Today I'm taking a look at Mars' upcoming trine to Saturn, and what you can expect from this transit.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at Mars this upcoming trine to the planet Saturn. First we'll take a look at the timing of this transit and then we'll talk about the archetype of combination and what you can expect between now and say the next week. Alright, so here is the real time clock and you can see here Mars in Gemini is moving from almost eight degrees now into a Trine with Saturn and Aquarius at 10 degrees. So let's watch how this is perfecting. We take it forward a couple of days, it gets to within about a degree by Friday of this week, and then you're going to see it perfecting Sunday through Monday, you can still feel the effects, you know, give it about three degrees all the way until about the 26th of the month. It's the 17th This has been in effect for a few days already, when it gets to within a three degree range that is, and you're going to see that within the three degree range all the way until about the 26th. So you've got a good week plus of this transit perfecting, especially over the weekend and into next week on Monday. It's good to get ready for it and talk about it now. The other thing is that after this transit is done or as it's perfecting, we are going to see Mercury moving into a square with Mars. And then after that's over, we're also going to see Mars finally going into a trine with Jupiter eventually. So Mars will also cross over the north node in Gemini, something we've talked about in the past already. Mars is also going to go through a square with Neptune. So lots of Mars transits to come as it's making its way through Gemini we'll be unpacking them one at a time.
Today, what I want to talk about is this combination of Saturn and Mars. Now, one thing to remember is when you are looking in at the centre of the circle from either planet, which one is looking to the right, so if you look into the centre of the circle from Saturn, the rays cast from Aquarius to Gemini or to Saturn's right hand side as of Saturn, we're looking in the centre of the circle. That means that Saturn is what we call the superior position. So this is a Mars that's getting harnessed a little bit or it's getting dominated isn't quite the right word, but it has every aspect is going to blend two planets and then you're going to have one planet that tends to stand out unless it's an opposition which case the two planets are more or less on equal grounds with one another depending on maybe dignities. But Saturn right now is in the superior position in a trine which means it's having a it's impressing itself upon Mars from a more powerful position. And trines are of the nature of Jupiter. So this is a Saturn that is really lending a form of support to Mars. They're both in air signs. Saturn is well dignified right now in its own sign of Aquarius. So you have Saturn lending a kind of helpful, beneficial supportive quality tomorrow. These are two malefics though, so we need to talk about what their combination represents is not all, it's not entirely easy. But overall, this you couldn't ask for a really a better combination of these two planets. I mean, there, there probably are other positions where they're going to be really beneficial too. But this is a pretty nice connection for the two of them. So we're probably going to see more of the productive qualities, you'll still see some of the difficult ones too. That's what we're going to talk about today.
So what to expect from this combination. So, when you have the god of war, Mars, and you have Saturn, a God that is associated with contraction, and more conservative qualities, when you put the two together, you're often going to get at its best hard work and productivity, themes of hard work and productivity. So let's start there. discipline and hard work. Nothing really gets done in this world, just because you're good at it. For most people, some peoplehave tangible skills they're born with, but it's pretty rare. Some people may have some skills, but it still takes development practice hard work, dedication, over a long period of time to see something grow. You think for example of people who are ancient nomadic cultures, you show up in a new place. You got it, you're settling down, maybe just for a little bit. There's a lot of work that goes into setting up a new, a new place to live, you know, out in nature, finding the resources, making sure everything's set up. All right. So Mars, Saturn, to me has that almost like a survivalist quality to it where the ability to know what your resources are to know what the odds are to know your bottom lines, and to be able to work hard in demanding or pressing situations in order to persist or thrive or survive. Did you guys ever see the movie The Revenant, it was with Leonardo DiCaprio? And it was a big survival movie came out maybe four or five years ago or something now. Anyway, in this movie, it's just one thing after another that he has to survive and but he ends up getting having all of these, you know, he's very resourceful. And there's things that come to him that are you know, really lucky. It's you know, it's, for example, you can imagine being out in in nature, maybe your your plane crashes or something. There was a book when I was a kid, I think it was called Hatchet. And it was about a boy who got you know, his the plane crashed in the Canadian wilderness and he happened to have a hatchet in the plane, you know, it's always something like that, where there's, there's some tool that you have available to you. And it's good it's kind of that feeling because Jupiter is the God of the Trine and so these two planets connecting by trying very resourceful, kind of like good luck that things are aligned to be able to deal with hardship or adversity and you can pull through even though there might be last minute efforts required or heroic feats or a kind of grisel determined attitude but you also couldn't do it unless you had certain resources available to that you you know, no matter how hard working you are you you know you can't do your thing without your hatchet so so there's the Mars Saturn quality.
