Today we will look at Mars's upcoming opposition to Saturn, which is just about to perfect across the signs of Virgo, where Mars is located, and Pisces, where Saturn is located. I will talk about five ways in which we can understand Mars-Saturn combinations as highly creative.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology, and today we're going to take a look at Mars's upcoming opposition to Saturn, which is just about to perfect across the signs of Virgo, where Mars is located and Pisces, where Saturn is located.
So today, I want to talk about five ways in which we can understand Mars-Saturn combinations as highly creative, which is not the thing that I think we usually hear about this combination; we hear that it's frustrating or constraining or lots of things that are true but how can we understand Mars-Saturn combinations as actually highly creative archetypal combinations. I think if you turn the jewel and catch the light from the right angle, you can understand that this combination is profoundly creative. So that's what we're going to talk about today.
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Alright, let's take a look at the real-time clock. This is a vacation week for me, so I'm doing very brief treatments of things, and I'm recording all of these in advance so that I don't have to be making content while I'm on vacation. So they're all just a little bit briefer than normal, but we will be returning to sort of my usual content length, and if the vibe seems a little bit different, just know that I'm taking a little break to recharge my battery.
You can see it here, Wednesday, July 19. Mars is at the fifth degree of Virgo, and Saturn is at the sixth degree of Pisces. If we advance this just one day, you'll see that tomorrow, Thursday, July 20, we have an exact opposition between the two planets, and it is fading by Friday and Saturday; if we take this out about three degrees, we'll be feeling it till Tuesday, July 25. So it's a transit that's a slow burn.
We've been feeling it; I already did one video covering this opposition; you could look back at it from; I think it was last week or the week before as soon as Mars entered Virgo. We started talking about this. But today, I want to talk about five reasons that I believe that this is an incredibly creative transit. So five ways in which Mars-Saturn combinations are creative, or this Mars-Saturn combination in particular, this opposition can be understood as creative.
Now, I'm not trying to just like trick everyone. There are many ways of talking about the archetypal combinations of the planets, and so I like to take the approach of covering the transit from multiple points of view. If you want a slightly different point of view than the one, you're getting in this talk. If you go back to the first talk I did a week or two ago if you scroll back in my videos, you'll find another Mars-Saturn talk that I did on this exact opposition, and that'll cover it from a slightly different angle. So that might be valuable for you to check out as well.
Not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. This is a transit that, for a lot of people, is experienced as difficult, frustrating obstacles, kind of a pressure cooker vibe to Mars, Saturn, frustrating. You hit edges; there's the feeling of coming up against boundaries that are hard. So all of those things are true. But here are the five ways in which the exact Mars-Saturn combinations that we think of as difficult lead to profound creativity or creative breakthroughs.
Number one, you have to think about things in the way that I would say Taoists do. Reading about Taoism, which we did in the series, Tao Te Ching for Astrologers is something that I've been very passionate about for a long time. I use the I-Ching as a pretty regular reference for the way I even create these videos, and sometimes I share that with you guys. It's been a while since I've done that, actually. Maybe that's something I should get back to. I can always tell it's like it's been a while since I've, I've told you, guys, about the way in which the I-Ching is present in some of the videos I've made because I know you guys, some of you really like that some people are like I don't know what the I-Ching is.
But anyway, Taoists talk frequently about the way in which the tension between opposites is present in all things, and the sagely wise people are the ones who don't forget the opposite of something when something else is present, not that you need to stay in some artificially neutral state. It's helpful to remember the tension between opposites in any given season of life.
So where there are great problems which, believe me, that's One of the archetypal signatures of Mars-Saturn that is totally valid. Mars hit Saturn, and problems appear. The problem is you have two malefic planets, one that represents frustration, the other limitations, so frustrations and limitations Mars and Saturn that's problems.
But it's amazing how it is specifically because a problem comes up that we are offered an opportunity to find a solution, and the solution we find is oftentimes a product of growth that we must go through in order to solve the problem. So the solution represents something alchemical problems, create solutions, solutions come from or are closely related to problems.
So when Mars-Saturn comes up, we tend to just feel the sort of gritty, hard, frustrating, agitating, limiting, constraining feelings that come up with Mars-Saturn combinations. But if we can remember that it is those exact conditions that create solutions and that create the answer, then we can remember that these are these comp this combination is divine and its outcome, often highly creative.
Number two, necessity is the mother of invention; these are all going to be ways of saying the exact same thing but saying it in a slightly different manner. Necessity is the mother of invention when Saturnian constraints come up and put you into a situation. Let me give you an example, Mars- Saturn situation that came up for me, my programs started growing more rapidly than I could handle, and so I had to hire staff and do so under extraordinary pressure during a Saturn opposition to my natal Mars.
