Today I'm taking a look at Mars and the North Node. I talk about the meaning of the nodes of the Moon, and what it might mean for Mars to be in Gemini with the North Node.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. Today we're going to take a look at Mars and the north node. Mars is in Gemini, which is the sign that the north node of the moon is currently travelling through in the tropical zodiac. This is the Zodiac that Western astrologers follow. And we're going to talk about the significance of that today after I got an email this weekend from somebody asking me if I would talk about it. So I thought, yep, that's, that's a good one and definitely worth the video. So let me put up the real time clock and give you guys a look at this. And I want to point out something actually read a really interesting article this morning. And so it was like perfect timing, because I already had this email in my inbox from someone asking me if I would talk about Mars with the north node. And then sure enough, a friend of mine sent me an email from another astrologer who I'm gonna get his name wrong, but I think it's Frederick Woodruff. I don't know him. I don't really even know his his work very well. But he had an interesting article that was commenting on a particular configuration in Vedic astrology, that Mars is about to break free from right now, I'm not going to go into that, because I'm not an expert on the subject. But if you want to look him up, Frederick Woodruff, I thought a really good interesting article that my friend sent me about Mars and Mars, about to break containment from the nodes of the moon. So at any rate, I'll talk about that a little bit today as well. So you should be able to see the real time clock on the screen right now. And what I want to point out to you is, here's Mars in the sign of the north node of the moon in Gemini law, we're not sure how late or early into the tradition, the nodes of the moon were said to have a sign of exaltation. But interestingly, you have the the nodes have dignity in Gemini and Sagittarius. So that's an interesting side. Just an interesting side note.
Okay, so what are the nodes of the moon, if you don't already know, these are points in Vedic astrology, they're thought of as actually, as planets. And like, they have a misty or kind of shadowy quality. And there's some really interesting mythology associated with them. If you go back, there's a series I did on the nodes of the moon in my archives, I don't want to unpack all of that, again, because there's that you can, I've done that already before. So what I'm just going to do is a little brief summary of the nodes. Obviously, the nodes are the points of intersection for the moon in the ecliptic. And at those points when the moon crosses the ecliptic, and it's close enough to one of the nodes at a full moon, or it's with the Sun close enough to one of the Moon's nodes at a new moon, then you get eclipses, partial or total eclipses, lunar and solar. So there's been a lot of things said about the nodes in modern astrology, including the idea that the north node is associated with the progression of the soul, the evolution of the soul that the South node is associated almost with them, the past lives, past lessons, and maybe hang ups of the soul. And that's kind of a modern paradigm, that paradigm is not really there's not a an exact correspondence to that throughout the history of astrology. So for several 1000 years, the take on the nodes in both the East and the West has been very different from that take, it's not to say it's wrong. It's just that to explain that because people who watch this channel may not know that that's not the take on the nodes that I particularly follow in most Hellenistic astrologers, or traditional astrologers are not necessarily going to take that approach to the nodes either.
So what approach do they take? Well, you're gonna find some really esoteric teachings in the Vedic tradition about the nodes that are really beautiful. And I can't I'm not, you know, not really qualified because I'm not a student of Vedic Astrology to to give a deep intense treatise on, but I can say a few things that I've learned about them philosophically, from studying sacred scriptures like the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Maha Bharat, and also just practising with them for a long time and getting a sense of what comes with them. In the Indian tradition, you're going to have the north node associated with Rahu, who has an appetite for worldly things, and worldly success, and he's kind of a cunning demon. And so you could say any planet with the North Node tends to increase or amplify the the hunger, the potency, the desire and the drive around that planet, oftentimes for worldly success or worldly ambitions. Now, Freedom Cole, who is probably my favourite Vedic astrologer at this point. Though I'm always learning more, but I'm just little by little when I have time. I wish I had more time to be a student sometimes but anyway, he has this take that says, you know One of the ways of purifying the north node of the moon is for a spiritual person who has a planet around the north node or transit or something like that, to take that worldly ambition and to try to channel it into something that is of service to others, because otherwise the tendency of raw who is going to be too much for ambition, desire, vanity success, you know, and it's it's a little ruthless and can be very cunning in how it goes about getting that done. For example, Lance Armstrong has Mars and Rahu conjoined in his birth chart and he desired athletic or martial victory at all costs and went to the extent of of doping scandal. So it's like Mars on this kind of ambitious steroids. Now I teach the nodes of the moon in my year two course at length, but in ancient Western astrology, the north node of the moon would be associated with gain or increase for better or worse, it really depended on which planet was with it. So you have the idea of when the moon crosses the ascending node of the north node point on the ecliptic, it's heading upward, meaning it's heading northwards. There's almost this idea of like gain or moving up towards some kind of ideal or ambition, whereas the South node is associated with decrease or loss. But that could be for good or bad, it just depends on the circumstance. For example, the South node is said to curb the maleficence of a malefic planet, the north node can amplify the left essence of a negative planet or a poorly dignified planet so so increase for good or bad decrease for good or bad, very similar in the to the Vedic position, about Rahu, that it is generally about this kind of hunger or desire for increase in material things.
