer is in your fourth house, it has more direct impact on family members on your actual living space. On like, for me, I would say in the third house, it was like more of a mental energy that just seemed to be following me around like there's bees kind of buzzing or outside around my house to the Hornets. We're in the fourth house, I see a much more about family, karma, family drama stuff directly involving your property or your living environment, your parents, etc.
Now, if we go forward a little bit more, and we put we're going to we're going to put Mars in the fifth house, if you're a Pisces rising, and I'm mixing it up today. So Pisces don't have to go last. If you're a Pisces rising, then Mars will be in your fifth house. And that can have an impact on pregnancy on children. More generally speaking, a little bit more vulnerable space for the topics of pregnancy and children. But again, don't go you know, looking for disasters, it's probably not a disaster, it's just stressors. And you're gonna see that energy, you know, again, between now and June. Also, anything the searcher pursuit of pleasure, sex, desire, romance, anything that you do for fun, be a little bit more careful, that could be a little bit more drama than you bargained for around those kinds of activities. Basically, the fifth house you can think of also as a place of creativity, and fun or joy or recreation, and, and even romance, it was traditionally called the joy of Venus, the fifth house. So watch for a little bit of drama, coming in through love affairs, or dating or your sex life or possibly, if you are in any kind of creative industry or career, you know, there could be more passive aggressiveness in the workplace or, you know, maybe creatively trying to address Mars and Moon types of themes and creative work. It can sometimes result in accidents or injuries, if people are into sports or dancing or, you know, things like that. So you do want to be a little bit careful about almost like getting more than you bargained for in a space that should be about fun, creativity, pleasure, etc. So just be a little bit careful of that.
So, if you're an Aquarius rising, we're going to put Mars in the sixth in the sixth house. Now, Mars in the sixth house in cancer can very well speak to injuries, accidents, disease, sickness, health problems in the family. health problems pertaining to women or women's health, health problems around children because the six is a place of health problems, you're just sort of doubling down on that particular thing. But six is also a place of hard work and service and labour. And so anything that you would be working on that would work or advocating for or fighting for the sixth of what's called the joy of Mars. So Mars can be quite happy in this place, if it's doing something fighting for something working for something that fits the Mars in cancer kind of Bill.
If you're a Capricorn rising, we are talking about Mars in the house of marriage and relationships. So this is more about marriage and and intimate or personal relationships perhaps rooted in the family, a spouse or partner's family, your own family so could doesn't necessarily have to be your own relationship. It could be marriage relationship of a sibling or but the topic of marriage family and kind of the the civil strife motif in sometimes it's a battle between families or there's jealousy between two different families or so watch for conflicts around families and family dynamics in particular, or marital dynamics, and that it's not gonna last forever, that can be a lot to learn from this. But um, and I would be careful about around boundaries, especially in your relationships and in family if you're a Capricorn rising.
Okay, so if we put Mars in the eighth house, that means you're a Sagittarius rising. And this placement obviously can speak to deaths in the family with Mars in the eighth or losses or, or grief that has to do with the family or with deeper, let's call them bonds or contracts that you have with other people spiritually and emotionally that are getting severed or broken or that are reaching that moment of exploration like you're you're disentangling from complicated emotional dynamics with other people, or you're paying off debts. Or maybe you find that you're getting more emotionally entangled in a battle of wills, there's passive aggressiveness involved. So just be careful of emotional and entanglements. If you are a Sagittarius rising. You also want to look at the the, on the positive side, the ability to cut or sever bonds or relationships that are becoming unhealthier co dependencies that are unhealthy. Again, we're just giving a few things. The eighth house is probably one of the more complicated houses talk about so I can't like fully address it in this talk. But I would love to hear if you're a Sagittarius rising. In particular, I'd love to hear your stories in the comment section.
So we're going on to Scorpio rising, which puts Mars in the ninth house, the ninth house has a lot to do with our beliefs. And so I wonder, you know, are your religious or spiritual or philosophical or political beliefs especially as they pertain to things like marriage or family or your, your home or domestic sphere of life? Are they being activated somehow or forced into dialogue? Are there conflicts around ideology and belief that come back somehow to family, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, the kinds of nuclear factors that you identify with in the most basic way? Where do I come from? What kind of identity factors define who I am in the worldly sense, and what kinds of conflicts are coming up around my background and my heritage or my ancestry or my past lives or whatever the case might be, but the the idea of history and beliefs come to mind with this placement if you're a Scorpio rising, or differences in philosophy that are that are coming up within the family, something like that, I would also see there being you know, being led by very strong beliefs in the next month or so or feeling very passionately or the need to emotionally advocate for something, convictions coming across really strong and sort of leading your way for the next month and a half. Okay, so that's if you're a Scorpio rising.