It was a time of rapid growth and tremendous overwhelm, and so, necessity is the mother of invention; I had to, you know, in order to grow and move beyond the limits that I was running up against because, you know, growth was running into the hard wall of what I was capable of handling as a solo, small business owner. I had to hire a staff of people to help me, and because of that pressure, and that extreme overwhelm, I was working 60 hours a week plus.
Because of that, we came up with so many new ways of doing things, so many new systems, and a new staff of people that have been with me, many of whom have been with me now since the beginning of all of this. That was a Saturn-Mars transit in my chart. Where when necessity comes about, and you're like you're faced with the cosmic power of necessity, it's like, oh, my gosh, a condition has arisen in which it is necessary to do something right now. There's no other choice. You get really creative. Necessity is the mother of invention.
Number three, frustration develops patience if you choose to let it. When we face frustrations, they have a way of cooking us in our own juices, and we might get a few wrinkles, but we usually come through very frustrating periods aware of more aware of ourselves, more aware of our limits, more aware of the need for patience, more aware that things can't always go our own way.
You get wiser with these transits. You develop patience; you develop fortitude; you develop a staying power through Mars-Saturn, and patience is one of the most necessary; speaking of necessity, it is one of the most necessary ingredients for creativity. To be creative, to really be creative in your life, there's a way in which you have to develop patience. You have to be able to sit with things and let them cook in and tend to them.
If you think about what it takes to create, I don't know if a child were to create a book, or whatever, an opus of any kind. It is a slow tending with bursts of creativity, and then it's back to chopping wood and carrying water and then great bursts of creativity and then chopping wood and carrying water. Frustration develops patience. Patience is so closely related to nurturance and devotion, which are absolutely necessary ingredients for most creative processes. So Mars-Saturn can cultivate within us qualities that are conducive to highly creative states of consciousness.
Number four is that the limited time and space implied by Mars-Saturn creates efficiency. It's like, well if you only have a day to get something done because suddenly, you know, fate has put you in a Mars-Saturn bind, you will use that time and space very efficiently in order to accomplish what has to be done within the limit or constraint that's been presented to you.
So it's amazing what limited time and space with this kind of constraining environment will do to you. If you want to understand real freedom, find it in a confined or limited space, you have to look hard for freedom in confinement, and I'm not talking about, like, I can, that sounds easy for me to say, sitting here in a relatively free space. I mean, I think of like Nelson Mandela or something, and that's not a level of this teaching that I have any access to, right? So I'm not trying to sit on some high horse.
I think time has shown us again and again throughout history. So many wise people have told us the same thing that limited time and space, if you allow it to, can create a kind of efficiency and a kind of freedom, both of which are the hallmarks of people who end up being great craftsmen and or women or highly creative, you know how to use things efficiently, you know how to move quickly, you know how to be resourceful within limitations, those are all the hallmarks of creative people.
Then number five is hitting an edge can create healthier boundaries; when you hit a limit, you know better how to work within limits because of that experience. When you hit rock bottom, you sometimes have to develop greater maturity, efficiency, discipline, et cetera. Ultimately, having healthy boundaries leads to tremendous creative results.
I always tell people when you're doing readings as an astrologer that people will say, you know, what, if I give an hour to someone, then I end up talking for an hour and a half. You know, what do I do about that? And I say, Well, look, you're not doing yourself a favor. If you want to do a 90-minute reading, do a 90-minute reading. But if you're going to do a 60-minute reading, the reason I think you ought to stick to 60 minutes is that when you learn how to keep that boundary, you're learning how to cook and make something beautiful within that boundary.
It's like learning a form and art form, like learning a short story versus a novella versus a novel versus a play versus a poem versus a haiku. The form is so important to work within the form in a healthy sense of the boundary, and knowledge of the form is really, really good for being able to create things.
We have to learn how to create things within different kinds of parameters and boundaries. So when you hit that edge, when you hit a hard boundary with Mars, Saturn, it can be the edge that start setting the parameters within which you can now create you can create with more awareness because you know what the limits or boundaries around you actually are.
These, to me, are the optimistic ways of looking at Mars-Saturn in terms of creativity, something that's very important to me as I sit here trying to efficiently and effectively create two weeks of content before I leave on vacation. You know, I have to do it myself. It's crazy. Okay, so that's what I've got for today. I hope this was useful. Short and sweet. We will be back to regularly scheduled content next week; I guess the week after. Yeah. So we'll see you again soon. Bye.
Love the fourth point- Mars is opposite my natal Saturn right now and that analogy hit right at home for me today. thank you !