Today I'm going to take another look at Mars's square to Pluto, as well as looking at the fact that we've got a Full Moon in Aries today.
Hi everyone this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we're going to take another look at Mars's upcoming square to Pluto. And again today kind of revisit the fact that we've got a Full Moon in Aries, Mars's sign coming through as well. So we had the full moon come through this morning, just passing by as I'm making this now on October 20. And we're going to see the square from Mars to Pluto coming through in the next couple of days. So we're going to talk a little bit about that today I want to share with you some of the things that I've seen in my practice, my practice of working with clients Natal charts, when Pluto makes a hard aspect to Mars, what kinds of things do we tend to see that might give us a little bit of extra insight this week for this big transit. I also want to talk a little bit about the I ching. I got a good hexagram with a line change that I want to talk about in relation to this week's astrology so we'll do that. Before I get into it, I'll remind you all that my new class ancient astrology for the modern mystic is coming up soon. You can start on November 13. You can check it out on my website, nightlight astrology calm, go to the first year course. You can scroll down and learn all about it. I've been promoting it for the past month. And we'd love to have you guys in class. There's it's about a year long programme. And we have 30 classes on the year plus 12 guest lectures plus breakout study sessions in depth group webinar forum discussions. There's year round support from a tutoring staff including myself. recommended reading listening optional assignments, tonnes of bonus lectures, you can email me anytime for questions, you get to download and keep all the recordings you can attend live or remotely so it's a really flexible programme. I've been so thankful for all the people helping me promote it and share the excitement about the programme thank you guys who've been doing that. Also, you know, be sure you take advantage of the early bird payment save $500 off You have until the week that class begins. So just a couple more weeks left to take advantage of that there's a payment plan if you need it and also need based tuition if that helps you as well. So all that being said, let's take a look at the real time clock. If you have any questions about the programme By the way, email us info at nightlight
Here's the real time clock. And what we can see today is that Mars at 23'20" is moving into a square with Pluto at 24'21". And we also have today a full moon in Aries. The full moon is literally just finishing as by minutes as I'm making this video this morning. So that that dynamic is creating it's like a full moon with a T square with Mars and Pluto. I mean that's crazy, right? So a pretty big event which is why I spent three days of this week on it and if you didn't see the past two videos, go back and watch them. There's a lot of good information there for you guys about this week's astrology. Okay, so that's what's coming, we're going to see Mars pass through the square to Pluto by Friday, October 22. And then we start seeing things really shift as the full moon is passed, the sun moves into Scorpio, etc etc. So that's the shift of between now and say Saturday that we're looking at. Alright, so I wanted to share with you guys a few things. This comes first from my client practice. These are things that I have I wrote down a list of things that I have commonly seen when Pluto hits on aspect to Mars let's say a conjunction of square and opposition in particular though sometimes trines to sextiles not as much the sextiles are a little quieter in my experience, generally speaking, but not always. So things I've seen in my practice, deep life lessons surrounding themes of will willpower, anger and aggression. It's like get a masterclass in willpower, anger or aggression. When this transit comes around. That's the end up just It's that simple. I see that consistently. Pluto comes to Mars in your natal chart, you're going to be working through issues involving your sense of wills, strength, power, aggression, assertiveness, quite themes of dominance. They come up very strongly all Mars themes greatly amplified and intensified by the depth and sort of elemental power of Pluto. Then there is sudden severing or cutting off of key relationships. Mars in this sense is like scissors cutting the umbilical cord, or Mars acts as almost like an accelerator of individual individuation individuality, the sense of being self sufficient, and that there will be events that sort of rapidly perpetuate the development of those qualities in oneself. And along the way, one may also have to sever or cut off certain things from their life, I can't do that I'm cutting it out. And usually it's relationships, it's like cutting the cords of relationships.
The next one is I have seen, unfortunately death accidents or the sudden news of difficult illnesses system, it's just part of it. It's like, here comes something that's difficult. Remember, Mars was the God of misfortune. So misfortune in the everyday world being like, circumstances that suck usually for the body or mind. So, you know, when you have someone die around you, or there's a sudden accident, it doesn't have to necessarily be a big deal. Sudden news of something difficult, or some kind of contentiousness that you're dealing with, in your environment. And it just it comes, even like a difficult illness that comes on suddenly. So Mars is fast. And Pluto reveals things that have been hidden, so sudden revelation of something or someone, something difficult, kind of difficult news, something kind of showing itself suddenly, that is a source of frustration, disease, difficulty, injury, etc. I know that sucks, but just that's just the truth. It happens.