Now, the Mars Saturn quality, at its worst is going to be people who are say, sort of Machiavellian, whereas like they'll just do anything that the the ends justify the means. So you're, you're using whatever you have resourcefully and successfully, but perhaps with some pretty malefic or malicious motives or self self interest at the heart of the situation. So you have to be careful that like ruthless like a win win at all costs. It's kind of like if you've ever seen a movie and this happens all the time in movies, where it just feels like how does the bad guy keep getting good luck and keep getting the things they need to be successful. So you could see it swing that way a little bit, as Mars and Saturn aren't always going to have the greatest motives. But productivity, discipline, hard work persistence, and maybe some blessings that come along, to facilitate and, and help something to be successful, especially under pressure or with some high stakes. So patients also within a grind, like the last leg of a marathon. Imagine that you're I've never run a marathon. But imagine if you're running one, and my mom's partner has so I've heard a little bit of this from him. But you've got like a mile left, you know, you can see the finish line sort of in the distance. And by all accounts, psychologically, you've already won, you've already completed the task, you've already run the race. It's just the detail of the last mile. But in some ways that last mile could be more difficult than the entire race, because you're so close. So the need to draw on some kind of internal fortification of spirit. The need to endure in the last moments of a long process. And also, there's the idea that at the very end of a process, the gears are getting worn down.
The ability for to get concrete results because of thorough, intelligent, broad minded thinking. This is these are two air signs. You can also think a little bit about Mars being related to iron, and Saturn to lead. So it's a heavy feeling. And the burden of patience, the burden of enduring through something, the burden of things that can feel very objectifying, things that can feel cold, concrete, overly rational, unsympathetic, bleak, but at the end of the day, that might be a part of a process right now that, you know, it feels maybe feels objectifying, but it has to happen somehow. With Mars and Saturn, we reap what's been sown in it often feels a little bit more cold and calculated. But on the positive side, you you get exactly what you deserve positively to there's no getting shorted of anything. Because these two are in a trine and they have a way of really doling out what's been worked for. You also have the potential of this combination can speak to martial arts, The Art of War, control and the martial instinct. So if you think about someone who is an MMA fighter, mixed martial arts, they train, they learn how to control their bodies, they learn how to deal with injury, they become in some ways become machine like, but there's also a great sense of honour and almost knightlyness. The willingness to sacrifice the willingness to die, the principled results of martial training, those kinds of things come to mind right now too. That could translate into things that you're studying things that you're learning, because of the air element of Mars and Gemini and Saturn and Aquarius. I could see some of these things being more mental or communicative in nature. You think about contraction, like Mars trine to Saturn is like the lid that needs to be on the pot for the cooking to take place. The it's it's contractive focused, effort and results.
Interestingly, Mars and Saturn in combination can be associated with skin issues, or bone breaks. Or sometimes there's also going to be a little bit if you're having like skin or bone issues, things that can relate to Saturn and Mars irritation agitation. There can also be almost like a therapeutic benefit of Mars, Saturn together can be like a regiment or a routine that serves to fix something that's broken. At the same time, you have to be careful of anything routine or mechanical, again, that becomes objectifying in nature or that degrades or devalues someone or something. I remember one of the words that became like part of my vocabulary while living in DC not because I said it, but because I heard everybody else saying it was the the phrase type A, I'm a type A personality, a lot of Type A personalities in DC, like you guys know what that is. And no offence because everyone's got a different mentality. But one of the downsides I remember. This was a woman that we met through our yoga studio who essentially was a part of a clinic that helped what she she would call more type a women who are hard workers in DC, to re calibrate their, their bodies, their diets, etc, because they were having a hard time getting pregnant. And it was this particular group of women that were having the particular lifestyle of hard work of extreme exercise, like this kind of thing. And that if and when they would want to step back from pregnancy, sometimes they would almost need like therapy to take the foot off the gas and to make their body hospitable for pregnancy. This was a woman who went to her yoga studio who like had a clinic like that or worked at a clinic like this or something. So Mars Saturn can be like that. You can grind the gears and it's very airy and mental and you know we have there might be a little the question of something being too like not sensitive enough or the need for there to be greater emotional intelligence in the mix might be there right now because Saturn Mars can be a little objectifying and grinding and Mercury in Pisces is moving into a square with Mars. So where's emotional intelligence and all of this is their emotional tact and sensitivity in the way that we're just doing things.
