Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology, and today we're going to take a quick look at Mercury and Venus changing signs. This is a big deal because not only are they changing signs, but the fact that they are both changing signs into Libra by tomorrow night suggests that there is a kind of Venusian momentum shift happening, and I'll try to explain it briefly and some of these transits we'll be unpacking more as the week goes on, as we also do our overview for the month of November.
So first of all, take a look here is Venus, late degrees of Virgo. Here is Mercury in the late in the early degrees of Scorpio retrograde, watch what's going to happen if I advance this chart by one day. You're gonna see Mercury and Venus change signs almost simultaneously. Here's their there goes mercury. It's about 8:33pm Central time in Minneapolis tomorrow night, and then watch if I just go for about 10 minutes later. What is it by? Yeah, by like 8:41. So 10 minutes or so later, Venus jumps signs. So now all of a sudden, you have two planets simultaneously entering Libra. Why is that a big deal? Over a long time of doing astrology, what I can tell you is that when two planets or when a configuration of several planets, all at once start emphasising a new dynamic, meaning most of the time that they change signs, or they make aspects from certain signs, and certain underlying planetary ruler ships get really elevated or really pronounced. It's very important. It's like the heavens or just putting out a big banner saying, "And Now Venus!" In this case, obviously we're in where these planets are moving into Libra. So it's, it's like the cosmos is sort of going, "and now it's Venus hour." Now remember, this New Moon cycle began in Libra, which meant means that the moon cycle ahead is toned by Venus and Venus's movements. This is really important because not only is Venus changing signs into Libra, but leaving its fall, we have Mercury, starting to emerge from under the beams of the Sun, and picking up dignity and then going into the same domicile as its host Venus. That means it's a really strong Mercury, and over the next couple of weeks, Mercury will start to appear as the morning star. Venus is the morning star. So you're seeing both Mercury and Venus in the morning star position pretty bright and strong, very yang-like, almost like warrior-like which seems weird for a Venus sign. But what that means is that Venus energy is about to really assert itself. Venus is in its home sign as the morning star, Mercury is about to appear as the morning star in Venus, the sign with Venus, right? And this is changing from Venus being in its fall, while also Mercury was under the beams of the Sun in Mars' sign and Mars is also retrograde.
What happens in the next couple of weeks to also signal a big kind of wave of Venus energy? Well, you have by the Full Moon of this month, on Halloween. You also have a Full Moon with the Moon exalted in Venus's sign conjoined with Uranus planet of breakthroughs and liberation, opposing the Sun opposite Uranus and other sign of breakthroughs and liberation. All the while Venus and Mercury are now in that T square energy with Mars, across the wheel and with Saturn. And in both cases, as they move along, they are in the superior position over the stellium in Capricorn and especially after Venus opposes Mars later on in November, then Venus moves into the superior position over Mars. So yeah, the bottom line here is that this is the first domino to start knocking them down you could say ,in what is going to be an emphasis on the benefics in general.
First, you have a big wave of Venus energy. Then if you move it forward to December once we start getting into eclipse season and the Sun moves into Sagittarius Jupiter's sign, then Jupiter picks up dignity as Jupiter leaves Capricorn the sign of its fall and along with Saturn shifts out of that capricornian dimension into a lot lighter airier space in Aquarius and again Jupiter will pick up a tonne of dignity. I did an interview like a year ago or so with Astrology Hub. Amanda Pua Walsh, I think was her name. Anyway, I did an interview with her we were talking about, you know, we were talking about the astrology of 2020 and I was like yeah the beginning of 2020 is rough and weirdly it's sort of bookended. The Fall is dicey. There's a lot of dicey energy in the fall but late fall moving closer to the Winter Solstice, you get the shift that happens. And Jupiter and Saturn at the Winter Solstice also signal the shift. Is the shift entirely easy? No, and we do still have some rocky moments ahead. Even though Venus is getting really empowered. Now you're going to see Venus go through an opposition to Mars, you're going to see Venus go through t-squares to all of these energies. Venus is in the superior position and its own sign, I think Venus overcomes the challenges ahead. But you've also got in the next couple of weeks, Jupiter Pluto conjunction and Jupiter is still in its fall. And the Aun right now is in Mars' sign and Mars is concluding its retrograde.