The South node of the moon would be associated with the decreased detachment or dissociation from the world, though often in unhealthy ways. For example, I think it was Bernie Madoff who had the South node and Venus and Taurus in the 10th. house. And, you know, you could argue that his whole Ponzi scheme, Empire is a reflection of a desire to enjoy while escaping responsibilities. So there's almost this like escapist tendency of the set of the South node kaitou has, and it can also be associated with spiritual things, because sometimes the desire to leave the worldly things behind his ways could be more conducive to spiritual life. But it just depends, some people are going to be trying to dissociate or or get away from the struggles of the world in ways that are still inherently selfish. So, you know, this is just a little brief rundown of the nodes so that everyone has some background on what does it mean that Mars is coming into this place?
Well, first of all, it means that you can get a little bit of a Mars on steroids. This is a Mars that's airy, its social, it likes to do lots of things. It's very ambitious. And one of the things I noticed right away with Mars enters Gemini, which this other astrologer Frederick Woodruff, also pointed out in his article was that every you know, some of the mask mandates started being taken back by governors here in the United States, etc. So, and I was just they would just like spring weather here in Minneapolis. And I was out yesterday, we walked around the one of the lakes here, and, you know, everyone was out like it was crazy. And my mom was here visiting too. And she had COVID. And also because she's a health employee, she had to get vaccinated and stuff like that. So she, she works in a hospital. So at any rate, she was here visiting and had taken a flight. And when she got back to the airport, with the spring weather and everything like that, she was like, I just couldn't believe how busy the airport was. And she's had to fly before like, my sister had a baby, she went down and saw them and stuff like that. So I was just reflecting immediately, like, there's, there's Mars in an air sign with the north node. It's the desire for commerce, it's the site desire for trade. It's the desire for a cup of coffee and three different people talking at once. Mars always wants to act and initiate and assert and do things. And now it's in this double bodied air sign where it wants to circulate and do a lot of things and that's being amplified by the hunger of Rahu or the north node, it's going to amplify that for better or worse.
So, one thing here that you know, matches with that is going to be just over the all the way until basically the end of April, you're gonna see, I think, an explosion of a lot of pent up energy from the pandemic that's been in the air, let me turn off this so I can show you. So I think that's the one thing that I would say about Mars and Gemini, when it's with the north node is that you're going to see an amplification of the desire to do things that are based in ideas, communication, language, commerce, technology, movement, travel, all things that Mercury, Mercury's air temple likes to do. Remember that I broke down the Mars in Gemini video last week, I think it was, and I talked about Mars will go as Mercury goes. So Mercury right now is still in Aquarius, it's a fixed sign, then it's going to enter this double bodied water sign. And that's where we're going to have this desire to move and do things that's getting hungrier and hungrier, encountering this very watery and sometimes not entirely rational energy, but also maybe inspired and romantic and emotionally intelligent quality of mercury in Pisces. So that's coming. The other thing about Mars in Gemini now I have to bring up my screen again.
Alright, so the other thing about Mars in Gemini, and this was something I honestly had not thought of. And I just find it to be totally brilliant. Leave it to Indian astrologers to have a yoga that covers this. But at any rate, what you'll notice is that all of the planets right now, are hemmed in by the nodes. And there's a special name for this apparently, in Indian astrology, and someone out there knows it, feel free to type it in. So this was in Frederick Woodruff's article, and you'll notice that all of the planets are hemmed in by the nodes, right, they're all hanging out on that side of the nodes. And then what you have this month into next is Mars, the God of action is about to break outside of them, while everything else is inside of them. So that's really, in some ways, a very, very clear picture of Mars at the moment trying to take actions that break the containment that the nodes have on all the other planets. And his point was that this is also a good picture. And he presents a couple of other reasons too. So I recommend reading the article. But the this would be one way of looking at the picture of the planets, having been in containment, and now something kind of trying to break through.
In the I Ching. There's a hexagram, you know, called limitation number 60. If I'm not mistaken, and it's just straight up about limitations. And then there's that there's the saying that limitations should be abided by, but then one should also set limits on limitation. And nature does this, whether we like it or not, you know, there's going to be a way in which things get contained naturally. And then naturally, things start breaking open. And there's consequences to both there's consequences to setting limits that sock or that are necessary and there's consequences to breaking through limits that might be hurtful, but are also necessary. This is kind of part of the flow of the Tao. I'm not saying what should or shouldn't be done about, you know, anything with the pandemic or the virus or vaccines or anything like that I'm really not interested in in debate about any of it. But what I am sensitive to is the fact that it does appear like Mars in this air sign with Rahu or the north node could point to the the the rising impulse and activity of people to move to socialise to to not wanting to be contained. And if you go back, this is what's so interesting. If you go back a year, right now, as things were getting started with the pandemic, look at where the look at where Mars was. If you go back to about late February, you know, early March when things were getting going, that was when Mars, with the South node entered into the containment between the nodes. So then it switches sides and by March what we know at least my memory I don't know the exact dates but it was like by March everything was starting to get closed up. So for the first time since Mars has been enclosed on either side of the nodes that will break free to the other side through the north node. And I think that's really interesting in terms of the the South node have tending to be more about containment confinement, other worldliness, austerity detachment from things. And then the north node being about ambition and and almost like going out in the world and wanting or desiring things.