There was a musical movement I guess in like the 80s maybe the 90s I don't remember it was called straight edge because ever heard of straight edge before I know very little about it. But from what I've been told, you might have people in New York City who were vegan, you know, very intelligent, living very clean lifestyles, but they were like hardcore, metal punk type of music. musicians, straight edge. It feels very it's like Mars, Saturn Trine, you know, brings them to game, it's still kind of like hard and tough and lead and iron, but maybe it's clean and has that kind of Jupiterian sense of being clean and upright, morally. So straight edge. You think a little bit about the ruler to the knuckles, ruler to the knuckles. My grandma apparently had that happen I think it was she went to Catholic school or something like that. But, you know, you get the ruler on the knuckles if you were, you know, not like goofing off in class or whatever, Marshal punishment. So you think about, I'm not a fan of martial punishment or anything like that. But there are times in life where the universe seems to send us a little, a little rap on the knuckles. And I don't know, I'm not gonna say that it's not helpful from time to time, not that I'm the judge. And I feel like I need to be the administrator of anything like that. I'm not a tough love guy. Why not just love. But the truth is that tough love is that kind of archetype that exists. And sometimes we get it and sometimes it's abused. And people use it as an excuse. It's tough love. But Mars Saturn in a trine you could also see the debate between tough love and needing like, like, I'm not going to coddle you like let's just be real. But then on the other hand, like, Look, you're being too hard. Let's be emotionally sensitive. So that Mercury coming into square in Pisces with Mars in Gemini while Mars in Gemini is trying Saturn could get some of that debate right now. So you could see parents talking about I feel like parents talk about this kind of stuff all the time. Like, no, that's to your being too hard or rigid? No, they need it, you know, or, and, or like, you know, moms and dads will discuss their parenting philosophy in front of the kids and the kids are like, Is it going to go my favour? You know, it's like, wait, let's not talk about it in front of kids. So the question about what kinds of subjects should be talked about? How are we emotionally trying to make something more palatable that's really very a base and objectifying or bottom line. Sometimes there's just a way in which something's very bottom line, but you need to or have to or trying to get away with sugarcoating it or making it sweeter than it is or needs to be. All of those kinds of things could be coming up.
Also getting stuck. Mars Saturn in this trine I would think of someone getting through it and being okay, but because trines are very supportive. But Mars, Saturn can be about the frustration of will and the feeling of an unstoppable force Mars meeting an immovable object Saturn. So you get stuck, you contract. And then like the Hulk, like, oh, and then you just rip your you rip your shirt off and turn into a big green guy. So that's your destiny. And that's your destiny for this week. So that's what I've got for today. I would love to hear if you have Mars Saturn combinations in your chart. How does that appear for you? What are the pros and cons of that placement been in your life? How are you noticing this energy forming in your own life right now? How are you seeing it in, in the world around you? I'd love to hear your stories as always. And we'll be back with more content tomorrow. And it's funny because even right now in my own life, like so many things that are usually pretty basic for me feel like a bit of a grind. And I can always I'm always like, okay, so I have about one week of this and then things will start to ease up a bit in terms of the feeling of being in that last leg of a race so it so helpful to know astrology in that regard if you're feeling that, you can take some shelter in the fact that this will pass but receive the benefits of it too. It's it's a transit that should be really helpful for everybody. Alright, we'll see you again soon everyone take it easy, bye.
Wow-I am feeling alot of emotions right now and am also trying to push them out- have had some very incredible dreams and several with my Dad and Grandma who have been gone for years-not sure what it means-kinda scares me-I am that scorpio that has way too much scorpio-let me know what you think I should do besides hide (I cant as I have been asked to be on our city council !!!!