Now, if you are a Libra rising, this Mars energy is going to be felt in your 10th house, which is going to be associated with your work in the world. Usually this is going house associated with people's career, though, if you're not working, this could just be the kinds of daily activities that you do like if you're a stay at home mom or you know, whatever the case might be. You're looking at your practice, meaning your actions in the world, being identified with or contending with Mars and Cancer. So how does Mars in cancer enter the career house it could cause drama at work, it could cause some kind of be the start of a new Mars likes to finish things could be initiating new activities or new business plans or new kinds of endeavours that are, you know, perhaps some blend of Mars and, and the moon, perhaps there's an emotionally charged sense of action and purpose behind your work, or perhaps something in the workplace is literally dealing with, you know, women or children or family or home or health or something like that. So how do those factors come in and impact work this month if you're a Libra rising.
Okay, so we're going to put Virgo on the ascendant. And if you're a Virgo rising, then Mars is in your 11th, which is the place of friends. So you would look for potential challenges around? Well, one of the ways I would look at this would be like, how is your social life dealing with conflicts that are rooted in people's pasts or people's heritage or people's, you know, different family or cultural backgrounds that people have, that certain kinds of conflicts around, those things could be coming up, you could also see some challenges around friends or your social life, generally speaking, you could also see some some greater allies entering your life right now 11th house is a place of allies and friends. And so allies or friends who are described by Mars and Cancer, maybe they are, you know, strong women, or a strong maternal type of leader, or maybe there's some collaborations or causes coming into your life in the next month and a half you get passionate about that are described by Mars in Cancer. So those would all be possibilities to watch for, I would say the most basic and difficult one would be conflicts among groups or communities and friends.
Finally, if we put Leo on the ascendant, Mars is going into the 12th house. Now Mars in cancer in the 12th house would be about anything that could undermine you undermine your health, your sanity, your relationships, your work, anything that could undermine you that's described by Mars and cancer, someone who's passive aggressive, your own passive aggressive tendencies, potential for conflict around home and family things. But the 12th house Mars in cancer is describing something that could undermine or somehow pull you out of your centre, and often in ways that are more unconscious, or that you may be taken in by unknowingly, so you have to be a little bit more on guard with the way that Mars in Cancer can act as this kind of undermining for psychologically, it can also be a sign of the need to go into solitude, or to have some kind of meditative space, almost like getting away from the world a minute to process, you know, repressed anger or repressed emotions or family drama, or like maybe it's time for family healing, if you can take the time and space away to to process things that have been boiling under the surface. So that's what I'm seeing for all 12 signs.
I hope that this has been interesting. Here's what I would love to hear from all of you about, what is it like for you, as someone who has Mars in Cancer, especially in the hole, sign house that you have it in? What kind of events what kind of themes have come up in your life, share your stories that other people can learn from them in the chat below? I would love to hear from you guys about it. And also, what do you see as some of the major positives and negatives of that placement. Generally speaking, as as you've studied astrology, I think it's always interesting to hear what other people have observed about that placement. The other thing that I remember very well, from the last ingress of Mars and cancer was, there was a that was the beginning of the process of someone in my family, my extended family going through a divorce. And even though it was difficult, and initially felt bad, as time has passed, I realised that when certain bonds are chords are meant to be cut, like who can argue, I mean, cliffs erode off the side and into the ocean, like who can argue with the way that some of these forces work and so just maybe an encouragement on for people not to be too hard on themselves, if certain kinds of those cancerian bonds in your life are ready to to be severed or cut like that it happens and part of individuating sometimes means that we recognise there was a season for that, and I'm moving on now and it doesn't have to be the moving on doesn't have to be done with any kind of malice or disdain or whatever. So anyway, I hope you guys have a great week and we will be back together again. Tomorrow for our last video this week. All right, take it easy, everyone. Bye.
Hey Adam,
Thanks for these insights.
My Mars recently touched my descendant in Gemini and now entering house 8.
Resulting in the (friendly) end of a long-term marriage bond.
I feel sad and understanding at the same time.
It seems to me that while we both did not want this and actively tried to prevent it, the forces – as you mentioned them – see it differently and maybe we shouldn’t argue with that.