So we are in a natural place where Mars is going to cross that and it does. So by the end of this month, it does so on the 26th. About if I have that right, let me just back it up a few days. Yeah, it's like the 27th. It depends on if you're using the mean node or the true node, I suppose I use the mean node. But at any rate, it's around the end of March and the beginning of April, that Mars crosses over that nodal point. And I would see that as a moment of materialisation of you. But be aware, you know, kind of like, I don't mean to make Lance Armstrong the butt of a joke. But beware the temptation to win the race on steroids or be aware of the beware of the fact that Mars might get overly zealous, overly confident, and a little ruthless, and how it pushes forward with the things that it wants.
On the other hand, if there is some sensible sensibility, and this is where it comes back to what's happening as that as Mars gets all amped up, and wants to break free, Mercury's debilitated in this water sign squaring Mars, so emotions can can take over and I just felt that when we were out yesterday, walking, I was like, God, it's spring now it's got Spring is coming. And we're talking to our neighbours. And I was like, it just feels like everyone wants to just get out, you know, we're all everyone's been a lot of people anyway, have been very, very contained for a year now. And this spring feels different. It feels like there's a gold fever in the air, you know, the Sun is coming to Neptune, too. So, anyway, I thought you guys would find this interesting today. So that's a little picture of what it might mean that Mars is coming in with the north node, you can watch for that, especially in the whole sign House of Gemini and your birth chart and watch where that impulse is taking you. And it's I would say, there might be some sense that, you know, limitations can't last forever. And you have to put a limits to limits as well. If you're being overly limiting or restrained, then at some point, the natural ebb and flow of the Dow may need some relaxation of boundaries. And that comes naturally, especially when we're trying to control things too much, when when we're trying to control when there's freedom or when there's limitation, and we're not living with the the Tao so to speak, we're not aware of the fact that it's not us that controls this, it's us that choose to go along with it or not. And most of the time when we try it, when we pretend that we have control of it, we suffer eventually, because we lose control, we lose control the freedom and get limited or we or limitations or self imposed limitations get over ridden by the freedom.
Spiritual practice, as far as I can tell, in this point in my life, teaches us how to recognise that we're not in control. And that the best that we can do is sort of align ourselves like being on a river. And you have a little bit of control with your hands on the inner tube, but the currents are stronger than your hands. So you just kind of you're just kind of playing bumper boats a little bit and trying to move along carefully and consciously. You don't want to just you know, fall asleep you'll get some kind of cosmic sunburn. So anyway, hope you guys have a great day today. And I hope this was useful for all of you. Please tell me if you have Mars and the north node together in your birth chart. What kind of what kind of steroids Have you taken? What has that been like for you Good or bad? And what else are you experiencing that is Mars and north node like right now? Alright, that's what I've got for today. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
My man friend has mars 16 in 12th and he has saturn return and I saw heard him sing a summation of an idea perhaps long in coming beautiful or beautifully.Both. Just Burst out in Happy. Us it said. So I hope it works out good.
I myself had car repairs and I wanted a newer car but was talked out of it. Boo. I also had an inner romantic suggestion. As the curtains undulated I noted he likes movement. Like maybe I m learning.
I find that south node difficult. I believe its on inheritance and I ve received a few small ones. Its ninth so when I could not make headway as a single parent and met a yoga female support teacher I opted for that which eventually culminated not only in a healthier old age but the spirit radiance a few years ago now. So I like the idea of life opening s new openings. Rather than materialism per sa. However so far I note I m about as poor as when I grew up in nature on the ocean in the forest. And thats not such a bad deal. Considering the general state of things. My brother got caught in sun venus chiron March 30/21 in stabbing of six people in a bc library Lynn Valley with full libra super moon. He s libra stellium 3rd. I guess its related to gemini. The attacker used knife and went for the heads. One died. So thats part of this time nn over gemini.
Thr speed of the attacks. But like I say I find nodes have benefits. Mines in late Capricorn so does that suggest a past of hard work. Oh I did a blitz on my porch and knocked me flat the following day. My mars progressed to virgo and I m still trying to do it like mars in leo. Creativity flare style. No sir thats done with. And yes people hollared up wanting to talk all abuzz.
Charlotte, I’m just a reader of this blog and this comment, I want to say what you wrote was striking and generous, and I hope you’re over the porch blitz (renovation?) and it’s progressing along. Peace to you and your brother.