Okay, then there's the breakthroughs of energies that have been pent up with sudden force, vigour, enthusiasm, and they can actually cause you to feel very much alive and like you're overcoming some kind of feeling of nervousness or stagnation. So it's like a dam breaking open. And that can be something for many people experience that is very liberating. So the release of pent up energies, like Mars, Pluto, and that is often something that shows through depending on the house locations in the person's life, you know, the house locations in the chart in different areas of person's life.
Starting something new is the last one, I see a lot of people who suddenly get the resources or the power or the motivation to start something new. So the real empowerment of the will to do something, those are the most common things I could think of right off top of my head in terms of what I've seen over 10 years of client work with Pluto, Mars dynamics. There's a lot of specific stories, of course, but those are the good ones. That general themes. Second thing to remember with Mars in Libra, right now the sign of the balance, that there's a real sense of karmic levelling, right now of things being balanced out karmically. And the main thing to understand, as far as I can tell, is that we have very limited capacity to understand what fairness is, from the standpoint of aeons from the standpoint of, you know, you know, time and eternity, it's like we don't, we don't have the capacity to understand, you know, how and why things happen as they do. Especially, you know, when Mars Pluto comes through, and there's things that are really difficult. One of the things that's important to sort of just place our trust or faith in in general, is that whatever's happening doesn't threaten us, ultimately, that's a really hard perspective to take. And I'm not suggesting that people dissociate. But the perspective is, you know, I'm an eternal being, and I can't be killed or harmed. There's nothing ultimately at stake here and what's in whatever is happening to me or around me, that's frustrating or difficult. From the standpoint of eternity, I'm fine. And I will, I'm taking care of, I'm guided, and reality's inherently trustworthy. So learning to appreciate, not understand necessarily, but to appreciate the balancing acts of karma as they come across, especially with Mars in Libra, the sign of the balance. So it's a kind of a place of justice and justice.
There's probably one place that pisses people off more than any other. When you're talking about the philosophy of ancient astrology, it's when you start talking about karma, because then we start thinking, well, karma must be punitive. No, if you try to understand it, it's going to feel punitive. If we try to use our minds to wrap our heads around, it's going to feel punitive, the only way to really deeply start appreciating and even having maybe small glimpses into understanding the laws of karma is to have a regular meditation practice. So that you can deeply start start to see very deep connections that you may not otherwise be able to see. And to develop a sense of, of trust in the passage of time and the flow of events. Those are things that meditation tends to give us and it becomes far less trite than just like, I don't know, some kind of Rumi meme. It's like, just trust everything. All this terrible stuff is just part of the universal you know, karma, flow, it's true. But you know, a Rumi, quote doesn't get you there. Sometimes the fruits of our labours and actions are not our own. That's important because sometimes these transits especially Mars in Libra square, Pluto can be the feeling of you know, the universe give us the universe, take it away. So there's these karmic balances, that balancing that comes about and sometimes things, people are taken from us sometimes rather suddenly. And something's changed very suddenly. And if we recognise it was never mine to begin with, whether it's my body, my mind, and that's not an easy perspective to take. And it's not easy to take, if you have really solid spiritual practices, what to speak of, if you don't.
So, that's one reason right now to, you know, if there's anything that karma, the balancing act of karma, and the overwhelm, we feel in the sense of confusion. And is this just as do I live in a fair, trustworthy universe, and those kinds of questions come up, no better time to just sit down and, you know, get quiet for a little while. And just try to listen and tune ourselves inward, turn ourselves inward. Karma is temporary, all the good things and the bad things just keep flowing along. And so those scales are always shifting, and this is a good time to remember that as well. Don't try trying to drop away from understanding some of the the karmic balancing that happens during these moments and turning to a different mode of knowing a different mode of being and understanding.