So it's not like perfect sailing, just because Mercury and Venus are changing signs. But it is this the sky is starting to speak in terms of a shift that's happening. And it's right now, starting tomorrow night into Wednesday. It's going to be a Venusian shift. So I thought that you guys would all I thought you would all be interested to just see the dynamics playing out a little bit and sort of prepare yourselves. The Full Moon should be really interesting and a little bit wild. You know, brace yourself for a little bit of the unexpected. Because that uraniun energy with the Sun opposite Uranus can reveal itself in moments of surprise, rebellion, unexpected appearances of things that kind of pop out of nowhere that like the lightning strike effect of Uranus. But this is, after all, a very empowered Full Moon in its exaltation in Venus's sign with Venus well dignified. And again, when Mercury starts to appear as the morning star, it's a little bit like a trumpeter at dawn, and in Venus's sign, right the sign of the balance. So I think it looks really good.
We're also coming close to eclipse season during the midst of this transition with eclipses in Jupiter's sign and Jupiter picking up dignity. So I like the outlook for the next couple of months. The kinds of change that we want, you know, we have to be patient for right now. That's what I'm telling almost all of my clients, just press pause on the difficulties of the moment and where you're hoping to be that you aren't yet. And just trust that in say the next two months, you will probably experience a pretty big momentum shift and probably some unexpected things that will come up especially in the next week or two with the uranian energy that may really offer some sudden twists and turns but they will probably be for the better when it's all said and done.
So anyway, that's a brief overview of what we've got going on this week. I wanted this to just make it short and sweet to give you a preview of what's ahead. Got some really cool stuff coming up. This week I'm gonna do a planets and profile on Mercury in Libra. So you can check out that Mercury in Libra video this week. I'll also probably do a chart demo. We've got horoscopes for November coming up, my monthly overview for November coming up. So lots of good stuff on the table, plus I'm doing some q&a episodes with Cat, we're recording them soon. So lots to share with you guys and I'm looking forward to it. Don't forget that my new class Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic starts on November 14 there's still time to sign up check out my website The earlybird rate is still in effect you can save $500 when you sign up pay in full. There is a payment plan. There's also need based tuition for those who are struggling for any reason, especially if you're struggling due to COVID you know, feel free to take advantage of that if you need it. All right. Take it easy, everyone. Bye
Here’s a question…as an astrologer steeped in ‘modern’ astrology for years I’d be interested to hear you talk about conjunct and inconjunct planetary relationships. Hellenistic astrology pays little attention to these, as far as I can tell. In traditional terminology they are not ‘aspects’ because they don’t ‘see’ each other. Conjuncts are, we could say, too close to see, inconjunct are unable to face each other. In my own chart, and in my husband’s chart, the Sun and Moon are in very precise inconjunct relationship (to 1 degree) – mine is Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, my husband Gemini Sun , Scorpio Moon (all 4 elements as it happens!) It seems to me that such relationships cannot be ignored when investigating the dynamics in a natal chart, especially if the Sun and Moon are involved. We could, however, equally investigate, say, an inconjunct between Saturn and Jupiter. A lot of talk is in the airwaves because these two giants are about to conjunct, but what can be said about their inconjunct? What does classical astrology have to say about conjunct, and especially, inconjunct?
Hi Theolyn,
In Hellenistic astrology, the aspects you are referring to were called “aversions,” and though they were not technically speaking an “aspect,” they had a special meaning. This winter speaker series, a woman named Cassandra Tyndall will be giving a talk on them, and I encourage you to attend so you can learn more about how these were understood and used by ancient astrologers!