So I got hexagram 40 today, which is called deliverance, and the sixth line is changing. The sixth line says, The prince shoots a hawk shoots at a hawk on a high wall, he kills it, everything serves to further the hawk on a high wall is the symbol of a powerful inferior in a high position who's hindering the deliverance so this could be something within us some kind of someone who has some degree of power so a part of ourselves that has a lot of power over what we do and say and think and act. And we've given somehow this part of our ego is become empowered. And the higher self just picks it off, says Nope, I'm taking an action decisively that will change how the governance of my life occurs from within I love this line for that reason, it's like a gotcha you know, and oftentimes, it's not that we're trying to punish or kill the ego it's that we're trying to shift the egos function into that of a servant rather than a cruel or or selfish master. So anyway, it says, He withstands the force of inner influences, because he is hardened in his wickedness, he must be forcibly removed. And this requires the appropriate means. Confucius says about this line, the Hawk is the object of the hunt, bow and arrow are the tools and means the marksman is the person who makes proper use of the means to his end, the superior person contains the means in his own being, he bides his time, and then acts Why then should not everything go well, he accent is free, therefore, all he has to do is go forth and he takes his query. This is how a man fares who acts after he has made ready the means. This is a great line because it's essentially saying like, you know, get yourself prepared, get yourself in the right state of mind, have everything you need, at your disposal, and, and then go for it. So it's also about a moment of decisive action, it's about executing something. Yeah, at the right time. Mars, Pluto, of course, is a planetary energy that comes about in a very decisive way that says, I'm going to act now with strength with vigour, with determination, with a sense of purpose, it's the right time to make a change, a change about removing some kind of inferior influence or person or situation from our lives, it's hindering us. So you know, this is a moment where maybe the way that things are flowing, there's a sense in which you're prepared to make a decisive action to eliminate something that is inferior in your life that's not serving you. That's a really good, good image from the i ching here.
Also, this image can speak to trying to make a move to like, let's say you want to make a positive change, or do something that's really helpful or useful for yourself, but you haven't taken the time to prepare to consider how to best do it. And in that sense, you're under estimating how difficult it may be to make the positive change that you want to make. A lot of the times for example, people will say, New Year's, okay, I'm going to go on a diet, they don't do anything to prepare so that they have success starting on day one, and that can be sustained, which is why probably a lot of diets on the around the New Year fail I imagine. So, preparing ourselves to make a decisive move in the next few days to make a decisive move for the better to eliminate things that are inferior from our lives and to do so with strength, but also to make sure that we're prepared to make a change. So I love this, I love this hexagram sequence, it's a really good one and it also tells us you know, kind of a lesson about not letting ourselves get in a position where some inferior element has taken over to the point where we have to use use some kind of aggressive means to eliminate an unhealthy influence. So it's kind of like don't let it get to the point where you need an invasive surgery to remove a tumour that you could have avoided by not smoking, you know, in the first place. There's something here about that too, that kind of goes back to that idea of Mars and Libra being about a karmic reckoning with the square to Pluto. So preparation, you know, getting not getting to a point where you have to take really strong actions to change or remove something unhealthy or something like that too. So all right, those are a few thoughts for today. I hope that they are useful.
Remember Bhakti Wednesday will be out later on today. I hope you guys enjoy that as well. And we will be back tomorrow and got a couple of days left this week to keep breaking down the astrology. If you guys have stories use the hashtag grabbed and tell us how are you seeing Mars Pluto showing up in your life this week or the full moon in Aries. Make sure it's short and concise. Don't give me tonnes and tonnes of information just use the hashtag grabbed in the comment section. You can also email us grabbed a nightlight, short and sweet. Give it like a paragraph and just tell the story don't tell us about your chart or all the aspects in your chart or something like that. Just be like Mars Pluto. You know I had dealt with a crazy person on the highway today or something like whatever the case might be just the shorter and sweeter it is the better it is for you for me to be able to take it and translate it into a good video for everyone. So excited to share some stories. I think we'll be doing some stories on Thursday or Friday this week from from that series so alright, hope you guys have a great rest of your day. We'll talk again soon. Bye.
Hi Achuta,
I have Mars in my 3rd and Pluto in 6th.
I’ve been struggling with my health and out of work since July 24. Last Friday was my EEG and last Monday a new CT. I expect to get results tomorrow or by Friday. I’m very worried but as you said”I am an eternal being.” I am truly holding on to that whatever comes, and thank you for your poetic and thoughtful insights.
Thank you